tv PBS News Hour PBS September 4, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llcll c >> woodruff: good evening, i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight, "complete devastation"-- hurricane dorian carves aic catastroath through theic bahama islands and now threatens tstorm surges from flori the carolinas. n then, blocking brexit-- british lawmakers confront the prime minister, complicating plans to break from the european union. plus, farming the flames-- as the amazon forests burn at au record eaking pace, how agriculture is fueling the firee that threaten thglobe. >> the amazon plays a centralor role in g carbon so it's crucial maintaining the amazon for the stabilization of thecl ate globally. >> woodruff: all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour.
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>> major funding for the pbs newsho has been provided by: >> supporting social entrepreneurs and their solutions to the world's most pressing problems-- sk >> the lemelson foundation. committed to improving lives through invention, in the u.s. and developing countries. on the web at ron, >> supported by the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. committed to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world.teul more information at
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of these institutions:support >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs outation from viewers like thank you. >> woodruff: the southeastern u.s. sheline is keeping vigilini tonight, watching hurricane "dorian" plow north, not far offore. the storm is packing winds of 105 miles an hourdown sharply from the power thatlasted the northern bahamas. john yang reports froau, on a disaster stl coming into ngus. >> yacrushed homes, toppled trees. a yacht ashore. plane parts strewn around what was the grand bahama airport. all of it, wreckage in the wake
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of hurricane "dorian"-- scenesha tone official called "apocalyptic." as the storm churns away from the bahamas, survivors face a humanitarian crisis. marvin hanlon dames is theba amian national security minister. >> we are now in that stage where we're beginning now to get on the ground and get our people in the rit places and begin to fous on the needs and the a concerns of those persons in distress. >> yang: so far, the rescue effort includes more than 600 police officers and marines deploying across hard-hit grand bahama island. the u.s. coast guard is assisting around the equallyev dastated abaco island.e thd cross says more than 13,000 homes on the two islands, 45% of the total, have been severely damaged or destroyed. sandra cooke'samily s trapped in their home for 17 hours. >> all of my family lives in f marsh harbour and everybody lost everythin
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not one of them have a home toto live or anything like that. it's terrible. >> yang: meanwhile, "dorian's" wind speeds continue to drop as it swirls north, off the u.s. eastern it began tothe florida cotline today, and is on track to continue past the carolinas, perhaps making landfall along l the north carolina coast by friday. the storm nounced its arrival near jacksonville, florida with whipping winds and crashing waves. mayor lenny curry urged people to stay vigilant. u >>erstand people are tired. we've been watching this storm for almost a week, the models have changed a number of times, but is now upon us, it's coming, so this is no time to let your guard down and go out and walk around or drive arounde >> yang: in charleston, south burolina, mayor john teckl echoed orders to evacuate dangerous areas, and predicted aquadruple threat". >> what's of great concern is that trle threat of heavy rain, high tides, and storm surge.
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threat, now more so we feel there's a threat of wind a higher risk of wind throughout, so it's really a quadruple threat >> yang: and in north carolina... >> hurricane dorian has its sight set on nor carolina. >> yang: ...governor roy cooper today warned of storm surges a inland foding. >> north carolinians are used to facing storms, but please don't let familiarity get in the way of goojudgment. if you're in an area where an edevacuation has been ord leave now. >> yang: in washingtogt president trump said he's keeping an eye on the storm from the white house. >> it's a very erratic a very slovery powerful hurricane. and water supply lw have water seen. >> yang: and mr. trump promised the u.s. will do all it can to help the bahamas' recovery efforts.
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this general aviation terminal a hub ofas a relief effort butme also something of a dead end. medical personn, search and rescue teams, relief aid is all gathered here from the united can't go any further.ces but it the problem is that they just can't get yo all this out. one local organizer said he's running out of space to story all the medical supplies that are arriving beca'te they c get it out. great frustration here that there are so manyesources hererc to help but they can't get it the final 130 miles or so tore whit's needed. judy. >> woodruff: john, what isuf keeping them from getting this material toes these -- materials to the place where is they're needed? >> reporter: it's conditions. i mentioned earlier the grand bahama airport is under water. the entir island, 60% of the entire island is under water.. the highest point on grandnd bahama is 30 feet above sea s
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level. surge, not countingin the waves, 23 feet above sea level. therthere areno simply enough spaces to land helicopters there to get the aid in. psarting tomorrow some gr like project hope are going to try to reach there by water, by ship, but rightnow they jus can't reach them. >> woodruff: so hard too imagine, for those of us whoee have ever to any of the bahamas. so, john, what elas are youea ng about the conditions on these islands that have beenbe most devastatetas >> rep: well, you know,w, the best way to answer that may be to play for you a little conversation i had earlier today with dave meldorom orlandan florida. he's here trying to coordinateat the helicopter efforts to the he grew up on abaco island and, just yesterday, flew overt inn a helicopter. >> um... just devastation.
