tv PBS News Hour PBS February 11, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> nawaz: good evening, i'm amna nawaz in washington. >> woodruff: and i am judy woodruff in new hampshire. on t newshour tonight, we ar on the ground in the granite state, wre voters in the tion's first primary today are helping re-shape the democratic race forresident. >> nawaz: then, a justice department at war with itself. mass resignations from the prosecution teamn the case against roger stone, confidante of president trump and convicted felon. and, cleansing the sacred water. on the banks of india's ganga river, where the holy waters grow more polluted every day >> by far, the most toxic pollution of this river is probably its least visible unless you happen upon drainage canals like this one. >> nawaz: all that and more on
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tonight's pbs newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> on a cruise with americyo cruise linescan experience historic destinations along the columbia river and across the united states. ican cruise lines fleet small ships explore american landmarks, local cultures and calm waterways. american cruise nes, proud sponsor of pbs newshour. s>> consumer cellular off no-contract wireless plans that are designed to help you do more of the things you enjoy. whetr you're a talker, texte browser, photographer, or a bit of everything, our u.s.-based customer service team is here to find a plan that fits e,u. to learn mo to
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>> the john s. and james l. knight foundatinn. fostering rmed and engaged communities. more at h >> and we ongoing support of these institution >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. and by contributioat to your pbs n from viewers like you. thank you. the voting has ended here in new hampshire a results in the first primaries of this presidential election are coming
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among democrats with almost a quarter of the presings now reporting bernie sanders is in the lead followed by pete buttigieg by a few point and amy klobuchar in third place. elizabeth warren and joe biden are well back.n meantimee republican primary, no surprise,resident nald trump has already been declared the winner. but there is already a reshaping of the democratic race. two of the democratic candidates have already announced tonight dropping out.ur they are they are colorado senator michael bennett and entrepreneur andrew yang. let's hear what both ofhem had to say beginning with andrew yang. >> we higighted the real problems in the communities as our economy is being transformer beforeyes by technology and automation. americans know nowyou go to a factor tree in michigan you do not find wall to wall immigrants doing work, you find wall to wbot arms and
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machines what people used to do. i am not one that accepts donations and support in a race we will not win. tonight i'm announcing i'm suspending my campaign for president.dr >> love you a. >> i love you too. >> and the other op out announcement we've already heard again within just the last fewnu s is colorado senator michael bennett. >> i oel nthing but joy tonight as we conclude this particular campaign and this i am going to do absolutely everything i can do as one hum being to make sure that donald trump is a one-term president. >> so the race already changing rapidly these results come in and tonight i'm joined by amna nawaz in washington where our newshour colleaes are wtching these results closely come in as well. amna. >> thas right, judy. while most of the attention is
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on the democratic rac'm surprised we can now declare president donald trump the winner in the republican primary with it looks like just over a quarter of the votes now reporting in there. you see 85% those votes going to president trump. dy, back to you. >> thank you amna and i am here now lu manchester witcas meyer. he's a strategist for a number re democratic campaigns hn new hampshire. he's also president of the young democrats. lucas meyer, welcome to the newshour and our special surprises tonight. yes, bernie sanders is in the lead but followe closely by pete buttigieg. with what do you make of that. >> pete buttigieg came in thimps gn a relative unknown unlessou're a deep party insider like me folnglohe you don't know o the mayor of south indiana.
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to make senator klobuchar make a late push and a lot of the operatives thought it was ah littleny. we weren't sure the surge was real but it is certainly real and we'll see if w can crry it off in new hampshire and the rest of the country. >> only a quarter of the resulth in but that'st we see. but the other dramatic stoniry t is joe biden. at this point he's coming in fifth behind buys le elizabeth joe biden le state. >> it was definitely unexpected. vice president biden was leading in the polls until just o cuple weeks ago, had a robust campaign in the state was in the sta early. so to see him leave before even the results had come was certainly surprising and to see him lead off the debate friday night was certainly surprising. he conceded the states would agree. >> there has been a lot of discussion, lcas meyer, about the struggles new hampshire voters have had making up their
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minds. part of that s because there are so many more candates than we've seen in the past. why are we seeing that. >> i think this is emblematic of the primary here in new hampshire and the voters of newh hae taking the roll as the first in the nation really seriously and t wanting to rush that decision. even this morning around town you talk to folks they hadn't made up their minds yet. i don't think people believed it would take folks that long to make up heir minds with all of these campaigns and information and access. but it really played out d i think certainly senator klobuchar involved is reya emblematic of that where the debate performance coming out of iowa. i think you probably saw a lt of support for senator warren and klobuchar. >> aft the ioa results which of course were mishandled or athlete the count didn't come in as it should have on time. it took days before we really knew what had hapened but thre does seem to be a reaction to
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iowa in that again bitden did no do as well as expected, cloak -- klobuchar did better than expected. >> yes. as aneperative i for those campaign staffs in iowa working for a year on the ground and not have the finality come in the caucuses last week. but i thofnk somhat uncertainty coming out of iowa to force new hampshire voters to take a step back and reanalyze thr support for some candidates which is why we're seeing some of the volatility, seeing mayor buttigieg, really he had standards to uphold so i think it was fasnating. >> bernie sanders won new hampshire four years ago by 22 points. his opponent was hillary clinton and it was mainly the two of em. i talked to him this morning, he's arguing there's a lot mored caes in the race. thisppears to be at this point a tite titer margin.
