tv PBS News Hour PBS February 7, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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judy: good evening. i'm judy woodruff on the newshour. outrage after the doctor who found the coronavirus dies,n concerns china. d they then u on us. >> speaking out. tting down with the former leading u.s. di plow make it envoy to ukraine. and witness in the impeachment inquiry, william taylor. and it's friday. marshield an david brooks are here to talk about the next priry contest just a few days away. plus, noime like the present to design the future. artists take on the challenge o
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creating products for tomorrow. >> the idea to makes thio of e are as human beings and what that means in terms of both desi and the future. judy: all that and more on toght's "pbs newshour." announcer: major funding for the s newshour has been provided by -- >> moving our economy for 160ar yes. bnsf, the eine that connects
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us. >> when it ces to wireless consumer cellular gives its customers th choice, our no-contract plans give you as much or as little a talk, text data as you want. and our team is on hand if you want. to learn more go to consumersell you >> american cruise lines, collect. >> fidelity investments. ♪ >> the john and james a knight foundation fostering engaged communities, more on >> and with the ongoing support ofon these institu. and friends of the newshr.
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this program was made possible by the cporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs ation from viewers like you. thank you. stephanie: good evening. we'll return to judy woodruff after these headlines. to ris the government of chinaue is facing a dele of criticism. a doctor w wasished about the iecoronavirus hasthis week has led to outrage of the coronavirus crisis. ina reported a toe a of 722 deaths and neay 3400 new cases, more than 34,000 cases are confirmed in total. meanwhile, more americans were evacuated from china to military base outside san antonio and omaha today. another flight arrivedt ae bas
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near san diego. >> it's understandable that . americans are concerned. to again, the immediate risk the american public is low, and we are vigilant in our effortst to confre challenges that this new virus presents. >> we' return to the situation in china after the news summary. new numbers on the u.s. economy show job growth jumped in january. the labor dartment reports employers added a net of 225,000 positions next month. unemployment ticked up but more people entered the labor market. we'll take a closer look at that report laettner the program. just two days after being is acquitted in senate impeachment trial, president trump removed t key witnesses from their position. ambassador to european union sondlan. he said, i was advised that the president intends to recall me effectively immediately.
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lieutenant colonel alexanders vindman ousted from his white house job. his lawyer says his client was fired fr the national security council staff along with his twin brother. both were escorted from the building. but defense secondtory mark esper says the pair will be welcomed back to the pentagon. >> we protect all of our service ers from retribution or anything, anything like that, so we've already addressed that stephanie: both vindman and sondland delivered testimo damaging to the president in the impeachment hearings. democratic candidates are debating ahead ofue nextay's primary. e debate follows final results out of t iowa caucus which show sanders andgi but finish in a tie. they asked for mistakes in the results. they hav until monday ask for a recanvass.
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joe walshnded his campaign for president and we'll have a report laettner the program. a federal appeals court today killed a lawsuit alleging the president violated the constution's emolumes clause. 200 democratic lawmakers had charged that his businesses have illegal accepted benefits from foreign governments. the lawmakers lacked legal standing to sue. the president hailed the ruling as he left for a speech in north carolina. >> i'll be reading it o the helicopter. but it was a -- a total win. this was brought by 230 i democrat congress on emoluments. it was another phonyase. and we won it 3-0. we won it unanimously. >> other lawsuits over the emoluments issue are still pending in the federal courts. new yorktate plans sue the trump administration in an escalating fight over immigration. the suit targets a decision from
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barring new york es for global entry. the decision was in response to new york law that allows undocumented immigrants to obtain driver's license. a deadlm storm sys has moved into the north eastern u.s. with eck treatment ice and snow. it already killed at least five people across the south and knocked o power to more than 40000 customers. strong winds uprooted trees an tore through mobile homes from florida to mississippi. in south carolinnp drs left people stranded by flooding in the pacific northwest, heavy rain and melting snow are causing severe flooding and landslides. roads are closed in parts of western washington state. workers have been struggle to clear culverts and drain and the rushing water. still to come with judy woodruff, outrage a alarm in china after the doctor who blew the whistle on coronavirus dies. at toe'sob report says about the health of the economy under president trump.
