tv PBS News Hour PBS June 17, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening. i'm judy woodruff. on the "newshourtonight, a wave of massive protests in hong kong sparks debate over the future of the territory and its relationship with mainla china.en amy walter and tamara keith analyze the latest campaigns moves from the democratic presidential hopefuls, and what to expect from the formal launch of president trump's reelection bid. plus, pedestrian deaths in the u.s. are at a nearly 30-year high. and in western cities that weren't designed for walking, wide roads and few crosswalks can lead to deadly consequences. >> for a mom who's trying to get to work every morning and dropf r kid with a stroller, how is that mom supposed to be able to cut across the street and ush sidewalk when there is not an accessible way for her to do
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ha? >> woodruff: alland more on tonight's "pbs newshour." >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> babbel. a language app that teaches real-life conversations in a n language, like spanish, french, german, italian, and more. el's 10-15 minute lesson are available as an app, or online. more information on >> consumer cellular. >> financial services firm raymonjames. >> the william and flora hewlett foundation. for more than 50 years, advancing ideas and supporting institions to promote a better world. at >> and with the ongoing supporte
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of tnstitutions: and individuals. s >> this program de possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. urand by contributions to bs station from viewers like you. thank you. w >> woodruff: iran ning that it will exceed its uranium 15ockpile limit under the nuclear accord in the next ten days. the cotry's atomic energy agency also says it will step up uranium enrichment to near weapons-grade levels. today's announcement is aimed at putting more pressoue on europeanries to compensate
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iran for u.s. sanctions. >> we are suspending, we are n voking the commitments. we are not removing the commitments. we do,f course, urge them to waickly to do whatever the to do in order to compensate the situation and of course to bring back once again the balance between the commitments and of course the obligations. >> woodruff: the white house national security council called iran's announcement "nuclear blackmail." the u.s. pulled out of the nuclear deal more than a year ago. egypt's former president mohammad morsi died today after collapsing in court. state prosecutors said the 67- year-old spoke briefly, then fainted. the "muslim brotherhood" leader won egypt's first free e01ctions inafter pro-democracy protests. he was ousted in a military coup the next year, and has been jailed ever since. his family said morsi's health
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crumbled in harsh prison conditions. the now-banned "muslim brotherhood" accused the state of murder. , ts are back on in argentina, uruguay and paraguter an all-day blackout on sunday affected millions of people. streets in buenos aires stayedgh dark into the and businesses lit candles in uruguay's pital, montevideo. the outage also disrupted transportation, communications and water supplies. there is still no word on the cause. in mexico, the foreign minister announced today the newly formed national guard will fully deploy along the border with guat this week. mexico pledged to deploy 6,000 troops after president trump threatened to impose tariffs. the founder of chinese tech giant "huawei" conceded today that u.s. sanctions are taking a major toll on revenues. he estimated the company will
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take in $30 billion dollars less than initially expected, over the next two years. huawei's overseas cellphone sales are also expected to dro 4 . >> ( translated ): we did not, in our initial assessment,t expect be this serious. we had made our preparations, just like an old airplane, we had only protected our heart and our fuel tank, we did not protect the other necessary components. e in the next two years, company will suffer a setback. >> woodruff: the u.s. has banned most american companies' transactions with huawei over fears it will help beijing spy on other nations.or into, shooting broke out during a victory parade today for the n.b.a. charaion toronto ors. the gunfire briefly touched off a panic at the back of the crowd of two-million. ceremonies stopped for a moment, and then resumed. twwopeople were wounded, and arrested.
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the u.s. supreme court today threw out a judgment against an oregon bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for a same- sex couple. but, the court sidestepped issuing a major decision. instead, it ordered state judges to review the case again. separately, the justic upheld trying defendants for the same crime in state and federal courts. it's an exception to the "double jeopardy" rule, with implications for the russia investigation. that is, anyone pardoned by president trump, on federal charges, could still face state charges. the vatican formally openedod debate on allowing married men to be ordained as priests ie rearts of the amazon. the proposal came in a working document for a meeting of southo american b. io would mark a historic shift to address the rs clergy shortage. the document also called for more indigenous women rch leadership roles. on wall street today, stocks naged modest gains.
