tv PBS News Hour Weekend PBS September 1, 2019 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by wnet >> sreenivasan: on this edition for sunday, september 1: the latest on the mass shooting in xas. hurricane dorian intensifies and draws closer to the southeast coas and in our signature segment: preparing for the worst next on "pbs newshour weekend." >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: bernard d irene schwartz. sue and edgar wachenheim iii. the cheryl and philip milstein family. the j.p.b. foundation. rosalind p. walter, memory a f george o'neil. barbpe zuckerberg. corporate funding is provided by mutual of america-- designing customized individual
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and group retirement products. that's why we're your retirement company. additional support has been provided by: or and by the corporation public broadcasting. a private corporation funded by the american people. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewersu.e thank you. from the tisch wnet studios at lincoln center in new york, hari sreenivasan. >> sreenivasan: good evening and thks for joining us. the death toll is now seven after yesterday's car chase and mass shoing in west texas. local and federal law enforcement agencies are investigating more than a dozen crime scenes stretching between the cities of midland and odessa. the gunfirbegan on the side of a highway and ended outside a movie theater. newshour weekend's megan thompson has the latest. >> reporter: the rpage began with what texas law enforcement officials say was a routine traffic stop on satuinay aroun 3:15 p.m. local time in midland,
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a small city in western texas. from inside his car the driver opened fire, hitting a state trooper, and sped off. the suspect, described as a white man in his 30's, shot randomly at civilians with an ar-type rifle as he led law enforcement on a chase from midland to neighboring odessa. at one point the suspect hijacked a postal service van-- killing a postal worker-- and continued his shooting spree. when it was over, seven people were dead-- ages 15-57-- and more than 20 were wounded. >> oh my god!ep >> rorter: terrified motorists captlled the chase on their ce phones... ( sirens )e ...while peoplacuated from a movie theater in odessa fledki into the par lot.of law enforcemals have not yet released a list of the victims, and said they are still investig gunman. motive of the >>gou'll notice i'm not nam the subject, and there's a reason f that.
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i refuse to. i'm not going no give him any riety for what he did. >> reporter: the chase came to an end with a shootout outside the cinergmovie theater in odessa where the police killed the spect--identified late this afternoon as 36-year-old seth ator. >> sreenivasan: joining me now from odessa, texas, via facetime is jake bleiberg, criminal justice and law enforcement reporter for the associated press. >> sreenivasan: thanks for being with us. this is the picture any clearer this afternoon? has there en any indication of what motivated this person do this? >> so what law enforcement isth saying as point they really don't know why this happened. it is being actively activated but we have no clues at this anint as to motive. >> sreenivnow you are joining us from college campus erat was on lockdown yesterday. how are people reacting to this? you know, it is really -- the campus itself is almost fully, at least the part that -- the smat smaller part i am is reafuy y taken over by law
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enforcement. there are, you know, fband texas rang the trucks filling the parking lot and, you know, this whole community is still in the midst of responding to this. there are cars still in the streetith bullet holes in their doors and, you know, it is much -- much of the spa i essa is being processed as an active crire scene. >>ivasan: this happened yesterday and the same month as the el paso shooting and alsosho the same tim on september 1 a new law goes into effect regarding gluns in texas what? >> there are several laws that have come into effect here and really to put them tether, what though broadly is to allow people to carry guns in more spaces. it mikes it easier to carry a a firearm hurch or a synagogue. it makes it easier for people who might rent their homes to carry airirearm in t rented space, the landlords can't prohibit that. and these -- these laws were
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celebrate bid the nra and its affiliate here in texas as great success. >> sreenivasan: jake, how is this community mourning? >> there is a vigil scheduled for tonight that think is going to be the first official step in the mourning process, but from the people i have spoken to, i think they are t stilstruggling to process what happened. i don't know that it is entirely real for people yet. i interviewed a doctor earlier today who treated someone who was shot yesterday and he used repeatedly the word sueal to describe the experience. i almost think that the community is still in shock. >> sreenivasan: and what is the kind of official responsero beengovernor for local officials onnd this tragedy? > so we heard from the governor be action.d that there needs to he said that words are not a enough, but there weren't of details on just what that action will be. likewise with, the special agent
