tv Overheard With Evan Smith PBS January 4, 2020 1:00am-1:31am PST
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ded in partded in partindeartde, ded in partncy,ded inartncy, d in partncy,ded in partncy,tde, ded in partncy,ded in partncy, d in partncy,ded in partncy,tde, and by lauin partncy, ded in partncy,ded in partncy, and by lauin partncy, d in partncy,ded in partncy,tde, and byauin partncy,y, d by lauin partncy,in partncy, and by lauin partncy, d in partncy,ded in partncy,tde, and by lauin partncy, d by lauin partncy,in partncy, and by lauin partncy, d in partncy,ded in partncy,tde, and by lauin partncy, d by lauin partncy,in partncy, and by lauin partncy, d in partncy,ded in partncy,tde, d by lauinin partncy, d by lauin partncy,in partncy, and by lauin partncy, d in partncy,ded in partncy,tde, and by lauin partncy, he's a he's a he's a he's a he's a he's a ime, took it. ime, took it. ime, took it. ime, took it. ime, took it. ime, took it. ime, took it. ime, took it. f from y took it. ime, took it. f from y took it. ime, took it. f from y took it. ime, took it. f from y took it. ime, took it. f from y took overheard. ime, took it. y took overheard. f from y took overheard. ime, took it. f from y took overheard. ime, took it. f from y took overheard. f from y took overheard. ime, took it. f from y took overheard.
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ime, took it. f from y took overheard. y took overheard. y took overh. ime, took it. f from y took overheard. y took overheard. y took overh. ime, took it. f from y took overheard. y took overheard. yarón sáard.. ime, took it. f from y took overheard. yarón sáard.eard. y took overh. ime, took it. f from y took overheard. á yarón d.erheard. yarón sáard.. ime, took it. f from y took overheard. yarón sáard.eard. y took overh. ime, took it. f from y took overheard. yarón sáard.eard. yarón sáard.. ime, took it. f from y took overheard. yarón sáard.eard. y took overh. ime, took it. f from y took overheard.
1:02 am
yarón sáar yarón sáar yarón sáy ime, took it. óyyyyyyyyyyyyears, you knea, this,this,rd.eard. y took overh. ime, took it. f from y took overheard. this,this,r yarón sáar yarón sáy ime, took it. óyyyyyyyyyyyyears, you knea, this, this, this, this, this, this, on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on and cr and cr and cr and cr and cr and cr and cr and cr and cr and cr and cr struggle wi uek out these and r and cr struggle wi uek out these and r and cr struggle wi uek out these and e and cr struggle wi uek out tand cr str and cr struggle wi uek out these and r and cr struggle wi uek out these ood , and cr uggle wi uek out these ood worl, and cr uggle wi uek out these ood worl, and cr uggle wi uek out theseutood wor, and cr uggle wi uek out these ood worl, and cr uggle wi uek out these ood worl, and cr ugurant,ut these ood world,worl, and cr ugurant,ut these ood world,worl, and cr ugurant,ut these ood world,worl, and cr ugurant,viting,e ood world,worl, and cr d world,ugurant, ood world,worl, and cr viting,d world,e ood world,worl, and cr ugurant,viting,, ood world,worl, and cr d world,ugurant, ood world,worl, and cr viting,d iting,, ood world,worl, and cr rld,ugurant,ant, ood world,worl, and cr vitingd world,ugurant,orld,worl, and cr viting,d world,, ood world,worl, and cr ugurant,viting,gurant,orld,worl, and cr d ant,viting,d,, ood world,worl, and cr d ant,viting,g,gurant,orld,worl, and cr d ant,viting,d,, ood world,worl, and cr d ant,viting,g,gurant,orld,worl, and cr tid ant,,ing,d,, ood world,worl, and cr d ant,viting,g,gurant,orld,worl, and cr d an,d an,ng,d,, ood world,worl, and cr d an,d an,ng,g,gurant,orld,worl, and cr d an,d an,ng,d,, ood world,worl, and cr
1:03 am
d an,rant's not gan,rant's not . and cr ,rant's not gn you.,rant's not . and cr ,rant's not gn you.,rant's not . and cr and that's--'s not gn you.and t. and cr and that's--'s not gn you.and t. and cr and that's--'s not gn you.and t. and cr and that's--'su.and that's--'su. and cr and that's--'su.u.and that's--'. and cr and that's--'su.and that's--'su. and cr book andon of your c bby that.b. and cr book andon of your c bby that.b. and cr book andon of your c bby tha bb. and cr bof your c bby that.bof your c . and cr bof your c bby that.bof your c . and cr bof your c bby that.bof your c . and cr hat. hat. hat. hat. hat. hat. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
1:04 am
1:05 am
yomean, whetheyomean, wp , whetheolarship, whetheolarship was, , whetheolarship, whetheolarip yomean, whetheyomean, wp , whetheolarship, whetheolarship was, , olarship, olarshipetheolarip yomean, whetheyomean, wp , olarship, olarshipetheolarship was, , olarship, olarshipetheolarip yomean, whetheyomean, wp , ship, shipolarshipetheolarship was, , ship, shipolarshipetheolarip yomean, whetheyomean, wp , ship, shipolarshipetheolarship was,
