tv PBS News Hour PBS August 8, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> schifrin: good evening.m ck schifrin. judy woodruff is away. on the newshour tonight: a dire warning from the united nations- - climate change threatens a food and water crisis around the world. then, a massive raid-- immigration and customs enforcement officers arrest more than 600 undocumented migrants at food processing plants across mississippi. plus, five years after the police killing of michael brown, we examine efforts to reformrg on, missouri. >> when michael brown jr. wa killed it changed the lives of so many people, not just here in ferguson, but throughout thene re world. it changed my life. i never ever wou have thought that i would have been a politician, but i found something that i could do that would help my community. >> schifrin: all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour.
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>> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> kevin. >> kevin! >> kevin. >> advice for life. life well-planned. learn more at >> consumer cellular. >> babbel. a language program that teaches real-life conversations in a new mnguage, like spanish, french, german, italian, ae. >> and by the alfred p. sloan foundation. supporting science, technology, ncd improved economic performance and fil literacy in the 21st century. >> carnegie corporation of new york. supporti innovations in ucation, democratic engagement, and the advancement
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of international peace and security. at >> and with the ongoheg support of institutions: and individuals. >> this program was made possible by the cooration for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. k thu. >> schifrin: the united nations ng sounding a dire new war about how the way we use our land, is increasing the effects. of climate cha a report out today from an international panel of more than 100 scientists found that: the world's land and water resources are being explted at "unprecedented rates". and it said large-scale farming, along with the global
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consumption of meat and dairy are fueling climate change in a way that could result in a food crisi we'll take a closer look at these findings after the news summary. more than 200 former altar boys, students, and boy scouts in guam ryare suing the u.s. terri catholic diocese for sexual abuse that dates back to the 1950s. the associated press reported they were assaulted byy, teachers, and scout leaders linked to the church. the island's former archbishop-- anthony apuron-- is one of those the vaconvicted him of sex01 abuse in but he remains a bishop and still receives a stipend from the chur. in the wake of two deadly mass shootings, more than 200 u.s. mayors are urging senators to titurn to washington and pass gun safety legisla. in a letter addressed to senate leaders today, the mayors called for a vo on two house-passed bills that expand background checks for gun sales. among them was mayor nan whaley of dayton, ohio-- where ninele peere shot dead this
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weekend. she spoke to reporters alongerse ohio gr mike dewine. >> my focus is getting something dound gun control so that this terrible tragic issue-- incident in dayton, may not have to happen in other places. >> schifrin: president trump has said he supports background, but those words have yet to translate to actn. and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has resisted pressure to call senators bacfrom their august recess for a vote, over concerns the bills won't have ough republican support. the state department slammed china today foreleasing the photograph and personal information of a u.s. diplomat who met with leaders o kong's pro-democracy movement. state department spokeswoman morgan ortagus said hina's actions were "unacceptable" andt >> i dhink that, that leaking an american diplomat's private information, pictures, names of their children-- i don't think that that's a formal protest. that is what a thuggish regimewo
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d do. that's not how a responsible nation would behave. >> schifrin: protests have roiled hong kong since june with police arrestingearly 600 demonstrators. former f.b.i. deputy director andrew mccabe filed a lawsuit today against the bureau and the stice department over his firing. mccabe insisted his terminatn last year was in retaliation for his "refusal to pledge enlegiance" to prestrump. he was fired after a justice department inspector general found he leaked information to the media,nd then lied about it to investigators. mccabe played a key role in thet f.b.i.'s proberussian interference in the 2016 electio and, stocks rallied on wall street today, boosted by gains in the technology sector. the dow jones industrial averagd so71 points to close at 26,378.os
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the nasdaq176 points and the s&p 500 added 54. still to come on the newshour: a u.n. report paints a dire picture of the impact of humsean land u on climate change, hundreds are arrested in immigration raids at mississippi food processing plants, and much more. >> schifrin: a dire warning-- the latest science on climatege chontinues to paint a picture of a future in the grips of extreme weather. william branghameports on how it may impact the basics of life. >> brangham: if we don't quickly change the way we grow our food and manage the land on earth, we will not be able to avoid the worst damages from climate change. that grim assessment comes from a new report issued today in geneva by the united nations intergovernmental panel on climate change.
