tv PBS News Hour PBS June 26, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc uf >> woo good evening, i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight, a shocking photo of a daughter clutching her father, details of cruelty to children in u.s. custody, and a debate over what our government should do on immigration. then, the stage is set-- the first round of democratic presidential debates kick off as candidates try to stand out from the crowded pack. heus, an elusive goal-- we are on the ground in west bank amid protests over the white house's plan for mid-east peacen >> no monehe world can substitute our right for freedom. no money in the world cantu subs our right to be in jerusalem. this palestine and jerusalem is not for selling. >> woodruff: all that and more
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on tonight's pbs newshour. or >> maj funding for the pbs newshour has been provided b >> babbel. a language app that teaches real-life conversations in a new language, like spanish, french, german, italian, and more. >> supporting social entrepreneurs and their solution to the world's most pressing problems-- >> the lelson foundation. committed to improving lives through invention, in the u.s. and developing countries. on the web at >> supported by the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world.
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more information at >> and with the ongoing supportu of these insons: >> this program was madee possible by rporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> woodruff: the u.s. congress is und growing pressure tonight to send much-needed money to the southern border. the task took on new urgen today, as the fate of children at the border raised new fears, and as lawmakers planned aeek- long recess. william brangham begins our coverage. >> brangham: as the situation along the southern borror continues to wsen, the senate voted to increase funding for critical aid for migrants crossing the southern border. >> i believe overall this is a solid bill.
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it provides the resources needed to address the crisis that we face at the border. so i say to my colleagues in the house: now that there is a border is real, do not derail the one bipartisan vehicle with a real chance of becoming law soon. >> brangham: the bipartisan bill passed 84-8 meanwhile the house of representatives passed their ow. billion dollar border funding bill last night, but the senate rejected that today. there are key differences between the house and senate bills. one of the biggest is over the issue of border security. the house bill does not increase bnds for that. it does include lion for shelter and food for migrants and $3 billion for the department of health and human services to care for accompanied minors. it also sets improved standards of care h.h.s. shelters that hold the children who are waiting to be placed with sponsors. the senate bill provides nearly $3 billion to h.h. and $1.3 billion for the department of
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homeland security to provi food, shelter and medical care for adult migrants. it also allocates 5 million for more immigration judges orit does not set standard care. house speaker nancy pelosi and president trump spoke today by phone to hash out their differences on the two bills. >> i've been saying you have to change the loopholes, you have to change asylum you wouldn't have this problem. >> brangham: the president today also responded to the harrowing, widely circulated photo of father óscar alberto martínez ramíz and his daughter, valeria. the two drowned attempting the cross the rio grande river into texas. mr. trump seemed to blame their deaths on democratic inaction. >> i hate it and i know it could stop immediately if the democrats change the law. they have to change the laws. and then that father who i'm sure was a wonderful guy with his daughter. things like that wouldn't happen >> brangham: the president's
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claim is not entirely accurate. many experts say the president's own policies, like changing asylum laws, havcrmade border ossings more dangerous, and .de migrants more despera the associated press photographer who captured that image, juilia leuc, noted that same desperation. ): it's not and ea people choose to cross because they know they are easily caught, but the understanding that oscaradnd his familyrrived recently and did not know this, that is why they attempted the crossing in 'ssperation. >> brangham: todegislation also comes as recent reports have revealed alleged inhumane conditions at a customs and border protection facility in clint, texas. children inside were reportedly kept in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions, with teenagers left to care for toddlers and other young children. th0 were transferred out o shelter on monday, but customs officials say 100 have been moved back.