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completely -- i didn't recognizi it. i didn't even know the islands i was flying over and i have been living he and coming here my whole life. they just don't look the same. it's bad.s . itkely bad. we need help. >> reporter: you know, the total communications system is in ruins. spitals, public buildings,ld even the shelters that were set up r to protectidents from this storm, all under water. a >> woodruffd, john, i, can't help but think back to h puerto ric devastated it was by hurricane maria a few ears ago. do you have the sense that there is enough help there waiting tow get to these islands once they are accessible? >> reporter: you do get at sense. there a lot of material,l, personnel. inside this terminal, it is wall-to-walll- aide workers, medical peonnel, nurses, doctors, all just chomping at the bit to get out there and help, bu they just can't get the approval, or theyy can't find a way outdthereby air. >> woodruff: finally, john, it
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sounds as if there's going to be an enormo infrastructure, rebuilding job that lies ahead for these >> reporter: absolutely. so much ofr: th public infrastructure, general infrastructure has beenfr devastated and dtroyed.oy got to be rebuilt.uiystems rebuilt now.tals, all have to be >>oouff: john yang, such a terrible story. so. glad you're there for jng reporting from nassausa in the bahamas. let's hear more now about how relief groups areapproaching this disasterith the perspective of a coordinator who has organized responses in previous cry she's susan maro. she heads upgi that effort for e inte aational medical corps, nonprofit group of volunteeun doctors and nurses who deliver emergency health carry and other services. she joins us from orlando viaor skype b she heads t the
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baamas. susan mangicaro, thank you sosa ch for talking with us. first of all, tell us what your organization, in a nutshl, n at it does in these situations. >> hi. weank you for havingio us on. internatnal medical corps provides ergency disasteras relief and humanitarianidd across the gloafnlt in a situation such as with dorian where a disaster strikes an impacted area, we work t cohesively wi governmentme and the affected area and ndovide and cord made for medical card to be deliveiv the most impacted areas. >> woodruff: so at this point, what do you know about what thei needin the bahamas? >> well, very early stages, and the's a bit of a lack of communication at this point in time. however, we do know, as mo are aware, the island has beenn dramatically impacted.d. most healthcare systems are nonfunctioning, wil mini supports. so ourselves as well as several other agencies are coordinatingn
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to be sure that we can provide the reli with doctors,s n and healthcare supplies in the most impacted aeas. >> woodruff: are you confident at this point you will be able to get into the bahama >> yes, we are. we are working both with public and private organizations. we have a flight scheduled tomorrow for a six-peoroner team -- doctor myself, medical coordinators as well as logics ticians to fly into nassaund work with the coordinatingin agencies to the bahamas and go by boat o private flights orr commercial flights when available. >> woodruff: we were speakingin on the "newshour" with"n ourin correspondent nassau telling us about the bottleneck there. he said there are so many reliee agenciether individuals there who want to get the help,, the food andher material they have out, but they just don't have dway to land on placess
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like abaco because the water is still very high.bsh. >> yes,utely. that's why weut work cohesively under the direction of the governmt both with local and international agencies to coordinate care. not uncommon initially. this happens often in impactedto areas by fl or tornadoes, hurricanes, and we coordinate fectively so that we make sure we'reringing resources asou quickly as po it often takes a little bit of time to get into the area, as you mentioned, with airports being underwater, but eventually, we were able to coordinate effos throughou private an public organizations who donate resources to get us to where we need to be to take care of the peoplethat need the care the most.os >> woodruff: soor your dodo and nurses willliterally be trying to get to individuals ind need, whether abaco or grandnd bahama island or somewhere else? >> yes, initially, as i
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mentioned, we'll fly into nassan determine where the greatestes needs are, working in conjunction with the governmentn and then we'll dermine via assessment, we have our assessment team going out to se where theatest needs are,, where the greatest impact is, and where we can distributetr resources effectively.s as i mention, we have been int,n contalready, with several different agencies that have ats to kind of bring us to the various different islands and bu that we're safely bringing our staff who will be self-sufficient into regions to take care of those th are impacted. >> woodruff: and just quickly,ck do you try to set up clinics where you go or can you just workasically in aery limitedit set of circumstances? anything.we can do j we have the abilityou and we've offered the ability to set up a clinic seeing 100 patients a day that' self-standing.f- we can setp mobilep clinics, we can send small stre
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we're very flexible because we're accustomed to doing this. we deal with disasters all the time. >> thank you so muc you. >> woodruff: in the day's other news, tropical storm "fernand" has come ashore in northeastern xico, and is now moving inland. it struck a sparsely populated area north of la pesca today,0 with winds ofles an hour and 18 inches of rain. forecasters said it will stay
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south othe texas bond dissipate by tomorrow. british lawmakers have dealt prime minister boris johnson a stinging blow over brexit. the house of commons voted today to block britain from leavingan the euronion without a formal agreement. in turn, johnson warns he will call a snap election for mid- october, two weeks before the brexit deadline. we'll have a report from london, right after the news summary. in italy, premier giuseppe conte unveilea new governing coalition that shuts thegh hard-rit "league" party out of power. conte met with the italianre pdent to present his cabinet. it unites his populist "5-star movement" with the center-left "democratic" e's original coalition collapsed when the "league" birty withdrew, in a faile to force new elections.s. the goverent of afghanistan voiced new concerns today about a potential peace deal between the u.s. and the taliban.
