tv PBS News Hour PBS June 3, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> nawaz: good eveniaw. i'm amna. judy woodruff is away. on the "newshour" tonight, protests and pageantry-- president trump visits th british royal family amid criticism for insulting london's mayor. then, the latest mass shooting-- eris time in virginia beach-- renews the debate uns in america. plus amy walter and tamara keith join us to break down another jam-packed weekend on the presidential campaign trail. all that and more on tonight's "pbs newshour." >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been providedy: >> babbel.
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a language app that teaches real-life conversations in a new language, likspanish, french, rman, italian, and more. babbel's 10-15 minute lessons are available as an app, online. more information on >> consumer cellular. >> home advisor. >> financial services firm raymond james. >> the william and flora hewlett foundation. for more than 50 years, advancing ideas and supporting institutions to promote a better world. at and with the ongoing support of these institutions: d individuals. >> this program was made
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possible by he corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs ation from viewers like you. thank you. >> nawaz: president trump's first offial state visit to the united kingdom got underway today. the prident and first lady melania trump arrived at buckingham palace for visits with the royal family.te mr. trump stopped at westminster abbey for a wreath- laying ceremony at the tomb of unknown british warrior but the president was also met by thousands of protesters. ws'll have the latest from london after the ummary. mexican offic say president trump's tariff threat on their country would hurt efforts to curb illegal immig.rati they're in washington this week for talks with the trump administration. president trump raised the possibility of imposing a 5% tariff on all mexican imports by june 10 if mexico don't do more to stop illegal immigration. at the mexican embassy in
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washington, mexico's foreign minister insisted that would do more harm than good. >> ( translated ): imposing tariffs, coupled with the decision to cancel ihe aid prograthe countries in northern central america, would surely have a counterproductive effect and it would not reduce migration flows. tariffs could cause financial and economic instability, which >> nawaz: today, president trump tweeted that mexico can immediately stop ilgal migration and drug flows to the u.s. "if they want." in sudan: security forces attacked pro-democracy demonstrators in khartoum today, killing re than 30 people. more than 200 others were wounded. the protests have been calling for an end to the country's military rule since april. the united nations' human rights chief demded the forces immediately halt their attacks. we'll take a closer look at the clashes later in the program. back in this countryu.s. health officials warned the measles outbreak has grown. the centers for disease control and prevention reported 41 new
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ast week. that raised the overall number of cases so far this year to 981. most of the patients have been children. 26 htate reported cases of the highly contagious disease. it's now outbreak since 1992. the ure. house of rntatives is poised to take another vote tonight on a long-awaited disaster lief package the $19-billion dollar measure would send additional funds to states ravaged o hurricanes, ods and wildfires. house republicans have blocked three previous attemptso pass the legislation by unanimous consent over the memori day recess. south african runner caster semenya has been cleared to compete-- at least for now. the swiss supreme court ruled that the two-time olympic champion won't have to take medication to suppress her naturally high testosterone levels when she races against other female runners. but the ruling is only temporary, as the court considers her legal appeal that testosterone limits be remove completely.
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semenya is hoping to defend her 800-meter title at the world championships in qatar in september. stocks were mixed on wall street today after a sell-off in the technology sector. theav dow jones industriaage gained nearly five points to close at 24,8 f. the nasdll 120 points and the s&p 500 slipped seven. and jay-z has become the first rapper to become a billionaire. a "forbes magazine" cover story outfi today ced the hip-hop mogul's newly-appointed status. the 22-time grammy award winner- - whose real name is shawn carter-- built his wealth through music, real estate, art, and clothing, among other investments. sti" to come on the "newshou president trump meets resistance in the u.k. amid ongoing brexit fter another mass shog otinin america new calls for gun reform; the latest from the campaign trail withnalysis from our politics monday team and much more.
