tv PBS News Hour PBS December 17, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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captioning sponsored b newshour productionsllc >> woodruff: good evening, i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight, the brink of history. the u.s. house sets the stage for tomorrow's vote to impeach president donald trump then, clipping the wings. boeing stops production of its 73max passenger jets, following two deadly crashes and many questions about what went wrong.d, from conflict zones to ump country. how a small kentucky city became a haven for refugeesand why the president's policies now threaten that balance. >> we really need more refugees and more immigrants coming to bo and for our economy to grow, we need to have people moving here to fill those jobs. >> woodruff: all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour.
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>> woo it is the eve of impeachment. the united states house of representatives convenesco tomorrow tider the case against president trump. but first, lawmakers spent long hours working out the rules for those proceedings. once again, congressionalt correspondsa desjardins begins our coverage. >> desjardins: in a small room on the capitol's third floor today, the last step before impeachment goes to the house floor. >> unfortunate we have to be here today. >> desjardins: the house rules committee will decide the tprocess for the impeachm debate expected tomorrow. and it began with a first in igthis process, bipartisan of respect from the democratic chairmanand the top republican or ranking memr. >> we take up a lot of n ntentious issues on this committee anof are on different sides, but he leads with integrity and he cares deeply about ts house.
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>> let me begin by reciprocating a personal and professional respect for you and other members of this committee as well. because i do think very highlyso of every pon this committee this and particularly of you mr. chairman is a day were going to disagree very strongly. >> desjardins: at the white house,disagreeing strongly" would be an understatement. >> the whole impeachment thing is a hoax. president trump spoke at anh appearance wite president of guatemala. >> this has been a total sham from thehieginng. bureal outrage was unleashed in a six-page letter the president sent to house speaker nancy pelosi today, breathing fire in the first line, "i am writing to express my strongest and most powerful otest against the partisanac iment crusade." calling democrats' process -ou "disinge meritless and a baseless invention of democrats' pragination." the letter raiseious
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themes for the president-- he blasted the f.b.i.'s russia investigation, the mueller report and former vice president joe biden. also blasting democrats today, senate majority leader mitch mcconnl. >> this slash dash work product will be dumped on us over here in the senate.>> esjardins: the kentucky republican, now preparing for a trial, rejected democrats proposal and their leaders' request for four witnesses. senate's time and energy on a fishing expedition. >> desjardins: that leader -at democratic s chuck schumer of new york, fired back that mccoell is out of line, already working with the white house, and that senators should reserve judgment. >> mitch mcconell said, proudly, he is not an impartial juror.n do the ameriople want mcconnell not to be impartial in this situation and i'd ask everyone are you impartial jurors?
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>> desjardins: as the senate thinks weeks ahead, house democrats are thinking about tomorr, and insisting this is not about politics. don't know how this may may not affect the 2020 election, but we know this: we are a co-equal brancof government that is going to insist that no one is above the law. >> woodruff: and joie now is lisa desjardins. sa, this is an historic day, as we have been saying over and over again. what do we know about the lay of the land tomorrow? >> here's what's going to happen. the house will convene at 9:00 a.m. eastern and 6:00 a.m. pacific time. we'll have normal opening procedure, the pledge of allegiance, and they willbe immediateln a two-part debate. first they will debate the rules, the procedures ahead for the impeachment debate. and then after this they wll get into the actual debate. really, though, judy, the entire day, and i think we will expect
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an entire day ofebate over this impeachment idea. i expect it to last until about at least this time torrow night. it could go late. the question being how much do reblicans object to the process. how much do republicans try to use paraly -- parliamentary procedures to gum up the works? that could make it take longer. woodruff: that's an unnon-we can't predict at this point. >> it is unknown. they only havea limited amount of procedure, but they can use some. >> woodruf what do we know about the president's plan and how the white house will respond in. i think we had a preview in that really remarkable letter that he spent to the speaker today. has his fist raised and he's going to hold, what else, a rally tomorrow night, 7:00 eastern, roughly the time thco housd be voting on peachment articles iner michigan, else, battle creek, michigan. i think it's no mistake the white house is sding a lot of messages here. my question is: he actually has a very defensive posture here. he's being very aggressive on. this i wonder how thue hose
