tv PBS News Hour PBS July 29, 2019 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening. i'm judy woodruff. on the "newshour" idnight, as prt trump doubles down on his denunciations of a black lawmaker, we examine situation in u.s. migrant detention centers that sparked this latest string of attacks. then ourolitics monday team unpacks the fallout from the president's criticism ofor balt and the newest moves on the 2020 campaign trail. plus, 25 years after apartheid, a black south african chef makes her mark on the country's restaurant scene-- and helps to heal its lasting divisions. >> there are more female faces, black faces, you know, in the culinary industry for le to actually be like, "oh, i can see that. that's a person that looks like
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myself, i can dodrhat." >> woof: all that and more on tonight's "pbs newshour." >>ajor funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> babbel. a language program that teaches real-life conversations in a new language, like spanish, french, german, italian, and more. babbel's 10-15 minute lessons are available as an app, or online. i moreormation on >> consumer cellular. >> kevin. >> financial services firm raymond james.
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>> the willi and flora hewlett foundation. for more than 50 years, advancing ideas and supporting institutions to promote a better world. at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions: and individuals. >> this prssram was made le by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> woodruff: president trump's verbal assaults on a black congressman-- and his baltimore district-- are still ricocheting across washington and beyond the ent tweeted again today, attacking democrat elijah cummings, whchairs the u.s. house oversight committee. that panel is investigating mr. trump on several fronts.bu maryland's republican governor larry hogan called the
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president's remarksge "outs", and he said, "enough is enough." we'll get details, after the. news summa police in california are searching for a motive tonight after a teenage gunman killed three people and wounded at ast a dozen. it happened sunday at the annual gioy garlic festival, southeast of san francisco. people ran for safety, but police quickly intervened and killed the shooter. >> we had thounds of people in a very small area and it could have gone so much worse, s fast. i'm really proud that they got there as quickly as they didnd they were successful in taking the reat out of the equation r- woodruff: the gunman was identified as 19-yd santino william legan, who lived near the festival si. he carried an assault-type rifle that he bought legally in neva, earlier this month. those killed included a six-
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year-old boy, a 13d ear-old girl man in his 20's. in brazil: at least 52 prison inmates were killed today in a prison riot between rival crime gangs. the violence erupted at the altamira prison in brazil's northern state of para. authorities said that 16 of the victims were beheaded, and others died of asphyxiation. inmates also set fires to keep guards at bay. the death tollas reached 20 in afghanistan after a sunday suicide bombing, aimed at a vice presidential cahdidate. amrualeh was one of 50 injured in the attack. the blast sliced extrs off buildings in kabul and destroyed arby vehicles. it came as campaigning began for the september election.wh mee, the u.s. military announced an afghan soldier killed two american service members today. russian opposition leader alexei navalny was discharged from a moscow hospital today, amid
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fe poisoned.t have been he was rushed there sunday, showing symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. his doctor said navalny showed signs of exposure to something toxic. >> ( translated ): the diagnosis was contact dermatitis. what does that mean? that there was some kind of agent, a chemical substance that caused this reaction. i urged my colleagues that he should be left under medicalis supen for at least three more days. however, sadly, he was escortedy olice to the detention room just now. >> woodruff: navalny was returned to a jail where he is serving a 30-day sentence for calling a protest with official permission. saturday's demonstration in moscow may have been the largest anti-kremlin rally in a decade. more than 1,400 protesters were arrested. china defended hong kong police today after they battled pro- democracy protesters again over the weekend. e e chinese also blamed the west for fomenting thviolence. thousands marched the streets
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on sunday, the eighth consecutive week of demonstrations. rter nightfall, police int gear fired rubber bullets and tearas to break up the crowd back in this country, the u.s. senate mov to try to override president trump's veto of efforts to block arms sales to saudi arabia. but a bipartisan group of lawmakers lacked the two-trds majority needed. they had targeted the arms sales in response tohe saudis' war in yemen, and the killing of journalist jamal khashoggi. president trump vetoed the measures last week. the president today signed a compensation bill for 9-11 responders, extending benefitsfo decades to come. he was surrounded by some of those first responmirs and their es for the signing ceremony in the white house rose garden. the fund compensates those who contracted inesses after exposure to toxic fumes.