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this issue made it to campaign trail today near miami today where democratic presidential candidates pushed back on the president's policies. >> these children pose no threat to the united states. >> brangham: massachusetts senator elizabeth warren and minnesota senator amy klobuchar visited the homestead shelter, a large, for-profit detention igcenter for unaccompaniedrant children.r and several otmocratic candidates say they too will visit this week. while congress is wrapping un business ishington, backlash to conditions along the border continues. employees from the boston-based home-decor company wayfair today protestetheir company's contract with the government to sell bedroom furniture for its detention facities. even as the battles ay out over money, security and policy, advocates are especially concerned about the impact this is having on detained children. dr. julie linton is with the
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american academy of pediatrics. she's leading an initiative there focused on the health and well being of child migrants and immigrant families and has visited some facilities herself. dr. linton, thank you very much for being here. as i said, admist all of this jockeying and the blame game, there are some very real tragedies unfolding along the border. really wanted to talk to you about the impact this is having on kids. so what are th immediate potential impacts of separation and detention on children? >> i think wt's really important to remember is that after fling country of origin redibly harrowing journey to seek safety here in the united states, children and families are exposed toco itions that are unsafe and unhealthy. in the short term, exposure to these conditions may lead to physical symreptoms, inced stress responses that make children susceptible to infection, responses that leado themave changes in their behavior, changes in their
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memory, and anges in their ability to sleep, as well as to eat and to be able to be potty trained. in the long term, th causes some very serious health risks. >> brangham: on these more immediate impacts, how much of d es the facilities themselves play? i understand of what i've seen ooom video and reporting from inside them, theis not great, they can be sort of loud td noisy. does that contribu these negative impacts? >> absolutely. i've been inside these i've taken care of children who have been in these facilities, and i'm touch with pediatricians across the country who are seeing these-- these effects firsthand. being exposed to lights 24/7 disrupts the sleep-wake cyclees y' a child, which makes it very unlikely that th be able to fight off infection, and it makes them more likely to be exposed to illnesses that they would otherwise be able to fight off witho these conditions. being put on mats on the floor,
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listening to drink ling sonds from an aluminum blanket as the only protection a child has, these are the type of conditions they would never send somebody home from my office to recover from an illness if they were exposed to something. brangham: you touched on this issue of some of the longer-term impacts from these events. what would those look like? >> in the long term, when children are exposed to long activation of their stress responses or this fight-or-flight respon, the response that our bodies are designed to do when fleeing a tiger, ithe long term, those type of responses, the constant flow of adrenaline and cortisol and other hormones going through the body impair the immune system, impair the metabolism of children, and disrupt theirlo deng brains. and in the long term, what we see is an increase risk for things like heart disease, diabetes, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and substance u. >> brangham: those seem like awfully severe ramifications. are these-- are these permanent
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impacts, or is it-- let's just say these children do get out and ressam some level of normalcy, erever that is and with whom every that is, can some of ntheative impacts be reversed? >> i think the children and family that are fleeing these conditions have an incredible amount of strength and resilience, and the resilience and protective factor it tak to be able to flee these conditions and to make it through the harrowing journeyo me that there's a lot of opportunity for healing to begin. but that is not an exuse to prolong the horrible conditions that are supsing them to threats to their health and well-bei and it behooves all of us to begin to help families and children heal as they await their immigration proceedings. >> brangham: as you said, you have been inside some of theseti faci, i wonder right now, starting today, are there things within these evironments that could be done to make this situation better for the kids? >> there's no amount that any amount of time in detention is safe for children.
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and, certainly, any conditions that expose children to lights 24/7, conditions that do not allow access to medical care, when parents or when they themselves are seeking it, conditions that don't allow consistent access to sufficient food andt hydrationse are not safe for children. and those things need to be urgently addressed, and we need urgent pediatric medrtal exe on our border. >> brangham: crustomof cials, ice officials, the president have all said, "we just need more money, and if we were granted more money, we could do a better job for these children." do you think that that is the fix here? >> think the fix ds to come from a combination of emergency funding that can mitigate some of these prblems urgently, as well as long-term legislation that prevents this problem in the future, such a the bill being suggested by representative ruiz to ensureh that alldren have access to medical attention and all people have access to medical attention, sanitary conditions, and safe conditions, as they're
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being held prior to being released into our communities as their cases proceed. brangham: all right, dr. julie linton from the american academy of pediatrics, thank you very much. >> thank you for ving me. >>roodruff: in the day's ot news, former special counsel robert mueller will testifyor publicly bcongress on july 17th. he has agreed to appear under subpoena, before the u.s. house judiciary and intelligen committees. tidiciary chair jerry nadler said today the tny will have a "profound impact." >> it's very important that the american people hear from mr. mueller as to what he did find, what the results of that two year investigation were and not have to rely on the misinformation spread by the attorney general or on reading the report which most people n't do.
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>> woodruff: mueller has insisted he will not go beyond what was in his report, on russian contacts with the trump campaign, and alletions of obstruction by president trump.o his part, the president criticized the planned hearings, and repeated his long-standing complaints. >> at what point does it end? it's a disgrace. no obstruction, no collusion. now the democrats want a do-. ov this is just a hoax. i call it the witch hunt buta it's reallax. c's the greatest hoax ever in the history of ontry. >> woodruff: mr. trump claimed falsely that muellerla broke thby deleting e- mails d messages from two former f.b.i. employees who disparaged the president. of offered no evidence. we'll look at alhis, later in the program. the president said today he hopes for a good conversation wir russian president vladi putin, at the g-20 summit in japan. mr. trump left for the summit
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today. as he did, the kremlin confirme eting is set for friday. a spokesman said the talks are expected to include arms control, iran and other issues. the u.s. and north korea are said to be discussing a possible third summit between president trump and north korean leader kim jong un. the president of south korea said today that behind-the- scenes talks are under way. the last trump/kim summit was in february, but it failed to make any headway on abolishing the north's nuclear arsenal. white house counselor kellyannes conway now f congressional subpoena, over allegations that she repeatedly violated the "hatch act." the law limits political activity by government workers. the u.s. house oversight committee issued the suby ena toter conway failed to appear voluntarily.ff that set storm over her criticism of democratic presidential candidates.
