tv Overheard With Evan Smith PBS January 5, 2020 5:00pm-5:31pm PST
5:01 pm
disclosurek i k i k i k i k i k, booker,booker, booker,booker, disclosurek i k i k i k i k i k, booker,booker, bookout of the er,closurek i k i k i k i k i k, bookout of the er, bookout of the er,closurek i k i k i k i k i k, bookout of the er, bookout of the er,closurek i k i k i k i k i k, . theer,of the er, . theut of the er,closurek i k i k i k i k i k, . theer,of the er, . theut of the er,.losurek i k i k i k i k i k, theeer,of the er, . theut of the er,.losurek i k i k i k i k i k, . theabsolutely, , er, . theabsolutely, , er,.losurek i k i k i k i k i k, . theabsolutely, , er, . theabsolutely, , er,.losurek i k i k i k i k i k, . theabsoluteab, , er, . tlutely, ,ely, , er,.losurek i k i k i k i k i k, . theabsolutely, , er, theabsolutely, , theabsolutely, er,.losurek i k i k i k i k i k, theabsolutely, , theabsolutely, er, theabsolutely, , theabsolutely, er,.losurek i k i k i k i k i k, ly, ,ly, ,, ,y, , theabsolutely, er, ly, ,ly, ,tely, , theabsolutely, er,.losurek i k i k i k i k i k,
5:02 pm
ly, ,ly, ly, , ly, ly, ly, ly, , er, d be aand of themsarurant,d be , er,.losurek i k i k i k i k i k, d be ad d of themsarurant, aand, er, d be aand of themsarurant,d be , er,.losurek i k i k i k i k i k, d behemsarurant,d behemsarurant, er, d behemsarurant,d arurant,d be , er,.losurek i k i k i k i k i k, hemsarurand behemsarurant,d beh, er,
5:03 pm
whyces itselfn whyy,ople when y,ople when behemsarurant,d beh, whyces itself ople when whyces itsey,ople when whyces f y,ople when behemsarurant,d beh, whyces itself y,ople when whyces itselfople when whyces f y,ople when behemsarurant,d beh, whyces itself gs you said.n whyces itselfople when whyces f gs you said.nehemsarurant,d beh, whyces itself gs you said.n whyces itselfople when whyces f gs you said.nehemsarurant,d beh, whyces itself gs you said.n whyces itselfople when whyces f gs you sgsd.nehemsarurant,d beh, whyces itself ou said.nid.n lfhyces itselfople when whyces f gs you said.nehemsarurant,d beh, lfhyces itself gs you said.n lfhyces itselfople when whyces f gs you said.nehemsarurant,d beh, lfhyces itself gs you said.n lfhyces itselfople when whyces f gs you said.nehemsarurant,d beh, lfhyces itself gsou said.n.n aid.nlf itselfople when whyces f said.nehemsarurant,d beh, lfhyces itself aid.nsaid.n.n lfd.nlf itselfople when whyces f said.nehemsarurant,d beh, lfhyces itself aid.nsaid.n.n lfd.nlf itselfople when whyces f said.nehemsarurant,d beh, lfhyces itself aid.lfaid.lfn lfd.nlf itselfople when whyces f aid.lfaid.lfnehemsarurant,d beh, lfhyces itself aid.lfaid.lfn lfd.nlf itselfople when whyces f aid.d texan.aid.d texan.t,d beh, lfhyces itself aid.d texan.aid.d texan. lfd.nlf itselfople when whyces f aid.d texan.aid.d texan.t,d beh, lfhyces itself aid.d texan.d texan.xan. lfd.nlf itselfople when whyces f d texan.d texan.d texan.t,d beh, lfhyces itself d texan.d texan.xan.xan. lfd.nlf itselfople when whyces f
5:04 pm
- ng--thinng-- thinng--thinng-- - thinng--thinng-- thin but everyong-- - thin but everyome. thin but everyome.- - thin but everbume. thineveryome.thin but everyome.- thin but everyome. thin but everyome.but everyome.- thint'st everyome. nuanme. thint'st everyome.but everyome.- nuanme. thint'sth nuanme.. nuanme. t'snt'st everyome.but everyome.- nuanme. thint'sth nuanme.. nuanme. thint'st everyome.but everyome.- nuanme. antor identity antor identityme.but everyome.- nuanme. antor identity antor identity antor identityme.but everyome.- nuanme. antor identity antor identity antor identityme.but everyome.- nuanme. antor identity antor identity anbeing,entityme.but everyome.- nuanme. r identity anbeing, antor identity g,r identity anber identityome.- nuanme. anbeing,y anbeing, antor identity r identity anbeing,identityome.- nuanme. r identity anbeing, antor identity r identity anbeing,identityome.- nuanme. ty anbeing,anbeing, antor identity ty anbeing,antying,identityome.- nuanme. ing,tyeing,anbeing, antor identity anbeing,g,antying,identityome.- nuanme. ty anbeing,anbeing, antor identity ty anbeing,antying,identityome.- nuanme. tytynbeing,anbeing, antor identity tytytyeing,antying,identityome.- nuanme. tytynbeing,anbeing, antor identity n think,ty,antying,identityome.- nuanme. n think,ty,anbeing, antor identity
5:05 pm
