tv PBS News Hour PBS August 9, 2019 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> nawaz: good evening. judy woodruff is away. on the newshour tonight: turmoil at the top-- how multiple resignations at the country's top intelligence office raise questions about political influence and the future of the intelligence community. then, five years after the police killing of michael brown, we return to ferguson, missouri, to look at the emotional toll left behind. >> when i wake up in the morning, my otions are all over the place, and i really don't know if i want to go forwards, backwards. every day is a fight for me since august 9, 2014. >> nawaz: and it's friday. david brooks and jonathan capehart are here to break down the political response to mass shootings in el paso and dayton, as well as the lates20from the campaign trail.
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all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> ordering takeout. >> finding the west route. >> talking for hours. >> planning for showers. >> you can do thes you like to do with a wireless plan designed for you. with talk, text and data. conser cellular. learn more at >> babbel. a language program that teaches real-life conversations in a new language, like spanish, french, german, italian, and more. >> the ford foundation. working with visionaries on the frontlines of social change worldwide.
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>> and with the ongoing support of these institutions and friendof the newshour. >> this program was mad possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> nawaz: president trump expressed hope today tt he'll be able to persuade republicans r back stronger background check legislation rearms. he said he's spoken with congressional leaders and officials from the nat rifle association after st weekend's mass shootings in texas and ohio. before leaving the w house this morning, the presidt told reporters there is "tremendous support" for background check legislation.
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>> frankly, we need intelligent background checks. okay? this isn't a question of n.r.a., reblican or democrat. i will tell you i spoke to mitch mcconnell yesterday. he's totally on board. he said, "i've been waiting fo your call." he is totally on board. >> nawaz: now, mcconnell has not endorsed any type of gun safety legislation. yesterday, he told a kentucky radio show the senate will discuss background checks and so-called "red flag" laws when it returns in septemr. brve years after the fatal shooting of michaen in ferguson, missouri, his father today called for a new investigation of his death. the 2014 killing sparked nationwide protests and a movement for police accountability, but state and federal prosecutors de to indict darren wilson, the white police officer who s t and killed the unarmed black teenager. today, brown's father said justice had not yet been served. >> as father i vowed to
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protect my children. well, on august 9, 2014, thae. wasn't the c i could not protect him that day, and it breaks mt. his family is still standing,an we're not stopping until we get some type of justice. >> nawaz: st. louis county's new prosecuting attorney, wesley bell, has not yet said whether he will reopen t case. in hong kong, demonstrators descended on the internaonal airport today for the first of three days of planned anti- government protests. hundredsf activists filled the airport's terminal and chanted demands for democratic reforms in the region. protesters said they want to send a message to visitors in hong kong. >> ( translated ): every foreigner who came to hong kong could see how united we are. this shows that hong kong youngsters are 100% peaceful and not violent. >> nawaz: while today's protests remained peaceful, some recent demonstrations have led to violent clashes betwotn police and tors. today, the territory's chiefar executive,e lam-- who has faced calls to step down-- urged
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lawmakers not to give er months of chaos. >> i don't think we shou just sort of make concessions in order to silence the violent protesters. we should do what is right for hong kong. isand, at this moment, wha right for hong kong-- as we have heard all of our 33 business representatives told us-- is to stop the violence and to say no to the chaotic situation that hong kong has experienced inkshe last few w >> nawaz: in opposition to a now-tabled extradition bill that could have moved hong kong residents to mainland china to face criminal charges. police have arrested nearly 600 people in the demonstrations since june. there is word tonight north korea has fired two theectiles into the sea off eastern coast. it comes after the country has ramped i up the missile test amid stalemate with talks with
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the u.s. the president said he received a three page letter from north korean leader kim jong un but declined to share what it said china meanwhile is on red alert as a powerful typhoon made landfall on its east coast. it touched down in zhejiang ce around 1:00 a.m. loca time on saturday. heavy rains and strong winds had already impacted parts of northeastern taiwan, flights and suspending schools. the typhoon is expected to weaken as it moves farther inland. the indian government temporarily eased a strict curfew in the disputed territory of kashmir for friday prayers. that came during an unprecedented five-day lockdown in the muslim-majority state by indi government.ionalist today, in pakistan-administered kashmir, hundreds demonstrated against that crackdo. >> ( translated ): we are on the streets, and we have just one demand: that we should be given the right of determination as soon as possible and that a solution should be found for the kashmir issue. we appeal to the united nations
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to find a peaceful solution and grant us self-determination >> nawaz: the indiannment implemented that lockdown after it unilaterally revoked kashmir's autonomy, leading to mass protests and escalating tensions with pakistan. the remains of a detroit man who ed in baghdad after being deported from the u.s. will be returned to his home state of michigan for burial. jimmy al-daoud, who was born in greece to iraqi refugees, hadd li the u.s. legally since he was an infant. the 41-year old struggled withis mental healtes and was deported in june as part of an ice crackdown on immigrants witt criminal conns. he died in iraq, a country he'd never before set foot in, after being unable to obtain insulin to treat his diabetes. and there are new signs that uncertainty about "brexit" is taking a toll on the british economy. it unexpectedly shrank in the second quarter for the first time since 2012 as britain prepares to the leave the european union in october with or without a deal.
