tv PBS News Hour PBS February 13, 2020 3:00pm-4:00pm PST
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captioning sponsored by newshour productns, llc >> woodruff: good evening, i'm judy woouff. on the newshour tonight, i sit down with senator bernie sanders, fresh from his victory in the new hampshire primary. then, thpolitics of an outbreak. as the coronavirus clas more than one thousand victims-- how china's ling communist party is now under the microscope. plus, the quiet epidemic as coronavirus dominates the headlines-- we look at the rising global threat of measles. >> it is really a collective failure that these outbreaks are happening and the underlyi ason is that people are not vaccinated. >> woodruff: all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour.
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>> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: se >> on a cruiith american cruise lines, you can expeence historic destinations along the columbia river and across the united states. american cruise lines fleet of small ships explore american landmarks, local cultures and calmaterways. american cruise lines, proud sponsor of pbs newshour. >> carnegie corporation of new york. supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advanctient of interal peace and security. at
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>> and with the ofgoing support hese institutions: and individuals. >> this program was made fossible by the corporatio public broadcasting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like k you. >> woodruff: there is new fallout tonight in the case of adviser roger stone.ngtime attorney general william barr today criticized the president'p attacks secutors who recommended stone do seven to nine years in prison, for lying to congress and witness- tampering. barr overruled therosecutors,
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and he told abc news today that the president never askehim intervene. but he complained sharply about mr. trump's actions. >> to have public statements aou tweets made the department, about, uh, people in the department, our men and women here, about cases pending in the department and about judges before whom we have ses, uh,ake it impossible for me to my job. >> woodruff: barr said he is prepared for psible blowback from the president, but he insisted that "i'm not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody." today, house speaker nancy pelosi charged those actions amount to interfering with justice. >> the president is again veying to manipulate federal law enforcement to sis political interests. e president is what he is. he thinks he's above the law, ho haespect. but where are the repus to speak out on this blatant
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violation? >> woodruff: meanwhile, president trump attacked john elly, his former white ho chief of staff. kelly had defended army lieutenant colonel alexander vindman, an impeachment witness who's now been ousted from the national security council staffs the ent answered by >> he said the president's pho call to ukraine was illegal. the u.s. senate voted today to curb president trump's authority to attack iran, unless congress approves it. the resolution passed 45, far short of the two-thirds majority needed to override a promised presidential veto the house of representatives approved its own resollast month. the u.s. navy confirms it seized a large cache of iranian-made weapons on sunday. a statement says a guided missile cruiser stopped a sailing vessel in the arabian sea, and found the weapons. they included 150 anti-tank guided missiles and three surface-to-air missiles. they may have been bound for shiite rebels in yemen.
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president trump and topeu nants talked up progress today toward making peace in in a radio int, mr. trump said a deal with the taliban could be very close. secretary of state mike pompeo said there's been a "breakthrough." d in brussels, defense secretary mark esper suggested a temporary truce could be immint. >> the united states ave the taliban negotiated a proposal for a seven-day reduction in violence. we've said all alongthe best if not only solution in afghanistan is a political agreement. progress has been made on this 13ont. >> woodruff: som00 american troops are stationed in afghanistan. the world health organization reyrts there is no sign of surge in coronavirus cases outside china. that word comes as nbers in china show 60,000 cas and 1,367 deaths, after officials
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chand the way they test for infections. meanwhile, a 15th case has now been confirmed in the united states. we'll return to the outbreak, later in the program. back in this country, the trump administrati is transferring another $3.8 billion in military funding to build a southern border wall. the pentagon notified congress today that the money will come from the national guard and funds to buy aircraft and build ships. and chuck schumer said the transfer amounts toal steg. e democrats in the u.s. ho representatives moved today to revive the equal right amendment, banni discrimition based on sex. they voted to remove the deadline for ratification. recently voted to ratify, thea 38th and final state needed. lawmakers today debated whether it is already too late. >> the e.r.a. is about building the america we want. it's about forming a morerf
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t union, because simply put: tre is no expiration date on equity. >> house democrats are trying to retroactively revive the failed constituonal amendment. congress does not have the power to do that. congress set the ddline, it was passed, it did not get approved and now there is a in- run to go around that. >> woodruff: the republican- controlled senate may not take up the resolutn, but the issue already in the deral courts. the state of oklahomplans to resume executions of condemned inmates. thpractice was halted in 2015, after a series of botcd lethal injections. today, officials said they have secured a new supply othe necessary drugs. there are 47 inmates on oklahoma's death row. the newspaper industry has suffered another big blow. one of the nation's largest publishers, mcclatchy, filed today for federal bankruptcy protection. the company owns 30 publications, including the
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"miami herald," the "charlotte observer" and "the kansas city and, on wall street, worries about the coronovirus outbreak in china turned investors cautious. the dow jones industrial average lost 128 points to close at 29,423. the nasdaq fell 14 points, andpe the s&p 500 slfive. still to come on the newshour: on to nevada: i sit down with senator bernie sanders about the political battleground. how coronavirus is exp potential threats to china's ruling cmunist party. why cases of measles are skyrocketi around the world. after impeachment, an inside look at an eoldened president trump. and much more.
