tv PBS News Hour PBS June 27, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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captning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening. i'm judy woodrf. on the newshour tonight: decision day.t the supreme coles on two of the most highly anticipated cases of the year, sng the justices, and delivering mixed news for the white house. then, ten candidates down, ten to go. we recap last night's democratic presidential debate, and preview what to look for in the second round tonight. plus, passing it o how to keep small business afloat in ruraamerica. >> you know if it's a successful business, u're not reinventing the wheel. it's already there. you just have to continue to keep that eel turning. >> woodruff: all that and more, on tonight's pbs newshour.
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bs major funding for the p newshour has been provided by: >> kevin. >> kevin! >> kevin?>> advice for life. life well-planned. learn more at >> consumer cellular. >> babbel. a language program that teachesp ish, french, italian, german, and more. oa and by the alfred p. sln foundation. supporting science, techlogy, and improved economic performance and financial literacy in the 21st century. >> carnegie corporation of new york supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advanaement
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of intonal peace and security. at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions: and individuals. m >> this progs made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> woodruff: the u.s. supreme court has closed out its term with two major 5-to-4 decisionse on the 202us: the justices barred the trump administration from adding a citizenship aestion, at least for now. the court also dealow to election reformers, ruling that fetyral courts have no autho
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to curb partisan-mdeivated gerrymng of legislative districts. we will discafs both cases, r the news summary. in the day's other news, esmocratic leaders in the u.s. house of retatives have abandoned their emergency border funding bill,pand gave finaage to the senate's version instead. that bi-paisan measure contains $4.6 billion, mostly to care for migrants. house liberals wanted more otections for migrants, and less money for enforcement, but the white house and senate republicans said no. >> i for one am very disappointed. and i will never forget the images and the stories, and will continue to fight for a better f outcome, aht for these kids. ha, having said all of that, it has been decidedwe should move forward.
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>> it's a difficult decision, but i know it'the right thing, cause i know we have a common objective here. we know we need resources at the border right awa we know by the action my friend is taking, we now have the possibility of doing that and making that happen in a verybi rtisan way. >> woodruff: house speaker nancy pelosi said she reluctantlyed accehe senate bill as the only way to ensure help for migrant children, before onngress leaves for a week recess. t the newshour confirmed t connection with the concession, pelosi won vice president pence's promise to inform congress within 24 hours when a migrant child dies in custody. he also agreed that no cld will be held more than 90 days. the trump administration has de new personnel moves i immigration enforcement. mark mgan will become head of u.s. customs and border protection. he moves ovefrom immigration and customs enforcement, where he had been acting dector for just one month.
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the new acting director of ice m thew albence. he had served as deputy director since last august. former trump campaign chairman paul manafort pled not guiltyda y to mortgage fraud charges in new york. he arrived from a detention center where he is already serving time for federal convictions of tax and bank fraud, linked to the russia investigation. a conviction on the state charges would keep manafort locked up, even if president trump pardons him for the federal crimes. the president arrived in osaka, japan this evening for themi annual sof the group of 20, the leaders of the world's major economies. tensions over noade, iran and h korea are expected to be the top issues. mr. trump met first with australia's prime minister scott morrison, and played up his "america first" policies. >> we've been very good to our allies. we work with our allies.
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've take care of allies. we've-- generally speaking, i've inherited massive trade deficits with our allies, and we evenur helpllies militarily, so we look at ourselves, and we look at ourselves, i think, more positively than ever before. >> woodruff: the president is heduled to have separate meetings with russia's leader vladimir putin and china's prident xi jinping. mr. trump could start seeing warning labels on some of his tweets. twitter says that it will flag threening and abusive messages, even from world leaders, provided they have more than 100,000 followers. the warning would obscure the tweet and explain the violatio users would have to tap the screen to see the actual tweet. there are long-snding complaints that the president gets a free pass to attack his opponents on twitter. in economic news, the u.s. economy grew at a solid pace in the first quarter, at an annual rate of 3.1%. but that word comes amid forecasts of slower growth for the rest of the year.
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meanwhile, two largecompaniesan unced big job cuts. ford motor slashed 12,000 positions in europe, that's a fifth of its work force there. d the german chemical firm b.a.s.f. said that it will cut 6,000 jobs worldwide. and, on wall street, the dow jones industrial average lost ten points to close at 26,526. the nasdaq ros57 points, and the s&p 500 added 11. still to come on the newshour: analyzing the controveial final decisions from an increasingly fractious supreme court. what to watch for as ten more democrats take the stage in round two of the first debe of the season. the president under fire. new evidence in an assault claim as he meets with world leaders. and, much more.