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over a hundred experts from 53 nations contributed to the report. the report details a global feedback loop where our land management makes climate change worse, and then climate change impacts the land even more. right now, how we grow food, chop down forests and drain wetlands contributes about 23% of human greenhouse gas emissions. for example, the report notes that soils essential for growina fo being lost 10 to 100 times faster than they're replished. as that land degrades, crop yields will fall, and th soil seself loses its natural ability to absorb greenhasses, which then makes climate change worse, and perpetuates theycle according the report, about 500 million people live in areas that are turning quickly to sert. these millions of people are increasingly vulnerable to heat waves and floods, and may soon find their homes unlivable.
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the report does offer some hope, pointing out how better land management could reverse some of these trends. it also suggests things like reducing food waste-- because one third of all food that's produced gets wasted-- and shifting our diet away from meat, which requires far more energy to produce than a plant- based diet. for more on what this report says, and how we ought to respond, i'm joined et ranganathan. she's the vice president for science and research at the world resources institute. we can upto the "newshour".is eport seems to lay out the essential paradox of modern life, which is the way we have grown food and managed the lands l over the planet, have built this incredible society that we live in, but now we realize those exact methods imperil that society, is that right? n't that what this is saying? >> yes, exactly. one of the key messages of this report is thatys the foodtem and the land use changes associated with that food system
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are a significant factor in contributing to climate changan, these other factors such as deforestation. in fact, you know, it is impossible to achieve the paris climate agreement without significant changes the food system, and that includes both production andonmption. so this report puts that issue squarely on the table. james: what are the specific things we do globally to the land that are problematic as detailed in this report? >> well, the first thing is, we thed to use land to produce food. t's a good thing. we haven't developed another substitute for land yet. but how much land we use and eat the ex of natikal ecosystems forests has become quite problematic. so food, the expansion to have the agriculture frontier, is the major driver of deforestation which releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, creates climate chge and in turn
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impacts agriculture. >> but just getting the political will and the governments do this, look at brazil, the amazon is one to have the most essential parts o our ecosystem yet they have a government who wants to fire up the chainsaws. >> there are compelling arguments why countries want to change the agriculture foobtsprint. the amazon is a climate regulation system but it is the regulation system for the whole region there. so if you keep chipping away at the amazn, you will only contribute to the climate problem. the scientists say themazon could reach a tipping point where it switch overs and becomes a more savanna-like vegetation. if that happenshe whole rain forest system in that region which is a large bread basket to
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ve world will be severely affected. >> what are some of the other w thincould do? we still have to grow cps and food out of the land we live on. what are the other things theyes suwe need to do? >> one of the things correctlyno d was food waste is a massive thing. globally it's about a quarter on calories betield or fork is either wasted or loss, in th. significantly higher. >> james: how is that? it's lost in transport, after we purchase it? >> all of those. in developing countries, low-in tme countries, itds to be, you know, the lack of infrastructure, refrigeration, packaging. in developed countries, you know, rich countries like the s., it's more, you know, you purchase something, put it in your fridge, you decide to go out dinner. you're confused by the sell-by date. you think eat-by is no good anymore, so toss it in t tash. so cutting food waste.