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a conversation with the former top u.s. diplomat to ukraine, william taylor now that the impeachment trial has come to an end and much more. >> this is pbs newshour from weta studios in washington and in the west from the walter cronkite school of journalism from arizona state university. the outbreak of a new coronavirus has paralyzed parts of china mounting health and transportation concerns. but the past 24rs h have altered the political atmosphere there as well. the deathf a doctor who tried to sound the alarm about the virus has triggered a wave o anger among the chinese public complete with memorials and online messages. >> wuhan, china is lik a ghost town this city of 10 million nof
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the 'em center this coronavirus outbreak is on indefinite quarantine. as the death to rises every day, chinese officials are facing a differentrisis. public outrage is surging because of the death of dr. li wenio. he's physician whoou helped ait's alarm. he died gred the virus. but back wn the 34-year-old first spoke out, police detained him and ordered him to sign a statement saying he had made false claims. li was one of eight medical professionals who warned about the virus at theomeryt the chinese government wanted to three weeks l the chinese government had announced it had become an emergency. this young doctor's death hastr gered a rare public revolt against the chinese government. to many, li is now a martyr.
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>> he left us when we needed him to fightel the virus and the pneumonia. at the same time he was unfairly treated because of his report on the virus. so we feel very sad. the govhonmentd hear different opinions and allow different opinions to exist. >> those frustrations were echoed in semiautonomous hong kong. >> inforstion about t virus was being suppressed. and when it was suppressed, the chinese people do not know what is happening. and therefore,w, you k actually it's the regime that is allowing this virus to spread. >> the backlash against chinese president xi ping is intensifying with demands for greater transparey. nhis professor studies contemporary law politics. >> this is the threat toe the political regime. it's exposed the regime as
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inefficient as disorganized as mismanaging incentives of medil workers and unable to handle this kind of medical crisis. >> meanwhile, chinese state media consistently puts out the outbreak is under control. today, a spokesperson for china's national health commission sought to paint a similar rosey picture. >> the number of reported newly confirmed cases h been significantly reduced for two significant days which tells us that the prevention and controlling measure have achieved more positive results. but the outrage over li'seath forced china's leaders to say today that it's sending a team to "fully investigate relevant issues raised by the public." the national government has put most of the blame on local leaders trmpletgovernment has been making a very public attempt to highlight the problems with the local governments initial management sending invesgation groups down to the provincial level,
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local level to try to weed out, sort through the episodes of local governmental mismanament and abuse and basically promi that there will be >> but local authorities have tried to shift blame back to the government. >> given the current extremely high levelf o local behavior given the added levels of morn --nd monitoring control since 2012, they can't do anything of this magnitude. they can't make these calls without approval from the center. which means for them oo actn the ground, they have to relay their decision up several levels william brenghan. hour" i'm judy: today, us jobs report wows
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stronger than predicted and many of it is in line during the claims that psident trump de during the state of the union, crediting his policies for ecbuomic growth. some of the president's claims may overstate the current strength of the economy. >> many of his claims of strong and people returning to thela r market are reflected in today's report. but the biggere picture was m measured with retail and manufacturing losing jobs and the assessmt of the overall economic situation is more nuance than the president's reck rickett. jim tanker sli here to help us sort through it all. welcome back to "the newour" jim. there was some fear that the trade wars fierce of a loom recession could slow things wn.
