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tv   KQED Newsroom  PBS  November 24, 2019 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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10 democratic candidates faced off in atlanta thus because hodemocrats try to bolster their case to imach president trump. another month and anotr round of blackouts. pg&e cuts off power to customers in 11 counties amid drying gusty weather the 50th anniversary of the occupation of alcatraz by american indian activists. will will hear about how the fight for indigenousrights reverberates today. we begin tonight with the democratic presidential debate.
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>> on wedn day, 10 cand faced off for a democratic presidential debate. no one oucandidate broke of the pack. reflecting the surge in the polls, pete buttigieg came under fire for his political inexperience while kamala harris try to regain momentum. on capitol hill, house democrats heard from nine witnesses this week inthe impeachment investigation of resident trauma. former white house advisor fiona hill and ambassador -- thwere among those at test testified. a there was quid pro quo for the release of military aid to ukraine while fiona hill domestic political errand. a with us now is go chronicle and hundred president of shee, d peopy allison. thank you for being with us. journalists start with you, just been made of south bend, indiana mayor pete the judge and his recent rise in the
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s polls. what was goal on wednesday and you think he achieved . >> the goal is not to be a beat down. he has bigger problems. he is ahead in a state ith 90% white. when it comes to california, thstats here say half of latinos don't even know who he is. he has real problems. when he goes to lisouth ca, black folks are not into the campaign at all. >> what is amazing, there is no path to victorin the primary without winning significant lyblack support, particul around women. he is as close to zero as ey thought last night or this week's was the opportunity to make the case up authentic to appeal to black voters, particarly blachewomen.
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was challenged on his racial justice record in south bend. i feel like he fell flat. he didn't gain momentum. therefore as it relates to black voters, the judge -- pete buttigieg did not gain. >> is and i'm looking forward to making outreaches into communities but he didn't even show up to the african-american caucus to the election. >> cakamala harris ed him out. >> amy you were at the debate in atlanta, what was the mood like? >> it interesting. it is tyler perry atlanta. estate that was electrified and transformed by the campaign of c abrams that did the
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preshow rally. it was envery clear we heard from the mayor of atlanta, stacey abrams and congressman lewis as well as tom perez that battleground states. of the 1.4 points from being a atblue they recognize that not only do they have to al with ter suppression and we didn't hear enough about that on stag the need to invest now in order to elevate turnout, even more than we saw in record numbers for 2018. there was a sense of people in the audience, really looking for signals from the candates. who was ableto speak the language of a multiracial coalition. it can be man or women of any race. are they gointo appeal to people like in georgia. some did a very good job and others fl on their face.
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that was a good measure of who will be positioned to reassemble the obama coalition into 2020. >> one of the most striking things was this was the first debate where all four moderators re women. and me and joe, you can answer this if you would like. you think that affected the tenor of the debate and what was talked about? it >> i thought was good. in the sense that childcare was brought up. that is a universal parents in tes of beina burden and there is not a national solution to this. we were really le to hear from the candidates more deeply around an issue that affects more of us. ving women on e stage did make a difference in that way. the issue of abortion d choice was addressed more than before. there were many more issues
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around. i thout it was positive. >> they talked about housing which hasn't gottenlot of play. that is another issue. it is the first time really had a discussion about housing. >> if you look at women, ul partly women of color, they will be the swing vote. the battle of the white house and the vote that ultimately decides who is a standardbearer for the democratic party. these issues matter. she the people just worked with center f american progreon a roof or that said if you talk issuesand issues that speak to the base like the issues we were talking about, those are the things thexcite people and get them to the polls. this is what needs to happen >> the cali senator kamala harris came out swinging. she is trying to revitalize her campaign. there was one testy exchange t's listen. and congressman --.
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>> it is unfortunate that we have someone on the stage attempting to at the demo nominee for president of the united states who during the obama administration spent four years full-time on fox news criticizing president obama. >> that is ridiculous. >> what senator harris is doing isntinuing to traffic and lies and smears and innuendos. she cannot challenge the substance of the argument that i'm making. the leadership and change that i am seeking tobring. >> why spend so much time attacking her? >> can we say how amazing it was to have two women of color lking about form policy? it is historic and i want to appreciate that. we have the diversity that allows for these exchanges. i think the senator d to
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punch down. last time she didn't. it is not worthy of my sponse. this time is very important for the senator in establishing her being in straight-line to continue the tradion of obama to say she doesn't represen any part of the obama coalition and to push her further out and say that she doesn't really represent those voters that she's trying to appeal to. >> it a biof a fact check. she did appear on fox about 20 times during the obama presidency. she did have a meeting with trumpet trump tower after he was elected. talking about form policy it was accurate statement. another fact check, both candidates e poing 3-5%. neither of them are a major factor at this point. she has taken on the role of the official troll of the
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hey candidate, is understanding. each one of these candidates time to figure out their lane. some of lethe ches senator harris is trying to establish herself in a moderate lane. pete buttigieg and biden are in that space. he was esblishing a new lane which was that. >> she would be pulled over for changing lanes often. starting in the left for medicare r all i know public health insurance and then now >> let's move on to impeachment hearings. we had three days of hearings. i neheard from witnesses. this is on week 2 of all the people we heard from, who stood out for you? >> fiona hill.
