tv PBS News Hour PBS October 14, 2019 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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ptioning sponsored by newshour productio, llc >> woodruff: good evening. i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight, rump's wake of president controversial order to withdraw u.s. troom northern syria, the kurds seek new support amid fears of a resurgent islamic state and further violence. en, as the impeachment inquiry w the house continues, a holdout democrats in congress face fierce tensions back homeei while they the choice. and, ronan farrow on his new book, "catch and kill," the harvey weinstein sndal and how news organizations handled it. these patterns of misconduct and cover ups exist, and also there are more and more people, speaking od more and more
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foundati for more than 50 years, advancing ideas and supporti t institutionso promote a better world.le at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions: and individuals. >> this program was made possible by the corporation for puic broadcasting. and by contributions to ur pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> woodruff: the battlefield in northern syria has grown wider and increasingly complicated. and more dangerous. u.s., are now fighting with
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syrian government troops against invading turkish forces. asntoreign affairs correspon nick schifrin reports, the the region is leading to morem change than the area has seen in years. and a warning: some viewers may find some of the images in this piece disturbing. >> schifrin: on state tv, the syrian flag flies over an important northern syrian city. after syrian troops night recaptured this territory for the first time in more than five years. ormeanwhile in another impnt syrian town, turkish troops ckd turkish-ki rebels advanced. both cities had been hd d by u.s.-bacrdish partners. but in just a few days, the map of northern syria is b redrawn. just last week, the u.s.-backed, majority kurdish syrian democratic fors in yellow controlled a large area along the syrian-turkish border. but now, turkey in gen is moving south across the border,
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and the syrian regime in red,ia backed by russ, is taking back territory. for turkey, the goal ito remove kurdish forces it considers terrorists and establish a buffer zone along the border. it's an operation turkey long- threatened but avoided so longoo as u.s. tr remained in northern syria, partnered with those kurdish forces to defeat isis. but those u.s.-troops are now g withdrawining turkey window to launch an offensive defense secretary mark esper called inevitable. >> we did not want to get involved in a conflict that ardates back nearly 200 ye between the turks and the kurds and get involved in another war in the middle east already in the mide of the war, and by leaving, the carnage came quickly. this weekend on social media, turkish-backed militias killed kurdish prisoners on the streets. and residents injured by the turkish assault ended up in the back of pickup trucks. washington asser turkey will not go unchecked.
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but just hours before that announcement. turkish president recep erdogan doubled dow >> regardless of the threats and precious, we are determined to continue the operation until th. i am stating clearly, we will absolutely finish the job we >>rin: f turkey's kurdish targets, they felt they had no choice but to embrace the syrian regime, and invite syrian troopso provide the protection once promised by the u.s. >> ( translated ): we came here to face the turkish attack andth to ensure safety of families from the random turkish shelling. >> schifrin: the u.slitary fears that shelling could allow isis to resurge. over the weekend isis-affiliated prisoners escaped. the alarm is being soundednt loudest by couries hit hardest by islamic state terrorism. german foreign minister heiko maas spoke today in europe:eu anslated ): we are al
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fearing, and we are seeing it already, a strengthening of isis, which we absolutely must prevent. >> schifrin: caught in the crossfire, are syr the u.n. says 130,000 fled their homes in what local kurdish authorities call a humanitarianr disa >> ( translated ): i have four children, two girls and two boys. i'm so tired.i go? i left the house a week ago, where should i go now? it's not clear the fuof north syria either. for the "pbnewshour," i'mick schifrin. >> woodruff: and another marathon of prate hearings on capitol hill today, as members of three committees in the house representatives questio president trump's former top russia adviser, fiona hillas part of the ongoing impeachment inquiry. our yamiche alcindor has beennd
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reporting on capitol hill today and she joins us now. yamiche, remind us who fiona hill is. what is your background? >> fiona hill is the first person who worked at the white house to come before congress to testify as part of the democrat's impeachment inquiry. she was president trump's top europe and russia advisor. for about twyears as part ofump the national security staff, and she had a long career as a national intelligence officer befo she came to work for president trump. now, she left the administration just a couple of daybefore the july 25 phone call between president trump and the president of ukraine. before she worked for president trump, she worked for both george w. bush's administration as well as the administration of back obama, and she's seen as someone who's very knowledgeable on thishon shiewf russia. she's also seen as someone who's very skeptical o vladimir putin. she's written several books about russia and one is seen as a crical biography of vladimir putin vladimir putin called
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mr. tin. so she's someone who is very eager to hear what she has toa say. >> woodruff: yamiche, we know nse was answering quest among a number of committees in the house of representatives today but behinseclodoors. what do we know ant what she's been sing? >> it's clear fiona hl came with an agenda and that's toa talk about sheagainst the removal of the former ambassador to ukraine, marie yovanovitch, and she was also likely concerned with the actions of trump allies. she thinks they were abusing power by having the former ambassador of ukraine removed. she, according to reports, wanted to come here, but she also was complying with a subpoena, much like last week when we saw the former o ambassadukraine say she was legally required to be here. her lawyer said she was served with a subpoena and came before congress to offer information. 're not upexactly sure what she said in the deposition because it's continuing to go on, but the idea is she bee