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an adviser to president ashraf ghani cautioned against oowithdrawing u.s. troops quickly, with the taliban at their strongest since001 u.s. invasion. butn brussels, the nato secretary-general sought to allay fears of a hasty pullout.a >> we will not leave too early but our aim is not to stay inev afghanistan f. our aim is to make sure thatar afghanistan never again creates the platform for threats, fo planning, for organizing, for " nding terrorist attacks against our countries. >> woodruff: no has about a 20,000 troops in afghanistan, t including some 14,000 amerins.op the draft peace agreement calls for 5,000 of those u.s. troopsy to leave shorter a finalde deal. back in this country, a government watchdog says migranh children separated from theirst parents ear, have shown post-traumatic stress and othero
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mental they included heightened fear and feelings of abandonment. the report comes from the inspector general at the mapartment of health and services. it is based on interviews with about 100 mental health clinicians who dealt with the affected children. the pentagon has diverted $3.6 billion from military construction funds to build 175 miles of the southern border wall. it effectively de-funds a total of 127 projects, including some military schools and daycare. defenseecretary mark esper announced it late tuesday, and president trumsaid today it's part of his declaration of a border.l emergency along the with members of congress and explained it to them.he i thinelt very good about it. problem.ational security
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i do too. it is when you have thousands of people trying to rush our country. >> woodruff: a number of congressional democrats condemned the funding texas congr bill flores today became the latest republican to antiunce he's ng from the u.s. house of representatives. flores is in his fifth term, and is now the 15th g.o.p. congressman not seeking reelection. that is ahead of the pace in the 2018 election cycle, when 34bl house reans retired. michigan will be thfirst state in the nation to ban sales of flavored, nicotine vapingla products. democratic governor gretchen whitmer ordered the move today. she said e-cigarette makers are using candy flavors andin misleads to, in her words, "hook children on nicotine." youtubeas agreed to pay $170 million over charges that it collected personal data on children, without parentalil
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consent. onthe federal trade commisnd new york state say the company used the data to target kids with advertising. under the settlement, youtube also agrees to limit its data collection. and, on wall street, gains in technology stocks fueled a rally.y eragets jones industrial gained 237 poo close atoi 26,355. the nasdaq rose 102 points, and the s&p 500 added 31. still to come on the newshour:- blocking brexiitish lawmakers move to stop an abrupa from the european union. hprotests turn to policy g kong, as a controversial extradition bill is withdraw how the amazon rainforests bearw the brunt of brazil's booming agriculture business, and much
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>> woodruff: we return to london, and the showdown between therime minister and parliament over brexit. as special correspondent malcolm brabant reports, with less than two months until the brexite deadline, theourse ahead for the united clearer.reains no >>rter: the mood in parliament was spikier than usual for boris johnson's first ever question time as primeme minister. >> order, order, order! >> reporter: despite losing his parliamentary majority and being torpedoed by internal party rebellion, johnson adhered toh brexit mantra. >> this government will take this country out of the europeae union on october the 31st >> reporter: but the pledge had a hollow ring. johon's conservative party has been torn apart. the new prime minister kicked out 21 lawmakers who ignored his pleas to support the governmenth rebelled by backing an
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opposition labour party bill itdesigned to prevent in from leaving the e.u. without a deal. johnson lambasted wt he called this surrender bill. >> mr. speaker, let us be absolutely clear, thiss ndvernment is going to get a deal from our frin we will get an agreement which g think this house could approve. the onlyhing that is standing in our way is the undermining of those negotiations by this surrender bl which would lead to more dither and delay. >> reporter: but labour leaderea jeremy corbyn made it clear he didn't believe the primeid minister.> these negotiations that he talks about are a sham. all he's doing is running downs the clock. >> reporter: johnson accused corbyn of undermining britain's negotiating position and of being scared of a generalei election. >> there's only one chlorinated chicken that i can see in this cuse and he's on that bench. >> reporter: bbyn was in a feisty mood. p yesterday he lost one vote,
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his first vote liament, and he now wants to dissolvend parliament.ab he's desperatelutely desperate to avoid scrutiny.te >> rep after primer minister's question time, the house began debating the labour party bill. one of the most poignant speeches came from a rebel sacked by johnson, sir nicholas irames, the grandson of winston churchill. >> mr, speaker, i'm not standing on the next election and i am thus approaching the end of 37 years service to this house of which i haveeen proud and honored beyond words to be aor member. i'm truly very sad that it should end in this way. >> reporter: outside ment, hardline conservative brexiteer nigel evans had this reaction. >> i just hate to seeact as if they didn't know the consequences. it was explained to them beforehand so they knew what they were doing. expert professor catherine barnard believes johnson's brutal cull could be a selfin licted wound that will reduce his cnces of leaving the e.u.hi on time.