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>> woodruff: as we noted, the u.s. supreme court ended i term today, laying down decisions that could have long- running implications for the a nu bolts of our country's political processes. jeffrey brown explores what it might mean. >> brown: we'll look at the two key decisions of the day. to help with the census case, we're joined by hansi lo wongpr of and for gerrymandering, stu rothenberg of "i h,ections." and here for bot of course, is our own marcia coyle, chief l.shington correspondent for the "national law jour welcome to all of you. hansi, let's start with the census case firrest. nd us briefly what it is inistrationump ad said in calling for the citizenship question. >> irst, is this person a citizen of the united s on census forms in order to better enforce part of the voting rights act, specifilly to
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better inform decisions for racial minorities. >> brown: mrcia, the court said we're putting this on hold, this decision by the ch f >> right. this decision came in a case brought by the state of new york and the new york immigration council. they challenged theme ce secretary's citizenship question decision, saying it was an arbitrary and capricious decision that violated ad feeral law known as the administrative procede act. ter a trial a new york federal judge found that there wee violations and in particular the critical issue in this supremeco t case today was the reason given o secretary rossr the citizenship question. he said, as hansi just said, that it was necessary to mainly enforce the voting rights act. the trial judge found and the supreme court today in a 5-4 opinion agreed that thi was aex
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pral decision. >> brown: 5-4 notable because the chief justice th the beral wing. a rare alignment. >> the chief justice wrote the opinion. t said looking at all the evidence that thal judge had accumulated during the trial told a story that did not match the setary's reason. the federal law requires a genuine jutification for important decisions. >> brown: okay. ssent.s about the di >> there were really two, justice clarence thomas wrote that this was thirst time e court had invalidated an agency decision a pretextual, and he warned that the court had opened a panda's box of legal challenges to agency decisions as pretextual. justice alito wrote t he believed that the question of a stcitizenship quen was committed by law to the sole discretion of the commerce secretary and there was no r judiciview allowed. >> brown: i think we're having someechnical trouble with
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hansi in new york, but let me continue with you, marcia. >>ere does this leave things then? he majority said that it was upholding the trial judge's ruling that the case had to be remanded to the commerce secretary to see if he coulda providenuine justification for the citizenship question. now, jeff, the has been a lot going on in the last week around this cas >> brown: new evidence keeps coming up. >> absolutely. and there is a case ongoing in maryland where a trial juerdge is going to reopen the record in order to consir the new evidence that allegedly thea commerce sec wanted this question for a discrinatory purpose, to dilute the votes of nthispanic and immig communities. the new york judge also has several motionsefore him concerning the citizenship question. the government -- the trumpti administ had told the supreme court that it needed a
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decision on this by june th in order to finalize the census queionnaire. there were some expert testimony that the really had decision for getting the questionnaire out was in october. so we don't know. >> brown: we don't know, bute in thentime, the president put out a tweet today, we have a graphic of that, of which he's proposing the entire censube delayed. >> well, i'm sure that's going to cause some considerable confusion and problems for the census bureau itself. this is a huge undertaking as far as i undetand the process, although i'm sure the bureau does have a questionnaire ready, maybe one with a citizenship question and maybe one without. but i don't know.ay >> brown: let's move on to the gerrymandering case. stu, first, again, set the scene for us. res why this has become... why these cases became so importan >> gel, gerrymandering has been an issue in the country going back to thgie being of the
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republic. more recently with new c technologymputers, the ability for partisans to draw lines and districts where they t know who lives in whause and on what street, they can create districts that really maximize their party's electoral processn and they do soa way that the districts look bizarre. they look like ree-legged giraffes playing a clarinet. >> bwn: and it's both democrats and republicans. >> democrats and republicans, right. this involves two cases, one was a demg,ocratic gerrymanderhe others are a republican gerrymander. many people have been concerned that the nature of this drawing distorts what the voters actually believe, and also, maybe even mo important, creates districts that are very partisan and very ideological and shortcuts the number of t weetitive districts tha have. >> brown: so mar shark again a 5-4 decision, again written by the chief, but with a conservative coalition this time. >> this time they were
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ideologically divided ay they generally are. this case had. the justices had really republican drafted redistricting maps from north carolina before them, and a democratic drafted redistricting map from maryland before them. both maps wes challenged violating the equal protection act of the 14thendment as well as first amendment. the five majority court decided that the feder courts really have no role in trying to decids whether partnehip goes so far in redistricting that it violates the constitution. >> brown: stay out of the politics. >> exactly. the chief justice went and did a very workman-like decision in which he looked at the onstitution, he looked atrt precedents. he looked at what states were doing, and he said basically, we can't find a manageable standard
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p. which you can measure excessive partners this is a political question that the political branche congress and the legislature, shoud deal with. >> brown: a very strong dissent om justice elena kagan which she read out loud from the bench, which is also unusual. >> it's a sign of how strongly the writer feels. it was an impassioned dissent in which justice kagan said that excessive partnership in redistricting really debases our democratic process. >> brown: very strong and emotional language. >> yes, it was. she said, why don't you just look at what the courts have been doing around the country. they're y,ing what we tohe supreme court, say can't do, and she pointedo how those courts that have faced these challenges have come up with ways to discern when there is too mucneh pahip to violate the constitution. >> brown: that brings me back to stu.