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225,000 jobs added in january. seems like aood number. >> it's definite will a good number. it beats expectations. this is definitely a strong number, number enough jobs to keep the pace of job creation going well above what we need to keep the economy that level, which is great. it's particularly good givenhe fierce you mentioned. i don't you see a recession on the near horizon. >> was this a slowdown though? >> this was a little bit of an acceletion above what the trend has been last year. there was there were some revisions for the last year plus of jobs. it looks like the overall pace at that time was a little less rapid than we thoughtt was. but this beats that pace by more than a little bit. >> ok. good to understand that. i want to take a look back while we have you here. this jobs report began with a lot of the claims the president was making about the economy, handling the strength of the economy in the state of the union address. you want to break o down some the points you made and give
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your take on them. let's take a listen to what the president had to say in the stateth o union about jobs and the state of th downon. >> we have created five million more jobs, five million more than the experts predicted. the unemployment rate is the lowest in over half a century. >> so seven million new jobs, five million more than was project and the unemp tyment ra lowest in half a century. all of those true? >> yeah, let'start from the last one and move backwards. tunnel employment rate is lower an it's been in half a century. absolutely true. also impornt t note though that it started pretty low. he inherited an unemployment rate of less than 5%. not many presidents have inherited that. and he starts with a low rate an has seen going to even lower. on the job creation front he's putting a lot of stock in a 2016 report from t congressional
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jobs were going slow or slip into a low growth phase. but it turns out the economy just has mor room to run. and with the tax cuts and spending h increases thats signed into lawor there was fiscal stimulus and more room to grow. >> he said there is going to be e blue collar boom. let's talk about what heaid eping the jobs here specifically through the factors. here's the president. >> after losing 60,000 factories under the previous two administrations, america has now gained 12,000 new factories under my administrion with thousands upon thousands of plants and factories being planned or being built. >> jim, what did you think when u heard those numbers? >> first off, they're a little bit inflated. the most rent numbers suggest
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that it's under 1 is,000 -- 11,000. it may end up being true. we don't know yet exactly. but more importantly those are small businees like 3/4 of them have fewer than five employees. >> fewer than five. >> it's true. th're not the kind of factorys the president is talking at. these are not 12,000 brandew ge auto plants coming back. and the final thing, of course, is that thes previ presidents had to deal with the great recession which killed a lot of so that's a big part of this. >> so here's the other point we heard from t president a lot which is is talking about the strength of the stock market. he points specifically to 401k's. take a listen to how he phrased it during the state of the union. >>ll of those millions of people with 401k's and pension arng far better than they have ever done before with increases of 60, 70, 80, 90 and 0% and even more.
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>> first of all ares 401 growing that fast? and how representative is that about the strength of the economy? >> it depends on what is in your 401k. the s&p and dow jone h been up about 60%. it's not aecord. under bill clinton there was a dramatically faster stock growth than trump has seen. so he is overstating that now, it's also through the bulk of gains in the stock market don't just help sort of people with, you know, average investors. in general, about half of ericans run the stock market and the value of the stock market tense e tends toe be concentrated among the richest american who is have the most to invest. >> most persons don't have a 401k. >> it's about half of the americans whether it's the 401k share or whatever.or >> a lot of people's confidence
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in the economy is about what they belve to be true, right? pew research asked people how . they think the president's economy. have impac it's important to point out more americans believe he's had a positivenmpact o the economy. 44% say the economy is better under him. 29% say that it is worse. when you look at those numbers, how do you assess that? are people's sperpgses lining up with reality? >> well, i think in some funny ys they are. and some none ni ways they're not. one way that they're not is their biggest correlation about how you feel about the economy is not how are you doing compared to how are you doing before? it's how do you feel about the president? it's the number one predictor. that said, a very important group, political independence has seen a big upswing in the last fewonths and that probably reflects real hard data or soft data something like stock market gains data of people feeling better about things. t ink that's absolutely good
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news for the president as he enters hisection year. and it's reflective of the fact that the wages arewi g and jobs are gaining. and it's a good thing i s a good thing to provide all this nuance for us. jim tankersly of "new york times." thank you so much for being here. >> thank you so much. ♪ judy: stay with us. coming up on "the newshour" what to expect asac democratsoff in tonight's debate just days before the new hampshire primary. mark shields and david brooks assess the end of the impoochment trial. and designing the future. how humanity may live in the years to come? bill taylor served as the top ukraine yn - ukrainian