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back in this country, tradingli wat on wall street. the dow jones industrial average lost more than 90 points to closat 26,287; the nasdaq fe 80 points; and the s&p 500 slipped 19. still to come on the newshour: multiple high-profile resignations raise questions about the future of u. intelligence gathering; five years later, we examine the lasting impact of the police killing of michael brown on the ferguson, missouri, community; democratic presidential hopefuls gather in iowa to make their case to ters at the all- important state fair; and much more. >> nawaz: the top two officials at the office of director of national intelligence will leave service next just last night, the deputy directora near-30-year intel veteran named sue gordon,
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tendered her resignation. t this follo resignation of the director, dan coats, ten days ago.i. the d.s charged with coordnating the 17 agencies of nce sprawling u.s. intelli community, or i.c. mr. trump has often harshly criticized the intel community since he tk office. gordon, who was widely respected, sent the president a curt resignation note, telling mr. trump that he "should have his team. the national counterterrorism center director, retired admiral joseph mcguire, was named by mr. trump last night as acting d.n.i. to walk us through all this and why it matters, our nick schiin is here. hi, nick. >> hi,a. a a lot paragraphing. joseph mcguire, what do we know about him? >> vice admiral joseph mcguire spent 30 years as a special warfare officer navy seals. he feels director of the n.t.c.t. that advises on policy
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and operations aoss the intelligence community. i talked to a lot of people on the hill, intelligence community, former senior intelligence officials who work for him. the people who defend him call him a first class human being, great leader, man of integrity and warrior. "if i ever needed someone killed, he would be the guy i call," i what one person i talked to said. that's the kind of endorseidnt prt trump gave him today. >> admiral mcguire isn intelligent man, a great leader, a manwho is respected by everybody, a he's goin to be up for a period of time, who knows, maybe he gets the jobs, but he will be there for a period ofime, maybe a longer period of time, i think, see. >> even friends of mcguire said he had shortcomings. he's not an analyst or a strategic thinker, he's not going to solvethe challenges that face the intelligence community, he's not going to be the best atining a complex
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problem, that's where some of the criticism comes in. t ked to a senior official, congressional aid, who said that joe mcguire is going to follow the president's orders rather than speak truth, rather than tell him the intelligence th he needs to hear even if he doesn't want to hear it and they worry he' not up to the task, that he'll take orders like a loyal soldier rather than giving the president truth. >> nawaz: we heard the present has been politicizing the intelligence community, we heard that before. where does that concern stem from? >> from the very beginning, rememr president trump went to w big his inauration crowd was in the first few weeks of his presidency. the president's defenders called the intelligence community a deep state and he targeted his own senior members of the intelligence community. think of dan, coa soon to be former director of national intelligence, criticized thes presidenomments on north korea and i.s.i.s., or at least didn't agree with the president's comments. just last week the president called coats "a little confused"
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and said the intelligence community had "run amok." and that's what the people worried about mcguire tell me, what men when the president bushes back against mcguire, mcguire will not be up to the task. his defenders say heill stick with his integrity and will always be truthful and always back up his analysts and that will back up the community as a whole. >> nawaz: a lot of this is just as mu about t people who didn't get the job. sue gordon, bu t john ratcliffe, why didn't they get e job? >> ratcliffe misled on his resume. ratcliffe criticized the russia inttion and questioned whether russia interfered in6 the 2 election, that's something there enntelligence community has been behind that left questions about him. that left sueordon, the woman
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who would have gotten the job, and i've talked to a lot ofle pe today, and kay they universalsly say she was ama cons staff officer, beloved on both sides of the hill, very capable and tough as nails, and here's what representative adam schiff, democrat or california and the chairman of the house expwedges community said about this, gordon brought decades of experience and encyclopedic knowledge the agency to bear and her absence will believe a great void, but the president saw her as part of the deep state. we saw that in one of by his don donald trump, jr. who tweeted last week if adam wants her in there the rumors about her being besties with john bn b and the rest of the clown cadre must be 100% true.ob ously that distrust is why she did not get the job, even though she was so beloved and backed by the intelligence community and capitol hill. >> nawaz: she didn't get the
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note -- didn't get the job and wrote the note. >> sue gordon was pushed out. she wrote, i offer this letter as an act of respect andio pasm, not preference. you should have your team and then finished, know that our people, meaning the intelligence commtrity, are yourgth and they will never fail you or the nation, a clear statement that the people ofli the intnce community will always do their job whether or not the president wants to listen to them or not. >> this is a big job, the d.n.i., we're seeing all the civilian and militaryce intelligwhy does all this matter now? >> the u.s. intelligence yaghts is sprawling, has lots of agencies good at specific things, but the d.n.i. was dots.d to connect the that the what didn't happen during 9/11 and what the d.n.i. was created to d, to make sure that the intelligence agencies are working together, make sure their priorities in terms of their budgets are right and crucially make sure dissent is heard.