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i want to ask you about the republicans. donald trump the winner. they seem to be united behind the president. >> they cetainly do regardless that he got as many percentage points as he did. honorable effort. there are a lot of moderates looking for an alternative and i think that dynamic as we head into the geeral election around our nominees i think decisions by those moderate voters is going tolay a really birole in november. >> again, bill weld was the president's only opponent governor of your snang state, massachusetts. lucas meyer, thank you very much. and amna back to you. >> thank you judy. let's look at new hampshir right now. this is so far with just over 31% of those votes in right n. it's still very early but as you mentioned before, senator sanders has thaearly lead with
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over 27% of the votes so far. pe buttigieg coming in second ator amy and sen klobuchar there in third place with over 19% of thosear votes. insofar.ust over 31% of votes we're going to keep up with those results as they come in of course but for now we want to go live tos. lisa desjard she has been on the ground in manchester foll results as they come in at a bernie sanders campaign event. this is sen satnders backyard. what's the feeling as these early results comin and showing him with a bit of a lead. >> i think you can hear at the sentiment is here. we have a lot of chance om s bernders supporters basically saying they believe anything is possible for this campaign. changing the world is possible is part of their chant. amna, for bernie sanders, he had
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a massive get out the vote campaign just on saturday alone of this week. his ampaign saythey knocked on 20% of the doors in this case. ey are reaping the beefits from that it looks like in these early results here in new hampshire. >> lisa i want to walk you through the volts that have been coming in new hampshire as a resu of the voter suveys. we can break it down by age to see ho they are breakg for which candidates. when you look at the younger sanders with a clear lead 49% of those younger votes as we make ouway up through the age brackets you see among voters 30-44. again senator sanders has a lead there. 43%. the closer candidate mayor buttigieg. you see them break for pete buttigieg. and thosters over the age of4.
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65, slnator amybuchar seems to be in the lead there with 23% of those votes. o lisa bas what you've been hearing on the ground the votes you've been talking to, dsoe that track the algebraic down with the candidates? >> oh, 100%. i finallyesot resporom all of them on that. it does seemat it is the younger undecided voters that were going to rn sanders. those who are parents, those who are grandparents, they were split between elizabeth warren, amy klobuchar and pete buttigieg. the that i spoke to. but this is a challenge from forward.anders as he goes his coalition is young and also one with communities of color. but e young do not always turn out in november which is the campaign has to think bhe amy klobuchar campaign to me. they tell me they are now nramping up their staff nevada. they plan to have 50 staff members therin the next few
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days and listen to this, amna, they are spending a sevenfigure am, they didn't give me an exct amount, seven figures for an ad-buy for amy klobuchar. campaign that ran on little he amount of money. one thing competitors are worried about on the arrival campaign and i agree to call them that, a rival campaign texted me and said amy klobuchar doesn't have the infrastructure or hasn't been put under the microscope. they want us to ask questions. they are concerned the klobuchar answers by saying hey we've gotten this far on limited resources we plan to go farther. >> amy klobuchar clearly sezing the moment and will face theom fire as se others have. before i let you go, is there any indication whave the news suspended their campaign, andrew yang and michael bennett. any indication where their
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voters might go. >> i don't think so. we've seen from a recent poll andrew yang voters seem to be most loyal to himnd some 42% of them in a recent poll said they would n support any othe democratic nominee. that is much higher than any. other candida so for democrats those are voters that thy have to win back theinare goto be harder for them to get than other candidates drop out. tom steyer announced he's not dropping out. he's been running atron campaign in south carolina, he wants to get there and be on the ballot there so he's sying in the race and we know he's not dropping out at this pont. >> lisa desjardins reporting hampshire.enders event in new we'll go back now to judy woodruff in new hampshire. >> thank you amna and for more alysis of e race here in new hampshire, i'm with our senr politics reporter dabush. dan, we're listening to lisa, we're hearing what the different
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mpaigns are saying. you've also been looking at these interews with interviews or voter survey done by theat asso press. we're trying to figure out why voters have done what they've done and what might hape pen in ture. what are you saying. in particular everybody is talking about the split between moderates, more moderate and liberal voters among the democrat. >> that's the big story here judy. we're seeing that divide play out and one thing that really jumps out we look at these survey results among voters overall here in new hampshire just 43% being very satisfied if bernie sanders won the nomination. just 39% said they would be very satisfied if pete buttigieg won. that is critical. i think it speaks to energy and turnout in aeneral election. so we're seeing in these numbs, democrats are still pretty hesitant about iowa and new hampshire who is finishing first and second so far. >> so interesting becausee know when i was looking at the