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republicans, if they're going to take that tone tomorrow on the floor or >> woodruff: and lisa, finally, i want to turn back to the spending bill that you have been reporting on. it pas.sed today democrats actually end up having division over what's in it. >> right. as we reported last night, there were some big ben fits fo democrats, things they were happy on, gun, for example, and election security, oth things. however, today, judy, there wasl re divide in the democratic caucus over the president's money for the border wall. this is the main concession thaa democrats gavin the spending bill. it was $138 billion, the key being unrestricted for a border wall. in the past this money has been restricted to fencing. this now has fewer restrictions. the presidencan do a litle bit more with it than in the past. also, judy, in this money the president can use military funds. there are no restrictions barring him from taking militars uction money as he has attempted to do in the past year, and, judy, there is no hard cap in theslls on detention be. 'sere has been a suggested cap,
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but it not enforcable. the hispanic caucus is furiouss over td disappointed. they're worried this is the wrong direction in terms of the immigration debate. it's the wrong concession. others say, hey, the president wanted $8 billion for a wall, he only got $1.4 billion, but it's a very critical issue that thi bill is dealing with. it was a concession for democrats. >> woodruff: but it's now passed. >> it has passed today, thank you. these things are happening so quickly. this did passes the house. 75 democratsoted against it even though it was their leadership proposing it. >> woodruff: all right, , sa desjardi much to follow. tomorrow is a big day. >> it is. thank you. >> woodruff: thank you. >> woodruff: representative jason crow, from the suburbs of denver, colorado, er one of a nuf democrats from competitive districts that his party is fhting to holon to in next year's elections. in fact, prior to crow, the district had elected only republicans to congress since the 1980's when it was first drawn. representative crow announced
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overhe weekend he supports both articles of impeachment against president trump. and he joins us now from capitol hill. thank you very much sr being with congressman. was this hard decision for you? >> hi. good to be with you, judy. yeah, you know, it was one that i spent time thinking about, becausd i promi district that i would be deliberate about it, that i would take in all th information, that i would spend my time looking at all the evidence. that's what i buhe end of the day, i came back to my oath. i'm somebody who has taken many oaths throughout my life. i am a former arermy rand spent a lot of time in iraq and afghanistan. i tookn oath again on january 3rd when i joined this congress. at the endf the day, it became abundantly clear tme that the evidence overwhelmingly pported the allegations against the president and thatac iment was the way forward for us. >> woodruff: was there one piece of evidence that convinced you, or what? >> no, it waso the bdy of
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evidence. over several weeks, over a dozen witnesses. you had ambassador sondland, a supporter of president tru, say unequivocally that there was a quid pro quo.ha and yo the president's words himself saying, "do us ad favor," e president and his enablers and the folks in the white house actually haveyi stopped to actually defend the actions. it's pretty irrefutable at this it's wrong.happened. it's unprecedented. it's a violation of the presidh.t's constitutional oat and it's now time for congress >> step up and say, i's not okay. oodruff: i'm asking because the constitutional law professor who testified before the house judiciary coe on behalf of the republicans wrote impeachment procesothe first forward without, in his words, e recognized caving been committed. >> well, you know, there are certainly some folks that iul think have that debate, but at the end of the day, let's not be disacted by whathich ulley happened, what we know happened and what we knw are facts.
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the facts are the president of the united states withhead critical security funding from it ally that's at war to benefit his personal poal campaign. it's unprecedented. it's never happened before. on top of that, when congress has tried to full-length mirr its -- congress tried to fulfi its duty of oversight and accountability, congress has been met with tainted policy of non-cooperation, which in the history of the united states han never ha before. what we have to do is make sure we're not citing a precedent that future presidents can the same thing, whether it be a republican or democrat. we cannot allow tis to become normal. we can't send a message that presidents can use taxpayer money, withhold foreign aid to advance his or her own political interests andal politampaign and obstruct congress in the process. that's why we're doing what we'rgoing to do tomorrow. >> woodruff: what do you say to republicans whssay thi process is not legitimate because it is just one party. there's not a single republican who is joining with democrats
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that we know o this point to support impeachment. they also say democrats have been trying to get rid of presidt trump ever since he was elected. >> well, we use the process and reused the rules put in place by the repnsublieveral congresses ago. courts have overwhelmingly and unanimously said this a constitutional and lawful process. just because folks havdecided they will not abide by their oath, they're not going to do what i think the country needs them to do, that doenot absolve us of our responsibility to fufill our oath. we can't control the senate. i can't control my colleagues. the only thing i can control is what i do. and whether or not i honor the oath i took on january 3rd. for me honoring thaoath requires me to step up and vote for the articles of impeachment tomorrow. >> woodruff: does it concern you, congressm, that less than half of the american people say in public opinion polls that they support impeaching the president? >> new york it doesn't, because i have never concerned myself wi the politics of ths issue.