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yen of mexicyen of mexic t think announpetothink announpc yen of mexicyen of mexicolarship was, yen of mexicth] and it's mexic t think announpetothink announpc th] and it's mexicth] and it's c was, th] and it's mexicth] and it's c t think announpetothink announpc th] and it's mexic's mexicit's c was, 's mexic's mexicicth] and it's c t think announpetothink announpc 's mexic's mexicic's mexicit's c was, 's mexic's's's's's's's's's's's's t think announpetothink announpc met chef paumet chef pauicit's c was, met chef paumet ch pau's's's's's t think announpetothink announpc t chef paumet chef pauauicit's c was, met chef pauew york citymet che. t think announpetothink announpc chef pauew york city straight.c. was, chef pauew york city straight.c. t think announpetothink announpc chef pauew york city straight.á. was, chgánchez] ork city straight.c. t think announpetothink announpc chánchez] ork city straight..á. was, chánchez] ork city straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc chánchez] ork city straight..á. was, chánchez] ork city straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc chánchez] oraight. straight..á. was, chánchez] oraight. straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc chánchez] oraight. straight..á. was, chánchez] oraight. straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc chánchez] oraight. straight..á. was, chánchea oraight.. straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc
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d right, i lovd right,v right, i lovaight.. straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc lright, d right, i lovd right,v right, i lovaight.. straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc right, i lov d right, i lovd right,v right, i lovaight.. straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc right, i lov d right, i lovd right,v t, i lovt, i lght.. straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc i lovt, i lov d right, i lovd right,v t, i lovt, i lovt.. straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,homeho d right, i lovd right,v homehomet, i lovt.. straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc homehomet,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,homeho d right, i lovd right,v homeand through t.. straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc through through t,t,t,t,homeho d right, i lovd right,v through through t.. straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc through through t,t,t,t,homeho d right, i lovd right,v ththugh through t.. straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc ththugh through t,t,t,t,homeho d right, i lovd right,v ththugh through t.. straight..c. t think announpetothink announpc th authoritythth authoritymeho d right, i lovd right,v authorityth authorityraight..c. t think announpetothink announpc
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th authorityth authoritytymeho d right, i lovd right,v th authority authorityraight..c. t think announpetothink announpc authority authorityritytymeho d right, i lovd right,v authority authoritytyraight..c. t think announpetothink announpc authorityshe goes,yritytymeho d right, i lovd right,v horityshe goes,oritytyraight..c. t think announpetothink announpc horityshe goes,oes,yritytymeho d right, i lovd right,v horityshe goes,oritytyraight..c. t think announpetothink announpc horityshe goes,oes,yritytymeho d right, i lovd right,v horitye goes,s,oritytyraight..c. t think announpetothink announpc horityshe goes,oes,yritytymeho d right, i lovd right,v hoshe goes,hoshe goes,raight..c. t think announpetothink announpc hoshe goes,hoshe goes,tytymeho d right, i lovd right,v hoshe goes,hoshe goes,raight..c. t think announpetothink announpc hogoes,hogoes,he goes,tytymeho d right, i lovd right,v hogoes,hogoes,he goes,raight..c. t think announpetothink announpc hogoes,hogoes,he goes,tytymeho d right, i lovd right,v hogogogogogogogon skillet.gon s. t think announpetothink announpc gon skillet.gon skillet.tymeho d right, i lovd right,v gon skillet.gon skillet.t.gon s. t think announpetothink announpc gon skillet.n skillet.t.tymeho d right, i lovd right,v n skillet.n skillet.let.t.gon s. t think announpetothink announpc n skillet.n skillet.t.t.tymeho d right, i lovd right,v n skillet.illet.let.let.t.gon s. t think announpetothink announpc illet.illet.illet.t.t.t.tymeho d right, i lovd right,v illet.illet.let.let.let.t.gon s. t think announpetothink announpc
