tv PBS News Hour PBS February 28, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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f.dy: good evening. i'm judy woo on the newshour tonight, the outbreak spreads. fears rise as the coronavirus continues its march across the globe. world stock markets drop aga. then, ending the longest war. ter nearly two decades of fighting in afghanistan, the u.s. prepares to sign a peace with the taliba plus, li desjardins is in south carolina where voters will have the final word before the democrats super tuesday primaries. >> i'm going to say who can stand and have a fair fight against a tru let the people decide. judy: and mark shields and david brooks are here to analyze the
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white house response to the tbak and the presidential hopefuls on the cost of crucial days of voting. all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour. ♪ >> major funding for the pbs hnewshoas been provided by -- ♪ moving our economy for 160 years. bnsf, the engine that connects us. >> consumer cellular offers no contract wireless plans designed
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to help you do more of the things you enjoy. our u.s.-based customer service team is here to find a plan that fits you. for more, go to consumer cellular. >> fidelity investments. >> the john s and james l night foundation, fostering informde and engaged communities. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions. and friends of the newshour. this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs
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station from viewers like you. thank you. judy: the coronavirus outbreak is generating new infections and new commercial chaos tonight. this sent wall street another worst week since october 2008. dothjones industrial average fell nearly 1100 points. pit ended losing 357 points to close at 25,409. the nasdaq managed to rise one point and the s&p 500 fell 24. at the white house, economic advisor larry kudlow said he expects e market to come back fairly quickly. >> i acknowledge the situation could deteriorate, but given what we know factually, it looks to me like the market has gone too far. i think everybody, whether you
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are an investor or an ordinary main street person, people should not overreact judy: the market frenzy came as more than 3500 new cas were reported in several countries today. disruptions to plans and typical business are growing toboughout the in geneva, thewiss government came the latest to ban large public events, scrapping an international auto show. >> we know this will have a significant impact on public life, but the move is expected licprovide protection to p health. judy: reports poured in from around the globe that the coronavirus has disrupted events, commerce, and travel. as airlines cut flights to a number of asian countries,ndokyo disneyla and other theme parks were closed.
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inly ita, where cases have steadilyof increasedcials say jitters over the virus havet af tourism. >> bookings have collapsed all over italy. it is a very complicated situation. judy: i one swiurance company even put in place a no handshaking policy. in iran, workers sprayed shrinectant at a shiite as prayers and parts of the country were canceled. in south, korndreds flocked to stores to buy masksnd workers continued to canvas public places. as fears over coronavirus rise,h world herganization officials raised their risk assessment to the highest level. >> health systems around the ready and nee to be better prepared. it is time prepare. it is time to get ready.
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it is time to act. people need to take a reality check. judy: the list of american businesses canceling travel, meetings, and events also grew. amazon told its employees to defer nonessential travel, even within the united states. yesterday, facebook said it would cancel its biggest event of the year, an annual the politics of the virus intensified. in washington, white house acting chief of staff mick mulvaneyccused democrats and the news media of stoking fears to hurt president trump. >> the reason you are seeing much attention to it today is that this is what breaks down the president. judy: on capitol hill, democrats blamed the white house for politicizing the outbreak. >> the career professionals say that this mmunity spread is inevitable.
