tv PBS News Hour Weekend PBS October 6, 2019 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by wnet >> sreenivasan: on this edition ocr sunday, october 6: the report of a second whistleblower is confirmed. in ourignature story: the netherlands takes advantage of a u. "brexodus." and a playground designed for people of all abilities. next on "pbs newshour weekend." >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: bernard and irene schwartz. sue and edgar wachenheim iii the cheryl and philip milste family. the j.p.b. foundation. rosalind p. walter, in memory of george o'neil. barbara hope zuckerberg. corporate funding is provided
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by mutual of america, designing customized individual and group retirement products. that's why we're your retirement company. additional support has been provided by: and by the corporation for public broadcastinrivate corporation funded by the american people. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. from the tisch wnet studios at lincoln cent in new york, hari sreenivasan. re >>ivasan: good evening and thanks for joining us. there is a second whistleblower who says they haeb fsthand information about president trump's conversation with the president of ukraine whichim triggered thachment inquiry, and there may be others. news of anotr whistleblower was first reported this morning on abc. >> attorney mark zaid told me is a member of the intelligence community with firsthand information on some of the allegations at issue. the second whistleblas been interviewed by the inspector general and attorneys say theyave the full
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protection of the whistleblower law because they provided info directly to the spector general. the second whistleblower has not yet communicat with the congressional committees conducting this investigation. at the same law firm tweeted just before the broadcast. "i can confirm that my firm and my team represent multiple whistleblowers in connection to the underlying august 12, 2019, the word "multipleoff a flurry of headlines and questions. "the wall street journal" asked attorney mark zaid if there were now more than two whistleblowers and quoted him saying, "there are definitely multiple whistleblowers." "the new york times," whichork reported fridathat there was another intelligence official considering whether to come forward, does not know whether it is thsame person or persons represented by the whistleblower lawyers. the president ayed at the white house today, tweeting and re-tweeting about various subjects. last night, mr. trump tweetedou reports of a possible second whistleblower."t
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the fi-called secondhand information ¡whistleblower' got my phone conversation almostmo completely wrong, so now word is they are going to the bench and another "whistllower" is coming in." starting tuesday, congressional committees are scheduled toon conduct deposiand hold closed door meetings with state departme officials and othersic who were on the july 25 call between president trump and ukraine's president zelensky. for continuing coverage of the impeachment inquiry and more on the latest whistleblower visit >> sreenivasan: the supreme court will begin it's new term tomorrow with a docket full of blockbuster cases ranging from abortion and daca, to insanity defenses and l.g.b.t.q. discrimination. f joining m washington, d.c. with a preview of what to watch for is amy howe, co-founder and contributing reporter forus scotog. amy, it seemed that the court nds trying to avoid these of big third-rail issues, but they're jumping right into it. l let's start wi.b.t.q. rights.
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>> yes, on tuesday, the supreme court will hear oralent inio a tr of cases. two of them will be argued gether. they deal with whether or not feral employment discrimination laws protect l.g.b.t. employees. there's a provision of the civil rights act that proh employment discrimination-- and here's the key phrase-- because of sex. and so for myears this hadno been interpreted to protect l.g.b.t. employees. but in recent years, ae of federal courts of appeals have interpreted it that way. so now t supreme court's going to weigh in. >> sreenivasan: all right, and then we have daca. the trump administration says that basically the obama ministration didn't have the right to do this. they're challenging this. >> yes, and so there's going to two questions before th supreme court. the first is whether or not this is something that cour can review at all, whether this is the kind of decision left to the executive branch of the federal government. and then there's t question of the legality of the trump administration's decision to end daca.