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>> nawaz: lot turmoil. thanks for keeping track of it all. >> thank you. >> nawaz: now, we returno ferguson, missouri, where, five years after the killing of michael brown, a community is still healing. our own yamiche alcindor went to ferguson and reports that while some progress has been made, many who lived through that day and the protests and the unrest that followed, say their lives have been changed forever. >> when i wake up in the morning, my emotions are all over the place, and i really n't know if i want to go forwards, backwards. because every day is a fight for me since august 9, 2014.>> eporter: that was the day lesley mcspadden's son, michael brown, jr., was shot and killed by a police officer in ferguson, missouri. the shooting sparked massive protests and unrest in the city. ulmately, officer darren wilson was not indicted for killing the 18-year-old.
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it's now been five years sinceon ferg became a national symbolnd inspired activists across the world. for those who intimately heexperienced what happene, the trauma of that time runs deep. and, for mcspadden, the hurt is about what never was. >> i was left with absolutely nothing as far as a remnant of michael. you know, he didn't have any children. ad never worked a job. as a mother, it makes you question yourself even though you know it's not your fault. but that's what i've been dealing with for ts. last five ye >> reporter: since then, she's started a foundation in her son's name. it offers youth services and a support network for mothers dealing with similar loes. much of her focus, though, is on her family. >> my baby son is now about to be 15. people talk.
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they ask questions. h so, nohas questions for me. how i answer those questions? >> reporter: it sounds like you're not any more coident five years later that your son who's now 15 would be safe from what happened to michael brown. >> no. i'm not. >> reporter: in the hours, days and months after brown was killed, thousands of protesters came to ferguson to v tce outrage ov shooting. kayla reed was one of those protesters. >> i think it really touched to the fabric of something in this country, for a generation that hadn't been touched. >> reporter: the sights and sounds of those days and months have left many, including reed, scarred. >> it is really hard is really hard for me to go to ferguson. when i see that box that they pour cement over where his body laid, and i see his memorial, it is really hard to reckon with the reality that all othis came because someone had to die. >> reporter: she is now co- director of the advocacy group"" action st. louis."
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the group campaigns to elect progressive politicians. is also hosts a fellowship for young, black act. still, reed says, despite what she and othersacike her have mplished, there remains a heavy weight. >> you know, there's a lot of pressure to kind of achieve this line of... of justice that was undeclared four years ago. i felt like i was up against a clock, that if i didn't do enough, somedy else's child was going to get killed. >> reporter: physical reminders s of what happened five yeo also remain. there are remnants of buildings th were damaged and stores boarded up in the wake of the protests. for some, they are triggers th t have lnightmares. >> well, some nights, i'll be pummeling her in t back. you know, i'd... like, the other night, i was trying to push somebody out of the house, you know, thinking that somebody had come in."y and she saidr hands are moving. you've got to wake up." >> reporter: form ecades, willcarty and his wife, judy, have lived here. f eir home is just a few blocks
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from the epicentere protests and >> i t, every night, when i took a shower, i was afraid the gunshot was going to come through the window and kill me. that's how close it was.or >> rr: judy mccarty, whose brother was once a ferguson police officer, is still shaken by her experienc >> one night, they came justk o ch us, to see how we were doing. and when they left, they ask us to pray for them. the police wanted pr they were scared. >> reporter:or joshua williams, who was a prominent protester, the consequens are even more stark. >> i saw michael brown andma trayvoin, tamir rice, sandra bland. i saw all those people. and, most importantly, i saw myself because i could have been e of those people on the grnd under this sheet. >> reporter: williams,n 19, was arrested after he tried to set fire to a s station.