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the new law will guarantee benefits through 2092. and on wall street, the dowal jones industverage lost nearly 29 points to close at 27,221. the nasdaq fell almost 37in . and the s&p 500 slipped about five points. still to come on the "newshour," the president lobs insults against baltimore-- and baltimore hits back. a critical staffing shakeup at the top of the u.s. intelligence community. thnew evidence emerges in case of the boeing jets that went into fatal nosedives. can a politically mixed marriage survive der president trump? and much more. >> woodruff: president trump is doubling down on his assault on the city of baltimore. as lisa desjardins reports, there are echoes of attacks on t
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urban areas united states, and their leaders. >> reporter: in baltimore today, condemnation of president trump's words about the city, seen there as stokg racial divide. from the left, civil rights activist reverend al sharpton: >> he has a particular venom for blacks and people of color. >> reporter: and right: former republican national chairman and former maryld lieutenant governor michael steele. >> mr. president, your reprehensible comments are like water off a duck's back when it comes to this community. it just washes over them. >> reporter: this, after the esident fired off over a dozen weekend tweets criticizing maryland congressmanjah cummings and his baltimore-area district. he called cummings a "brutal bully" and said his district is onsidered the worst in t u.s.a." adding "the district," which includes part of baltimore and its suburbs is "a ding, rat and rodent inf bted mess." "ttimore sun" defended its
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city with an op ed blasting the president as "returning to an old standby using the most emotional and bigoted of arguments." the paper also pointed to pride points, like baltimore's inner harbor, and johns hopkins hospital.en the most rf.b.i. crime statistics showed baltimore with the nation's highest murder rate and second-highest violent crime rate. but, cumming's district also hag above avrates of college education and home prices-- and is the second-wealthiest black idstrict in the country. this is coming up a mental duel-- tensions between the president and cummings-- who gave this response last week: >> do you believe the president is a ract? >> i believe that he is... yes, no doubt about it, and i tried >> reporter: cummings also chairs the house oversight committee which is investigatin ite house on several fronts. last thursday he authorized subpoenas for white house advisors including mr.rump's daughter and son-in-law ivanka trump and jared kushner
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and earlier this month, he slammed the administration's previous zero tolerance policy that led to thousands of separated families at the border. this is not the first time the president has responded to criticism from a black lawmaker this way. >> i don't see this president elect as a legitimate president. reporter: georgia congressman and civil rights icon john lewis said that to nbc in 2017, commenting on russian interference in the election. the next day, mr. trump tweeted "cgressman john lewis shou spend more time on fixing and helping his strict" and called it "crime infested." more recently the president faced bipartisan criticism for tweeting four democratic congresswoman should go back where they came from. three were born in theal.s. and are citizens. like that attack, mr. trump is showing no signs of backing wn or apologizing for his latest. instead the president pointed to a rival's wos about baltimore. >> you would think that you were in a third world country. t >> reporter:t was vermont senator bernie sanders after touring part of baltimore in
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2015. it was a tour meant to highlight a specific, rundown area and income inequality. the white house and president insist the tweets were not about race. what is this about? chief of staff mick mulvaney sunday said the cummings attacks are about his criticism of the president's border policy. >> what this is about thou, is the president fighting back against what he saw as being illegitimate attacks about the border in the hearing this week. when the president hears lies like that he is going to fightnd backhat's what you saw in his tweets. >> reporter: cummings and the r house resentatives are out of washington on recess until ptember. for the pbs newshour, i'm lisa desjardins. >> woodruff: we'll get into the politics behind the president's rhetoric latere program. tbut for now, let's exami underlying policy at issue. as we just heard, the white house says the president's attacks on cummings re, in part, driven by the congressman's criticism of the administration's immigration policies. here is an exchange from a house
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oversight hearing on child separation at the border earlier this month. this is cummings and kevin macaleenan, the acting u.s. secretary of homeland security. >> you feel like you're doing a great job right? is what you're saying? >> we're doing our level best in very challenging situation. >> what does that mean? what does that mean when a child is sitting in their own feces? can't take a shower? come on, man. what's that about? none ous would have our children in that position. they are human beings. come on, we're better than that. and i don't want us to lose sight of that. when we're dancing with the angels, these children will be dealing with the isss that have been presented to them.>> oodruff: as lisa noted in her tape, the president's chief of staff says cummings' lsaims are
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so let's examine the facts-- what we know, and what we don't, about the current conditions on the southwest border. for that, i'm joined by ali noorani, executive director of the national immigration forum, an immigration advocacy group. ali noorani, welcome back to the "newshour". >> good evening. >> woodruff: as we have been hearing and reporting the president's acting chief lv staff mick mey is saying what congressman cummings said, illegitimate, leasewhen he talked ant the conditions of families and children on the pored were. is there evie one way or the other about this? >> so the department of homeland securityas an office inspector general. this lives within d.h.s. but es not report to the political structure of d.h.s. but is an independent, unbiased investigation arm. they found among other thi that when they did inspections earlier this year, they found one cell that had 71 men that h shoue only had 41. they had cell that was stuffed
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with 50 women when they should only have 40. two of the five facilities examined over the course of the investigation were not providing akildren clean clothes or opportunities toa shower. as the vice president said, this is tough stuff, but the administration is clearly not living up just to humanity and treating people with compassion. >> in fact, ali noorani, i want to air a portion of an interview my colleagues william brangham did in late june with an damerican attorney who heen to the border detention facilities. e saw for self some of the conditions. here's part of that interview. >> we have children caring for other young children. for example, we saw a little bod apers, or he had no diapers on, he should have had a diaper on, he was two years old, and when ie asked why h didn't have diapers, i was told he didn't need it. hi middle east urinated and he was in the care of another child. children cannot takldren yet that's how traifg trair trying to run the facility.