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but moreadly, this ia program that neay 800,000 ung adults have benefited from. omd it provides them with not only protection deportation, but then potentially unlocks other benefits, like the ability tot driver's license, to work legally in thiencountry. and ore broadly than that, supreme court's going to be weighing in, in essence, on sse hot button of immigration during the mide of the presidential campaign. >> sreasan: right. and one of the things motivates people on both sides of an issue is abortion, and there's, there's a case coming up that seems awfully familiar, or awfully similar i suld say, to a case that they just had a little while ago. >> yes, back in 2016, after the death of justice antonin scalia, the supreme court, by a vote of 5 to 3, struck down a texas lawq thatred doctors who perform abortions in texas to have what's known asdmitting privileges, the right to admit theipatients at local hospitals. justice anthony kennedy joined the court's four more liberal
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justices in striking that law down. the u.s. court of appeals fors. the fifth circuit earlier this year upheld a very similar law in louisiana. so the abortion providers asked the supreme court to step in and block the law temporarily to heve them time to appeal. and justice kennedy has retired since ths replaced by justice brett kavanaugh. the court, when it announced it was going to take up t cross-appeal from the state that said that we also think youwe rould weigh in on whether not the abortion providers have the legal right to challengeis ealth and safety law at all. and so that's going to be in an interesting issue to watch. it could give the supreme court deciding whether or not theavoid louisiana law itself is d nstitutional. >> sreenivasan: at happens in louisiana if, for example, this law is upheld, how many providers are there that couldrm continueerg abortions?
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>> the abortion providers, when they came to the supreme court, th said there'd be only on doctor providing abortions in the early stages of pregnancy at all ter 17 justice kavanaugh, when the court issued that the temporary hold back in february, said, "look, you know, there's a lot of disputed facts here, and i s think uld allow the law to go into effect to see how it actually plays out, whether or not that's actually the case." >> sreenivasan: all right, amy howe from scotusblog, thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. >> sreenivasan: europe is bracing itself for october 31, the latest deadline in the ongoing brexitaga, and ostensibly the day the united kingdom is scheduled to leavean the euronion. in the meantime, sev organizations and businesses are the u.k. will exit europe;when they're already exiting the u.k. christ from one of their main
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destinations, the netherlands. >> reporter: back in 2016, when the u.k. voted on brexit, what did you think? >> we have a problem. >> reporter: noël wathion is deputy director of the european medicines agency, which is, wh sponsible for regulating pharmaceuticals in the european union. it's similar to the food and drug administration in america. and it used to be located in london. then came the u.k.'s vote to leave the e.u. eile the outcome of the v was a surprise, relocating his staff of about 900 and their families became an immediate necessity for wathion because by w the e.m.a. must have its headquarters in an e.u. country. >> we had a general assembly dhe ne of all staff. i can tell you the atmosphere was extremely down. people... there were people crying in the room not sure what was going to happen. and then, as senior management, we have to make surewe show leadership and that we say, "look, we are going to overcome
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this." >> reporter: that day, wathion says he launched a relocation task force. the.u. cities bid to . agency, and in november 2017, the european council made the announcement: amsterm was chosen to be the new headquarters of the e.m.a. and this past, january the e.m.a. officially cut the ribbao on its new offices. compared with london, amsterdam is a relatively small city of under a million people. you can cross town in 20 minutes on a bike. it has both old world charm and modern infrastructure, which was essential to the e.m.a. >> we have thousands of expertsm traveling onthly basis to us. we need good connectwe need good public transport, we need good hotel accommodation. so this was part of the list of requirements that we had put in addition to what we needed as facilities, as a building in order to operate. >> reporter: they also needed administrator esther martinez.
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she had been living and working in london for seven years when the brexit vote happened. >> i'm a firm believer in the europe union and working together and being united and having that diversity of nationalities makes it so rich that i was sad when i found out that the u. voted to leave. so this is actually my neighborhood. >> reporter: she's getting usede to life in amsterdamd.the good and apartments tend to be small, parking difficult, and she's still learning the language. but she los the cafe culture, the trams that make it easy to get to work and, of course, the bikes. >> the hardehing ito go through all the paperwork that you need to go thrgh to move. opening the bank account, paying your taxes, understanding how all that works in the therlands, but we did actually have help. >> reporter: help frompany the city of amsterdam hired as part of its pitch to host the e.m.a. roz fremder is the owner ander saysirm has doubled in size since the brexit vote.