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same voter survey you were anden emocrats were asked what is your overriding quality you want in a candidate, in a nominee, it's 92% said someone who can beat donald trumpa tht overrode policy differences,ss policys and so forth. a m curiouabout age and whether there wat of conversation about bernie sanders appealing to the young and the other cdidates having a hardime with the young and yet the older voters are thet ones who n out reliably in eltions. >> they do. when you look at these numbers. another intereing thing when we look at buttigieg who would be the youngest presidentver if elected, there's no surprise there are some young people who support and relate to im because of his age. when you look at th older age brackets there a a lot of older voters as well who don't see his relative inexperience on the national level compared to his rivals as an impedestrian many. yesterday i spoke to voters at a
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buttigieg rally. voters in the 60 70's and one gentleman in his 80's he says in buttigieg his children. he wants the next generation to get a shot. buttigieg right now is getting support across the board even though sande is dinating with those younger voters. >> the last thing and i think this is something lucas meyer the democratic strategist was late deciders. people ha a very hard time here in new hampshire, a lot of them making up their mind, 35% made up their minds in the last few ays. they broke heavir buttigieg and klobuchar. >> they did. i was hearing that from voters ain and again in recent days. i spoke with one voter who said theye going to figure it ot when they walk into the ballot box. you were heang that a lot. a lot of indecision still. if you look at the two sides of the party a lot of warren and sanders supports who were undecided but focusing on them
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buttigieg, klobuchar only voters for that and not a lot of overlap. we do have a pbs specialat all. coveraging up in a few hours but this is something that there's so many numbers to follow and candidates to follow at this hour. we hope you'll follow th election results. we'll be updating this program later if we have news. you can catch up on all the days news later tonight on this pbs station following the new hampire primary rsults. >> nawaz: in the day's other news, the potential prison rntence for president trump's friend and adviser stone has triggered an upheaval at the justice department. four federal prosecutors resigned after the department criticized their call for a sen to nine-year sentenc "excessive and unwarranted." stone was convicted of obstructing congress and witness tampering in the russia
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investigation. we'll take a closer loter the rest of today's headlines. the president suggested today that the pentagon may punish army lieutenant colonelvi alexandeman, a key impeachment witness against him. vindman and his twin brother were ousted from the national security council staff last week. mr. trump also said he expects other departures from the white house. the world health organization warned today that china's coronavirus outbreak poses a very grave threat to the world. china reported new totals of 1100 deaths and 44,000 cases. in geneva, the head of the w.h.o. urged nations to get their health systems ready. >> a virus can have more powerful consequence any terrorist action, and if the world doesn't want to wake up and consider this enemy viruas blic enemy number one, i don't think we will learn from ouron
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le >> nawaz: the agency also convened more than 400 scientists to focus oning up drug treatments for the virus. but officials said it could take 18 months before the first vaccine is ready. we'll have a report fr beijing later in the program. thousands of palestinians tookee to the s in the west bank and gaza today, protesting against president trump's middle east peace plan. in downtown rallah, crowds waved flags and chanted against mr. trump. outside a nearby jish settlement, israeli forces fired tear gas at palestinians throwing rocks. meanwhile, palestinian presint mahmoud abbas went before the u.n. security council yo new , and condemned the peace plan. >> (anslated ): it leaves palestine fragmented without any control on our land, air and sea. it would put an end to the question of palestinian refugees. it means a rejection to all agreements and obligations to establish two states along the pre-1967 lines. this plan willot bring peace or stability, and therefore we
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will not accept this plan. >> nawaz: the trump plan allows israel to annex large parts of the west bank, including jewish settlements considered illegal by most of the wld's governments. back in this country, the defense rested its case in harvey weinstein's rape trial in new york today. the hollywood producer's lawyers opted not to have weinstein testify, shielding him from a potentially aggressive cross- examination. closing arguments are sefor thursday and friday. actor jussie smollett is facing ne staging an attack on himself icst january. a grand jury in o today returned a six-countndictment accusing smollett of lying to police, after he insisted he was the target of a racist and hophobic attack. the actowas originally charged with disorderly conduct. but those charges were later dropped. a federal judge in new york hasb cleared a majoacle to t- mobile's takeover of sprint. today's ruling rejects a lawsuia from 14 statuing the deal would mean less competition and