n think,tyn think,tydentityome.- nuanme. n think,ty,anbeing, antor identity n think,tyn think,tydentityome.- nuanme. n think,a big advocan think, antor identity a big advocan think,a big advoc, nuanme. ina big advocan a big advocan t, antor identity a big advocan think,a big advoca nuanme. a big advocaa big advocavocan t, antor identity g latinovocan think,a big advoca kianme. g latinovocaa big advocavocan t, antor identity ki g latinovocan think,a big advoca kianme. g latinovocaa big advocavocan t, antor identity ki g tinonovocan think,a big advoca kig latino
5:06 pm
food shw food show food show food show food show food show food show food show food show food show food show food show food show ab. food show gniz but going able.w gniz but going owshow able.gniz but going ow able.gniz but going ow able.gniz but going ow able.gniz but going ow able.gniz but going ow inrsonal stugniz but ow personal stugniz but going ow personal stugniz but going ow personal stugniz but going ow personal stugniz but going ow personal stugniz but going ow personal stulatino cultuin cowpw personal stulatino cultuing owpw personal stulatino cultuing owpw personal stulatino cultuing str ultu the worlit bettertuing owpw ultu the worlit bettertuing str ultu the worlit bettertuing owpw ultu the worlit bettertuing str ultu the worlit better bultuther worlit betterworlit betterg str worlit betterit better bultuther food is at tit better worlit betterworlit betterg str food is at tit better worlit betterit better bultuther food is at tit b tter worlit betterworlit betterg str food is it bettertter worlit betterit better bultuther food is at tit better worlit betterworlit betterg str food is at tit better
5:07 pm
worlit betterit better bultuther food is at titat titat tit. line. betterworlit betterg str food is at tit better line. betterit better bultuther food is at titat titat tit. line. betterworlit betterg str food is at tit better line. betterit better bultuther food is at titat titat tit. line. betterworlit betterg str food is at tit better line. betterit better bultuther food is at titat titat tit. line. betterworlit betterg str food is at tit better line. betterit better bultuther food is at titat titat tit. line. betterworlit betterg str food is at tit better line. betterit better bultuther food is at titat titat tit. line. line.rworlit betterg str food is at tit better d moved you,d moved you,d moved. food is at titat titat tit. d moved you, dreams. dd moved y. food is at tit better d moved you, dreams.d moved you. food is at titat titat tit. d moved you, dreams. she was a . food is at tit better she was a you, du,ams.oved you. food is at titat titat tit. she was a dreams.. she was a . food is at tit better she was a you, dshe was a you,, food is at titat titat tit. d sh her life,ams.. she was a . food is at tit better d sh her life, dshe was a you,, food is at titat titat tit. d sh her life,ams.. she was a . food is at tit better d sh her life, dshe was a you,, food is at titat titat tit. d sh her lshe,ams.. she was a . food is at tit better der life, in lights. sh her li, food is at titat titat tit. in lights. sh her life, was a . food is at tit better in lights. sh her life, her li, food is at titat titat tit. in lights. sh her life, was a . food is at tit better in lights. sh her life, her li, food is at titat titat tit. in lights. sh her life, was a . food is at tit better mee, mee, mee, in lights.e, mee, mee, mee, mee, mee, e, mee, mee, mee, een in new yn . years strai mee, ee new yts. years strai mee, een in new yts. years strai mee, een in new yts. years strai mee, een in new yts. years strai mee, een in new yts. years strai mee,
5:08 pm
5:09 pm
5:11 pm
fotrike out onan i about thy an wherenyou no longewherenyos fsfs net,me.i net,t,me.i net, to wp in. fsfs fotrike out onan i about thy an wherenyou no longewherenyos fsfs net,me.i net,t,me.i net, to wp in. e as fotrike out onan i about thy an judgfsyou no longewherenyos e as net,me.i net,t,me.i net, to wp in. judgfs e as fotrike out onan i about thy an judgfssyou no longewherenyos a as net,me.i net,t,me.i net, to wp in. judgfs e as fotrike out onan i about thy an judgfsyou no longewherenyos e as net,me.i net,t,me.i net, to wp in. judgfs
5:12 pm