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k city, k city, k city, k city, espek city, k city, k city, ities is,ty, k city, ities is,ty, k city, ities is,ty, k city, ities is,ty, k city, ities is,ty, k city, ities is,ty, k city, ities is,ty, ty,ity, ities is, ty, ities is,ty, ty,ity, ities is, ty, ities is,ty, ty,ity, ities is, ty, ities is,ty, tys is,tys is, ities is, tys is,tys is,tys is, ities is,ty, tys is,tys is, ities is, tys tys ys is,tys is, ities is,ty, tytys tys is, ities is, tys 's changed, s is, ities is,ty, 's changed, s 's changed, s ities is, 's changed, s 's changed, s ities is,ty,
1:11 am
ople want toople want toopl, mes going,mes going,nged, s ities is,ty, mes going,mes going, ople want toople want toopl, mes going,mes going,nged, s itiemes going, to be mes going,veg, ople want toople want toopl, to be mes going, ves going,mes going,nged, s itie to be mes going, ve be mes going,veg, ople want toople want toopl, to be mes going, ves going,mes going,nged, s itie to be mes going, ve be mes going,veg, ople want toople want toopl, to be mes going, ves going,mes going,nged, s itieto be ing,ve to be ing, ve be mes going,veg, ople want toople want toopl, to be ing,going, ves going,mes going,nged, s itie to be ing,e to be ing, ve be mes going,veg, ople want toople want toopl, to be ing,going, ves going,mes going,nged, s itie to be ing,e to be ing, s, s, s, s, s, s, s, s,
1:12 am
1:14 am
tyt guide?ide? ide?ide? you t t t t t t tuality, highu? ide?ide?e?ide? ide?id in new yorkid in new yor, new orleans in par.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? ide?ide?e?ide? new orleans in par.0 years, ide?id in new yorkid in new yor, new orleans in par.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? ide?ide?e?ide? new orleans in par.0 years, ide?id in new yorkid in new yor, new orleans in par.0 pars,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? ide?ide?e?ide? new orleans .0 years,years, ide?id in new yorkid in new yor, new orleans in par.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? ide?ide?e?ide? s in par.0 years,ars,years, ide?id in new yorkid in new yor, s in par.0 years,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? ide?ide?e?ide? s in par.0 years,ars,years, ide?id in new yorkid in new yor, s in par.0 years,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? ide?ide?e?ide? s in p.0 years,s,ars,years, ide?id in new yorkid in new yor, in par.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? ide?ide?e?ide? s ars,.0 years,s,ars,years, ide?id in new yorkid in new yor, s ars,.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? ide?ide?e?ide? s ars,.0 years,s,ars,years, ide?id in new yorkid in new yor, s ars,.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? ide?ide?e?ide? s ar help with thehear help wit. ar help with help with . s ars,.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? ar help with help with . s ar help with thehear help wit. ar help with thear help with th. s ars,.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? with thed.with thed. help with . s ar help with thehear help wit. with thed.with thed.elp with th. s ars,.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu?
1:16 am
anchez] k you nchez] ask you nc "taco tripask y? aco tripase?aco tripase?with th. s ars,.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? aco tripase?aco tripase? anchez] k you nchez] ask you nc "taco tripask y? aco tripase?aco tripase?with th. s ars,.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? ac you?e?se?aco tripase? anchez] k you nchez] ask you nc "taco tripask y? ac you?e?se?aco tripase?with th. s ars,.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? ac youe?ac you? tripase? anchez] k you nchez] ask you nc "taco tripask y? e?ac you?se?aco tripase?with th. s ars,.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? e?ac you?c you? tripase? anchez] k you nchez] ask you nc "taco tripask y? e?ac you?se?aco tripase?with th. s ars,.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? are you gettac you?are you gett? anchez] k you nchez] ask you nc "taco tripask y? yare you gett?are you gettac y? s ars,.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? are you gettac you?are you gett? anchez] k you nchez] ask you nc "taco tripask y? are you gett i mean, yo?ettac y? s ars,.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? are you gett i mean, yo?ou gett? anchez] k you nchez] ask you nc "taco tripask y? are you gett i mean, i ?ettac y? s ars,.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu? are you gettan, yo?are you gett? anchez] k you nchez] ask you nc "taco tripask y? are you gett i mean, yo?ettac y? s ars,.0 years,s,r.0 years,w or, you t t t t t t tuality, highu?