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higher phone bills. e merger totals $26.5 billion and would cut the number ofjo u.s. wireless carriers from four to three. the deal still needs approval from another federal judge and a deate board in california. the head of the l reserve reaffirmed today that no additional interest rate cuts are in the works, unless the economy suddenly sours jerome powell told a house hearing that three rate cuts last year have helped growth and job creation. >> as long as incoming information about the economy remains broadly consistent with this outlook, thcurrent stance of monetary policy will likely remain appropriate. of course policy is not on a pre-set course. ift developments emerge t cause a material reassessment of our outlook, we will respond accordingly. >> nawaz: during theng, president trump again complained that the central bank should do more to spur the economy.we heed, "the fed rate is too high." n seattle the first hoerican city to ban evicting
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people from theis during the winter-- between december and february. the city council adopted the ban last night, in a bid to help low- and moderate-income tenants. seattle has some of the nation'd highest rents,idespread homelessness. the bill faces a possible veto, by theplus a likely court challenge. and wall street had a relatively quiet day. lost a fraction to close at 29,276. the nasdaq rose 10 points, and south africa today celebrated the 30-year anniversary of nelson mandela's release from prison. he walked free in 1990 after 27 years behind bars under apartheid. mandela led e fight to dismantle the racist system of oppressi. in cape town today, d gathered to honor mandela at city hall, where he first spoke aftehis release. mandela ultimately won the nobel peace prize, and was elected president of south africa. he died in 2013.
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south africa is also in mourning today for musical great joseph shabalala, who passe in pretoria. he created the choral group ladysmith black mambazo and led them to global fame and mule they collaborated with paul simon on the "graceland" album in 1986, and performether in zimbabwe in 1987, with shabalala singing the lead on a signature song. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> nawaz: joseph shabalala was 78 years old. and, grammy-winning jazz keyboardist lyle mays has died in los angeles after a long illness. he co-founded the pat metheny group in the 1970's and also worked witthe likes of joni
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mitchell and earth, wind and re.66 lyle mays waears old. still to come on the newshour: a new twist in the saga of convicted felon and friend of the president roger stone. the view from beijing as t death toll from coronavirus shs no signs of slowing. to the hague: sudan's former dictator will be handed over to the international crimin court. and much more. >> nawaz: roger stone is again at the center of controversy. shakeup at the department of justice. stone is the sixth former sesociate of president trump to be convicted on stemming from the mueller investigation. federal prosecutors reded in a monday night filing that stone be sentenced to seven to
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ni years in prison for lyi to congress and witness tampering, but senior justice departme officials intervened. john yang explores how there is now a fight ov how long stone should spend in jail. >> yang: amna, the n filing makes no recommendation for stone's sentence, deferring to the judge in the case. it comes hours after a middle- of-the-night presidetweet calling the original recommendation "a horrible and very unfair situation. cannot allow this miscarriage of justice." a short time ago, president trump said the chae was not made at his request. >> no, i didn't speak to the judge. i'd be able to do it, if i wanted, i have the absolute right to do it. i stay out of things to a degree that people wouldn't believe. but i di't speak to him. i thought that the mmendation was ridiculou i thought the whole prosecution was ridiculous. >> yang: and now all four of the attorneys prosecuting stone has
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quit the case. matt zapotosky covs the justice department for thehi "wton post" and joins us from their newsroom. matt, we just heard the president say he had nothing to do with thr . what's yporting tell you about how this happened and what the sequence of events was? >> the justice department also denies that there wa contact between the white house and them in the whst day or two this all transpired. here's our best understanding so far: irecent days there had been great argument internally about what to do with the stone sentencing recommendation, which kind of these line prosecutors, these guys who tried to withdraw from the case today advocating for a guideline sentence, seven nine years, and their supervisors pushing back. we don't know exactly why they were pushing back. i think it's fair to assume now it was probably because of pressure from justice departmen. leadersh what happens then is very unclear. the justice department claims that they were sort of blind sided by the recommendation that is filed.
