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tv   KQED Newsroom  PBS  March 1, 2020 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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ken burns. tonight on kqed newsroom. fears of a global coronavirus pandemic and have prompted a state of emergency in san francisco. for the first time california will hold the presidential primary on super tuesday. we will talk about the impact president trumps visit to a inwas big in spectacle and short on commitments. we will look at the ties to one of the strongest market good evening. welcome to kqed. we will turn our toattentio he coronavirus and efforts to contain it. the coronavirus disease has spread to more than 50 countrie for the first time, there are
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more new cases outside of ina where it originated then inside the country. on wednesday trump held a news conference. he appointed vice president en mikece to direct efforts to contain the spread and downplayed the risk to americans. san francisco is on high alert. there are new cases in the city. the mayor called a state of emergencto mobilize resources there apto be a utbaraks. second person in the united states who contracted the virus through unknown origins. th are from the bay area. joining me, doctor charles chu. and infectious disease expert. thank yofor ing with us. there is fear in the community. how much concern should people have. what lev is appropriate.>> we
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ould be worried. we should be concerned. we are seeing cases of the virus circulating in the community. cases of infection where we don't know where came from. we don't know how this one individual became infected. we also did not know how the second case in santa clara county became infected as well. we should be wary. at the same time we should be quite vigilant. and be able to keep in touch with the guidance from public health agencies aniemedical author >> make sure you wash hands. make sure you don't touch your face after that. what else? >> the recommendation would not be to wear masks. not at this time. we don't see definitive evidence th we have community transmission where we have lots of cases that are circulating in the community. the other thing, get your influenza vaccination.
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influenza far mocommon than getting an infection from this virus. >> if you get your influenza vaccination that is to protect you from not. won't help withe new virus right hashmark >> the influenza vaccine does not protect you from this virus but it protects from influenza. it already has been responsible for thousands of death. to put things in proportion. your risk of getting influenza is greater than your risk of getting infected with this virus. the center for disease control says the potential health threat posed by coronavirus is very high both globally and to the united states. where are thwe in trajectory of the virus smart how do you expect it to about the?>> we are seeing more cases infection outside of china. it used to be the vast majority were in china.
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as of yesterday there was a turning point. we are seeing evidence of transmission in other countries, south korea, japan, italan. so far in the united states we have very few cases. under 50 i believe. all cases we are able to track. meaning returning travelers from china that we are able to follow and put contact tracing on. individuals that come back because they are quarantine. these cases are the first cases of community acquired transmission where we did not >> do you to see more? cted. will it be seasonal? >> i believe it is a possibility. one thing that might happen. it may be due to thte charstics of the virus. the majority of people, rougy 80-85% infected had mild
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symptoms w or symptoms. it is only the small fraction of 10-15% of individuals affected to develop more severe diseas which ispneumonia. i do feel there is certainly thpossibility and the cdc warned. there is a possibility we may see ongoing community transmission and more cases of e virus in the community. we will talk about testing, first, on testing. the governor held a press conference. said the test only received a few test kits and need more. can you tell us about the protocol and how many more kit do we need? >> we will need hundreds ouof nds of kits. the reason. we desperately need kits that can be done locally. one big problem in the united states, all testing had to be a sent tcentralized laboratory. as a result you would have to ul wait. ctors have to wait
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days. in some cas longer than24-48 hours. two days before you get a result back. diagnostic testing that can be done by the county public health laboratory or hospital. the cdc is making efforts on bemoving testing to local. >> this is your work. a short time ago to create a rapid diagnostol. how is it going? >> it is going well. we developed point-of-care diagnostic where we can diagnose infecon. get a nasal swab, music -- get e main challenge is finding a commercial partner to nt approval for the kit and use it to help doctors make diagnosis. >> if it happens.