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it is a question of when, not if. but the political people a saying this is nothing. judy: today the centers for disease control and prevention said it aims to have virus testing kits in every state by the end of next week. iomore than $3 triof value were wiped out from american ocks this week, just days after the markets were at record highs. the fedel reserve chairman took the unusual step of issuing a statement about the fundamental strength of the economy. he acknowledged that the coronavirus poses risk and said the fed would act if needed, signaling a possible rate cut. that they are consideringnfirmed pursuing a targeted tax cut package. carlne taum is the executive vice president and chief
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economist for northern trust. welcome to the newshour. the market didn't end the day as down as they were earlier, but still another wild ride. how do you interpret the forces at work here? >> i think over the last week the markets have been undergoing a massive reevaluation of the i think what the market may be reacting to is how public health officials andhe private sector willal react tthis. to impedcommerce measures tend they may be slow to remove them rseven as the coast cl interruption in the global supply chains and an interruption in service businesses like travel. demand shock.a supply and a perhaps the market needed to
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reevaluate its expectations for economic activity. judy: what is it that is going on in the economy and in the reaction tthe coronavirus that is most concerning two people like you? >> in heavier industries, if you can't get parts to your plan, t finish products. the way things are working in asia, it is difficult to get those supplies. companies are tied closely to china and other asian vendors. that means their business is slow and they might have to furlough workers. r rvice businesses, the logistics, the movement of people, are very slow. 'there'is also a psychology developing that will need to be managed carefully. people oftenssume the worst and that can create decisions that perpetuate a negative cycle. judy: how did yst read the fed
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ement today from chairman powell? >> i think the statement was entirely appropriate. it is clear that this just isn't a market correction, that there is something fundamental underneath it. for the fed to continue to pursue its objectives, it might need to lower interest rates. it will restore some confidence and help financial conditions. judy: if that is not entirely the right tool, what could be the right tool, and whenhiou hear the w house is considering tax cuts, what did that say to you? >> like the flu itself, sometimes the best remedy is to let it run its course. but there are some therapies that can bepplied in the interim. in the case of fiscal policy, some aid to prepare health officials for dealing with c whatever mige our way, as
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wees as some help for indust will help them to from taking further steps that could damage our economy. judy: what does that say about tax cuts? d coat be effective? >> i think some fiscal meaelres could beul. they should be designed so they t with the most force over the next three to six months. even in a worst-case scenario, it seems likely that global supply chains will be back online. what we need help with is the short term. judy: carl tannenbaum with northern trust, thank you very much. the centers for disease control's new timeline for gettin coronavirus diagnostic testing kits to every state w welcome ws today but there had been questions about the tests in the event of a real outbreak. also, larger questions about the ability to deal with a major
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surge of patients. dennis carroll is the former director of the u.s. agency international developments he heads a nonprofit global preparehip working to for potential future viral threats. welcome to the newshour. right now, does the united states have in place the systems, the materls to address what may be coming? dennis: the short answer is no. we do have the plans for what is needed. i think the public health community in the united states and the centers for disease control have an excellent plan on how to deal with this situation. and for two months we've known that this is an imminent threat. a month ago, the whois signaled as a public health event of international concern.
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suld have initiated political leadershipp to s forward and begin authorizing the use of these plans. wwh have not seen is the execution over theeadership of political communities. judy: so you are saying it has been slower thant should have been. a lot of focusn those. are there enough available n for what may be coming in the near future? dennis:ut absy not. the strategic use of these kits as defined by the centers for disease control limit where we are testing. it is largely around populations coming from what we t knobe infected areas. we know nothing abouthat may or m not be circulating within the united states. we've only tested 500 people. soh koreaas tested tens of thousands. judy: are there kits available
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elsewhere around the globe? dennis: i don't really have insight in that, but it is clear that there's been a real challenge on the part of the united states to provide these kits. historically, the u.s. and centers for disease controhas been a leader in being able to epidemics.hese kits for other i think what we are looking at is a csequence of underfunding and under attention. this can't turn on t spigot and make a kit available. judy: we heard alex azar say today the risk of americans contracting the virus remains low, butldmericans cecome infected and the vast majority would have low-level symptoms, but 30%, does that alarm you does that sound like what you
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would expe? dennis: the world health organization declared that this is a very high level emergency. for the whole globe. i think what we are recognizingd 't know how many people will be infected, but it will be community transmission. we need to prepare for th. significant parts of the population will be infected. the numbers we see coming out of haia, we should be very concerned abouthappening here in the united states. judy: what do you want tong see co from the federal government, the important points inside the federal government that would give you the confidence that the country is more ready then you say it is? deis: we've seen in the past that effective response begins