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the dow jones industrial average was up almost 23 points to close at 26, the naose 48 points, and the s&p 500 added two. and, heiress and designer gloria vanderbilt died today in new york, of stomach cancer. she was the great-great- granddaughter of railroad and shipping magnate cornelius vanderbilt, and mother to anderson cooper, the cnn anchor, who announced her deaty. vanderbilt gained fashion icon status with her line of designer jeans, in the 1970s. she was also a talented painter and collagist, and acted on stage and on television. gloria vanderbilt was 95-years- old. still to come on the "newshour," the rising tension between hongg nd mainland china, what we know about the u.s. military's ability to hack into foreign computer systems, amy walter and tamara keith bak down the race for the 2020 democratic
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nomination, and much more. >> woodruff: hong kong is in the middle of the most significant protests since a 2014 pro- democracy movement known as the umbrella revolution. this weekend, protestors gained a sutantial win when the city's chief executive suspended controversl legislation that would allow for the extradition of suspected crinals to mainland china. but sunday they said that wasn't enough, and two-mlion filled the streets to demand the permant withdrawal of the legislation, and the resignation of chief executive carrie lam. the demonstrators say they're taking on t only the legislation-- but also theve beijing ment that's behind it. we begin our coverage with matt frei of independent television
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news, who is in hong kong. >> if the umbrella revolution had a recognizable figurehead, it is this young man who wasro released fjail this morning. joshua wong was only 17 when the enotests started five years ago. he spt a month in prison for o contemptcourt. but as soon as he got outhis morning, his contempt of the leadership was unbend. >> u wess the whorld lets the international community realize that how hong kong people will not keep silence under e suppression of president xi and the chief executive carrie lam b. carrie lamb must step found. >> hours after his release, joshua wong was back, doubling down on message and microphone. in the cloud, rocky, an accountant, felt inspired.
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>> he felt that way five hourca ago and he down here with us and doing our thi to protect hong kong. >> the govoernment here thught the protests were exhausted, they were wrong once again. the millions yesterday may have gone back to work, but the thousands who keep up the n pressuw know they can count on the rest to come out if necessary. people power on demand. (shouting) >> it is indeed the whole world war is watching and china isco reing it, too. they are marching on the chinese army headquarters. what happens here matters because hong kong is the canary in the gold mine. china madominate this century iike meek dominated the last. do you think youl change china or china will change you? >> i think we are fueling an
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international alliance despite the height of authoritarian rule of china. we are not alone.e a big enmy is coming. >> reporter: who is the big enemy? >> china trying to free capitalism withoh auttarian rule with the latest a.i. >> woodruff: that report from pendentei, of in television news. so what is motivating the demonstrators in hong ng? and what do the actions of hong kong's chief administrator say about beijing's motivations? nick schifrin has more. >> reporter: judy, for months hong kong residents have been demonstrating in large numbersth agains extradition law, but the estimated two million demonstrators for sunday's march was unprecedentein recent memory. to talk about that, i'm joined by lee cheuk yan, a former member of the legislative council of hong kong, and co- founder of the labor party. give us a sense, how momentous ha these protests been?
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>> this time two-million people march, it surprised everyone. the people so angry. we believe that the whole march a turning point for hon kong. our freedom space was being squeezed, and now we are coming back. so, this march, one-million, and in a week time, two-million, and it really shows that people are determined to fight the bill. >> reporter: why do you say people feel their freedom is being so squeezed? and why has this issue especially made people so angry? >> most of us do not trust the judicial system in china. and the stories of china human rightsefender spending four years in jail without going in trial. what if this china judicial system, they are trumping up charges, they e famous for torture, get their clain hong kong, and grab people out to chinto be on trial, people a
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really afraid. we thought we had a firewall. b but now it's aken, they want to break it, and grab t people ochina. what happened if some foreigner is in hong kong, they can grab any foreign investor back to china? that would be also the end of hong kong as a vibrant economic city, international city. so all the economic, political, eoeverything together, ande want to fight back. >> reporter: chief executive carrie lam says she will postpone the extradition bill indefinitely. is that good enough? >> that's not good wetotal withdrawal, firstly, because you know postponing, people will read it as delaying tactics, a she can revive it. it's no longer just about thebi . it's also about the arrogance ol carr, not listening to the people. a kind of, you know, violence,e, police violehat we feel very angry that police are
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suppressing the people of hong kong, of beating up people, >> reporter: hong kong chief exatutive carrie lam argues the law would not be used to prosecute people for race, religion, nationality, or your point, litical opinion. does that reassure you at all? >> china says it doesn't have any political prisons. does that reassure you? we are not talking about hongsy kong's judiciaem. we are talking about beijing's political, judicial system. in hong kong, the court cannott prot. it only takes a witness statement in china. you cannot in hong kong court sort of cross examine the witness. so you know ho kong court cannot do anything. and china judicial sysod at trumping up charges. >> reporter: what does this say about how beijing considers es these protests? orhow beijing will respond to future protests? >> we have come out, we have won, to certain extent.