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you know, i decided very early h on that e to completely separate politics from the discussion of impeachment. i ths one of the most important consequential things that a memberf congress can do. we're being called to do a very somber, gave thing. you know, i am not happy about it. this is not an exciting time for me. this is not what i e to congress to do. but i do have the duty to do it. so i'm not goingo think about the politics of it in much the same way i didn't think about the polics of my time inaq and afghanistan. i took an oath to serve th country, and i had to fulfill that oath. the consequences wll be what they will be. but at the end of the day, the people that i remember, they atow that i'm somebody that's bound by my oh. they know that i'm somebody who and good government. that's what i'm about, and that's ultimately what this is abf:t. >> woodro others questions, one is what are you rearing from your constituents in the suburbsund denver? >> yeah, so generally peoplepp
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t the action that i'm taking. i have not shied away fromer having cotions about this. i held two large events on sunday or i announced my support for the iticles ofmpeachment. i took questions. i think people are just wanontig tothat the process was fair and transparent. but i represent a community that is fed up with corruption in government, is fed up with dishonesty. they want good government. they want people tohe right thing. they want them toell the truth, and that's what we're ing. so i'm out in the district all the time. i have held over 200 events in my first year inongress, and every corner of my district tough conversations, being civil in the process. 'nd ultimately i think people understand that somebody who and fulfills the oath, and, you know, we have mutual respect between me and my constituents because of that. >> woodruff: last thing, do you expect -- assuming the house
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does vote to impeach, do you expect there will be a far trial in the senate? i ask because today the majority leader, mitch mcconnell, is saying that he does not plan the call any of the witnesses tha the democrats are asking be called. >> well, one thing i have learned, judy, in my first year in congress is that my crystal ball is i have sttrying to predict the future and what people are going to do. i can't ctrol mitch mcconnell. i can't control the senate. you know, i will continue to call for a fair trial. i was asked yesterny during interview what my advice would be for core gardner, one of our senators from colmyorado. andvice is simple: go back and read the oath. you know, it's the same oath that i took earlier in the year. it's our north star. o it calus to put the country first and to put the well-being of our fellow citizens above your own personal well-being.>> oodruff: congressman jason crow of colorado, thank you very much. >> thanks, judy.
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>> woodruff: and wel have >> woodruff: we will have full liveoverage of the house floor debate and votes on impeachmort starting tw at 9:00 a.m. eastern, online, and check your local stations listings for broadcast. in the day's other news, the senate gave final approval to a pentagonpending blueprint worth nearly $740 billion. it includes a 3% pay raise for military personnel, the most in more than a decade. lawmakers also added 12 weeks of paid parental leave for federal president trump has said he will sign the bill. e president's former deputy campaign manager rick gates now fa days in jail, and 36 months of he was sen tod in inderal court in washington, 22 months after pleguilty to lying to investigators and conspiracy. gates could have gotten five to six years in jail, but the judge cited his cooperation with the special counsel's russia pakistan's former military ruler
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pervez musharraf was sentenced to death, in absentia, today. he had been charged with treason for declarinmergency in 2007, and suspending all civil liberties. a special anti-terrorism court anunced the verdict, and t death sentence. >> for the first time a military dictator has been punished by the court under the constitution and the law. and it was overdue. >> woodruff: musharraf seized power in 1999, and ruled until 2008. he is now living in dubai. his lawyer said he will appeal the court's decision. in neighboring india, an outcry against a new citizenship lawad sprecross more of the country. some of the demonstrations in new delhi turned violent as angry protesters clashed with police for a third day. officers fired tear gas to push back the crowds. protests also broke out in west bengal and other states.
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the focus is a new law that grants citizenship to non-muslim migrants who are in india illegally. unions in france called new protests today against president emanuel macron's pla to restructure pensions.scuffles wn some areas. elt the protests were larg peaceful, with thousands lighting red flares and marching thfrench cities. union membs insisted crippling transit strikes will continue, right through thholidays. >> ( translated ): if we accept a christmas break, then we're stopping the strike. if we don't strike, then macron is passing his reform, since he said he's passing it in january. so, we have to stop him. people didn't strike f about 15 days just to stop and say, 'no, let's go see santa claus.' >> woodruff: workers from the paris opera and the eiffel towee joined the ps. activists also cut electricity to 100,000 homes and businesses in paris. at the vatican, pope francis
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abolished the so-called "ponfical secrecy" rule in cases of sexual abuse by clergy. victims had charged the rule was used to protect pedophiles and block police investigations. they welcomed today's announcement, but said they want backed up with action. china commissioned its second aircraft carrier today, further expanding its military power in asia. president xi jinping attended a ceremony on hainan island in thd dispouth china sea. it was part of his wide-ranging military buildup. this is the first aircraft carrr built in china. beijing bought a soviet-era carrier from ukraine, 8. back in this country, ford anunced it is adding 3,000 jobs over the next three years at two ftories near detroit. the automaker said it will invest nearly $1.5 billion to build new pick-up trucks, s.u.v.'s, and electric vehicles.
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hiring begins next year. and, on wall street, the maj indexes edged higher into record territory. the dow jones industrial average gained 31 points to close at 28,267. the nasdaq rose nine points, and, the s&p 500 added one point. still to come on the newshour: after fatal crashes and controversy, boeing halts production on the 737 max jet. the family at the center of theo crisis and the ten billion dollars they took for themselves. the white house's policies threaten a haven for refugees in the heart of trump country. plus much more.