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food waste is wasted land, wasted water, wasted greenhouse gas emissions, it's wasteyd mo. so taking a bite out of that land that we need to prltoduce agrie, this is a very effective way. >> the report also suggests that, glally, we ought to change our diet, eatins l meat and more vegetables and plants and fruits. how importt is that in this process? >> critical. i'm glad to see es. the worldrces institute report came out recently creating more sustainable food feature, and also put diets on the issue. the reason is not alfoods are equal in terms of the greenhouse impact. so beef, foexample, produces 22 -- proces 20 tes as much greenhouse gas emissions per ounce of protein as, say, plant-based protein like beans or >> james: huge, that kind of thing. >> yeah, people think about where doe my food come from,
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how is it produced? that affects greenhouse gas issions. but more significant is what do i choose to eat? that wilhave the most profound imhackett on the diet-related emissions that you have. >> changing again the global diet, you think of india and china and all those populations moving into the middle and upper class, they adopt american habitsnd eat more peete meat. seems like we're moving in the opposite direction. >> there are things we can do about that in. the uned states, since the '70s, the per capita consumption of beef has formed by about a third, so it's already startedo happen. there are health and maybe cost reasons to do that. so there are tragedies we can use in developed countrieso t shift diets, food service companies are starting to use these. where they're worried about spiraling healthcar can put in place the rightnc
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education,tives and educational programs to nip this in the bud and allow them to sort of pea at a lower meat, maximum meat than in rich countries. >> lastly, there's a lot of talk especially in the presidential campaign in the u.s. a.m. about the time frame action, doha we ten, twelve yearso act. does this report address that at all? >> it doesn't specifically address the window we have to try to stabilize or limit global climate chge, but other i.c.p. reports have. we're talking about a very short narrowing window of ten to 15 years. action needs to have happened yesterday. >> janet ranganathan from the world resources institute, thank you. >> thank you. my pleasure. ank you for having us on the show. >> schifrin: stay with us. coming up on the newshour: international tensions rise in
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kashmir as india revokes the region's special status, five years after the death of michael brcyn, we examine the effica of reform efforts in ferguson, armissouri, and one alaskast looks to glaciers for musical inspiration. federal immigration officials today released some 300 of the nearly 700 people arrested yesterday in work-place sweeps t mississippi. authorities callede largest single-state action of it's kind in u.s. history. as jeffrey brown repts, the raids targeted immigrant workers employed in food processing plants. >> brown: the raids involved tire than 600 federal officers in an action autho said had been in the planning for more than a year. and fe on the second day of school in the area. for more on the raids, and what has happened since, we turn tome aleaziz, immigration reporter for buzzfeed.
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>> 370 individuals sent to country centers. ice expanded detention space. >> brown: what do we know? >> 700 undocumented search warrant unsealed. at this point we are left with only arrests. >> brown: the government said this is long in the works. occurred right after el paso shootings. any connection?
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rch warrants were ready go. executed them simply because they had warrants. not tied with shootings. local advocates have said they were disturbed by timing. >> brown: what happens next? >> these communities have to pick up the pieces. kids have parents in detention, one parent at home. already we see the effects. several school districts seen drop in attendance. at this point muche ill remain toen.
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>> brown: expectation other raids coming? >> yeah, we should expect that. the administration has said in starting at the beginning of last year that they would ramp up the so-called workites enforcement operations. we've already seen some pretty big operations last year, with a couple hundred people being arrested at one facility, but this has really, you know, just so massive in scope, you know, 700 people. so i think, you know, perhaps this could be the beginning w a ea of major operations hamed of buzzfeed, thank you very much. >> appreciate it. now a focus >> schifrin: now a closer focus on how wednesday's raids are affecting e community, especially children with a parent in custody. tony mcgee is superintendent of scott county public schools. what happened in the classrooms and after school yesterday? >> we got notified around 8:30 yesterday morning that there was a potential.c.
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raid at some of the processing plants in scott county. we knefromhat that potentially some of our parents might be those detainees. we had parents coming into schools at 9:00 to check children out of schools, had neighborhoods and friends coming to start checking children out of school. ocess ofed the identifying the students and parents that may have been detained.e >> what's situation today? we've heard a number of people being released from custody but what's is situation in schools. >> we had approximately 164 students across the district, mainly hispanic, latino of nature, abst from school today. so we started reaching out to those families to finut about boys and girls, where they're at, how they're dng, just making sure that they know school is a safe place for them. it can be a saf harbor for boys and girls and that we're here to care for those kids. >> what kind of response did you
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see from the volunteers or the larger community. >> wve had a tremendous response. started early yesterday, once the word goteout, pe started calling, coming. we had a lot nsof organizat in scott down city, they're deeply rooted into the hispanic community, and they came to lend support to our people as we tried to trance lathe in a different language and made sure everybody felt safe. we've had a tremendous amount of support across the nation frocam fornia to new jersey, people have contacted us about what can they do not only monetarily but for boys and girls to provide help. nd school, weity had no prior knowledge, so it was pretty shocking, it was really agh touay emotionally for educators and students and families. as far as local law enforcement, as far as i understand, they had very limited knowledge or no knowledge of it so it was one of those things that we found out about it after
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it happened. >> all right, superintendent tony mcgee, thank you very ngs, sir, thank you. much. >> schifrin: followo mass shootings-- in el paso and dayton, ohio-- mental health is again in the spotlight. as more americans seek treatment, the healthcare system and lawmakers can't keepp. for many californians who have struggled with a severe mental illness, the road to long-term care sometimes begins with a iop behind bars. the largest menttitution in california is los angeles jail. byrhonda lns of cal-matters, a nonprofit, nonpartisan media organization, takes a look at how the mental health system is failing some of the most vulneble. >> he kept tapping me on the shoulder, "mom, look at that white car is following us.
