tv PBS News Hour PBS October 14, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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♪ judy: on the newshour tonight, shifting alliances. in the wake of president trump's controversial order to withdraw u.s. troops from northern syria, the kurds seeking new support our midst of fears of a resurgent islamic state. as the impeament inquiry in e congress pushes on, a few holdout democrats in the house facing fierce tensions back home all they way the choice. and ronan farrow on his new book -- "catch and kill." and how news organitations handle >> and industry after industry, these patterns of misconduct and coverups exist. there are more people speaking
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out and more brave reporters. judy: all of that and more on tonight's "pbs newshour." ♪ >> major funng for the "pbs newshour" has been provided by -- ♪ moving our economy for 160 years. bnsf, the engine that connects us. consumer cellular. llthe wiiam and flora hewitt foundation. promoting a better world at
6:02 pm and with the ooing support of ese individuals and institutions. ♪ >> this program was made possible by the corporation fo public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station fromiewers like you. thank you. judy: the battlefield in northern syria has grown wider and increasingly complicated and more dangerous. the kurds, once aligned with the u.s., areth now fighting syrian government troops against invading turkish forces.
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as reports, president trump's withdrawal of troops from the region is leading to more change than the area has seen in years. and ani w -- some viewers may find the images in this piece disturbing. report: the syrian flag flies over an important city after rian troops overnight recaptured the territory for the first time in more than fivear . in another important syrian town, turkishs troop and turkish backed rebels advanced. both cities had been held u.s. backed kurdish partners that in just a few days, the map of northern syria is be withdrawn. he was backed majority kurdish syrian democratic forces in yellow controlled a large area along the border. now, turkey in green is moving south across the border t a syrian regime and read backed by russia is taking over territory. for turkey, the goal is to
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remove kurdish forces and establish a buffer zone along the border. it is an operation that turkey long threatened but avoided as long as u.s. troops remained in u.s. -- in northern syria. e but thosoops are now withdrawing gaviving turkey and opportunity. >> we doot want to get involved in this conflict that dates back to hundred years and get involved in another war in the middle east. reporter: but the war was already in the middle of that war and by leaving, the carnage came quickly. turkish backed militias put kurdish prisoners on the streets residentsre that were injud were in the back of pickup truck. washingt wizards turkey will not go unchecked. president trum increased tariffs on turkey and called turkey's actions -- and
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threatened to swiftly destroy hours before the announcement, presiden erdogan doubled down. >> regardless of the threats and pressures, we are determined to pecontinue thetion until the end. i am stating clearly we will absolutely finish the job we started. reer: for turkey's kurdish targets, they felt they had no choice but to embrace the syrian regime and invite syrian troops to provide the proction once promised by the u.s. >> we can. to face eith turkish attack and to ensure the safety of families. repoer: u.s. military fears th shelling could allow isis to research. isis affiliated prisoners escaped over the weekend. the alm is being sound the loudest by germany. reign minister spoke tod in europe. >> we are also fearing and we are seeing it already that this is leading to a strengthening of isis which we must prevent.
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reporter: caught in the crossfire are syrian civilians. r130,000 have fled th homes in what local kurdish authorities are calling a humanitarian disaster. >>re i have four chi where should i go? i am so tired. i left the house a week ago. where should i go now? reporter: and it unclear the future of syria as well. ♪ judy: another marathon of private hearings on capitol hill today as members of three committees in the house of representatives question president trump's former top russia advisor. as pt of the ongoing peachment inquiry. we have been reporhing on capito today and our
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reporter u joinss now. a reminder of who she is ander what is her background? reporter: fiona hill was a first person to work in the white ndhouseome before congress and testify as part of the inquiry. he waswa president -- she s president trump's top russian and european advisor. she worked as part of the national securityer ad's staff. she had a long career as an intelligence offnger before coo work for president trump. she left the administration a few days before that phone call between president trump and the ukrainian president. fobefore that, she worke george w'sdmistration as well as that of barack obama. she is knowledgeable on russia and is also seen as someone skeptical of vladimir putin iting several books about russia. one is a critical biography of adimir putin. she is well respected and democrats are eager to hear what she has to say.