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we return now to our top story, president trump's state visit to the united kingdom. our yamiche alcindor is traveling with the president and reports that despite the trappings of royalty, mr. trump received a raucous welcome. andt he had quite a say himself. >> reporter: president trump stood silently next to the queen, observing palace rules after spending the weekend breaking a host of political ones. even before marine one landed at buckingham palace, the president had already added to britain's mounting political chaos. he palace walls, london gave him a very different sort of welcoming ceremony. >> m here today because i don't think that donald trump should have been invited to this cou gntry by the toernment. he's a white supremacist fascist he whas no respect fen, for
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olor or anything else you can think of besides himself >> he's tearing up a lot of what thi is country believand we invited him here and we're giving him all this pomp and circumstance and normalizing his beht'avior, andmessed up. >> reporter: the president returned the favor by taking aim at a number of notae figures inhis host city. he renewed a feud with london mayiqor shan, tweeting that he was a "stone cold loser." he insulted a member of t royal family and he shattered diplomatic protocol by in getting involved british mestic politics. this is a city and a nation in tur this week prime minister theresa may plans to step down as leader of her party. britain is supposed to leave thr opean union in just four months. but there's no agreement on key iss>ues. couldn't be a more worse time for him to visit. >> i mean really he couldn't hav a more awkward >> reporter: the president criticized may's handling of brexit, saying she had not been tough enough. >> u.k. allowed the european union to have all the cards, and
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it's very hard to play well when one side has all the advantage. >> reporter: president trump offered his take on who should replace may. he soraid ex-fgn secretary and brexit supporter boris johnson uld make a "excellent" leader of the conservative party, or tories. he's a colorful, controversial former journalilo and mayor of don. johnson wants to reopen brexit talk bs with the e.u if that fails, he says he would support joaving with no deal. but eveson is trying to choreograph a delicate dance. >> ibut how usefit for team boris to have this meeting at this stag i'm not sure it is that helpful he ght as he is trying to appeal to more moderate members of his party want to distance himself from the us president ring this trip. >> reporterthe president also hinted that hmight stop shring intelligence with the u.k., if labour party leader jeremy corbyn were to win the next general election. >> i'd have to know h, i'd
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haveo meet him. i don't know him. >> reporter: corbyn boytted the state dinner, trump said that was a mistake. other members of parliament said a state visit was an honor trump did not deserve. steven doughty, a labour member of parliament started a petition in ryapril too convince may to withdraw the invitation. >> he's aeriesist, sexist, divisive present. he's supportive foul organizations in the united states and here in the u.k. i think it's a really appalling situation tt we should be welcoming with such pomp a map who represents, i think, the verworst of the world. >> reporter: meanwhile, the president didn't even spare megrkhan , the duchess of sussex and a new mother. bacadk in 2016, shehis to say about the future president: >> with as misogynistic as trump is, and so vocal about it, that's a huge chunk of it. you're not just voting for a woman if it's hillary just because it's a woman, but cersetainly becrump has made it easy to see that you don't
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really want that kind of world. preedsident trump later tweet:" i never called meghan ma'"le¡ nas" >> reporter: markle is on maternity leave and is not scheduled to meet him. th did meet with other royals and this evening gathered to toast him at state dinner. >> from the second world war t today, her majesty has stoo as a constant symbolf these price pcess traditions. >> mr. president, as we look to the future, i'm confident that our common values and shared interests will continue to unit reporter: despite the drama playing out on twitter and on the streets, the president appeared to follow the royal family's lead once they were together: keep calm and carry on. for the pbs newshour, i'm yamiche alcindor in london.