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there was little damage to the building, and no one was injured. willms pled guilty to arson, burglary, and stealing. he was sentenced to eight years in prison. williams says he regrets what he did but adds he did it for a purpose. >> i was so angry that i didn't ially care what came out i just did it. in my mind, that would sme off the gove to pay attention to us, to see our pain, to see our tears, and to see our blood in the streets. >> i fl a lot of pain and some guilt around josh because i really wish that it wasn't his experience. i really wish that he wasn't so young. and i wish that he didn't ve to suffer this, like, by himself. you know, i wish we could all do a day for him so that he could come home faster or something. >> reporter: for many, fives years feke just a snapshot
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in time. residents and activists say it will take much longer to address long-standing issues and the new ones emerging. when lesley mcspadden reflects on the next five years, she ain turns to her family. >> in four years, my son will graduate from high school. in two years, my daughter will graduate college. i just want to be here to see it all. through it all, i'll just continue to be their mother, endure what comes my way, andr pray about betys for ferguson. >> reporter: for the pbs ndnewshour, i'm yamiche al in ferguson, missouri. >> nawaz: and a note about last night's story the changes taking place in ferguson. we misidentified the political affiliation of former st. louis county prosecutor bob mcculloch. he is a democrat we also stated st. louis county jail population has declined by
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20% since new prosecutor wesley bell took office. at number should be 16%. we have posted a corrected version online, where you can watch the entire series at >> nawaz: stay with us. coming up on the newshour: david brooks and jonathan capeha break down the week's political news; young musicians in poland revive the country's golden age of music, cut short by the nazi invasion; and we take a moment to remember the lives of those killed in the mass shootings last weekend. just about all of the democratic presential hopefuls are payi a visit to the iowa state fair six months ahead of the iowa caucuses. amid the fried food and festivities, the candidates made their pitches to iowa voters. now, some are chsing this occasion to go further than they have previously on the
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president's language around race. >> everybody knows who donald trump is. even his supporters know who he is. we've got to let him know who we e. we choose unity over division. we choose science over fiction. >> nawaz: meanwhile, during a visit to an iowa farm, massachusetts senator elizabeth warren called the president himself a white supremacist. at the state fair, julian castro told newshour's lisa desjardins that he agrees. >> he's actively fostering division and hate in our countr >> reporter: you think he's a white supremacist and a racist? o i think that's the kindf... yes, i think he's a racist. i think that he believes... it seems like he believes that white people are better than or superior to other people, unfortunately. >> nawaz: and lisa joins me now from the iowa state fair. lisa, i want to ask you about mr. castro's comments in a moment. let's start wh the iowa state fair, kind of a starting belt for the presidential primary
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race. what are all the candidates doing right now to winvoters? >> that's exactly right. sort of think of this as almost a political freeor all, barely organized political free for all, but with your favorite bad for you foods involved. i just say, amne' that seen something new here which a real crush of repters which is especially around vice president biden. he subject give amany appearances athas other candidates. so there was discussion about e vice president especially armed the topic of whether the president is a white supremacist, and vice president biden agreed in the endith elizabeth warren. this idea of race and dividing this country seems to be dominatindominatingdominating tn left. i asked about how do you label the presidabt, should youel the president this day to jhn delaney and andrew yang today. andrew yang agreed is a white supremacist. john delaney and tulsi gabba said we don't think it's useful
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to go there. this is an important issue for the democrats, not just those t who watalk about the president and what he presidh thro politically important. the voters are not comfortable with labeling the president as racist, even democrats. in iowa, many talk to if yoube someone as racist or white supremacist you have to know their intent. that's a big debate, many democrats disagree, it's their action that matter. some democrats are moving farther faster than others. >> naz: tell me abo what you're hearing from the democratic voters in the crowd? does this matter to them? how are they assessing the candidate feels now? >> this has been eye opening and fascinating. the best part o the fair is talking with the voters in iowa. elizabeth warren, i keep hearinm her n she ieas clrly on the rise in this state and it's not just name recognition a appeal, her organization has been on the ground longest and they seem to be really the
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muscle they have been flexing and numbers of people knocking on doors is starting to pay off very quickly. also you're hearing a few other names. i think we need to keep an eye still on pete buttigieg. kamala harris gets a lotof mention. i'm hearing mentions otulsi gabbard. i think the bigger story here, it's still six months out, of course, but democrats in iowa are very undecided. it doesn't seem like they passionatey feel strongly about one candidate, perhaps with the exception of elizabeth warren supporters. >> nawaz: potential republican voters at the state faimplet you have been talking to a lot of people. what have they been saying?re >> psident trump is very strong here in iowa and even some democrats who told me they were democrats say they thinken the presis doing a good job, some farmers who think the president's trade policy, while it may hurt some of them now, is something they believe in long term. they also think that democrats may be going too far when it
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comes to, say, immigration, and they really -- i just can't stress enough thetrengtf president trump here in this state. remember he won iowa by ni points. democrats really need to win in states like iowa in order to regain the whitend house, here at the iowa state fair, he's very popular. i think most ofll, thosewho support the president believe that he represents a kind of pride in america that they don't see from the democts. democrats totally disagree, but that's a message they're not getting across to the republican trump fans who are certainly out here at the fair. >> nawaz: you mentioned strayed and immigration, are those some of the top issues to iowans right now? >> quickly, also think healthcare. i spoke to several mothers, families, one mom working three wbs, another with three childre say they are depending on obamacare. this is something that the democrats are going to hav to rely on to do well in a state like this and something that could help joen. bi one bibbed vote -- biden a mom raising a three-year-old says she needs that kind of