e as fotrike out onan i about thy an judgjudgjudgjudgjudgjudgr t judgr pointdgr pointme.i net, to wp in. judgfs judgr pointjudgr point fotrike out onan i about thy an judgjudgjudgjudgjudgjudgr t judgr pointjudgr point.i net, to wp in. judgfs r pointr pointgr point fotrike out onan i about thy an judgjudgjudgjudgjudgjudgr t r poinr pointr pointnt.i net, to wp in. judgfs r pointr pointgr point fotrike out onan i about thy an judgjudgjudgjudgjudgjudgr t r pointr point pointnt.i net, to wp in. judgfs por tr pointntgr point fotrike out onan i about thy an judgjudgjudgjudgjudgjudgr t r pointnting good stnt.i net, to wp in. judgfs nting good snting good s fotrike out onan i about thy an judgjudgjudgjudgjudgjudgr t nting good snting good s net, to wp in. judgfs nting good snting good s fotrike out onan i about thy an judgjudgjudgjudgjudgjudgr t nting goodnting good snting goos to wp in. judgfs nting good snting good s fotrike out onan i about thy an judgjudgjudgjudgjudgjudgr t nting good sod sgood snting goos to wp in. judgfs sod sgood snting good s fotrike out onan i about thy an judgjudgjudgjudgjudgjudgr t od sod sod sod sgood snting goos to wp in. judgfs
5:13 pm
whelty, elty, [sa the whelty, whelty, whelty, whelty, whelty, whelty, [sa whelty, whelty, [sa whelty, whelty, [sa whelty, whelty, [sa whelty, whelty, [sa whelty, whelty, [sa whelty, whelty, to yet infatuatethings. [sa whelty, to yet infatuatethings. to yet infatuatethings. [sa whelty, to yet infatuatethings. toet yet in. [sa whelty, to yet infatuatethings. like that's yet in. things. [sa whelty, like that's whatthings. things. like that's yet in. things. [sa whelty, like that's whatthings. things. gs like that's what like that's yet in. things. [sa whelty, like that's whatthings. things. lik ight? ight?elty, like that's whatthings. things. ight? lik ight? ight?elty, like that's whatthings. things. ight? lik ight? ight?elty, like that's whatthings. things. ight? lik ight? ight?elty, like that's whatthings. things. ight? lik ight? ight?elty, like that's whatthings. things. ight? lik ight? ight?elty, like that's whatthings. things.
5:14 pm
i remember mi remember meri reme lik ight? i remember mi remember m like that's whatthings. things. i remember mi remember mi rememg e was a hugem texas,ging e was a hugem texas,s,e was a h, like that's whatthings. things. e was a hugem texas,e was a hug, e was a hugem texas,ging e was a hugem texas,y stayed. h, like that's whatthings. things. hugem texas,y stayed. was a hug, e was a hugem texas,ging hugem texas,m y stayed.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. things. y stayed.hugem texas, was a hug, e was a hugem texas,ging y stayed.hugem texas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. things. y stayed.hugem texas, was a hug, e was a hugem texas,ging y stayed.hugem texas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. things. y stayed.hugem texas, was a hug, e was a hugem texas,ging y stayed.hugegetexas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. things. y stayed.y, was a hug, e was a hugem texas,ging hugey stayed.getexas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. things. hugey, was a hug, e was a hugem texas,ging hugey stayed.getexas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. why don'. hugey, was a hug, e w why don'. texas,ging hugey stayed.getexas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. why don'. huge., was a hug, e w why dohugetexas,ging hugey stayed.getexas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. why don'. huge., was a hug, e w why don'.etexas,ging hugey stayed.getexas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. why don'. [sánchez], was a hug, e w why don'.etexas,ging hugey stayed.getexas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. why don'. [sánchez], was a hug, e w why don'.etexas,ging hugey stayed.getexas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. why don'. [sánchez], was a hug, e w why don'.etexas,ging hugey stayed.getexas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. why don'.y [sánchez] [sánchez], was a hug, e w n'. don'.etexas,ging [sánchez]yed.getexas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. why don'.y [sánchez] [sánchez], was a hug, e w why don'.etexas,ging [sánchez]yed.getexas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. why don'.y [sánchez] [sánchez], was a hug, e w why don'.etexas,ging [sánchez]don'.etexas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. why don'.y [sánchez] [sánchez]don', was a hug, e w why don'.etexas,ging [sánchez]don'.etexas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. why don'.y [sánchez] [sánchez]don', was a hug, e w why don'.etexas,ging [sánchez]don'.etexas,d.hugexas,, like that's whatthings. why don'.y [sánchez] [sánchez]don', was a hug, e w why don'.etexas,ging
5:15 pm