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judy: we know she was answering questions among a number of committees. in the house of representatives y but behind closed door what do we know about what she has been saying? reporter: it is clear she came here with an agenda and that is to talk about the fact that she was against the removal of the former ambassador to you -- to ukraine and she was also concerned with the actions of donald trump's allies leaving they were abusing powe according to reports, she wan bd to come he she also was complying with the subpoena. much like last week when we saw the former ambassador to the uklyine who said she was leg required to be here. we are not exactly sure exactly what she said in the deposition because it goes on but there is the idea that she will be giving critical information. and it will basically say that
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rudy giuliani and the ambassador to the european union well as the president's personal attorney or operating outside of the official channels the state department has to try to essure ukraine to investigate the president's political rivals. dy: a separate story but we know the white house is dealing with the fallout from something that happened several days ago. this was at a conference of donald trump supporters at which a video was shown that actual shows someone with the head ofid prt trump going into a church, a congregation, and shooting people with the names of news organizations superimposed on their heads. among themhe pbs andew york times and others. what is the ite house saying about this? reporter: this is a disturbing video that depicts president trump murdering journalists. president has not seen the video
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but based on what has been described to him, he would president, who hasti been tw about other things, has not condemned the video. the president of the white hse correspondent association is calling on donald trump and those that attended that conference to denounce the video. i have been talking personally to reporters all day and many are shaken up. they see it as and as collation ofhe president's rhetoric against the journalists. and now people are afraid that people may be violent towards journalists. pele tell me they are laying low and be vigilant about their surroundings. we will ke an eye on this because it is disturbing to a lot of people. -- to a lot of reporters. judy: incredibly disturbing. ♪
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>> i am stephanie with newshour west. a white police officer in fo worth, texas has been charged with murder and is being held in jailfter fatally shooting a black woman in her own home saturday. the officer, aaron dean, was responding to a call about an open door. police body camera video shows him firing a split second after shouting at jefferson to show her hands. fort worth interim police chief placed blame squarely on the officer. >> nobody looked at that video and said there is any doubt that officer acted inappropriat rihad the officer not resigned,i would have fired h for several violations of policies including our use of force policy and our de-escalation policy. ferson's family to reporters today they want accountability.
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>> there is simp no justification for his answers -- forisctions. she was enjoying her life and her home where no one would have expected her life to be in harm's way especially not at the hands of a civil servant. >> former georgia police officer robert olson today was found not guilty of murder in the 2015 fatal shooting of a black man who was unarmed and unclothed. thealifornia power company that cut electricity to more than 700,000 customers is facing sanctions for what the states utity regulator calls failures in execution. it took the unprecedented step last weekavoid wildfires. the state agencyed ord the company to take immediate action and aim to restore power in 12 hours after such outages. in spain, 12 catalan separatists
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have been convicted. after the ruling, protesters clashed with riot police outsid the airport in the region's capital, barcelona, injuring dozens and thousands descended on the streets of the city with separatists decrying the decision. >> these people have been unfairly sentient. w it would happen but n a fakes only b tria >> the caps on regional president -- teh cathe catalan regional president -- in britain, the queen opened p new session liament. in the housef lords, the queen gave a ceremonial queen's speech written by prime minister boris johnson's government. she said his government is ted to leaving the eu b the end of month deadline. >> my government priority hasys aleen to secure the united
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kingdom's deeurture from the pean union on the 31st of my government int to work towards a new partnership with the european union based on free trade and friendly cooperation. >>oth sides said significant gaps remn in the talks that couldwe spill into nex. ecuadorian's are celebrating a t deal between the governmd indigenous leaders to end nearly two weeks of deadly protests. president moreno signed a degree today that would restore fuel prices. he said prices will go back down at midnight. and in the capital, quito, anprotestersd in the streets last night. today, thousands of demonstrators and bio -- and volunteers cleaned a park. rkthe researchers g to fight poverty have won the nobel prize for economics. ecthey include michael kramer fm
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harvard. their studies favored practical steps breakingown perty into areas like education and health care and then testing specific solutions. >> designing the policies not based on the flavor of the month but based on a better understanding of how the poor lis, why they make the choi they make, what holds them back and to what level to push to unlock the situation. >> she is only the second woman to win this economics prize. as we were tuned -- return to judy woodruff, why a ampleat of demoare holding out in supporting the impeachment inquiry. we analyze the president's relationip with his own party as he moves troops outf syria. ronan farrow on his new book on covering the most explosive stories of the me too era and
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much more. m♪ >> this is the "pbs newshour" from weta studios in washington and in the west from the walter cronkite school of joualism. ody: we return now to the volatile situatithe syrian -turkish border where an american effort over the past five years devolved into new violence in the last few days. we are back with more. reporter: whatat are thet developments in the fluid situation in syria and the middle east and what do they mean? longtime watchers.from two he is now president of an organization that prerotes mutual uanding in the middle east. and joshua is the director for mi university of oklahoma thank you very much to you both.