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given critical information as part of the inqry and she's saying rudy giuliani and jordan sondland, the ambassador to the european union as well as the were operating outside they official stance the state department has to try tsuo pr ukraine to investigatega the president's political rival. >> woodruff:iche, separate story, but we know the white house is, today, dealing with a fallout of snaght happened several days ago this was at a conference of trump supporters at which a video was shown that actually shows someone with ahead of president trump going into a church, congregation, people filling a church and shooting people with the names of news organizations superimposed on their heads, among them pbs, the what is th white house saying about this? >> judy this is really ast bing video that depicts president trump murdering
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journalists and the white house press secretary says the president hasn't seen the video but based on what's n described to her and him, he would condemn it. however, the president, out speaking about all sorts of other things, has not actually condemned the viprdeo. thident of the white house corns association says the video is horrifying and called on president trump and people who went to the pro trump conference to denounce the video. i have been talking to reporters personally about this videoand there are a lot of people who are shaken up. they see this as an escalation of the president's rhetoric against journalists who have been calling rporters the enemy of the people and now people are afraid people might actually be violent toward journalists so people are rlly telling me they're laying low and really trying to be vigilant about their we'll our eye on it. >> woodruff: incredibly disturbing. yamiche alcindor, reporting from capitol hill, thanks, yamie. >> thanks, judy.
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>> woodruff: in the day's other news, a white police officer in fort worth, texas, has resigned after fatally shooting a black woman in her own home saturday. the officer, aaron dean, was responding to a call about an open door. police bodycam video showed dean firing a split-second after shouting at 28 year old atatiana jefferson to show her hands. fort worth interim police chief ed kraus: >> nobody looked at this video and said that there's any doubt that this officer acted inappropriately. had the officer not resigned, i would have fired him for violations of several policies including our use of force policy. >> woodruff: jefferson's fteily told rep today they want accountability. >> there is simply no
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justification for his actions. she was enjoying a life in herno home, wherne would have expected her own life to be in harm's way especialls not at the ha a civil servant. >>oodruff: meanwhile, form georgia police officer robert olsen todawas found not guilty of murder, in the 2015 fatal shooting of a black man who was unarmed and naked. in spain, the supreme court has sentenced catalan separatist leaders over the region's failed secession attempt in 2017. after the ruling, protesters clashed with riot police outside barcelona's airport, injuring dozens. and thousands descended on the separatists decrying the decision. >> ( translated ): these people have been unfairly sentenced. although we already knew this was going to happen because it had been decided already. it has been a fake trial, there
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is no other name for this. >> woodruff: the catalan regional president called the verdict "an act of vengeance" and said it wouldn't stop a bid for independence. in britain, queen elh opened a new session of parliament today as the deadline looms for the country's exit from the european union. in the house of lords, she gave a ceremonial "queen's speech," written by prime minister boris johnson's government. she said his government is committed to leaving the e.u. by the end-of-month deadline. >> my government's priority hasl ys been to secure the united kingdom's departure from the european union, on the 31st of october. my government intends to work thwards a new partnership the european union based on free trade d friendly cooperation. >> woodruff:oth sides said significant gaps remain in the talks, which could spill into next ecans are celebrating a deal between the government and indigenous leaders, to end nearly two weeks of protests
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that left seven dead. the agreement would cancel an austerity package, including sharp fuel price hikes, at set off the demonstrations. in the capital, quito, protesters danced in the streets overnight. today, thousands of demonstrators and volunteers cleaned a park where police clashed with protesters. on wall street today, the dow jones industrial average lost 29 points to close at 26,787. the nasdaq fell eight points to close at 8,048. the s&p-500 dropped 4. three researchers working to fight poverty have won the nobel prize for economics. they are abhijit banerjee and esther duflo of the massachussetts institute of technogy and michael kremer of harvard. their studies favored practical steps: breaking down poverty into areas like education and specific solutions.ting >> it goes in two ways: it goes
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in designing the policies - not based onour intuition or whatever happens to be the flavor of the moonh - but based better understanding of how the poor live, why they make the choices they make, what are the specific tps that hold them back and how to, what lever to push that could unlock these traps. >> woodruff: duflo, who is married to banerjee, is just the second woman to win e economics prize. and in a surprise, judges have arded two authors the prestigious booker prize. canadianargaret atwood won for "the testaments," a sequel to her best selling novel "the handmaid's tale. and british author bernardine evaristo is the fit black woman to win the major literary prize for her novel, "girl, woman, other." still to come on the newshour, why a handful of democrats are still holding out on throwing their support behind the impeachment inquiry. amy walter ain domenico montanaro analyze the president's relationship with his own party as he moves troops