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there's a lot of reason to be skeptical about that given that they presumably would be engaged in discussions about what was about to be filed, but they claim they're blind sided by this sev to nine-year recommendation that was filed yesterday. so then today they say publicly, a senior justice department official says to a lot of reporters, we're going to undo this. we were surprised by this we're going to do undo it. as you reported, that's exactly what they did. they didn't say specically we think it should be half of seven to nine years, we think ite- should be tharters. they said they think it should be less. a but itemarkable, stunning rebuke of the career prosecutors who by that point had all movedm to withdraw lves from the case. >> yang: how unusual to completely reverse the recommendation entirely? >> back and forth over a sentencing recommendation are not that unusual.
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prosecutors to want to be aggressive and either their bosses or even political leaders to say, well, i think you're taking this too personal. i think you're going to door, but that's not exactly whawe seem to have here. i can't say that i have ever seen a case where the department has made a recommendation and then not 24 hours later reversed itself. that's just so unusual, and given that there was such debate, you would think that justice department leaders would be paying close attention to what was filed and would want to sign off on what was about to be filed. so we still have a lot of questions ere, but sufficed to say, this is all very unusual. while debate about what should be recommended is not l, we have something much more than that in this case. >> yang: the line prosecutors, details of the case involved, in it day-to-day, the assistant u.s. attorneys who appear court as opposed to the u.s. attorney who sort ofe upervises fice, the four line attorneys in this case have nowc
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left te, one of them quitting the justice department altogether. what's the message there? what do you make of that? >> they have not given a reason for, that but again the implication seems clear. it's only hours after the justice department says publicly rit's going to reverse th recommendation that all this happened. and it's so unusual forec prors to withdraw from a case. when they do it, it's because they can't ethically attach their name to filings if that case. people might remember you afw that in thrdable care act case when attorneys felt they couldn't getehind the trump ministration's position that. you saw kind of a similar thing in the census case when career attorneys were replaced on that by the justice department after possibly voicing some objections some that seems to be what you have again, the cprosecutors, guys who weren't politically appointed by president trump, resigning from the case, one from the department entirely, one from h post in the d.c. u.s. attorney's office after the department undercut them and said they're going in
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different direction. >> yang: matt, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> nawaz: china continues to struggle against the viral outbreak of this new coronavirus, and is only now starting to allow scientists and public health officials from the outside to assist their efforts. william brangham takes a look at how the country is coping. >> brangham: while the vast majority of infections anden fatalities arered in eastern-central china, in hubei province, this outbr increasingly being felt across china. for a look at how things are on the ground hundreds of miles from hubei, i'm joined by david rennie. he's the beijing bureau chief for "the economist." fdavid, thank you very mu being here. could you just give us a sense right now, what is it like many beijing? >> today in beijing where am would normally be absolutely packed.
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it's the end of this very long extended lunar new year holiday. literally millions of migrant workers are due to be coming back to the big city here from their homes in the countryside where they went to see their families. factories should be starting up. shops should be starting up. none of that is happening. it's still unbelievably quiet. this is a city of 22 million pspeople, and most small sre no parents will put their kids n out on the playground ore park. it really is a ghost town. it's a huge city. it's really extraordinary how thisnormous city just feels completely, completely dead. >> brangham: i understand that people have basically been ordered to quarantine themselves inside their homes. w are people reacting to those kind of orders from thern gont? >> it's a mixed picture. if you're asking how do the chinese take the idea of being told to stay home and effectively cancel the biggest holiday of the year, there's a acceptance. a dozen or so people were
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literally locked into their bedrooms for the chinese equivalent of thanksgiving and christmas. they had come from jobs in wuhan, the worst-affected city, and they were told they couldn't even see their own families, that kind of quarantine, there is amazing acceptance. people use these propaganda s phrases that y on red banners hung around the street by the party saying his is a r, this is a people's war, a battle. and they really do feel like foot soldier centers that battle. that's one side of there iser side of it, which is how much people trust the government assurances that this is under control and how they seem to have really covered this up for several weeks at the start and has that made this agg crisis than it needed to be. that's wre we're seeing a tremendous, unusual aim of very unusual political anger on chinese social media. >> brangham: what about the economic impacts?