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that's the governmen that's the c.i.a." >> reporter: joanna jurgens noticed something wrong with her son jeffrey on a family tri cp o tahoifornia. >> this is him in junior high. >> reporter: he was it wis first psychotic break and the benning of his years- long struggle with schizoaffective disorder. over the next four years, jeffrey landed in jail-- frequently. >> i remember saying to the judge in el dorado county, "i need help. he needs help, and i don't know what to do, but we're waiting for a disaster to happen." inbut he said, "there's noi can really do." l reporter: his time in j and on the streets gave him an unlikely friend. route to the--th-12, i'm en >> i saw jeffrey sitting on a bench. he didn't have any clothes on, he was a little disheveled."h i said, ey, are you a new guy?" and he says, "yes, i am. >> reporter: across the country, re than 90% of patrol officers encounter about six people experiencing a mental health crisis each month, according to
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the u.s. department tice. >> okay great. this is gonnrebe great. yoonna get treatment. you're gonna get the help you need. you're gonna get housed. and they just can't keep it together. >> reporter: following his arrest from stealing a car, a judge finally witnessed what jurgens's mother had been saying for years-- that jeffrey was sick. >> the judge was trying to talk to him. then my son just started yele ng out, "who f do you think you are? i'm jesus christ." >> reporter: instead of jail, jeffery was sent to the atascadero state mental hospital, where he's been for the past five years. >> we're here talking about mental healt and that's my 27- year-old son. >> reporter: la'tanya dandie's son, kristopher, had his first psychotic break at 19. since then, when dandie has y rned to law enforcement for help, officials eir hands are tied. >> so they say "ma'am, we can't do anything because violate his civil rights".
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>> reporter: california, like most states, makes it difficult to compel people to get treatment. >> i'm like civil rights, your officer just heard him screaming like someby was attacking him, and i'm on the phone with him a few secondeys ago. as like, "well we can't do anything." >> reporter: but dandie's son was now in more despate straits. at the time, he was homeless. for the with mental health issues, finding affordable housing is nearly impossible. for the few who have found ato placive, the options are dwindling. nationally, about a third of people with a serious mental illness are homeless.ho >> i hate to bless again. i was homeless for about 20 years before i came here. >> reporter: tom gray has schizophrenia. for e past 11 years, the vietnam vet has lived at this san francisco board and care me. >> you want the ham? what about the vegetables? >> reporter: since 2012, more than a quarter of residential i facilitiessan francisco, serving people under 60 have
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closed their doors. nationwide, small board and care homes, like where tom lives,ab have lost out 15,000 beds, between 2010 and 2016, accordig to a survey by the national center for health stattics. >> not knowing where i'm gonna go next. that's how i feel kind of lost. >> reporter: gray has found a temporary house in sn francisco, but will have to move again in a few months. a bill winding through the statt legie would triple the number of people who can use medicaid dollars to live in board-and-care homes. but it still has a lon go. to >> there isn't a big political action committee well-funded for mentally ill people. okay. doesn't exist. >> reporter: state senator jim a,all of san jose, califor created the state's first mental health caucus.