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the children aren't fed nutritiously and are medically neglected. >> woodruff: she had give an number of interviews where shshe ed this h information and, yet, the pictures, the video hard to come by. >> and what we have right now is this really, really incredibly ugly political debate by and large give --ve drby the white house to lead the american public to neat let the american blic believe what they're seeing. in every single community what e there asking for, what a practical and pragmatic solutions that treat people humanely and keep us safe as a ismghts people are tired of the political rhetoric and they're asng who's going to actually fix the problem. right now the administration is not fixing theroblem, congress in a summit mental budget gave the administration about $4 illion topefully fix the problem. >> briefly, i want to come back hain to the specifics oft mr. cummings said in that exchange with kevcinaleenan
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when he said children sitting in feces. there's a story in the "new york times." this ran june 21, i thi it said among other things children as young as 7 and 8, many wearing clothes caked with is not and tears, caring for infants they just met, toddlers without diapers are relieving themselves in their pants. my kuestion is how do wenow this is true? >> so we know it's true by and large because to have the o.i.g. report. office of inspector general report. that's what we're depending on as an aregdzy organization. >> it's a government organization. >> they're sending experts into the field to do these investigations. what they're putting out there is not colored by one political stripe tore the other. they are ying these are the facts on the ground. our detention facilities as a nation are not living up to standards congressman cummings, charmen cummings, it's his job to chaenge the administration what they are and are not doing and it's that office of
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inspector general report, those are the facts of the case. >> woodruff: why aren't there more pitures, more videf these facilities? >> well, this administration, to a large degree the previous admistration, the oba administration did open the facilities eventually. this administration is holding close what's happening in its facilities. you see reports of children being moved froy m facilo facility, being lost. you know, the lack of transparency leads to a lot of questions in vots' minds as toics okay, what is going on uallyagain, who is act solving this problem. >> what about conditions right now. here we are the end of the month of july.s much of this timony came about a month, month and a half ago. have things gotn better, has it changed? >> because of two factors, we're starting to see numbers plateau of individuals crossing the border to apply for asylum.f the firstor is nearly the 30,000 enforcement ofmeficials co put at their southern border and the northern border. the second factor is the summer,
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we always see the numrs drop over the summer. we hope as the numbers start to plateau and th $4 billion gien to congress by d.h.s. to address the problem, we won't be seeing pictures of sights andf sounds children sitting in feces or we won't be hearing those stories.o as a na we should be treating people and children humanely and now d.h.s. and hhs have the resources to do that. >> woodruff: do you have a sense of how this controversy is going to affect how wll these migrants are treated by the united states, whether there are better conditions or not for them? you've talked to people who work on immigration issues all the time. >> so over the weekend in the ew york times," there's this incredible set of reporting by sonia navarreio, t author of "inreeky's journey," one of the landmark books, and she reports on how the situation continues to get worse. one organization in n.g.o.
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called a association for more just society are actually losing their foreign aid froe u.s. because of the trump administration's decisions. sous a nation we are not actually addressing the problem in honduras ared we'aking the problems worse over time at -- along the borauder bec we're not putting immigration judges that are free of political influence by d.o.j. we are not as of yet improving facilities. hopefully that will change. so there are a lot of factors and a lot of thngs in ctrol of the administration to actually address this problem and up to this point they have not taken those steps. >> tightening the interpretation of the asylu laws, the agreement with guatemala. >> right, and between the legendary -- claiming dpawt mall la is a safe third country which is absolutely not, but then requiring asylum applicants to remain in mexo and we're seeing stories of men and women being extorted and subct to violence while awaiting in mexico. >> ali noorani with the nationat
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immin forum, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> woodruf long had a contentious relationship with the nation's intelligence community. it has been a public spat over the biggest threats to country, including russia, iran and north korea. asheilliam brangham reports, latest shakeup at the top is likely to a departure in style and substance. >> we both recognize that this position is frequently the bearer of unpleasant news. >>teeporter: it's been not q two and a half years since dan coats' confirmation as director of national intelligence. now, he's ent trump announced it yesterday, in a terse tweet that thanked coats for his "great service." from the outset, the former republican senator from indiana made clear his view of the job. >> my responsibility would be to provide him with the most
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accurate and objective and apolitical intelligence possible. >> reporter: but that intelligence included alarm bells about ruian interference in the 2016 election-- alarms that ran afoul of the president's views. a year ago, at his helsinkimm with russian leader vladimir putin, the president balked when asked if he accepted the conclusion of his intelligence chiefs.>> an coats came to me, and some others. they said they think it's russia. i have president putin.t he jsaid it's not russia. i will say this: i don't see any reason why it would be. >> reporter: then, at a forum with nbc news' andrea mitchell-- shortly after the summit-- coats was clearly blindsided by some breaking news. >> the white house has just announced on twitter that vladimir putin is coming to the white house in the fall. >> say that again? ( laughter >> vladimir putin coming--
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>> did i hear that correctly? okay... that's gonna be special. >> reporter: this past juary, at a congressional hearing, coats differed with the president on issue after issex. fople, the north korean nuclear arsenal, which the president had declared was no longer a threat. >> we currently assess that north korea will seek to retain its w.m.d. capabilities and is unlikely to completely give up its nuclear weapons and >> reporter: and the state of the r against the "islamic state" group... >> we have w against isis. >> isis is intent on resurging and still coands thousands of fighters in iraq and syria. >> reporter: president trump took to twitter again, branding the intel chiefs "passive and naïve" and adding, "perhaps intelligence should go back to school!" ked, mr. trump has p representative john ratcliffe, a republican congressman from texas, to replace coats. ratcliffe has already shown himself a full-throated defender of the president. the mueller report was not e itten by bob mueller. and that a lot of ndings and conclusions that were in there were written by a bunch of lawyers that didn't like donald