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we've seen some car manufacturers outside of china because they're saying they can't get parts from china. but i'm curious, how is the local economy in china holding up? >> i think it's next couple of weeks that will tell us a tremendous amount about public morale inside china, because people will either not be able to come back the their jobs at all, or tens of millions of people are expected to come back and pick up that job as a waiter or as a cleaner in an office ilding or working in an airport, but all the flights are canceled. all the restaurants are closed. all the office buildings are telling people to work fro home. so if you were counting on that income, it's not going to be there. if the infection numbers kee w climbing, thl become a serious doe pest inissue. in as much as factories that are part of global supply chains are also not able to get up and running, at the moment the chinese domestic worry is very
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quickly going to become a worry for the whole global commerce. >> brangham: what is your sense about how president xi and the central government are being perceived in this crisis this fhas to be an enormous te them. >> president xi had been presented for e last seveal years as supreme leader, the man with all of the wisdom to run this country. t right new he's clearly the man on the hook. we're seeing the propaganda machine pushing this familiar narrative that if there had been any mistakes made it's because of bad apples at the local level who will be sort of rooted out by the central government, investigated, and anti-corruption kind of detected. in the meantime, president xi, as you say, has been touring hospitals and medical facilitien here in beijg. he was called the commander of the people's war against the epidemic today by the state media. they're very much pleg him as the general in charge. but there is that tremendous distrust of a lot of what the
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government is telling people, and people can see images, particularly from the worst-affected areas like the city of wuhan, where there are a lot of frightened, sick people, k they might have the virus, but when they get to, hospitaley're completely overwhelmed. a lot of doctors and nurses are getting sick. so in as much as things are going wrong, and it's massive challenge for any country, that is a very hard thing to manage ea you have team around president xi whoy presented him as this utterly, infallibnevolent, kind of imperial figure that. big crisis like this needswhen a managing. >> woodruff: all right, david rennie, beijing bureau chief for the economist, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> nawaz: stay with us, coming up on the newshour: how to clean a sacred waterway. the difficul of washing away
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e pollution of india's ganga ther president of sudan is one step closer to facingr justice e most egregious of the crimes he allegedly committed. during the most violent of omar al-bashir's 30 years in power, sudan descended into civil war.n now as the govconducts peace talks with rebel leaders, they have agreed to send bashir to trial. for more than a decade, omar al- bashir has been wanted by the internatnal criminal court for mass killings and other war crimes in the darfur region. today, sudan's transitional government and rebel groups in darfur announced the depos leader will be handed over to the court, at the hague, in ther nends. >> ( translated ): we agreed on the appearance of those whose arrests have been ordered, innt front of thenational criminal court, and i'll say that clearly. we cannot achieve justice unless we heal the wounds with justice itself. flee from facing tmescondition,
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against humanity and crimes of war which were committed against >> nawaz: bashir has been jailed in khartoum under corruption charges since mass ptests and a military coup forced him from power last april. his 30-year regime was marked by the darfur conflict that began 2003, when rebels launched an insurgency. bashir responded with a brutal crackdown that killed more than 0 people and drove some 2.5 million others from their homes. the i.c.c. issued an arrest warrant for bashir in 2009; itso firsa sitting president. another warrant came the hellowing year. but for years, tudanese strongman continued to travel across africa, dismissing the allegations asestern conspiracy. ains unclear when bashir will be handed over, but he would be only the second foreign leader face thc. the other, former ivory coast president laurent gbagbo, was acquitted last year of crimes against humaty. joining me now is salih booker.
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he is the presidenand c.e.o. of the center for international policy, a nonpartisan foreign policy research and advocy group. he has extensive experience advising u.s. government officis on africa policy. mr. booker, welcome back to the newshour. >> thank you for having me. >> nawazso just when we look at the timeline, bashir was indicted by the icc over a decade ago. >> that's right. >> nawaz: ousted from power a year ago almost. ty is this happening now? >> well, initial transitional government thout they could deastwith this doally within sudan, but as their negotiations with the rebels in darfur and other southern regions, that has led to this decision that they have to release him to the icc.nd so it's the deof the rebels that they're trying to end the civil war that has made this happen. many people forget, sudan, while it's overthrown bashir, it has a transitional government, a hybrid military-civilian rule, it's still facing multiple civil wars, and it's serious about ending those civil wars.
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the demands of the rebels are fojustice first and foremost, and that means making sure-b hifaces justice. >> nawaz: the decision to hand him over is sort of a reversal of the council's previous position is. there chance it doesn't happen? >> there is that chance. in fact, whathey've said is that they intend tcreate some kind of special court in sudan to try those alleged to have committed war crimes in rfur and elsewhere during the civil wars.t e pressure will continue to be there to release him to the international criminal co lt. thatgely because the justice stem in sudan is not really able to handle this kind of trial, impartially and fairly, largely because the justice system was just designated during the 30-year dictatorship of al-bashir. >> nawaz: could other people that face charges in sudan?