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he's trying to not only increase housing options, but also create avenues for the judicial system to deal with those with mental health issue >> all rise. department 61 is now in seion. >> reporter: it's health co >> the honorable judge stephen manley presiding. ed>> our jails are overcro our prisons are overcrowded. the crime rate has really not changed dramatically, yet we have more and more people incarcerated. and so we have to do something different. >> reporter: there are more than 300 mental health courts across the country in nearly every state. stead of jail time, judg stephen manley orders people to take their medication, stay sober and sends some to mmunity treatment programs. >> you're not in jail anymore. see, it's so much better. breathe the clean air. ah, just keep it up. okay. >> reporter: while judge manley works to keep people out of prisons and state hospital for people like jeffrey jurgens, the treatment and structure at the
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hospital is often e best option. once a month, joanna makes this four-hour drive to visit her son. >> it's good and bad to say that your kid is happy in a state hospital. >> reporter: for parents like joanna jurgens, la'tanya dandie and many others, state laws and resources continue to be a challenge for getting their children help. for the pbs newshour, i'm byrhonda lyons, in sacramento, california. ri >> sch tens of thousands of indian government forces in riot gear patrol indian- controlled kashmir. this comes four days after the indian government announced thag it was cg the status of kashmir. india's only muslim-majoritych
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region wup until this week, had a large degree of autonomy. it is a lo disputed area claimed by both india and pakistan, and rebels have been fighting indian rule ithe portion it administers for decades. today in kashmir, the streets are empty. soldiers enforce a strict military curfew. hundreds have been arrested. fear has driven many inside, and many others are trying to leave but e stuck with limited transport. >> ( trsled ): the government made the situation worse, there are no arrangements for us to leave, nor is there is anarrangement for food. we have been lying here, hungry. >> schifrin: in an unprecedented clampdown, india has blocked internet and phone in the primarily muslim region. and today indian prime minisr narendra modi called this "thenn beg of a new era" >> ( translated ): i, and the whole nati, have taken a historic decision. an arrangement in which our brothers and sisters from jammu kashmir and lada, had been deprived of their rights, which
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had been a great obstacle in their development, has removed as a result of all our efforts. >> schifrin: on monday modi's government lifted article 370 of the indian constitution, which enabled kashmiris to write their own laws. india says it's a national security decision becausest pa has supported militant groups who have launched many attacks inside kashmir. >> ( translated ): we will all at together and rid jammu and kashmir of terrori separatism. ease of living will increase for our citizens. >> schifrin: but critics describe the modi government as overtly biased in favor of the majority hindu population, at the expense of india's 180 million prot demonstrated in new delhi, and in karachi, pakistan, where they burned an effigy of mo. pakistan halted trade with india and downgraded diplomac relations.
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indian occupied kashmir has been converted into the largest prison in the world and in the nkind.y of ma more than 14 million humans are incarcerated in their homes. >> schifrin: lasmonth president trump met with pakistan's prime minister and offered his assistan >> if i could help i would love to be a mediator. >> schifri but there's a reason why prior presidents have avoided that offer. kashmir is located at the northernmost tip of the indian subcontinent, at the nexus of india, pakistan anchina. kashmir has been in dispute since the 1947 partition. india now controls the larger portion, while pakistan has two smaller areas. the two sides are separated by the line of control. the countries fought over control of kashmir in 1947, and in a larger war in 1971. conflict sparked again in 1999. the two nuclear nations were pushed into a cease-fire over concerns of a nuclear war. but the conflict has long
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simmered. today pakistan suspeed the "friendship express train" that runs across the border, andwa ed tensions could remain high. t we examine whengs go from here with ambassador frank wisner. he had a nearl40 year diplomatic career and served in senior positions in both the ntstate and defense depart during republican and democratic administrations. he was ambassar to india during the clinton administration. ambassador, thanfoyou very much coming on the "newshour". fundamentally, what does it mean that castuere's shas been shifted? >> well, it means a great deal. the regime under which kashmirve has since the late 1940s has given it a measure of autonomy that mixes very deeply th the psychology and sense of belonging of the overwhelming majority of the people of jamo
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and kashmir. removing that is going to understandably create a great deal of emotion across the border with pakistan and it will create a cerin amount of attention on the global stage. >> ande've seen that emotion both in india, and pakistan global stage, here we are talking abt it. the b.j.p., the ruling party in india d its prrmt modi have been talking about this move for a long why do you think they've made it now? >> that's precisely th they've signaled well in advance that the r partyurned with a new mandate will go to parliament and seek a change to t only end the special status but sever the territory of kashmir into two portions and lede them both centrally they chose this time, and they chose it ve carefully, once they had in place a
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comprehensive plan to control the consequences of a political decision that the government made very carefully. they deployed forces, they closed off telecommunications, they've closed down radio, they've picked up people who might be in opposition. it was a carefully set out and very carefully deployed pla >> and you said they would be able to accept or manage the political csequences. will there be political consequence force them, for this llve? >> they've takenhe legal steps, the indian system would call for. will that calm the passions of those on the ground in kashmir? , it won't. will it make others uneasy, indian muslims? will it calm those in pakistan who continue to claimhat pakistan has a legitimate say in the future of kashmir? none of those will happen.nt