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she was credible, expert and spoke withauthenticity and clarity. she called out the republicans was the story about ukraine that they have be i will tell you, as an expert, it , not trit is a falsehood. here is the truth about russia and the meddling in the election. her audience i feel was the american people. >> i think we have ecto apte the impeachment discuss these is way publicly i think she had a big impact on public perception of what was going on. >> one of the othemoments was when -- said there was a quid pro quo. how did republicans treated? >> said there is a quid pro
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quo, on what. úthe ange of the meeting? ey ex they narrative down to etthe g. he came off clownish. he is not a professional diplomat. he is a rich guy who gave $1 million to the inaugural address. he did for both sides. what comes out of the week of hearings, trump will be impeached. he will not be removed frfi . you didn't get a lot of sense that they were moving away, despite the stuff, the connection that was made. we are kind of where we predicted at the beginning of the hearings. >> what do you think are the key riskfor democrats the coming weeks or months?
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>> don't let a drag on too long. i don'know how ch control they will have once it gets into the senate. that starts going into a couple of weeks before the iowa ucus, that will the big show and it will not be the showcase for the candidates. that will have to spend time voting and acting as jurors. that will be tough. >> if the democrats had not ar moved fo it would have been demotivating. i think it is importanthat it is happening, about being motivated to wrap things up quickly. >> jamie allison cofounder of the the people, thank you for joining me. dn on wey, pg&e began shutting off power in parts of 11 counties in northern
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california, including napa and sonoma. it is the second month that pg&e has cut off power to av customers tooid sparkin a wildfire with equipment during dry and windy weather. wm on monday, ers in sacramento called executives fr the state's thlargest investor-owned utilities, including pg&e to testify about last month's outages. at the hearing, the pg&eceo bill johnson said the shutof are not sustainable solution to e threat of wildfire. joining me now is kqed reporter and editor dan ekke. let's start with this week's shutoffs. we heard from &e at th beginning of the week that more than 300,000 customers could lose power. then a few days lapar, they that down to 150,000 customers. what was going on? >> the weather conditions were changing. that 300,000 was when they thought the wind would cover a wide area.
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they were also expecting humidity to drop to a rtn level and to exacerbate the fire danger. as weather change, they narrowed the foot and. when they d the shutoffs, the only shutoffs i say 50,000 customers. that cld be about 125,000 people. >> what areas ended up losing power? >> the wherefro sonoma county, northern and eastern, across to the northern sierra nevada. it was confined to a smaller area than we have seen in all of these earlier shoffs. >> theall clear was called yesterday. either still folks without power? >> just about everybody is back online. pg&e is saying they think we are probably through with asthe . there is potential for high wind monday.
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even so, it don't look likea fire danger. >> there is rain forecast as well. >> it hasn't rained in most of the bay area or northern california in many months. neos week is supped to break the dry spell. we could get an inch or two of rain and a lot snow inthe sierra nevada. maybe we will be done with this crazy period of losing power. >> pg&e has been under pressure to do a better b of communicating when and where the safety shutoffs will occur. how did they do this time around. you are in one of these areas that is being shut off. the communication is a t more direct if you are in tho areas. the only way to really know for sure if you will be turned off or not, is if you actually went online and looked up your address. as we were saying, this is a
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it was hard to tell from the outside looking in, where they would turn off power and when. that said, the website stayed up which it dn't do inearly october. i think people would age that they didn't better job this time. >> communication was a major focus of monday's hearing in front of the senate energy utilities and communications committee in sacramento. what did the pgexecutives have to say when questioned? >> we taabout how it is not a sustainable solution. one of the things he was trying to do is correct or walk back a statement he made last month. it may take 10 years fore we get out of this regime.
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there's a ssage that pgis committed to improving the infrastructure of these power shutoffs could much more closely targeted. that was the ma message. also trying to deal with the widespread outrage that they arhanging from the governor and legislators and customers and local officials of the impact of having the lights turned off on a regular basis. >> there were two other investor-owned utilities at the hearing. san diego gas and electric and socal edison. did they have the same kind of feeling drilling from lawmakers. >> southern california edison does not have a spotless tecord ans of starting fires with electrical infrastructure. they started fires this year. san diego gas and electric is in a different position.