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out of syria. journalist ronan farrow on his new book about covering the most explosive stories of the me too era. >> woodruff: we return to a volatile situation on the syrian turkish border where a american effort over the past five years devolved into new violence just inhe last few days. nick schifrin is back with that. >> reporter: thanks, judy. soone of the latest developments in the fluid situation in syria meathn? fot we get two views from two long-time syria waters. ted kattouf was a career diplomat and served as ambassador to ria under president george w. bush. he's now president of amideast
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which promotes mutual understand he's now president oeast which promotes mutual understanding of the middle east. and joshua landis is the director of the center for middle east studies at the university of oklahoma and runs a blog called thanks very much to you both. ambassador kattouf, let me start with you, the developments in the last few days, turkish aligned forces moving south into northern syria. syrian government fourses moviny north now, aal lied with former pars syrian kurds. how does that affect the u.s. stated goals in syria including the defeat of i.s.i.s. andhe starting politicalprocess? >> i remember president obama was severely criticizedor pulling out of iraq in 2011 and lout ofople said that pul the u.s. troops led to the rise of i.s.i.s., although some have said it would have happened anyway had wstayed or no. but clearly between what hasst appened and the potential for i.s.i.s. to reasseritsf in various parts of syria, and
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also besides turkishurdish platitudes going on and turksng hahe you were hand over militia group. we have the pthotential for a turkish-syria war going on. turkish is much stronger than syria's war weary units. but you have iran and russia in the mix. we've opened aox pandora's. >> reporter: josh landis, wasn't the box opened long ago when the civil war started, and president trump has talked about how the u.s. shoulnot be in forever war do youhink he has a point? >> she absolutely has a point. of course, the execution has been very ham-fisted and i agree with head on that, but the notion of pulling out of syria is, i think, well made, ande' thno good way to pull out
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of syria. the real mistake was getting into iraq and invading iraq and turning over the apple cart in this region to begin with, but, you know, americans don't see any beefit coming out of these wars, and it's nowtr $5 lion, according to some estimates, that have been spent in the middle east in the last 20 years. i'm sitting here at tive sity of oklahoma in oklahoma city, and people are fed up.e they wantter roads, they're wondering why their schools aren't as good as thhould be and they wonder where the money has gone. in some ways, the elite in washington, the foreign policy establishment has become disassocted with the average american, and trumpis exploiting that. he's going to use it in orr to try to, i think, obviously, t w the elections, and this he's going to run on it again.nd
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>> investigator kattouf, the trump administration makes another point which is that turkey has been a n.a.t.o. allya since 1952fact in every war alongside the u.s. since imthen and the kurds wereply a partner, temporary one at that, to help fight i.s.i.s. so do those arguments have a point? do the turks havege itimate security interests here? >> the turks have leg security interests here, and i want to say i don disagree with josh landis that entuall we need to get out of these areas and get our troops out, but it's how it's done, theen impltion. the impulse of the president talking to erdogan and then just telling the pentagon, the national security security council, pull our tros back, leaving the kurds totally exposed. and, by the way, this is not thm first we've betrayed the kurds. you could go back to the sremo conference of 1923, if you want to look for regional sin, th might be it because 23 million kurds have been left out of having a nation state of their
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own and they're divided among four countries in that reg but this is a terrible betrayal and our other allies will not fail to notice. >> josh landis, i want to move to something that we've seen in the last few hours ts afternoon. president trump has imposedsa tions on turkey, and he's used language also that went even further than before. he talked about how the turkish incurntion precipitating a humanitarian crisis and setting positions for possible war crimes. the vice president just came ou ew minutes ago calling for a cee fire and negotiation. will this change turkish behavior? >> you know, turkey, unfortunately, this has been so bandled, that you would think that if you're going to sell out the kurds to tur that you would get something in would move close t the united states, would get rid to have the russian missiles it jusbu boughtthat hasn't happened, and, now, the united
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moving into a situation where it's putting sanctions on turkey, it'shrow thrown the kurds under the bus, and you wonder whaare we coming away with? very little. >> ambassador kattouf, on what happens next you menoned before there could be some confrontation between turkeynd syria. how serious would that be? >> it would be very se serious,t i think rusa is going to playan a very imporole in all of this. russia does not want to have to oget its trops involved in in syria andrkey. erdogan is not going to bin tim dated by sanction. he wants a court -- >> and he's wanting that righg ald will continue to do that. >> he will. russia.d arms kattouf mention does russia's influence in
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syria and how does that compare >> president putin's stock has president putin has gone tosee saudi arabia, the first time a russian president has gone toia saudi arn over a decade and he's getting the royal eatment. everywhere we knee middle eastern countries turning to russia, israel has establishedat close rns with russia, so has saudi arabia. iran, of course, is an ally. syria, turkey is an aly. so russia, president putin in many ways is the man of the he has become the statesman who can talk to everybody. everybody is looking to him to help to attenuate the conflicts at seem to be multiplying in the middle east. this is a bad moment for the united states. trying to get out of the middle east the wait has been has caused many people to distrust the united states andon toder are they an ally that will come to my aid in their time of need?