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>> woodruff: the race for the white house is heating as the of democratic contenders narrows, yamiche alcindor reports on how thes campaie focusing on the next make or break states. >> alcindor: this morning, one of the few candidates actively f campaigninmer new york city mayor michael bloomberg. he brought his unconventional bid to north carolina. today, the state kicked off early in new york, former vice president joe biden was also fundraising for his struggling campaign. he was also trying to use tv to his advantage. on abc's "the view" this morning, biden said he wanted to press bloomberg on past policies and rerks about people of color during the debate in nevada next week. >> and i'm going to have a chance to debate mayor bloomberg. i'm going to have a chance to debate him on "redlining" and "stop anfrisk" and a whole range of other things." >> alcindor: then there were the senators still in the race-- vermont's bernie sanders, aminnesota's amy klobucha massachusetts' elizabeth warren. sanders narrowly won the new hampshire primary and the popular vote in iowa
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early this afternoon , all three were back at their day jobs to vote on the senate war pows resolution the bill would limit the authority of a presidere who they alloping to unseat. as for the contests coming up, businessman tom steyer is focusing today on nevada, where voters will caucus on february 22. hawaii congresswoman tulsi gabbard is in south carolina ahead of the primary one week later. former south bend, indiana mayor pete buttigieg was positioning himself for the nevada caucuses as well. his team today unveiled a new spanish-language tv ad that it says will be airing statewide. meanwhile, a powerful union representing many workers on the las vegas strip is clashing with supporters of bernie sanders. oup said: "it's disappointing that senator sanders' supporters have viciously attacked thena culi union" for distributing leaflets criticizing his wedicare-for-all" plan. the next debate,ch will be in las vegas, is scheduled for next wednesday. for the pbs newshour, i'm yamiche alcindor.
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>> woodruff: let's take a closer look at the high stakes heading into nevada with the candidatehi fresh ofwin in new hampshire, senator bernient sanders of ver welcome back to the newshour. congratulations. >> thank you very m judy. >> sreenivasan: so are you now the frontrunner? >> i'll let you mke that determination. all i know is we're working really hard. we're proud we won the popul vote in iowa, won the new hampshire primary. i think we've gota get goodshot in nevada and south carolina. we'll just keep going. >> woodruff: i want to ask you abh t nevada and soarolina. four years ago in the primary, you came close in nevada, but you didn't win d south carolina you were beaten pretty badly. >> yes. >> woodruff: by lly clinton. so you're confident you will win both? >> we have much better name recognition. we're feeling we south carolina. in nevada, i think we have a really good shot. we have-- all over this coury, judy, i think what i'm very proud of is that we have antr
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rdinary, grassroots movement of people. we have thousands of people who are just knocking on doors all over this count, certainly in nevada and south carolina. and we have the agenda that i think speaks to the working families of this country. >> woodruff: about the letme ask busome of your agenda in nevada. culinary workers' union, they announced today they are not going to endorse a caidate. it was not so many days ago they put out a flyer saying they oppose the kind of single-payer health plan that you have endorsed. how do you respond to their position? >> look, they are a eat union. >> and know their leadership, and we work-- and will work very closely with them. some of their part-- they're part "unite here" the brader union, and some of the locals in "unite here" are strongly supporting us who have the same health care plan asu the clinary workers. medicare for all.believe in many unions do believe in medicare for all. >> woodruff: they're saying your plan would take away the health care that their members
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have. >> well, i don't quiter ag. i think our plan for them and for every person in amerind would exhe health care that we have. we are going to expand medicare to include home health care, dental care,ng aids, eye glasses. premiums and copayments andib dedus and out-of-pocket expenseperwe're going to take on the greed and corruption of the pharmaceutical industry and make sure that nobody in america has to spend more than $200 year for prescription drugs. look, judy, at the end of the day, we are spending twice as much per capita as do the people of any other major nation, and yet, despite that huge expenditure, 87 million americans areedunins or underinsured. 30,000 die.0, 0 go bankrupt that doesn't make sense. >> woodruff: but they are opposing your positoun. some of supporters in nevada attacked the union after this. >> t, it's a funing. obviously, that is not know who these so-calleddon't
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supporters are. you know, we are living in a strange world othe internet, and sometimes people attack people in somebody else's name. but let me be verey clar-- anybody making personal attacks against anybody else in name is not part of our movement. we don't want them. and i'm not so ure, to be honest with you, that they are necessarily part of our movement pup undersnd, you know, the nature of the internet. it's a strange world out there. >> woodruff: i want to ask you about one of the positions you've taken that people bring up often, voters in new hampshire brought it up. you want to essentially cancel student loans for-- >> woodruff: i'm sorry, student debt for college students. this is not only going to benefit needy students. it's also gog benefit people who would go on to careers wher they can afford to pay those loans back. voters wern asking me number of settings in new hampshire, this doesn't seem fair. why spend government ney for people who could afford to pay back those loans. >> those people o can affor to pay them back under my wealth