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the chief also said the political system can this out, right? so what are we seeing happeningc around tntry? >> some states already have non-partisan or bipartisan commissions that dr lines and take it out of the hands of elected officials. we've had a number of states that have enacted new legislation, again creating commissions in colorado, michigan, a very controversial state, and ohio. they will change the process. the problem is most of theseur me are put on the ballot by the voters. and not all allow states allow initiatives and referendums by ballots. so in some states the voters don't have the opportunity to go to the legislature and say, look, we want this -- we want to change the lines are drawn. but there i movement. i think in the country generally, because people are offended by the lines. they're absurd and ridiculous and clearly one par is beating the other over the head. that's no what the democratic
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system is about. >> brown: just about 30 seconds. mar shk i want to ask yo this is a case where the resignation of justice kennedy made a difference perhaps?it >>ould have. justice kennedy had always held the door open in prior partisan gerrymandering cases for the possibility that the court would find a manageable standard that courts could use. but with his retirement from the court and his replacement with justice brett kavanaugh, who joined the majority today anbad cally closed the door on these challenges that did make a difference. >> brown: maia coyle, "national law journal," stu rothenberg, inside elections. apologies to hansi lo wong in new york from npr. thank you all very much. >> woodruff: the numbers are in: more than 15 million people
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tuned in to the first democratic primary presidential debate in miami. lisa desjardins reports on which of the ten hopefuls stood out on the crowded stage, with ten more ready to debate tonight. >> desjardins: from the first pan candidates to debate, familiar democratiy themes, like how much to change the health care system. >> who here would abolish their private health insurance in favor of a government-run plan?t show of hands to start off with. >> desjardins: massachusetts senator elizabeth warren was just one of two to rai hand, along with new york mayor bill de blasio. >> i undstand there are a lot of politicians who say, "oh, it's just not possible.n' we just do it." it's-- have a lot of political reasons for this. what they're really telling you is they just won't fight for it. well, healthcare is a basic human right, and i will fight for basic human rights. >> desjardins: that got strong pushback from the more moderate
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contenders, like former maryland congressman john delaney. >> i think we should be the party that keeps what's working and fixes what's broken. >> desjardins: there were areas of agreement, like stopping gun violence, something new jersey senator, and former newark mayor cory booker sa hit close to home. >> i hear gunshots in my neighborhood. i think i'm thonly one-- i hope i'm the only one on this panel here, that had seven people st in their neighborho just last week. >> desjardins: and like abortion access, supported by every candidate. but, when shington state governor jay inslee tried to indicate he's done me on that sue than the others, minnesota senator amy klobuchar took exception: >> iust want to say there's three women up here that have fought pretty hard for a woman's right to choos so i'll start with that. >> desjardins: there were many more heated moments.ti representativeryan of ohio and tulsi gabbard of hawaii debated whether the u.s. should remain in afghanistan. >> the reality is, if the united states isn't engaged, thew taliban will gd they will
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have bigger, bolder terrorist acts. >> we can't keep u.s. troops deployed to afghanistan thinking that we're going to somehow squash this liban that has been there, and every other country that's tried it failed. >>i didn't say squash when we weren't in there, they started flying planes into our buildings. >> the taliban didn't attack us on 9/11. al qaida did. >> desjardins: one of the most contentious exchanges came from the two men fr texas: former congressman beto o'rourke and former housing secretary julian castro, over his proposal to make it so crossing ther for undocumented people would not be a criminal act. >> as a member of congress, i help to introduce legislation we don'td ensure th criminalize those who are seeking asylum and refuge in this country. >> i'm not talking asylum-- >> if-- if you are fleeing desperation, then i want to make sure that you are treated with respect. >> i am still talking about everybody else. >> but you are looking at just one small part of th i am talking about a comprehensive rewrite of our immigration laws-- >> that's not true.