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international recognition, and lots of government condemn carrie lam, and behind her, of course, beijing, so beijing loses face. what i worry now, is that maybe we have advance in democracy movement, the people's movementi but then the remember, and then they will step up their monitor of hong kong. they will step up in monitoring all the opposition figures in hong kong, and also in the future they will do something to suppress the opposition, so they will take the revenge, and that's what worried me. but we are good at fighting back, so i he we will still be ok in the future. >> lee cheuk yan, joining us via skype, honthg kongk you very much. >> thank you. >> reporter: and to talk more about the end to have the interview, hong kong future in beijing, possible actions, turn
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to doug paal. former senior director for asiaf irs in the national security staff and member of the state department's policy planning ckaff. welcome o the "newshour". >> thank you very much. >> reporter: hong kong demonstrators have aed a bit of a short-term win right now, but what about a median-term, longer-term? do you expect detentions between the administrators and the government of hong kong to increase? >> i hope they don't inrease in the short term. we've just bypassed a rea tragedy in hong kong, and the retreat of the government in the face of this overwhelming political support for the opposition was a wise thing to. do beijing's long-term desire to corol and to homogenize hong kong into the rest of china, hower, is not going to be given up easily. it's temporarily knoll expedient for china to have a blood p on the streets of hong kong or, less than that, a realkd crn, but it would be in the long-term interests to continue the pressure and salami-slicing tactics they've used in the last years.
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>> reporter: to try to increase control. >> increase control and reduce the amount of dissent that comes within chinese politic from hong kong. >> reporter: so let's talk about the effect of hong kong on the chinese politics. how many embarrassing is this for xi jinping, the president of china, and are officials tryin to pretend they had nothing to do with it? >> as mr. whree was just saying in your segment, has lost face as a leader. he did not put his personal stamp on this but nobody believes this would have gone forward without his at least tacit approval, anda now tht he's had to yield a bit, people will see this as an opportuni t e him down a peg, to show he doesn't hae the universals wisdom and the knowledge of the situation that he petends to have. but this is not going to be short te. the chinese think long term, especially the communist party. reporter: the universal
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wisdom xi is perceived to have as president of china, there is a sense in thus contry that xi jinping is all powerful. does he ha opponents anwill they use this against him? >> it doesn't take much of a visit to china to encounter despread unhappiness with xi jinping's rule inside and out side government,n ad it extended when he extended his life tong ten your. late manifestation is tough in usa because xi controls the propaganda appar. people are looking for opportunities to trip him up. sometimes the best opportunienes are e himself make a mistake and people exploit that to say he isn't the leader we thought he was. >> reorter: so this will b seen as a mistake and how will the people opposed to him use that, given the fear that so many people have in ina of the surveillance state and xi jinping himself? >> well, it's always complicated
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because these are shadow games. some of them will want xi make more mistakes, to push the u.s. trade war too far, to put chinese neighbors on territorial claims, because that might bring him to a downfall. others might want him to moderate and make more room for their own voices inthe chine system. a whole class of people likee xi jinping were to help him since he first came to power but he has been shutting them out and they uld lie back in to the table and they will have their own various means to trya to do tt. >> reporter: you mentioned the trade war today. here in washington there a discussion for another round of possible tariffs. the trade war goes on. what is the impact of sometng like hong kong on u.s.-china relations and on the trade talks? >> it's a multi-level game now. xi jinping is trying to strengthenis hands in the meeting with donald trump if there is a formal meeting inat japahe end of june, by visiting putin twice in central
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asia in st. space heatersberg end now scheduled to visit la there are week to north korea. he wants to be the player that comes with lats of allies and cards to hut on the table before he meets with trump. at the same time, i he goes too far, he may alienate the u.s. and put china into a more difficult economic vice as the trade tariffs are magnified by a large extent in the aftermath of a failed meeting. so he's kind of got to fid balancing point. ty's been summarized in pa official documents this past weekend. on the one hand they say we're not afraid to fight. i go to korea and fight the americans in the korean war. on the other hand, we're not afraid to bargain and make the necessary compromises. so he's strghstrike balance position and all of these elements come into it. ng kong blowing up would not have been helpful for his purposes and these circumstances. >> doug paal, distinguished fellow, carnegie endowment for international peace, thank you very much.
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>> you're welcome. f: >> woodrver the weekend, "the new york times" reported on american military efforts to infiltrate the power grid of russia, a largely civilian target. as john yang tells us, it's a flashpoint in an emerging, digital conflict. >> reporter: judy, the "times" reported that the president and congress have given .s. cyber command, based at fort meade maryland, authority to conduct offensive operations without errect presidential approval. that means commathere can operate more freely, and in theory, more nimbly. the intrusions into russia's electrical grid are the latest reported example of u.s. military efforts on an increasingly crowded digital battlefield. for more on this we are joined by r.p. eddy, a former national security council official and the founder of ergo, an intelligence consulting firm.