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in charge of the fbi for the el paso district which lovers, of am here in odessa, that this isi -- becoming routine for the fbi. thesaid they are throughout country a mass shooting of some s nd almost every two weth and they are anticipating th next on one. they are not stopping h>>e. reenivasan: that is jake bleiberg associated professor reporter joining us from odessa, texas tonight. thank you. >> thank you. >> sreenivasan: moving now to dorianurricane which became -- hurricane dorian, which became a category five storm today, smashing into the north western islands of the bahamas andly moving so slhat torrential rains could continue to fall ere for another 24 hours winds reached 180 miles per hour, making dorian the strongest storm to ever hit thea most intense stormecord inen
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the north atlantic. dorian grew in size overnight with hurricane-force now extending up to 45 miles from the nter. and forecasters adjusted the storm's predicted path-- now shing coming closer to florida over the next few days before it turns north east along the coasts of orgia and the rolinas. for the latest on hurricane dorian and what to expm joined by ken graham, director for the national hurricane centert noaa national weather service in miami. thanks so much for joining us. so, what's the latest that we have on the storsu we're talkinay afternoon now. >> i tell you, it's just an incredibly strong orm. we've still got those high winds we still got, you know, landfall. making twoandfalls already over the bahamas. just a dangerous situation for the bahamas. that slow movement means a prolonged period of time with those powerful hurricanerc winds and just torrential rainfall, up to 30 inches of rinfall, and also thest m surge for around the bahamas, some of these areas could get 18 foot, maybe even up to 23, 24 foot of storm surge.y just vvastating, life
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threatening situation. >> sreenivasan: all right, so people on the united states mainland are concerned about how do we know where this is coming? is there still room for it to come back in toward florida? carolinas?go into georgia or the how certain are we? >> this powerful storm like this, you know, you get 185 mile an hour winds and just, just significant issues. when you start slowing down an situatth this. let's look at it for a second, especially on theit timing, becausakes a difference in some of the track. this is 8:00 a.m. on m0 day. that's 8m. oontuesday, that slow movement. we do expect that slow, eventual rn towards the north. however, i really need everyone to foc on this cone because there could be some error with this. yu get a little bit of a ggle, a little bit of a wobb, and they do that naturally. that could impact the forecast down the road. could still see a landfall inyou florida. you can still see an eye, you know, the hurricane center, being right on the coast there. so there's still theouple sotions. but either way, no matter the solution, we will see impacts on the florida
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>> sreenivasanle like to talk about category four, three or five, basically a hurricane is a hricane, it's gonna do some damage. but is there a danger here that, as it comes from the bahamas towards the mainland, does it pick up more energy does it get faster? >> i think in this case, you know, a lot of people do focus on that, and it's so important when we think of those categories, that's just just the wind. so you have to talk about the impacts in addition to the wind, one of them is the storm surge. you know, this is this-- it goally has nothing to do with the ca. i mean, you can see slow storms, you can see large storms. it has tdo with the characteristics of the storm. so, when everyone's paying , tention to the category, the reality is you still could get four to maybe even a seven foot of storm surge in some areas in florida.'s so, really, o important, despite the category, even if you see the category change, t continlisten to the impacts that we're issuing from the national hurricane center and across noaa, thiteam effort to get the information on the storm out. ken graham, directtheight. national hurricane center, joining us from miami. thanks so much. >> you bet. >> sreenivasan: newshour>>
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correspondent john yang is in orlando, florida, and he joins us now for more on the a preparatio the planning ahead of this slow moving storm. hijohn, the graph of where storm is going has shifted in the past couple of days. it's moved away from a direct hito florida. has that changed how people are preparing? >> reporter: well, i tl you, hari, what you see behind me pretty much sums it up here on the eastern half of florida we are at the good samaritane society retirement community of kissimmee village and they are moving, voluntarily moving their patients who are under skilled nursing care, to a sister a,facility in deland, flor that's on higher gund, about 55 mes north of here. the evacuations that have been called for have been delayed. because of the slow moving nature of the storm they're now going into effect up and down the coastal areas of florida, on the east coast of florida, even if this storm does not make a direct hit, does not make
