tv PBS News Hour PBS July 1, 2019 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> brangham: good evening. i'm william brangham.dy juoodruff is away. on the "newshour" tonight, we are on the ground in hong kong as protests move from the streets to inside a main government building, and polico use tear gassperse the crowds. then, president trump makes history crossing into north korea. what his embrace of longstanding adversaries means for u.s. foreign policy. plus, exiting the stage-- from money raised to barnstorming key battlegrounds, the state of the democratic race for the white house after the first debates. and 25 years after the fall of apartheid, how south africans are working to heal the lingering scars of racial hatred >> the kinds of entrepreneurs we work with, are deeply aware of what inequality can do in this country. despite these difficulties, what
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can you do to build your life, your community, your enterprise. >> brangham: all that and more on tonight's "pbs newshour." >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: a language app that teaches real-life conversations in a new language, like spaniench, german, italian, and more. babbel's 10-15 minute lessons are available as an app, orne onli. more information on >> consumer cellular. >> financial services firm raymond james.nd >> the williamlora hewlett foundation. for more than 50 years, advancing ideas and supporting institutions to promote a better world. at
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>> and with the ongoing support of these institutions: and individuals. >> this program was made inssible by the corporation for public broadca and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> brangham: this has been a day of spreading protests and rising tensions ihong kong, 22 years since britain handed the city back to inland china. activists took their demands for democracy to tho very heart of kong's government today, before police regained control. foreign affairs correspondent nick schifrin reports om hong
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kong >> reporter: this is the seat of power in hong kong andht it's been defaced, occupied, and abandoned. there are actually no protestors here left here. ( breaking glass ) but over the last 18 hours, protestors broke into this building through heavy glass, and occupied this space. they believe that legislators hereghere trying to push throu a very controversial and unpopular extradition law, that would allow hong kong to extradite suspected criminals to the mainland china. but their fears are larger than that. they fear tthhaindependence that hong kong has enjoyed for years, is being eroded. and just a few minutes ago i oke to one of those protestors and he was unrepentant for the vionce. >> some may say we broke in the
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>> reporter: so then why is it worth it? >>eporter: there are peopl within this movement who say that this was a mistake, and you needed to stay peaceful in order to make your point. what's your response to that? reporter: a few minutes after they left the chamber, the protestors came out here and we saw a real clash with police. police fed tear gas to try and disperse the crowd. and, for now, it seemsbe have working. we're actually retreating with the protestors away from the legislative council. so it seems like, for now, the police have won the battle.
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but these protestors say this is a war, and they will keep fighting it. they'll keep fighting until the chief administration carrie lam wn, until she withdraws fully the extradition bill. and they say they will continue to fight the feeling that hongs kongsing some of its independence. and they will keep going on that behalf. i'm nick schifrin in hong kong. >> brangham: hours later the leader of hong kong'srr government, lam, condemned the protestors and praised the police responsth in the day's news, activists in sudan now say at dleast 11 people were kil sunday in clashes with security forces. it happened during mass protests demanding a transition from military to vilian rule. hundreds of protestersned to the streets today, to grieve e dead. they carried the bodies wrapped in cloth and held hands while chanting. sudan has been in turmoil since longtime ruler omar al-bashi was ousted in april. at least six people died today in afghanistan's capital when
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taliban fighters detonated a powerful truck bomb. more than 100 others were hurt. the blast in kabul sent a clouth of smoke ovediplomatic district. officials say the bomb went off near the afghan defense ministry. police ultimately killed the five attackers in a ten-hour gun battle. the bombing came three days into a new round of peace talks between the u.s. and the taliban. iran officially announced today that it has breached the limit on low-enriched uranium that was set in the 2015 nuclear deal. n government had already warned it would sharply increase uranium enrichment. in tehran, foreign minister mohammad javad zarif said his bicountry had to respond tng u.s. sanctions: >> ( translated ): only by illustrating authority can we put the us in their place in negotiations, even if talks are needed. never accept yielding t pressure, but if someone respects us, they will enjoy our respect in return.he we will makeorld talk to
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us only with respect, never threats. p said iran is "playing with fire." more on this after the news summary. u.s. u.s. customs and border patrol opened an investigation today into offensive online posts by current and former border agents. "pro publica" and others reported they made racist and sexist remarks about migrants and lawmaks in a secret "facebook" group. democrats in the u.s. house condemned the posts, after inspecting a detention site near el paso, texas-- and as trump supporters heckled and shouted. >> that was a vulgar, disgusting and vile page. that shows, unfortunately, that there are many within c.b.p. who've become desensitized to the point of being dangerous to the migrants in their care-- ( crosstalk ) --and to their co-workers. >> brangham: some of the online