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thank you very much for joining us. can you give us some understanding or help us derstand the scope o u.s. offensive cyberoperations? >> well, u.s. cyber command which is a part of the u.s. government, part of the department of defense that's intend towndz take our offensive-defensive cyber operations ten years old actually this month,nd it's a massive undertaking, meaning that this reporting to me isn shockingly newsworthy because we have been working diligently sendinonbilof dollars to understand the vulnerability of r adversaries around the globe for a decade at this point at least, and before cyber command we were doing this in other guises. >> how important is cyber command to u.s. military power? >> anyhow disruptive the use of cyber attacks against facebook and other cyber attacks were in we live in an extraordinarily connected world. we don't quite understand whaat would en if the power calm
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tff, but if you spend time thinking about no er, no hospitals, no traffic lights, it means people dying, that's a cyber offensive capacity. the critical infrastructure of most nations is controlled b things connected to the internet or computer. that's a cyber vulnerability so cyber domain is extremely important for the united states as we try to pusreh dete around the globe. >> reporter: is there a danger that what we view as deterrence the other side could see as provocation? >> i like the way you put that. one of the concerns about this entire domain is it's still considered a secret. all of ou cyber offensive or other nation's if they ex are considered a covert capacity, meaning weren't not pluckily talking about them. while nuclear weapons andt or weapons are horrible weapons of wax we have treaties around them .nd understand the proportion, what is not we've not had those
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conversations when it comes to offensive cyber activity. the capacity for one nation tomi nderstand the other, to think a cyber intrusion or attack meai one thng to them, could mean much more aggresse, it could pen and be room for miscommunication. >> repor there are no rules of the road here, it's a little bit like the wild west? >> the wild west is a real good analogy. there are no rules of the road. we are now talking about taking attacks aginst non- combatants, so there are rules of warfare about hitting non-combattens but in cyber war pe nple migt think that's a violation of the rules ofarfare. the i shut down the power grid of new york city that will lead to the death of people who are non-combatants and that's an operation against non-combatants. we find hat that conversation and the norms haven't been
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established. look how puzzled we were about the manipulation ofebook and social media in the last election: >> reporter: given the authority to -- for the secretary of defense to the head of cyber command toarry these things out without direct presidential approval, without direct presidentsle authority, is this a sign -- i mean, is this -- military command is now calling it an air strike. it's now just another weapon in the arsenal? >> it is another weapon in the arsenal and oe that we haven't had real conversation about, as you mentioned before, to act have itotential plans or take advantage of cyber vulnerabilities would be aniv offeoperation of war that is not delegated now down to individual commanders. i heuld be shocked in the ad of cyber command believes he's allow to press a button and deploy cyber weapons. i don't think that's where we. >> repter: people first may
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have become aware of stuxnet when the national security launched malware and had bee used by others. is this moving into the hipentagon? issort of another tep, another sort of pandora's box being kicked open? >> so it's not entirely clear who was behind stuxn and all the reporting in united states is nonverified reporti, but whoever did release stuxnet put a very very powerful cyberin weapon ou the wild, and criminals in other nation statea have sinceen that weapon rand pumped it for their own be. much like a droing shot down in a hostile country, american high-tech drone being shot down and reprogrammed by a hostile nation, so can some of the cyber weapons be repumped by cyber crims or adversary
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nations. that's another thing to think about whene catalog the unintended consequences of different cyber warfare activities. >> reporter: rrp rr r.p. eddy, k you very much. >> thank you very much,oo >>druff: stay with us. coming up on the "newshour," what can be done to stop the rise of pedestrian deaths in the u.s.? how an actress came to terms wit her husband being caugh possessing child pornography-- and turned her struge into a play. and, 50 years after the start of the gay rights movement, memories of the stonewall uprising. but first, the demands of working class voters are front and center on the democratic campaign trail. as yamiche alcindor reports, candidates are tackling a critical question: how to help america's poor? >> reporter: poverty, race and inequality. today, at a candidate forum in washington, d.c., those were the
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topics of focus. >> we have to raise a minimum wage to minimum $15. it's disgraceful someone works 40 hours a week and lives in poverty. >> if u vote for me for president, by definition that means you're ready for reparations for slavery. wrong has been done, debt has been od. now it shoulbe paid. >> reporter: across the country over the weekend, democratic candidates joined fast food workers striking for higher wages. from senator kamala harris in las vegas... iz ans we have got to reco that working people deserve orvable wages. >> reporter: ...tor texas congressman beto o'rourke in charleston, south carolina. >> you all ready to march? >> reporter: at a church in spartanberg, south carolina, o'rourke later talked voting rights. >> at the heart of our campaign is bringing everyone in, making sure that wee coming here to