1:18 am
, , , , , , , , fo for you? for you? for you? for you? i think for you? i think for yo i think r you? i think for you? i think for you? i think for you? i think primarilyou? i think primarilyou? i think prim ilyou? i think primarilyou? i think primarilyou? i think primarilyou? i think primarilyoi think n cook,but clearly y,ause for me,, clearly y,ause for me, i think primarilyou? cook, clearly y,ause for me, i think primarilyoi think n cook,but clearly y,ause for me,, clearly y,ause for me, i think primarilyou? cook, clearly y,ause for me, i think primarilyoi think n cook,but clearly y,ause for me,, clearly y,ause for me, i think primarilyou? cook, clearly y,ause f me,e, i think primarilyoi think n cook,but clearly y,ause for me,, cl for me,ause for me, i think primarilyou? cook, cl for me,ause f me,e, i think primarilyoi think n cook,but clearly y,ause for me,, cl for me,ause for me, i think primarilyou? cook, cl for me,ause f me,e, i think primarilyoi think n cook,but clearly y,ause for me,, cl for me,ause for me, i think primarilyou? cook, cl for me,ause f me,e, i think primarilyoi think n cook,but clearly y,ause for me,, cl f, f,e,ause for me, i think primarilyou? cook, cl f,cl f,ause f me,e, i think primarilyoi think n cook,but clearly y,ause for me,, cl f,cl f,ause for me, i think primarilyou? cook,
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[smith] mith] cl f,cl f,ause for me, [smith] primarilyou? cook, [smith] mith] cl f,cl f,ause for me, [smith] primarilyou? cook, th [smith] mith] cl f,cl f,ause for me, [smith] primarilyou? cook, th [smith] mith] [smith] [smith] or me, [smith] primarilyou? cook, [smith] [smith [smith] mith] mith] [smith] ] or me, [smith] primarilyou? cook, [s[sth] [smith [smith] mith] [s[s] [smith] ] or me, [smith] primarilyou? cook, [s[sth] [smith [smith] mith] [s [s [s [s [s [s
1:21 am
they see thicension, they see thicension,they see th, [s they see thicension,they see th, they see thicension, [s see thicension, [s see thicension, [s see thice tion, [s scension, [s see thicension, [s see thicension, see thicension, see thicension, [s see thicension, see thicension, see tcension, [s see thicension, ee thicension, see thicension,n, [s see thicension, sstories at, ion, sstories at,, [s see thicension, sstories at, ion, sstories at,, [s see thicension, stories at, ion, sstories at, i, [s see thicension, sstories at, io sstories at, io [s see thicension, ies at, ioies at, ioories at, i, [s see thicension, ies at, ioies at, ioories at, io [s see thicension, ies at, ieoung cooksories at, i, [s see thicension, ieoung cooksieoung cookss at, io [s see thicension, ieoung cooksieoung cookss at, i, [s see thicension, ieoung cooksieoung cookss at, io [s see thicension, ingung cooksieoung cookss at, i, [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks ingung cooksieoung cookss at, io [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks ingung cooksieoung cookss at, i, [s see thicension, inryieoung cooks ingung cooksieoung cookss at, io [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks ingung cooksieoung cookss at, i, [s see thicension, veryieoung cookss, veryieoung cookss,veryieoung co, [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks veryieoung cookss,veryieoung co, [s see thicension, veryieoung cookss, ksveryieoung cveryieoung cookss, [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks ve pay off."oung cookss,oung co, [s see thicension, veryieoung cookss, ve pay off."oung cookss, cookss, [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks ve pay off."oung cookss,oung co, [s see thicension, veryieoung cookss, ve pay off."oung cookss, cookss, [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks ve pay off."oung cooksngoung co, [s see thicension, veryieoung cookss, ve pay off."ookss,ookss, cookss, [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks oung cookss,oung cookss,oung co, [s see thicension, veryieoung cookss, oung cookss,oung cookss, cookss, [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks oung cookss,oungookss,s,oung co, [s see thicension, veryieoung cookss, get recoss,oung cookss, cookss, [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks get recogn,oungookss,s,oung co, [s see thicension, veryieoung cookss, get recogn,oung cookss, cookss, [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks get recogn,oungookss,s,oung co, [s see thicension, veryieoung cookss, get recogn,oung cookss, cookss, [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks get recogn,oungookss,s,oung co, [s see thicension, veryieoung cookss, get recognreth] and th, cookss, [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks gegnmith] and thokss,s,oung co, [s see thicension, veryieoung cookss, get recognmith] and th, cookss, [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks get recognmith] and th,oung co, [s see thicension, veryieoung cookss, get recognmith] and th, cookss, [s see thicension, veryieoung cooks get recognmith] and th,oung co, [s see thicension, veryieoung cookss,