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posts also mocked a father and young daughter who died last week trying to cross into texas. today, those two were buried in their native el salvador. in japan crews resumed commercial whaling for the firsy time in rs. today a fleet of five vessels northern japanese port. they returned later with two whales as their initial cad h. japan enga so-called "research" whaling after 1988, wh the international whali commission banned commercial catches. now, tok the i.w.c. entirely. u.s. economic expansion is now the longest ever recorded, starting its 11th year this month. the recovery has sent ouemployment to long-time lows and raised overallhold wealth-- but it has also left the richest americans holding a greateshare of national wealth than before the great recession. opec members decided today to hold down production for nineon mores in a bid to shore up prices. and on wall street, stocks rose
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on the weekend news that the us and are resuming trade talks. the dow jones industrial average gained 117 points to close at 26,717. the nasdaq rose nearly 85 points. and the s&p 500 added 22. and, the city of guadalajara, mexico is recovering after a freakish hailstorm on sunday. the hail piled as much as five feet deep in places. officials called out soldiers to help clear away the hail, while families played in the icy streets. there were no reports of injuries. still to come on the "newshour," what president trump's friendly approach to adversaries means for u.s. foreign policy; where fue 2020 democratic presidential ho stand after last week's debates. and much more. >> brangham: as we mentioned earlier, iran declared that it
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is now making re low-enriched uranium than it agreed to in the 2015 nuclear deal. the white house responded by saying that it would continue its "maximum presure" campaign on the regime until tehran changes course. this comes amid increasing tension with iran, after the iranians shot down an american drone two weeks ago and president trump nearly launched a retaliatory strike. for more on what today's announcement means for iran, the i'm joined by karim sadjapour. he's a senior fellow in the fddle east program at the carnegie endowme international peace. welcome back. >> great to be here. >> brangham: help us explain the significance of iran blowing past this low enriched uranium s reshold. >> i think just e united states builds revving against iran with ecicon sanctions, iran builds leverage against the united states by reconstituting its nuclear activities or escalating in the region. so i think it was predicted and predictablehat iran would
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eventually start to increase its stockpiles of low enriched uranium. it will start to reduce its cooperationith international weapons inspectors. i don't think this should be confused that ir is making a mad dash towards a nuclear weapon. this is a very calibrated ease qulaition. essentially, what iran is trying to do is create intnational divisions rather than international unity. >> brangham: as you mentioned, this is something of a two-pronged strategto both sort of test the limits of the deal and how far they can get away with that, but, also, ifl you ieve u.s. intelligence, to disrupt the flow of oil as we saw the damage to thenkers coming out of the persian gulf. is it your sense that this approach is going to work foran the ira are they going to get their goal? >> i think the iranians are t probabing to test president trump's resolve. i mean, we've see on her contexts, for example, venezuela, president trump, after a while, startedto question the wisdom of some of
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his hard line advisors like john bolton and i think the iranians feel if thntinue to resist and continue to show the world that there are going to be costs for america's pressure campaign against iran, that, at some point, trump may start tohe questionisdom of his approach. >> brangham: and the iranians said we have to do this because the u.s. pualls out of the and imposes these sanction and that's really biting on the iranian economy and we want the europeans to step up and fill the gap do you think the europeans will try to fill that and help iran out? >> it's very difficult for europeans because, essentially, ts. sanctions force companies and countries arou world to make a very simple choice -- do you want to do business withc amor iran? so even though the europeans are sympathetic to iran, they believe that it is the trump administration which violated the nuclear deal and is provoking iran to escalate. for major european companiesow
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you their business in iran is minuscule compared to the business in thenited states and, so, i think the europeans really have limited ability to save the iranian economy from its downward spiral. >> brangham: so you touched on how the president might be getting cold feet about further escalation, but play it out, how do you imagine that the u.s. will respond? we heard the president say the iranians are playing with fire. pens do you imagine hap next? >> i think we're in a dangerous siation because president trump has simultaneously provoked an ease cay lower tykele with iran while also making it clear to the world that he doesn't want conflict, that,know, conflict is not good for his reelection campgn in the united states. and, so, it could lead to an iranian miscalculation, iran believing that they need to react to u.s.essure, they need to counterescalate, and they may be altogether in a few free punches beause thnited states doesn't want war. we're in a dangerous dynamic and