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>> josh landis, ambassador ted kattouf, thank you very much to you both. >> pleasure. >> woodruff: as of today, only seven of the 235ouse democrats support the impeachment inquiry. each represents a district president trump won in 2016. john yang traveled to upstate new york to find out what one of the hold outs.e saying to >> i work for you. >> yang: it was freshmanre democratic rntative anthony brindisi's eleventh town hall meeting since taking office, this one ithe newrt rd, new york, high school auditorium. >> i'm here to listen which i think is the most important role any representative can play is >> yang: and he got an earful from both sides in the debate over impeachment. from supporters of president
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trump in this g.o.p.-l district in upstate new york thatave mr. trump 54% of the t vote: >> what have you said against your colleues who promote this unfairness of the president? >> what about the 95% who have rushed to a conclusion about impeachment? what have you said to those people? >> i can't change people's minds.ha >> wha you said to them? >> i say what i-- all i can say is what i believe and what i am going to do as a representative. i can't control what colleagues- >> you can speak up! >> i say-- >> have you spoken up to those people? >> absolutely. do you want me to answer? >> yes! i'd like to hear you. >> ok. i'm trying to. >> yang: and from democrats who helped brindisi last year to a g rrow one-percentage point victory, unseat republican. >> do you think the president of the united states is above the law? if you do not, then what do you plan to do about it? >> yang: for two hours, brindisi delicately threaded a needle,is g concerns about the president's behavi but avoiding explicit support for the impeachment inquiry.
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>> you should at least come out forcefully on: "i want to see this evidence." this wishy washy sh-- is for the birds. it really is. (plause ) >> in my opinion the standard is: is the president a danger to the country, putting our national security at ris >> he is! yes, he is! >> we're the ones who are voti for you. >> look, i understand-- >> and i respect your position: you won here by a very small margin, it's aepublican area. look, politics-- i want to make this very clear to everybody: politics is not caulating into my mind. if the voters send me packing next year, that's their business. i am very troubled by the allegatis that i have read. we want to hear, i want to hear from the people who are in that whistleblower report. >> then you support the inquiry? >> the inquiry's happening-- whether i suort it or not, it doesn't matter. >> yang: those whistlebler allegations moved a majority of house democrats toward impeachment, but not brindisi. >> look, i didn't go to president, ok?impeach the i went to washington to try and get things done for the people in this communit
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>> yang: most of the questions were about other topics. >> could you talk about a humane immigration policy? >> are you in favor of medicare for all? >> yang: that's where brindisi wants the focus to be as ns from a two week recess. what do you want your colleagues district, the needs of this district as this impeachment inquiry goes on?nk >> i teople have struggles here that are more front and center than some of the latest news that's coming out of washington and that's what i'm committed to working on. >>fang: but the flashpoints the evening were the questions about impeachment like the one from lauren earl. were you satisfied with his answer about the impeachment inquiry? >> right now by not saying it, i feel like that gives trump leverage. so just come out and say how you feel and trust that what you
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believe isow you are going to lead because we will follow you if you tell us what you believe. >> yang: trump supporters, who were early to the meeting an loud, hope impeachment could bet leverage to win back brindisi's house seat. earlier this month, claudia tenney, the trump-backed incumbent brindisi defeated,ng said she's rungain. james zecca helped rally trump backers inront of the school before going inside for brindisi's meeting. >> he's in a real pickle here because if he votes to impeach, he's going to lose all of the people that supported trump. d if he doesn't vote to impeach he's going to lose his radical left-wing sociists. >> yang: the tension didn't stop when the town hall ended. >> i can't stand you. i hate you. w
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should i vote for you? >> uh, well look, i uh... >> some of these peoe act like they think he somehow goerin thillegitimately. he did not. >> i take that very seriously. >> we as representatives in washington have to do everything we can to try and get the emotion out of this, tthe partisanship out of this. >> yang: can that calm and measured approach survive, suain through this?? >> i'm an eternal optimist, and you have to be when you're in politics, i guess,n washington >> yang: and facing an election year that's bod to be filled with emotion and partisanship. for the pbs newshour, i'm john yang in new hartford, new york. >> woodruff: that town hall was just a few days ago, and all signs point to the house impeachment inquiry looming large over this comik, as well. but that'sot the only major political event in the cards. amna nawaz takes a look. >> nawaz: th's right, judy, 's not just the impeachment inquiry. capitol hill is also focused on the president's acti as toward turk syria. and the 2020 democrats have