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he called the environment both in kiev and the u.s.a. a snake pit. he went on to serve as a key witness in the house impoochmenr in he departed his post early this year and sat down with nick. nick: few people a more front line view than ambassador bill taylor. he was i kiev from june 2019 to january of this heed as the top ambassador. welcome back to "newshour." >> thank you. nick. nick: alexander vindmanho testified in the impeachment trial against president trump wa escorted from the building from his job in the national security council staff. this is what his lawyer ambassador david pressman said this afternoon "he followed orders. he obeyed s oath, h served his country even when ferught
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withnal pearl, for that, the most powerful man in the world has decided to exact reveng" did vindman folw orders and did the president exact revenge? alex vindman did follow orders. the times i had the opportunity to deal with alex. he triedto stay nonpolitical, focused, professional. he knew uaine very well, obviously. cared about it. cared about thed uniates. disappointing that it ended this way. pompeo questioned an n. p.r. reporter after a difficult interview that americans don't care about ukraine. why do you think americans should care about ukraine?hi >> i americans should care about ukraine because ukraine is the front line against russia. and they are going through
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ukraine. so they -- the russians are attacking ukraine and europe and the united states. and ukraine is the front le. should support the ukrainians when they push back against the russians. >> ukraine is the only country at war against europe. and you for years have been advocating to send lethal aid to ukraine, things like anti-tank, anti-sniper systems. sided not to send that aid for fear it would the lead a conflict against russia. the trump administration decided and you indicated to actual lip send that aid. has that aid increased the conflict with russia at all? >> no. that aid was nonet as has i beedeve det further russian aggression against ukraine. that's the purpose of that aid. that -- those -- those missiles that you describin anti-te missiles, those are very
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capable. the russians knowet. russians know that the ukrainians have these missiles and the russians are very loathe to attack. so they've -- they've been very useful and effective. >> that was the trump administration policy. that was the policy thatou enacted in kiev. and yet, we had rudy giuliani suggesting that aid should be with held until the ukrainians announce investigation into 2 t6 an bidens. you wrote a cable to pompeo. you said the first one you wrote expressing your concerns. what did it say? and w do you think pomo never responded? >> becauhose are fairly unusual. first person -- w ited to make sure that he got it. and i was assured that he got it. and the process -- the system insures that that kind of cable goes to t secretary. so i know he got it. that's what i wanted to be sure happened. that is, i wanted to make sure
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he understood the importance of to us, and to the united states. it's important that we support them for the reasons that i mentioned earlier. and that's what i put in the ble because i thought that maybe it was a misunderstanding. maybe it was not clear toin peoe washington, in particular the secretary but also in particular the other members of the cabinet that theor ince of this assistance was in our benefit. >> if you were concerned why didn't you resign? w >> ready to design. and i did pick up the pho and talk to his immediate confidant. >> you had no doubt he g the message directly from you? >> i have no doubt. >> secretary pompeo went to kiev. were you told that he could not be seen with you? >> no, i wasnot told that. i was told that it would be a good idea for me to hand over my of nsibilities on the 2
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january to myeputy. >> secretary pompeo's allies have this narrative that he privately resisted giuliani and president trump's desire to fire your predecessor ambassador marie ivanovic. heoun't resist more, he turned to you thinking that you would continue theha policy they had going. do you believe pompeo did engh? >> we now know because of some tapes of lev parnas -- >> associated withudy giuliani. >> associated with rudy giuliani, that the president haa it clear a year and a half ago. >> in fact, a year and a half before ivavic wasltimately fired. >> and that suggests to me that someone -- and i have to believe that secretary pompeo resisted
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that. >> if the notion is that he the president, the other side is maria ivanovic's words herself. she's written in "the washington post" just yesterday. a thisinistration through acts omission and comission making the public question the truth servants g public without the sub port and example of ethical behavior that they ed to do their jobs and advance u.s. interests. do you agree with that? >> i do. ido. masha is the top notch of diplomatic core. and she deserves and deserved ne all the supporssary. as i say all the support thad coe provided. i believe she got some support during the lead-up t that. in tend it was not enough. >> in the end, the president and ies a have said the militaryid got to ukraine.