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healthcare and appreciates joe biden and obamacare, that is a winning issue foremocrats in this case. >> nawaz: lisaesjardins on the ground for us at the iowafa state . good to talk to you, lisa. >> you, too. >> nawaz: we're now nearly a week on from the t tragedies in el paso, texas, and dayton, ohioth bugrave questions that have been raised in the aftermath remain, and likely will remain for some time. how, if atll, will american politics and american society respond? at brings us to brooks a capehart. that's "new york times" columnist david brooks ast "washington columnist jonathan capehart. mark shields is away this week. welcome to you both. thanks for being here. the big top this weeks gun violence was a big topic of conversation. i want to go right to a poll. we heard president trump mention earlier today leader mcconnell is totally on board with background checks, that would
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bring him ines line with the of the country. this is broken down by party f support universal background checks. the floor is 84% for republicans. do you see this as the moment that this legislation passes? >> wl, of course, e logically you want to say yes, but we have been here so ny times in parkland and all the shootings we have and haven't quite gotten there. how can something with thakind of support even with republicans not pass? first the tla has a zero compromise policy that we won't accept compromise, we're just lding the line and for 25, 30 years, it's been working for them. second, people care about guns on the week after something like this happens and then you ask them to rank the issues you care about, guns start dropping down. the third,eth turned into a culture war where for a lot of people it's about my culture versus your culture and if you want to control my guns which is part of my gun clubs and community, you're just a bunch of coastal elites coming after me.
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so i hope that's something that changes but we have a right to be skeptical. we might haveun the same debate over and over again, but what's new this week is it's ais terrorise as welland that the people especially in el paso, and a lot of these other shootings, they are killing on behalf o an ideology that is a little like the i.s.i.s. ideology in some ways, and if we had a discussion, what do we do toes combat dc terrorism, that we might be able to have a different conversation and pass some of this things we couldn't pass any other awway. >> naz: the threat might be different that way. >> you might rearrange the political alliances because the gun issue is pretty big. >> nawaz: johnstonave the conversation again and again, usually after a m eass publnt. in 2012 after kindergarteners re murdered, we thought this was the moment and it wasn't. >> right, if the slaughter of 20 children in their elementary school wasn't enough toove the senate to move the u.s. congress to pass evenust background
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checks, it failed by six votes, then nothing will move them. to david's point about, you know, a week we'll be talking about it, we'll move on, but ime think the um in this case will dissipate greatly because the president justeft for vacation. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is already on vacation. he's alrdy said the senate's not coming back, and, so, by the time they come back in september, god forbid, we're not talking about another mass shooting, but it might not be till another mass shooting thate you getind of energy and momentum that's needed to push such a heavy rock up the hill. >> nawaz: do you think if members of congress inir t home district are getting questions about it, that could help to add to some momentum? >> look, again, going back to newtown, the national outregion over what happened wasn't enough to blunt the power of the n.r.a., so i don'tnow how much a town hall is going to/orsi
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succ town halls will be to change th the momentum. >> the cultural issue cannot be underestimated. mayor bloomberg, it was not good for the gun urban shy that the man spending money and becoming a spokesman was the mayor of new york city. this has to be led by republicans who say i love to shoot, guns are part of my culture but we have to change, c and until yo get red state leaders to do that, it must be tougher. >>z: the president obviously made a visit to the affected communities, and his team put out basically what is a highly produced edit iividual vf his visit on the ground in el paso. you're watching a clif o right there. there was a contrast there between some of the reports we haired on the ground, some journalists, and a cell phone video that emerged after the visit, it showed the president on the ground in epaso talking about his crowd size at a rally in febgary and compar it to beto o'rourke.
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take a quick listen to what he said >> that was some crowd. we had twice the number outside, and then you ishave razy beto. beto had, like, 400 people in a parking lot, his crowd was anderful. >> nawaz: kind ale of two narratives in the moment. you don't know which one to pay attention to. >> well, the narrative here is consistent -- president trump is at the center of that narrative, whether it'shat highly-produced hmpaign-style-like video visit to el paso and dayton, or it's te hat cell phdeo where he's talking about one of the things is part of h greatest hits, crowd size. he talked ace crowd size s the day of his inauguration, and for him that is a marker of popularity. but in that moment, what i would expect the people of el paso and dayton, the people in ohio, the american people who are grieving, people who are grieving,ut they want to se
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from a president i they want to see someone consoling them. you know, i was in new york on 9/11, and president george w. bush was president of the united states, and i had lots of disagreements with the policies of president george w., busbut when he stood on that rubble at ground zero and talked to those workers and talked to the city and talked to the is exactly what we needed to hear then. when president obama went to charleston and impromptu sang amazing grace at the eugy for astate senator murdered with eight other people in emanuel church, inhat moment he channeled the grief of a church, of a city, of a community and of a nation. we didn't get that with president trump. >> nawaz: david, how do you look at this?