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primary debate tomorrow night. that's plenty for our weekly "politics monday" roundup. i'm joined by amy walter of "ce k political report," and host of public radio's "politics oith amy walter" and domen montanaro, senior political editor at npr. welcome to you both. shall we jump right into the polls? >> why not. >> reporter: let's do it. take a look at this graphic. these are five polls over the last week, t latest just outtoday in the lower righthand corner from quinnipiac, you can see the majority of americans if e of these polls show support for the impeachment process. all of thoseresent annumbers, increase, numbers ranging from 51 to 58% now. why are we seeing those now? >> it's important towns the temperatures between impeachment inquiry and supporting ithere are a couple of polls tht show it just over 50% support, but it's really hoering around why is thaimportant?
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because there are people out there who say i support an inquiry but i don't necessarily support, at this point, e idea of trump being imimpeached by the house. so i think that's a reallyt importing to appreciate. what we've also seen in the polls is, no surprisingly, e ople have take ton their corners, but youen the president's approval ratings in -- this is overall approval ratings -- not budge pretty much at all. so even as support for impeachment inquiry has risen, how people feel about him overall has notudged. >> also, look at our npr-"pbs newshour" marist poll, 58% of the people said theyd woke to see the president eats fate decided at the ballot box rather than thent impeach process. i think that tell us that even though we saw a big sng among independents saying they support this impeachment inquiry, i think it tel tells you how cauts americans are, and while democrats in the last coue of weeks have won over independentp
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and the idents say the phone call was unacceptable, two irds of the people in the poll said what the preisident did n investigating the political rival w unacceptable, but how the democrats want the process to play out, democrats have a walk a fi line in impeachable facts. ng>> could it swiack down by independents? >> absolutely it could. but there's a little ceiling for independents. having them at 50, 55% is ut as good as democrats can do, but it's important becense indepe had tracked with since president ttookvery issue office, and why that's really important is republicans need to win a greater share of independence to win presidential elections. remember, mitt romney won a majority of inependence in 2012 and still lost the election to president ama. >> and your latest analysis entitled "the fallas supposed
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to be about 2020 democrats, is now abo imimpeachment, is that take up the oxygen in the room. >> last time, we would have been talking about the fact there's a democratic presidential debate coming up that we actually probab would have been talki about it the week previous. it is now barely registering, and it's very difficult for a bunch of these folks to break through. i this has been good news, overall, for elizabeth warren, who has seen her star rise, her poll numbers rise. she now sort of gets to freeze th race in place, and i think at all of the atention that specifically media scrutiny,r, scrutiny of her opponents, is now being losin the focus on the impeachment inquiry. >> reporter: i want to get your take holm on the debate a second but one other question related to the president and his relationship to keyf members his parties is something else
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we've seen happening lasweek is defining much of this week and that is many repnsubli speaking out very critically about the president's decisions to pull back u.stroops from the syrian border. for all the many imes the republicans decided to defend the president, unequivocal criticism. why now? >> as know,he republican party is made up of a s ree-legged stool, national security, economdty culture. if nothing else, the brand is match o. ifou're going to say you know, let's pull out of a country, that kind of goes against their instincts of how they want to be in foreignen policy, not toon it's a bipartisan issue. i mean, almost nobody on capihil hills the way the president handled this was a good thing, and if you look at the polling, the biggest vulnerability for president trump is in his ndling of foreign policy. nothing rates lower for him than that. >> looat some of the people who are criticizing him, very
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vocally. some staunch defenders. linds slainsdz it could be the biggest mistake of his presidency.y liz cheays it was catastrophic for him to do. this what does that do foris report? >> i don't think much. these are well-known hawks within the even if prnt trump were not the leader of the party, they would probably be to the right of whoever the president would be on some of these foreign policy. what domenico said about the ree-legged stool, the fact that the republicans knew the president coming in wasn unorthodox a number of issues that had been traditionally republican issues, free trade and national security, america plays in the world, and republicans have been able to criticize him on those issues, in part -- you have seen some m iticism about the tariffs and the trade war frrepublicans, and in part because there were still a lot of republins who believe those things. it's when the republicans criticize the president
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when it looks like it's about his behavior that it gets the backlash. when it's about policy, i think there is within the republican electorate, there's acceptance for for cu canredit size the policy but not personally.kl >> bh from voters. voters. you're seeing a keyup of trump supporters areca evange, they feel like kurdish christians and christians in general in that part of the world are persecuted and, remember, white angelicals a the u.s. at lst for 30 years have felt like they don't like the direction the country is headed in liberal mainstream culture and feel like that they can sympathize and have a bit of a kenship with christians in that part of the world >> less than a minute, i hate to another democratic primaryow is debate. 12 candidates on the stage this time, the most on any one stage so far this cycle.