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tax and tax plan will certainly be paying their fair share ofxe judy, we live at a time of massive income anwealth inequality. and we also live in a time wheye eveed program is enormously complicated. it's not just health care which is driving people crazy. it is filling out forms. "my income went up. i'm not eligiblanymore. income went down. i can do this." what i want to do and what ie beli universal programs. the reason social security has been so popular over the years,h you knowt, billionaires like donald trump get their social c securick. mike bloomberg gets his social security check. it doesn't mean much to them. the way you deal wsoith cial programs, in my view, is make them universal, and then youha the wealthy start paying their fair share of taxes to pay for them. that is simpler. that is less complicated. >> woodruff: i interviewed pete buttigieg yesterday who came out of new psamre a
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close second. among other things he said, "this is not the time for politics of 'my way or the highway'" and he said if your only are btitween a revo and the status quo, that's a vision that leaves most americans e t. >> look, tenda that we are talking about is the agenda that working familnt. i'm proud to have led the way-- raised thminum wage to 15 bucks ahour. health care is a human right. we are the only major country on aircraft not to guarantee health care to our people. if somebody thinks that's radical-- we have to deal with climate cnge. if buttigieg or others want to deal with it in a modest way, you can't do i. the scientists are telling us we have an existential threa facing this plan pet upon we have to act boldly. we have got to frankly tell the fossil fuel companythat they
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can't continue to do this. >> woodruff: i'm asking because one of yr oumost visible supporters, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez gave an inteiew where she said there's such a thing as too big a tent for democratsed she questihether she and joe biden should be in the same party. this was soundg that this is a party that should limit who will belongs. >> no, not at all. that's not my view. what alexandria watalking about, i think, is that in europe, where you have many, many parties, shendbiden probably would not innocent same party, and that's true. what i believe is that to win this election-- and i think it's absolutely imperative that we defeat trump, who is the most dangerous president in modern american history-- theay you beat him is to grow the voter turnout. need the largest voter turnout in the history of the country. and you know what, judy, i don't think the same old/same old bratus quo politics is going to excite people ang them out. tor campaign is reaching out
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disillusioned working peek who no longer vote, to young peopleh have not gotten involved in the political process to the degree that they should. that is the way, i beieve, we defeat trump. >> woodruff: but with all due respect the turnout in iwafs no what it wain 2008 when barack obama-- >> that's true. >> woodruff: engendered a hug turnout. and new hampshire, the turn on the other hand among young people was down. >> in iia, you're right, the turnout was similar to 2016. young people,nder 29 yiers years of age, we saw a they% increaseth thereir participation. in new hampshire, we won almost all of the working class communities in this country. and if we're gog bring working class people back into the democratic party, i think, frankly, our capaign is the campaign to do that. >> woodruff: i was just going to say quickly, though, ther younter turnout, 18-29 in new hampshire was down. >> i heard that. i'm not sure that's accurate. my understanding is on cllege towns, the turnout was high.
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but we havet really analyzed those results yet. >> woodruff: a question that has come up from a number of voters, youhealth cords. you said you would release them by 2019. what is your plan abo that? >> woe did. we released them in the way other candidates candidates did. >> woodruff: as full and as complete-- >> i think that's fine. it's no great secret, i had a heart attack in early october.ow foe on the campaign path. we're working hard. i am feeling fine. >>oodruff: and you-- i wa gog ask you, how do you feel? >> i feel great! a little bit tired. i haven't had a day off in three weeks, t other than, th i'm feeling pretty good. >> woodruff: understandable. "gra yesterday, he said, "in order to compete against the president, they have raised astonishing sums of monthey. president raided more than $60 million in january. does he have a point? >> no, he does not have a point. the other part of th answer is he's raising money from
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billionaires who are pouring big-money interest, c.e.o.s from the drug company resident pouring money into hicamign. look, that's what candidates always say. pensacola end of the day, the american people, in my view-- or most people-- are, frankly, disgusted by the power of only our economy but the not political life of this country as well. what we have done is rised money in a very different way than mayor buttigieg has. we have received moreon contribufrom more people than any candidate in the history of this country at thisn poinan election averaging $18 a piece. we are a didate of working class in this country. our major contributors are achers. i am very proud of that. i don't go to billionaires' homes. i don'go to, you kw, wine-- whatever they call it-- wine caves to raise billions-- you know, lot of money. we don't do that.wh and anybod tells you, judy, that when billionaires contribute, when th c.e.o.s from the pharmaceutical industry anything.e, they don't want
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they're just doing it out of the goodness of their heart. i don't think ybody in america believes that and that is why, in terms of the drug companies we pay tis more than canada and other droiz for the same exact immediate. of course billionaires contribute for a reason. they want influence in the mlitical process. i n't want theney. my job is to represent the middle class and working families of this country. o >> woodrufcourse, there is another billionaire in the race. >> i heard about that. >> woodruff: we can talk that the next time we're together. senatobernie santhank you. >> thank you. >> woodruff: now to the increasing political toll coronavirus is taking in china. today president xi jinping fired two high-level commust party officials in the region at the center of the outbreak. the move comes as the death and infection toll are skyrocketing, partly as a result of changes in the way infections are counted.