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the governis not trying to satisfy those audiences. >> we saw in thstory that played just a few minutes ago, president trump weighing in on this when asked by pak mtani primister in the oval office, he said he would not mind being a mediator. will that statement impact the timing of this? >> in my idea it would not. this was carefully planned, there were too many moving parts in play. i can't say at the president's statement received anything but negative reactions in india, but i don't think it was a triggering event. >> you tal e about thetions running high. we saw protests both in dlhi and multiple places in pakistan. how fundamental is this for pakistan? these countries have fought three wars in the past, is it something that could cause there to be more conflict? >> well, i do not predict that there will be open conflict between india and pakistan. i think that's probably
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unlikely. but will there be a rise in the short run in jihadi terroristmp at to cross the border from pakistan into indian -- the indian side? i think that's highly possible. can you imagine circumstances in which there will be a higher level of militancy within jaman and kashmir? i can imagine that as well. but i don't s overall war fair between the two sides. what one must quor r worry about, though, is with an increase in low-levelihadi violence, that india retaliates, pakistan retaliates, and you can have a very unpleasant circumstance. >> and fundamentally, is that the main u.s. interest he that these two countries' conflict does not happen an tensions increased? >> clearly that's an american interest, but i would underscore a separate point -- india is great nation, it is a major
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factor on the world stage.we re moving into a world order in which large nations have to keep some sense of balance. we neea balanced relationship with india. we are not in a position t tell india what to do one way or the other.ll india wiursue its ownd ambitions ts government elected with an overwhelming majority has taken thisde sion, whether that's a popular one outside of india ori inside kasr or pakistan, it is the decision of the indian government, and they intend to make it stick. >> ambassador frank wisner, thank you so much. >> thank you. t schifrin: tomorrow marks the fifth anniversary day michael brown jr. was shot and killed by a police officer in ferguson, missouri.
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the moment touched off months of protests and thrust into a new light questions about use-of-force, race relations and criminal justice in this country. political correspondent yamiche alcindor traveled back to ferguson to see what progress has and hasn't been made. >> alcindor: a typical summerea barbecue--what some see as hallowed ground. it was here five years ago that officer darren wilson shot and killed 18-year-old michael brown. >> to me that little patch just reminds me of exactly where it happened at. i can't drive over it. i don't know what that is. itdon't know how to explai or why, but i can't. i drive around it. >> alcindor: fran griffin helped organize this event part of the southeast ferguson community association. the group was formed in the wa of brown's death to provide community services. like many others, griffin was spurred to protest after brown was killed. and earlier this year, she won seat on ferguson's city council, becoming the first black woman to represent her ward.
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>> when michael brown jr. was killed it changed the lives of so many people, not just here in ferguson, but throughout the entire world. it changed my life i never ever would have thought that i would have been aci poli but i found something that i could do that would help my community. >> alcindor: brown's death thrust ferguson, a city of 22,000, into the natl spotlight. images of police in armored vehicles firing tear gas atrotesters-- and demonstrators setting fire to businesses-- fueled intense debate. now as another anniversary approaches, many are takinha stock of whachanged. >> we have a lot of new staff members around city hall, wf e have a lotw staff. people especially in the police department. ouncive a lot of new members. >> alcindor: james knowles is mayor of ferguson. he's one of the few remaining city officials from 2014. he remains the target of intense criticism but insists the cityng has made meal strides. >> we have a tremendous amount of n officers in our police
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department, a much more diverse police department than we had in the past.uc our courts aremore focused on working with people to not get caught in that trap of that, that kind of cycle of being in, in the court system through traffic tickets or housing fines. >> alcindor: of course, many owe those reform mandated by ast juice department consent decree. in 2015, the d.o.j. concluded law enforcement practices in ferguson were "shad by the city's focus on revenue rather than public safety needs." it also determined that african americans were arrested at dispropoionate rates and some without probable cause. statewide, black drivers are still nearly twice as likely as others to be stopped. in ferguson, the disparity in traffic stops oflack drivers has also increased by 5% since 2013. ferguson has dramaticallyre ced its ticketing. in 2014, the city issued nearly 12,000. most were for minor municipal code 017, that number was under
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2,000. now, revenue hasallen from nearly $2 million in 2014, to just under $400,000 in 2017. the municipal court also vacated nearly 10,000 arrest warrants. there have also been broader changes. >> we know this issue isn't limited to the borders of ferguson. >> alcindor: last year, wesley bell was elected st. louis county prosecutor. the former ferguson city councilman defeated long-time republican bob mcculloch who declined to indict officer wilson. >> it was more of the typical incarcerate your way out of every problesom. one is struggling to pay child support put him on probation or lock them up. someone has a drug issue, put him on probation or lock them up, and that exacerbates the problem. any of you who work the streets know you see many people who
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just need treatment. s>> alcindor: instead, he prioritizing pre-trial diversion programs, cash bail reform, and gecriminalizing low-level dru charges. >> we want to make sure that people who are incarcerated neeb incarcerated, and those that do not need to be, should not see the inside of a jail. s >> alcindor: since bell en in office, st. louis county's jail population has dropped by 20%. there are still serious questions aso how much change has come to ferguson. storefronts like these remain shuttered and development is. sl and there a stark racial divisions and deep tensions between the community and police. councilwoman griffin worries the thd ward-- which has the highest percentage of black residents and the lowest income levels-- is not getting enou resources. >> in terms of just the little small mom and pop stores like those aren't existing. you've got a few buty supply uses. you've got a few beauty salons and nail shops but in terms of actually providing resources to people where they can g in walking distance where they can go and shop.