1:22 am
edfo back end, edfo back end, edfo back end, edfo back end, fo back end, edfo back end, edfo back end, sprinkled fo back end, edfo back end, sprinkled fo back end, edfo back end, sprinkled fo back end, edfo back end, sprinkled fo back end, edfo back end, sprinkled fo back end, edfo back end, sprinkled fo back end, edfo back end, sprinkled cipes.k end, edfo back end, cik end, sprinkled s.d, edfo back end, k end, sprinkled cipes. edfo back end, k end, sprinkled cipes. edfo back end, k end, sprinkled cipes. edfo back end, k end, sprinkled cipes. edfo back end, k end, sprinkled cipes. edfo back end, k n your frienrinkled ciles.k n. edfo back end, k n your frienrinkled cipes.k n. edfo back end, k n your frienrinkled cipes.k n. edfo back end, k n your frienri talked abous.k. edfo back end, k n your f talked abous.k n you. edfo back end, k n your frienri talked abous.k. edfo back end, k n your frienri talked abous.u. edfo back end, course. course. talked abous.k. edfo back end, course. course. talked abous.u. edfo back end,
1:24 am
when you juswhen you juswhe? secret ten in some kitchen?tc ? secret ten in some kitchen? se? when you juswhen you juswhe? secret ten in some kitchen? se? sg about flouin some kitchen? ? when you juswhen you juswhe? sg about flouin skitchen? sg a? sg about flouin some kitchen? ? when you juswhen you juswhe? hen? hen? hen? hen? hen? hen? . tter. tter. tter.
1:25 am
tter. tter. tter. o?tter. o?tter. o?tter. o?tter. o?tter. o?ttero? 'cause grando? 'cause grando? 'cause grando? 'cause grando? 'cause grando? 'cause grando? 'cause grand'cause grand 'cause grand'cause grand 'cause grand'cause grand not se grand not se grand not se grand not se grand not se grand not senot se not senot, read it, not se grand read it, not senot se not senot, readt,t, not se grand read it, not senot se not senot, read it, not se grand read it, not senot se not senot, read it,read it, not se grand read it,read it, not senot se not senot, read it,read it, not se grand worked his read it, worked his, not senot se not senot, worked his read it, worked his, not se grand worked his d read it, wors real not senot se not senot, d histilld histillt, worked his, not se grand d hid stillstillad it, wors real not senot se not senot, d histilld histillt, worked his, not se grand stánchez] illllad it, wors real not senot se not senot, ánchez] stilltillt, worked his, not se grand ánchez] stillllad it, wors real not senot se not senot, ánchea stillltillt, worked his, not se grand nchez] stillánchez] still real not senot se not senot, ánchez] [smith] we'dmirked his, not se grand ánchez] [sth] we'dl still real not senot se not senot, ánchez] [smith] we'dlirked his, not se grand ánchez] [smith] we'dlstill real not senot se not senot, ánchez] [smith] we'dlirked his, not se grand ánchez] [smith] we'dlstill real not senot se not senot,
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the pi te notes)oror foror personal oui ánchez] [smith] we'dlstill real te notes)not senot se not senot, the pi te notes)oror foror personal oui ánchez] [smith] we'dlstill real te notes)not senot se not senot, the pi te notes)oror foror personal oui ánchez] [smith] we'dlstill real te notes)not senot se not senot, the pi te notes)oror foror personal oui ánchez] [smith] we'dlstill real te notes)not senot se not senot, the pi te notes)oror foror personal oui ánchez] [smith] we'dlstill real te notes)not senot se not senot, the pi te notes)oror foror personal oui
1:30 am
robert: the president at a crossroads as congress seeks answers. president trump: we took action last night to stop a war. we did not take action to start a war. >> and i canssure you that americans in the region are much safer today. robert: iran's top general is killed by a u.s. air strike. sparking unrest in the middleea . and debate on capol hill. >> this action may well have brought our nation closer to another endlelyss war, exa the kind of endless war esident promised he wouot drag us into. robert: next. announcer: this is "washington week." funding is provided by -- >> before we talk about your
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