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>> contrary to claims from ms. conway and president trump, this is not a conspiracy to silencetr her or rt her first amendment rights. this is an effort to enforce federal law. >> she's not asking for contributions. ge's not asking for anyth other than-- she's not even campaigning! she has a microphone stuckn her face and she is responding. you've done the same thing, mr. chairman! >> woodruff: the white house has argued that conway is immune from having to give congressional testimony. the defense begapresenting its case today for navy seal edward gallagher, accused of murdering an islamic state prisoner in iraq. the special operations chief is being court-martialed in san diego. defense attorneys have insisted at former colleagues of gallagher who testified against him, were lying. in afghanistan, two u.s. service members were killed on a patrol.
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officials gave no details. it happened a day after secretary of state mike pompeo visited kabul, and voiced hope for a peace deal by september first. more than 2,400 u.s. troops have died in afghanistan since the u.s. invasion in 2001. western and central europe roasted today in a record heat wave that shed no sign of breaking. in rome, the stench of rotting garbage filled the streets, amid ongoing problems with trash incollection. unich, germany, families played with pets in public fountains to cool off from readings of 98 degrees. and in madrid, temperatures topping 100 grees quieted the bustle of restaurant terraces. >> ( translated ): it is true that the number of customers has fallen due to high tempetures. people don't want to cope with the terrace in 100 degrees. inside there is air conditioning and there are a few of us brave ones that ha to go outside.
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but overall the terraces in these heat waves lose between 70 to 80% of public. >> woodruff: meanwhile, fears of buckling pavement forced officialin germany to post speed limits on parts of the autobahns that usually have none. the united nations women's agency has found violence against women is pervasive, in their own homes. the report says that in 2017, worldwide, 137 women were killed every day by a family member. officials acknowledge great progress in ending genderri dination, but they say there are also efforts to curtail women's rights. a top official at the environmental protection agency resigned today in the face of a congressional investigation. assistant administrator bill wehrum helped roll back obama- era curbs on carbon emissions. but there are allegations that he improperly aided former caients in the oil and che industries.
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and, on walltreet, stocks had an up and down day. the dow jones industrial average fell 11 poin to close at 26,536. the nasdaq rose 25 points, and the s&p 500 slipped thre still to come on the newshour: what to watch for in tonight's democratic presidential primary debate. al counsel robert mueller agrees to testify before congress-- what more will he say about the president and russia? plus much more. >> woodruff: florida is once again the epicenter of american politics. the time has come for democratic presidential hopefuls to debate and try to stand out. our lisa desjardins is there. >> desjardins: in miami, the very crowded stage is set, with spots for te another ten will be here tomorrow.
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in tonight's face-off, just one candidate on the stage is polling in double-digits: massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. as we reported earlier, she spent part of debate day observing a temporary shelter for migrant children inri homestead, flo. >> my message to this little girl is she is not alone, that we are h aere with her,d we a will fightngside her, that she has to be brave, that we all have to be brave. >> desjardins: several other candidates visited or plan to visit homestead this week while nearby for the debates, as immigration has become a resonant issue in the 2020 fight. for many of the candidates, tonight's two hourin primetime is thei introduce themselves to a national audience. progressive warren will be joined center stage by former texas congressman beto o'rourke and fellow senators cory booker of new jersey and amy klobuchar of mnesota. klobuchar has carved out a space in the field as a centrist, who can appeal to modera voters wary of president trump. that's a role shared tonight by
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ohio congressman tim ryan and former maryland congressman john delaney. >> what the american people need to hear from us tonight, is how we're actually going to get some things done. >> desjardins: also on stage tonight, some candidates who have centered on a single issue: washington governor jay inslee, who wanted an entire debate on climate change. and hawaii congresswoman tulsi gabbard, a combat veteran who focuses on decreasing involvement ov. the final two candidates on stage tonight: late entrane into ce, new york city mayor bill de blasio, and former housing secretary julian castro, who is looking for aost-debate bounce. >> beginning with tonight, as my name i.d. goes up, i'm confident you're going to see my support go up in the polls. d >>esjardins: many voters are still up for grabs p according to newshour/marist poll released earlr this month, 84% of democrats have not made up their mind about which candidate to wepport. that's a questiosked people in miami. >> i don't have a specific candidate that i know for sure