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it's really driven up by the differing interests of two nation states, ameri and iran, but two very different leaders, 73-year-ol donald trumpd 80-year-old iranian supreme leader ayatollah khamenei. >> brangham: how does this play in iraan domestic politics? what constituency are they trying to satisfy? what are the demands there? >> it's an important question, and one of the things we haven' seen reported much is the state of the iranian economy and popular frustration in iran. in fact, the irnian govnment has been prohibiting reporting from iran because i think there's growing frustration, there's tremendo economic discontent. this is a country which has one of the world's highest resources of oil. they went from orting 2.5 million barrels a day of oil and now down to 300,000 barrels a day. with the passage of time, a hot snurm iran, there's going to
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growing pressure on the regime to simply do a dealea or at lst negotiate with the united states, especially when president trump is making it very clear he wants to negotiate with iran. >> brangham: in that sense, the president's strategy thus far may pay the dividds the president wants. >> that's assuming it doesn't ensnare the united states into some type of a conflict situation which very few people so the united states and iran want. think it's going to take tremendous discipline and also require the unitnd states to a clear signal to iran about what is america's end game because, currently, you have a president trump who has consistently told the iranians he just wants a deal,ne tiations, but you have a national security in john bolton who sent the opposite signal who has advocated for militaryst aks and regime change in iran. so the iranian regime needs to be clear about, you know, what is america's end game. you really have -- you know, you have a u.s. president with no clear strategy, an iranian
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supreme leader with only oneea strategy which is resistance against america. >> brangham: karim sadjapour, as always, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> brangham: president trump returned last night from a whirlwind trip to japan, forhe g-20, and an historic visit to south korea-- and for a brief moment, north korea. as john yang tells us, mr. trump's particular style of diplomacy, with american allies and with adversaries, was on full display. ( cameras clicking ) >> reporter: from "fire and fury," to a historic first step: president trump became the first sitting american command s in chief to foot in north korea. talk of war from two years, now long replaced by smiles, as mr. trump and kim jong-un shook. hands sunday they then met for nehely an hour ineavily-fortified demilitarized zone that has separated the o koreas for 66 years.
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today, north korean state media hailed the impromptu summit in >> ( translated ): the top leaders of nor ath kor the united states agreed to keep in close touch in the future, and resumend push forward productive dialogue for achieving a new breakthrough ina the denucleaon of the korean peninsula and in bilateral relations. >> reporter: before embarking for the d.m.z. sunday, mr. trump took credit for making the hastily organized visit happen. it was the third time the leaders had met face-to-face in >> president obama wanted to meet and chairman kim would not meet him. the obama administration was begging for a meeting. they were begging for meetings constantly and chairman kim would not meet with him and for some reason we have a certain chemistry or whatever. >> reporter: former aides to mr obot back in unison that he never sought a meeting with a north korean leader. a new round of talks are expected to begin in the next few eks with low-level worki groups, which will lay the
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groundwork for any future, higher-level negotiations. their last attempt at nuclear talks br the u.s. had been demanding the north completely dismantle its nuclear program. but "the new york times" reported the u.s. may now settle for a nuclear freeze. the president's national se writy adviser john boltonas quick to dismiss that claim. he tk to twitter calling the article "a reprehensible attempt by someone to bot,in the presidand added, "there should be consequences." , meanwhile, back oversease north's neighbors plcomed signs gress. from china... >> ( translated ): >> china has always been committed to realizing denuclearization, maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula and resolving issues through dialogue. >> reporter: ...and even japan... >> ( translated ): >> the japanese government considers this meeting an opportunity to restart u.s. and north korea's process.
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japan welcomes and supports this meeting. >> reporter: president trump's meeting with kim was the latest f a series of recent attempts to ingratiate himsth some of the world's most- authoritarian leaders. that was on full display at this weekend's g-20 summit in japan. he playfully told russian president vladimir putin not to meddle in the 2020 u.s. election... ...and assured turkish president recep tayyip erdogan that the u.s. won't impose sanctions on turkey for buying russian "s- 400" missile defense systems. mr. trump also had pe ise for udi crown prince, mohammad bin salman-- in spite of his role in the murder of saudi journalist jamal khashoggi last october. but at the same time, thet presidencontinues to take aim at some of amerili's greatest -- like german chancellor angela merkel,izhom he's crit for not doing more to boost defense spending. he also dealt a setback to japanese prime minister shinzo see, after criticizing a decades-old rity treaty with japan as "unfair for the pbs newshour, i'm john yang.