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the policy never actually changed. do y believe that u.s. support for ukraine has been affected by impeachment andhe also actions and the statements by this administration over the last year and a half? >> believe ukrainians had reason to be concerned about the strength of u.s. support. ambassador in kiev since u.s. ivanovic left last may. there was this -- this slowdown pause in the security assistance that they need in order to defend themselves against the russians. but even more important to have the confidence to negotie against the russians. that's been paused. and there have been a lot of vipeople l this administration who knew something about and cared a lot about tkraine out ofs administration. >> ambassador bill taylor, thuck you very >> thank you, nick. ♪
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judy: many eyes are on new hampshire tonight as most o the leading democratic presidential candidates take the debate stage. the stakes are high as this uld be their last opportunity to sway those undecided ahead of onnew hampshire's primar tuesday. a few candidates those on and offonight's stage were making their cases on the campaign trail today. we'll hear from vermont senator bernie sanders in manchester, new hampshire. he followsormer new york city mayor michael bloomberg who spoke to milary veteran in norfolk, virginia. >> most presidential candidates talk about helpi veterans wh have served and that's critically important. they d't talk abt what makes for a successful leader and an effective decision-maker, even though those are the most important qualification first the job. they don't have any experience leading large organizations on making hard decisions. and most of them are legislators not executives. >> we've got a foreman mayor of
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new york city who has a record every fln the world, he's it to told run for president. no problem that. smart guy. but he is spending hundreds and to buy t election.ns of dollars there is something wrong with that. judy: and to give us a sense of what is happeni on t ground in new hampshire is our correspondent. she joins us from new hampshire. lisa, i know you spent the day following candidand voters. what are they saying to you? w much does what happen in iowa factor into their thinking? lisa: the lastay two here in new hampshire, i'm feeling a collective shrug to what happened in iowa. new hampshire voters don't seem to careoo much. though, i will say if you look a the polls, it does seem like the two leaders bernie sanders and pete buttigieg steam have gone up by a few points here in new hampshire. ou talk to voters they're more tune into what's happening
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and a lot is happening by newshour's count some 64 ndidate events have happened in this state since the iowa caucusesa great deal of attention on them. and i went to peelt buttigi t and talk voters as they were coming out. they do seem to have more enthusiasm for him than a month ago. arenas that we're seing from bernie sanders. so a lot to watch. >> tt soundst even higher stakes for this debate that's coming up tonight with the candheates. low campaigns looking at this? -- how are the campaigns looking at this? lisa: seven candidates on stage. the five that received one del grat iowa and tom steyer and andrew yang they are be on stage. the stakes areig incredibly we say that about every debate. but this debate in 2016, the final debate before the new hampshire primary, that was a debate where mark rubio t from chris christiand he ng
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didn't recover. jeb bush also was not able regain footing after this. this is a point in the campaign, judy, where you're in the semifinals, almost in the final candidates especially elizabeth warren needs find a way to not just be number three, but to break out. to beat he were expectations. ofourse, pete buell jedge and bernie sanders bothave a lot at stake. and for joe biden this is a two fourth pce finishes will raise more question marks about his campaignf it happens. >> sorry for interrupting you. let's talk about joe bind. how is his campaign dealing with his coming in fourth in iowa? andow do they plan to address it? >> his campaign had a phone calm with political reporters this afternoon. we were on that call. and they said -- the aitted, yes, we took our lumps in iowa. but this is ar candidate in th words who has been down before and knows how to recover.
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he undstands what real set back are and can recover from that. judy, but they've been king some interestingoves. senior campaign advisor anita nn known for her work with president obama and his campaign, she i enlarging her role which is interesting judy was asked several times is she going to run the campaign? what is her tht? who is running the biden campaign? could that be answered by the biden campaign snirbles simply joe biden runs his campaign. now that anita dun is moving to philadelphia to take -- not to take over but to do more. but it's not clear what her role is. a lot of question marks over that staffing decision. and obviously, they need toave a -- they say they are planning on try to compete heavily here in new hampshire. >> final liss action i think what saw from interviews from voters in iowa, they made up their mind. some of them weeks before t iowa caucuses. do you get the sense that new their minds or not? e made up
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>> no, judy, i have to tell y -- there seems to be a massive amount of undecided voters. now, if you l at the polls, you'll see a single digit or a 10% numberor undecided here. when you talk to people here, you know that many people might say they have a top choice, but their not firmly fixed to that choice. over half of vote ners at rec mon motte poll said they could still change their mind. i heard that when i was in an nelizabeth warren event dairy. i ran into a student from the south urine university oa. flor she was volunteering for bernie sanders. last week, went there. didn't wlike the vibe was and switched as a volunteer to elizabeth sanders' this wk. right? similarly andrew yang at one of his events yesterday, he asked people to raise their hand if they're in the yang gang. really 8%, 10% of the people d.