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i would say no. >> alcindor: last week, ami ouri non-profit announced plans for a new development project. it will incle a health care center and possibly a grocery store. still, some in the community remain deeply worried about interactions with the police and racial profiling. >> i don't feel likeng different. i don't feel like it's enhanced or anything like that. l i don't feele i can call the police to save myself to be honest. >> alcindor: marcus hicks and travis bowl, both 22, live in ferguson and saw the protests here in 2014. >> being a black man, it's just like i feel like it's never going to change. tyke they're going to forever think we're on som of b.s. or some type of gang banger stuff. >> alcindor: yet, some wronglysi believe black nts deserve extra scrutiny. >> if you watch how some of ese people drive, you know what, you know what color they are. i'm not prejudiced. but we can tell by the way they >> ar: judy mccarty has
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lived in ferguson since she was two and lives just blocks from where brown was killed. and while her husband william fomccarty says some court s were needed... >> well you know when you come in to pay a ticket, and you've got four other outstanding warrants, and they put you in jail. you can't pay your fine, if you'ren jail you're not gonna be working. >> alcindor: still, they worry things have gone too far. >> let's not go the opposite way, where it's the way there seemed to be going now, and there's no punishment for abusing the law. >> right. yeah. >> alcindor: at the same time, ferguson's independent monitorty testified the eeds to do more to actually implement policy changes, including new poce training. but mayor knowles says the costs are too high, which has rankled many activists. >> there is no police department thin missouri-- very few i country-- that do all of the things that are required by our consent decree. and yet we have to go through more hoops. we have to endur training more scrutiny.
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>> to them the mindset is "it's not fair that we're being penalized because of whatha ened here." because everybody else was doing it. that's the wrong mindset to have >> alcindor: griffin says it's that kind of sentiment thater makes her cod the city may revert to its old practices. but she's also confident in the momentume last five years. >> it's a constant reminder of what my responsibilities are. it's a constant reminder of the pain that an entire community felt. it's a cstant reminder of the way that the police assaulted's it just a constant reminder that we've got to keep figing. >> alcindor: for the pbs newshour, i'm yamiche alcindor in ferguson, missouri. >> schifrin: we return now to the topic of climate change, but with a very different look.