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landfall on florida, it still s the potential of doing a lot of damage. high winds, heavy rains and that dangerous storm surge and a storm surge could be particularly bad this time of year because right now is the time othe highest tides of the year, something called "kinu tides" b of the alignment of the sun, the earth and theiv moong a great extra gravitational tug on those tides. so people are poised here. they'rwatching the forecast, watching the track very carefully, hoping that it does move ea off the coast, but ready if it doesn't, if it makes a littleick to the west, they're prepared. >> sreenivasan: given that there has been morattime than usl, how is the state using that time to try to prepare resources to make sure that people have whatever resources that they need and, and putting them into >> reporter: they've been talking a great deal about preparation. the governor here has been holding daily briefings, practically, urging people to be
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ready, urging people to know and pay attention if an evacuation is called for, urging them to get supplies. you know, this is one of the states where preparaon is something they e 2000, eight major hurricanes have hit florida, so there's probably no other state that's as well prepared and ready for someing like this than florida >> sreenivasan: these arens florid they are used to storms. is the fact that these hurricanes are happening more frequently changing w they prepare for this and perceive this? >> reporter: i think that if anything, it's making them more alert, more attuned, more ready, emergency plans down. their a lot of them ha batteries, readin bins. water, canned food, and they just ll them out for ese things. i think that there is a great deal of ancipation that they know what the threat is. they know what the dangers are. uh, and theye hoping that the
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track stays away, t they are prepared. >> sreenivasan: all right. john yang for the newshour reporting from florida tonight. thanks so much. >> reporter: thanks, >> sreenivasan: the u.s. imposed a new round of tariffs on chinese-made products today-- this time adding 15% to the cost of thousands of imports from pens and pencils to lawn mowers and food. american consumers are likely to see higher prices on many products as a result.t presidump is also threatening another round of tariff increases on october 1 and again in december if china does not agree to a new trade deal. us off anymore as a country. a we canow china to take $500 billion a year out of our we do that. >> sreenivasan: china retaliated
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today with new tariffs of its own on more u.s. goods includi a tax on imported fuel. the two countries are scheduled to resume tre talks later this month. taliban militants attacked a second afghan city in as many days today as the u.s. and taliban leaders say they are cle to a peace agreement. several civilians and police were killed during an attack in the northern baghlan province. yesterday a suicide bomber killed at least 25 people and wounded 85 others in the city of kunduz. washington's peace envoy arrived in kabul today for talks with the afghan government and sa the u.s. and the taliban are "at the threshold of an agreement." the u.s. is promisinto withdraw many of its 14,000 remaining troops if the taliban guarantees that afghanistan will not be used as a lau for global terror. the israeli military c today that the lebanese militant group hezbollah fimid anti-tank yles at one of its a bases. israel quickly responded with heavy fire into southern lebanon following a number of direct
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hits on the base. there was no word on casualties s either side from today' attacks. israel positioned additional tankosand troops along the border with lebanon yesterday and accused iran of backing the hezbollah attacks. israel and hezbollah fought a vnth-long war in 2006. both sides claimtory. in hong kong today, pro- democracy demonstrators blockedo s to the airport and damaged a train station. several hundred protesters used burnrricades to disrupt public transportation service tb the airpor police in riot helmets kept them out of the main terminal. the government claimthat the protesters threw objects at the espolice and that iron pol bricks, and rocks were thrown onto the tracks of the airport train. today's protests followelea night of v clashes between anti-government demonstrators and police. for a list of the imported goods subject to today's tariff hikes, visit