. tely. tely. tely. tely. tely. tely. tely. tely. tely. tely. tely. tely. d? tely. d? tely. d? d? tely. d? d? tely. e so far rem e so far rd? tely. e so far remd? e so far remd? tely. e so far remd? e so far remd? tely. e so far remusiness. e so far remarusiness. tely. e soemusiness.iness. e so far remusiness.s. tely. e so far remusiness. e so far remusiness.s. tely. e so far remusiness. remusiness. remusiness. e so far remusiness.s. remusiness. remusiness. e so far remusiness. remusins. rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. rem remess. remusiness. e so far remusiness. rem rems. rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. rem remess. remusiness. e so far remusiness. emnightms. rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. be rem nightremess. remusiness. e so far remusiness. be rem nighthtms. rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. be rem nightremess. remusiness. e so far remusiness. be rem nighthtms. rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. be rem nightremess. remusiness. e so far remusiness. beemem nightnight rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. be rem
5:16 pm
nightremess. remusiness. e so far remusiness. beemem nightnight rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. ant business nightremess. remusiness. e so far remusiness. ant business nightnight rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. ant business nightremess. remusiness. e so far remusiness. ght business nightnight rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. ant business nightremess. remusiness. e so far remusiness. ant business nightnight rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. ant businessily. nightremess. remusiness. e so far remusiness. ant businessily. nightnight rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. ant businessily. nightremess. remusiness. e so far remusiness. ant businessily. y.ghtnight rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. ant businessily. nightremess. remusiness. e so far remusiness. ant businessily. y.ghtnight rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. nchez] yes.nessily. nightremess. remusiness. e so far remusiness. nchez] yes.nessily. y.ghtnight rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. nchez] yes.nessily. nightremess. remusiness. e so far remusiness. nchez] yes.neily.y. y.ghtnight rusiness.ess. e so far remusiness.s. nchez] yes.nessily. solike. like. solike. solike. solike. solike. yes.. solike. yes..solike. solike. yes.. solike. yes..solike. solike. yes.. solike. yes..solike. solike. yes.. souff.. yes..solike. souff.. yes..s. souff.. yes..solike. souff.. yes..s. souff.. yes..solike. souff.. yes..s. souff.. e acting,ke. souff.. e acting, souff.. e acng,g,ke. souff.. e acting, souff.. e acting,ke. souff.. e acting, souff.. e acting,e acting, souff.. e acting,e acting, souff.. e acting,e acting, souff.. , , , , , , , , , , remember i w,remember i w, , remember i w,rember i w, , remember i w,remember i w, , remember i w,remember i w, , remember i w,remember i w, , remember i w,remember i w, , remember i w, i w,ber i w, , i w, i w, w,remember i w, , i w, i w, w, i w,ber i w, ,
5:17 pm
áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd nd w, i w, w, i w,ber i w, ansms. nd áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd nd w, i w, w, i w,ber i w, ansms. nd áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd nd w, i w, w, i w,ber i w, ndansms. ansms.nd when useansms.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd nd w, i w, w, i w,ber i w, when useansms. ndansms. when useansms.when useansms. when useansms.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd when useansms.when useansms. when useansms. ndansms. when useansms.when useansms. when useansms.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd whens.whens.s.when useansms. when useansms. ndansms. whens.whens.s.when useansms. when useansms.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd s.whenwhens.whens. useansms. when useansms. ndansms. whens.whens.s.when useansms. when useansms.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd whens.whens.whens. useansms. when useansms. ndansms. whens.whens.s.when useansms. when useansms.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd s.s.s.whens.whens. useansms. when useansms. ndansms. s.s.s.whens.s.when useansms. when useansms.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd s.s.s.whens.whens. useansms. when useansms. ndansms.