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register tens of millions of our fellow americans who automatically in same day voter registration, remove obstacles >> reporter: also in southwe carolina thiend, senators elizabeth warren and cory booker, and south bend, indiana mayor pete buttigieg. at a forum for black civic and business leaders, they spoke about closing the wealth gap between black and white americans. n one who works in this country ought to be poor. it's that simple.en >> two on the dollar onve the fortunes a50 million h to produce the kind of investment in america that would help to close the black-white wealth gap.>> eporter: senator cory booker showcased his plan to benefit people of color. >> the average black family, black child, under this program would ose to $30,000; a white child, about $15,000. it would virtually eliminate the raci wealth gap, giving
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everybody a fair start in creating wealth in this economy. >> reporter: candidates otll soon have r chance to make their case to the crucial early voting state. later this week, nearly all of the 23 democratic contenders plan to head to south carolina's democratic convention. for the "pbs newshour," i'm yamiche alcindor >> woodruff: and now it's time for politics monday. i'm here with amy walter of the "cook political report" and host of public radio's "politics with amy walter" from "the takeaway." and in orlando, florida, gearing up for president trump's rally-- tamara keith of npr. she also co-hosts the "npr politics podcast." .nd hello to both of you so, tam, since you are in orlando, let's talk about what the president is expected to do tomorrow. what are you expecting and why orlando? why florida? >> well, already, have the
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road shut down around the arena where this rai rally is going to take place. it's going to be a big cassic trump rally where he held differt the end of his campaigns and filled arenas all over the country, and there be tail gaiting because ramp rallies will be like going to e the grateful dead, you will get to hear the songs you want to hear and he always pla greatest hits, if you will. why florida? i came down here a day early to do reporting. i went to the villages, which is this area, this very fast growing community outside orlando.l lots of pitical reporters visit the villages. more thpen 100,00ple live there, and they are all senior citizens, pretty much, and most of them are trump supporters. the republican population is strong there and they're high
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turnout voters. here in orlando -- the village isoing to send five bus loads of people to that rally what is he is a state that president trump needs to win if he wants to get another term, and they use these ralies to organize people, to register people to vote, to get es and numbers so they can follow up later. >> woodruf a so,my, we've known -- it's not a surprise the president is runningor reelection, i think he announced it on the day he was inaugurated. but does a day like tomorrow tke a difference? >> well, yeah,ink it does for the president's supporters, give them something to rallye around, and focus has been so much on the democrats and their oppositith to ane president that he now gets a chance to sort of reset theak argument andit about the case that he's going to make, but it is really notable that,w, you knoe biden kicked off his campaign in pennsylvania, in philadelph, a state that mocrats have to win if they're
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going to bin the ectoral college, tam's right if there ts going to win reelection, he has win flrida. if you look at the i-4 corridor between the orlando and tampa area, it is the fastest growingu not in the state but in the country, the village is. these are folks who are coming , from places where trump is really populke ohio and michigan and wisconsin and pennsylvania. so think about where the villages are and where some these voters are coming into florida, they are basically the midwest that has been snow birded, i guess if that's the term, into florida. l don't think of forida for the president as miami, whenr people tgh about florida. think about it as really much more ofi adwestern battleground state in the middle of a state that it also happens to have palm trees and is on the
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ocean. >> woodruff: quickly,m. one or two rothers showing up for this tomorrow? >> yes, this is th thing. the president is doing a grand re-re-relaunch of his campaign, and joe biden had two bites of the apple with his launch -- you know, the video, the rally -- kamala harris, all have gotten attention at least twice on the oemocratic side, so president trump isking for a little bit of that attention as well. >> woodruff: so, amy, let's go back to what yamiche was reporting upon, the demnocrats, many south carolina over the weekend. a ll in south carolina had pretty interesting numbers. we try not to ovezerempha polls, but this one is striking. joe biden is ere the lea37% but dropped 9 pnts since the last poll, elizabeth warren up 9 points, still at 17, far back,
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but looking at these numbers ans candidwhat do you see, amy? >> we see a continuation of a trend from the last week or so in national and other state polls which is elizabeth warren and to a certain extent pete buttigieg rising and berere sastarting to see a little bit of a slide and even biden ttstarting to see a bit of a slide. there was a national poll out by nbc-"wall street journal" over the weekend showing the enthusiasm since biden slipped a bit since the early polling in spring while the polling for elizabeth warrenas gone ut. we have been hearing from folks on the trail that elsabeth warrenetting a lot of second looks. a lot of people are saying they want to hear more from elizabeth warren. sohat's sort of the discussion that people were having on thnde grtarting to show up in the polls. it's not huge movement. tjoe biden remaie frontrunner, but when we're thinking of seeing the next tier