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>> brangham: for more on the pros and cons of working with controversial world leadermb we turn to sador william burns. he worked in the u.s. foreign service for 34 years, was u.s. ambassador to russia and to jordan, and he helped lay the groundwork for what became the 2015 iran nuclear deal. he details his career in his book, "the back channel" which j t out. ambassador burns, welcome. ambassador burns, welcome hock to the "ne". >> brangham: great to be with you. >> brangham: we've seen an encapslation of the president on the world sta giving a very warm embrace to adversaries and enemies, wethight calem, and very cold shoulder and criticism of a allies. what do you think of the miesident's approach. >> i think it's o ake. while relationships matter in diplomacy and you have to deal with the leaders, when you have
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to engashate yourself with autocrats and acting dismissively toward allies and friends, that's aisuse, i think, of america's influence i the world. what sets us apart from russia and china subpoena our capacity ns draw in alliances and mobilize coalitof countries. >> brangham: with someone like kim jong un, i mean, theid prt made this historic visit yesterday to north korea, stepping over, whi president has ever done, and the president keeps saying, my relaonship, just as you describe it, is my personal relationship with kim jong un that is going to move negotiations forward. what do you make of that approach? >> i think personal retionships have to be connected to realistic strategies and, so far, what the president has done and what arfe ively three summit meetings with kim jong un are long on showmanship and symbols and short on substance. so the real tes t now how do you use that personal s lationship to connect to the hard-nosed businf diplomacy and actually producing something in terms of liminit
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north korea's nuclear missile program and ultimately hoping to achieve full denuclearization. >> brangham: do you think with this most recent meeting this weekend d announced plans for ongoing talks at we are on the path to that. >> reporter:. i hope that's tase, bit remains to be seen. i mean, i think the test is going to be whether the president and, you know, his advisors are able to pursue a realistic strinegy. i don't there's a chance in the world that, in the foreseeable fute, kim jong un is going to fully denuclearize. so the question is can you take eps toward that ultimaal and, if you set aside the irony of what i'm about to say, you can take a page from our nuclear negotiations with the iranians where we first did an interim deal which froze and rolled back their program, introduced quite intrusive verification and nitoring procedures in term for very limited sanctions relief, we preserved he bulk of a that leverage for the comprehensive talks. it remains to be seen whether that sategy is one
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president trump pursues. >> brangham: let's talk about a man you know very well, vladimir putin. we saw that meeting with president trump and and putin ts weekend where the president seemed to brush off election a meddlid holding russia's feet to fire about that. the president argues his relationship with putis paying dividends. what do you think? >> i don't think it's the right approach a ihink to vladimirpu n it appears to be an effort to ingashate. if you could have seen the cartoon balloon coming out of puen's head at the momnt it would have read what an easy mark becauseto him those are signs of weaknes. >> brangham: your own former boss, president obama had to deal with the iranians for the iranian nuclear deal. if the goal is worthy, isn't
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this sometimes what presidents just have to do?s >> i thinkaling with autocrats in some ways comes with the territory, but i think you ve to avoid traps. you've got to avoid the trap of thinking that the object of ther se is just to get along, avoid the trap of trying to engraishate yourself. you have to be careful not to pull your punches on americaner values or co, that's not going to get you anywhere, and i think you also have to understand at a lot ofr leverage comes from our alliances and par partners in te world and you have to draw on those to deal with autocrats. you haveo do it with your eys open and do it in a hoard -- hard-nosed way. >> brangham: the president argues his efforts helped foster those negotiations and he needs to be tough on our allies to make them, in the case of n.a.t.o., pay more on their defense spendin he argues he is moving american values. maybe it doesn't lo the way the diplomatic community likes it to look but that he is moving
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our values in his own way. >> the president is right to push some of our na.t.o. allies to spend more on defense, he's not the first president to do that, just as h 's rightto push against some of our rivals, like china, to push against their predatortrade and investment practices, but how he does it is thportant. so icase of china, you would want to comake common cause with partners and allies like european union and japan and share concerns c abonese behavior. >> brangham: to the developments in iran, you were right at the beginning an helped forge the opening that led to this nuclear deal. an announced toay they are breaking one part of that with regards to low enriched uranium. what do you make of this development ? >> i think it's an unfortunate step. sadly, i think it's entirely predictable a little more than a year ago president trump decided to abandoned our compliance with
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the iranian nuclear deal. i think it could lead to greater collisions down the road. i think we're embarked on a strategy of coercive diplomacy which so far is all coercion and no diplomas si. >> brangham: ambassador williams, thank you so much for being here. >> thank you so much. >> brangham: stay with us. coming up on the "newshour," education and entrepreneurship-- south africans work to undo thet lag devastation of apartheid. and, just in tdae for the howeekend, our guide to the very best books of the summer. heading into this holiday week, the democratic presidential candidates were out in fulle. fo as yamiche alcindor reports, major themes from the first debates-- including race, criminal justice and imgration-- made their way onto the campaign ail. ( eers and applause )