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i'm supporting right now. i'm really interested in elizabeth rren, kamala harris harris, mayor pete buttigieg. i definitely have more research to do. >> for me i want to hear from the other guys that don't get air time. >> it'll be interesting how cream of crop raes after debate before primary. >> just seeing more women more women that are running for office that's so important. >> desjardins: one thing democratic voters are looking fon someone who at president trump. >> if they can't beat trump we may have four more years of whatever pops into his head. >> anyone but him honestly. >> desjardins: the president did not weigh in on the democratic field today as he left the white house for a summit in japan. but he plans to respond to the debate in real time on twitter. and the republican party is sending trump campaignrr ates out to react on the airwaves in battleground states like florida, pennsylvania,
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michigan, ohio and wisconsin. only 20 candidates qualified for the first round of debates. tme of the others who did make the cut are still trying to get noticed today. montana governor steve bullock had the first caucus state of iowa all to himself. >> i be on the debate stage myself so i'm introducing myself here. >> desjardins: while massachusetts congressman seed moulton travo miami anyway and launched his first television ad: tonight's showdown is just round one.hi most of thest-polling candidates will be watching on the sidelines before stepping onto the debate stage tomorrow. that includes former vice president joe biden, senators bernie sanders and kamala harris, as well as south bend, indiana mayor pete buttigieg. >> woodruff: and lisa joins me now along with stu rothenberg of inside elections. hello to both of you. and, lisa, i'm going to come to you first because i understhd you can us a lineup of what the candidates are going to look like, in wh order on th stage. and as you talk about this, tell us what the canlvdates them think they need to do
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tonight. >> that's right. well, first of all, this ii where i ams the media center. this is an entire theater devoted just to the media. the debate is across the street from us. that debatetage will be very full, as you say, judy. and let's look at this lineup because i think it's going to tell us something about the nature of this debate. this debate stage tonight is actually the more diverse of the tw debates. we have more women and people of color on the debate stage tonight. but som point out, judy, there is elizabeth waren, beto o'rourke, amy klobuchar, and cory booker-- those are the candidates leadins in the pand that's not an accident. the democrats anted to have the candidates ahead in the polls closer to one another, either for engagement or for visual reasons. ofd then you see the reshe candidates on stage beside them. i raise this for a couple of reasons, judy. those candidates who are on the sides already are trying to fight for national att ation as it i they have to sort of do more in a way, because visunly, they're literally, the side of the stage. one other note about this lineup
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tonight, judy. when you look at it, it is more diverse than tomorrow night except in one way. tonight we have seven candidates who either currently or forhamey been members of congress. so it's going to be interesting to see how they kind oconduct themselves. is there a congressional kind of lawmaker type of feel to tonight's debate that we may not see tom>>orrow night. oodruff: stu, as you look at these, and you have been watching debates for a long time what, do some of these candidates need to do ton aht? let's taut the front-runners, first. i mean, elizabeth warren doing well so far in theublic opinion polls. but what is she and candidates like amy klobuchar, beto o'rourke need to do? >> well, in this race, elizabeth warren really is the top-tier candidate, and the others are second or third or fourth tier. you're exactly right, they have to accomplish dif i thinked with war needs to look and sound presidential, but she needs to convenect with ry personally, to show how well she has been doing, to talk aboutli her pubpolicy proposals, and to really connect with
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individuals. the candidates who are in the second and thirdu tier-- yo mentioned in the second tier, just on the base of the polls, judy klobuchar, booker, for example, beto, they need to somehow say somethid do something that is memorab and, really, even the other candidates, they need to-- they need to come outf ois debate with people talking about them, remembering them, and wanting to hear more about them. because, look, it's hard to sell yourself in a debate like when you only have a limited number of minutes. so they need to-- they need o say something that's interesting, funny,houghtful to get more attention in the future. >> woodruff: lisa, weve mentioned yoeen talking to all-- a number of these campaigns. what are they telling you that they feel ey have to do? >> i think stu hit on a lot of it. i think one of the difficult needles to thread tonight will be from candidates who- hav and we have many of them on stage tonight-- who have branded themsees on the issue of
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civility and on being nice. now, this could lead to a very good and thought-provoking debate. but if they're trying to do something memorable, someone o like cory book someone like amy klobuchar, who sort very far branded themselves in this nicee way, theoing to have to do it on a memorable line that is also positive. each candidate tonight, many of these campaigns have td me, they've had to make internal decisions: do they want their candidates to ev iernterrupt? do they want their candidates to even throw a slight jab? the consensus for tonight and tomorrow night, they think tomorrow night is likely to be the more contentious debate. , e issue is that some of these leading candidatey don't want to make a mistake. the other candidates would rather take a risk and get national attention. so it's going to be a real test. also, judy, i think we'll see another division. some candidates tonight i learned from this campaign are going to lead with policiebu amy klar, for example, she's going to talk about the first 100 days, very likely. other candidates, like a beto o'rourke will probably lead with passion and a drive to change.