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he's such a divisive e's the standard of the consoler in chief. he's not done it yet. it's not who h >> there's a photo from that visit where he's with the orpn aby and two family members and melania i holding t child and he has a grin and the thumb up. when i looked at the pho, the democrats are having a debate, is he a racist or a white supremacis i look and think he's a sociopath, he's incapable of showing empathy. how mu have we seen him show empathy fornybody? it's easy to target for people of color. i see him as someone who made himself unloveable and he doesn't do the emotional range. and that's ca burden and at for any of us. >> you mentioned the white supremacy line there, we have been talking about that a lot in 2019 now, and, you know, lisa
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desjardins was reporting earlier, too, on the ground in iowa there, candidates are being asked do you think this president is a white supremacist. is that sort of a litmus st now for candidates moving forward? >> it's easy motional inflation. i thought kamala harris' answer h pretty good, wh i don't know, and he's certainly enabling them and speaking thela uage. he uses the language of invasion when we talked immigration. i read the manifestos o the shooters in el paso and others, they believe racial mixing is a cancer andhave this deepra sesm. i don't know if trump has that but he set an atmosphere where it's easy to talk about human beings as an invasion. >> nawaz: this is nothing new in america yet new of how prevalent it is. >> light right. and it pains me to say this, but
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we're talkin about it because the president of the united states is a racist with a white supremacist policy agenda. he began his political career questioning the legitimacy offr the firstan-american president. he started his campaign within the first two minutes saying that mexicans were "racist." he cled for a complete and total ban on muslims entering the united states after the san bernardino attack, during the cpaign, december 2016. he's used words on theig cam trail from the midterm elections and continues -- invasion, car ray vain, infestation, animals, what david was talking about.ol iny and in rhetoric, he is feeding into this environment thistmphere where people such as the shooter in el paso
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who we've seen in the affidavit he's confessedo doing what he's done and confessed to targing "mexicans." these things don't happen in a vacuum. did the president order this person to do this? no. but that person heard in that rhetoric, and we've seen it from new zealand around the world, but particularly here where we are dealing with a domestic terrorism problem where the promary peopletting these terrorist acts are whiteac suprt, we're dealing with a situation here where the president of the united states is feeding into the rhetoric that's coming out of his mouth, whether it's from aodium at the white house or from a podium at a campaign rally somewhere in the country. >> i hear yki're t. i basically agree. my next question is how do we then do democracy for the next 16 month.
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theris a presumption that we're all americans together, there's a presumption of good will that we can have a conversation, and maybe donaldw trump but do we address ourselves to donald trump supporters, many of whom are very realistic and are supporters of him for very goodt reasons havi do with their own lives and dissolution of their own comoinities. it'sg to be hard to have a conversation once the president has been declared sort r oflly beneath contempt. i'm not saying i disagree, just saying it's a problem i have to deal with if we have ars national conion with this election. >> jonathan, there's a way to take politics out of this to explain why thdee kinds of are so dangerous. obviously, they are not new, they have been around for a while, they've just beenma stream to some degree because they're spoken from the highest office in the land.>> osh, we've got a minute or so left, thanks for the question. (laughter) i think there's no way to
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separate politics fromhis. i think vice president biden and nator cory booker in speeches on the same day told the story of america from two different perspectives. vice president biden talked about the country and it has about america has an idea, and cory booker, senator booker talked about the same thing but coming at it from thepe peive of america has an idea but we have deep-seated ises that go right back to white supremacy backwoven into our founding documen, and we have to talk about that, we have to address it, we have to acknowledge it, and once we do that, thewe can takethe steps to reconliation. >> i'm a pluralist, we see people aroundurselves, like, cool, let's eat different food and meet different pele and have wide experience and concerns whether on left or right, but a lot of people are
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anti-pluralists, when you present something dsht, they shrink in and become fearful. there was a piecen he atlantic" today about people being interviewed by an african-american interviewer, and some people stopped talking because it's different and they're afraid and they see it as a threat, not an adventure. we have to have a defense of pluralism and critique of anti-pleurallism and get pluralists involved south not scary. that's the cosmic debate. >> nawaz: big questions. i'm grateful to you both for being here today. mark shields and cap canaveral: >> nawaz: young musicians in poland are reviving what they goare calling the country'en era, which was cut short by the nazi invasion and second world war. 1930s dances such as the foxtrot and tango are making a comeback as people of all ages flock to
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listen to a number of ensembles playing songs that died alon with many of those who used to perform them. once known as the paris of the east, the polish capital warsaw is pulsating again, as specialco espondent malcolm brabant reports for our arts and culture series, "canvas." ♪n >> reporter:e courtyard of a trendy warsaw bar, the sml dancing orchestra is starting to swing, as is its leader, noam zylberberg. >> it's an interesting time. it's the beginning of pop music. it's influenced by early jazz. but at the same time, all the musicians who were wort the time were classically- trained musicians. sounit's a very classical sod on the one hand; on the other hand, it's this sound looking for itself, looking for its identity. >> reporter: family identity is at the core of this revival. zylberberg moved to warsaw four years ago after studying conducting in israel.