5:18 pm
pick that, pick that,ansms. when useansms.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd pick that, pick that,ansms. when useansms. ndansms. pick that, pick that,thsms. when useansms.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd pic, pick that, pick that, pic. when useansms. ndansms. r yo.r yo., pick that,thsms. when useansms.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd r .r that, pick that, pic. when useansms. ndansms. r yo.r yo., pick that,thsms. when useansms.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd r yo.r yo. that, pick that, pic. when useansms. ndansms. r .r yo.o., pick that,thsms. when useansms.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd
5:19 pm
[smitht, always. and the way, yoways hear meane r .r yo.o., pick that,thsms. [smitht, always.s.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd [smitht, alwayt, and the way, yoways hear meane r .r yo.o., pick that,thsms. [smithlways.ays.s.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd [smitht, always. and the way, yoways hear meane r .r yo.o., pick that,thsms. [smitht, always.s.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd [smitht, always. and the way, yoways hear meane mitht, always.mitht, always. [smitht, always.s.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd mitht, always.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and the way, yoways hear meane mitht, always.mitht, always. [smitht, always.s.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd mithmiths.ays.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and the way, yoways hear meane miths.miths.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always.s.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd miths.miths.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and the way, yoways hear meane mithmiths.s.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always.s.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd miths.miths.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and the way, yoways hear meane
5:20 pm
miths.miths.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always.s.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd miths.s.ths.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and the way, yoways hear meane s.s.s.miths.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always.s.áw i'm tranád ansms.pers andansmeppers andeppd s.s.s.s.ths.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and the way, yoways hear meane
5:21 pm
it earlier,it earlier,it earlie" s ."s ."ths.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and the way, yoways hear meane s ."s ." it earlier,it earlier,it earlie" s s ."s ."s.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and the way, yoways hear meane s ."s ." it earlier,it earlier,it earlie" s ."s ."."s.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and the way, yoways hear meane s ." 'cause sad'cause sad 'causd it earlier,it earlier,it earlie" sad sad."s.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and the way, yoways hear meane sad saduse sad'cause sad 'causd it earlier,it earlier,it earlie" ad sadad."s.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and the way, yoways hear meane
5:22 pm
s on the bacs on the bacs the s it earlier,it earlier,it earlie" sprid recipes.acpess on ths bacpesd."s.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and sprid recipes.ys hear meane bacpese bacs on the bacs the s it earlier,it earlier,it earlie" i said tow ci i said tow . d tog.d tog.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and sprid recipes.ys hear meane d tog.d tog.s on the bacs the s it earlier,it earlier,it earlie" i said tow ci i said tow . d tog.d tog.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and sprid recipes.ys hear meane d tod tog.d tog. the bacs the s it earlier,it earlier,it earlie" i said tow ci i said tow . d tog.d tog.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and sprid recipes.ys hear meane d tog.ipe.d tog. the bacs the s it earlier,it earlier,it earlie" i said tow ci i said tow . ipipe.d tog.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and sprid recipes.ys hear meane ipe.ipe.e.d tog. the bacs the s it earlier,it earlier,it earlie" i said tow ci i said tow . ipe.ipe.tog.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and sprid recipes.ys hear meane ipipe.e.e.d tog. the bacs the s it earlier,it earlier,it earlie" i said tow ci i said tow . ipe.ipe.tog.s.mitht, always. [smitht, always. and sprid recipes.ys hear meane
5:24 pm
cook it anouldt anouldtn back insll s insll s insll, steak, steak,mitht, always. [smitht, always. and sprid recipes.ys hear meane steak, steak, cook it anouldt anouldtn back insll s insll s insll, steak, steak,mitht, always. [smitht, always. and sprid recipes.ys hear meane oil will allow steak,oil will a, cook it anouldt anouldtn back insll s insll s insll, oil will allow steak,oil will a, [smitht, always. and sprid recipes.ys hear meane oil llow steak,oil will allow s, cook it anouldt anouldtn back insll s insll s insll, oil will allowoil will allowl a, [smitht, always. and sprid recipes.ys hear meane oil will allowoil will alloww s, cook it anouldt anouldtn back insll s insll s insll, oil willoillowwill allowllowl a, [smitht, always. and sprid recipes.ys hear meane oil will allowat don't havllows, cook it anouldt anouldtn back insll s insll s insll, at don't havllowat don't havllow [smitht, always. and sprid recipes.ys hear meane at don't havllowat d't havllows, cook it anouldt anouldtn back insll s insll s insll,
5:26 pm
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captioning sponsored by wnet >> sreenivasan: on this edition for sunday, january 5:la esng tensions in the middle east. and in our special peril and promise series we continue our reporting along the missisppi river exploring the challenges of climate change. next on "pbs newshour weekend." >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: ar bernard and irene sc. sue and edgar wachenheim thyl and philip milstein family. rosalind p. walter. barbara hope zuckerberg. charles roselum. we try to live in the moment, to not miss what's right in front of us. at mutual of america, we believe taking care of tomorrow
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