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ambassador, let me start with you. the developments in the last few days -- turkish alignedouorces moving into northern syria. syrian government forces moving north now allied with former s. partners syrian kurds.n how does that affect u.s. stated goals in syria? >> i remember that president obama was severely criticized for pulling out of iraq in 2011 and many people said that pullout of u.s. troops led to the rise of isis. some have said it would have said it would of happened anyway had we stayed or not. but clearly, the tween what has st happened and the potential for isis to reassert itself in various parts of syria -- and also, besides turkish-kurdish clashes going on right now with the turks having the upper hand over the militia group, we alsoe
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he potential for syrian-turkish fighting going on. the turkish army i believe i much stronger than syria's war weary units by you have irann the mix, russia in the mix. we have opened a pandora's box. reporter: joshua, was in the pandora's box opened long ago when president trump has talked about how the u.s. should not the in forever wars. does he have a point? joshua: he absolutely has a poin the execution has been ham-fisted. the notion of pulling out of syria is well-made and there is no good way to pull out of syria. the real mistake was getting into iraq and invading iraq and turning over the apple card in this region to begin with. but americans do not see any
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benefit coming out of these wars. dan it is now $5 trillion according to some estimates that have been spent in the middle east over the last 20 years. i am sitting here at the oklahoma city and people are fed up. schools are not as good as they should be. and they wonder where the money has gone. some ways, the eliteon in washinthe foreign-policy establishment has becomess iated from the average american and donald trump is exploiting that and will use that to try to, i think, win the elections. this is what he ran on last time and he is going to run on it again. reporter: aassador, the trump administration makes another point which is that turkey has been a u.s. ally since world war ii and the kurds werert a tempary r to help fight
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isis. do those arguments make a point? ambassador:kshe t have security interests and i do not disagree with joshua that weto eventually neeet out of these areas. but it is hoit is done. the implementation. the impulse of the president talking to president erdogan and then telling the pentagon, the national security council, pull our troops back leaving the kurds explosed -- exposed this is not the first time that the kurds have been abandoned. in 1923, 20 million kurds were abandoned fromaving their own national state but this is a terrible betrayal. and our other allies will not fail to notice. reporter: joshua come i want to move to som the last few hours.