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with leadership at the top. that has a way of trickling down through the entire syste you asked what i would like to see. the white house really taking this issue seriously and recognizing that this represents an extraordinary public health risk. judy: dennis carol, thank you. ♪ vanessa: i am vanessa ruiz filling in for stephanie sy. we will return to judy woodruff after these headlines. the c confirming this evening that officials are aware of a second possible instance of community spread of covid-19 in california. health officials say tol patient is ar woman with chronic health conditions. a federal appeals court in san francisco temporarily bcking
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the trump administration's remain in mexico policy. nearly 60,000 legal asylum-seekers have been returned to mexico while their cases are decided. today's ruling stops the policy the administration is expected to appeal. nmounting chaos syria touched off heavy fighting and urgent diplomacy today. foreign affairs correspondent nick schifrin has our report. nick: on the border that separates turkey from syria, the two countries' militaries are hammering each other. turkey launched multiple attacks against syrian government forces in retaliation for syrian airstrikes that killed turkish soldiers. over 200 syrian regime targets were struck by unmanned aerial aircraft and land-based resources attack.g this heinous
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inside syria, the turkish against the syrian president and his allied russia. nearby, the turkish military has deoyed outposts near the border. syrian civilians were forc into refugee camps where children have little to defend against a new adversary. these displaced families have spent years fleeing violence. they are hoping to escape to turkey. >> if a the syrian regi its allies are in charge, we have no option but to go to turkey and from turkey to europe. nick in turkey, syrian refugees who have spent months or years sheltering are trying to enter greece after turkey hinted at op some migrants boarding dinghies rito make the us journey by of 2015 wheemories almost a million refugees risked europe.k asylum in
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to try and reduce tprsions, turkisident everyone spoke with russian president putin. infollan emergency meeting, nato sec russia and syria to stop bombing civilians. >> i call on them to stop their offensive, to respect international law. nick: the u.s. says it supports the turkish operation, but has not provided material support to help end the crisis. for the pbs newshour, i'm nifr sc. vanessa: in afghanistan, a lull in violence has set the stage for a peace agreement. president trump announced today that secretary of state mike pompeo will witness the signing in qatar. india's capita city tried to return to calm today after hindu muslim rioting left 40 people
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dead. police upped their presence in the capital where some neighborods were burned. the violence erupted after months ofst proagainst a citizenship law that favors non-muslims. president trump nominated congressman john ratcliffe to be director oatnal intelligence. he initially said he would nominate the texas republican last july. the plan stalled after senate republicans questioned his lack of experience in the intelligence field. the u.s. house judiciary committeen launched investigation of attorney general william barr. chairman jerry nadler said the focusbl is pos political meddling in criminal cases. it includes his push for a ghter sentence for rogernt stone, presi trump ally who was convicted of lying to congress. still to come, after nearly two decades of fhting, the u.s. and the taliban prepare to make a deal.
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in south carolina, voters are on the eve of making their primary choice. mark shields and david brooks break downhe the politics of t outbreak. plus much more. ♪ this is the pbs newshour from washington and from thwalter cronkite school of journalism at arizona state university. judy: in early october 2000 one, the first u.s. military spersonne foot in afghanistan. today there are u.s. soldiers deployed to ahanistan who were not born in october 2001. torrow, the united states will sign an agreement with the taliban who government the u.s. deposed more than 18 years ago, and bin a process that may end america's longest war. ck schifrin is back with this
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look at the details and the stakes. nick: along the banks of the kabul river, there is a rare and precious commodityvaable in the market. hope. >> we are happy and hopeful that ns willling of the afg end.god willing, a lasting peace agreement will be signed. nick: for seven days, kabul has been quiet enough for military officials to take a stroll. general scott miller and acting defense minister seleka lead say they have held their fire and the taliban have an ability te. reduce viole >> a downward trend in violence. >> the sacrifices of our hard-working afghan forces a the patient's of our great nation because this reduction in violence. we hope this result in a
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cease-fire and enduring ace. nick: tomorrow in doha, lead u.s. negotiators are expected to sign a peace deal with the taliban. e top u.s. priority is the item, talib first repudiation of al qaeda and isis. >> it contains provisions for the taliban to denounce support of al qaeda. no training areas, no funding, no organizations will plan any attacks. nick: scott directs the afghanistan and central asia program. he says progress will lead to a staged u.s. withdrawal. >> it is conditional on whether the taliban will hold their agreements, particularly with links ck terrorism. the biggest challenge may be item number three, direct negotiations between the taliban
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and a s ashraf ghani has celebrated his reelection as president. hichief rival says he is president and rejecnod recently ced results. >> there needso be some degree of pitical stability. while this is talking about u.s. troop withdrawal and tiban counterterrorism grantees, none of that would be worth much overtime if there's notre politicaect. nick: talks are scheduled to begin march 10 in os the afghan government hasn't yet agreed on a promised prison tsrelease foregotiating team. ghani wants his team. the u.s. wants a more inclusive >> there are some divisions. the degree of unity at the talks eganslates to thee of strength and leverage that the the lack of unity is anhe.