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>> desjardins: all the candidates focused on their challengers on stage, and not on the current poll leader, formere vice pre joe biden. >> on january 20, 2021, we will say adios to donald trump. >> desjardins: a common target:d prt trump's policies. one of the biggest applause lines of the night came from inslee. >> the biggest threat to thecu rity of the united states is donald trump. >> desjardins: but did anyone win over new voters? we asked at a big watch party in nearby miami beach. h >> ipy to have 20-some odd candidates. it gives us a lot of debate, tonight has been really ouvely. >> andotice that, like, while julian castro and beto were going after each other, and while tulsi gabbard and tim ryan were going after each other, elizabeth warren was gng after nobody, because she doesn't need to. >> desjardins: but voters say that will change, when a nominee chosen. >> i think everybody's just going to work hard for each candidate, and then once we have a nominee chosen, we'll all coalesceround a nominee with the goal of changing the resident at 1600 pennsylvania
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avenue. that's the main thing-- beat trump. >> desjardins: president trump, traveling to the g-20 summit in japan, tweeted his one word response to the debate: "boring!" it was a sentiment shared by a few democrats too. many people at the watcharty for democrats left before the debate was over. but, something tonight could be more interesting. >> i think it's getting more interesting tomorrow because then you've got biden vs. sanders which i think is the real battle for the soul of the democratic party.nd >> to hem back, in too many cases, is a death sentence to those kids. >> desjardins: after such a focus on immigration last night, t mocrats continued a string of visits to a migranshelter in nearby homestead florida, including vermont senator bernie sanders, who will be on the debate stage tonight. >> they are not criminals. wey are not our enemies. they must be treath respect and compassion. >> desjardins: sanders will be dione of four candidates l in the polls on the stage tonight, along with biden, senator kamala harris california, and south bend indiana mayor pete buttigieg. the debate will also feature two members ofongress trying to galvanize progressive voters
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with nearly single-issue focus: senator kirsten gillibrand of new york, who is campaigning largely onealth care access c r women. and, congressman ealwell of california talks extensively ncabout preventing gun vio there will also be a pair of coloradans: senator michael bennet and former governor john hickenlooper. n:unding out the stage of two political outsiders-- entrepreneur andrew yang and authorarianne williamson. >> woodruff: for analysis of last night's debate, and a preview of tonight's, sturg rothenf "inside elections" is back again with us, he's wearing two hats tonight. and, lisa joins us once again from miami. and hello to both of you. so lisa, let's start with last ght. any other takeaways? my sense is nobody was eliminated. ey're all still in the running. >> well, it depends on who you can, judy. i think biggest agreed-upon takeaway and what average voters think, but here the sentimentsis that julian castro had the biggest night and may have done
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the most to get attention toho he is and get interest. we saw that online translated. he was the most buzzed-about candidate, people looking him up on google. cory booker, a lot of agreement that he did well. elizabeth warr was thought to ve a good night, keeping her firm positioning right now, but there are a lot of questions about beto o'rouhee and whether ay have slipped a little bit. but it's hard to say. this is an are, but clearly julian castro had a big night. >> woodruff: and stu, what's l your sense ost night? any sense of the landscape shifd? >> i do think so, judy. i'm between the both of you. i don't think anybody had a terrible night, though i think beto didn't do anteything to the fray really. i think castro and booker and warren did quite well, but again, nothing drmaac. nobody hit a home run. nobody i think elimi themselves. so we go on from here. >> woodruff: i do want to ask about this, izabeth lubs openly declared herself last knightley is a as supporting
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medicare for all, doing away withanrivate ins. as you noted in your scripted. >> that's right. that was a significant move. although many voters thought that was already hen,r posit it is not a position she had firmly taken yet.s and it really r trying say, not only do i already represent symbolically the progressive wing, but i am going to push even further on that agenda. it put the rest of th candidates i think, who did not raise their hand new york a difficult position of explaining the more nuanced position. most of them believe ultimatelke they would o get to some sort of universal healthcare, though they disagree on what that means, but they don't agreh over how lon should take. so that was harder to explain than just the bitir, i'm fo it, will let's change it, thanth position elizabeth warren took. >> woodruff: stu, you don't think something like that shifts the way we read this group? >> i don't think so. at this point judy, it's introducing the candidates to see who seems knowledgeable, down to earth,ersonal recognizance national, funny,
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wepresidential. e looking more for general qualities and characteristics. people who follow healthcare very carefully willave noticed, but for most voters, they're taking i think a broader view. >> woodruff: lisa, let's talk about tonight. first of all, what is the lineup going the look like on the stage, this next group of ten? we want to get a sense of how different this is. >> it's going to be very different i think. tonight we have four of the top five candidates in polls on stage. and i want to look at the lineup, because there is also an intesting split just on the staging here. this is sheerly by accident, but those candidates starting witvih president biden and moving to the sixth, all six canigdates to the of the stage are people who have served in rentlyss or are cur serving in congress. the four on the other side of him are people who have not been in washington, including two people who have never had any o kif political experience, andrew yang, a entrepreneur, and marianne williamson, an auhor who is well-known for her appearances and associations
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with oprah. so there is real split that we will see in american debate. do we want someone fresh and new from outside of washington. do we want insiders? you see that on the stagealso like a family feud-style debate. also judy, note there is not a lot of geographic diversity tonight. we have five candidates from calirnia and new york alone. really the only candidate from the middle of the country tonight isiepete butt i bring this up because these are on candidates' minds, talking to campaigns like that of campaign senator -- colorado senator michael ben it. i think he's going to speak to that. >> woodruff: we saw a little of that from tim ryan, heard a little bit of that from tim ryan kist night. what are you l for, stu? >> i'm expecting more fireworks. i think 's going to be fascinating debate. i am more energized about tonight than i actuallwas last night, because you have four of the five front-runners. you have great contrast among the front-runners.