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ump, >> reporter: last week, the congressman grilled the former special counsel in person at a house hearing. >> you wrote 180 pages, 180 pages about decisions that weren't reached, about potential crimes that weren't charged or decided. you manageto violate every principle and thmost sacred of traditions about prosecutors not offering extra prosecutorial analysis. >> reporter: senate minorityad chuck schumer warned sunday that ratcliffe's confirmation would be "a big mistake." he said the nominee was" selected because he exhibitedlo blinlty to president trump with his demagogic questioning". there is no word yet on when the senate will hold a confirmation hearings for ratcliffe. >> brangham: on that issue, senate intelligence committee chairman richard burr said in a statement thatuld work swiftly to begin the confirmation process.r re on what this means for the president's relationship
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with the intelligence community, we're joined by shane harris. heovers intelligence and national security for "the washington post." shane, welcome back to the "newshour". before we get to talking about dan co replacement, can you explain a little bit more about what the actual director of national intelligence actually does? >> you can sort of think the d.n.i. as he's known as kind of a chairman of the board of this grouping of agencies, 17 intelligence agencies and often are calledhe inelligence community, and he kind of lets us speak publicly for them. he plays a big role in crafting the but the job of the d.n.i. was always supposed to be coordinating the agencies and making sure they weren't working at cross purposes. this officeas created afer the 9/11 attacks and after the recommend nation of the 9/11 commissild that there we something sitting on top to have taghtsies to connect the dot
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about the threats, sharing the information with each other in a mely manner. >> o so the outgoing or soon to be outgoing d.n.i. dan coates contradicted preside trump on masues on multiple occasions. is that why he's out to have the job? >> i think that's really the bi reason. there was the issue of the contradiction, which the president doesn't like anyone contradicting him, much less someone speaking forcefully about national events and security like director coates did. t also their personalities clash. in the time in covering director coates, it's clear he's someone that speaks up when thnks you're wrong, will stick to his guns and was really never a parts b warrior with theid prt, he was not there to carry his water a politicald he spoke his mind pritely and publicly as well. it's a hot and cold relationship d his departure announced doesn't come as a surprise to
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people who have been followingla his onship with trump. >> so the president announced he's going to nminate respective john ratcliffe to take over this position. many of us saw him grill robert mueller very vigorously last week during those hearings. what else can you tell us about him and his world view? >> on the question of the russia probe, he is definitely in the camp of a number of republican lawmakers who question whether the probe was improperly begun.r thbe here we're talking about is a russian interference in the election lst ao possible linkages between the trump campaign and the russian government which is something director mueller investigated and found there was not evidence to bring a conspiracy chae. ratcliffe and others belief the investigation of trump may have had a political motivation and everything that came after sort of the fruit of the poison tree, and he's focused a lot ofi hiquiry and positions on the judiciary committee and intelligence committee to try to
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get to the bottom of things yout hear like steele dossier, these memos the f.b.i. had from a prate investigator talki about possibly linkages between trump and rusgesia, text mes that were exchanged between f.b.i. personnel tha rereal political bias against the president, so that's really where he been coming at of it. in terms of his time in congress, it's been brief.fl he was bra u.s. attorney before elected to the house and he did serve in an anti-terrorism position in texas, b d not in aistrict that's especially known for prosecuting a lot of terrorism cases, so he doesn't come to the nomination to be dn.i. with a very extensive resume in national security orforeign policy experience. >> as you say, there have been a lot of democrats who have becr ouiticizing him, and this relative lack of experience. ron wyden, a democrat on the senatentelligence committee said congressman ratcliffe is the most partisan and least qualified individual ever nominated to serve as d.n.i. is it unusual to have someone ip
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thsition who relatively speaking doesn't have that muchn expe with the intelligence community? >> it is, it's quite unusual. everyone in is position has either had an extensive background in intelligence orb foreign polic and national security at really senior levels, so it is a total break from history to nominate somebody with as ltle experience in these areas as congressman ratcliffe. >> given as you were detaing before congressman ratcliffe's criticism of the f.b.i. in particular andw they began this russia investigationceis there a co that he seems to have prejudged that there wasea y law breaking during the obama administration in that branch of the intelligence community, is there a concern that that's going to make his job difficult to do if he knew has to work with an agncy that he has been pointing the finger at? >> there is a lot of cern among intelligence officials current and former whom i've talked to today about that very
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issue that he seems to already have a view of what the intelligence community did, how they behaved in coordination with the f.b.i., and 's not a positive view. i mean, he really believethere may have been wrongdoing. he may have talked one interview in 2018 with fox newabout the possibility of a secret society within the justice departmenta thattrying to stop trump from becoming president. this is a view that people ince the intelligommunity reject, they always see themselves as nonpartisan, people who may have political beliefs, but they check that at the door when they come intsoo workf you've got someone running the intelligence community overseeing it who kind of already has this preconceived notion of how conspiracies blossomed that totaounter to the ethic of the intelligence community, that's going create immediate friction. >> shane harris of "the washington post," thank you >> you're welcome.