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>> sreenivasan: mass shootingsco sadly, have too regular in the united states. less common is the kind of training and preparation that can save lives in the midst of tragedy the next time such a shoothng occurs. our story tonight comes to us from john ferrugia and our colleagues at rocky mountain pbs in colorado, where, as you'll see, training and preparation have made a difference. >> my dad always says that the world's not a scary place, you just have to be prepared, so i grew up really having awareness of what was going on around me all the time. >> reporter: madalena deandrea is a graduate and a former student body president of the university of colorado at boulder. her father, a.j. deandrea, is a deputy police chief of the arvada, colorado police depament and a former swat team member. he was one of the team leaders who responded to the columbine high school mass mder 20 years ago. >> we had a plan, we we prepared, it was just the wrong plan.or >> rr: in 1999, when a gunman was barricaded in a building with hostages, thenf standard lawcement protocol was to set up a perimeter around the building and call the swat team to begin
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negotiations, but columbine wasn diff the gunmen were only interested in killing those inside the school. >> by the time swat gets there it's way too l ie. >> reportewas, for deandrea, a personal and professional failure. >> it tookolumbine for us to change our mind, to change the way that we view t world. columbine is the watershed moment when we start to talk about acti shooters,ot just school shootings, but active ootings. >> reporter: over the past 20 years, deandrea has worked tond develop new aining tactics in colorado and across the u.s., canada, and in europe to deal with an active soter. >> reporter: those evolving tactics were used in 2006 when a lone gunman took hostages in a high school classroom in bailey, colorado. a sheriff's deputy immediately confronted the guneeping him isolated, and then called the swat team that included deandrea. all but one student, emily
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keyes, got out alive. >> reporter: at platte canyon everyone says that was a tactical success. u said to me, "no that was a faile." >> that was a failure. >> reporter: because you lost emily keyes. >> because we lost emily. there's no one that you will ever be able to convince me that was a success.ea >> reporter:rea says in an active shooting situation, everyone needs to take responsibility forwn safety. >> what's the real target? >> reporter: the individual. >> the individual! so we need to train that across the board. and we talk about evacuate, evade, and defend. >> reporter: evacuate, evade and department of homeland security guidelines relead in 2013. actions borne out of mass shootings and training by both law enforcement and survivors. deandrea's view of the post- columbine world has also shaped the lessons he has taught his own family. >> i always knew where the exits were in a building. su high school i would mak i would know how to get out of i classrooms if something
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happened or wheruld hide. i grew up really having awareness of what was going onou me all the time and just making sure i kind of had a plan. >> reporter: that planning woul help save her life. in november of last year madalena, who was working in los angeles, went out with friends at a small country and western bar in nearby thousand oaks, california. >> i love swing dancing. i love line dancing, so it was really exciting find the little gem in the midst of the i was getting a drink of water and was kind of standing on thed ouof the dance floor and i heard popping noises. >> my phone and i get a text and as i look at it it's my daughter, what igoing on here, bar, there's gunfire." in the >> i knew wasn't fireworks and i started to smell the powder and immediately i heard my dad's voice in my head, you got to get out of there. the only door i knew abong in the builas a door he came in and so that wasn't safe and i ew i couldn't get out th way, so the next thing was to
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hide and i was in that kitchen hearea again trying to put wall in between the shooter and i. and a bartendepulled down a ladder from the ceiling and so i immediately went up ter her and a couple more people followed us up and then we closed the trap door or the ladder and then we were in the attic. >> that night that was the most hopeless i've ever felt in my fe. >> reporter: as the shooting continued in the bar below her, madalena knew people were dying. >> and i was trying to text people and i rlized in that moment that i couldn't text because my fingers were shaking. and so i had to calm myself down. d from there, onwn. started getting my heart rate lower, i was able to make some more likei l decisions. i need to try to find some way to defend us if he comes up here. >> i'm listening to the radio traffic. thm texting her,'m talng to them, i'm sharintext that she's giving me to their dispatch, and of course i'm booking a flight to los angeles on my ipad.