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>> reporter: at san francisco's pridparade this weekend, california senator kamala harris sought to build on her breakout performance at last week's debate. >> we remember those who have fought for civil rights. for equality. >> reporter: harris'ampaign has announced it raised an eye- popping $2 million online... in the 24 hours following the thursday deate where harris criticized former vice president joe biden for s past opposition to busing students to desegregate public schools. but since, harris has been the target of online attacks, that have questioned her racial identity, as the daughter of a jamaican father and indian mother. on saturday, president trump'smp son donald tr retweeted and then deleted a tweet lsae turday that claimed "kamala harris is she is half indian and half jamaican." a flurry of harris' 2020 democratic competitors quickly came to her defense. biden wrote on twitter that "the same forces of hatred rooted in
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rtherism movement, which donald trump fueled against candidate and then presidentba barack to question obama's citizenship and race, were now being used against harris. and new jersey senator corywe bookered that harris "didn't have anything to prove." all that comes as south bend indiana mayor pete buttigieg is dealing with tgh issues of race and equality in his city in g the aftermath of a shoot a black man by a white police officer last month. buttigieg attended a prayer event in southend today, after participating in a peace walk with city and faith leaders over the weekend. e challenge we face in south bend is symptomatic of national distrust whether mistrust between communities of colors and police departments or much bigger pictures ofnc consequees of systemic racism. >> reporr: the mayor has been one of the few democratic candidates to speak of how his faith guides his progressive values. but on saturday, massachusetts
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senator elizabeth warren made some of her most personal and public comments on her faith, at also at the event, hawaii congresswoman tulsi gabbard and minnesota senator amy klobuchar, who pushed for racial and gender uality in their remarks. meanwhile, social justice over immigration policy remained a centerpiece of former housingur ann development secretary julian castro's campaign this weekend. castro visited a migrant centerr holding chil in clint, texas, where he again called to decrim alize crossing the border. texas congressman beto o'rourkes also ralliporters in a visit to the clint facility over wie weekend, after clashin castro over immigration in the debate. o'rourke also visited r in ciudad juarez, mexico, where he criticized a new tru administration policy that requires migrants to wait in mexico while applying for asylum in the u.s. th ( translated ): they are waiting weeks, m even years possibly to get justice in our system in the united states. >> reporter: speaking in
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spanish, o'rourke called the administration's "remain in mexico" policy "unlawfd "inhumane." and that brings us to politics monday. i'm joined by tamara keith of npr.ho she also cs the "npr politics podcast." and carrie budoff brown of "politico." thanks, ladies, for being here. i want to first show you a new cnn poll. it's looking at support the 2020 democrats have and comparing i to that of a month ago. joe biden is down 10%. senator rris is up 9%, senator warren is up 9%. i should mention black voters strongly support joe biden in this poll at 36%. tamara, what tuning of these numbers? >> i checked in with a bunch of vemocrats who've i' interviewed in the last several months by the debate. i said what do you guys make of its? diit change the way you're thinking about the candidates? the responses i got are pretty well reflected in foul and one big question has been, for a
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very long time, will joe biden's lead be durable? part of the case that his campaign has been making and that voters havet of bought into is this idea that he'sa's electable, he's inevitable. a number of democratic voters said as so as that ini'vetaability seems less realc ld see a hit in his numbers. we're see ago hit in hitenumbers the debate. >> this is one of the first polls we're seeing after the debate comparing to a month ago. what do you think of the numbers? >> two things, ois, the race wide open, as tamara side. biden is frmly at the top, b it is tenuous. at the same time,ee're seing a solidification of the top tier. it's about --five candidate joe biden, sanders, kamala harris and elizabeth warren firmly in that group -- and, then, of courbuttigieg with his huge fundraising number h
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solidim in the position of the pop tier. ist wood open but we're seeing the solidification around the top tie and along those i think it's anybody's game. >> i want to talk about senator harris and the issues with her race. i have been talking to civil rits leaders an democratic voters who are saying these attacks in qstion of whethe she's black enough are simply racist, birther-ism 2.0. they're trying to make the distection of pople kidnapped from africa, did your boat land in jamaicar the united states, it's very offensive to people in this country. what do you make of the fact that donald trump, jr. is making these attacks >> it's not just donald trump, jr. who deleted the tweet and insisted i was just asking a question of whethere.t's tru it's also katrina pierson, a spokesperson for the campaign, that says kamala harris isn't a real african-american, in one of her tweets. and this is part of a pattern of
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trying to, in a way, depress african-american support for someone who is potentially a very strong rival to president trump. you know, in the ledup to 2016, the trump campaign, at the same time they said they were trying to win over afran-american voters were also taking actions that seemed to have depthressed african-american vote and turnout. so they don't quite know how to deal with kamrris yet. one aide i talshked to said e hadn't been polling that well. you know, she doesn't have a nickname yet. so as they're trying to figuroue how to deal with her, now these tweets. >> tamara is talking about the trump campaign really trying to figure out how to deal with senator harris. i'm also hearing that in my own reporting. carrie, what does this tell you about the broader approach of how he might deal with harris as e might become higher in the polls? >> i think it's an open question now. as tamara said, she does not