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it will be a very different tone between candidates. >> woodruff: stu, speaking of at, how much readifference is there among these candidates on the issues? i know we sometimes lump them into the more moderate versus the more progressive, the more liberal. >> that's the broad-brush difference. there are no conservatives in this race in the democratic party anymore.o there usede but there aren't anymore. xat there are some differences on medicare, forle, and single payer. >> woodruff: health care. >> on health care. on the environment there are some differences, on fracking and the like. so there are differe but, judy, you don't get those kind of diffences in debates like this normally because some of these people are just introducing themselves to the voters. it's about "my background, what's unique they bring to the eace," beto, the charisma, th youthfulness. yes, people will talk about policy. klobuchar. warren has been talking about policy in glait great detail the past few weeks. but for many of the candidates,
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policy cane boring. they want to excite people. >> woodruff: having said, that lisa, some of these candidacy, like maryland congressman-- former congressman, jo delaney has gotten very little attention in this race. and yet he's making his moderate positions, you know, sort of the theme of the-- the reason he's running. >> that's right. and someone like john delaney, i also expect him to talk about what a work horse he has been on the cam trail. he's more well known in iowa than he is in the rest of the cotry because he has spent a lot of time there doing the work of c it's the kind of populist message we culd see from someone like that. i think it wl benteresting, again, the sides of the stage, how they raise themselves as it will obviously be a btle for the central position. does elizabeth warren bring anyc crm tonight, because she is the top contender available tnight for them to go after. it's unclear to at this will happen. this may in fact be a night23 0eus, thoughtful debate.
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we'll see. >> woodruff: absolutely, stu, we'll see how much they er aft each other and how much they seek to distinguish themselves. >> that's right. d the nine go after elizabeth warren, who is clearly the front-runner in this race, and does anybody take shots at people who are not in this debate, because want cloud hanging over this deebate is biden in the next debate. in woodruff: well ahead in the polls, doing beshe polls against president trump. but he's not on this stage. >> no, he's not on e stage, but everybody knows that he's the front-runner in the race, and everybody nts to compete against him. >> woodruff: stu rothenberg and lisa desjardins, miami, thank you. >> woodruff: stay with us,he coming up on newshour: how palestinians are reacting to president trump's middle east peace plan. the power of poetry inside prison walls. and that moment when journalist leslie stahl joined the boys
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club in the newsroom. as we reported, former special counsel robert mueller will break his silence again, this time taking questions in testimony before two committees in congress. yamiche alcindor joins me now to break down the legal at political issues at stake. hi, ya ache. so we knot of people are going to be watching the day bobert mueller testifies. what do we knowut the format what, this testimony is going to look like? >> well ojuly 17, we kn washington is really going to be kn a standstill, because everyone wants t what robert mueller is going to say. what we know is it will two separate hearings. one, first, he will history beforesehe houudiciary committee and then in the same room, the house intel committee will question him. from there they will go into one,ssibly two closed door session with robert mueller's
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team. those sessions are going to be talking about classified information, possibly, possibly talkg about the redacted portions of the report the public hasn't seen, and also talking abngutoing criminal stigations that might be involving trump's associates. the other thing we know is we're not sure whether or not the white house and the d.o.j. will have lawyers present. that's very important, because white house lawopyers have std people like like hope hicks, from answering some questions w l be something very close to watch whether or not they're allowed in the room. >> woodruff: so what do democrats think they're going to get? what d tthey think he's goio say? and how are democrats reacting to the the fact that they even got this agreement for them to testify and what are the republicans and the president saying? >> democrats are really hoping for areakthrough mom where robert mueller really says somethg very important, and republicans essentially saying this is all a waste of tomb. on the democratic side, one aide summed it up this way. she said most people don't rea the book but they watch the movie. essentially what they're say, e
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robert muellen though he put out this 400-page report and spoke to the public for 10 minutes they wt him to explain what he found, what his team of investigators found when interviewing people in the white house. even if he doesn't say anything new, democrats aregoing to happy about that. on the republican side, rudy giuliani texted me yesterday when he said, "who cares?"ed when i ashether he had a comment on it. president trump said why does robert mueller have to testify. he accused robert mueller of wrongdoing sae ying hfairly and illegally deleted emails between two f.b.i. officials who had been talking disparagely about the president. ngere's no evidence robert mueller did anytrong as former special counsel. but the president is putting that out there. >> woodruff: so, bottom line, yamiche, wt do they expect robert mueller can say? what do they expect him to say? >> well, hee's what robert mueller had to say on may 29 when he was talking about that very issue. >> any testimony from this
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office would not go beyond our report. it contains our findings and r analysis and tsons for the decisions we made. we chose those words carefully, and the work speaks for itself. and theeport is my testimony. >> so former d.o.j. officials have been telling newsh'tr that he calk about ongoing criminal investigations or classified information, buthi an else that he decides he doesn't want to talk about, that's robert mueller's redgment. so it sounds thhat he doesn't want to go past his report, but that's really going be a judgment on part. >> woodruff: but they're going to be trying to push him on some things about why he made certain decisions.n >> absolutely,luding why didn't he subpoena the president to sit down for in-personrv inw as part of the investigation. on woodruff: yamiche alcindor reporting for usll this. thank you very much. >> thanks, judy. >> woodruff: and in a related develop the today, executives of top tech compies -- facebook, google, and twitter-- in an s pearance before congress expressed conceat russia