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>> nawaz: thousands of city employees gathered today at a virginia beach convention center to mourn friends and colleagues killed friday's shooting at a government building. twe, lve people were killur others were critically injured. outside the building where the attnoack occurred, there ar makeshift memorials. we'll have our own remembrance shortly. police still haven't provided a motive. butee we learned thisnd that the shooter used a suppressor attached to a .45-caliber handgun. thehe suppressor lowersound of a gunshot, and its use has raised conc among them, juliette kayyem, a former assistant secretary of homeland security duri the obama administration. she now teaches at harvard's kennedy sch joins us from boston. >> juliette kayyem, welcome back to the "newshour". you argue in anth op-ed in washington post" that the use of a suppresser in this shooting "threatens to uphenned how we understand and train for ho acte
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shooter cases in the howthis change things for you >> we commoy understand a suppresser as a silencer. it reduces thdecibel level anywhere from 25 to 35 millimeters and distorts where t gunshot may be coming from. we don't know the specifics in this case and what happened virginia beach, but there is sort of firsthand quotes from people in the building saying they had no awareness of what was happening. a suppresser can make it sound like metal -- like a metalhair across the floor that you don't know where it is. so why is this relevant? we don't see this often in the active shooter cases, it's actually ite rare. th assailant in this case clearly spent some time trying to get a suppress have to wonder why. the reason why it's disconcerting for first responders is we train the public to, as we commonly understand it, to run, hide or fight, and the running and
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hiding are dependent on knowi, in fact, what's going on. any delay in a capacity for the potential bystanders or victims to run, let alone for the first responders to know where they' nning to, raises an additional wrinkle that a lot of us on the outsidere looking at this case as sort of an unhappy surpriseat we haven't een before. >> it's worth pointing out that, for many americans, unless you've heard gunfire before, you don't know exactly what it is you should be listens for. i remember after the christ church shooting, there are survivors who said we know there are gunshots, that's why we kept anaying, heard the same after the thooaks shooting, after the las vegas shooting, for example, people think they hear fireworks or fire crackers, does the suppresser really chge how people react? >> so there's a debate about that and i think et probably depends on whether people have heard gunfire beforem. ot minimizing the assailant in the case actually knew the facility, that helped him
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nsiderably. but if you put that together with the silencer or the suppresser, you have a situatioh whot only do people not know how to respond, but, asly importathe police officers and the first responders have both muted for noise level any capacity to know where that noises coming from. this was a very, very long firefight. we are going to know aot more about what happened in the days to come as there are after-action reports. but, nonetheless, the reason i wrote that piece, is as there is political movement to make the ability to get suppressers easier for american gun-ownint g public, worth those who oppose it knowing one of thes impactsing to be in our capacity to respond. in an active shooter case, there's not much people can do but run away, if you're a bystander or potential victim, or run to ifou're a first responder. >> nawaz: it's worth pointing
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out that it takes an an ex deense background check, much more than buying an average firearm, it can take up to seven or eight months. are shooter c crossed that hurdle. what sort of regulation do you think would prevent that from hapening? >> 42 states allow it, it is regulated under the firearms act. about a year and a half there was a movement on e hill to reduce or lower some of the standards for backgroucknd c that should absolutely not happen and i think because you have house democrats pushingin ag it now, it probably won't. nonetheless, there's, ataneast for of us in this space, whether you are for or against guns, there is not a very good reaso for there to be a major tarket for suppressers. a lot of people about your ears and when you're shooting, the noise level. there are actually alternatives in the market forar muffs or the equivalent of ear muffs that mute the sounor
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in other, what we need to do is not lower those standards grd then assess how did he get through this band check and whether we shouldn't make them more rigorous. list, there's no question here that there's a movement to make it easier to get suppressers. virginia beach suld be sort of a wakeup call that that not only harms people mo w.h.o. might be victims but harms police fro being able to get in quickly and knowing where the sound comes from. >> nawaz: every time we have one of these shootings and there is a call for aof specific kin reform, if pushback is we can't legislate away piece by piece our gun reform and ending gun violence. what do you say to that? >> sure we can. this is the mythology of gun laolence and gun legon. in states that have more rigorous gun law, they havee lss handgun violence, so there is a corcalculation between gun permissiveness and murders. but more importantly, as a
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homeland security issue, what i'm concerned about is do we have repry that will kill a lot of people quickly? wh dt you taint want the is minimize the ability of someone to do great harm very fast without the capacity foreople to run away or be rescued. so i'm against semiauditsmatic rifles and, in this case, to limit the capacity for people to have suppressers which would harm fit responders as much as it would harm potential victims is lutely key. we can do this piecemeal. do not let the perfect, the enemy of the gooo legislan has worked in the last and will in the future. >> nawaz: juliett >> nawaz: we wanted to take a thanks for being with us. >> thank you. moment now and remember the 12 victhtims ovirginia beach shooting, with some memories and tributes from those who knew them best. rolbert williams was a spec projects coordinator who, as a friend wrote, "had a lot of institutional knowledge."