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have a nickname yet and that is a big part of when we know people strike, you know, sort of a note in trump's at thetime, it reflects an uncertainty about how to address her and to deal wither. but i think what we saw over the weekend and the reaction from the field, it is very much an echo of 2016, the strategy is very similar. there is a candidate who can bring out the obama coalition that was so successful for two terms in electing president obama, kamala harris is seen as somebody who couldossibly do that, right? so that poses a very deep threat to the president because hillary clinton wasn't able to do that. so if you get some independes who are longer on board with trump combined with the obama coalition, that is a real concern for themp tru- for trump-world and you see it reflected in conversations with polind elsie, and you see the reaction from the field,
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whether exactly laor somebody else, they are dr. whether kamala or somebody else, that that is very problematic for the democratic party. >> baton rouge rolled out fundraisg numbers that made a lot of people talk. he raised $24.8 biln second quarter ending june 30th. what do those numbers tell you about how the race is shaping up? >> by any standard, that's a lo. of mon we're hearing at this point a tockground that this is going be a large comurm for the field but, again, we don't know. pete buttigieg came out with 7 million the first quarter kamala harris came out a few days later, raised more. pete buttigiegas been good about working the media. he got the headlines as the big fundraiser of the quarter when
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others surpassed him. so huge number particularly for the mayor of south bend, 30-something years old, but let's see how the rest of thed fies and we can stack it up then. >> wot do the numbers tellu about the energy in the democratic field? >> act blue which is the fundraising platform for democrats said they had a record day yesrday. so pete buttigieg has big numbers. we're expecting other numbers to come out that will also be big, and simply thersumhat act blue is talking about means that there are a lot ofdemocrats willing to spend a lot of money on politics or a lot of democrats willing to spend raltle bits of money on seve candidates. >> it should say you're talking about candidates spending a lot of mo there's also a candidate possibly talking about histh campaign olawn and thinking of president trump and july 4 and the lincoln memorial my week ready feeling long. what are you looking at when you look at your week, carrie?
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>> well, i am, like you, yamiche, wondering how the fourth of july will play out here in washington with it moving from a y nonpartisan event to trump putting his stamp on it in a very personal way and what that dos to the day. i'll be looking at it closely. >> tamara, you're at the white house with me. e you also looking at president trump? >> i am watchinghe fourth of july. he announced a short time ago there will be tanks, though likely stationary tanks. the real question is hely frequeives speeches in non-political settings that turn into political speeches. the white house promises this is not a politicpeech but can he resist. he didn't resist at the bow boy scouts or another july 4 event in 2017, so does he keep it nonpolitical. >> these are days you think people aren't paying attention in thedia, but this is such a
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new thing, think about the tention he's going to gst for stepping out and doing this, even if it's nonpolitical, he's getting a huge platform on the fourth of july and wrapping himself in this. as i saw over the weekend, evr the showman. >> ever the showman is a good way to end politics monday. ank you tamera keith of npr and carrie budoff of politico. >> thanks. >> brangham: this year marks the 25th anniversary of democratic rule in south africa-- and the end of the brutal apartheid era. but many challenges remain. among them, providing equal education to all south africans. special correspondent fred de sam lazaro reports on two unusual efforts to improve black education. >> reporter: it's not a yoga studio but a university, the maharishi institute, with a business model and curriculum as unlikely as its founder
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>> this is what we do at the maharishi institute >> reporter: 51-year-old taddy blecher trained as a statistical analyst in the insurance business. but after south africa transitioned from apartheid or racial segregation, he says he felt compelled to address its ysmal legacy in black education. today, in africa's most advanced economy, just 37% of youth have the equivalent of a high school diploma t realities in south africa, even 25 years into freedom or dprocracy now are ty there's beeen 52-54% youth unemployment. y so theth get extremely disillusioned, often violent and angry. >> reporter: maharishi recruits begin with intense five week orientation that stresses self discovery and harmony. a follower of the indian guru who preached meditation, blecher says its improves concentration, motivation and reduces the high stress that dominates most students' lives. >> in our intake this year and last year, not a sine one of these students who've got grade
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12 is actually at grade 12 level. not one. we don't care how low a person is, uh, we believe that person because of their drive could clb everest. >> reporter: for students the early steps of that imb can seem, well, foreign. >> i mean i'm black and, um, i'm catholic, and i'm like, what is this meditation? >> reporter: nontokozo ndlovu is a senior marketing major from soweto, the impoverished black township that bears scars from the anti apartheid movement. this monument is to the 500 people killed in a 1976 protest against conditions in the schools >> what happened was thousandsnd and thouof students from different schools came out to fight oppression >> reporter: today, the hurdles for black college aspirants ar academic and financial. ndlovo, raised in a lower middle class family, says she could never afford to go anywhere but maharishi, which costs about- $170 a yeafraction of the