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would repeat what it did in 2016. use tonig's debate to begin to soment political conflict in the u.s. usingial media. >> woodruff: for over half a century, the conflict between israelis and palestinians has ground on, through attempts at peace, and more-often frustration and violence. israel still occupies much o the west bank, as a weak palestinian government stumblesn mid economic crisis. gaza, from which israel withdreo ites in 2005, is under thehe control ofilitant group hamas, that routinely attacks israel, which responds with often-deadly force. meantime, civilians there ffer. the last true efforts at dialogue are now a generation
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old, and the years since wracked by instability, terrorism, mistrust and a wideninge separation of ople. now, another american president has stepped into roiling waters of this decades-long conflict, with the division between israel and palestine as deep as it's ever been. the first part of a new two- phase trump plan are debuting this week in bahrain. but, as special correspondent jane ferguson reports from the west bank, palestinians hold out little hope it will change their lives. >> reporter: it was meant to kick start president tru's "deal of the century"-- a plan that israelis and palestinians would agree to, ending the most ontractable conflict in the middle east todaof the most intractable conflicts in the world. led by the president's son-in- law jared kushner and his team, e peace to prosperity workshop in bahrain hosted panel discussions between business leaders and government officials from various countries on developing the economy of the
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palestinian territories. $50 bi potential investments and loans fier the next decade. no spedetails have been released of where the money would go, and it is dependent on getting donors on board. >> the goal of this workshop is er begin thinking about this conflict in a dit way. we need to bring change to thism region can binvestable as opposed to an area that is written off and overlooked >> reporter: neither palestinian or israeli government officials were there.d in the occwest bank, which has been occupieand controlled by israel since 1968,st paleians loudly rejected the launch of kushner's plan for their future. mustafa barghouti is a senior politician in ramallah. o money in the world can substitute our right for freedom. no money in the world urn substituteight to be in jerusalem. this palestine and jeralem is not for selling. it's not to be sold.
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the palestinians would never accept that. >> reporter: no one knows yet what kushner's plan is for the thorniest political disputes here, like palestinians statehood, the rht of refugees to return, or the future status of jerusalem. these people believe the trump administration is trying to lure them with money before presenting the political side of the deal, which could include major concessions to israel. but long before palestinians h wering about potential money coming into the west bank, they have been experiencing cutf ding. the trump ministration has duced the amount of moneyen america has roviding to palestinians for some time now. in september of last year trump cancelled all u.s. government funding to the united nations agency responsible for caring for palestinian refugees, called de united nations relief works agency for palestine, or unrwa. it provides services like schools and health clinics to
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the families of palestinian refugees who fled their homes when israel was created. by ending the u.s. $300 million annual payment, trump also ended 70 years of american support, and sent a message to the palestinian people: that money is on the table. that money is not going to them until they sit down and negotiate peace. >> reporter: here in jalazone refugee camp in the west bank, over 15,000 here still hold on to the right to return to the 8 mes inside israel their families fled in 1en the country was formed. these men in a coffee shop told us they would never give up that right just to have the aid money. >> without any give some rights for the palestinians it's nothing. >> reporter: the camp's health clinic is funded by the u.n.e siump's cuts, other countries have stepped in the fill the gap, but it's notan
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gued to last, and places like this are financially jared kus event in bahrain is being branded as an effort to wean palestinians off aid, and replace that with a booming economy. >> actually that is absolutely unworkableiven the fact that israel is in charge. of everything. >> reporter: hanan ashrawi is a senior palestinian political leader. she points o that the bahrain event makes no mention of the israeli occupation of palestinian land pastinians don't have full control over their own economy, regardless of how much investment they receive. >> we can't import or export at will, and israel collects, our money, our customsor us, and charges us 3% and then treats the money as though it's its own, you know. as a means of blackmail and so on. so we are entirely skeptical about these plans that do not deal with the causes of the
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problem. if we were in charge of our land and our resources and our lives, and our infrastructure and so on we have always said we can build a very vibrantnd successful economy. >> reporter: dr. ashrawi was denied a visa to the u.s. ngrlier this year, after 40 years of negotiaith five different american presidents and administrations. she says the trump administration has bing high pressure tactics to force palestinians into being more t amenabkushner's plans. >> i have never seen an america administratipublican or democrat, that has acted this way. with such tremendo recklessness and irrespons bility. it'sough it's a personal enterprise for them. we'vnever said that american administrations have been objective. they have always sided with ysisrael, but they have al maintained a minimal respect for international law. riminimal respect for the ts of palestinians, the pestinian people.