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you have twoye 70--old white men, an african american woman and a 35-year-old guy may. the contrasts are really interesting to see how they will talk to one another. rnie sanders has a reputation, a history of combativeness.e and i think with joe biden, there could be -- they could mix it up a little bi. as for the second or third tier, gillibrand, bennet, hickenlooper, swalwell, i think they will have a hard time getting any attention because most of the focus will be on the big four ths debate. >> woodruff: lisa, last night we saw the, if you will, th also-ran, the ones who aren't polling as highly on the wings of the sta, they were interjecting, they were interrupting to get themselves some a time. >> that's right. stu's right. that was a lesson that campaign after campaignelling me today. they feel that if they do not interrup if they do not speak up, they are not going to get time. the average amount of timeas under ten minutes for each candidate last night. that's not a
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realize that their candidates might have to be more aggressive. that includes candidates who are not known for thatwho will have to figure out how the interrupt when maybe that's not theiral usual perstyle. i also think vice president biden talking with his campaign at lengtearlier today, at a gatherinefor reporters, y say he's going to talk about the future. he's not thinking about all ose candidates around him, of course, he's the front-runner, but he is ready andha per they sort of signal they expect for candidates to come after him. they said they're happy for other candidates to use their time to talk about vice president biden. he's also about the fuur we'll see. i think other candidates can turn that on their head, like an eric swalwell who will say, listen, here are candidates from the past. i am the future. let's move to a new generation. so you're going to see a battle over the s the democratic party as well as the future of the country. vice president bide season trying to go on the att against president trump. that's the soul of the country he wilbe fighting for.
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other democrats will be fighting about the democratic party and its fure. >> woodruff: it will be interesting. >> i want to say, as well as i thawing elizabeth warren did, i thought she was fine, she's left out of this big mix of the top-tier candidates. you wonder whether or not it will seem like the pvious debate was two or three weeks ago rather than 24 hours ago once these people go on stage, once this group enters tonight. >> woodruff: all right. a lot to we're goinkeep watching closely. i know you are, stu rothenberg. lisa desjardins in miami, thank you. n and online rig, take a deep dive to learn more about the democratic contenders on our new caidate page, where you can find the interviews we have done with 17, so far, of the two-dozen hopefuls for the democratic nomination. that is on our website, and stay with us. coming up on the newshour: how a matchmaking service for
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small businesses keeps money invested in rural america. e author of this month's newshour/"new york times" booke club pick, "fth season." and, a photojournalist gives his "brief but spectacular" take on ircovering the unknown. >> woodruff: it's o say the trump administration, with the trump campaign before it, has had its share of controversies and even e legations of scandal. few seem to erode yal support of the president's base of voters. but, this week saw news that has to concern the white house, including the eatment of children in u.s. immigration detention facilities. we will get to that oment. first, we want to look at a new allegation against president trump. longtime writer and advice columnist e. jean carroll, in a new book, graphically describes how she said mr. trump sexually assaulted hein a new york city department storen the 1990s. two friends she told about the incident at the time have now
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eg woodruff: to help break down what this latest aion, and the story of treatment of immigrant children in u.s. custody mean for the president, our white house correspondent yamiche alcindor. hello, yamiche. so these are serious allegations against the president. what is he saying about it? >> the president has flat out denied these allegations. he says carroll is making all this up even thougher friends and her are both very adamant this did happen. the presidt is getting som ban lash for the way he's defending himself. he told "the hill" newspaper that carol was not "his typr" so therepeople who say that was not the correct way to defend himself. he's tlso saidat carroll is trying to sell a book, and the
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book that's coming out nextay month is herf trying the o capi that. he also questioned openly whether or not democrag were workth carroll. the president is trying to say some of these allegations are politically motivated. >> woodruff: so we know there have been allegations of sexual misconduct against the president in the pass t. how dell with those? >> woodruff: >> the president has consistently said he has never sexually assaulted any women. th being said, at lest 18 women said they have been sexually assaulted by the president. those allegation are from the president groping them tohe president kissing them without their consent to the president attempting to rape them.rr cal is very clear, she doesn't want to use the word "rape." she says that is not a word she wants to embshrace. says it makes her feel like a victim. she says they eventually got to a fight, that says, she said what the president did to l her would begal definition of rape. the other thing that's important to note is even though this alld is being sthe president so