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>> there are three other leaders and jana weed lisha leaders who are wanted in thhague. warrants were issued by the icc, bashir became a pariah. few heads of state in other nations would actually meet with him. what would this mean if he does go through to the icc the face justice there for the place of sudan in the rest of the world? >> i think it's very important for the of the world andor thed international rulew. when he had the arrest warrant heissued in 2009/2010, yesas to be a riah, but many countries did receive him, not only in africa but in nde middle eastussia and china. and so i think finally facing justice in the hagueshow that countries have an obligation, particularly those that are signatories to international criminal court,.n but also thesecurity
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council and the u.n. system, to make sure those who face arrest warrants have their court in the hague. >> nawaz: what about for the country,ow theperceive this trial? if he goes through to the trial and he is not convicted, does that undermine the same forces at ousted him from power in the first place? >> there's that risk, but i think the evidence is overwhelming and there's, you know, loads of edence in terms of the crimes that he's charged with, genocide, war crime, crimes against humanity, the investigations by others, ngos, journalists, have all led and helped the icc develop the case against him. they b case in 2005 and didn't issue the arrest warrants until fourla yearr. so there is suffient evidence i think to convict him as well as his colleagues in the crimes that he committe
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>> what does all this or the people of sudan? we mentioned the hundreds of thousands who were killed at that time, the millions who were displaceth you ntioneongoing dilace and conflict and how does this all relve for the future and the stability of people there >> wel sudan is a big and important country. it used to be africa's largestco try until south sudan split away in 2011. crossroads of the middle east and africa. it's a country that has seen the civilian uprising in non-violent protests leadidemocratic change, overthrowing a military dictatorship. algeriis attempting to do theft same, also 30 years, so these are very important developments. but they need justice. they need to be able to demonstrate that those who are responsible for the massive and gross human rights abuses for the destruction of the economy, for all the rs in the country are held accountable. they need to end the wars. they need to restore the economy, and they need to showat hey can deliver a democratic system. they have two and a half years left in this interimeriod
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for-to-prepare for the elections that will,er in the tr democratic government for the first time in over three decades. >> nawaz: a criticalime for suda >> yes, indeed. >> nawaz: the world will be watching. salih booker, always good to have you here.ha >> you so much. >> nawaz: the ganga river, known as the ganges under british erle, is one of the most r waterways in the world, and also one ofhe most polluted. it provides water for nearly half a billion pple, more than any other river in the world stretching from the foothills of the himalayas to the bay of bengal.rr special pondent fred de sam lazaro reports from varanasi, india on the latest efforts to help clean the riverp >>ter: in hinduism, the ganges, or ganga, is sacred: a river that has nourished an iancient civilization sin
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beginning. today, the ganges basin, the river and its tributaries, takes in 11 states plus the capital region of delhi. in all, some 400 million people, on farms, in factories and inly households, ren it for life, livelihood and spiritual sustenance. in the holy city of ranasi, temples draw throngs of slievers who float oil la and marigolds. >> ( translated ): it's ouit that brings us here. it's like nectar to me. r orter: they take ritual baths, dips, even small sips, while reciting prayers to healle the body, to c the soul. vishambhar nath mishra is an engineer by training he also heads the 500 year old sankat mochan temple. >> whatever suffering we have she just take away all the suffing. >> reporter: so the river can be the source of happiness and contentment.
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>> definitely. >> reporter: many believers seek to have their ashes sprinkled in the river. thousands of bodies are burnedhe . many, however, are not a are fully cremated. these practices stress the river, but they are only a small part of what it endures. by far, the most toxic pollution of this river is probably its least visible unless you happen upon drainage canals like this one, which discharge millions of gallons of raw, untreated sewage eery day. experts link pollution in the nges and other rivers to india's high rate of water borne illnesses, which kill an estimated 1.5 million children each year. researchers have also discovered the emergence of so-called superbugs in ganges water samples, bacteria resistant to most commonly used antibiotics. >> reporter: pri minister narendra modi, devoutly hindu and allied with hinduon
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natialist groups, represents varanasi in parliament and has made the river clean up ae signatsue for his stvernment. in this video poed online by his office, modi vows to jump adart the effort, which has languished for d. >> reporter: the $3 bi dollar clean up program began in 20, but mishra, citing the continued pollution among other things, says it's shown little progre. >> it is not happening. now, i think red tape-ism. >> reporter: redape-ism? >> is the biggest cause. >> reporr: pollution control officials in varanasi say new capacity is coming on-line that will treat much of the daily effluent. but rajiv mishra, who heads the prime minister's national clean ganga project says there is no quick solution. >> it's a very long-term thing. people always think that: when? it will be cle i mean, that question has no meaning. >> reporter: he say it will take years to bring together the competing interests and jurisdictions across an area one