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>> reporter: the greatest challenge to any peace deal now will be trying to persuade the palestinians to work with the trump administration. palestinians simply don't believe trump is an honest broker of peace because of his outspoken support for israel. last year, moving the us embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem, a city palestinians claim as their future capital, was fraught with controversy. trump appointed david freidman as u.s. ambassador to israel, and he is member of jared kushner's middle east peace plan team. freidman supports israeli settlements in the west bank, which are illegal under international law. on the first day of kushner's economic conference in bahrain a small group of palestinian protestors burned tires near the bet el settlement before being disbursed by israeli forces. freidman is a major financial donor to the settlement. >> the public simply does not
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trust this administration. the administration has damaged its own credibility in such a >> reporter: dr. khalil shikaki is a pollster in the west bank. he has widely survey palestinian attitudes to american administrations efforts towards peace over the years and says the plan to offer money is. unlikely to wo >> the administration makes a big mistake. it shows a lack of understanding of the psyche of the palestinians when it starts with material benefits as aarrot so that palestinians can see what they would be missing if they reject the political part of the plan. this is something th is likely to create the exact opposite reaction among the palestinian public that the adminion hopes it will elicit. >> reporte israeli officials were not invited to bahrain, after palestinian offials refused to come. yet, prime minister benjamin netanyahu's government is a major supporter of jared kushner's efforts. the two men arclose friends.
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but netanyahu's hands are, for now, tied. after ten years in office, he failed to form a coalition llvernment this spring after elections, so has new elections for september. until then, he will be campaigning, and cannot afford to be seen entering into negotiations with thens palestin that leaves kushner having ton wait until aisraeli government coalition is formed in order to formally announce the political plan for peace, perhapate as november. >> what's the problem with the beginning of november?he ateginning of november you start to bump into the americann elecycle. and the question is whether the american administration is going to want to roll out a plan which might succeed but then might fail during an electio campaign. i mean no candidate wants to go into elections with a g failure in foreign policy on their resume. >> reporter: herb keinon is a columnist and analyst at the "jerusalemost." he says israelis are willing to give this effort by the trump
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administration a try. >> maybe look at it with an open mind. go in with an open mind. maybe it can lead to somewhere better than where we are at now. but what we have tried up until now just hasn't done it. >> reporter: until jared kushner and his team revl their political plans, it's not clear what is being tried out. the bahrain event appears to bei of the palestinian a $50 billion carrot after two years of stick, and the palestinians have said no. for them, trump's deal for middle east peace may be over before it begins. >> woodruff: and jane joins me now from ramallah, owest bank. hello, jane. ou've shown us in this piece the deep dismay there on the west bank with this trump plan. what more are you he on the streets from the people? >> that's true, judy. people here effectively feel-- they say they feel as though they're being bought off. and it's important tremember nobody here, none of the
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palestinians we've kpoken to realw what the political components of any future kushner or trump administration plan will be, buhey're saying that even though they don't specifically know the details, they don't trust that it will be within tir intests. we spoke to in this story a pollster here who said he put to palestinians in the west bank, even if te trump administration gave you everything that palestinians have en asking for, things like statehood, jerusalem as a capital, et cetera, would you accept thel and 50% of the people came back and said they wouldn't. that comes down to a lack of trust at the moment. an example of that has been iceically whenever we saw president pence come to the region in december 2017, he came here just shortly after thead truministration had announced that it was going to move the u.s. embassy to jerusalem. as a result, palestinian leadership refused to even meet
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with pence. and that has really been the situation expheert backstory ons palestinian response to this bahrain conference. >> woodruff: and, jane, i know we don't make ourlves the story, but yesterday you and your colleagues came un s the when you were reporting. tell us a little bit about that. >> that's right. there was a very small protest, just a small, like, half a dozen people gathered in protest to what's going on in bahrain at th moment outside, or close by a settlement just outside of ramallah. d we were there filming there. it was so small, in fact, they were actually leaving. and at that stage the israeli security forces that had been there that had been firing tea gas at the protesters who had been burning some tires down on the road, they pivoted and starind firtear gas towards a large group of journalists. we were t our car by s stage, and literally trying to drive away whever a lley of gas canisters were fiat us, one of which smashed the car window as we were trying to g away. one hit the car door.
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nobody was severely injured, but it was a real example of how tense things are here. but it is certainly concernin >> woodruff: well, disturbing to hear, and we're just glad that yound your colleagues are well. thank you, jane ferguson reporting from the west bank. >> tnk you. >> woodruff: now, a look at some bards behind bars. for some, reading and writing is a past time, for others it's an espe from reality. and for a group of inmates inside the capital city's jail em, it's a little of bot jeffrey brown takes a look at an organization aimed at helping the carcerated express themselves and prepare for the outside world through reading and poetry. it's part of our series on arts d culture, "canvas." >> i sit up straight and try
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again. >> brown: a tuesday morning book club... one that includes poetry written by the members. >> we need better guidance starting with the youth. close friends fade away $deadon jail. the dramatic situations push most to fail.: >> brois group meets weekly in the washington, d.c. jail-- part of the "free minds book club." kelli taylor and tara libert started "free minds" nearly two decades ago. taylor, a former journalist, got the idea after sharing books with a texas inmate who'd been the subject of a documentary taylor made abouyoung people on death row." free minds" also runs a remote book club for prisoners who've been moved to federal facilities. >> prison is a really isolating, harrowing place. so you have this safe space where you can go "oh he understands me" and we can talk about feelings without having to put our guard up because we'ved our whole lives. >> brown: free minds, which gets
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fund foundations and city government, selects books they feel their erated members will rela to. >> my parents are watching me. oallow the typy brave paf me to speak. >> brown: on this day, it was:" the hate u give" by angie thomas.hi the novel, tells the story of a black teenage girl who sees her friend fatally shot by police, triggered conversations about identity. >> i thought i had to project myse and you know a mentalit that was more so based on machismo. by 16 i'm locked up, incarcerated with a life sentence. >> brown: inmates spoke of violence in their communities. >> individuals like as early as middle school ages that basically like are facing the same traa as soldiers in iraq are facing. a kill or be killed situation. >> brown: and of their own need for self-acceptance.