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this afternoon, president trump has imposed sanctions on turkey and he has used t languaget went further than before talking about how theur turkish ion precipitated a humanitarian crisis setting the conditions for ssible war crimes. the vice president came out calling for a cease-fire and negotiations. negewill this churkish behavior? joshua: turkey, unfortunately, this h been so badly handled that you would think that if you are going to sell out the kurds to turkey, you would get something in exchange. perhaps that turkey would move closer to the united states and get rid of its russian missiles it just bought. but that has not happened. and now the u.s. looksiket could be moving into a situation where it is putting sanctions on turkey, throwing the kurds under the bus, and you wonder what we are coming away with? very little. reporter: aassador, on what
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happens next, you mentioned before that there could be some confrontation between turkey and syria. how serious with that the? -- how serious wouldhat be? ver serious but i think russia will play an important role in all of this. russia w will nt to get its troops involved. they will besialking to both s and both sides will listen to russia. epresidentogan is not going to be intimidated by sanctions reporter: he wants it right along the border. >> exactly. reporter: we just heard the ambassador mentioned russi what is the state of russian interference in syria? joshua: vladimir putin's stock has gone up to the skies and collapsed.ld trump has vladimir putin is going to saudi arabia today for the first time
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and he has -- he is getting the royal treatment. everywhere s we middle eastern countries turning to russia. israel has established close relations with russia as has audi arabia. an is an ally. vladimir putin in many ways is the man of the hour. he has become the statesman that g n talk to everyone. everyone is look him to attenuate the conflicts that seem to be multiplying in the ddle east. this is a bad moment in the united states trying to get out of the middle east in the way that it has been has caused many to mistrustd the u.s. nder if it is an ally that will come to them in their time of need. reporter: thank you very much to you th. ♪
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judy: as of today, only seven of of representatives arehe house supporting the inquiry into impeaching the president. each one represents apr district ident trump won i2016. john yg traveled to upstate new york. >> i work for you. reporter: it was fshman democratic representative brindisi's 11th meeting. i am here to listen. reporter: and he got an earful from both sides in the debate over impeachment. from supporters of president trump in the goprieaning di that gave mr. trump 54% of the vote. >> it is promoting unfairness for the president. >> 95% have rushed to
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conclusion. what do you say to those people? >> all i can say is what i believe and what i'm goin to do as a representative. >> you said you would speak up. >> do you want me to answer? i would love to hear. reporter: and from democrats that helped him unseat his opponent in a narrow vicry. >> do you believe the president is above the law reporter: for h two hours delicately threaded the needle raising concerns about thees ent's behavior but explicitly ignoring the impeachment inquiry. >> you should come out forcefully. this is for the birds. it really is. [cheering] >> in my opinion, the standard
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-- is the president a danger for the country? >> yes. we are votinfor you. you wona bry small margin. >> i want to make this car -- politics is not calculated in my mind. if the voters send me packing, that is their business. i am troubled by the allegations i have read. we want to hear from the people in the whistleblower report. the inquiry is happening whether i support it or not. reporter: the whistleblower allegations moved the majority of house democrats towards impeachment but not bring dizzy -- but not brindisi. >> i went to washington to try to get things done for this community. reporter: most of the questionsr were about oopics. >> are you in favor of medicare
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for all? >> what is your plan to ensure that the u.s. reaches 100% clean and renewable energy? reporter: and that is where he wants the focus to be. what do you want your colleagues to understand about the needs of this district as this impeachment inquiry goes on? >> people have struggled here that are more front and center then some of the latest news coming out of washington and that is whattt i'm com to working on. reporter:la but thepoints of the evening were those on impeachment. edwere you satisbout his answers? >> right now, i feel that gives donald trump leverage. come out and say how you feel and trust that what you believe is how you are going to lead. we will follow you if you tell us what you believe. [horns]
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reporter: early trumpor rrs at the meeting were also allowed hope impeachment could be used to leverage back this siege. claudia tenney said she is running again. james helped rally donald trump backers in front of the schoo i before goingide for the meeting. >> he is in a real pickle here. if he votes to impeach, he will lose all of the people that supported donald trump. and if he does not vote to impeach coming he is going to lose his radical left-wing socialists. [laughter] reporter: the tension did not stop when the town hd it. -- when the town hall ended. >> some people act like he got in there somehow illegitimately and he did not. >>ri i take that very sly.
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we as representatives have to get the emotion out of it and the bar -- and the partisanship out of it. i am an eternal optimist. you have to be when you are in rtpolitics. re: facing an election year bound to be filled with for the pbs newshour, i am john yang in new york. judy: that town hall was just a few days ago wheall signs still point to the inquiry looming large. that is not the only major political event in the cards. reporter: it is not just the impeachment inquiry. capitol hill is also focused on sthe president's acti towards turkey and syria and the 2020uam c presidential candidates have a primary debate tomorrow night. that is plenty for our roundbyp. i am joinemy walter, host of public radio's politics with
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amy walter t a senior political editor at mpr. -- at npr. take a look at these graphics. five polls from the last week. the latest one in the corner. e majority of americans in all five polls show support for the imachment process. amy, when you look at those numbers, all of those represent an increase. why are we seeing those now? amy: it is important to understand the differeore between sung the impeachment inquiry and supporting impeachment itself. it is really hovering around 4 or 47%. that is important because theret are people ore saying i support an inquiry but not necessarily the idea of donald trump b being impeachthe house. that is anmportant thing to appreciate.
