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tv   KQED Newsroom  PBS  January 11, 2020 1:00am-1:31am PST

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1:04 am
frograabout empt frograabout empt frograabout empt frograabout empt frout empt frout em frout empt frout empt frout empt frout empt frout frout frout frout frout out frout out out out out out out broader broader broader broader broader broader br der where broader where broad
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poor poor poor poor poor poor poorissue we poorissue we poorissue we poorposue we issue we poorissue we poorissue we poorissue we poori apprpoor apprpoor apprpoor apprpoor apprpoor apprpoor appr>> what appr>> what appr>> what appr>> what appr>> what appr>> what appr>> what appr>> what appr>> not sayi not sayi not sayi not sayi not sayi not sayi not sayi not sayi not sayi not sayisa no not sayi this is going tothem rithis is n
1:08 am
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lkin lkin lkin lkin lkinasure. lkinasure. lkinasure. lkinasure. lkinasure. lkit caused lkit caused ed eo ctio ctio ctio ctio ctio ctio ctio ctio ctio ctio ctio ctio
1:11 am
lcome. lcome. lcome.lcome. lcom as as as as as as as as as as as as as ne in ne in ne in ne in ne in ne in ne in ne in ne in ne in ne in ne in phone. phone. phone. p th th th th th th th th th th th th fearfeararfearfearfearfearfearf re re re re re for re for res
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1:15 am kid to kid to kid to kid to kid to kid to isan kid to isan kid to isan kid to isan kid to isan kid to isan k is is is is is is isisisisisisisisisneed to neede i ing te i ing te i ing te i ing te i ing te i ing te i ing te i ing te i ing te i ing i ing i ing i g i ing i i remii remii remii mii remii remii remi remi remi remi
1:16 am
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1:17 am
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1:18 am
aggressi aggressi aggressi aggressi agessiaggressi aggressi aggressi aggressi aggressi aggressiaggressi aggressiessiessiessiessiessiessi essi essi proud cult oud cult oud cult oud cult oud cult oud cult oud cult d in cultlt oud in cult oud in cult oud in cult oud in cult oud in cult
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1:20 am
cos ener-high cos ener-high cos en-higsecure careeener-higsh inin in in in in in in ical rest th ical rest th ical rest th ical rest th ical rest th ical rest th ical rest th
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ical rest th ical rest th ical rest th ical rest th ical rest thth ical rest th th th th th th thed a thed a thed a thed a thed a thed a thed a thed a thed a thed a the >> iwhat was mi >> iwhat was mi >> iwhat was mi >> iwhat was mi >> iwhat w >> iwhat was mi >> iwhat >> iwhat >> iwhat >> iwhat >> iwhat >> iwhat iwhat >> iwhat >> iwhat >> i
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pr pr pr pr pr prat. prat. prat. prat. season.
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prat. season. as prat. . prat. season. prat. season. prat. season. lf of . handle . lf of . seaso lf of . handle lf of . hale lf of handle lf of . handle lf of . handle lf of . handle ey are supp. handle ey are supp. handle ey are supp. handle ey are supp. handle ey are supp. handle ey are supp. handle ey are supp ey are supp ey are supp ey are supp ey are supp ey are supp ey are supp e supp e supp e supp e supp e supp e supp e suppsu e e supp e supp e supp e supp e supp su supp supp supp supp supp e 49 e 49 e 49 e 49 e 49 e 49 e 49most woe 49most ste 49woe 4 they pla woawks they pla woawks they pla woawks they pla woks they pla awks they pla woawks they pla they pla they pla they pla they pla la they they pla pla pla pla plo
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i dotest i dotest i dotest i test i dotest i dotest i do. test i do. test i do. test i do. test do. test i do. test i do. testfor i do. testfor i d
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robert: back from t brink o war but the debate rages in congress. >> it was very clear. qassemsome mannyas plotting a large attack against americanin rests. >> he was looking very serious at our embassy and not just the embassy in baghdad >> the trump administration insists the killing of the general was a response to eminent threats. but on capitol hill, members of bo parties are furus about the lack of information and how >> it is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch to come in and tell us that we can't debate. it's un-american. it'sut unconstional. and it's wrong. >> bottom line is, we did not hear that there was any eminent tack being planned


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