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>> woodruff: in march, the second of two deadly air crashes in five months led the federal aviaon administration to ground all boeing 737 max passenger jetliners, but it also raised immediate questions about why the agency had not acted more quickly. now, as john yang report an investigation by "the new york times" indicates that the f.a.a.'s actions during the 737 ex's review process may h compromised the safety of the plane itself. >> jeff: judy, the "times" found that f.a.a. engineers were increasingly sidelined and kept in the dark about key developments during the approval process of t 737 max, often deferring to boeing. in fact, after the first deadly crash, the newspaper says f.a.a. officials realized they did not fully understand the automated system now blamed for helping send the two planes into fatal nose dives.
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natalie kiteroff was the leadrt re on that article, and joins us from the "times" newsroom. natalie, thanks so much for joining us. this automated system called m mcass, boeing intended it to keep the plane from pitching the nose up too high. why after did the faa after the fiash when they went into their records and realized they had very little information on it? >> what happened was, during the developmt of the claim late in the pro-- plane late in the process, thve faa gae boeing the right to fully approve thi system. at the time m mcas -- >> at that point, boing had n responsibility to hand over a new safety assessment to the faa. at, hat poieing had
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control over the approval process and the company determined that thchange to mcas did not make the system any more dangerous. >> how does that happen? how does boeing, how does the regularity turn over to the manufacturer basic tallsics in the approval process? >> this is a process known as delegati and the a has long relied on company engineers inside boeheing and aircraft manufacturers to help certify their own buer intense lobbying to congress by industry, the faa opted new rules that allowed the company to take on more and more of the regulatorprocess. so through this system of ablgation, the company was to have final signoff over the system. >> and you wrote in your investigation you und that sometimes there were disputes between faa engineers and boing about safety issues and that the managers would defer to boeing, the example you cited was about
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cables that controlled the rudder. >> that's abso ttely right. s case, there was a dispute over these cables which faa engineers, most of them who were working on this issue, wanted the company to make these cables safer. boeing pushed back and the faa managers sided with boeing over the engineers in the faand then gave boeing the ability to approve these cables. an engineer inside the faa filed a saabfety complaint this issue. but again, managers were deferring to boeing andsp ifically cited boeing's timeline as one of the reasons. >> and talking about that timeline, boeing was rushing to get in plane approved because they wertifacing compe from airbus. >> that's right, boeing was in a competitiorwith ais to get a new plane out, boeing was behind, changing these cables would likely have meant delays and, so, again, faa managers
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specifically side that making a change would be imactical this late in boeing's timeline. >> could there be oher problems, other issues that -- like th mcas that haven't surfaced yet because to have the relationship between boeing and the faa? >> i think everything is on thei table at tpoint. the investigations are still ongoing and i think it's really important to await the conclusions of these investigations, but what is clear is that lawmakers and federal investigators are now looking very closely at every say suspect of this plane and oh certification of it. >> natalie kiteroff with the "new york times," thank you so much for joining us. >>hank you. >> woodruff: stay with us. coming up on the "newshour," our politics monday team breaks down the last fights over race. and healing the lingering scars of apartheid in south africa
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through cooking. in rural virginia, about 150 miles southwest of the white house, sits one of the more than 200 counties in the u.s. that voted for president obama twice and then president trump in 2016. with the 2020 campaign in full swing, amna nawaz recently visited one couple living in a politically divided house in this politically divided country. >> goat, goat, goat, come on goat. >> reporter: for three years, j lisa bogan amy clowry have lived and worked together, caring for goats and chickens on their ranch in buckingham county, virginia. >> this is from one of our first trips. we went up to upstate new york, just camping. one of the things i think that reallyelped seed this lationship in the beginning was commonality. >> reporter: does lisa do all of the cooking? >> she does most of the cooking. i make the best egg sandwich. >> t best. >> reporter: jimmy and lisa now are planning for their future,
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together.oo >> reporter:at that! >> the banner as we're breaking it out, and i take a knee, and i'm like, "will you marry me?" >> reporter: but not long after lisa said yes, things chand. at what point did you first realize, wait a second, we're on two very different pere? >> i think the 2016 election really stamped and like, resonated, with both of us. >> he had the bond with voters back then that trumpas.ep >> rter: jimmy, a retired marine, likes to listen to conservative talk radio host rush limbaugh on his hour-long drive to work. lisa, a waitress, listens to npr. >> it's important to step back as we enter this action/retion cle. >> reporter: jimmy voted for president trump, and though he doesn't agree with everything the president says or tweets, he likes what the president's been doing. >> i mean, the economy's doing