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williams, according to another friend, was setting his sights on retiring this year to spend more time with family. friends have set up a gofundme page for the widow of herbert snelling-- a contractor in the building-- to help with funeral costs. friends say "bert was courageous, kind anhe loved his wife and jesus deeply." ryaton keith cox loveing in church and is credited with saving lives in the building. heche's how his co-workesti dewar described what he did. >> seven of us were going to go ou the break room door and keith was standing there and he said stop get up against the wall be quiet be still. get in lori's office w barricade the office get in there and i said come on keith and he said i got to check on everybodelse. >> nawaz: christopher rapp was an engineer with virginia beach's public utilities department. he enjoyed scottish music and joined a pipe band last fall called tidewatepipes and drums. banchd members wrote thats
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was reserved but very friendly, quietly engaging members one-on- one after our weekly practices." richard nettleton was with the public utilities department f over 28 years and also served as a lieutenant in the united states army's 130th engineer brigade in germany. a friend told local reporters "he was a big red sox fan... we couldn't have a conversation without having a little bit of banter back and forth about the red sox and yankees... that's something i'm going to miss about rich." katherine nixon worked for the city for ten years and is survived by her three children. otfriend told "the virginian- pil "she was my son's very first soccer coach, and s had a way with all the kids." michelle langer is remembered as a "f loving person" who recently lost her father. a fr riend and co-worote on facebook "she was always someone whro i could ah and could talk with. she was like an aunt to me." engiisneer joshua hard remembered as a prankster who
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could put a smile on any face. a c oo-worker wrofacebook that "he was a brother who everyday would bring a smile to your face." 35-year-old alexander gusev emigrated from belarus in 2003 as a student in his late teen a seekietter life in america. he received a bachelor's degree in civil engineering before becoming a right-of-way agent witcih th of virginia beach. mary louise gayle had just turned 65-years-old. a mother of two and a andmother, gayle was often found walking her small dog arothunneighborhood. her next door neighbor told the pilot, "if anyone was going to have a neighbor, sheeould be one to have." laquita brown was fluent in thee languages. she was killed on her father's birthday, who thought he would find his daughter at a nearby hospital. she died inside the city building. >> who needs a multipleagazine for what? i feel everyone has a right to def'td themselves but you don need multiple magazines to defend yourself. >> nawaz: tara gallagher was an
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engineer with the public works deparartment for six she leaves behind a 22-month-old son, patrick. her husband told reporters, "most of our time was spent fixing the house and raising our son. it d was all she lir." sheye was 3s old. three people remain in critical condition. the city's police said investigators are going back over the shooter's activities on the day of the attack. stay with us. coming up on the "newshour," in the first of a series of in- depth analyses, we dig into the mueller report's findings on k ian interference sudan knees attcamp at the center of the protest movement
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that brought down a dictator.d a humble opinion on accepting compliments. it was another busy weekend for the crowd of 2020 democratic presidentialandidates, with many of them flocking to a new and unexpected battleground state. >> there is no middle ground. >> nawaz: 14 democratic presidential candidates descen weekend, rallying some of the state's most progressive voters at its democratic convention with promises of sweeping change. the riskiest thing we could do is try too hard to play it safe. >> wnawah a primary vote slated three months earlier than past presidential races-- california is poised to play it's biggest role yet in shaping the 2020 race. >> what's up califnia democrats? >> nawaz: home-state senator kamala hais enjoyed a warm rect eption, but eryone did. >> medicare for all may sound good, but it's actually not good policy nor is it good politics. ( booing ) i'm twelling you.