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far has not been hurt by these legations politically. >> woodruff: what about that? is there any evidence that support for the president, that his supporters are affected by this? >> as of now the president's supporters and the republican party as a whole have reallypr stuck with thsident through these allegations. i want to now play a little bitr of soundm carroll talking about why she didn't come forward with these allegations in 16. >> what we just heard wasly carroll basicaying the xi thought this would help the president, make him look more masculine. i talked to a conservative source who said some peel see
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these allegations as the president being a playboy, as him being popular with women. one source told me, and i want the read this quote, "the president doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke. so what do we think he did?" people are writing this off as the president having boys will be boys havior. that said, there are also people who think that because there are so many allegations aainst th president, the public has essentially become numb to this. he's benefited from people just not talking about these allegations specifically. >> woodruff: what about, yamiche, you mentioned conservatives. how are the conservativ reacting and how are democrats reacting? >> how you view these sex assault allegations goes to whether or not you're republican or a democrat. if you're a lynn in this country, most people are seeing these as politically motivated. nt whenlieve the presi he says he has not done anything to these women that would be sexual abuse or sexual assault or any sort of sexual misconduct. republicans -- there is a camp of people who are disturbed by these allegations i'm told, but those people still are not sure ehether or not these women ar
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credible. on the democratic side, there have been activists and democrats really makinnoise and criticizing the president aber this, but just today house speaker was askeut these allegations, and she said i non't see congress's role i playing with these allegations and dealing with these allegations. i am much more focused on policy diate needs. she said, "i haven't spent any time on that. i don't know what congress's role would be in this." >> woodrf: yamiche, you were telling me in reporting on this, it's striking that none of this has affectedhe support for the president, but you did pick up a sense of what the people around the president believe may be harming him politically. what types of all they been worried about? >> both in my conversations with white house aides an anecdotally when i've spoken to supporter, the one issue that president trump seems to be worried about or threatened politically by is the mistatment of immigrant children on the border and family separation. so there are people who say the president as he talks about these issues, people are reallie
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woabout whether or not children in the care of u.s. custody could be hurt. i want to show a really disturbing image that came out this week, caution to all our viewers, it is vey disturbing, but this is a picture of a aufather and a ghter who drowned in th rio grande trying to come here. it's oscaalberto martinez and his daughter. they couldn't go through the official port of entry. the president has called pealope crimfor doing, that but he said this week, this father was likely a wonderful guy. utd he's been essentially been ready to talk ahe fact that there is mistreatment on ehe border, that there are conditions that not appropriate for children, so we have seen the president soften his tone in the face of looking at th picture. ne woodruff: finally, quickly, yamiche new york cion with that, today speaker nancy pelosi in talking to the white house, to republicansabout border
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funding, something the house ended up agreeing with the senate o, the white house agreed to something the .emocrats were asking for >> the white house has agreed to tell lawmakers within 24 hours if a child, an immigrant child dies in u.s. custody on the southern border. that's really important, because several children havdied and lawmakers say they have not really been told enough about at's going on on the southern border and the conditions the children are beinheld in. the white house is also going to essentially say, we're not going to hold these children for re than 90 days in these temporary facilities. these are the facilities avere childrennot been given toothbrush, not been given soap, not been given regular baths. that's another big deal the white houshas decided to say, we're happy to do that. >> woodruff: and significant, as you said, ause children, immigrant children involved. >> yeah. >> woodruff: yamiche alcindor, thank you. >> thank you. dr
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>> wf: whether it's a fortune 500 company or an office employing five people, transitioning a business to a new owner has its challenges. a program in kansas is aimed at matching owners seing to sell their business, and those looking for an opportunity. it also provides welcome economic stability in some rural towns. petetubbs of iowa public television explains, for our regular business and economics segment, "making sense." >> reporter: 50-pound bags of pig feed a filled at valley feed and supply in bonner springs, kansas. thbusiness had been owned the stubbs family for 90 years, but at age 60, neal stubbsas ready to sell. but, the process had some false starts. >> i'm not really sure how many people were ever inquired about us, but as far as getting to the point where we were actually having discussions with them, matt wasn't the first. >> reporter: finding the