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>> aer three years of theres may who has not been able to deliver brexit it was clear there was a need for a different approach. and the different approach is to come in all guns blazing and to say were going to deliver this come what may. so it's tone rather than substance but the tone has clearly backfired rather badly. >> reporter: former labour cabinet minister chris bryant believes britain is now in an impossible mess. >> i think the of the minister and for that matter therese m before him they spend all their time over the >> reporter: outside parliament brexit supporter david cooper was looking worried. >> well, i think it tll happen. nk it has to happen, because the english people, the british people want it to happe we voted to leave. we had a referendum. and weuld be leaving. >> reporter: labour m.p. tan dhesi was upset with johnson fo disparaging muslim women earlier this year and his disdain has growover the past few days.
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>> we have minimal trust in th prime minister. i think many of his own colleagues, his own m.p.s don't look to him to unite us across the chamber in to the opposition parties and how can we entrust him to unite our fractured society, our fractured country.: >> reporn the green outside parliament, rival factions kept up their chants. there's a sense here that the debate is becoming mo raucous and impolite. nigel evans. the real coup is against the british people who voted in 2016 who voted to leave the european simply can't accept it.t >> reporter: and this is steve bray, who has been outde rliament for the past two years yelling stop brexit at every passing politician. >> brexiis in freefall. last night was another nail in the this is the end of brexit. we're never leaving the european union.
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boris johnson said october 31st do or die. november the first big funeral. >> reporter: it's not clear such optimism is justified. but those hopes were certainly lstered tonight as, with the support of the now sacked rebel conservatives, the labour party passed that crucial bill>> compelling the government to abandon plans to leave the e.u. without a deal. vru >> in w and the view of this government, there must now be an election on tuesdayte thea 15th of october.e >> reporter: the short timem ago, his bad say got worse. he lostthat vote as well.y there are, however, several other ways of trying to triggero boris johnson really needs a hail mary pass if he's to the european union ony lead october 31. he's gambling on a generalot election. political analysts here believef that if he should win suc anve election, he may try to repeal
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the bill that wasassed tonight. buthe feeling here is that hey may have damaged his election prospects byp exiling some of te heavyweights of the conservative party. f thefo for the pbs newshour, i'msp hospecial correspondent malcolm brabant in westminster. >> woodruff: hong kong's chief>x llecutive announced today that the she will forwithdrawa a bill that would have allowed exng kong residents to be extradited to mainland china for trials. l this propoas sparked monthsof of large scale, sometimesvi violent, protests. but anick schifrin tells us, protesters reaction wasatne ne, saying the move is tooli little too late.>> >> schifrin: judy, it was the bill that launched a thousandot since april, protestors havefi filled hong kong's streets,cl clashing on some occasions witho ce, and at one pointra ransacking the building whereth
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the local government convenes. financial capital,t has ional struggled to stay open for business: last month the airport 96was shutdown by sit-s andrt clashes.of officials in beijing labeled the protestors criminals and terrorists. today hong kong chief executive carrie lam said she watryingedrs to restore stability. >> our foremost priority now is> to end violence, to safeguard the rule of law and to restoreth orr and safety in as such, the government has tost strictly enforce the law agai stal all violent and illegal acts.>> >> hifrin: lam also discussedin investigating police tactics,an and holding talks with protest and pro-democracy leaders.m w joined by a pro- democracy legislator, alvin yeung, a member of hong kong'sle legislative alvin yeung, thank you for joining , is what carrie laman announced today enough? >> what crie lam sa today is too littlet too late.i
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if she had done it three months ago, hong kong people would noth ve suffered so much, and, by now, this so-called withdrawal, of course, is one of the five demands hong kong people are asking for, but she did not and failed to address the police brutaliut. let'st' make it clear here, the system in hong kong, the so-called police investigating committee, has no investigative power. there's no way committee would require any winners to attend and to tellt the truth. >> lam spoke about dialogue wito community leaders and universals suffrage, something protestersha have been demanding andr referenced in the 1977 dealhen the british left hong kong, was it a positive sign thathent mentioned this?