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>> nawaz: that's former maryland congressm john delaney... > if we want to beat donald trump and achieve big progressive goals, socialism is not the answe >> nawaz: ...and form colorado goernor john hickenlooper-- both moderates, who pushed back against ideas from their mo progressive fellow candidates. like massachusetts senator ezabeth warren. >> the time for small ideas is over. >> naz: warren and other left- of-center candidates warned against joe biden's more modicerate pols. though none actually named the former vice president, who currently holds a double-digit lead over his democratic rivals. meanwhile, new jersey senator cory booker stood out while addressing gun violence after the virginia beach shooting. >> it is time for us as a nation noort tolize the violence and the culture of gun violence. >> nawaz: but biden was noticeably absent from the sat opting instead to headline an l.g.b.t.q. advocacy group dinner the swing state of ohio. >> we are seeing pushback
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against all the progrese we've madward equality. >> we want women to have a seat at the table. >> what about men? >> they're already there, do you notw? ( laughter ) >> nawaz: new york senator kirsten gillibrand, meanwhile, sparred with chris wallace in a fox news town hall, over men's rights and the network's abortion debate coverage. >> what happens on fox news is rel tevant because thked about infanticide for six and a half hours. right before president trump's state of the union. >> nawaz: on the republican side, maryland governor larry hogan shot down a much- speculated 2020 runsaying he would not challenge president trump for the g.o.p. nomition. and that brings us to politics moday, which brings us to amy and tam. that's amy walter of the "cook political report" and host of the "politics with amy walter" podcast from w-nyc. and tamara keith from npr. she also co-hosts the "npr politics podcast."
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welcome to you both. you probably know this already, yesterday marked eight months exactly until the iowa caucuses. as johnston martin of the "new york times" pointed out, only one democratic candidate was in iowa this weekend. i want to ask you about this map. the dots on here show how many candidates have made at least one stop in eh those states. they've already visited 30 states ansd territories t cycle. amy, at this point, in yearspa , that map looked very different. there was a lot of other concentration in other states but fur candidates. when you have s many candidates trying to get attention, ty will spread it out more. it tell us how nationalized this primary has begun. in 1992 no one chadle tom harkin rin iowaning for president that year because he was the senator from iowa.
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today, look how many democratidc cans doubt came to the home state of kamala harris in yalifornia. the goal for so mf the candidates is because our media landspe is so nationalized, whether we're getting it from this program, cable news or s twitteams, we're all getting the same news whether you sit in iowa, birmingham, alabama or ca yfornia. so make a great speech that gets picked up and you get ea viral moment from anor state, everyone in iowa is going to be able to see that, too. >> well, tam, here's a fun fact. my "newshour" colleague pointed out, when you look atfo caia, it's the only one of all those states out of the four major early states that ha the candidate field has gone to, meaning no other state has had more visits from ten candidates. california's playing a different role this year. >> right, so california's traditional role, and i came up reporting in california so i t know traditional role well, it is the a.t.m. candidates
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would to l.a., palo at o beverly hills and you would neemr see them as ar of the press. they'd raise money and fly back, ke that money, take it to iowa and to new hampshire. now, california s moved -- they've done this many times, they've tried moving up their prevary to gain rce and this time they've moved up into super tuesday. so they are a big state with a business prize o delegates, but don't put too much weight on those delegates because it's not a winner take all ate, so ev though they have a ton of delegates, they often end up sning divided somewhat evenly, so it d end up being the big pay load of delegates candidates would hope for. and the other thing is they had vote by mail. so, in fact, people in california could start ving at the same time that people in
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iowa are caucusing, but what they won't know is whether candidates have made it out of ior -- out ofow or new hampshire. so many people will probablyvo wairkt by mail, meaning some of the ballots may not be null gruel counted, so if it's close it could be a long time before anyone those know the results of the california primary. >> the other fact to remember is it's open primary on the democratic side. so if you're registered -- non-party preference is what they call independents in california, you can vote there. the are more non-party preference registrants in cal rornia thanublicans, so those are a big pool of voters that don't show up to the democratic convention but democrats could target. but the early states iowa and new hampshire will play the traditional role which is culling the fields and sa voters in california and all the