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john yang has the latest. >> yang: judy, could this outbreak threaten the political stability of the ruling chinese communist party and president xi jinping? jude blanchette is the chair in china studies at the center for strategic and international studies. >> thanks so much for being with us. two ent goes today. the provincial leaders of hubei province and wuhan were replaced. two, the chinese government anged the diagnostic definition of this virus, which has now given a big jump in the number of cases that they are reporting. what are the political implications or reasoning behind each of these moves? let's start withnche prol leaders being replaced. >> i think there are two broadlr importanercussions from this, or implications. the first is beijing, the central government, is displeased with how local-level officials have been dealing wito this blem. there's been a lot of resentment
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in the city of wn and at the provincial level at bei, how officials were initially unresponsive to the spread of the virus and worked to silence criticism or independent opinion on it. importantly, beijing wants to signal it's taking direct actions to dole with this. there's an element of that as well-- it's not responsible. it's the local-level officials. and this is a long-held play in china's playbook ofs esentially throwing local-level officials under the bus as a way distance themselves from whatever the cries may be. >> and thing thegniatic definition. it sounds like a medical issue. but are there political imgications to this, hav this number-- a big jump in this number just as they repthlace e local officials? >> yeah, the reasoning behind lack of testing kits available to do a real thorough test, and so leaders deided that it was better instead to have a much more conservative estimate.
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however, i also think there's ti pol reasoning here as well. you have this new leader coming in to take over at the provincial level, the mayor of shanghai. he, obviousl doesn't want to come in and have any of the problems that should be on the ledger of the guy going out be on his books. so this was a way, i thinkof signaling he comes in with a imean slate with this new conservative ese. and now he can really only go up from here. >> could this be a threat to the system, to the chinese communist rty? in a rd no nsense that if we're thinking a threat to the actual fundamental political stanley of the communist party, we have a pret poor track record in predicting when the communist party willall. it turns 100 next year, i should point out. does this tarnish threputation of the communist party as a credible problem solver? yes, i think it does. a real alue proposition that the communist party is suppo brinlike democratic systems
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that are quite messy and uable to deal with black swan events our long-term threats, th communist party has the will to resolutely takaction and stop these problems when they arise. as we see in the case of the coronavirus, it was metastasizing for upwards of two months before china's political system really kicked into gear. by that timearchs we now know, the virus has spread so widely it's beeifn a ficult frob contain. >> one of the reasons for the stabily or the legitimacy, i suppose, of the chinese system is economic gr iwth. th now beginning to threaten economic growth. it's now showing up in so of the statistics. they extend the new year's holiday. workers slow getting back. what would be thens repercuss of having this growth slow because of this? >> so the rercussions e not only significant for china domestically but for the rest of the world and hoar in the united states. in order-- in china, we're already seeing estimates thatn
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this mayock half a% off its-year-old g.d.p. growth, some estimates full percentage. globally this is a big deal. crien choina is the workshocht world, where a lot of supply chaingz intersect, in china. right now you're seeing u.s. companies, european companies, asian companies scrambling to find where they can source component and deal with labor shortages w areorkers in china are quite hesitant to go back to the factories. so this is already gog have a significant economic spillover for the rest of the world. >> president xi re-emerged this week, toured a hospitaar he was wg a protective mask. he had been largely unseen, under the adar, at the beginning of this crisis. what do you make of that? >> i think the reality is there's no good positionfor xi jinping. take the visible lead on dealing with a problem which you don't knowow large the problem going to get, and you look inept and unable to dal with the
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problem. recede too far behind the curtain, a you look distant and unconnected with the realities that people are deing with on the ground. so xi jinping right now is trying to find a goldilocks of just involved enough to where you look like you're in coma, but receding enough to where you can blame lower-level officia if this goes pear shaped. >> has he fou?nd it >> of course, not. we're sitting here having this discussion now, and i think pele are quite surprised by the lack of leadership. >> jude blanchette, thank you very muh. >> thank you. >> woodruff: even as health care officials ound the world struggle to deal with the coronavirus, a far more contagious and deadly disease, measles, is on the rise acrosse. the gl hari sreenivassan explores what is driving this deadly spike. >> sreenivasan: arly three