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>> the so-called dialogue that experiencehat this governmentusx only picknd choose people fromei their own camp to have aal dialogue with,and even when they pick somebodyom from the other side, thedemocratic side, they're simply there to listenwi without taking any action.mi let me everybody who isl listening or watching thispr program, five years ago, there was an umbrella revolution inho hong kong. carrie lam, who was then chiefse secretary, the number two person of the government, she had aal dialogue with the then studentad leaders and, guess what? four student leaders werear arrested. >> reporter: we were back enpr in july andsaw protesters ransacked through thl legislative council. beijing hascalled protesterscr criminals, even terrorists. are there ai criminals ire the protests? and that violence, is that a concern of yours? >> my concern, rather, is bywi
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withdrawing the bl is layingfo foundation for carrie lam to put forward something called totally unchecked, which istasta tally a very powerful piece ofl legislation that empowers the chief executive -- that is carrie lam, of course -- to kean any regulation to restrict basir freedoms, including to banee freedom of assembly, and this ie something that likely concernsn not only ho kong pe but also the international community. we fear that, over the past few months, we have witnessed,in including hong kong officials and beiji officials, the terrorists or even having atoas l revolution, which is totally groundless and unfarer. >>rter: you brought upco color revolutions, of course,re referencing the eastern europeae
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movement that overthrew communist are you saying that what you ara asking for is actually limited and that you're not asking for any kind o independences from mainland china?t >> we are sking fori independence. we are asking for universalff suffrage to really elect ach chiefly executive and ourl lislature as promised by beijing. the moon.wg for reasonableg very here. >> reporter: you started bys sayingthat this was too little too does that mean the protests will continue? >> the hong kong people cannot take it as a victory.i in fact, they're still far, far rom victory. when policew brutality cannot bn dealt with, hong kongp people are still asking, demanding for something that wee wupposed to be granted years aao, that is universal suffrage, to elect leaders, i'm sure hong kong people will not give up.> >> reporter: alvin yeung,th
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thank you very much. >> thank you. >> woodruff: stay with us,c coming up on the newshour: guns, climate change and money-- how key political flashpoints are seen across the country.sen and remembering the victims ofth the latest mass shooting inod odessa, texas. the amazon forests are burninga at a record breaking pace,ar sparking serious concerns around the world. the source: they are mainlybe being set by ranchersfa farmers clearing the land forlt cultivation. with the support of the pulitzea entea nawaz and producer mike fritz recently trekked deen into brazil to witnessis oiving this it is part of ooingse anries, brazil on the brink. r >> reporter: it' environmental treasure miretching across more than two million square miles, about 60 percent of which is here inbr
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brazil. but the amazonthe world'sbula largest rainforest, and a vital line of defense in the fightag against climate change, is undes assault. to 40 years ago.>>ly forest, 304 >> reporter: mike coe is a scientist at the woods hole research center in mato grosso, brazil.azhe he's been studying and visitingr the amazon f0 years. these trees, he saysre hcr crucial not just for how much carbon dioxide they absorb butal also for the role they play inco cooling the planet. >> the thing about these forests air conditioner.thlly a giant they take out something like ath they are incredibly efficient at erking in sunlight and wnd putting it back in the atmosphere, and that leads to cooling. >> reporter: since the 1970's, the amazon has been steadily arforested. a tth nearly 20% has already been wipedhaut. and this year, the region hasse en record-breaki forestf fires. nearly 60,000 fires haveen engulfed vast sections of the brazili the effects, coe says, arec clear. >> so wh we end up with is,
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out here, it's about 10 degrees nsrmer on average throughout the year than it ise there forest.>> >> reporter: ten degrees warmer out here in the deforested >> absolutely. >> reporter: the driving force behind the decline of the amazoi in brazil?th the rise othe country'sbo booming agribusiness sector.un unlike most obrazil's economy agriculture has actually beenro ng. it's been growing steadily overh the last few years. fueled mostly by soy, cotton,ton and corn crops like these.bu but critics s that growth has come at the expense of theaz in fact, an estimated 80% of the amazon is due to agriculture-- e result of decades of permissivea land use policies that transformed huge swaths of thise region into cheap farm acreage.> >> the agricultural sector hasal alws been a major player inbr brazilianolitics, goingackto to even before the prlamation of the reblic.>>
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>> reporter: monica de bolle isa a latin american expert at thep peterson institute of international economics, a non-h shazsays since the 1960's br has grown into an agrultural giant, now the world's leadingex exporter of beef, chicken, and soybeans. >> >> so there's a lot of politican in auence there, there's alslo lot of economic power, becauseth the agribusiness sector is thet, one poche one bright spot in the brazilian economy right now. >> reporter: while g.d.p. inilbr bras remained sluggish in recent years, growing by only 1b annually, agriculture hasst steadily spiked, rising by asmu much as 13% in 2017. and whildeforestation in theam amazon slowefrom 2004 to 2012,it 's picked back up over the last few years, as new roads ann rastructure pushedde development further into once-r remote areas. in january, a new threat to the amazon came with the inauguration of president jair bolsonaro, a climate change denier. he has repeatedly pledged to