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impediment to successful negotiations. nick: the taliban have never renounced their dire to dominate the country. transformed.afghanistan has women are educated. there are modern communications. aand afghans advocate f direct say in who governs them. a human rights advocate fears progress is delicate. >> right now wome's concerns are considered seriously and their voices areeard. when the taliban comes to the country, will they accept women in the same way? nick: for the u.s., this is the most seriousfft to end the war. president trump is uninterested in keeping u.s. troops in afghistan if they are mostly advising afghans >> they have to police their own country.
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after 19 years, we would like to bring our young people back home. nick: the u.s. hopes that tomorrow will be the beginning of thendf the longt war that long ago became a grinding and bloody stalemate. newshour, ♪ now, the polls opeouthurs from carolina, the last democratic primary before super tuesday. lisa reports on how voters in responding to prestial candidates' closing arguments. lisa: if you wano win in south carolina, you get off the highway where joe biden was today for his final pitch. blacks make up the overwhelming majority of democrats in this
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state anden bkey support. >> t ls nation isn'king for a revolution. they are looking for progress. they are looking for results. sa: sumter is near the state's middle, part of a ribbon of counties on either side of one particular highway, interstate 95. another down the road is orangeburg county. billionaire activist tom steyer has returned repeatedly for months. he insists to us -- >> south carolina is a chance to show that i can t pullether a diverse coalition. lisa: but f black voters, this is about a wide set of issues. at south carolina state university, that means underfunded historically black colleg and overburdened students. >> i don't like loans. >> even making it affordable for
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students to attend the school of their choice. lisa: while elizabeth warren has createbuzz here, especially when appearing on campus with john legend, the progressive top dog is vermont senator bernie sanders. >> that is why we are going to invest in our young people, in jobs andducation, not more jails and incarceration. lisa: his voters are part of a movement. >> i think he can do it. >> i think enough democrats would get behind him. if he were to explain himself to more people, don't be afraid of the word socialism. >> i'm a democrat socialist. i used to be pretty middle-of-the-road. as tmp and his people have gotten stronger. lisa: his audience is large herebut the past two days at least, they have been largely white, which brings us back to
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biden. >> contrary to popular relief, we are pretty diverse. lisa: community leader harold mclean invited us into his homeh e he barbecues in big batches and stockpiles his hometown ginger ale. >> l it started in ttle town in south carolina. lisa: he was the first in his family to go to colge. as a student protester invi 196, he sd the orangeburg massacre in which state shot at 200 students, killing three. >> i lived that. lisa: the environment and water quality are real concerns. >> i'm not the only one that sees these issue i ink my culture sees these culture in this country.ry other
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lisa: he trusts biden, believes he can unify, and thatoo sanders goesar. >> if you give everybody anything, they don't know how to work for anything. lisa: take one more drive, this time to ate place few candi go, fairfieldouy has struggled after decades of a long domino run of major job and business loss. the relatively new restaurant next door is gamblingethings can ch but lynn tucker is unsure about that ted about his >> the economy is really bad. everything is higher now, higher-priced. but no more pay. the decision is hard. harder this time around. lisa: crystal owns restaurant
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next door, a family business eight down to famous doughnuts. she is undecided. >> i'm not going to say who can be trump.m i'ing to say who can stand and have a fair fight agnst trump and let the people decide. lisa: electability is a key argument from pete buttigieg, also crisscrossing south carolina senator amy klobuchar has been in and out of the state. but the title fight here is three-way. biden, sande, and stier. fight over who appeals to rural and black voters and who understands their iss judy: lisa joins me now from a joe bin rally in spartanburg. lisa, just yesterday you were standing in that spot during a bernie sande rally. what are the differences?