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ouat's the one thing 're looking for. >> are other candidates going to criticize joshed and hunter biden for hisies? i mean, clearly, the bidens feel like this is a problem becbise n had to put out an ethics program and hunter biden had to step down from a bored in cna. >> i'm watching elizabeth warren, now that she's the co-frontrunner, to focus on her and i will also spaned lot of time alookingpete buttigieg. i think he more than anybodyce else in the s making a clear distinction between his brand of progressivism and specifically against other candidates, making critical remarks about other candidates' position on things like guns and healthcare. >> these hand others we'll watch for tomorrow. thanks for being here. >> thank you.
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ronan faow's explosive reporting on harvey weinstein's alleged sexual abuse of women helped to launch the me too movement in 2017, winning hian other reporters a pulier prize the year after. now, farrow has written a book about the episode: "catch and kill: lies, spies and a conspiracy to protect predators," which he charges e includorts by nbc news, his former employer, to stop his reporting. and ronan farrow joins me now. welcome back to the "newshour". it was exactly two years ago this week that we talked. that story in the "new yorker" came out with all your reporting on hffvey weinstein, his orts to stop you and other orjournalists from repng on it. this book builds on that. >> it does, and there's a lot of you know, this really is about a set of systems that we've nowbo been talking for several years as i broke these stories about the private espionage
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world and harvey weinstein hiring former ma sad tooghts go ester sound reporters and that's something where there's brand-new information about it inrtthe book about the efof amount m.i. and the tabloid the "national enquirer" to catch and kill, this term for banind burying stories, unflattering items about donald trump, the are brand-new revelations about that in the book, and indeed in the mainstream media world. you and i have been talking about rowhen ike the story about cbs and the allegations of misconduct there and there's rllegations of misconduct with nbc and that twas a paper trail to kill this story. >> woodruff: just that harvey weinstein sent out detoectives anher to find out what you and others were doing, a person is within his rights to protect his reputation, so what is okay and wha what isent?
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>> absolutely. someone doesn't have a right to legas y protect themsel respond. each of the stories is facte checked to tarties mentioned, it sin conclusive of all the parties discussed in it including the espionage world, but there is a point where sophisticated layers in this case harvey weinstein's attorney david boyd, a liberal her hired a former ma sad agent who in turn hired hired subcontractors who chased me and other reporters, staking them out, others with false identities following reporters. theuestion is, where's the line? i think correctly tre's a conversation having about the need for accountability. the story of rose mcgowen is an importt thread in this book, judy. rose mcgowen h an individual
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infiltrate her life to the point she thought it was hr best friend and this person was secretly reporting her for w harvnstein. >> woodruff: you write extensively about that. yot one to have the central threads is whatsay happened at nbc news where you spent a number of months working on this story. what they are pushing back on your main narrative here, they are saying they gave months to work on the story and, at the end of the time you were there, that you just didn't have a single source who was willing the reason they weren't allowing you to go forward with ypoour ing. >> so the reporting in this book, judy, shows that's flatly untrue. w king level producer at nbc rich mccue said that is flatly untrue. we had a tape of harvey weinstein admitting to serial sexual assault. i'll let people deciding whether that should have been aired. we were fight to get it on air. that's not the point. the point is this is company that ordered hard stop on
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reporting six times in the book the presidf nbc news orders a stop to reporting and the boon ers why. it suggests with documentation and fact checked trail tha this was a company like cbs had a pattern of secret settlements not dissimilar from harvey weinstein's done and had a knowledge of predation within the company that was under threat of exposure at the time. >> woodruff: so yoin're refeto in part to matt lawyer and what happened to him. you're saying in nbc news, there were accusations against matt lawyer. l lawyer -- maer. are you saying that's why nbc aidn't want you to go forward? they're pushingk and said charges again muer theredible day before he left. >> it's all fact checked ant the defliels are included in he book suggest otherwise. i talked to personal executives
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who years before matt lauer's firing were told about matt lauer misconduct, and where there were multiple settlements with women who had complaints with matt lauer who voiced them to the country there are parts that at a sai these were not matt lauer settlements. that's what settlements look like. happened to the w they aret designed to conceal exactly that connection. i>> woodruff: the other p i want to make and i want to pursue this because you spend a lot of time in the book about nbc. they say when you went to the new yorker after you left nbc, two months later you produce add story that thesayore little domps what you had at nbc. >> that is inaccurate, judy. the tie line is that the new yorker actually looked at the story and a month later read it. "the new yorker" looked at the same story nbc sent out the store. they ordtoed us top taking