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>> woodruff: just about a month ago, boeing said it mapected its 73jets to return to the skies next monly. that's cleot happening and now the aerospace giant, and its suppliers, are preparingor harder times this winter. production of the jet will shut down for now, beginning in january. asur aviation corresponden miles o'brien tells us, there's concern over those ripple effects and whether the safety concerns are being adequately addressed. >> reporter: this is what it looks like at a boeing airfields ttle: dozens of new 737 "max" jets sitting idle. thousands of others that have been ordered are on indefinite hold as the aerospace giant still from the government to fly those planes again. l analyse joe schwieterman say boeing is feeling more pain. >> this has shaken the company to its core. >> reporter: today, the biggest max customer in the u.s.,
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southwest airlines, announced it is canceling thousands of flights until mid-april and will find alternate flights seats for affected passengers. >> the airlines themselves are in just a terrible spot because they're selling spring break, they're selling summer without knowledge of what their fleet is. >> reporter: since march, all7 ax" jets have been grounded worldwide following a pair of crashes in indonesia and plhiopia that killed 346 p yesterday's decision came just days afterfehe head of the ral aviation administration testified on capitol hill. >> the situation with the 73 max is unpredented in many respts. >> reporter: unlike boeing's optimistic estimates, he gave no timeline for when the plane would be back in t sky. >> we need to make sure the blic has confidence in that airplane and i'm confident that i would my own family and those boeing employees would put their >> reporter: lawmakers also released a report alleging
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federal authorities and boeing knew about problems with an in- flight control system after the first crash happened in indonesia, and still didn't ground the plane. a whistleblower from boeing's factoedry said he to sound the alarm. >> the 737 factory was in chaos. every single factory h metric was getting record low marks. each one was trending in the wrong direction. >> reporter: boeing says it is working to get the 737 "max" flying again. in the meantime, the companyla says it has no to layoff the 12,000 workers at the main 737 "max" plant. >> woodruff: and miles joins me now to explore some of the the f.a.a.stions forg and hello to you, miins. so we hearour piece analysts talking about what a risk this represents for being. boeing is now saying no layoffs. but the 737 max is a big piece of their bids, isn't it. >> it's big pease of their bids, and it's a pretty big
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piece of the econo in general. while boeing can keep those employees on the line in anincipation of spothings back up relatively quickly, when you start looking down the supply chain at some of their vendors who supply them with various widgets, pieces, and parts for the air don't have the deep pockets to be able to withstand this. so lk for layoffs sooner in the larger ecosyst, if you will. >> woodruff: miles, we havene lemore in the last week or so about what was going on internally at the f.a.a. in the period after the first craavsh. whatwe learned about what was happening there? >> after the indonesian crash, there was an aalysis of what the real risks were of this particular system that was atth e root cause of that crash.e it was dermined that the 737 ldcas -- max as it is cou result in a fatal accident every two or three years, ch in this day and age is a way
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unacceptable ratce of acident. the f.a.a. made the decision not to ground the aircraft, however, although a lot of experts would say there would be good reason to do so. they said they would give the pilots a thorough briefing about the mcasystem, the system at the root of the problem, and put the airplanes back ino service. unfortunately, of course, there was a second crash, and theg groundcurred after that. >> woodruff: and miles, this plays into the larger concerns that have been out there about whether the f.a.a. has frankly abdicated too much of the oversight, the certifications to the idustry. >> well, you know, the basic theory, judy, is that no one in the industry wants an unsafe aircraft. that is true. when you talk to people, andthe f.a.a. over the years, however, has reduced the number of boots on the ground in these the inspection process to the of industry itself. this is a way to save money, and the idea is that there's a
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mutual goal toward safety. but wh things getpe comtive, there are a lot of temptations to cut corners, and boeing was in a very heated competition with airbus to out the door. >> woodruff: finally, miles, what about the speculation about whether th737 max is ever going to come back? >> wel l, there's a lof speculation on this front, and understandably so. i mean, i thtenk quirankly the traveling public has a fairly short memory of these sorts of things. frankly, the traveling public i looking for west fare when they book a fligh the real question i think isasnd the try, have the pilots, have the insurance industry, has it lost faith in the 73 max. aircraft that miger fly.s is an >> woodruff: miles o'brien reporting on today's developments around the 737 max and boeing.thank you, miles. >> you're welcome, judy.