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>> brexit is definitely good fon te relocausiness.ess. i would say 80% private individuals that contact us right now are from the u.k. and also about 40% of corporates coming in are looking to establish, if not relocate ther entire companies from u.k. to the netherlands, at least establish a presence here. >> reporter: there's been of brexodus of corporations and individuals fleeing the u.k. and almost 100 businesses have already shifted offices and jobe toetherlands. the british have been debating for the last three years-- evere since threndum-- about how to leave the e.u. an agreement hammereout early on was voted down by parliament, the deadline extended from last march to october 31, just a couple of weeks away. but still there is no new agreement. the british parliament recently passed a law requiring the government not to leave the e.u. without a deave fearing economic chaos and concerns over trade, taxes, and the border. it's all cast a cloud of
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uncertainty overhe other 27 e.u. member states. the dutch don't want the u.k. to leave, but they are making the best of the situation, saysth commissioner of the netherlands foreign investment agency, jeroen nijland. >> we are strategically located in this big european market, which is the second biggest market in the world. so many companies come here because they use the netherlands euorpean market.t into that businesses feel that this a very good base for their operations.s our workforcighly educated and multilingual. >> reporter: in fact, english ir almost universal her more than 90% of the dutch speak at least two languages, well above the e.u. average of about 50%. as fornfrastructure, rotterdam is home to the biggest harbor in europe. is the third busiest in europe,t with dozens of direc connections to other e.u. capitals. but the netherlands is not the only european country businesses from the u.k. one of its chief competitorss france.
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notably, paris has landed another e.u. agency, the european banking authority. ben there are germany and ireland: dozens ks and other financial companies have moved shop from the u.k. or london to frankfurt anin. all told, more than a trillion dolls worth of assets has already been sent out of the u.k. because of brexit. and nijland says the pace of movement is increasing as the october 31 deae imposed by the e.u. nears. have moved to the netherlandsch already, approximately 325 hehers have reached out to dutch. >> the latest figure we have on france is that they are talking to 250 businesses, luxembourg 80, and belgium 100, so i think compared to the other countries, we are doing quite well. >> reporter: but brexit is a double-edged sword for the netherlands. 75% of its exports, including f food awers, are destinedrs for the u.k. market.ex if new post- tariffs are imposed on those goods, they >> a lot of compano moved from the u.k. to the
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netherlands, and in that respect ofits good for our economy course, but we as a transport compy can only lose on it. >> reporter: paul smit is sales manager at a trucking company, which does 70% of its business with the u.k. smit predicts confusion and chaos at the ports where his p trucks cross back and forth to england by ferry. he explained how a no-deal brexit in particular would affect his daily businesif shipments suddenly get stuck in customs. >> reporter: what's the situation like right now? e >> you cily call us till 3 eas oclock today, we can load tomorrow, and the day after it's in the u.k. >> reporter: so it pretty sounds easy. >> it is. >> reporter: what do ydict is going to be the case if >> it's going to add one day to the transport timeay but in the beginning it's no going work so it's gonna add four, five, six days. we think, wh there is a hard brexit, it will come to a sort of standstill where nobody knows what's going to happen.o ha all this will become more difficult and more costly, and who is going to pay in the end?
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>> reporter: it's still too early in the brexit process for the full effects, positive and negative, to be seen. the european medicines agency's noel wathion expects more good news for the netherlands since hundreds of companies that consult with the e.m.a. will likely consider establishing themselves in amsterdam to be e close to t.a. and in any case, he says, whatever happens, the is in the netherlands to stay. >> reporter: as we sit here now, brexit is still not a y. in the meanwhile, thu've relocateagency here, 900 staff meerre. what are you going to do if brexit, in fac doesn't ever become a reality? >> that decision was taken to relocate. we have relocated and we will be staying here. >> sreenivasan: october is nttional disability employ awareness month.
