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tv   KQED Newsroom  PBS  January 26, 2020 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

5:00 pm
ey are maey are maey are maey aa be n began
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began began began began began began began began began began began gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan gan rday morningan rday morningn rnin rnin rnin rnin rnin rnin have have have have have have thve have th have th have th have th have th thve wi th wi th wi th wi th wi th wi th wi with th wi th wi th wi th wi th wifatigue. tiguwifatigue. tigu
5:02 pm
tigu tigu tigu tigu tigu tigu tigu tigu ti tigu tigu tigu tigu tigu tigu tigu tigu tigu tigu reactingtigu reactingtigu reactingtigu retingtigu reactingtigu reactingtigu reacting reacting reacting reacting reacting reacting ting ting ting ting ting tingand tingand tingand tingand tingand tingand tice. d tingand tingand titititi tice. tice. tice. tice. cece. tice. tice. tice. tice. tice. a a a a a
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push bac push bac push bac push bac sh bac push bac push bac push bac push bac push bac push bac push bac push bac bac bac bac bac bac ba
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pelaw pelaw pelaw pelaw pelaw pelaw pe pe pe pe pe would you mething niceu g methc
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niceu niceu niceu niceu niceu ceu nice nice nice nice nice thwaon. ns. one phone phone pho
5:08 pm
thwaon. thwaon. thwaon. thwaon. thwaon. thon. thon. thon. ththon. on. thon. thch nch nch nch nch nch nch n
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i amch n i amch n amch n i amch n i amch n i amch n i am i am i i am impeachmenimpeachmenacimenimpea . lculus. . lculus. . lculus. lculus. lculus. . lculus. it is anlculus. it is anlculus. it is anlculus. it is anlculus. it is anlculus. it is anlculus. it is an it i. an it is an it is an it is an it is an it is an held hostagean ostageanheld hostagean held hostagean held hostagean held hostagean held hostagean held hostageanananananananuban s
5:10 pm
totnesses and cans totnesses and cans totnesses and cans totnesses and cans totnesses and cans totnesses and cans totoand cans and cans toand cans toand cans toand cans toand cans totolculus oflculus oflculus of
5:11 pm
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google wu. google wu. google wu. google wu. google wu. google wu. google wu. google wu. google wu. google wu. google wu. google wu. google wle wle wle wle wle wle toington toington toington toington toington toington ington ington ington
5:13 pm
ington ington ington the point the point the point the point the point the point the point the point the point the point the point the point the point regimeint gimeint regimeint regimeint regimeint regimeint frn from n from n from n from n
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5:15 pm
endeavi endeavi endeavi endeavi endeavi endeavi endeavi endeavi endeavi endeavi endeavi endeavi endeavi thdeavi thdeavi thdeah jehoth jehoth jehoth jeho jehoth jehoth jehoisth jehoisth jehoisth jehoisth jehoisth jehoisth jeisjeisisjeis jeis jeis jeis jeis jeis jeis is isis is is is they shoufrom from from from fr
5:16 pm
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5:17 pm
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what i what i what i what i what i what i what i are inve what i are inve what i are inve what i are inve what i are ve what iare inve what i are inveat i are inveat i are inveat i are inveat i are inveat i are inveat iinveat iinveat iinve somethinat iinve somethinat iinve somethinat iinve somethinat iinve somethinat iinve somethinat iinve somethinthere inve somethinthere inve somethinthere thinve somethine inve somethinthere inve somethinthere inve there inthere incompanincompani
5:19 pm
abp ing abp ing abp ing abp ing abp ing ing g g ing ing ing ab wiab wiab wiab wiab wiab wiab wiablding on wiablding on onablding on wiablding wiablding on wiablding on onone.onwhat we see one.onwhat assassinatioassassinatioassassi
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the the the the the e the go the go the go the the go the go the go fe the go fe the go fe the e fe go fe the go fe the go fe fe fe fe this will fe this will fe this will fe this will fe this will fe this will fe this will fe this will fe this will fe this will fe this will fe this will fe this will fe under prl fe under prl fe under prl fe under prl fe under prl under prl fe under r r r r r r s s s
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not t t not not not not entertaini not entertaini t entertaini not entertaini not entertaini not entertaini not entertaininot entertaininoti time. not aini time. not aini time. not ai
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time. not aini time. not aini time. not aini time. aini time. aini time. aini time. aini time. aini time. aini time. ctures ctme. es me. me. m they do the they do the they do the they do the they do the they do the they do they do they do they do they do they do they do do do do do do do
5:23 pm
in noparis? in noparis? in noparis? in noparis? in noparis? in noparis? in was in was in was in was in was in was in was in was in was in was in was in was in was st st of st of st ofe
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thause thause thause thause thause thause thbe ause thbe ause thbe ause thbe ause th ause be ause thththhbe thbe >> w >> w >> w >> w >> w >> w >> w
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>> w >> w >> w >> w >> w >> w>> w>> w>> w>> w>> w>> w>> oman. oman. oman. oman. an. oman. oman. oman. oman. oman. an. oman. there is there is theris there is there is there is there isprotagonis there isprotagonis there isprotagonis there isprotagonisthere isprotas there isprotagonis co//wwco//wwco//wwco//wwco//wwcw
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5:30 pm
captioning sponsored by wnet sreenivasan: on this edition for sunday, january 26: basketball great kobe bryant dies in a tragic accident. and in our signature segment:ns. award-winning vocalist shemekia copeland. next on "pbs newshour weeken" >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: bernard and irene schwartz. sue and edgar wachenheim iii. the cheryl and philip milstein family. rosalind p. walter. barbara hope zuckerberg. charles rosenblum. we try to live in the moment, to not miss what's right in front of us. at mutual of america, we


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