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candidate, who's shaping up to challenge bideno, wh's shaping up to be the leader in the left-of-center debate for the democratic party, i think elizabeth warren has really ade a significant move. >> woodruff: interesting. tam, i know youe following these candidates as much as you can, at the same time you're following the president who belongs to the other political party, but south carolina is a different -- it's obv iiouss own state but it's going to say something different when south caroli voters vote. >> yeah, i think that is what all of these candidates are looking to do not only do they want to win south carolina, but they want to be able to say, look, i wonso h carolina. south carolina represents a more diverse version of the electorate, more clo reflects the democratic voters nationwide that will be voting in november, and they aree looking tole to show they can garner excitement among african-american voters who will be critical in states likean
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wisconsimichigan and pennsylvania. >> woodruff: meanwhile, amy, a dithe end of last week, learn which candidates are going to be debating on which nights, 20 of the 23 were chosen, made the mangkhut, and we're going to show everybody again what the lineup looks like wednesday 26night, jun these ten candidates, elizabeth warren being certainly one of the more prominent names, but they all have a shot the next night. it's these ten. do we see something about this lineup that tell us -- >> what we can expect. i know. as you can see, joe biden is sitting in night two along with the other top ier cadidates, all except for elizabeth warren, who is in the first nig, and i think we're all watching to see how joe biden will do. he is the l frontrunner iarge part because people see him as the most elelectnd the safest choice in this. the way that that lead of his flips is if he suddenly does not look as stable or if h has a
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moment where he looks no quite as rugged and able to contin in this frontrunner for elizwarren, the question is the a better thing to be in the first debate where u're not going to have a whole bunch of people firing on you, where you h don'ave to mix it up with the other top tier, you get the whole night to yourself, i don't know. for other polical reporters, they want to see if there's any movement in a race that's beenib incr stable, and that is going to be tough to do when you have so many people stage all trying to get their quick little byten that's going tet picked up by national news. >> woodruff: all right. we don't have time tou have yo say this, but, tam, you told us it would be like speed daing. we'll see if that bears itself out. tamara keith in orlando waiting for the president's rally tomorrow, amy walter here in washington. thank you bo >> thank you. you're welcome.
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>> woodruff: pedestrian deaths are the highest they've been since 1990. nearly 50,000 have died on u.s. roads since 2009 according to federal statistics. the reasons vary. some blame cell-phones and distracted driving, others saysp wling cities and wide roads are the bigger c oprits. a tereporters from the howard center for investigative journalismizona state iciversity has been investigating whatms' families and advocates says are slow changes to a deadly here's arren ksannit narrates the report. >> reporter: above a busy intersection in los angeles, aon sign caumotorists to drive with care. it's yards away from where 17- year-old christian vega wasst ruck and killed in february. vega was killed here on riverside drive residents have complained
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that navigation apg are now guidivers away from heavy interstate congestion and onto riverside drive. >> riverside drive has become an extension, a fifth lane of the thruway. >> reporter: david de la torre and other concerned residents have called for safety improvements along the street for ars. city engineers approved a left turn signal for the intersection in 2017, but it wasn't installed until after chstian's death because the city says funding was unavailable. across the country, pedestrian deaths are on the rise, jumping from more than 4,000 in 2009 to nearly 6,000 in 2017. >> streets are so wide that they're basically freeways sometimes. or ty have freeway-like speeds. >> reporter: daisy villafuerte with the advocacy group los angeles walks says the city wasn't designed for walking, which leaves pedestrns vulnerable. >> if you try to cross a street, you'll spend a good ten minutes without ever seeing a crosswalk. unlike older, denser east coast
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cities that were built before automobiles ruled the roads,un belt cities like phoenix and los angeles were built with cars as the dominant mode of transportation. >> we're seeing an epidemic ofsh pedestrian c happening on arterials. >> reporter: engineer randyay dittbernerthat pedestrians and vehicles use the same major roadways, which creates conflict >> but that's, that's where the pedestrians want to be just like that's where everybody wants to be. and that's the way to get through our cities and towns >> reporter: a good example? southern avenue in phoenix, where 15-year-old keshawn hubanks was killed by a car in december. hubanks was crossingtreet when his family says a driver sped out of her lane and hit him. his mother, nydea richards, found him on the curb. >> once i, you know, took hi hood off his head, i just knew he was gone. >> reporter: the hubanks' apartment complex is half a mile away from signaled csswalks on central and seventh avenues. that's a long way to walk for people who need to catch a bus to school or work.