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t awareness of people with doesn't have to st thene's own office or on the job site. it can start as soon as a child begins to play. and so we bring you the story of one mothern californ t who decided e matters into her own hands when she discoveredou her local plays were not accessible to her young daughter. pbs newshour weekend's megan thompson has more. >> let's go this way. who arl these people here today? >> reporter: olenka villarreal's 16-year-old daughter ava was born with physical and cognitive disabilities. when ava was young, her doctors encouragevillarreal to take ava to the playgrounds near their home in palo alto,their california, for physical activity. >> they would say to me, "take her to swing. get the movement going in her inner it crealancend awareness of space." and it was at that moment that i realized in the 35 playgrounds that were in my own community,no a single one was right for ava because she couldnhe hold on to twings.
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so i approached the city of palo alto, and to their credit theysa to me, "why don't you design the kind of pyground you think we would benefit from in our community?" >> reporter: and so villarreal did. the well-connected marketingex rt, who was also vice president of the non-profital friends ofalto parks,frie tapped into her silicon valley network, eventually raising more than $4 million. opter seven years, the magical bridge playgrouned in 2015. organizers claim it's the most accessible and inclusive playssibnd in the country. >> most traditional aygrounds don't allow everyone to play together. >> reporr: peter jensen is a landscape architect who designed the magical bridge playground. he organized it into zones, like spinning, slidg and inging. each zone contains multiple pieces of equipment. >> it just is guaranteeing that really no matter what your ability is, that youill be activity, whatever it may be. >> reporter: jensen says the ound's system of gently sloping ramps is a key feature. >> instead of just having a
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pre-fabricated steel ramping system, this really goes beyond that and stas to incorporate that ramping into the overall design. >> reporter: the r lead to the secopl story of the house. >> most kids that have an inability to get up higher level don't get a chance to experience a treehouse or an atn, see the perspective of the playground in a different way. >> reporr: the ramps also lead to the playground's slide mound. jensen showed us a unique feature at the bottom, something he calls a "dignity landing." >> most the time when kids slid down on the slide, they wouldt to the bottom of the slide and then pretty much just be on the ground. the dignity landing, which is this piece right here, basicalld allowsto slide down, when you get the bottom, then you can move yourself over, and waited for, if you ssistance to here and do that without then getting hit by other kids coming down the slide. >> reporter: over at the swing set, every swing is one of these
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moreupportive bucket swings. at a typical playground, there might be just one, which couldke kid who needs it feel the's a motion-activated laser harp so kids can play around with musical notes. mus the ground is padded with soft rubber, and there are no curbs to step over. and there are special pods for someone who needs a break from all the stimulation. >> so at a typical playground, robbie would lk out of place. >> reporter: robbie batista and his mother beth goddard have been coming to magical bridge since itirst opened.ha >>s your favorite thing to do here? >> probably just having some snack with a bunch of my friends. >> yeah, we like to come here and have a snack with his friends. bbie loves the activities-- the slides, the music. but it's so much more hat. it really is. it's about being able to th kids, but play also other parents. there is conversations that start heremight not start other places.
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just today, for example, we were... he was in the treehouse and a littleoy came over and sat with him in the treehousesa an "hey." and robbie said "hey." and it was a nice teraction that, again, might not typically happen. >> reporter: magic bridge >> reporter: the innovative playground is tremendously popular. on the wednesday morning we visited, magical bris teeming with people by 10:00 a.m. >> reporter: how many visitors do you usually get here? >> we see about 25,000 visitors a month. >> reporter: ithat typical for a playground around here? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: villarreal took us to another playground in the same park that was basically y empty. all nenstructed playgrounds at public places like parks and schools mustco ly with the americans with disabilities act, or a.d.a. but villarreal believes that doesn't mean they're necessarily all that accessible. >> this is a.d.a. compliant. it's called the "tan bark." k but w for a fact that no wheelchair can get their wheels ser this. right? it's near... it's impossible.