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times as many people have died from measles in the democratic republic of congo than from webola. it's tld's worst epidemic of the disease. more than 6000 aov dead, with er 300,000 suspected cases from every province of the country. >> ( translated ): measles is a very serious disease that attacks children and wnts do not know how to defend ourselves against this disease. that's why i wanted hie to get ccine so that his body can develop immunity. >> sreenivas: and military conflict can prevent everyone who wants the vaccine from getting it. >> ( translated ):e have fd our villages because there is no peace there, if we also lose peace of mind and in our hearts because ofur children's suffering because of measles that is a realus bad thing for we want the vaccine. >> sreenivasan: not everyone in ea community has to have vaccine for protection. if 95% of a group gets immunized, there's what's called herd immunity, when the high number of vaccinated prevent tho sprean infection. but in the congo, only 57% of
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the population is vaccinat according to unicef. there's also the matter of the return visit. according to unicef, while 86% of the children around the world ceived the first dose, fewer than 70% received the recommended second dose. dr. paul offit is the director of the vaccine center at children's hospital of philadelphia. >> it's a disease that's so contagious that you don't even ve to have face to face contact with someone to catch it. you just have to be in their airspace.or in other, if i had measles and left this room, someone really who came inin this room wiwo hours of my being here could catch measles. >> sreenivasan: measles caner cause a high frunny nose, cough and red eyes. tiring winter, those symptoms can be hard to duish from the flu or a common cold. ter three to five days, large rash appears, usually starting on the face, before spreadg to other parts of the body. it can lead to long-term health impacts, including pneumonia,ng swelf the brain and permanent blindness or hearing alss.
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the vaccine is u administered after a child's first birthday, then again between ages four and six, meaning infants under the age of one year areost at risk among unvaccinated populations. lack of accesso vaccines in a war torn land is understandable, ott what's happening in herwise tranquil samoa is something different. measles killed more th0 samoans last year, nearly 5,000 cases have been reported. keep in mind, the population >> ( translatede): the nurses tried their best, but in the end, they told me they couldn't save him. >> sreenivasan: here, unvaccinated families place red flags outside their homes to signal that they need the vaccine or that someone may be sick. >> we have a lot of dreams that we need to fulfill for our little ones. but once they are lost, we don't know what to do and we don't
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know how to accept it. >> sreenivasan: the government declared a state of emergency, closed schools and banned children from gatherinarge groups. just 31% of childrennder the agsof one received the meas vaccine in 2018. during the hght of the outbreak, moan officials arrested promint anti-vacce activist edwin tamasese, who rose to prominence after claiming the government's vaccination efforts uld result in mass casualties. such misinformation is fueling a hesitancy toward vaccis so much so, the world health organition labeled vaccine hesitancy among the top 10s thre global health. >> hundreds of millions of ciople have received the v and it is really a collective failure that these outbrks are happening, and increases in the number of cases and deaths are happening, and the underlying reason is that people are not vaccinated. >> sreenivasan: and thus, measles cases skyrocketed 167%
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worldwide from 2016 to 2018. deaths climb from 110,000 in 2017 to 140,000 in 2018. needless to say, it's not just an island chain in the south pacific surrounded by a sea of misinformation. the shores of rle developed are also inundated. according to the latest numbersl avai measles in europe has doubled; 90,000 cases in the20 first half o19, compared t 84,000 cases for all of 2018. t more than hase cases came from ukraine. in addition to being at the center of our impeachment scandal, it is also the center of a population unconvinced bysc thnce. >> ( translated ): no one is showing the other side. there are many harmed children, for example, my nephew. he has autism .pe >> sreenivasanatrician anna kukharuk says that idea changes quickly after exposure. >> ( translated ):ome people say that measles is a children's illness and it is better to just go through it.
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but as soon as they go through the illness, those who were against vaccination ask to be vaccinated. >> sreenivasan: lest we think these beliefs are still on foren soil, or that the measles is at bay in the united states, just look at the numbers. last year the u.s. reported more than 1200 confirmed cases, the highest number in 25 y keep in mind measles was officially eliminated from the united states in 2000. 73% of america's cases in 2019 wereinked to recent outbreak in new york, with the vast majority reported in orthodox jewish communities in brooklyn, where distrust of vaccinations is prevalent.d ane spread of misinformation gathering steam for years here. celebrities like jenny mcarthy and robert kennedy famously have spoken out against vaccines. trump at a republicanonald presidential debate: >> just the other day, two and l half yeabeautiful child came back a week later got a tremendous fever and now is autistic.