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raised their h this is a state that is undecided. these voters wanto fall in love with a candidate. and right now, they haven't found the person they're in love with yet. judy: great rorget. lisans desjar i'm bringing my coat coming up tomorrow. can't wait. see you there. lisa: see you. notes ♪ judy: and now for their ta of the chaos in the iowacu cs, the state of the union andcating the president on both articles of impeachment. m joined by sheemeds and brooks mark shields and david brooks. hello to both of you. so let's talk about impeachment first. e process the finally behind us. the president was acquitted mark. looking back on it, what do you make of the process?
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and the outcome? mark: well, let me begin by saying, david correctly predicted the outcome. so i have to defer and acknowledge that. judy, it was a reluctance on the part of nancy pelosi and the speaker, t speaker and the leadership to have approach they did not see it as a political winner but it was forced upon them by the president and by the revelation that he was shaking down and nox rting an ally to obtain unflattering libelous information on his principle political opponen so the left had no choice. i think that, you know, several people acquitted themselves well. the -- i will say that mitt romney restored some faith in the process. i mean, we'one through a great time in american politic where religion is involved, where the question is does your
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faith inspire yournd politics does the politics shape your faith? and i think mitt romneyis to credit stood as a witness to his belief and his convictions. but donald trump emerges from it emboldened ara demond by his remarkably egregious bevior since then at the prayer breakfast and the white house and in public utter >> what we left with? >> i think that's applauseable yrgument. i do think t paid a political price when this started -- >> "they" being the democrats? >> yes. trump had a approval of 39%. the republican party is more popular now than any time fore 2005. people aid fide more with -- identify more with the publicanarty.
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there's something about this don't like or some percentage of the people don't like. it might have been worth the political cost to enforce the norms of our democracy. we have seen a moral contrast of a bold sort. the speech romney gave -- he had a speech -- he did it obey yens of his creator. how many times have we seen a politician use that phrase. t he h do the right thing. politicians don't like acting alone. they would rathe go in a group. and he was alone among republicans. so maybe in the long-term when o we look bac this era, we will celebrate nancy pelosi for doing it. i wish they could censure something else so we could move on. because the ocome for foreordained. >> senator romney, mark has already gottenhu the sense of the president. the president has been turned around and aused him - talked
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about what a terrible campaign he ran for president. wre lefth a dwhash we watched at the state of the union, the president clearly- mean, he was more restrained that night. but then in his speech yesterdah g out at romney, at pelosi and on her part having torn up the speech on live television. we -- the country feels just -- we were dividedut now bitterly divided. >> i think you're aolutely right. the president -- it was mccarter said build me a son who the hum nlry in victoand proud of defeat. and donald trump was the antithesis of that. vindictive. he feels mean-spirited and small minded. not only his attack upon mitt romney, but how about the cultish slaveish reactionf o his
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assembled serves of his whether they're in the cabinet and the congress? to applaud -- i feel sorry for utah -- it was just amazing. the state ofhe union address in his defense -- he did - do- he outstripped everything ronald regan had ever done in acknowledging people -- the president did. i mean, that was -- the wasn't an emotional cord he didn't touch. but as far as speech and reporting to the state of the union, contrastive with f. d.r.'s for freedoms state of the union on the eve of world were ii, i think a an institution the state of the union address is probably andy capped if not hobbled permanently. >> i actually thought iwas his most effective speech as president. he had some of t stuff he had which these bogusri s that immigrants have committed. it was an american carnage
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campaign. was all crime. it was all division. but now, he has turned. and now,e's done a little bit as the best he can do with his character morning in america, just bragging on the economic success we've had as a country over the last year, which he's absolutely correct about. 59% of s america they're better off this year than they were a year ago that's the highest number in the history of that question. if he can run a h campaign, you don't have to like me, but i can run the country. but if his approval rating stays at 49, people steam to rateac essness. >> it's one thing -- the senate knows the pri of everything and the value of nothing. the americans are more than the economy. theemocrats should acknowledge -- we have the lowest unemployment, gross domestic -- >> we talked about it on the program.