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open up more of the rainforest for business... >> ( translat): let's use the riches that god gave us for the well-being of our population. >> the government hasn't understood yet, the risks of the increasing deforestation for the reputation of brazil, for our markets, for our future. >> reporter: andre guimaraes is the executive director of the amazon environment research institute. further destruction of the amazon, he says, is their chief concern. >> for the globe, it wld be a the amazon plays a central role in storing carbon every tree has so it's crucial maintaining the amazon for the stabilization of the climate globally. >> reporter: it's important to note that not all deforestationn is ilgal-- farmers can cut up to 20% of trees like these on their lands, but the problem scientists say is that the weakened licensing, monitoring,
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making it harder to enforce the law. since president bolsonaro took office january, roughly 1,000 square miles of forest has been e lost, a nearly 40% increom last year. back in mato grosso, coe and his colleagues are trying to that destruction, measuring and monitoring tracking trends in a shifting environment. >> an average year today is lik0 years ago. so the climate hadrchanged tically because of deforestation and because of just the general climate change. >> reporter: coe saythey are studying what happens when forest becomes farmland-- in nthis casea soybean field. >> what it's really doing is measuring how conductive the soil is, and the more watere is, the more conductive it is. >> reporter: why is that important? >> because for the first time w t a picture of how much water there actually so out in the soybean field,.. there's a lot more water in thes soil.po the rain comes in, it all goes into the soil. the trees use a great deal ofur it. the soybeans really don't,, because for nine months out a
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year, they're really not doingn. anything.olg so it sits in the shen itat goes into the streams and justt gets flushed out into the oceanp >> reporter: as coe explains ith fewer trees, less waterha actually goes back into thear atmosphere after rainfall, whila in turn leads to shorter rainyts seasons, and more frequent so the trees are responsible for pushing a lot of that water back upinto the atmosphere leading t to more of the rain. you've got lessain here now too, right? i what does that mean?s >> exactly. f the dry season's something like five months long, so already by the end of the dry season, c they're running out of they're using what's le in the i that's a lot more stress on theg forer .ore of it di >> reporter: this is just one oa many multi-year projects beingth done by coe and his team atef tanguro ranch, a sprawling 200ul thousand acre industrial farm that sits at the very edge of the southern soybeans, corn, and cotton are all grown here, but it's also ae research lab to understand actly the impact left behind.'s it's a rare partnership betweeni
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agribs and the scientific community that dates back to04 20, when a few agriculturele leaders in brazil realized aba balance between growth and conservation was needed. divino silverio is a scientist t oththat team, often tasked climbing high above the tree- line, silverio tracks exactlyatt being lost from deforestation.rere i >> i am n this tower that>>lo allows us to measure how muchca carbon that this forest is assimilating or emitting intoth the atmosphere. r >> reporter: born and raised in the area, silverio is the son of subsistence farmers. >> ( translated ): it was very natural for us to transforna nature, to cut down the forest. that was normal for me.t but what i learned in school helped me have a betterun understandg of then consequences of these types ofti actions, and it's iasortant to eme that agriculture is important to everyone. we have to produce food. t but at the same time, it's alsoo imnt to preserve nature as it is. i r >> reporter: safeguarding the forest doesn't have to come at the expensericultural
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f development, according torc mercedes bustamente, a biologis and prr at the university of brasilia. b t >> the economic activity that needs more environmentalpr protection is agriculturese because when we need water, wene need good soils, we needll pollinators, wneed pest control, we need a very stablecl climate.>> >> reporter: you're saying it could actually be better for that agribusiness?co >> yes.d and tually if you see the lae use in brazil we still haveai available land for agriculturale development and also for conservation. >> reporter: the future of the amazon now depends on findingf s this balance says thomaslo lovejoy, an ecologist who has studied the rainforest since th0 >> we are seeing, i think, the first flickerings of the tippinn point with historic droughts in5 2005, 2010, and 2016. >> reporter: if that tippingpo point is reached, which lovejoy orbelieves could happen ifth than 20 to 25% of the amazon is destroyed, it would be
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devastating to the region's ecosystem, creating hotter,ie drier weather patterns that will transform large sections of then jungle into a savanna. >> you can go down in history ae being the equivalent of the person who created the dust thlt iunited states. the difference is between the w dust ball at the situat onis is in the amazon and in brazil is we actually scientifically understand what is going on, an can avoid those tipping points.r >> reporter: and for scientists like divino silverio, avoidingat that tipping point is not onlyt crucial for the amazon but also for a place he's long called home. ( >> ( translated ): it's where i grew up, where my family lives.m to me, this region is part of .. it's also special because of itx extraordinary diversity, whichha always been part of my so, there is an intense feelingl of loss when we see the changest that are happening. >> reporter: for the pbs'm newshour, i amna nawaz in moto grosso, brazil.od w >> uff: tomorrow we'll take