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average university tuition in south africa >> i'm able to pay this amount because i work within the institute and i'm ablet to school every day also. >> reporter: tuition is subsidized tnks largely to partnerships with major corporations that receive tax breaks to aid so-called black empowerment programs, as well as on-campus busisses that also employ students. s >> extt, garlic and chips? >> reporter: between classes here in johannesburg, studentste work in call c on campus, taking orders for large restaurant chains. then, at 4:00 p.m., seniors go online for some classes taught at the u.s.-accredited maharishi university in iowa, where the day is just beginning. more than 18,000 have graduated, blecher says, with impressive results. >> we have an 80% graduation rate and 95% job placement rate. >> reporter: he says a key to their success is discovering their passions then turning them into a vocation-- something black south africans were historically never allowed to
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do. the racially defined apartheid system may have ended rs ago, but educators will tell you that some of the stereotypes it engendered are still very much g the most pervasive is that blacks are, by nature, notre entrurial. patmanabhan pillai says it's a stereotype that is deeply inhained among non-white so africans themselves. >> we need to recognize that oppression and internalized oppression is a parto we are as a people. >> reporr: 56-year-old pillai, whose ancestors came from india, runs a social business called life co. it invests in sustainable businesses like wind farms ats uses the proor programs to train entrepreneurs, assistingha people like nohla joye to develop their ideas into sustainable businesses. >> we have cauliflower here, we've got thyme here >> reporter:oye's business
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started out of necessity. as she recoveredrom cancer treatment and couldn't work, she invented a low-cost way to grow organic vegetables. >> when i started this, i was hungry. i had no food, i had no job, i had nothing. the only way i could feed myself was to grow vegetables in my garden. >> reporter: the idea-- an urban garden that needs very little space-- spread to her neighborhood. >> it means these three bags can be able to feed plus/minus 10-12 people. >> reporter: joye now has a network of more than 50 farming co-ops and schools. ♪ ♪ >> the kinds of entrurs we work with, are deeply aware of what inequality can do. despite these difficulties twhat can you build your life, your community, your enterprise and so on. ge reporter: the key messa from both pillaind blecher is
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to pass their knowledge and skills forward. >> so our idea is around connecteess that everybody needs to help somebody else. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: that, he ys is key to improving the education and socio economic status of blk south africans-- and bringing some harmony to what remains one of the world's most unequal-- and violent-- societies. ♪ ♪ for the pbs newshour, i'm fred de sam lazaro in johannesburg, south africa. i >> branghais that time of year-- as many head out on vacation, along with their sunscreen, they pack a good book. jeffrey brown is here now with a undup of some of the best summer reads, part of our arts ofd culture series, "canvas."
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>> this is a time the year when many catch up on their reading while away on vacation. let's look at some interestingfo readthis summer. for that we're joined by maureen accordingen, npr, a professor at georgewn university and author of "so we read on, how the great gads by cme to be and why it endures." and carlos lozada, nonfiction book critic for "the washington post," won the pulitzer prize in criticism this year. first off,o cngratulations. >> thank you very much.t start us off wtwo or three fiction picks. >> my first pick would be "ocean wong," a vietnamese poet writer. won a lot of awards for volumes, "night skies with exit rounds." the diet title of his debut
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novel is "on eartwe're briefly george." it's abimmigrant story, semi-autobiographical. wong was born in vietnam and came to this country when about two years old. it's figured in the form of a letter by a young man written to his mother and his mother is illiterate. she works in a nail salon. and really, it's l a nohat you read because to hav -- becaf the language. wong's use of language is spectacular. it's a small book. i found mysf taking a long time to read it because i kept rereading pages. jill simmons novel, "the body in question." i think jill simmons is a novelist under the radar in terms of literary fiction. she's been writing for a lonti . this is a wonderful novel, again short. it's about two jurists on a
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sequestered trial for murder, and they start having an affair. so simmons does a great job in terms of catching people's personalities and, you know, kind of the emotional energy in that jury room and in the motel where everyone is sequestered. it's really a novel about guilt, the murder as wel as the lt of the two elicit lovers. carlos, you're our nonfiction guy here. start us off with a couple of those. i saw a list. it's politics. >> i work at "the washington post." what can i do. one i want to high light is called audience of one. donald trum television andhe fracturing of america, by james poniwozik. when we think of president trump and television, we think of how much cable he watches and his mind meld with fox news and the like. this is a book that looks at how trump has embodied and benefited from sme of the big shifts in television programming over the
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years, the rise of popular anti-heroes and e rise of politics in tv. the "new york times" treats plump as the most important character in television. the next book is "theseu trths" by jill lapor, the historian and new york writer. it's one volume looking at the self-evident truths of the declaration -- human equality, natural rights -- looks at whether we've lived up to theut . >> i talked to her on the program. definitely worth reading. ureen, you have a couple in the mystery category. >> summer mysteries, they go together like gin and tonicwo the first ond be james elroy, this storm. anybody who's read elroy knows that he writes -- he writes himself like a storm, like a