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>> sreenivasan: such scientifically unfoundedlaims mean experts like paul offit have to keep emphasizing their safety.ha >> while it' to make a vaccine, it's much easier to damn them. >> we don't have to suffer 150,000 deaths. >> sreenivasan: the misinformation is perhaps the only thing more contagious than the virus, it spreads quickly thanks to closed facebook groups with thousands of members. another reason these ideas spread is a lack of first hand exposure. it is important to remember that measles has been preventable for 60 years, and most young people have never seen its effects. >> i've seen a lot of measles. i can tell in 30 seconds whether or not it's measles. it's how sick the child looks. often they're photophobia, meaning they're intolerant to light. thook down, they're squinting because they sort of have this mild apathy and they're ill. measles makes you sick.
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and measles can make you dead. >> sreenivasan: experts estimath that ovelast 18 years, the measles vaccination alone has saved more than 23 million lives. for the pbs newshour, i'm hari sreenivasan. >> woodruff: stay with us, co traumatized childrennd no evidence of success-- the three billion dollar industry of school shooting drills. plus, a brief but spectacular take on poetry and revolution. on our bookshelf tonight, "a very stable genius" poom "washingto" reporters philip rucker and carol lenig. it takes us beyond the headlines to expose president trump's chaotic first years in office. and philip rucker, the post's white house bureau chief, joins me now.
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welcome. >> thanks for having me, judy. >> wodruff: there areo many anecdotes in this book, i hardly know where to begin. but let me just pick one out you quote a senior national security official who told you and carol, he said, "i've served the man for two years. i think he is a long-term and immediate danger to the country." it doesn't get any more alarming than that, does it? >> it't doe judy. and for reporting this book, carol and i interviewed more than 200 senior admfiinistration als, advisers to the president, friends of the president, and we heard again and again recurring theme, that they're worried for the country with his leadership. akey think hees decisions fmpulsively, erratically, without a basis information. he rejects intelligence from his advisers. ejects information and knowledge from those around him who are in the governmen tto provide him. and that is the cause for concern and alarm from some of these officials. the are other officia we
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interviewed who feel like america's been lucky that there hasn't been a terorist attack or some sort of major crisis to grapple with, an tt they worry every day about this president at the helm. woodruff: you describe so many, many insdifferences over the last two years or more. just in the last few days we've seen-- what is it, 2:00 a.m. on monday the president was tweeting about how he thought the sentence recommendation for his friend roger stone was unfair. he said, "it's horrible. can't allow this miscarriage of justice." then just a few hours later, the attorney general changes the recommendation, reduces the sentence that the career prosecutors had made. i think my question to you is sc is tduct, the behavior that you're reporting on, is it getting more extreme since he-- since the impeachment process?ar >> and it apto be. and it fits a pattern. awe've seen again and , after the mueller investigation,
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after impeachment, that when this president escapes accountability, when he's held up-- when he's effectively on tria as he was before the senate and escapes without a legal constequence, ut a conviction, which was the case in the impeachment trial, he becomes moe emboldened. he believes he's abovehe law as the prospect. and he doesn't listen to te councilors and advisers around him. he says what he ts to do.t. he's not worried about the consequences. allies and advisers to the president told me and my colleagues thisweek that they believe the president is so comfortable doing what he did with roger stone because the republican party on capitol hill is compliant. >> woodruff: and speaking of capitol hill, you had senator collins who said after whatsan happened that they thought the president would learn from th experience. i mean, based on your reporting, how do you see that? >> well, the lesson ay took aw from the impeachment inquiry
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seems to be that it's okay for him to do what he wants to do. and that's how he's proceeding to govern in this first week after impeachment, and it's how those around him expect him to continue to govin the months ahead. he's in a tou-egh rection fight, and he seems to be willing to do whatever it takes to win re-election, to perpetuate his own power and to promote his self-image. and that's been the pattern, by the way, from day o that we document in this book. the north star for thisen preshas been donald trump's image and what's best for donald trump in that moment. >> woodruff: so r,philip ruc just today, we are learning in a speech last night in new jerseye former wouse chief of staff john kelly make something statements about pcasident trump' to the president of ukrae, what much of this impeachment process was about. john kelly saying that call- what the president asked for, to investigate bidens, was illegal. and he said those who called the president out on this, said it was wrong, like alexander vind
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man who was forced out of the white house the other day, he said mr. vindman was just doing his job. he went on to criticize soe me f esident's policies. my question to you is why did it take more than a year for someone like johnicle tow spe out? >> it's a big deal that john kelly spoke out the way he did in that un versity speecd it's taken so long because he fears ret riabuse from the so do so many others who served this president and continue tosi serve this prnt. they know he retaliates against any signs of betrayal, and he has no tolerance for people who are going to speak ill of him. there's also a sense among some of people who served him, including jim mattis, that they should beno honor bound t to criticize a sitting president while he's still in office. that's one of theeasons mattis gives for not talking about his experiences with trump in his recent book. but carol and i in reportingke this book t to a number of officials on an anonymousty capaand they-- they really shared their truth, and it was alarming for us to discor, and