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lisa:ti fasci dichotomy. yesterday, bernie sanders was at this college, but in the basketball arena with 2000 supporters. this is the volleyball court next-door for joe biden, with about 600 people. jhoweve biden has the voters that i think everyone wants in this state, african americans. sanders' crowd yesterday, highly white. this crowd seems to be almost half-and-half. t that is wden wants to see. one more note,alking to voters tonight, i feel that anxiety level for democrats. still some indecision, but a little less anxious. judy: you are talkingplo a lot of p roat do they say about how important south na is? lisa: the idea here is th biden needs a decisive win. and his campaign tls me they
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think he will get momentum, being seen as a winner going into super tuesday. other campaigns say there's not enough time to build new momentum. super tuesday will be in norma's from mike bloomberg, but also elizabeth warren needs to surprise. the buttigieg campaign, they want to stay in the top three. judy:ha lisa dein, thank you. for me on the state of the democratic primary, we turn to the analysis of shields an brooks, mark shields and david brooks. hello. rk, let's pick up where lisa left off. the people she's talking to are saying this is a state that joe biden has to win. mark: i see it the way lisa does. the title fight is down to tom steyer and bernie sanders and joe biden. joe biden appears to be in good shape.
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he was helped by the endorsement of jim clyburn, the dean of the south carolina docrats. no democrat has carried south carolina in the last 11 presidential elections. no democrat has been elected to the senatein from south car in this century. but clyburn endorsing biden, digits, we have established that winning isomg first. if joe biden wins by eight points, is that a disappntment? right now itkoes l good for him and he needs it desperately because he has skeleton campaignst and the r the super tuesday states. david: i was thinking0. in the polls it is around 13 or so.
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if he has aint win, he can stay afloat. there is a logic to think he can be the one. if he doesn't do that well, i don't really see the logic for a biting candidacy. if he does poorly or loses, there no logic to me. sanders, it will be interesting votes he can get.merican he did well with latinos in nevada. if he can do well, his ceiling is much higher than we thought it was. judy: mark, you picked up on the strength of theseamigns. whatever happens, ether it is joe biden by a big lead or just baly, what shape arthes campaigns -- super tueay, 14 states?
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mark: every campaign isessage, momentum, and money. mike bloomberg has the money. bernie sanders has had the momentum up to this point. but there's no way you can run simultaneous campaigns in 14 states. especially big, complex states likeexas and california and north carolina and virginia. really is up for grabs. i've talked to at least hal ia dozen peop virginia who said they had no idea who they are ing to vote for. they are kind of narrowing down. i don't know what the significance is going to be. i think bernie is in the best shape. judy: best sh:e overall? ma overall. but if joe biden does have a 12,
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14 point win, it hurts mike bloomberg. it really helps bernie sanders becauset diffuses the opposition. it doesn't focus on one single formidable challenger, whether it is a bloomberg, biden -- and the debateas was a dr for the democrats. they were haranguing, yelling, interrupting. with the exception of bloomberg and buttigieg. they were the only two that i thought showed some restraint. judy: how do you see it lini up? david:up tuesday is a mistake to be this early. we should not be closi s down the ra early, which is essentially what i think is second, i think sanders looks strong in california and texas. what mark says about voters not being prepared, i was in
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south-central l.a. last week and i talked to people about who is making sparks. of those people, i would say may be theou majorityn't name the candidates. they were against trump. but they hadn't clued in. local politics, they have a l of opinions.national politics, e to make a view, but they've been focusing on more important things in their lives. i think bernie sanders represents a challenge to their style of the democratic nlrty and the people who can create unity ama barack o and bill clinton, and if they came in and said, we are going to organizo we don't divide the vote, they could be the ones to do that. they are probably not going to do it. but if think they want to defend the democratic party as they understand it, this is the moment.