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eventual buyer with the financial ability to purchase the feed mill was only half of the an underng of the work was an even bigger hurdle. the business at valley feed and supply has evolved over the last 20 years. situated in the corridor between kansas city and topeka, the demand for hog and cattle feed ses declined as sales of h and chicken feed have risen. the loss of businesses like medical practices, ag-related businesses, and light manufacturg, can be debilitating to the viability of rural towns. wally meyer is the director of redtire, a programun by the business school at the university of kansas, that works to keep small busisses alive in rural communities. >> redtire is the link between retiring business owners, or e ose who want to exit their business, and tho are qualified and capable of taking over theusiness, with a benefit to the community of retaining the essential services of the communi, which is key to retaining quality of life in that community. >> reporter: matt laipple was
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looking totart an agricultural business, but wanted to avoid the risks of starting a business from scratch. >> the good thing about that is, you know, if it's a successful business, you're not reinventing the wheel. it's already there. you just have to continue to keep that wheel turning. >> reporter: redtire connected matt laipple with neal stubbs, the owner of valley feed and supply. the sale was completed in 2018. >> he definitely has an interest in agriculture. he seemed to, to understand the type of work we do here better than a lot of people do. being a farmer himself, you know, he's familiar with heavyeq pment, so, which is kind of what our mill out here is. >> reporter: wally meyer says the key part of any small business sale is the handoff. >> businesses fail during atr sition, most commonly because customers get forgotten or the process gets manipulated in a way that is not appropriate for the business. >> i did not do a whole lot of
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research. >> reporter: dr. deedra truschinger bought a d practice in auburn, kansas in 2017. to help smooth the transition, the retiring dentist spe more than a year on staff introducing her to patients and teaching how the practice operated. now on her own, dr. truschinger has seen her patient list urcrease enough to require the remodeling of a ceold bank building as a new, larger office. but, the financial side of her business was the intimidating part of the purchase, so for her, redtire was invaluable. >> they did so much research for me and provided so much data, i didn't feel the need to go outside and get five different appraisals on what this pracce was worth. they were working both sides very honestly, and just trying to make a good, realistic picture of what the value of the practice was. >> reporter: redtire estimatess there'10,000 small businesses in kansas and missourilone
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whose owners are nearing retirement and lack a succession plan. for many sellers, the program helps reduce anxiety.y >> ted to get themselves to the psychological and emotional point that they're able to walk away fr the business, and something that they have devoted 20 or 30 years of their life to.f now, allsudden, they're going to turn over the relationships with their customers and of crse the machinations of running their own business to somebody else. so, having that emotional security to be able to do that, being at the right time of life, to be able to make that transition, that's really important. >> reporter: redtire is free service to both buyers and sellers, supported by a federal grant and the iversity of kansas. since its start in 2012, all 60 businesses that have been sold through the progr, all are still in operation. for the pbs newshour, i'm pe br tubbs ner springs, kansas.
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>> woodruff: and now, to our monthly conversation for our "now rd this book club," in partnership with the "new york times," where you can read along with us and thousands of others, and then hear directly from the authors.ub our "book producer, elizabeth flock, has our pick for june, a story about the end of the world. it's part of our ongoing arts and culture coverage, "canvas." >> flock: what happens when a planet is threatened by environm few citizens develop special powers to resist? are they heralded as heroes feared and destroyed? our june book club pk, "the fifth season," is a fantasy novel that imagines a world just like that. author n.k. jemisin is here to answer questions from our readers. newshour. the >> thank you. >> flock: so "the fisth seasonhe first in a trilogy. for those who have not read, can you tell us a litbotle bit aut
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what you are after in this first book? >> the first book is an introduction to the world and an introduction to the people who are trying to survive in this world. and in ths world fortever reason, there is excessive seisc activity to the point that every few years or so there's a thing called the fifth season, which is similar to what we've had in our old world, the year without a summer, for example, where people havto learn to suddenly survive where they can't grow food. they don't see the sun for weeks months on end, and so it's rally just about people surviving amid externalnd structural disasters. >> flock: wey reader questions. les get to the first one >> how did you decide to base this trilo on stone lore?