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lerie kern of alaska public media explores how one artist is turning to glaciers to creat music and capture their melting. this story is part of our ongoing arts and culture coverage, "canvas." >> i was out recording the wind sounds, and it was really snowy and icy, and i came back down into the buiing, and i was just covered in like ice on my beard and snow and, you know, everything was frozen up and someone said, "matthew, what are you doing?" and i said, "i'm composing." well, i'm a composer, andan sound artistan eco- acoustician. so i work with environmental sounds, and i create music, and sound art in dialogue with nature. so i particularly focus on climate change. so, you know, i'm interested in composing music that reflects changes in our climate, and i
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try to bring attention to that, and work with the natural world as a musical instrument.'m soery often composing with glaciers, and with the snow, or the wind, and any way that i can discover how we hear climate change. by thumping it i hear, like, the snow bank as a bass drum. you know, some days i'm out in the mountains, listening and recording sounds. there are days where i sit at the mputer programming. there are days when i sit at a music paper writing music. no, it's never dull. i made an alm called "glacier music," it's published, so it kind of fixes in time snapshots of these glaciers. as the glaciers are retreating they go through a rapid kind of
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time of retreat and that has a rtain sonic signature. ♪ and then the glacier goes through a period of thinning, and you can hear that because the water that's thinning comes out of the glacier on the sides, andke usually these rushing rivers on the sides of the glaciers, and that sound to me is a signature sound of a glacier that's in advanced retreat. ♪ when i was studying music i wase imprby the sounds of the natural world, and in general,th power and the presence of
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the alaskan wilderness and so i naturally made music with those things. as i got older, you know, the environmt started changing and i started hearing those changes in the sounds that i l. i want people to feel something. if the music is made ba glacier for example, will we feel more connected to the glaciers and think about them in a differentay? through composing these pieces we're kind of documenting thew world d in the future maybe the glacier, likea, matanuill sound very different if it sounds at all; and i still hope that we can change that. th the glaciers won't disappear. it's stressful to think about, you know, a million species of animals becoming extinct in the next few years. you know, to think about all the arctic animals that are among those millio like what can i do to help with that? is the music really gonna stops? the extincti no, it's not.
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maybe the music can be used in a kind of joint science, policy, art discourse that does change that in some way. >> schifrin: in tonight's brief but spectacular episode, actor and singer utkarsh ambudkar latest film "brittany runs a marathon" >> as a south asian man, the roles that we get are very finite. and i say no to quite a few things. d like, we doncomputer nerds and we don't do sidekicks. so music a acting have always
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gone hand in hand for me. i was in a hip hop group, a trio, much like the beastie boys how did "pitch perfect" haen? let's, let's rewind guys. mindy kaling saw "pitch perfect," saw me in "pitch perfect," i got offered the role of her little brother rishi on "the mindy project." white famous was for role was written for a light skinned black actor. i improvised an indian south asian spin on that role in the room. i've been acting professionally since 2005 and, around 2018 is when peoplez re, that asking me to do an accent when it wasn't period or, um, geographically appropriate was offensiv now i can walk into a room and call it out and people kind ofhe have to,accept it. >> what does that conver sound like in the room? >> so i've been in auditions wherthey wrote a line in
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their how about, i'm an indian teacher with an strong aent saying that he would sell ten goats to get a woman like that in his classroom. sohis is offensive. and i told my manager, "no, there's no way i'm going to do this." " my manager saiay, go in, you can put your own spin on it. they're fine." so i go and i do my no accent and my improv. he said, "can you just do it the way that i wrote it?" "you want me to do it the waye you wr? like even this line about the goats?" the sauce on what i said was so thick that there was only one interpretation to take from it. and that's not how you do business and it's not how we should communicate with each other. in any case, that's my responsibility, but his responsibility is to not write a piece of [bleep] that's offensive. right? now the way we are is when i a walk into a ro it just happened on "mulan." i just went and did this disney
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movie but there were some challenges with sort of, um, thi way that our eties were being portrayed. and i was able to go into the room with disney.t' i meana giant conglomerate, and the script was changed, and moved around, and built an enhand to sort of speak to some of the concerns that we had. you think that's just how it's supposed to go, but it's one of the first few times that it's starting to happenor me where i can be like, "hey, i see a problem here," and people actually listen. my name is utkarsh ambudkar and this is my brief but spectacular take on making it up as i go along. >> schifrin: you can find additional brief but spectacular episodes on our weite: toesident trump confirmed this evening deputy dir of national intelligence sue gordon is resigning effectively next week. it is the latest shakeup at the eop of u.s. intellige agencies. dan coates the director of national intelligence is also leaving his post-next week. congressman john ratcliffe withdrew from k to be the next
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dni after concerns he inflated his resume and didn't have enough interligence ence. it is unclear who will be named acting head. the job oversees the nation's 17 intelligence agencies. and that's the newshour for tonchht. i'm nickrin. join us online and again here tomorrow evening. anr all of us at the pbs newshour, thank yosee you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> babbel. iolanguage learning app that uses speech recogn technology and teaches real-life in a new language, like spanish, french, german, italian,nd more. babbel's 10-15 msoute lesns are available as an app, or online. more information on >> consumer cellular.
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