3:37 pm you know, the ry is getting the support that it needs, which is a big, big thing. >> stop it, tessa. >> reporter:isa was a hillary clinton voter in 2016. her top issues now are health care and climate change. she says president trump does not represent her or the country. >> i am so, so dead against our president. i don't feel like he is someone that we can respect. i don't think jimmy really grasps how mh it upsets me. but there are a lot of issues. >> reporter: jimmy, what's it like for you to see her get that upset about the person you voted for? >> you know, she's got t she's got to flow and roll with her emotion. i mean, it's just, it's a way of getting it out, whatever it is. i can't, i don't have any control over that. >> but he impacts my life directly. >> well.on
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>> that soof his demeanor, especially as his actions are towards women. i mean, i just feel like he's disrespectful. >> reporter: the division here in lisa and jimmy's home is actually playing out across the entire country. in fact, one study by the pew research center actually measured the partisan political divide in america and found in hthe last 20 years that g more than doubled. >> trump is the most polarizing president we've ever had.oc >> reporter:yn kiley is the associate director of research at the pew research center. she says couples like jimmy anda li increasingly rare. >> for the most part, people say th their spouses or partne share their same party or lean towards the same party. t so about nine of both democrats and republicans say this. so it's certainly nocase that it's common to have a politically mixed couple. ha reporter: jimmy and lis learned firsthand some of the challenges of disagreeing politically with a p. take immigration. >> this was our argument last night. >> reporter: you were arguing about immigration last night?
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>> yes. >> reporter: lisa was deeply opposed to the trump policy of family separatn at the mexican border. jimmy's undecided on the president's proposed border wall, but largely agrees with ans positions, especially with the increase of mifamilies crossing the southern border. >> hold it like that, put the clip in.>> ike that? >> yeah. >> reporter: when it comes to gun laws, lisa says she wants to see more restrictions. >> that scares people who like their guns. they don't want more control. they, it makes them think that some of them going to take their guns away. a and then h they going to protect themselves? >> reporter: i notice you won't even look at jimmy when you're making these points. >> no. >> reporter: why is that? >> because i'm afraid. >> reporter: afraid of what? >> reaction.t >> reporter: w you think, jimmy? what you think about what she's saying? he you know-- again, that' - that's her opinion. >> it's not the weapon that does it. it's a human. more backgrount checks. i'm ainst that. i think it should happen.
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>> we agree on something. >> reporter: but now, there's a new battle brewing on the the 2020 presiial election. >> reporter: is that the number one issue for you? which of these candidates yoat think could resident trump? >> yes it is. >> reporter: which of these candidates can beat the person that jimmy is going to vote for. >> yes. sorry. but yes. >> reporte and jimmy you're dead set, you know you're going to vote for president trump again? >> yes.>> eporter: the fact that their union can withstand a deep political divide, they say, should offer hope to the rest of the country. and maybe even some lessons for elected officials on different sides of the aisle. >> try and find the points that you do agree on, may, and have more conversations about that. >> i would not want to overstep my bounds and say something that's just irresponsible because i want my side to be right. i don't want anything to be about just being right. i want it to be something that you can both come together with and go in the rit positive
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direction. >> reporter: for the pbs newshour, i'm amna nawaz, in buckingham county, virginia. >> woodruff: it's time for politics o break down the political implications of the president's eets over the weekend an preview the 2020 democratic presidential debates to come, i'm joined by tamara keith of npr. she co-hosts the "npr politics" podcast. and kimberly atkins of wbur radio. hello to both of you. it is politics monday. so before we talk about those other things, i want of ask both ou and i'm going to start with you, tamara, about ama'n report from virginia. this couple are very devoted to each other but have real political disagreement. how exxon is that and how
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emblematic is it as larger political divide in the country? >> i think it's e remblematic of the political divide than it is commont at this point becau at the report indicated, there are a lot of people who don't want their children to date someone from the other political party, for instance. there is -- there is amazing polarization right now, and sort of the bipartisan couples used to be more common than they are now. >> woodruff: what do you find in your reporting, kimberly? >> there was a microcosm of the divide we are seeing in this country and the wa people on dfferent sides position himself where he's sayingn't like what the president tweets but i think he's doing a good job and the other side saying i find what he says appalling. i can't imagine how difficult it is within a relation. >> woodruff: you knw there are examples that have gotten
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some publicity, it doesn't seem to be the norm but says a lot about our country. let's talk about the news in the last few days, t. the president tweeted furiously at a rapid pae satday morning about maryland congressman elijahavummings. webeen reporting on it on the program. stepping back and looking at the presidt's criticisms of baltimore, of the congressman and al sharpton today, dos this help president trump politically? >> well, there certainly is a strong pattern in the people he ygoes after and the wa he goes after them and the people and. plac does this help the president? in 206, he campaigns, came down e escalator, sasome mexicans are rapists. he had a fight with the gold star family who were also muslim. he said a mexicangeudouldn't be fair. so president trump in 2016 was doing and saying and don'tet