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i do think there has to be some leadership. otherwise it looks likelydehat bernie s walks away with it. mark: money.oomberg has the the question is, can he get theo s? if joe biden does have a big win, does he have the mey? he has television in inx figures 3 states. but bloomberg spent 187 million dollars in these states. joe biden has spent less than $1 million. in california, he has one office. when a voter went there, it was padlocked. the seconde, they had tables set up for volunteers. there were more tables than volunteers. if he does win, it is a great tribute to the vestige of good
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feelings that people have for barack obama and joe biden, but it is not any campaign. judy: it is hard to imagine gearing up for 14 states if you are not already there. but what about david sayino somebody hasme out of the democratic party and give some guidance? mark: i'll wait for that duo to emerge and say, we are here selflessly to save t democratic party. i don't -- david: i understand that. judy: coronavirus. the number of cases are growing. s happening to th markets. thede pre this week named viceresident pence to head the but we are already hearing
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sniping, criticism. what do you see coming from the federal government? does it ve you confidence that the country is ready? david: not exactly. i was disturbed. tony found g is a guest on our program. he withdrew. eeit to have something to do with the white house. that is not a good sign. tony is a street dealer and iflls the truth. they are politicing, that is a problem. the second issue, we have a fire, so we build a fire departnt right away, then we say we don't need a fire department anymore, so we close down the fire department, then we have another fire. apparently we've learned a lot about these diseases, but i was just told the white house shut down the global health office for the national security
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council. that is something we are obviously going to need. we just shut down the fire department. so there is nobody to focus atntion. judy: i interviewed mike bloomberg yesterday, who said the country needs somebody in place all the time, not just when there's a crisis. mark: this is madg, for bloombeally. if he would say leadership instead of management -- he's right. he's got a record he can speak of. he's dealt in public health. but the question, 329 million hamericans, is it a publlth crisis or a personal political crisis for a man in the white
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house? the president has personalized this. that somehow his opponents are out to get him. first is denial, there's no problem, then it is his opponents are out toim. all i c terrible moment at a subway trip between two scduled stops and the train sto and goes dark. and what you are waiting for is a strong, informed, intelligent voice to say, this is what has happened. this is what is being don this is how we are going to get out of this. that imissin when you silence the voices of peopleike tony fauci, the centers for disease control, you lo that. you want everybody speaking through a megaphone headed by mike pence, who said smoking isn't deadly because not everybody who smokes dies of
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smoking. this doesn't give you the greatest scientific confidence. judy: another point that bloomberg made yesterday. does it become -- how much of an issue does this become among these presidential caes? david: it could take over the election. t qualified to know ho big this will spread. if we start canceling events,gof the econom down, if we gigantic.her in crowds, that is so many people, suddenly, they've been saying for years, at least we don't have a real ndcrisis,hen we have a real crisis. in crass polical terms, i
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don't see any upside for trump. democrats are the party of health care and government. think it could really shock us. mark: it is, judy. 10 seconds. [laughter] mark: david seems like a nice person. judy: that was unfair. we will make up for it next time. mark shields, david brooks, thank you. ♪ rs havsome 2000 sin passed through the dallas street choir in the last five years. a the i to boost spirits while people try to get back on their fe and to raise public awareness about what it means to be homeless. jeffrey brown went to dallas to see the nation's largest street
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choir at work. the report is part of our occasional series on homelessness, wit a home, and our ongoing coverage of arts and culture, canvas. ♪ jeffrey: a lifting of voices, where the words from the song you will be found hold real meaning. ♪ >> ♪ maybe there's a reason ♪ jeffrey: this is the dallas street choir, whos members carry their worldly belongings withhem, including sleeping bags used the previous nig. jonathan palant is the founder and conductor. >> it is wonrful that we have such a large choir. so many people are taking from this choir. they are seeing the benefits of music. of family.
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of togetherness. we have so many people at require such a service. i would love for this just to be the dallas choir, but it has to be a street chr. the stew pot in downtown dallas is a day shelter that offers food,lothing, and other services. and once a week, those who want to sing lineup outside for a fist bump welcome, and an hours worth of music and uplift. along with a snack and a two dollar bill for their s. palant, a professor at university of texas dallas, started this require five ars ag, when one of the courses he ads, largely white, middle-class, employed or retired, was given a piece of music to sing that talked of the hardships of living on the street.