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>> that makes no sense. kids are gonna be kids. i can't sit here and tell you i walk to central just to go to the dollar >> reporter: nl advocacy groups say deaths like keshawn's are more common in low-incomes. ar it's evident in southern california, where residents ined under-seeighborhoods are waiting for safer streets. >> the early infrastructrte that other of the city take for granted just never got to this part of the area. >> reporter: distric council member nury martinez knows this intersection lacks some crucial road safety elements-- like sidewalk accessibility ramps. >> for a mom who's trying to get to work every morning and drop off her kid with a stroller, how is that mom supposed to be able to cut across the street and use that sidewalk or tt side of the sidewalk when there is not an accessible way for her to do so? >> reporter: these ramps are now being built as a part of "visiot zero," an tive many cities across the country and the world have adopted with the goal for os angeles of having zero traffic fatalitiserious
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injuries by the year 2025. >> that's the infrastructure needs that i think that we've been waiting for, for a really long time, we are finally starting to make sure that communities of color in particular, that those needs are starting to get addressed. >> reporter: families who have lost loved ones are often the people pushing for change. >> i think we need to get more people like me, a family who's been affected or a survor to actually go to one of their meetings and talk to the residents themselves. >> reporter: debbie hsiung and philip tam started the organization "southern california families for safere s" after their oldest son, seven-year-old aidan tam, was killed while crossing the street. >> and all of a sudden i saw a driver make a right turn into the sidewalk. aidan got hit. we ran over-- the truck was on top of aidan. >> reporter: the couple wants s.fer roads and safer driv they know changing laws-- and minds-- is a challenge.
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but it's not impossible. the european union has seen a 36% decline in pedestrian deaths between 2007 and 2016. experts say it's because unlike the u.s., the european union has found ways to redesign vicles and roads to reduce pedestrian deaths. >> it should not necessitate a death. it should not necessitate a lawsuit for action to occur. >> reporter: at the end of t l day, communiders and advocates like de la torre say they want governmentgencies to take a more proactive approach to roadway design and pedestrian safety. and ile they keep working to make streets safer for pestrians, the families of keshawn, aidan, and christian keep working through their grief. for the pbs newshour, i'm arren kimbel-sannit at cronkite school of journalism in phoenix. >> woodruff: that story came to us from the howard center for investigative journalism, an initiative of the scripps howard foundation.
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>> woodruff: a new york playor ex what happens to a family after the father is arrested for downloading and trading child pornography on the internet. hari sreenivasan sat down with the actress wife who has written an emotional drama about the searing experience. it's part of "canvas," our arts andcoverage o culture. i see a decent human beings who have done som uenspeakable things. >> reporter: in this play yout start th a line that i want to read out." this isn't one of those shows where i'm here to tell you tt i was okay and that i wasn't okay but now i am okay." where are you? four years out. >> you know, i hate the word "journey," but i guess i'm on the journey and i am-- i have really good days and i have not
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s great days and i have d where they're both amazing and excruciatingly difficult. >> reporter: difficult and complicated. maddie corman is a working actress, seen in severalon televieries and movies including "some kind of wonderful" and "maid in manhattan." alexander-- also an actor, but more recently a frequent director of "law and order" and the fx series "rescue me." in 2015, alexander was arrested at home for having childis pornography onomputer. he was not charged with any physical or sexual abuse of anyr chil-- including his own. alexander pled guilty, was sentenced to ten-years probation, and forced to register as a sex offender. probably one othe first questions that people are going to have when they watch this or hear about it is why are youim still with why is he helping raise your children? >> yeah. you know-- and i understand that question. it's not a fun question. it's not something i ever thought that i wou have to defend or explain. it's one of the reasons i think
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that i can't explain it innd two minute site. i can barely do it in my 90 minute show, but it's a complicated answer. >> reporter:braccidentally e," a one act, one woman show is running off broadway in new york city. corman recounts learning-- and eventually reckoning wr husband's use of child pornography. start t feel somhing i can't quite put into words, t it is compassion, which i can't feel for my own partner, at least >> reporter: through it all, despite her anger, upset andci shame, corman d to stay with alexander, moving from the suburbs into new york city and starting over-- somethoug her family afford. >> i am incredibly aware of the privilege that the money that we i'm also very aware that there are other victims in this crime not just my kids and my family and me, that there are people who are very badly hurt by child pornography. >> reporter: in the play, corman
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tries to answer that basices on: why is she still with her husband-- a decision that took her many months to reach. >> this is a person that i love, that i had been with for 20 years, who has what i think is an illss that he is dealing with and makg amends for. and he's a good pers who did a bad thing. i mean, that's the simple way to say it. >> reporter: when this initially happened were you concerned forh safety of your children and balncing that with this person that you loved? >> i was not csacerned for the ty of my children around him. i never thought that he would hurt my children. this is a big thing to have happen in your life and then to have it be public, which it was, but whether i stayed married to my husband or not this is the fatherf-- this is their
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father, so they were going to have to deal with this in some way or another.>> eporter: the family had no choice but to deal with the fallout from the arrest, but the play was a choice. one maddie made intentionally in the hope, she says, of helping others as a friend helped her. >> so instead of all the people saying "i feel so sorry for you."sa sh "i feel sorry with you." c i said h i ever pay you back? and she said you'll just do it for someone else. >> i tell him, i will never ever be okay with the tngs that you chose to look at. and you know what i do, what i'm trained to do and what i like to do is tell stories. so this ju seemed like an actual way to do service to share something that i've been through that maybe will help someone else who feealone. because it's a very, very lonely feeling when your life suddenly takes a turn. and it's not what it was supposed to look like.