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also in the polls we are not rprisingly seeing people taking to their corners. and the presidents of approval ratings -- and the president's approval ratings are not budging pretty much at all. the president and how people feel about himbuverall has not ed. >>bu 5 of people on our po said they would like to see his fate decided at the ballotox rather than through the impeachment process. i think that tells zero although we suck -- i think that tells you how cautious americans are and that while democrats in the last few weeks have won over independents -- two thirds of the peopl said the phone call
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was unacceptable but they are cautious about how they want cesscrats to have the p play out democrats have to walk a fine line. reporter: thewing could go the other way? >> it could. but there is a little bit of a ceiling for independence. having them at 55% is about as good as democrats can do but it is important. on almost every issue since president trump took over and why that is important is because republicans need to win a greater share of independents to win the election. tmitt romney still lost the election to president obama. reporter: yr latest analysis was supposed to be about 2020 candidates but now itab is all t the impeachment. amy: we would've been talking about the fact that there is a
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presidential -- a democratic presidential debate coming up that we would be -- we probably would been talking about it the week previous. it is now barely registering and it is very difficult for a bunch of these folks to break through. nei think it has been goo overall for elizabeth warren. she now gets to freeze the race in place. all of the attention that today would be focused on her, specifically media scrutiny, is now being lost in the focus on the impeachment inquiry. reporter: one other question i wanted to ask you related to the president. his relationship to key members of his party. something that happened last ek seems to be defining this week. many republicans speaking out critically about the president's decision to pull u.s. troops back from the syrian border.
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for all the times republicans have struggled to defendt, the presidhe criticism is unequivocal. >>ca the repubparty is made up of a three likegged stool. the republican party come if nothing else, the brand is macho . if you're going to say o let us pu of a country, that goes against their instincts of how they wanto be in foreign policy. not to mention it is a bipartisan issue. almost no one on capitolon hill inks of the way the president handled this is a good thing. look at the polling. the biggest vulnerability for the president is in his handling of foreign polic reporter: look at some of those dhat are criticizing him. lindsey graham s it could be the biggest mistake of his presidency. liz cheney said it was catastrophic to do this. amy: i don't think this does
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much in terms of support. these are well-known hawks. i think what you said it important abe three like egged stool. they knew the president was unorthodox on a number of issues that have traditionally been republican issues. tyee trade a national secu in particular. republicans have been able to criticize m on those issues, in part as in part becau there were still a lot of republicans that believe those things. it is when republicans criticize the president rsonally. when it looks like it is about his behavior that we get the backlash. when it is about policy, i think there is within the republican electorate and acceptance for
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th. you can iticizpolicy. reporter: you mean backlash from reporters. amy: republican voters. >> a key group of trump supporters -- evangelicals. kurdish christians and christians in general are persecuted. remember white evangelicals in the last for 30 years have felt they don't like the direction the country is headed in liberal mainstam culture and feel like they can sympathize and have a a kinship with christia in that part of the world. reporter: very quickly -- tomorrow is another democratic primary debate. 12 candidates on this stage. the most on anyone stage. what is one l thing you'king for? >> will the other cdidates criticized joe and hunter biden for their ties? they feel it is a probl.
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joe biden had to put out an hics program and hunter had to step down from a board in china. >> i am watching elizabeth warren. i will also spend a lot of time looking at pete buttigg. i thinka e is makinear distinction between his brand of progressivism and against the other candidat making critical marks about other candidates' positions on things like guns and health care. reporter: many others we will be watching. thank you for being here. ♪ reporting on harvey weinstein's leged sexual abuse of women helpedauh the meeting tevement in 2017 when him and
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other rep won a pulitzer now, he has written a book "catch and kill." he charges n news try to stop his reporting. welcome back to the newshour. two years o this week we spoke. the story in the new yorker came out with your reporting on harvey weinstein and his efforts to stop you and other n urnalists from reporting and this book tilts on it. >> it does -- and this book builds on it. >> it does. i broke the story's about the private as be a notch world and harvey weinstein hiring agents to go after reporters. there is brand-new information about that in the book.