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calls and doing interviews and suggted we run it elsewhere. i took it to "the new yorker" and four weeks later it was a pulitzer prize-winning story, so they're decisions had a valid journalistic ground when they read the book, i think it's very clear. when they go on to say that you had an axe to grind and wanted to stay at nbc news, what do you say? >> they extended thaer and that was discussed in the book. there were sources coming forward atrwhat time acbs and nbc and the book is very open about me being someone who didn't want me to lose their job and were in a quandary. senior people issued a policy and said wll come back, bute in the end, i realize that theei accumulatingt of evidence that there is a significant coverup and story to be told about this country and misconduct and the broader themes of misconduct in theme media madndstand i would have to independently report
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this from the ouside and that's what i've done it for years and i think the reporting in the book has been correctly regarded and airtight and held up to buttal. >> woodruff: what are you saying overall, ronan farrow, about the news media in this country? are you saying some of it bought and paid for by powerful interests or what? nbc news has a reputation built on many years, so do other news organizations. what are you saying? >> look, in many ways, the book is a lovoe letter my fellow journalists and great journalistat nbc news who are right now an wished and asking tough questions of their bossean therwho were supportive at every step of the supporting. eth only executives whot shu down the reporting. the fundamental points whether it's the puisher of thel "natioquirer" going after people on trump or weinstein's behalf and that's documted. i document calls between
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executives and weinstein that they say assurances were made to kill the story. this shouldn't happen in the journalistic process. these are ways the media shouldn't be deployed. thith is a book that highlights the brave riand importance of noreporters. etjust me that faced this kind of intimidation and tactics. it's a chiewl whole community of priority reporters. i'm optimistic brave sources won't stop coming forward. we have tooold selves accountable and do right by the sources. >> woodruff: howfreer do you think women are today to tell the stories than they were just a year or two ago? >> you know, there's still a long way to go. the porting in this book shows that. at some of our great institutions, we have an active effort to silence these kinds of accusations and to diminish transparency about them. that saired, the no doubt in my mind that things are changing
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for the better. my inbox is full right now of allegations, not just from thin nbc but in the broader media world and beyond. in industry after industry, these patterns of misconduct and coverups exist and also therere are and more people speak ought and more and more goo brave reporters refusing to stop reporting. >> woodruff: are you saying that employers are listening to this and acting on ir not? >> well, i'll give you an , example. h mee of the things that i've documented both at cbs and now at nbcas that in periods of time when i claim there were no secret settlements with harassment survivors, there were, there were seven. many companies stepped away. companies like uber said we're not using these kind of tactics to silence accusers in sexual abuse allegation cases. aim reporter not an tivist,
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but i see why both legislators and private companies are reassessing the tools incding n.d.a.s. >> woodruff: ronan farrow, the book is "catch and kill," and we thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you, judy, aays a pleasure. >> woodruff: detroit is home to an unusual museum that draws on african history and customs, including a city block filled with installations and sculptures. it also allows visitors hands-on experiences and is a stabilizing force in the city. special correspondent mary ellen geist reports as part of our ongoing arts and culture series, "canvas." >> reporter: olayami dabls is an artist and the founder ofad detroit's frican bead museum. >> you've got to do some things for just the average person. i decided that i would open up b
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an africd museum, specially learning that the beads embodied the culture and thistory of the people and that's somethinghat wasin missing the history of africans in this country. >> reporter: the museum is located in one of detroit's moso distressed neioods, and for two decades has provided something else that was missing: stability. it has expanded to include a bead gallery and 18 outdoor sculptures covering an entire city block. >> i decided to take the relationship between africans and europeans over 500 years and put them into story lines.rpse,e community was elated over this and said, "oh man, this is nice." the best indicator that we have been accepted by the community: this place is out in the open. you can access it 24/7. c anyonean come. if people wanted to destroy it they could destroy it in one day. years of work. >> reporter: maurice cox is the