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>> it didn't make sense unless we were to incorporate the community, unless wwere to reach out and educate. why was it obvious that music would be the way in to reach these people? ui'm simpng what i do to reach people. i think the arts are a powerful tool to tear down walls and barriers and perceptions a stereotypes to show that we are much more the same then we are apart. jeffrey:heallas street choir has been a success. they helpnt pre some 1500 concerts a year in schools, churches, and corporat gatherings. ♪ jeffrey: and in 2017, having goen the attention and support of importing opera figuressi lie er frederica von stade, the
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group even saying at carnegie hall. >> let's go. jeffrey: but that doesn't change the day-to-day circumstances for these, peopleo came to homelessness through a litany of causes including addiction, mental illness, job loss, evictions, and in some incarcerat during our visit, darrell payne, who served time in prison and is now in a shelter, took one of the leads on e paul simon song, gone at last. ♪ >> my prayer goes out to these people out on the streets. it hurt me down inside. >> wha does coming to the
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street choir do for you? >> imakes me stronger. it makes my voice stronger. jeffrey: the o manathe dallas street choir, homeless, not voiceless. misty zacharias is another wednesday regular. she's an artist as well as a singer. >> ive didn't know about it until i heard them singing. they are beautiful. no matterre what they a going through, some of them, they have been really hurting, bu regardless, if you ask them they smile back and say good morning. jeffrey:n the problemallas as in other u.s. cities is growing worse. some members of the street choir spend their nights at the bridge meless recovery center, a some 800 people a day and offers
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24/7 support,ncluding physical and mental health care. nick colletti is proud of the work done here. but hef also notes the paradox each of the past two years, in a city with a booming economy. >> we have a shortage ofab affo housing solutions. we all understand when it comes to homelessness, every one of us is one catastrophic moment away from being homeless, whether it a medical catastrophe, whether you lose your job, whatever could happen. jeffrey: two choir members we met experienced that kind of shift. bjorn herrmann grew up in sweden and told us he had a restaurant equipment business here before losing it and eventuallal his home sevears ago. his friend, jesse seay, grew up
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in dallas and se d hce made a good living and had a three-bedroom houseefe dui violations and three years in prison lead to where he is today ind life filled with a new of stres >> having to think about where i would rather be as opposed to where i am. it can get really stssful. it is sometimes danger >> the choir has been a big thing for all of us. it gives me spiritual peace. jeffrey: on this day, jesse sy told the group he just left the streets and wasfa living with ly again. >> i hopefully will not become homele again. really going to try hard not to. i am looking ftu a brighter . >> absolutely.
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jeffrey: jonathan palt is used to that loyalty from his street singers. the's also usa question raised as we talked in the storage room filled with basic supplies for the homeless. >> resources being put into a choir, why is that the place to put reurces? >> what we offer through music isersonal integrity. our singers will tell you, four a home does not make. jeffrey: this message is spreading. lant heading network called the national alliance forne musc in vble communities, with music programs now in 12 cities. for the s newshour, jeffrey brown in dallas. judy:ersonal integrity a a whole lot more. thank you. on the newshour online, you can keep track of live results from
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tomorrow.arolina primary that is on our website. tune in later tonight and join moderator robertta cor a special washington weekng previeuper tuesday and the south carolina primary with live reports from around the country. oftomorrow's editiobs newshour weekend looks at venezuela. once one of the most vibrant cities in th world, now in shambles. and that is the newshour for tonight. am judy woodruff. have a great weekend. thank you and good night. >>or m funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by -- >> colette guides travelers to experience then worldre than 160 destinations across five travel styles. their inclusive tours feature local guides, cultural experiences, meals, and
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concert celebrated a film by ken burns. tonight on kqed newsro. fears of a global coronavirus state of emergency in san francisco. for the first time california will hold the presidential primary on super tuesday. we will talk about the im ct president trumps visit to india was big in spectacle and short on commitments. we will look at the ties to one of the strongest markets. good evening. welcome to > kqed. will turn our attention to the coronavirus and efforts to contain it. the coronavirus disease has spread to mothan 50
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