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and a half times the size of texas. and while the public supports a clean up, mishra says many don't perceive a grave threat to a river that they feel can withstand anything >> people will say, there n be some dirty things in the river, there may be some pollution, but h e river remains pure, so that's a strengt well as a challenge for us. >> reporter: he says there needs to be a shift in perception and evn some rituals. electric crematoria have been built as an alternative to the traditional and less efficient od-burning pyres. and there also are smaller campaigns another effort aims to raise public awareness of pollution like one effort which recycles flowers. directly or indirectly, tons of these chemically treated flowers fi their way into the river. they are now turd into incense sticks, and sold near the temples. however, the most effective way to cleanse the rer-also the biest challenge-would be to
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restore its natural flri after dams, irti canals, industrial and agricultural use, mishra says there's a lot less water le for cities like varanasi >> so actually, you will imagine a person, if you take out 70% 50% of the blood from someone's body, what will happen to it? >> repter: restoring the river's natural flow will require sacrifice from users, mishra says. it's a political challenge that will become even more difficult given climate change. himalayan glaciers that feed this region's major rivers are receding. rainy seasons e getting shorter and dry spells longer. for now, anurabha ghosh, who taads a delhi-based think nk, gias the government's effor low grade. >> you have a financing problem, you have a manpower problem. and most importantly, i would say you still ha a governance architecture problem. and if we don't fix those basich things you won't be able to truly transform because theu
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idea was if n fix this, you know, which because what of also social res.a has a kind >> for now, many eyes are on varanasi, from the prime minister to the canoeing balladeer who shuttles tourists ong the ganga. she is sacred, he sings, stop throwing trash into her! lazaro for the pbs >> nawaz: fred's reporting is in partnership with the under-toldt stories projeche university of st. thomas in minnesota >> nawaz: from star wars to 1970s tv shows, the promise of a of science fiction.ays the stuff
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now it's real. from pbs station wgbin boston, cristina quinn introduces us to researchers perfect the technology.>> eporter: morgan stickney proaches physical therapy at spaulding rehab like everything in life: with her eyes on the prize. >> i like to treat pt and ot as if it's a workout. t so i go dore and give it my all. >> reporter: she's a pre-med anstudent, an elite swimmea one time olympic hopeful. but she has suffered for years from an extremely rare vascular disease that went undiagnosed. it restricts blood flow to lower limbs resulting in brittle bones. >> i was trying to take my classes on opioids because i was suffering and much pain and my bones in my ft were dying. i couldn't walk. >> reporr: facing amputation, she learned about an experimental surgery happening at brigham and women's hospital in boston. the "ewing amputation," named after the rst patient to undergo the procedure, reconnects the muscles and brain. that communicate with the
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it's a major advancement comparedpuo a standard tion, which severs these connections, says surgeon matthew carty. >> wn a patient with a standard amputation thinks about moving their ankle, which is no longer there, for example, they only get half the information. and so the brain searches for a way to process that incomplete equation. >> reporter: the ewing amputation closes the loop, so when an amputee puts on a prosthetic limb, the brain knowh exactle that leg is because the muscles and nerves are still intact. >> and the idea is that once they've healed, when they fire off those muscles and think about moving their ankle, ei body basically thinks it's moving a biological ankle still. >> reporter: carty has been working with researchers at the m.i.t. media lab who are developing what is essentially a bionic leg.ic and ey, who underwent her first ewing amputation a year and a half ago, is among the first to help m.i.t. researchers test it out. she's moving a robotic ankle just by thinking about it. it's a potential game-changer for anyone using a prosthetic limb.
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but for stickney, the immediate payoff of the surgery was being pain-free and returning to competitive swimming months after her amputation, stickney won two national championships and was training for the 2020 tokyo paralympics. but a few months later, e rare vascular disease affected her other leg. >> i was recovering in the cold tub and i got out and hopped three steps and my foot fractured. >> reporter: stickney has sincer become the fst person to undergo a bilateral, or double, ewing amputaon. growing group of pers but helping perfect this new technology. in the meantime, though, she's already thinking about mestarting her training re >> nothing will stop me from getting in the pool. my goal is to go to th2024 paralympic games. i'll be in different classification this time. but that doesn't change anything. whether i'm going to be working just as hard in the pool, if not >> reporter: p loss can fuel one's competitive spirit. for the pbs newshour, i'm cristina quinn in boston. nd
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>> woodruff:hat is the newshour for now. please join us right here starting at 11:00 p.m. eastern for special live coverage of the primary. we will havep to the minute sults and live streams of speeches online and on our social pages. stay with us. i'm judy woodruff in new hampshire. >> nawaz: and i'm amna nawaz in washgton. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you and see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> collette guides travelers to experience the world in more than 160 destinations, acrfis travel styles, like small group explorations. their inclusive tours feature local guides, cultural experiences, meals and accommodations. since 1918, colette has guided travelers around the world. llarn more at
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