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former director of detroit's planning and development department.rt >> artists have a very special superpower to take therdinary something an area that was devastated and had gone through trauma. a he fouay to tell that story but also to fi some joyng in the retellif the story. reporter: in telling th story of his neighborhood, dabls has inspired detroit officials to rethink how to structure the >> he's begun to s how the city can recover in increments.n his bead museum is a blding that in one part, it's completely ornate anit's been transformed. but then you go to another portion of it, and the roof is caved in and it's waiting for
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investment. he's said, "oh, okay. here's a way that you can incrementally gobout stabilizing an area or a building that wasn't." that's a brand new way of creating an institution. that's not normally how we do it. >> this is not a traditional museum. this is a museum for exposure. to connect with what's inside of you. the community engages with us on their own terms. >>eporter: dabls has continued in engage the surrounding community by staan internship program.he over time, turrounding neighborhood may change, but dabls says the guiding principlr behind hisand the mbad african bead museum will ec jususe a person is poor, justse a person is homeless, just because a person doesn't have anything, they still can have an apeciation for art. >> reporter: f the pbs newshour, i'm mary ellen geist
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in detroit, michigan >> woodruff:nd finally tonight, for those of you watching newshour the western part of the country, or after 9pm in the east and online, yous may have noticething different. we are thrilled to announce that tonight we are launching "newshour west." we realize the news doesn't stop after we go off the air at 7pm eastern time, so we wille dating news headlines to better ss ve our western and late night audiences. and i'm now joined by our correspondent anchor stephanie sy who is based at our bureau at the cronkite school of journalism at arizone university in phoenix. stephanie, you have been preparing for months.are you re? >> we are absolutely ready, and so excited. thank you so mh, judy. you might recognize my
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surroundings, by the way, because this set was built to match your set. starting tonight, we are offering an updated version of e show for our viewers in the western u.s. and for viewers online or, if y're the east coast and take the late night feed you as well. to be clear, we won't be redoing the entire show. we will be redoing the newwh summarh will allow us to bring the most up to date news to viewers inhe western time zone. as you said, judy, often news breaks after you get off the r, maybe a cabinet secretary resigns or a wildfire gets out of contr so myself, our senior prot t oducer here richard coolidge, and the resof our team will be here to stay on top to have the developments and write bring the latest news whou left off. it is something the west coast and online aweddenses wanted and broadens "newshour's" reach and scope. >> woodruff: and you w serving as a center for expanding our ability to report throughout the western u.s. >> that's right, judy. also going to erving as ax is
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reporting hub for this part of the country, so i and a fld producer will be going to cover both breaking news of nationalce imports well as feature stories. for example, there are a lot of unique challenges in states in the southwest. water shortagd , lanissues, issues particular toative american communities. then we have the political impact of the state of arizona which has a crucial senate race coming up in 2020 and has agi ch demographic that could make it hig hly significant then, of course, you have thend giant out west, california, which is becoming reall judy, a laboratory for all kinds of progressive leslation and is so, of course, with its raging wildfires, one of the front lines in climate change. it's a lot, and now we wille closer to those stories. >> woodruff: the "newshour" goes west.stephanie sy, startin. thank you, stephanie. and on t "newshour" online right now, out of 12 nobel
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laureates honored for the work in the sciences this year, onea waoman and two were people of color. why do the nobel prizes lack diversity? we examine that question phon our web site"newshour". and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. join us online and again here for all of using. at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by:da >> the ford foon. working with visionaries on the frontlines of social change worldwide. >> carnegie corpor.ion of new yo supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of iernational peace and security.
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♪ hello, everyone, welcome to "amanpour & co." here's what's coming up. one year later, what have we learned with who ordered the brutal killing of jamal khashoevi? >> they bewith medium to high confidence that the saudi crown pnce probably ordered the journalist's death. >> i speak with the award-winning journalist jonathan rudman about his new book. >> then -- >> i said i'm not going to wri anymore books. >> you sort of quit? >> i did. >> patricia cornwell joins me, one of the world's most successful writers, jumping back into the fray and outer space. and, from syria to benghazi to russia election interference, former national security adviser susan rice on trump and unsolved problems left behind by president obama.
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