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>> woodruff: newly relsed court documents reveal that the family behind purdue pharmaceuticals, maker of e highly addictive painkiller oxycontin, withdrew over ten billion dollars from the company as the opioid epidemic got worse and worse. as william brangham reports, this will only increase the scrutiny of the sackler family >> brangham: that's right, judy. as part of bankruptcy filing in new york, an internal audit done by the company was released in court last night. that audit revealed that in the first 12 years of oxycontin sales, fm 1995 to 2007, purdue distributed just over a billion dollars to the sackler family t but decade after 2007, after purdue pled guilty to federal charges of misleading doctors and regulators about the addictiveness of oxycontin, purdue's distributions to thesa lers skyrocketed to $10.7
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billion.on this was being transferred while the opioid addictionne crisis worsed, and as legal and public scrutiny of the company, and the family, was ramping up. maura healey is the attorney general for massachusetts and is one of the many atto general suing purdue and the sackler family. attorney general, welcome back to the newshour. this audit that was done by purdue showed, as i just described,hat from 2007 to 2017 $10 billion is moved from the company to the sackler family. i get thast there an obvious outrage factor to that. what is the legal cae that that transfer of money is a problem? >> well, there ist an rage factor because as the sacklers are looking to pump as much oxy into the market as possible, they're also sucking all of those profits and sales out of the company and putting those profits into their own pockets. it's legally of significance,
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because our state was the first state to sue not onlry pudue, but the sacklers individually for their direct role in the illegal, unlawful marketing and sale of oxy. d the problem legally with what the sacklers have done and the reason we hve sued them ad the reason we're fighting them in court is because the sacklers under law should not be able to shield themselves from liability, hidthat money essentially that they've stolenh essentiallrough this bankruptcy process. so purdue has filed bankruptcy. the sacklers are ting the use that proceeding to say, hey, we don't need to pay any of that money ck, and in the legal world, william, we talk about when a company individuals do something bad and they make a whole will the of money off of it, we call those ill gotten gains. this is the vey definition of an ill got ingain, and why the sacklers need to be hel accountable and need to pay up. that's what justice demand, ands thhat families all over this country, william, are looking for. >> brangham: do you have ae sense of what money is
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right now? >> well, this is part of the problem. thmsacklers have played es with their money for decades now. a lot of it has been proved off shore, and they have used all sorts of legal arrangements to shield those assets. we're gointo continue to pursue them. i know my colleagues will also pursue them. but hopefully whathis report shows is essentially what we had very complaint, that theiled our sacklers operated through greed, they exploited vulnerable people, they made boatloads of money off of it, and thy took all of that money for themselves out of the company. that's why we'll continue to fight them in the bankruptcy eurt, and that's why w'll continue to pursue them. >> brangham: we reached out the a lawyer for some of the sackler, and they gave us a statement today. i would like to read you part of that. this lawyer said, "thesest bution numbers were known at the time the propose settlement was agreed to by two dozen attorneys general and thousands of local governments. they have been public forh months, ands filing reflects the fact that more than half was paid in taxes and reinvested in
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busisses that will be sold as part of the proposed settlement. the sackler family hopes to reach a productive resolution for the public benefit." so they're saying everybody knew abou this, most of theney went to taxes and reinvestment, and as y know, they have also put forward this idea that that will pay $3 bioflion as par this big national settlement. but i take it from what you're saying that's not enough. >> oh, it's outrageous. let's be clear, william, right, $10 billion, first of all, we didn't know the extent of everything tey had taken out of the company and we still don't know the full extent. more work needs to ne. sex, we don't know the net worth, the central you, how much money the saklers actually have, because that is important. they are going to be held legally accountable, and they will mead to pay up. so they have not been forthcoming with their financial information. is a family that through history has sought to hide their financial assets. they continue to fight us at every
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remehere, william, the only reason that we know this informatn is because purdue now in bankruptcy controlled essentiay by another entity has produced this information. the sacklers themselves have not been forthcoming. so this is what we've seen from them and exactly why they need to pay up. as for the proposed deal, it stinks. okay. audit report reveesterday's you're talking about a family that is offering to pay $3ot billion,y the way, from their own pocket, they want that $3 blion to come from future oxy sales overseas by their foreign company. they have not offered a dime of their own personal money, not t say the le any of the profits, the $10 billion plus that they took from the company in the last few years. so this is where we are with things. it's why the majority of a.g.s opposed the proposed settlement. we continue to fight this in court. and ultimately we're going to go wherever we need to go so that there is justice and justice will take the form of holdingab
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purdue accou, but also holding the sacklers accountable. >> brangham: all right, attorney general maura healey of massachusetts, thank you very much. >> great to be with you, william. >> woodruff: stay with us, the effect that toress and. poverty has on the development of babies' brains. and behind the scenes he author of the children's classic "don't let the pigeon drive the bus!," as the book takes the presidt trump has limited the number of refugees who may enter the united stateto the lowest orvel in decades. as john yang repts, that policy is having an effect in what may seem like an unlikely place. this rept is part of our look at poverty and economic dream."ty, "chasing the >> yang: it's fourth period at the geo international high
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school in bowling green, kentucky. for 19-year-old rehema twizere, this math class is jt a small part of a ueling routine. she's been up since 5:30. when school endshe rushes across town to trace die cast, where she works til almost midnight. >> it's hard, but i have to it anyway. >> yang: hard, but much easierhe than tife she left behind three years ago in her native uganda. after school there, she spent hours trekking long distances to gather water and firewood. >> here is not bad. you would do all those but you would not get i don' much. yang: but it's yours. >> uh-huh it's mine--doesn't belong to anyone. >> yang: twizere's story is surprisingly common here.e whntucky's total population ranks in the middle of the 50 states, in the 12 months ending september 30th, it
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resettled the 5th most refugees. an outsized number of them ended up here in the small but growing city of bowling green. their first stop is usually thce internationaer of kentucky, which has helped resettle refugees since 1981. albert mbanfu is the executi director. >> when i moved to bowling green, my thought was,, i'lcoming to this little sm city and i don't think we'll have up 10 refugees.' >> yang: between october 2018 and this septeer alo, more than 460 refugees came to bowling green. now, though, president trump's immigration policies are creating uncertainty for those seeking refuge here. this fall, the administration set the cap on refugees at 18,000 for the year that began in october. that's the lowest level since the official u.s. resettlement program began in 1980.