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>> i have always been inerested in the ways in which human beings transmit knowledge, so i was interted in kind of playing with a culture that was very different from anything in our own world, andd i ecided to play with the written word in a more ephemeral form. we talk a lot about how whenin are chiseled in stone that makes them very permanent, very unchangeable, and i wanted to talk about the fact that, no, human beings are involved, so it's changeable. so even stone lore, evn something chiseled into a block of stone can still be edited, can still be revised, and what that might mean. >> flock: a lot of this stone lores about the constant geological upheaval that happens in this stone lore. a lot of this stone lore is about -- it's survival mechanisms. it's ways for people to kind prepare for the fifth season when they come along, it'ssi
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lly a casted preparedness guide, but it'ss alo a guide to how to understd people in a disaster. >> flock: okay. let's go to our next question. >> the book posits earth not as maternal and nurturing but as paternal and what are you tto say about gender? >> flock: so it's father earth, why? >> mostly i wanted to mess with people's expectations. i don't thnk of father earth as evil. the people of this world do, for good reason. evil is in the eye of the beholder. in a lot of cases people are putting themselves to their perceptions of the world. so i wasn't really trying to say anything specific abender other than to challenge the idea that the earth was always nurturing. >> flock: i think we have another question from readers out what you were tring to say. >> do you think that sci-fi and
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faasy as a genre is particularly useful in deconstructing white heteronormativety? >> flock: can you change people's minds? >> i think all art can do that, yes. and science fiction and fantasy is art, too. i know there are a loof people out there who don't think, so but it's literature, it's just like any other rm of literature, and itsage toy change your mind i dependent both on the author's skill and the reader's willingness to accept a new way of thinking. so, yeah, definitely i think it could change minds. >> flock: in this particular book, what were you tryiny to d affect people's opinions or beliefs. >> i think in all of my fiction, i am interested in expagloring prists that are not enturely seen in adv stories or stories about changing the world. so i wanted in this case to kind
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of center the story on 40-something ore weight dreadlocked black woman. gee, i wonder whe reat came from. so i want to center the story on the kind of person at you normally don't see as a protag fist or a hero, i just wand to see someone else change the world. >> flock: in this book, the way you write is so particular, so i think we have a question about, that as well. >> sure. okay. >> why do you choose to have such a funnyd an involved authorial voice. it's unlike anything i read. >> i don't choose that. it just happens. >> flock: did it take you a ceile to develop that voi >> not really. when i first start a novel, i write what i call tet chapters. i know the basic thing that i want to do, but i'll write it d wiferent voice, different perspectives. sometimes i'll switch up the main character and figure outne whs to be telling this
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story. >> flock: we will continue this conversation and have it all available online n our facebook page "now read thi the book is "the fifth season." n.k. jemisin, thank you for joaning us. >> you for inriting me. >> flock: for july 'llme back to earth. our pick is "the house of broken angel," a joyful tender novabel t family and migration by a mexican-american writer, luis alberto urrea. we hope you'll check it out and join our book cub "now read this" in partnership with "the new york times." >> woodruff: it is said a picture can speak a thousand words. photojournalist marcus yam looks for images to tell the tale of heart-wrenching moments. here is his "brief but spectacular" take on what we
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learn from what we see. >> i am a natural busybody. for my school projects, i would just drive up to farms and knock make my long way up these longew drs and just, "hey, how's it going? can i come take pictures?" in most situations that i work in, most people want somebody to talk to. and you're there to listen to what they have to say, you know, and, and, and in some ways, comfort them for their loss. >> i've been to almost every major wildfire in california,gg including the t one, called the thomas fire. the thing i heard on the radio de me realize that this was unstoppable, that firefighters were telling each other that we're out of units. you're on your own. like, we just don't have enough resources to send your way. and that's wn i knew things were getting out of control. at one point, i waited on top of a hill, waiting for the fire to come to me, and i waited a little too long, and i remember
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having to drive through this, like, wall of flame with my car. and i can feel the heat just, like, searing my skin, inside that car that was protted by all that metal and glass and air conditioning. the common idea that people have is that the ws media is just running around, taking pictures, reporting from wildfir without any sensitivity. but in reality, we're just trying to do our jobs, trying to get as much information about the conditions of the fire, how far it spread and all that stuff. i was at the erskine fire in i labella, and i came across this one home that was getting surrounded by fire. t it hadhis tattered american flag. and i jumped out of the vehicle and took a photo of that, and i moved on and i didn't think much of it. the homeowner for that home was actually nearby, saw me do thatu and t less of me. he actually ended up following our coverage for the rest of the fire.
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looked up the work that we did, and, and wrote me this beautiful letter. "dear marcus yam, i stood a few feet from you when you took this picte of my home. i thought to myself, another vulture sensationalizing people's misery. t after seeis photograph and looking at your portfolio, i was wrong. you portray human emion without all the makeup and glamour. you have my respect. my home withstood the test that nighand old glory still wave today, i replaced that tattered flag with a new and shiny one. i would like you to take care of that old flag for me. sincerely, darel snyder." my name is marcus yam. this is my "brief, but spectacular" take, on uncovering the unknown. >> woodruff: you can find additional "brief but spectacular" episodes on our
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website at and that is the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. join us online, and again here tomorrow evening, when mark nashields and david brooksze the first democratic debates. for all of us at the pbs wshour, thank you, and we'll see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> babbel. a language app that teaches real-life conversations in a new language, like spanish, french, ge >> consumer cellular.. >> financial services firm raymond james. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting.
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