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this, of course, is not level, so you'd flip over. pwhat makes every two-stoy structure a.d.a.-compliant is this tnsfer platform. so this device allows somebody in a wheelchair to transfer themlves over, sit down, wat everyone run by them. or, if they have the strength of themselves up to t.pull and that's unlikely as well. >> reporter: villarreal says not only is her playground accessible to people of all abilities, it's also open to people of any age. >> ready? >> i'm ready. i'm >> reporter: david rogers works for abilities united, a support group for people with disabilities. he regularly brings his adult clients here. today, jill matranga experienced the merry-go-round. >> and she was enjoying that as much as i've seen her enjoy anything. i'm not sure how often she gets to experience anything like that. unless we come here, it doesn't really happen.
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>> reporter: jf mcdonald, another abilities united client, comes here once or twice a month. what does it mean to you to be able to come here and play? >> oh god, it's so exciting. i start to smile when i can go down that slide or swing on the swing set. and, you know, you know kidsok t me like, "what are you doing on there?" and i said, 'm having fun!"ug ( ) >> reporter: jill asher left her job at a tech company to help start the magical brid foundation. us opening the plad, weeeks of literally started getting requests from all over the country, all over the world, saying, "hey, we want a magicald br playground." >> reporter: asher and villarreal are now building five more playgrounds in california and are upgrading the playgrounds at all of palo alto's elementary schools. they hope to bng magical bridge playgrounds to communities across the u.s. >> every time we leave here, what do say? "that was the best day eve" >> well, yeah! ( both laugh ) >> this is pbs newshour weekend,
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sunday. >> sreenivasan: tomorrow evening on pbs, the premiere of thnew series: retro report, which looks at how the news of the past can connect, sometimes in surprising ways, to modern day storie here's a preview. as the 1968 summer olympics approached, edward smith and fellow spr rintejohn cars became determined to bring th plight of black america to the international arena. the men's 200 meters, another event dominated by the black american sprinters. vailp until then, the prevailing notion was that blck concerns with civil rights stops at the water's edge. we don air our dirty laundry before the world. our churches were beinbombed, our little girls being killed, our leaders being shot down,ot while they had black athgoletes g abroad as will will
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ambassadors to sell the american system. may not be able to get to forum in the united nations but podium.get to the oly >> it was widely interpred as a provocative black power gesture and, in retiation, smith and a carlos were thrown off the team and told to get ot two da later. >> whenever we see people articulate society as african-american athletes intet loyalty. >> this country stands for freedom and justice and liberty for all and it's not happening for all now. >> you cannot disrespect our country, flack, anthem. >> at the end to have the day,eth inevitable that these waves will come along. why?because it is embedded in te very cultural and his htorical fiber of american society.
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>> sreenivasan: finally tonight, some images from the atmosphere we all share. in new mexico today more than 500 hot air balloons filled the sky on the second day of the annual albuquerque international balloon fiesta after fog grounded most flights yesterday. anoutside the internationa space station astronauts completed the first of fiveorgan spacewalks designed to upgrade the space station's batteries that store solar power. that's all for this edition of" pbs newshour weekend." m hari sreenivasan. thanks for watching. have a good night. captioning sponsored by wnet captioned by media access group at wgbh ho >> pbs ne weekend is made possible by: bernard and irene schwartz.
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sue and edgar wachenheim iii. the cheryl and philip milstein family. the j.p.b. foundation. rosalind p. walter, in memory of george o'neil.ho barbar zuckerberg. corporate funding is provided de by mutual of americagning customized individual and group retirement products. that's why we're you retirement additiupport has been provided by: d by the corporation forpu ic broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the american people. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. be more. pbs.
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