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the efforts by amindhe national enquirer to catch and biting and burying stories that are unflattering to president trump and in the mainstream media world -- we have been talking for a while abo cbs and allegations of misconduct there. and now there are serious allegations at nbc and a paper trail about trying to kill this story. judy: on the point of harvey weinstein sending out detectives to find out what you and others his right to protect his reputation. >> absolutely. nothinin this look suggests esomeone should not h the right to legally defend themselves. or should nohave the right to respond. the book is carefully fact checked and extremely fair to
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the parties mentioned. it is inclusive of every response from the people discussed in it including those from espionage. sophisticated lawyers hired some mossad agents and other contractors two-state me out and others. -- to stake me out and others. where is the line? there is a conversation a about need for more accountability. the story of rose mcgowan is an important threat in is book. infiltrate her life to the point she thought this person was her best friend. judy: one of the central threads was what you say happened at nbc news where yound s a number of
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months working on this story. what they are pushing back on your narrative is -- they said many months to work on the story and at the end of the time you were there, you did not have a single source willing to go on the record. and that is the reaso they were not allowing you to go forward with your reporting. >> i the reportithe book is we always had multiple t namede. women story. we had a tape of harvey weinstein admitting to certain actions. we were fighting to get that on air. that is not the point. this is a company thatrdered a hard stop on reporting. six times the president of nbc news ordered a sp to the porting. it suggests with documentation and a paper trail that thiss a
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company that had a lot of secrets.ot tea p of secret settlements. and had a knowledge of predation of exposure at the time. threat judy: you are referring in part two matt lauer -- to matt lauer. is that the main reason nbc did not want your story to go forward -- is that what you are saying? theyre pushing back completely that. they said they had no credibles charainst a matt lauer the day before he left. >> the reporting in the book suggests otherwise. i t personally talk executives who years before his firing were told about matt lauer and his conduc there were multiple settlements hwith women that complaints about matt lauer it they voiced within the company. rmthey say in of formal records thatt these were tt
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lauer related settlements. that is what sexual harassment settlements look like. onthey are designed toal exactly the connection. judy: the other point they make and i do want to pursue this because you spend a lot of time on it in the bookai -- they when you went to the new yorker, o months later you produced a story that was very different. resemblance tle what you had at nbc. >> thats inaccurate. the timeline is that the new york times -- that the new yorker looked at the same reporting that nbc sent out the door. they ordered us conducting interviews and executives suggested it elsewh we went across the street and it took it new yorker and a few weeks later it was a pulitzer prize-winning story. judy: and when they go on to say
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that you had an ax to grind because u really wanted to stay at nbc news, what do you say? >> they extended that offer and it was discussed in the book. someone that not wan toe being lose my job and was in a senior people there said they would issue an apology. in the end, i realized that the accumulati weight of evidence showed that there was a cover-up. and meout the broader tof accountability in the media -- it made me understand that i would have to independently report this from the outside and that is what i have done for t years and i think the reporting in the book correctly has been regarded as airtight holding up to those rebuttals. judy: what are youov saying all about the news media in this country?
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e you saying some of it is bought and paid for by powerful nbc has a reputation based on ny years. what are you saying? >> in manys w, the book is a love letter to my fellow journalists and great journalists at nbc news that are anguished and asking toughd questions o were supportive at every step. only executives shutinown the repo the fundamental point is whether they are going after certain individuals on behalf of of donald trump. between executives and harvey weinstein that they admit did take pla in which assurances were made that they were killing the story. these are ways in which the media should not be deployed.
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and this is not a book that horeinforces the atarian attacks on the media. it highlights the bravery and importce of reporters. t just me -- i whole community of reportersctacing these s. i am optimistic that they will not stop that we have to hold ourselves accountable also. judy: how much more willing d you think -- how much foreer do you think women are today to tell their stories than they were a year ago? >> there is still a long way to go. the reporting in this book shows that. there is an active effort to silence these types of accusations and diminish transparent about -- and diminish transparency about them. inbox is full of allegations from the world and in industry after industry, there is a pattern of coverups.