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>> he got on the fquency for e ventura county sheriff's department and he was telling ms whatappening on the radio. >> reporter: 12 people, includ officer, were killed before the shooter turned the gun on himself. >> the gunshots had stby that point in time and i didn't know what was happening, atg, columbine they lost the desire to kill, but they were still walking around, and son't know if that guy was still down there. he got me on the phone with ventura county's dispatch. they called my cell phone and i picked up in very quietly told them that there was about six people in the attic with me. >> and finally she's like, "dad i can see swat." >> i thinkecause of the exposure to what my dad's been through and then also just like his voice in my head throughou the entire part, the process. there was that sense of safety there even in the midst of like
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very intense unsafety. and, yeah, i think it saved my life. >> it came full circle and my daughter's alive because she was she was empowered e we had the conversation and she did what she needed to do to survive. the message is: you've got to talk about i >> reporter: 20 years later, thinking about columbine and that conversation is still difficult. sitting in the high school recently, he explained why. >> that day changed everything, and i'm very uneasy in here. when i'm in here. when i'm in these four walls, all i'm left with is the failures. building, i can sethe good that came from it. that all the lives that have ssbeen lost in these sense killings aren't in vain because we've learned and we've made changes and we're takingbi responty for what our part is and that's the message.
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>> this is "pbs nenshour we" sunday. >> sreenivasan: "storycorps" has en recording and sharing real experiences from people who have extraordinary stories to tell. in this animated short, ten- year-old dezmond floyd a his mother have a difficult but important conversation about active shooter drills in school. so can you tell me exactly what happened in activ shooter drills? >> the teacher is supposed to lock the door, turn the lights off an bpush thisig desk behind the door and the first time i did an active sooter drill, i saw her having a hard time with this so i decided to come help her. >> so what do you do next after you push the tassble? >> the c is supposed to stand on the back wall, but i decided to stand in front of the class, because i wanted to take the bullet and save my friends. so so did your teacher ask you to stand in front of to class? >> my life matters, but it is kind
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of like, there is one person that can come home c to family,r it can be 22 people that come home to the family. i get that you will want me to come home but it is reallyot a choice that you can make. it is a choice they have to make. >> i see now that there is nothing i can say thatld change your mind. i just hope that it never comes to that. >> talking about this makes me feel sad, but you raised a good peon. >> and this is why i can't have the conversation with you. you keep saying things like that and i am speechless. you are a 10 and you are that ten-year-old who comes io the i room and there is no handbook for this. this is why the conatversn always ends betwu een yod i and there is silence because i am a mother. and you don't know what to say.
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ca sreenivasan: we will have much more on hur dorian and its path from the bahamas towards the southeast united states, and on the mass shooting in west texas on tomorrow's newshour. f that's a this edition of" nds newshour weekend." i'm hari sreenivasan. thanks for watching. have a good night. captioning sponsored by wnet captioned by mea access group at wgbh >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: bernard and irene schwartz.
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sue and edgar wachenheim iii. the cheryl and philip milstein family. the j.p.b. foundation. salind p. walter, in memory of george o'neil. barbara hope zuckerberg. corporate funding is provided by mutual of america-- designing customized individual and group retirent products. that's why we're your retirement company. ee additional support has provided by: and by the corporation for public broadcasting. a private corporation funded by the american people. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. or be pbs.
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man: what is our history? what is our past? what is the claim that we have to being members of this society? man: we are not here to threaten or to beg. we are here to participate. woman: you cannot close your eyes and your ears to us any longer, because we are here. man: most people are saying, spanish, the mexicans, indigenous peoples do not have the special inheritance of liberty that we have. man: my father thought that the united states would be like paradise. there was jobs for eryone. there were thousands of people trying to get acss. s the toughest part wa when i left my mom, not knowing if i gonna see her again. woman: here's a man who's shed his blood, and yet he can't get something to eat. reckless? yes. dangerous? extmely.
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