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and bowling green, the seat of warren county, which the president won with almost 60 percent of the vote in 2016, felt the change immediately. didn't resettle a single refugee, the first time that's happened in his six yes as director what would you say if you had ththopportunity to sit down president trump? search your soul.t. the united states is the greatest natn in the world. and with that, they should have that moral responsibility to say we will give back a little to save mankind. >> yang: more concerning to mbanfu?no another trump cement. making clear that ugeese action, will be resettled in any city o any state withe express written consent of that city or at state. >> yang: refugee advocates feared the movcould mean big
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sections of the country shutting their doors to resettlement. the state department told refugee agencies to get written consent from governors and county executives. more than a dozen state and local governments answered bywo saying thed continue to welcome refugees. warren county's executive didn't respond to requests for comment but bowling gryor bruce wilkerson said he'd welcome the chance to have a say. >> if they just give me a number and say we're gonna give you a thousand refugees today-- where are they from? do they have any skills, do they have any family members here? skills, no educatid justwith no simply a new individual, that's going to take a lot more of our resources to try to work with. >> yang: researchers say that, in 2016, immigrants contributed more than 60 million to the county's economy. at trace die cast, the auto parts maker wherrehema twizere
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works, refugees and immigrants make up re than 60% of the workforce. what's more, trace has abong 40 job operight now that could be filled by refugees. chris guthrie is.e.o. of the family owned company. ee we really need more ref and more immigrants coming into bowling green and not that's not just a trace die cast problem. that's all the businesses here, there's a really lack of employees. and for our economy to grow, we need to have people moving here to help to fill those jobs. if that pipeline is cut off, then, then the whole community here will suffer from that. >> yang: but for local schools, the refugee population prents challenges. the warren county school district's per-pupil funding hat been amo lowest in the state. superintendent rob clayton: >> enrolling students day after day coming from refugee resettlement situations does impact our schools iterms of the available resources that are necessary to enroll these
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students. it's not as simple as walking in g e door and giving a child a schedule and say to class. kentucky's only four-year high school designed for international and refugee students. finds himself trying to counter the president's rhetoric. >> our children have come to me before and have asked me, you know, ¡why is our president saying this? he doesn't know what it's like in my country.'re as teachers, whe ones that are sometimes the best examples that they have of what americans are. and that putsia lot of resplity on us as educators to try to show them that, yoknow, just because politicians say one thing doesn't me that we're all like that. >> yang: ndayiragije isack ownsl an internatirocery store in bowling green. he came to the unitestates 10 years ago from a rugee camp in tanzania, where he remembers seeing bags of flour donated by , ericans. >> so we'd be l¡these people are nice. i ey are giving this.
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when i get thereed to give back.' >> yang: so seven years ago, isack joined the army national guard. he says his dream is to serve overseas. >> when i'm hearing this comment that we are a drain, what can wo etter? my question would be. what can we do better for you to be hpy with us? >> yang: so that others" yearning to breathe free" can have the same chance at a better life. for the pbs newshour, i'm john yang in bowling green, kentucky. >> woodruff: resyirchers are to better understand the biology of stress, and the many ways toxic stress can affect a child's health. stephanie sy has a report produced by yahoo news about how frequent or prolonged adversity
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for a mother could affect the development of the baby. >> reporter: when i met lisa thompson, like me, she was five months pregnant. so you're due? >> december 5th. >> reporter: which is the same exact day that i'm due, congratulations. >> thank you. >> reporter: lisa is 18 years old, and six months earlier, had been homeless. how have you been doing as far as the stress of pregnancy? >> i have had a lot of depression a lot. so me and the dad kind of he's happy about it, he says he is going to be there but i'mrr d that he is not going to be there. >> reporter: did you think you would be doing it on your own? >> no. i mean i know my mom did it on her own when she was pregnant with me but it's kind of scary because i don't want my baby to have a life like that. i'm sorry.