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>> but america stands for a lot more than that, and the vaes of this country had been tarnished and diminished. >> you have to have something else people care about the most. >> nixon had law an order. john f. kennedy inhe missile gap. but you have to hav some other issue. they're doing a big mistake by pour-mouthing the economy. >> there's no point in pour-mouthin the economy. the americans are larger than the economy. >> another thing the president was crowing about is iowa. we didn't have resultsnt partial result the next day supposedly final results yesterday.there may be a recanv where does this leave the democratic -- >> an absolute abomination. tsand democ stand guilty. the democratic party of iowa in
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particular. i mean, yeah yea had onebi responty. it's been given enormous opportunity. and that was to win dno. -- wino. now everybodyou comes of iowa. there was no winoing. all thatrgy, all that idealism poured in. there were 240,000 in barack obama. and democrats are not excited. they're not energized at least in turnout in numbers. >> you say no whenoing and yet joe bid camp seems to be worried. they've reshuffled the leadership as we heard lisa reporting. and pete buttigieg and bernie sanders have a little bit of a lift. >> it guarantees that we're going to have a long battle. that mike bloomberg decided to double his investment. tom steyer released an ad today
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directly going after buttigieg and biden by name. it's about to get a lot more brutal. i do think sanders is now the frontrunner. it's the strang of run -- if youun a good campaign, n. maybe he's experienced to do this job. d biden did not run a good campaign. what's disturbed me today is my newspaper did a good recrimination story. a lot of the people went on the record. and when they go on the record that's not a good sign. because that means i'm saving myself for whatever it's going to be or they're so fedup with the way the campaign was run. running the campaign means you >> think buttigieg comes out with considerable moment. bernie sanders got less than 4%
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of the vote as a percentage granted there was a bigger field. he was one-on-one at that point. i think that right now from -- all my reports that -- it's att ieg-sanders race. what buttigieg did he didn't go like warren and sanders did to the pockets of the energy and the enthusiasm in the mpuses. he went statewide. think it will be tougher to sell i'm the candidate of the moines and cedar rapids.n in he did pass the first test. ruing if president a being able to run a successful campaign is a pretty good tes for somebody and whether the fact they're up to that challenge, i think he's met it right now. i think thiis j biden's last stand if he doesn't do it in the
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deba tonight and somehow turn it around, but every report is the lack of energy and intensit at campaign. that's -- electbility, judy, and experience are a pair of threes in a pork game. they're not a winning hand. judy: but this is somebody who has a lot ofat organn and a lot of voters behind him in south carolina, nevada. so we don't -- we can't look >> i wouldn' write-off joe biden just yet. will the african-american vote ners south carolina go to somebody else? there's been no evidence that buttigieg app african-american voters. there's been some evidence that you to think -- i agree with mark withuttigieg looking strong. but you have to say that sanders ishe clear front runner. he's built an organization.ti he's comve everywhere.
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>> you see it's sanders and buttigieg? >> in new hampshire. i thinkewampshire, you know, new hampshire says, iowa picks come on. we pick predents. that's what they always say show nnistically. judy: one note that i'm hearing from our producer sarah, is that one more evidence of, i guess you call it vindictiveness from the president, the removal of gordon sondland who is the u.s. ambassador. >> oh, really? anybody woi -- to go after everybody justified. >> so we'll see whe that goes from here. we just learned that news. mark shields, david brooks. thank you, both. y >> tha. judy: question -- what will the future look l ie? ths a big question pose bade
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new exhibition at the philadelphia museum of art. 80 designers have put their imaginations to work to address th anxieties and excitement over the possibilities brought by innovation new jeffrey brownits the museum as part of our ongoing arts and cultures series canvass. it's usually the stuff of sci-fi films, books and cartoons. but now, the future is on display at a new design exhibition at the philadelphia museum of art. >> we want people to find their own paths. >> kathy hissinger is co-create -- co-creator of design for the futures. >>t's to make us think of who we are as human beings and how we relat to each other and to the world around us and what that means in tms of both design and the future. >> but why is design a good way lore the future?es
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>> dn today encompasses more than making physical objects. designers colborate as the show demonstrates with scientist, anthropologists, socilogists, bio chemists across all fields. >> the exhibit explores high-tech with the natural world. tex tiles made of seaweed, artificial organ programs and artificial baby feeders. how will our clothes bead and how might with hide fromsu eillance? how and what will we eat? and deposit signer at the artist university of pennsylvania. his display titled breakfast before extinction offers several futuristic mea that may or may not wet your appetite.