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a look at the threats faced byim animals that call the amazonme home and potential solutions. >> woodruff: the worst fears are coming true about the>> devastating nature of hurricanei dorian. a new report this hour is thede death toll in the bahamas is nou up t people. the hurricane and what it says about climate change along with guns i the aftermath of repeated mass shootings in thiso country a yet, morere retirements by republican members of congress are just a few of the issues we want to raise now with two people who watch publictc opinion closely from the middle of americ they are chris buskirk, editor of the conservative journal and web site "american greatness."'s he's in phoenix. and colleen nelson, she'she
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editorial page editor for thean "kansas city starr newspa ande she joins us from kansas city,ss missouri.ll hello to bothu.f ywe we thank you for being here on this wednesday. i want to start by talking aboun hurrdorian. i know that so much of theat attention has been on theutut astern u.s. coast, but, with the severi o ofhu hurricane after another, they're getting bigger, they're dppingre more rain, they're creating more devastation, i wonder, chris buskirk, there is more conversation now about climatech change, the connection betwema c change and what'spp happening to humans on thean planet. is it your sense that this isre more of a itingsue for americans than it was? >> think that divides a littlebi bit along pty an ideologicalfi affiliations, so it certainlyis , i think, for democrats, iin think it may be a bit more for repubcacans. what say,s. though, with regard to republicans is that
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there is w do i want to say this, there is sort of afr frustration about the discussioc of clate change, not do w believe it or doe not but ine the sense that it sometimes gets in the way of doing -- ofen enacting legiation that issi positive environmentalism. in other words you don't have te believe or not climate change for instance to think it's a god idea to gete the plastic out of the ocean,esd and somet these thingsbe become an impediment to whatco could actually be positive environmental legislation everybo could support. woodruff: you're sayinger someme republicans are reluctant to support measures eve thoughth they may not have any connectiot to the term or the ide ofim climate change? >> yeah, i guess -- i hear this a lot. five years ago, i probably neveo would have heard it. t in the past year or so, i hear it more and m it's, like, why is the debateal always stalled over who believes in manmade climate change and who doesn't as opposed to, hey, you don't have to believe or disbelieve in climate change toh think that some of these policyd
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ideasood policy ideas and actually would promote aal healthier environment forer everybody. >> woodruff: colleenis nelson, is there really a differenceth there? how do you see this? w >> well, i thin you're hearing more and more discussn about this issue, and there arenc deepening ns about climatean change, and at least, at theca local level, this is becomingss less of a partisan concern and r more pragmatic issue and, t in the absence of action insh washington, d.c., you are seeing more and morere local leadersyi saying, oka we need -- we're the folks governing on the ground, we need to developcipo po that create ast sustainable environment and address the effects of climatean , and, so, at the local level, a lot of people are justn kind of setting democrati democratic-republican party ub and saying mayoro of kansas city, at kanas cityha hall what should we be doing to address imate change? t there's not the same tenor of
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policy debate an and divide youe inashington, d.c. >> woodruff: chris, you said>> it'shrore of an issue forde democrats. do you say that's changing?>> >> it's change ago bit. utwhat i've heardat a and thought about myself forg thest last couple of years is whates does -- what is an environmentalism or aco conservation movement look like that could be supported by people who identify asns conservatives?o the i starthink about policy initiatives and things that could actually be done inre reforestation initiatives orowe owns cleanup with regards toe plastic, thrts of things, there are a lot of conservatives that would get behind the discreet policy propoeels in a heartbeat, yet the concerns seems to be alwaysstymied on dou you believe in climate change or not? in a certain sense, and i knowis th p is important tople onth the left, but we should take the wins where we can get them where people agree regardless of why
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people think they're godli policy. >> woodruff: colleen, i want to turn to another subject that has come ups nd that is gue the wake of these almost weekly, shootings, another now in the last few days in texas,e the third shooting in thatsto state -- or s in that state in the matter of 30 is the conversation changes around that? oe you hearing more all willingness by people who have been posed by gun control tons consider it now?>> >> the conversation is changith in we're having seriousnv conversations both in kansasndnd in missouri about is thereso something that we can agree on whether it's red flag laws orbck kground checks and but there's still really a tough row to hoe there. so while folks ares concernedab about the mass shootings, this also falls against the backdrop of huge problems with guns in kansasns city and st. louis, and
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here you see a real urban dividg on gun violence with a lot of we're not willing basically sayg anything, we're going to stick with veryth loose gun laws we h iace in missouri, while youv have kansas citynd st. louis t as two of the most dangerous cities in terms of homicide rates in the country. so there's a really strongvi divide there. and the conversation is shiftini actuallyre you't not to thepo seeing action, much like in teee in missouri, ao ofwm lawmakers asked the governor to violence and so far he'scl declined. >> woodruff: and, chris, what about that? at the national level, a lot ofe conversationers of congress urging the president to dos something, mitch mcconnell, the leading republin, thema majority leader in the senate saying i'm not going to do something unless i know for act fact the president's going tosi sign it. y >> yeah, what i hear a lot is, you kw, obviously, these massoo