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i think alarming alarming for po read about and learn. >> woodruff: speaking of general mattis, you had the former secretary of , rex tillerson, as the one person who confronted the president in that meeting at the pentagon, the briefing in rat secret m called "the tainch." the president blew up at the generals, didn't like what they were saying, called them-- what did he say, "you're losers, a bunch of dopes, babies, wouldn't go to war with them." tillerson confronted him but secretary mattis didn't. do you think he will at some point? >> he may at some point. the explanation we got frompe le in the room that day at the pentagon, is that mattis is genetically a marine and follows the chain of command, and the idea of standing up to the commander in chief in a military osetting front of theint chiefs of staff was something mattis was unwilling to do. there was another person silent in that room, though, for that screed, and it was vice president pence. he wasdescribed to us as a wax
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museum figure. he has a n in the military. the president called the war in afghanistan a loser war. his own sonas been fighting a losing war and he didn't confront the president on that in that moment which speaks to the fear that so many who serve the president have about the president's moods and whims and anger. on woodruff: is there an in the administration, or the white house, or anywhere else, who dares to effect up to the president d to challenge him? >> at this point, i'm not sure there is. want petple who challenged he president, who tried to steer those early yeae mostly in gone. and they've been replaced with people who see their jobs as ebb abling tey from. ry to get to a "yes." they're not exactly theai guar anymore. they're the secretary of state who allows for judygiuliani to do this shadow diplomacy with ukraine, allowing the military aide to be withheld from ukrain for a period of time. they're enabling what the
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president wants done. they're executing his orders. they're t standing to him. >> woodruff: philip rucker, the book, you alng with carol leonnig, "a very stagblius: donald j. trump's testing of america." thank you. >> thank you, judy. >> woodruff: tomorrow marks two years since the deadly shooting at marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland, florida. a former student killed 14 students, three staff members and wounded 17 others. amna nawaz looks at active shooter drills, now practiced in more than 90% of public schools, and the ntroversy surrounding them. intended to prepare students and teachers to protect themselves in the event of an armed intruder.he but yesterday,ountry's two largest education unions, the american federation of teachers and the national eiocation associ joined with the advocacy group "everytown for
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gun safety" to call for schools to changor end those drills. for more on why, i'm joined by randi weingaen. president of the american federation of teachers, representing 1.7 mlion members. welcome back to the newshour. >> it's always great to be on pbs. let me ask yoyou cited your reasons for wanting to end or charnge theseills: the traumatic effect on students, the lack of any evidence these drills are rke ally wg. what specifically were you hearing and seeing that led you to believe the drills arnge doi more harm than good? >> so, you know, we have gun lot of rank and file teachers-- frankly, who have been through this-- like peple from broward, people from secondhand hook, newtown-- >> experienced their own school. shooti >> they experienced their own school shootings or they've been it.h people who have experienced you know, unfortunately we have too much evidence of what happens inhethe aftermath of
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school shooting. and about six months ago, when we werhaving one ofur regular meetings, a couplop started talking about how these active shoter drills had gone really awry. >> what do you mean by that? >> it's like reality tv. and this simulation of an intruder in a classroom. and then you saw the story from indiana where they lined teachers up execution style with pellets. it became-- we started get investigator ncerned that the consultant and the safety industry was trying to create simulations that belong on tv, not in schools. and what was hapspening wahat kids and their teachers were getting really traumatized. and i started talking to other people who wereaying the same thing, because 96% of schools are now doing active shooter
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training. and then you started hearing teenagers saying they'ne more concabout this than anything else. evidence.was a lot of anecdotal and so between everytown and n.e.a., and we got aogethed we basically said, "stop!re let'ink this." >> you want to put a pause on it while we really look at what we are doing her you mentioned the statistic. been around for a long time in some form. by five years ago, 95% of g schools are noing through these. but is there any kind of standardization? i t an, does it differ wha four-year-old hears vrgs what a 14-year-olds? >> yes. saying let's make sure we don't do more harm than good here. we know we need to prepare schools for emergency situations, just like fire drills prepare schools for emergency situations. but you don't simulate a fire in drill
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so let's actually kind of separate out lockdown, emergency preparation where kids actually need to know where to go when. and an active simulation. and what we're sayings if there are active simulatiars-- and we saying let's really rethink this-- but if there are, number one, parents have to beed infond students and teachers in advance. >> because that's not always the case right now. >> in advance. exactly. this is a simulation. this is not real life. number two, we have to make sure that there's a real kind of joint preparedness see that apl lot of pare in on what we're trying to do. and number three, it to be age appropriate, and we have to couple it with trauma-based instction or counseling. >> meaning after the fact? to see how it fected the children. >> even before the fact. even if half the kids in the united states come to schoolow right with trauma, so if we
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do something that is triggering something else, then we are really hurting kids. >> let me ask u about this, because for all the conversatn aroundctive shooter drills, it's worth pointing out these are extremely rare incident of al gun violence deaths in america, about 36,000 a year, lesse han 1%agint happens on school grounds. are these drills even necessarya >>s wart of part of the reason we're saying do we need to continue doing this? i think we should be sending-- schools ve to be welcoming and safe environments. and i think we should be spending ahole lot more time making sure we have red flag laws-- meaning see something, say something. >> bed on what kids have been saying in studies, even though these are rartse evkids themes are scared. there was a rect pew study showing 57% say they're worried.