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3-d painted pcakes. genetically modify salmon and steak made from our own blood cells. >> in the future, imagine, yce e a kit coming to your little kit whe you can take your cells from your own body, your own cells almost like getting a swab from your cheek. putting it sfwoo a little, you know, dish where you let them incubate for,ounow, six, eight weeks so that you can have your littleeat which you c consume, you know, by yourself -- >> i'm eating myself? >> yes, you're eating yourself. and so no animals are harmed. >> and why do i want to do that? >> first of all, it's the most sustainable way of making food. i'm notaying it's going to be a replacement for all your protein needs but maybe young thin about do we need to kill an animal? >> scarcity and diminished resources are coming, he says. u it's up t to make some
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difficult choices. >> this is not about -- oh, this is a solution for it. but maybe weinan change certa things and maybe avoid this future. >> the exhibition top celebrity was found in the job section where corey designed by an architect simon kim mimics basic movement. kim says an enormous amount of thinking goes into the look and feel of the robot and how that impacts o interactions with it. >> it's mend to be a genderless program. so there are great pains in the design to maintain the kind of not onl male female traits. it's -- >> why is that? >> it's a large issue in then hu robot interaction community. so if it's taller than us, if it's biger t us, if it looks aggressive, these are things that in our perception turn us away from the robot. whereas the robot is meant to bw helpfu might not engage at at all.
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>> here corey presents simple gestures but it can be programm to do more including programs that cous could raise fear of the machine's power over us. >> it's going to take somebody who can work psychologically to make sure that the roles for which we hope these robots occupy work with us, you know, so that we'reot turned off, nor do we think so negativityly about the robot that we don'tas gn it any roles at all. >> it includes futures therapy lab where visitors can contemplate their experience. emily shriner is a cue ray or the for public programs. >> a lot ofco peopl in with their eyes really wide. they've just seen a lot. they've experienced a lot. but this is a space that has people and paper and books, and that has been sort of a hyperanalogue counter point to a
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very dizzying perspective of the future. >> people gather in the lab to read fro the crowd sourced library make art and listen to designers talk about their work. >> radical the solutions need be to really make an incremental change. wendy ronesfield felt a range of emotis. >> it actually gave l me atle bit of anxiety walking through. just how quickly everything's changing and how much technology d the development of technology even plays into thaty >> cue or thes hope to inspire visitors to reflect on the human condition, how we can design better solutions and also recognize our own agency. >> i today's climate, political, environmental, the presence seems toe be verynt urnd making decisions that will affect the future seem more important now than eve >> and a show like this allows
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us to think about that. >> i hope so. re think tre many projects here that show what can be done or speculate about where we could go in the future. >> the exhibition designs for different futures is here through mark 8th. before traveling to minneapolis and chicago. for the pbs newshour, i'm ffrey brown at the philadelphia museum of art. judy: and some "on the we've never thought about it before. and that the news "ur. i'm judy woodruff. have a great weekend and good night. >> major funng for the pbsne hour haseen provide by -- >> collette guides travelers to experience the world in more than 160 destinations across five travel styles like small group explorations. their inclusive tours feature local guides, cultural expeences, meals and
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tonight on kqed. the republican-led senate acquits president trump of impeachment charges as a democratic race heats up. we will hear from an infectious disease expert about halting the spread of the coronavirus which has prompted mandatory quarantines. and new documentary reveals how health struggles of motherhood can have tragic consequences. that evening. welcome to kqed newsroom., ray. t talk abthe conclusion of trump's impeachment trial. wednesday they acquitted trump. mitt romney was the lone gop
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