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other states coming up on super tuesday, these are the most viable candidates. >> we're still seeing the candidates spend a lot of timeh inose places. something to track for sure. i want to ask you about something ee, an interview that aired last night with son-in-law of the president and seen your white house advisor jared kushner,a moment asked about when jared kushner was asked about donald tmp's vocal support for the birther movement qu ostioning presidema's citizship. >> is birtherrism racist? wasn't really involved in that. >> i kno you weren't. was it racist? >> like i said, i wasn't involved in that. >> i kn you weren't. was it racist? >> i know who the president an i've not seen anything in him that is racist. so, again, i was not involved in that. >> did you wish he didn't do that? >> like i said, ias not involved in that, that was a long time ago. >> what did you ke of his
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refusal to answer? >> this is sort of a time-honored tradition in interviewing people connected to president trump in some way, whether economic advisors or a memr of his own family or any, you know, cabinet members, you ase reporters or members of congress in hearings, ask them, u well, what do ke of this thing that the president did? do you disagree with thevi president' on tariffs? and they squirm, they try not tans, a they don't wt to make the president mad, and, so, you end up with things like whatd happethere, which is a lot of people in the president's administration just don't want to cross the president, especially probably a member of his family. well, he tried to have it both ways. he didn't want to cross the president but didn't defend the president either. he didn't come out and say,a t's not racist, the birtherrism thing stisn't ra, so he's able to play both sides, right, to say i never came out and defended racism, but i also
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came out and defended the prsident. >> it's worth saying we didn't hear a lot from jared kushner. a very senior role, a lot of influence, a huge portfolio, what do you make of him coming out now. >> they've covered a lot of ground, they also went very much intthe work he has been doing on the middle east peace, working with palestinians and his relationship with the saudis, but what came across, to tam's point, he doesn't act or behave much differently than many other ople in and around the trump orbit. so it's not that just bause he is the son-in-law that he has some sort of special thoughts or sohathing about him makes him that much different than the other people in donald trump's orbit. >> somehow after all this news, it's only monday sll. wanted to ask you to look ahead
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and say what's your big story? >> the tariff issue is a big deal. the fact the mexica government, many top officials are in washington tryingheo encourage resident not to put the tariffs into place. if they go into place, it's stajune 10. the president's tweets both before he left and being in london suggest he is relishing a ght but we also know he has come up to the line. beforbefore, he was going to cle the border completely between mexico and the u.s. now, backed off. but certainly with the markets and the industries, auto indust, for people investing in the stock market, this is a very big question about whether these tariffs actually go into place. >> the deadline une 10 he put into place. what about you, tam? >> so amy stole my thing, but the other thing i'm watching i the disaster aid funding bill, it was supposed to be on a glide path. the president said i'll support i even though it doesn't have border funding i and then it was in theory going to be
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passedi by unous consent in the house. three different times republican house members jumped up during recess and said, actually, no, i object, we can't pass this by unanimous consent, s house will be back and in theory will easily pass with theemocratic house, but the question is whether the president's view on the deal being okay has changed over that time.ef >>itely one to watch. >> nawaz: amy walter, tamera keith, thanks for being >> you're welcome. >> nawaz: when special counsel robert mueller broke his silence last week, his main point was at his report speaks for itself. but the report is 448 pages long. it is dense, and many just don't have time to read it. tso we're goispend some time, every night this week, digging into what the report otdoes, and doesay. william brangham and lisa desjardins will be our guides.
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througtwo years of this investigation, through the indictment of 34 individuals and then spelled out clearly inis final report, robert mueller made one thing crystal clear,tt russiapted to interfere with our 2016 election. here's the last thing mueller said last week -- reiteratinose by the central allegation of our indictments that there were multiple systematic efforts to interfere in our election, and that allegation deservethe attention of every amecan. >> and, so, that's where we will start. tolume one of his report, just over half of thl report, and it deals exclusively with what the russians d. >> mueller lays this out like the entire report, essentially a large outline saying russia attacked in two ways. he writes, first, that it carried out a social media timpaign that faiferred presid candidate donald j. trump, and second a russian intelligence service conducted computer intrusion incidentsns
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agemployees and volunteers working on the clinton campaign. translation, russia used the toternet to fool american voters and hacker attack democratic computer networks. a ording to mueller's report, the russian campaign began in mid 20 14-rbg -- 14 n grease to have the internet agency came to u.s. to gather material to be used in latter postings. this is the headquarters in st. petersburg, russia. >> by the end of 2016, rsians set up fake social media account that reached millions of voters aimed at promoting trump orme dividingcans. >> the russians created fake orhashtags mike kids trump, bought thousands of online ads, impersonated u.s. citizens and set up political rallies like a confederate rail yi inon hou made posters to promote a rally in pittsbuh in 2016.