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only 14% said they're not worried t all. from an educator's perspective what, do we need to be doingo make sure kids feel safe in school? >> i'm talking aboutwell-being first because we have to meet kids where they are and find hays for them to be safe. that's part of reason why when we saw that these things actuly are more traumatic than what they're tryg to solve-- they're trying to solve that if godrbid there is a shooter, people figure out in a splitey second where te supposed to be and when and have enough practice and muscle memory that they'll do it instinctively. we can do that wthoutac simulating anive shooter. and that's part of what we're trying to do. we've got toolve tuma and help kids be safe and feel safe and feel like a school is safe, not el the fer of it. and i think that we see that teenagers feel the ar of it because we're doing so much of
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this active shooter drilling that it is reinforcing that this could happen your school tomorrow. as opposed to spending the time getting underneath the emotions. >> randi weingarten, president teachers.erican federation of anks for being here. >> thank you. >> woodruff: tonight's brief but spectacur comes from poet tongo eisen martin. born and raised in san francisco, eisen-martin's wrheing offers a critique of city's rapid gentrification. winner's latest colltion of poems is called "heaven is all goodbyes." his story is part of canvas, oui ongoing on art and culture. >> i was born and raised in san francisco, in an interestingsi time of tron. a time when really the
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corporatocracy was aayending. in ahe streets still kind of belonged to us. in uitutions still belong tos. it felt like we had the ilys to the bungs. alonthe way it all got bough up and now'm jusin a city that's a strange and permanent occupation in whiceven the wealthy seem to be incarcerated. to walk down the street in the bay area is really to walk through a dystopia. in one sense it feels or it has the facade of all this kind of aesthetic,ven human evolution, but really you have people bouncing supfluous conversation to superfluous conversation, bouncing meal to meal and the rest of us bouncing tent to tent. bunch of condos and tent citiess oem is called course of
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aply two months in san francisco was not there in the this dream requires more condemned africans or, putwa anothestate violence rises down or, still life is justtt g warmed up or, army life is looking for a new church and ignored her suggestions or, folk tale writers have not made up their minds as to who is going to be their friends ands thise worst downtown yet, and i've borrowed a cigarette aken many a walk to the back of a bus that led on out the back of a storyteller's utprison sentence, then onhe back of slave scars, but this is my comeback face. i left my watch bathroom sink and took the toilet with me. threw it at the first bus i saw eating single mothers alive. it flew through the bus line number then on out the fe nt of the whuse and hopefully you find comfort downtown. but if not, we brought you enough cigarette filters to make a decent winter coat. my role in the bay area besides hanging on forear life, is to do what i can to transform
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culture from one that facilitates domition of oppressed people to one that facilitates resistance. i taught in prisons, youth homeless shelters, youth group homes, even youth psych wards. everywhere our conditions are our most wretched. a lot of what i actually pull in some of my craft, a lot of strategies i actually pu from looking at john coltrane and looking at jimi hendrix, trying tick.gure out what made th playing with ideas, playing with patterns of logic doefs kind oan outside of time and doesn't require the same cultural landmarks for anybody to engage your ideas and engage your words. so in that way, a poet's craft lasts a long, long time. my name is tongo eisen-martin, and this is my brief b speccular take on poetry as
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revolution.dr >> wf: you can find more brief but spectacular pieces on our website at and that's the newshour fort. toni i'm judy woodruff. join us online and again here tomorrow evening. for al newshour, thank you and see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by:al >> before weabout your investments-- what's new? >> well, audrey's expecting... >> twins! >> grandparents. ge we want to pumoney aside for them, so, chn plans. >> all right, let's see what we can adjust. >> we'd be closer to the twins. >> change in plans. >> okay. >> mom, are you painting again? you could sell these. >> let me guess, change in plans? >>anat fidelity, changing s is always part of the plan.
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>> the ford foundation. working with visionaries on the frontlines of social change worldwide. >> and by the alfred p. sloan foundation. supporting science, technology, and improved economicperformancl literacy in the 21st century. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions and friends of the newshour. >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting.d contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you.
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hello, everyone, and welcome to "amanpour & co." here's what's coming up. >> this victory here is the beginning of the end for donald ump. >> bernie sanders wins in ne hampshire with moderates hot on his heels, but can his populism beat donald trump's? we'll speak to congressman ro khanna. and then, why e global climate change movement could reshape finance. we talk to blackrock's brian deese as the loudest voice on ll treet takes a stand on coal. plus, as the battle to contain the coronavirus intensifies, we look at another of its side effects, racism.
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