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and moree peo are speaking out. and brave reporters are refusing to stop reporting. judy: are you saying that employers are listening to this and acting on it or not? >> here is an example. i documented that in periods of time with a claimed there were no secret settlements, there actually were and manyem. at mbc, there were seven. many companies have stepped away from that. uber has said they would not use these kinds of tactics. i think we are seeing more of rat for a reason. i amorter and not an activist. but i seehy both legislatures and private companies are reassessing the use of those tools. judy: ronan farrow, the book again is -- "catch and kill."
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thank you so much for joinin us. >> always a plsure. ♪ judy: i detroits home to an unusual museum that draws on african historcland customs ing a city block filled with installations and sculptures. it also allows visitors hands-on experiences and is a stabilizing force in the citmary allen repos part of our ongoi arts and culture series, canvas. reporter: he is an artist and the founder of this african museum. >> the average person decided i would open up an african museum. that is something that was
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missing in the history of africans in this country. reporter: the museum is located in one of detroit's most distressed neighborhoods and for two decades providing something else that was missing, stability. it has expanded to include a bead gallery.le >> i decided to take the relationship between africans aneuropeans over a00 year period of time and put it into storylines. and to my surprise, the community was elated. the best indicator that we have been accepted by the community is that this is out in the open and it can be accessed 20 47. someone could deroy it in one day. reporter: maurice caulkox is a former planng manager. artists he a superpower to
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take something ordinary and turn ar into something extraord the area he adopted was an area that was devastated and had gone through trauma. he found a wayoro tell that but also to find some joy in the retelling of the story. reporter: in telling the story of his neighborhood, he has inspired detroit officials on how to restructure the recovery of the city. >> he has begun to show us how the city can recover in increments. his bead museum -- in one part of the building is completely but then you go to another portion of it and its roof has caved in and is waiting for investment. he said this is a way you canen incrlly go about
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stabilizing an area. that is a brand-new way of creatingin aitution. that is not normally how we do it. >> this is not a traditional museum. this is a museum for exposure to connect what is inside re you. rter: he has continued to engage the surrounding community by starting an internship program. over time, the surrounding neighborhood may change but he says the guiding principle kind his work and the museum will not. just because a person is poor, homeless, just because a onpeoes not have anything, appreciation for art.n reporter: for the pbs newshour, i am myellen in detroit, michigan. ♪ judy: aly fin tonight, for
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those of you watching the newshour in the western part of the country or after 9:00 p.m. in the eas and online, you may have noticed something different. we are thrilled to announce tonight that we are launching newshour west. we know the news does not ofop after we gthe air. we will be updating news sheadli to better serve our western and late-night audiences. i am now joint by our correspondent anchor steph bie based at teau at walter cronkite. you have been preparing for months. are you ready?? >> we are ready and so excited. you mightrrecognize my ndings. this set was built to match your set. tonight, we are offering an dated version of the show to our viewers in the west or online.
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be clear, we will not be redoing the entire show but just the news summary which will allow us to bring the most up-to-date news to our viewers in the western time zone. s as yd, often news breaks after we are off the air. myself,uc our senior pr here, richard coolidge, and the e heref our team will just a on top of those developments and bring the latest news where you left off. it is someing our west coast audience has been wanting. judy: you are also going to be serving as a center for expanding our ability ort throughout the western u.s. >> our bureau here in phoenix will be a reporting help. i will beg cover breaking news of national importance that comes up as wells feature stories. ere are a lot of unique
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challenges in states the southwest including water shortages, issues particular to native american communities. heand then we haveolitical impact of a state like arizonaat as a crucial race coming up in 2020 and a changing demographic that could make it highly significant politically in coming years. and then we have californi which is becoming a laboratory progressinds of legislation and is also, of course, with its raging wildfires a frontline in climate change. it is a lot and closer to those stories. starting tonight. thank you. on the newshour online right now t of 12 nobel laureates honored for their work in the science this year, one was awo n and two were people of culture people of color.
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why do these prizes lack diversity? we examined at on line. that ishe newshour for tonight. i am judy woodruff. join us online and he e again tomorrning. for all of us here, thank you and see you soon. >> major funding has been provided by bnsf railway, consumer cellular, the ford foundation, working with visionaries on the front lines of social change worldwide. carnegie corporation of new york , supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of international peace and security at andith the ongoing support of these individuals and institutions -- ♪
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