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>> anything that helps people discuss uncomfortable topics i think should be embraced. >> reporter: couples therapist keith miller believes there is value in corman's efforts. >> the people behind abuse orot violence areonsters. they're humans. and i think it does us a disservice when we make up a story or mythology and say those people should be put away and never thought about because what it does is it puts us further away fm prevention education and all the contact points that are really necessary for engagement with a complex thing like trauma. >> i'm me. i shared everything with you. how could you not trust me with that? >> reporter: you have teenagersa now yo one in college. this is a lot for a college mind to process, yes?e how are ds? >> life i can answer that. but really you should ask them. i mean, that's their story to tell.
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the fear of traumatizing my kids or just bringing something back up that's calmed down is living in fear is not living in truth because this happened. s not going to go away i we don't talk about it for a few months. this is not going to go off the internet. if i don't do this play it's two clicks away. the story was alreadhe paper. i mean, i think some people say i'm brave to tell this story. >> reporter: and, for now, maddie corman is trying to brave, accidentally or not. the play runs through july.s for thwshour i'm hari sreenivasan in new york city. >> woodruff: 50 years ago this month, violent demonstrations by the gay community against a police raid at the stonewall inn ineew york's greenwich vill led to the modern gay rights movement. tonight, as part of newshour's ongoing coverage of the 50th anniversary of stonewall, we are sharing a story corps conversation betweenohn
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banvard and jerry nadeau. both military veterans who served in world war ii and vietnam, he time, john, 100, and 7 jerr sat down at the veterans home where they live to reflect on their 25 years together. n orycorps records meaningful conversations betwople of all backgrounds across the country that are preserved in an archivat the library of congress. this is an animation of their conversation. >> hello! my name is jerry nadeau. i'm with jn banvard. >> and i was born in brooklyn, new york-- >> no, no, no, no. you gotta say your name and everything." hello, my name is--" >> hello. my name is john banvard. i am 100 years of age. >> when i first met you, john, you were 75-yearold. what would it have been like if you didn't meet me? >> i would've continued being lonely. a i'd beolutely lost.
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>> when we met, we were sort of in the closet. >> yeah. >> and i never had a real relationship. now we've been together almost 25 years. and when we moved into the veterans home, we moved inge er. and a lot of people were wondering, "i wonder what their relationship is?" >> yes. ri>> well, when we got mar they knew what our relationship was! ( laughs ) >> i was expecting we'd be ridiculed and there was very little of that. >> we got married at the veterans home and we said, "ifth you came to sebride, you're out of luck!" ( laughs ) do you remember that?, >> y course. >> it was very informal. >> it was done simply, yes. >> we served hot dogs. >> which is hardly wedding food! >> remember,ohn, i was with u in the cafeteria and somebody came up and they were with their family an said," oh, this is gerard nadeau and this is his husband, john." i had ver heard that before. >> yeah. that was very nice.
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>> you've made my life complete. >> i could say theame thing to you. i think we're probably as happy together as any two people you're likely to meet. ♪ ♪ >> woodruff: this story is part of storycorps' stonewall outloud collection. in honor of the anniversary of the stonewall uprising in june 1969, storycorps is working to preserve the personal histories of members of the l.g.b.t.q. community. you can find more animations and information on how to record your own conversation, on our weite and a late development. the pentagon announced that the u.s. will send about 1,000 additional troops to the middle east in response "hostile behavior from iran." a u.s. militariaoffsays they will conduct intelligence
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and surveillance and provide force protection. washington blames tehran for attacks on two oilnkers last week. the move follows last month's announcement to send an additional 1,500oops, bolstering the more than 60,000 already deployed toe region. and at's the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. join us on-line and again here tomoow evening. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. >> major fundi for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> babbel. a language app that teaches real-life conversations in a new language, like spanish, french, german, italian, and more. babbel's 10-15 minute lesson are available as an app, or online. more information on >> financial services firm raymond james. ed consumer cellular. >> and by the al. sloan foundation. supporting science, technology,
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and improved economic performance and financial literacy in the 21st century. >> supported by the john d. and catherine t. macarthuron founda committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. more informati at go >> and with the g support of these institutions >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by media access group at wgbh >> you're watching pbs.
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