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a smaller se ice territory, jun diego county. that is a lot of customers. thing about how do you mitigate wildfire danger when you have this dangerous electricity and the wind is blowing at 80 miles per hour. they started on thatmore than 10 years ago. they are now the darling of the aregulato legislators. they worked out more sophisticated methods of dealing itwith that is pretty much reflected in the reception they are geaning in sacramento from the public utilits commission in san francisco. >> is ere something th could learn from? >> pe said many timethere trying to execute some of the same practices that -- has adopted. partly because they keep hearing and we keep hearing that sdg&e does a good job. the record does show that since
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the really started into the of progratargeted power shut off, they have started no large fires. >> what about compensation? can you give an update? >> it is a biof a mess. we don't know, there are competing plans before the bankruptcy court. the state and governor newsom are talking about a backup plan. it sounds like you might be edging hiward public owne solutions. it is a bit unclear. in the meantime, the deadline for people that suffered wildfire loss or who have vibee ims were just granted an extension until december 31 to file their claim. a lot is unresolved as far as victim compensation.
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stack wednesday marked the 50th anniversary of the occupation of alcatraz island by native erican students and community leaders, calling themselves the indians ofall tribes, oke group toover the prison to push for federal recognition of native d erican rights land claims. the occupation ended when armed marshalsndrated the is19 months later in june 1971. today, a tinew genera of activists are commemorating the storic takeover and showing why, in the words of one of its leaders, alcatraz is an idea 20 know is eloi martinez, a native american activist and one of mme original ity leaders of the occupation. >> how are you. >> i'm good thank you. alcatraz island is known as the home ofl the fedeprison with infamous prisoners like al capone. why did you and other indigenous leaders decide to take it over??
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alcatraz? >> it was very dissimilar to reservations, not sustainable, it was a rock, you couldn't grow anything. nothing there. it was one of those things we wanted to show everody and the conditions d how they exist on reservations and cause in the east they have the statue of liberty that says welcome. we wanted something similar that said the ships could see you coming in. >> can you describe what life was like there in the early months? >> it was cold. it wasn't supposed to happen til spring 1970. the indi center burned down. >> the indian center in san francisco? >> they were in the process of turning it into o e monte ca of the last.
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we decided we had to move quick. also, some of the leaders, wanted to take over. they had gone to an indian conference in minnesota wants to take over the slands they can claim they wer erwas a lot that went on. it was exciting. the adrenaline was high people weglad to be free. there was no oversight in kids running all over discovering things. was also scary. at that time you have to remember, everything going on. the black panthers and all of those things, people getting o killed. soour leaders got killed. was all part of that system to
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target individual leaders that were strong. he was a strong leader at that time. >> you have a fond memory of being tron al? >> i have a lot of fond memories. it waawesome. just watching the kids play. it was probably one of the biggest gatherings we have had. the was an original 14. the 93 that came back on the 20th. than on thanksgiving, close to 400 people. it kept increasing. over the course of the time, probably 30,000 people went through the island. that was not really, it was hard. after they took --, theydidn't have any water. with people one on the island they had to bring food and
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some people didn't have money to pay the three dollars fair. they gave jewelry and stuff that they had. one of the a guys has lot of the first occupation showoff. >> how would you say the takeover reverberates today, whether his protests over pipelines on native land or otother t? >> it is necessary. at standing rock, a lot of people don't talk about it. it was a really bad place to be. i went there three times. before we got d there, they sprayed racing ison. they spread that we we all camped out. a lot of people came back sick.
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if you saw any of the footage, the way they treated the ople, the dogs and fire hoses and that stuff, times haven't changed that much. it was really good to see the young people th were there. they were fearless. that is like alcatraz back in the day. g >> these yopeople are all over the place, they are in the forefront doing their thing. >> one of the original orocnizers of the pation described alcatraz as and i dia rather than a physical space. is that something you anagree withwhat does that mean? >> it means the idea is spreading. a lot of people left and went on to do other things. -- towent back her tribe and told the city, we will bring
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our own water and. the tribe is doing . really we almost everybody that was there the idea was to make the native americans invisible. we are accomplishing that now. right now there is probably 300 people in the bay area that were on the island. there ncare a oforiginals. there will be a big thing. some of us haven't seen each other in 50 years. years ago, when we last, everybody would say you didn't accomplish much. >> we accomplished a lot. termination was ended and tribes that their prnoerty
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back. you ve people that have a way to get an education that you did not have before. that is what the ideas about. >> thank you for ining me. that will do it for us, as always you can find more coverage at thank you for joining us.
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captioning sponsored by wnet >> sreenivasan: on this edition for sunday, november 24: the latest on e impeachment inquiry. michael bloomberg officially announces his bid for the 2020 democratic presidentialon nominati and in our signature segment, re-imagining a rebellion-- two centuries later. next on "pbs newshour weekend." >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: bernard and irene schwartz. sue and edgar wachenheim iii. the cheryl and philip milstein family. rosalind p. walter, in memory of george o'neil.


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