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fohe birthers saying doing and saying many of the same things he is doing now on similar scenes. and his campaign defends it in the same way they did then wch is he'll go to bat against anyone who goes to bat against him. will it work? it did work in 2016. i talked to a number of people today. one republican pollster said it could certainly wrk again, depending on who the democra, nominasically heard the same thing from a democratic consultant, and also i talked to some political scientists who havedorff research that finds i thependent voters and democrats are going to be turned off and mobilized in sort of an opposition to the president in much the way that he hopes that his base will bemotivated. >> how much of this is determined, kimberly, by stwhich es it comes down to. it apparently helped him in the states that made the differenct we talk abem over and over again, in michigan, wisconsin,. pennsylvan >> it makes a big difference.
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the democrats are in detroit getting ride for the debate. michigan is a key city and michigan is one of the states where the black voteid not turn out in 2016 the way it had in the two previous presidential years, and there is a concern that this kind of talk will the black vot so it's incumbent on the democrats, democratic part to try to get and motivate those voters to get out and vote. we don't know wht will happe but we've seen this president go to this not just during the hispaign but throughou presidency, he likes this cultural divide. he whrieks -- likes the stoking of cultural division, rticularly after he ges off something tough. if he has a political loss, we just had mueller nstifying, that was directly where he went, so it is a pattern. >> some folks have looked already at the way the president -- president trump, tam, talks about cities, inner cities and the way then he talks about
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people who live in rural areas. >> right, and the term "infested," he saves for inner city. and when i wentke and l through all his tweets and going back throughout his tweets, whenever he talks about someone being racist, in almost every case, referring to a person of color being racist, he just -- he does this. it is a pattern that he repeats again and again. >> and we don't know, of course, what's in his head,o wht extent this is deliberate, to what extent whahe's just thinking at the moment, but as tam says, there seems to be a pattern. >> it's absolutely a pattern that goes bace k decades, thy he talked about the central park five, goes back throhout his life. >> literally decades. yes, so this is the way he has repeatedly spoken about people of color, esecially people who challenge him, elijah cummings, of course, is the ehairman of one of t committees that is investigating the president and his administration so we saw him go
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straight to that sort of attack, it seems to be a place where he retreats to. he seems very comfortable there, the problem it creates ispu icans who refuse to call them -- to call him out on itan they sort of have been twisting themselves into circles to try to really make other excuses that it was about policy or something else, when it was clearly an attack on pele of color and congress. >> in the little bit of time we have, i want to turn to the democrats. the 2020 candidates, tam, they are going back to the debate stage this week, ten will be nhere tomorrow night, tuesday night, the other , and we've got a picture of the lineup, the ten who will be there tuesday night and then the other ten fot wednesday ni what should we be expecting? >> so tuesday night, i think the moi interesting tng will be whether bernie sanders and elizabeth warren bri out their contrast in some way or whether they sort of ignore each oth and talk about their policies? pete buto tigieg nd brourke
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are two candidates who need a moment. they had been polling really well. pete buttigieg has rai msed a lt ney, but he didn't have a standout moment in the first debate. >> kimberly, and we're hearing more efforts on the part of these candidates to defe themselves, to distance themselves, in some nces, from each other. >> they're trying to set out their agenda. we're trying to -- we're seeing kamarris laying out her plan. we've seen surrogates from former vice president joe biden, lots of candidates othe stage. >> name four of them right now. already fighting back and saying -- pulling it apart. so i think in the center of the stage where i hae cory booker and kamala harris flanking formerresident - vice president joe biden is going to be where the real sparks will fly. >> that's going to be interesting. that is wednesday night. but, tam, again, as you said,
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monday, this is the night, this is the last debate before the middle of september, and where the rules get touer, the threshold gets tougher. >> and not very many of these people whwill beon stage have qualified for the september >> so this may be the last chance -- it will be the last chance some of them have toa mke an impression. >> thank you. we thank you both, kimberly atkins, at thank you, tamera k "politics monday." >> you're welcome. >> woodruff: this year marks the 25th anniversary of democratic rule in south africa-- and the end of a neration of black south africans, who grew up without the limitations of segregation, are w transforming the cultural landscape. special correspondent e sam lazaro reports on one chef's quest to bridge the coy'siv racialide through food.