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my dad wasn't there when i was born and basically that's all i know. n reporter: researchers now believe poverty gin in the womb if a mother is exposed to" toress." >> when we are stressed, our heart rate goes up, our blood pressure goes up, stress hormones get released in our bloodstream. toxic stress is when those systems are activated most of the time. >> reporter: dr. jack shonkoff, a renowned expert on early childhood development, heads the center on the developing child at harvard university. >> toxic stress is not about the cause of thetress, it's the biological response to the stress and an environment thatra isht with stresses affects gene expression. it affects how some genes turn o on or tu. >> reporter: in utero? >> from the moment of conception until the moment you die. >> reporter: in west virginia, al moms in an effort to understand how the
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stresses of poverty might affeci them, children and even their unborn babies. f atd pantry held monthly at hope united methodist church, i meet kristen. she asked that we not use her last name, but sharelife story seemingly fraught with stress. >> this is my daughter skyler, e of three. i have a 10-year-old and a 13- year-old. i got pregnantt 16. my mother and father were boct addiand alcoholics and i had a rough childhood. h ok this isim. hello i'm at a church thing. >> reporter: so where are you now? >> trying to get away from an usive guy.ou if yon't believe me you can talk, am i at the church right now?
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>> reporter: can you just tell me about the stresses you were going through when you were >> i was on subute i was pregnant with her. >> what is that? >> to get off opiates. this is her dad calling. i'm really sorry, but i've got to go pick him up from work, but she had had withdrawals,nd i went through postpartum depression. i was alone. i didn't have any support. my mom lives in tennsee. i don't have a lot of family, and my mom was not the greatest strive to be what she wasn't. >> we have studied resilience in the face of poverty, there's one feature at comes out from which is one of the most outcomes in the face of good adversity is the presence of at least one reliable, responsive, protective relationship with an
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important person. it can be very oen is a parent, can be another family member, a grandparent, olderou sibling it c be a neighbor. >> reporter: shonkoff says this new ological understanding suggests breaking the poverty cycle begins with pregnant moms and the right kind of support. >> we're already increasing the likelihoodhat that next generation will do better as a >> reporr: the science may be new but the national organization nurse family partnership has been putting it to practice for nearly four decades. nurses like lori rogers in montgomery alabama pay home visits to first time mothe,me providing dical check-ups, and helping them set goals. >> one of the things n.f.p. does, is to make sure that hey we're asking what do you want to do with your life? what's important to you, you know? >> hey, od morning!
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>> we're going to sit over here? >> yes ma'am. typically our visiconsists of how they havbeen since i was last there, i try to weigh brii, i might get some measurements on her. we typicallyalk about latereta how her job is going.s okay, well thiis a dated job lst so since you said that you've kind of sooking, i thought i'd give you this and just see, there might be something there. >> reporter: the new scienceng says d the type of thinking involved in goal setting -- actually changes the brain, which is a key to ale function" success. >> when the rk is done well, helps to change brain wiring so that the individuals can basically become the navigators of tir own lives. >> reporter: beth babcock is head of a progm based in boston called empath, which uses the latest neuroscience to coach families towarbetter outcomes.
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>> we're seeing families that, when we work with th three years or more, are almost doubling their incomes. the real process of helping people move out of poverty is the process of standing beside and helping them see themselves and their future in a different way. >> reporter: in a sense it comes down to love--providing love mah countetoxic effects of poverty-related stress. a surprisingly low-tech way toan address what ad brain science has revealed. for the pbs newshour, i'm stephanie sy. >> woodruff: to watch the complete documentary, go to >> woodruff: author an
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illustrator mo willems has created beloved characters and sold millions of chis books. now he's ting the stage and making new kinds of work for both kids and grownups. correspondent paul solman has the story. it's part of our ongoing series on as and culture, "canvas." >> reporter: now playing at the kennedy center in washington, onc., a musical about a pi who really, really, really wants to drive a bus, based on a book by one of america's best-selling authors. >> my name is mo willems. ( cheers and applause ) >> reporter: this latter-day dr. seuss even spruced up the time- honored tv walking shot to cover our narration introducing him, letting his pion do the walking. mo willems has created over 50 books about characters from thte bous bird to anxious" elephant" and upbeat "piggie," to abandoned ka-nuffle bunny,et nanette's ba. willems is now the kennedy
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center's first educati-aist- in-residence, making music, art with the pigeon musical. >> there grown adults playingwid screaming and running around. hopelly that's goi to engender notust laughs onn stage, but we kids go home the grown ups will pick up a stuffed animal and pretendpehat it's a pand start to be silly again. i'm more interested in sparking some sort of creativity, some type of joy. that happens after the show,af r the performance. after you read the book. >> reporter: is that why the drawings are so simple? >> absolutely. fery one of my characters is designed so thate year old can reproduce it. i want my books to be played, not just read. the most important part of the book, the hearof the book, is the audience reacting to what