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>> this lace out how it ensnared real american operatives include trump and advisors and kelly anne conway all retweeted these fake accounts. page 34 showed a 24016 facebook post from candidate trump himself where he sent organizers and promoted a rally in miami, but mural writes russians in the i.r.a. organize that rally and even use a fake facebook account t brag that mr. trump posted about our event. >> according to the report, i.r.a. staffers also posed as itamericanens and tried to communicate with the trump campaign to ask hem for assistance coordinating some of these fake rallies. but the report n the investigation has not identified evidence that any trump campaign official understood these requests were coming from foreign nationals, and mueller's investigators found no similar nnections between the i.r.a. and the clinton campaign. >> next, theeport looks at
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russia's hacking, concluding russia's largest foreign intelligence service known as the gru attacked the democratic ntparty and the c campaign. the investigation found the gru stole the passrd and identities of network administrators and used those to get access t democratic files. the report said the gru's operations extended beyd stealing material and included releasing documents sten from the clint campaign and supporters. >> to release the materials the russians created online personas with names like d.c. leaks and guccfier 2.0 to establish ait relation wh wikileaks which then released the stolen files to the public. on page 45, mueller documented how in early july 2016 wikileaks contacted the russians privately on twitter saying, if youave anything hillary-related, we wanted it in the next two days referable. then on july 22, the days before the democratic national
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convention beg released more than 20,000 e-mails and other stolen documents. it was a clear attempt to embarrass clinton and weaken her candidacy. >> timing is a constant theme in this report. the week after thei democrac convention, mueller writes candidate trump made tshi controversial statement -- >> russia, if you're listeng, i hope you're able to find the missine-mails that are i think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. >> now, president trump repeatedly insisted this was a joke, but mueller writes, five hours of candidate trump saying those words, the gru targeted clinton's person office for the first time, notably mueller found no evidence that the campaignnew that russians would respond, but the report showed for the f time how soon russians acted after the president spoke. >> tre were other new revelations i the report as well. mueller says the russians
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directly targeted our election systems. they used cyber attacks againstt prtechnology firms that make election software as well as officials in several states tsd county governmen >> the question is did the russians' effort change or affect both? mueller opportunity address it, instead writing that the., f.b department of homeland security and states are still tvestigating. one final note abos part, this russian section is where you see some of the most heavily redacted pages in the report, much blocked out because of ongoing investigations. >> tomorrow night, we'll break down russia's outreach to thegn trump camphow mueller made his determination about the colonel conclusion and conspiracy issue, plus what mueller could not find. no>> nawaz: we returto the military crackdown in sudan today, the worst violence since the overthrow of the country's
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president in april. john yang has the latest. >> repor today targeted the center of a months-long civilian movement thatorced the downfall of th country's longtime ruler omar asalr. dozens were killed as protesters dodged live gunfire. the main opposition group accused the military of committing a massacre. protesters vowed to remain on the streets until the generals who replaced bashir in april hand power to a civilian-led government. opposition groups suspended talks with the military after today's crackdown. the u.s. embassy in khartoum urged sudanese forces to stop the attacks, and blamed the military for the violence. for more on this we're joined by michael georgy, special middle east correspondent for reuters, who joins us by skype from khartoum. mr. georgy, thank for joining us. it's late mony night where you are now. what's the situation on the
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streets now? >> the streets are very quiet at the moment, but it started very olently today. the situation is very tense, at the moment, it's quiet. >> what led to today's events? what triggered the evnts? >> well, i think the military lost patience, they have been in negotiations that stalled, they wanted to stay in charge, even though there a civilian government with protesters. >> is the main sticking point who will control the government in the interim period before elections? >> yes, the main problem is that the military wants to stay in control and basically dominate politics whilehe opposition forms some kind of government. >> as i understand, both agreed on elections in three years. happensuestion of what between now and then?