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his grandparents were polish bur left befthe germans invaded. after their deaths, zylberberg aecame curious about their past, and this led fascination with the pre-war music scene in warsaw. >> we don't play so much concerts. play for dancing. because we also care about preserving the original meaning ofhis music. this was music for dancing. when we play, people enjoy, and this is the reaction that we get. it's just a lot of fun. ♪ we're honoring the musicians, the composers, the arrangers, bandleaders, all of those people who were involved in creating this very unique scene in warsaw in the 1930s. >> reporter: many of the musicians who made warsaw such a vibrant place in the 1930s were jews. some of them escaped the holocaus but others perished inside the warsaw ghetto or in the death t camps, air music died with them. the scars of war are plain to see in warsaw. the germans flattened the city
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before retreating from the soviet red es containing the tomb of the unknown soldier are all that main of a fabulous palac ( be rings ) the polish capital was stunning before the war, but the germans systematically destroyed it ine revenge for rsaw uprising in 1944. this area, warsaw old town, is anything but. it was meticulously reconstructed after the war. there's nothing left of the old jewish quarter, just a pastiche of a neighborhood street in the museum of the history of polish jews, and an original recording of a song called "abdul bey." ♪ and this is jazz band mlynarski masecki's version of "abdul bey," a crazy polish-jewish-n
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palestinxtrot about a chieftain with four wives and a p(m"abdul bey" plays ) ♪ ♪ marcin masecki started learningh the piano whwas three years old. he's a multi-talented classical and avant-garde musician. ♪ jan emil mlynarski trained as a drummer, but he also plays the banjo mandolin and sings. >> for us, there's a definitein feof something that was developing, brutally cut, you know. the american jazz stans like classical music in the states. for us, it was cut by the war and then covered by 50 years of communism. so, we never had a chance to build a relationship with that
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epoch. and it seems to me that we're doing this now. ♪ >> my family comes from warsaw. i heard stories about the old days. ♪ the warsaw scene was huge. it's a beautiful, very complex music. i always wanted to be one ofth these guys fe, you know, black and white photograph. ♪ >> this is a very important part of my life. of course, i'm a traditionalist. i love to wear a tuxedo and just be in that time. ♪ >> just how important is history? history creates your identity. so, for me, it's a w of scovering our national identity. i'm not trying to sound
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nationalist. it's not any better than any other, but it's something that we've been denied for quite some time as a nation. so, it's fascinating that we had hathis huge thing going onis kind of forgotten. ♪ we love this kind of music, and we love music from the '20s and '3 actually.ry country, but, for us, it has added value of developing our ylassic refereou know, our golden era. so, it's kind of a buildinsome kind of legend almost. ♪ >> it's very enjoyable, veryl. powerful, sens i really, really enjoy danci with my friends. and i like the atmosphere, and music and everything around. >> it's beautiful. it's the best thing i could do on a saturday evening, basically. they're all young, and they're
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basically playing music from thd '40she '30s. and that's a really nice approach to it, basically, no one would expect a young orchestra to play such music. so, it's ideal. i love it. it's really nice. >> reporter: this band is well versed in american swing, buto they hadlearn that style to give this music its unique polish accent, which hvily features the tango. ♪ >> the polish tango is based on the argentinean tango. it is a sexy dance. it is a passionate dance, but in a more central, eastern european manner.ea this mns it's more polite. >> reporter: despite trying to ully reproduce the sound of the '30s, zylberberg says he's not turning back the clock' >>similar in the sense that people come to enjoy this music and dance together with this music. h on the othd, we live in a different world. it's not going to be the same, and we don't want it to be the same. we just want to keep this music
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alive, you know. just keep it alive. >> reporter: for the moment, they're certainly fopbs newshour, i'm malcolm brabant in warsaw. >> nawaz: this week, the nation's attention oncn turned to gun violence and what can be done to stop it in the last 72 hours alone, at least 69 people have been killed and 167 injured by g 32 states. und that excludes suicide, the largest factor foreaths. s was the mass murders in el paso and dayton th off this latest national moment of reflection, so we close tonight with a remembrance of the 31 people who lost their lives there. david johnson saved the lives of his wife and granddaughter in el paso.