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hurrice. eth set in 1942, january '42, in l.a. of course, giant raiminstorm into the city, a body is unearthed in griffith park from an older crime. you've got japanese citizens being interned. you have fifth columnists in the city. it's over the top, crazy, barbara stanwyck makes a cameo, loads of historical figures. but what elroy is doing is writing this epic of l.a. this is his fifth novel in his l.a. series, and it's really about the corruption that's general all over the city. so tha's -- that's a fabulous one. and then ruth ware is a british writer, a relatively new discovery for me, anyway, and she has been writing these steries that are sort of deaf any demorier type mysteries that
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are a gothic tradition. her latest is "the turn of the key" and indteto "the turn of the screw" by henry james, a governess in an isolated mansion. the mansion is a smart house, so it's chnologically up to dae and seems to be watching her, lots of unseen forces are watching her as well. >> okay, carlos, you picked abo novel and of poetry. >> yes. the book of poetry is called "citizen illeg" by a young mexican-american poet, and it's just funny and touching at the same time, and it reagrlly ples with some of the complexity and absurdity identity today. a lot of it is set in chicago where he's from. there's a poem called mexavican which is memorable. i've watched him recite it. and the novel i want to high light is a couple of years old n w, but i wish it had gotten
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more attention t did. it's called american war biomar elikad and massage an american civil war set late in this century. it's a climate war, a resources war. y you have internasplaced peoples, climate refugees, youth radicalization. florida is now the florida sea. the capital has moved inland to columbio, which always the sign of dystopia when the capitol is in ohio. red and blue america have ceased to be elction nig constructs and are real physical and political realities. >> that's a few books for the summer. we have to leave it there fors now, car, maureen, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> brangham: parents oftenru le with the right way to set limits for their kids: how much tv is ok?in what about ovideo games? how late can they stay out with their friends?
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can also be tough to know just how to answer their pointed questions ab tonight, also part of our "canvas" series, author karen russell shares her humble opinion on why children need tot he truth. >> the first morning i took my two-year-o son to daycare, i arrived with a box of carefully labeled blankets and extra clothes; enough diapers, i felt, to last him until college. i was so anxious i almost didn't notice the man lying on the owy ground beside us. shards of glass haloed his bare son looked up to me, the satellite tower, waiting to receive myignal: what did i make of this grandfather, sleeping in ragsn concrete? was this normal? was i concerned? should he be? how do we tell the story of suffering to our children? some people might advise: don't say a word, lady. it's way too early. tparenting website told me to
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shift the focus fr stranger's pain to my son's security." ilrst and foremost, you must reassure your chthat they are safe." that reassurance is getting harder to give in portland, oregon, where family homelessness is on the rise and one in four people spend over half their salary on rent. understand the impulse to reassure our kids that nothing is wrong; to say, "it's very sad that some people don't have homes, but you are safe." but this is a ghost town of a sentence. who is the subject? isen the feeling of sadnes floating there, unclaimed.dr ch hear the passive voice. unless we give ourselves an tive role to play in the unfolding crises, kids will absorb our quiet acceptance of the status quo. k they wonw that we can be agents for change, or even that change is possible every sunday my parent drove my friends and i to volunteer at a shelter, five minutes by car and worlds removed from our miami home.
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i can't recall a word they said to me now, but i do remember my father sharing a cigarnd laughing with a homeless veteran. i remember my otm helping r woman with her groceries.ea my parentsured me by showing me i wasn't crazy to feel disturbed by the sight ofes other famiiving on the street. something was wrong, but there was also something to be done. the world our children inherit is deeply unjust-- and they know it. but we can show them that we have the power to revise it. somewhere tonight, a mother is explaining to her children why they have to leaveheir home for a shelter; why they are sleeping in their car; why they no longer have a bed to dream on. she doesn't have the luxury of curating her words, or shielding them from the most paiul truths. i wonder how she is answering their questions. hat's theam: and newshour for tonight. i'm william brangham. join us on-line and again here tomorrow night. foall of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and good
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night. m or funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> babbel. a language app that teaches real-life conversations in a new language, like spanish, french, german, italian, and more. babbel's 10-15 minutons are available as an app, or online. mo. information on babbel.c >> financial services firm raymond james. >> consumer >> and balfred p. sloan foundation. supporting science, technology, and improved economic performance and financial literacy in the 21st century >> supported by the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. committed to building a more st, verdant and peaceful world. more information at >> and with the ongoing support
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hello, everyone.e welc amanpour and company. here's what's coming up. the intellectual extraordinare whose books have sold in the millions, public thinker malcolm gladwell on his ideas and the need to challenge our own. then- ♪ i'm so american ♪ >> it's one of leonard cohen's mo iconic songs but who wa mary ann? award winning film maker nick broomfield explores the troubl the musician and his muse. plus the midwestern pioneers who helped shape the ideals of the mccullough talks to walter ivanson.
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