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>> yes, that's right. the transition is the issue. >> we've heard the opposition accuse the military of a massacre in this incident. what is the military's explanation? >> the military has downplayed the violence, they've said they were attacking criminal elements, and the they had at oe point announced they were ready to resume talks but actually the opposition rejects this. so they see it as a massacre. it's been the most violent attacks since bashir was toppled in april, but it's clearly the strongest signal that the military is not going to compromise for now. >> based ton -- based on the u reports and what d your colleagues have been able to gather, how likely is the military explanation that they weren't targeting the protesters, they were targeting criminal elements? >> well, it's clear they broke up the sit-in, which has been a huge symbol ofis rnce, so there's no doubt their aim wasis
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torse the sit-in. over, some protesters have gone fo other parts of kartun and it could escalate i it doesn't end. >> the military leaders have gotten supporteg fromnal powers like saudi arabia, egypt, the united arab emirates, they've met th the leaders of the military who are now in power, what's at stake for those regional powers in sudan? >> the regional powers are concerd about political islam specifically in the muslim brotherhood acro the middle east. sudan of course has 30 years of rule by islam so they want to rule out the is -- rot root oute islamist. oter the coup they promised bif dollars and there have been moves by members of canara to saudia and u.a.e. and egypt, so it's
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obvious they have full support in t se countrieswhich means the military really doesn't ntod ake concession at this point. >> michael georgy, thank you very much. > thank you. >> nawaz: and we'll be back shortly with an essay on how to take a compliment. o but first, take a momentar from your local pbs station. erit's a chance to oour support, which helps keep programs like ours
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feedback you received, the negative comments are what stuck esme weijun wang is an author, most recently of "the collected schizophrenias." tonight she shares her hume opinion on why we should make an effort to listen for something else. >> when i was in the sixth grade, i was known for being a overachiever. for sport, one of my fellow classmates decided to keep a piece of paper taped to her desk; on that sheet, she'd make a tally for every error i made in class. she'd call out, gleefully, drawing attention to whatever it was that i'd done wrong. i became sensitive to my mistakes. that sheet of paper on her desk loomed like no accomplishment of mine ever did. to receive a compliment, in ny cultures, is to demur. we are taught, particularly if were women, to brush off a
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kind word lest our heads growe. too la and, too, we learn turt to focus oneaknesses means that ti'll improve, so that come time for company evals, our focus is not on the seven pieces of praise, but on the single criticism. rfor years, i kept my oords of what i'd done wrong, and forgot the compliments. i received tughtful notes and emails, but never t them stick-- that is, until a friend suggested that i begin tkeep a folder of the kind words said to me. in went the best parts of my book reviews, the sweetest lines from people who love me. now, years later, i have pages and pages of text messages and emails and tweets, because the world can be a brutal place. we can be unrelentingly hard to ourselves, and under such circumstances, it's a shame to
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not let the world's light stick to us when we have the cnce. in my humble opinion, it is not enough to absent-mindedly nod when someone says, for example, that the mix cd we made them kept them company in the winter of their bereavement, or when your student tells you that they had never loved poetry before your enge sh class. wrese things down. keep a record. m stitch tgether, and let them keep you warm. >> anden update now to an earlier story before we go. the u.s. house o house of representatives has passed a disaster aid packageor citi and territories hit by wildfires, hurricanes and e floods. 9d million measure was approved by a wide bipartisan margin and is headed to president trump who is expected to sign it. the house oversight committeet'
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saidmoving to hold attorney general william barr and commerce sector wilbur roth in contempt of congress for not complying for subpoena of documents for the tru administration's add agohi citizeblank to the sen and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm amna nawaz. join us on-line and again here tomorrow evening. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. f>> majunding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> babbel. a language app that teaches real-life language, like spanish, french, german, italian, and more. babbel's 10-15 minute lessons are available as an app, or neon more information on >> for projects around the house, home visor helps find cal pros to do the work. you can check ratings, read customer reviews, and book
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