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shootgs are horrific andop people are really struggling with a couple of things.e one is how do youyc psychologically deal with thefe fear that's coming out ofme something so random?at that's what people, i think,ve have a hard time, melf included, by the time you getyo ur mind around something you can't predict at allca and tryig to balance that against nsible policy. you have, forli instance, in 20u you hadeo about 110le killed from theseom sort of random mash shootings in t united states, 110. on the other hand, you want to people'shat against legitoate right protectem themselves. there were something like3 1.3 oillion defensive use firearms in the united states last year.d and you say, on the one hand, wa want to figure out what to do about mass shootings, but is ith people?, is it the is it the mental health issue?i i think we need to understandth those issues better and that'sao something verybody wantsto to do, and focusing on the guns, i think, is maybe one part of, it, but there are other variables that need to be focused on ascu well.>
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>> woodruff: so,olleen, ere are we on this? sounds like you're both saying you don't necessarily see movement l to anything about guns. t >> there's not immediate movement in missouri or kansas and, obviously, the entireun country is watching and waitingn on mitch mcconnell and donaldum trum clearly, stat state lawmakers cd act, but kansas and missourima remain very red ump would be in kansas andss missouri by 19 and 21 pointssp respectively, so the folks leading kansas and missouri aren't inclined to enact a lot g of gun control measures. so though this is elevated the conversatioand created a senseof of urgency, that isn't likely to be followed with action middle >> woodruff: lasting i want to quickly raise with both ofyo you the increasing mber ofti retirements you're seeing from chris buskirk, we learned jimse
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sensenbrenner, veteran lawmakerm from wisconsin, serving 40ar years, he's not returning.e the number is up to 14 or 15 ats this point. what does it say about your party -- n your party -- there republican party, and what doest it say about the president?>> >> i think -- i'm not sure what it says about the partse sensenbrenner, you know, 40 years, he did hisar some of these other retirements are i think a little bit more on point for what yore askingab about.lo look, it's tough to be in congress righnow, it's tough b especially for the houseci members. if you're in the minority, you really don'tave anything to do. so if you don't seeso a prospeco majority, you t well, youkn know, what am i going to do with my life? and some of these guysare looking for a way to go out back can h blame them.thctor, and in i think the challenges forpu republicans now is how do you get good candidates to replaceem them? that's reallemgoing to be tough and i think it makes 2020 an uphill battle for republicans to
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retake the house, wch i know w is what people wanted to do, but it's not getting easier. >> woodruff: 15 seconds, colleen, what does it look like from your perspective f republicans in these races? >> republicans particularly in suburban areas are looking at the reality of how trump is playing in the suburbs,ly particulith women, and their prospects don't lok good. they see what happened in november 2018, and they fear the worst, and looking ahead, anothe year and a half of potension will congress doing nothing, that doesn't set them up wellheheading into0200 election, so certainly makes sense that some of these republicans uld be making a congratulation that it's simply not worth running and losing. >> woodruff: seems like we're seeing almost an announcement a day. at this rate, we'll see where it goes. colleen nelson, thank you very much, from kansas city, missouri, chris buskirk joining us from phoenix. thank you both.k >> thyou.
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>> woodruff: finally tonight, we irmember those who lost t lives in the west texas shootings over labor day family and friends areof mourning their loved on. 15 year old leilah hernandez had just celebrated her quinceanera. her brother, nathan, tried to shield his younger sister from the gunfire and was shot in the arm. nathanrote on twitter, "i did my best to protect you, i'm sorry." joe griffith, who was 40, was shot and killed in his car, sitting at a traffic light with his wife and children. he was a meer of the first baptisthurch. his friend rick, also a member of the congregation, said, "for all of them to be there and bet witness to t justto unspeakable." 30 year old kameron brown joined the army in 20vect
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sin >> he had to go fight in a warg and come back here to be killed' senselessno this is so unfair.h >> woodruff: mary granados was a letter carrier with the u.s.go postal the 29 year old was finishing up her shift when the gunman her twin sister, , was onth the phone during the attack ando went looking for her.ra she told reporters, "she was there. on the floor when i gotd, she was already gone."us 35 year old raul garc was att long distance truck driver andic father of four from el paso. he was headed to san diego butk decided to take a detour to picp is sons so they could joinhi him on the final leg of thetr trip.>> >> just like my son said, now heaven.e a truck driver in'lhe >> woodruff: the oldest of the r victimolfo arco, was shotcta and killed driving home from work.
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his sister told reporters the 5e year old had moved from las vegas after the 2017 massga shooting at a music she said he felt "odes was thep place to go." and edwin peregrino,ge 25, wash home for the weekend visiting his parents after haust he ran outside aft hearinggu gunshots en the gunman droveby by and shot him. his sister in law wrote on a go fund me page that edwin "made ai difference in every soul he met. he made a mark." man and that's the newshour for tonight.i' i'm judy woodruff. join us online and again hereto tomorrow evening. for all of us at the pbsne eenewshour, thank you andouon soon. >> >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by:>>
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