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>> reporter:t 35, with two best-selling cookbooks primetime tv show, zola nene is at the top of her game. when she first emerged on soh africa's culinary scene in 2009, she says there were few people t professional kitchens t looked like her. it's a male dominated industry. so i was very aware that being a female, trying to sort of break into this industry was already a hurdle. and then being a female of coloo was, you and even a secondary hurdle. >> reporter: nene says a sheltered upbringing gave her the confidence to be persistent. >> i was never aware of, like, the discrimination that was happening around i thin my parents worked really hard to protect us from that.
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>> reporter: nene spent the first ten years of her life under apartheid, but it was only later, in scol, that she learned about the segregationist laws of the white minority government. >> and i remember going home. and i was like, to my mom, they're teaching us the most unbelievable stuff. like, did this really happen?an d that was the moment when my u'm was like, okay, now yo learning about it and let meou tellbout the things that we had to go through, the fact that we had to get permission to walk in certn neighborhoods. reporter: nene credits her parents for raising her with the belief that she could do anything she wanted. >> it makeme, like, a little bit teary and emotional to, heke, i think about it. i always feel like's no real room for me to fail because i've been given so much opportunity. my dad is, like, a completely plf-made self-educated man who comes from extreerty. >> reporter: her father put himself through schoolk nd went to w the petroleum industry. when nene told him she wanted to cook, he sent her to england to work at a restaurantn cheshire. >> they saw my eagerness. by the end of my two years asthere, i was head of they
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section and by then i realized this is exactly what i wanted to do. >> reporter: she returned to south africa to study culinary arts thinking she could focus on her african roots, but says she found little that was african in the curriculum. >> so, all the teachings are french. so you learned french methods, you learned french basic recipes. >> reporter: french cuisine and methods may be an aspiration for many chefs and consumers, but she says black african food isuc veryin the comfort zone of all south africans, including whites.>> y paternal grandmother was a domestic worker, so she cooked a lot of people who potentially run the kitchens grew up with a nanny who was black, who taught, you know, who fed them bla foods. yet somehow there's still like e disconct. >> reporter: in her cook books, nene is trying to change that disconnect, with recipes thatd fuse european r own zulu and other regional black cultures. >> the one that caught my eye was a pap lasagna.
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what is the pap lasagna? >> okay, so pap is what we make out of mealie meal. um, and maize meal is like a sort of staple ingredient ac ss all the cultures in south africa. >> corn-based. >> exactly. to sort of, like, africanize a western dish i think is really fun.ho >> reporter: th her tv show and cook books are popular, this type of food remains hard to find in faionable foodie locations, like cape town. >> they do fantastic brunch. nene took us to experience one of the exceptions. >> reporter: south african grits, creamed and with cheddar. >> so, i'm going to let you try it because obviously i've had it often. >> reporter: this is delectable? >> rig it's one of my favorite sort of traditional ingredients that i grew up with my mom making and my grandmother using. >> reporter: nene says she'spr d to have played a role in blazing a trail for other women of color.
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>> there are more female faces,k black faces, yw, in the culinary industry for people to actually be like, "oh, i can see that. that's a per n that looks like myself, i can do that." r >>orter: but despite progress, nene says her country remains a highly unequal society. the rate of black unemployment, for example, istill five times leat for the white minority. it has economic pr and corruption scandals, but through it all, nene sops she remains mistic about south africa. >> o history may be painful and maybe sordid, but the fact that we've overcome a lot of those things makes us so much stronger as a country. i think it's an ongoing process, this democracyhing. >> reporter: as it sorts out its myriad divisions, nene say the's one place all south thricans can come together to bridge them: in kitchen. for the pbs newshour, this is fred de sam lazaro in cape town. >> woodruff: fred's reporting is
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a partnehip with the under- told stories project at the university of st. thomas in minnesota. and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm judy join us onand again here tomorrow evening. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> babbel. a language learning app that uses speech recognition technology and teaches real-life conversations. daily 10-15 minute lessons are voiced by native speakd are at babbel. >> financial services firm raymond james. >> consumer cellular.
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♪ helloco and wme to "amanpour & company." re's what's coming up.ei as f minister boris john's loose lips sunk the hes of a british citizen imprisoned in iran. as prime minister, can he handle the crisis with ira in the persian gulf? i talk to jack straw, the former foreign minister. >> i don't know what to do. >> based on a true story, a film porays how neo-nazi turned his back on thesu white premacist movement with the help of a bla social activist. and the "wall street journal" editor and chief matt murray in conversation with our walter isackson.
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