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i've splattered on the page. >> reporter: and by audience you don't just mean the kid. you mean the pent or grandparent who's reading it. >> absolutely. >> reporter: acting it out. the voices. >> i need u. you are my orchestra, right? and if i write a book called happy bunny had a happy time in land, you're going to read evy had a happy time. and you skip a couple pages. >> reporter: oh, god. >> and the end. >> reporter: i've been >> we've allthere. but if i write something that jazzes you and get you to get the shame-ectomy, to yelling and screaming and jumping up and down and maybe tickling or what not, now, ddenly these books are magic. reporter: willems' work is silly, for sure, but it also explores qstions central to kids. >> you're just dealing with fundamtal things. why are we here? or why are people niceen why ar people nice? what can i do? can i drive a bus? pigeon drive the b wast the willems' firstook in 2003.on >> so the pias rejected by and i tend to exaggerate so
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we'll just cut that number in s.half, 23 billion publish and th said the exact same thing as the publisher that took the book. they said it's unusual. they were all right. the question is, iunusual pejorative or is it positive? >> reporter: so why did they all say no? >> well, because it's terrifying doing something that hasn't been done before, right? i mean, it's a book all in w dialh sort of a chicken scratch thence is told ihas to yell no back at the , it's a pigeon. it's a rat with wings. like ahildren's book is supposed to be an adorable bear or a wonderful bunny. something that y want to hug. nobody wants to hug and squeeze a pigeon, but now they do. >> reporter: that first bookle earned w the first of three caldecotts, the highest prize in kid lit. k the pigeon just arrived one day in a sketchbd literally the first drawing i made of the pigeon, the pigeone said, why u drawing other things? he was a jerk from day one.
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>>imeporter: you didn't hear say that you. >> we communicate through doodles. so part of the exploration for this py was for me to ask who is this pigeon? which is also me asking, who am i? which is why i need to be with very close friends who can tell me the honest truth. >> reporter: willems cowrote t script with tom warburton, a friend since the two wereim ors 25 years ago and an admirer of willems' first film"" the man who yelled." >> mo was veryood at branding. he was already mo willems even before he was doing was doing his picture books. >> reporter: well he in that in that film. >> yeah. >> reporter: he must mention his name. i don't know how many times. >> not just in that film and everything he does, he mentions his name over and over and over again. yes, yeah. that was that was just the start. g >> oh dness! a sheep!
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>> reporter: over the years e two collaborated on the cartoon network's short-lived "sheep in the big city." >> when we would look at the ratings, you would get a five. that was the number of people watching it. it was an unpopular show >> reporter: but their show codename kids next door was a hit. willems went on to write for sesame street, for which he won six emmys. the musical poses a different problem. >> how do you take a 40 page book abo a pigeon not being able to drive a bus and turn it into an hour long musical. >> reporter: sck to a good story for kids, says deborah wicks la puma, who wrote the music. >> so you can't linger in a moment for the sake of lingerinr in a momenounding beautiful. you know, the kids want to know what the story is ind what's happ >> reporter: willems' as always kept the child's point of view front and center. >> childhood is inherently unpleasant.
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nothing is to your scale. right. the chairs, these chairs are 're giant. they're saying you don't belong here. you really shouldn't even beg sittre. right. and everything is big because right.n't know you're new. and the grownups, they take you out of situations like if you're doing something and you're having fun, some giant pair of hands grabs you and picks you up and puts you in another room and you get in trouble for complaining? >> reporter: from beethoven to bird. >> like to ask, do you know how the swim? i know nothing about. this i am painting on a scain i've nver d before, but there is no wrong way to express
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yourself. >> reporter: for the pbs newshour, this is paul solman, a new friend of willems, an old friend of his books, in washington, d.c. and my home outside boston. >> woodruff: and that's the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. member the pbs newshour/ politico democratic debate takes place thursday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern i'm heading out to los angeles tomorrow. for all of us at tth pbs newshourk you and see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> the ford foundation. woeing with visionaries on frontlines of social change worldwide.
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>> carnegie corporation of new york. supporting innovations in educatenn, democratic gement, and the advancement of international peace and security. at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions d >> thiram was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contribions to your pbs thank you. viewers like you. captioning sponsored by ll newshour productions, c ptioned by media access group at wgbh
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>>ati narrates: today. ah! you saw how tender it is? i didn't even have to make an effort! we're tackling one of the classics. and you're gon do this without me, that you're gonna to have ! do so wellnt chilorio, a recipe that is sure to become a keeper in your home. i'm taking you step-by-step though this truly iconic chilorio,mexican staple,is sure to and we're using it two ways.s a simple but perfectly satisfying light meal, a flour tortilla and covered in melted cheese, a sincronizada. and a crowd pleaser, eggs, corn tortillas, you see where i'm going here, migas. mmm, this is too good! pati narrates: in mexico, i'm taking you to the town known as the cradle ofch, and we need a little sweet to go with that savory chilorio.
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