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>> i told my judge like until i found love, genuinely loving myself, what makes me uniquely me then i feel free to express who i am and i don't have to >> brown: everything that you're talking about here. how much of that comes from reading this book or reading books? >> i would say for this community. everything comes from reading books, because the book it allows us to be able to go within.g >> havat space to express l and to heal ten to get to different, the varying perspectives is growth and is therapeutic. >> is that true >>: libert says she knew from the beginning, they were onto something, after an inmatep read the firm he'd ever written. >> and he said, "i am like concrete people step on me, but i am strong." and it was like right from then, we're like okay this works. >> brown: one person who has seen it work is joshua samuel. lub atst joined the book age 16, while serving time in
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the d.c. jail. >> i wasn't a reader until i really went into prison and free minds came along. they gave me these books. and these books, i used it as tools to release the energy and the bottled up feelings that i had. >> brown: samuel was released last year and now works as a fell with free minds. >> you could f to heights and be the greatest person that ever walked this earth. you a god! >> brown: part of his new role: outreach and mentorship to at- risk kids at schools around the city, particularly young people with behavioral and academic issues. >> just because they come from poverty or broken homes or certain backgrounds or been discriminated at-- they don't have to end up in a situation that i ended up in. and show them that education and reading and writing is a tool and an escape. it's a substitute from the condition that they in. a >> brown: samu libert both say the work they do is an
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attemp from turning to crime. people on the outside who are ctims of crime. what do you say to them about why th should support a program likes his? >> it her those who have perpetuated the ha to understand hurt people hurt people. and to heal from that hurt soiv that i canback to the community and build it up.e my number ing- i always say- support this program to stop more victims. >> i've seen personal testimonies, as well as the >> brown: depa of corrections director quincy booth supports programs like free min. >> as long as they have the commitment, the background to prove that they're actually going to do it. because i have to make sure that i protect the men ann that we have in our care. at the end of the day, i don't want to send them up for false hope. because it has an impact on this population that we have to collectively deal with.
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>> the school to prison pipeline breeding ground produces super predator childhood sdiers. >> brown: and tara libert cites numbers that support another nd of impact of the program:" free minds" members return to prison at far lower rates than the national average. >> love conquers hate. there is no time to wait. gotta get better than never. salute the azy base. >> brown: for the pbs newshour, i'm jeffrey brown in washington, d.c. ou woodruff: lesley stahl is an emmy-award winningalist currently reporting for cbs erws' "60 minutes." during her long cahe has served as a white house correspondent and anchor of cbs' "face the nation." tonight, for our facebook watch that moment when she talks about joining the boys club that had been netwo television news. >> wn i was working as a loc
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reporter in boston, just starting out in 1972, affirmative action was just being instituted by companies, uh, all across the country. and so the three networks i was told, were desperate to getti women and mino to put on camera. so i applied and cbs hired me and i moved from boston to washington, i think the next day. >> what did it feel like to break in a boy's club? >> after i'd been at cbs for a couple of years. i was made correspondence that on election night, which sit in that druan. i was very nervous and the president of cbs news said, no,v no, ity cozy. i'm going to take it to the set to see.d, and he sow you see cronkite and he siid, and roger there at said mud and a rather dan sits here at said rather, and you'll sit there ant aid female. before my class, i call him the affirmative action.
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babies of 1972 women basicallyy fundamentavered, uh, what we call the soft issues. ov covered health recovered arst ladies, weed parties, but aftion we were covering the pentagon, we were coverinpolitics. we were covering the white house. everything just washed over us. >> woodruff: phenomenal journalist and pioneering lesley stahl. yo you can find all episodes of our program on facebook watch at that moment whenhow. and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. ein us online and again h tomorrow evening. for all of us at the pbs newsho, thank you and see you soon. >> text night and day. >> catch it on replay. >> burning some fat. >> sharing the latest viral cat! >> you can do the things you like to do with a wirelan designed for you. with talk, text and data. consumer cellular. learn more at
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>> babbel. a language appalhat teaches ife conversations in a new language, like spanish, french, german, italian, and more. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions and individuals. >> this program was made by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by media access group at wgbh
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