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the 63-year-old pushed them to the floor below a checkout counter before he was shot and killed. angie englisbee raised sevenr children on n. the 86-year-old widow worked multiple js to feed her family and attended mass regularly. 57-year-old elsa mendoza marquez was an elementary school teacher from juarez, mexico. her husband postedn facebook, calling marquez "the most wonderful of women." jordan anchondo died while protecting her two-month-old son. she and her husband, andre, had dropped off their five-year-old daughter at cheerleading practice. they were shopping for school supplies.15 ear-old javier rodriguez was starting his sophomore year in high school. he was the youngest person to die in el paso. an avid soccer player, javier is remembered as a fun-loving teen and a good teamme. raul and maria flores had beenea married for 60. raul was scheduled to have heart surgery just a few days lar. the couple was at walmart buying
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airbeds for relatives coming int to stay wim during the procedure. 46-yr-old ivan manzano had a five-year-old daughter and a nine-year-old son. manzano's wife told their thildren only that their fa died in an "accident." arturo benavid was a u.s. army veteran who retired as a bus driver in 2013. he loved watching football and was like a second father to his nieces. 63-year-old margie reckard was an " 2gel" to her husband years. he told k-fox-tv, "we were going to livtogether and die gether. that was our plan." molfo hernandez and sara regalado were frico. their daughter posted on facebook: "i don't know how long it will take for my heart to heal. their passing has left us with a great void." leo and maribel campos had been together for about 20 leo's brother said the couple was "just really welcoming and friendly everybody says that as soon as you meet them, it's like you've known them forever."d
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77-year-an velazquez, originally from mexico, came to el paso because he thought it was peaceful he died after throwing himself in front of his wife. gloria marquez moved to the u.s. from mexico more than two decades ag she was a health care assistant for elderly patients. p her longtitner tried to reach her for hours after the shooting. 90-year-old luis juarez had been married for almost 70 years. his family told ktsm he was an amazing human being-- loving, calm, and big-hearted.e jorcia went to walmart to visit his granddaughter, who was raising money for r soccer according to k-fox-tv, when the gunman opened fire, garcia shielded the young girls. maría eugenia legarreta rothe ais in el paso to pick up her daughter from thort, according to a juarez news outlet. the 58-year-old had planned to just stop in at walmart before meing her daughter. 82-year-old teresa sanchez was a u.s. citizen who lived with her
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sister, according to ktsm. t she was walmart with two family members.ho alexandemann roth was born into postwar germany. the 66-year-oloften talked about the importance of studying history and warned about the danger of hate. megan betts was the sister of th massacre. the dayton a classmate remembered her as" artistic" and "polite."" she always had a smile on her face." 57-yeaold derrick fudge was in the oregon district with his son for a birthday party.t he was s his group left a club. fudge volunteered as a bell ringer for the salvation army. m thomichols, who went by the nickname t.j., was a 25- year-old father of four ranging in age from two to eight. his aunt said, "everybody loved him. he was like a big kid." 36-year-old beatrice warn- curtis and 39-year-old monica brickhouse were "dear friends"ke and co-w at anthem
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insurance company. the two were described as "selfless" and "very positive." a native of eritrea, saeed saleh moved to the u.s. a few years a family spokeemembered ete 38-year-old father of three as "a humble and qerson." nicholas cumer was in the masters program for cancer care at st. francis university in pennsylvania. the school's president said he was "dedicated to c."ing for oth" logan turner had just celebrated his 30th birthday. he earned an engineering degree from the university of toledo and recently started working a a machinis according to his mother," evyone loved logan." 27-year-old lois oglesby was inc nursinol and the mother of two, including a newborn. a friend told th"dayton daily news" she was a "wonderful mother, a wonderful person. i've cried so muan, i can't cry ore."
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>> 31 stories for the 31 lives lost this week. that is the "newshour" for tonight. i'm amna nawaz. have a great weekend to you all ou tre. have a great weekend and good night. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been ovided by: life well-planned. learn more at >> consumer cellular. >> babbel. a language learning app that uses speech recognition technology and teaches real-life conversations. >> the william and flora hewlett foundation. for more than 50 years, ncing ideas and supporti institutions to promote a better world. at
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>> and with the ongoing support of these institutions and friends of the new. >> this program s made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by ctributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc captioned by media access group at wgbh >> you're watching pbs. hello, ee
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to amanpour and company. here's what's coming up. he way we produce food and what we eatontributes to th loss o na tugnat turl ecosystem if we want our species to survive we need to change how we farm and what we we get the view from the fields of iowa and climate scientist michaelman joins. then escalating tensions between neighbors. we're joined by an ambassador. my peers and i felt you cannot complain about any of he this, won't hire
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