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how long would it be until we it sein action? >> because of the public-health urgency of this threat. we need to have stbetter diag tests. not just my efforts. but the scientific, clinical communit we need to hatests that can be deployed within weeks, months. that's the timeframe.>> doctor charles. thank you for being with toda >> hank you. stock markets around the world suffered steep losses. assigned that the coronavirus related are taking a toll. joining me is jeremy owens. this has been a rough week for investors. the worst week since the financial crisis of 08. coronavirus seems to be the trigger. all downward action attributable to the disease? >> it's hard to say.
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probably the trigger. we had a stock market that went t gher. we have had a correction of this sort. there were thoughts especialy that push higher within the last couple months. that we needed to come down. over the weekend we saw th coronavirus spread. that was the concern. al it triggered of this. we had concns. we had concerns ou coronavirus, overinflated stock market. all of it came this week in a gigantic decline. >> do you think we are moving >> we are getting close. a 10% decline. we are gettin20close, a decline. we have to see where it goes. in the short term. thisweekend if don't see any more shocks to the system maybe a calms down. nd. we're getting close to the end of the first quarter. one month away.
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most warnings from companies have been on the first quarter. here is what we know this will do to us in the next 3 months. ends at the end of march. they are going to start saying is this going farther? we will get rtmore color r out. what does it due to the second quarter, the rest of the year. long-term card thatrmwill dee if the stocks continue to plumo t. see an immediate impact on conferences. some companies are stopping conferences and canceling edothers.>> facebook canca et mag conference that they said was millions of dollars that did not come to the city. facebook canceled the developers conference in the south bay. we have one coming up in san francisco, microsoft and other large plers will not come to. the economic defense are immediate. if you talk large-scale, airlines not getting airfares. hotels not getting people into the tels.
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locally, the local coffee shop is not getting travelers to come to by a bagel and coffee before e conference. this is a problem in large- scale but especially here when the tech conferences happen.>> how should the investor handle this? >> it depends. if you're invested in an individual company. you need to see what the company is saying and see what l itaffect, understand. tech companies have supply- chain issues. with other companies not so much. travel companies, all kinds of issues. a lot are canceling travel. index, are you in it for the long haul? if people during the recessn, you have seen how much we have come. if you are in it for a long haul this is the hope will come together on. >> slack, zoom, telecommuting products are doing well.>> resume is up more than 30%
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since it kicked off. it is a videoconferencing software. people will use that more. it's down 10% today. because people taking profits. we have seen a local company trying to make r a treatment this disease. it was moving forward to develop antiviral that could be use. now it started face 3 trial and hoops get data by e end of april that it could potentially push this through for treatment. people are looking for that investment. what will people need. companies that make clothing to protect yourself health workers. that is a hot thing. people are looking for what they need to gointo. one of the tools the governors use moderate problems inthe economy is interest rate. federal interest rate. the federal reserve will meet march 18. they speculate they will/uby
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a quarter even i have percent. where do you think it will go? don't know. i will say the federal reserve slasng the interest rate may not have an effect on this besides showetg up wall st and reassuring. they cut for demand issues where people are not spending money. that's not the issue. it's more of a supply issue where we can get stuff out of china. it's not that there are people nting to buy tell offense. apene can't build gh. it can't get into china where they build them. they can't get parts. interest rates well help. it will free up money.>> supply issues continue. jeremy, thank you for being with us today. on tuesday, california will join 13 other states to cast ballots for a democratic nominee. vermont senator bernie sanders has a 17 point lead according
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to a rent poll. massachusetts senator elizabeth warrenndame in seamong likely democratic voters. five hopefuls joined on a stage where holes will open saturday. sanders received the right of attacks. biden appealedto african- rong support. s where he gets we have senior editor of politics here and government correspondent marie. thanyou both. california wanted to be relevant in the democratic nominating process. they moved the primary out. we will vote tuesday for tithe first instead of in june. two people are thrilled mark california is relevant more so than if we had the primary in june where it used to be. the nomination is up for grabs.
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california has 415 delegates. that will have a big impact. californ is so expensive campaign here. we have seen candidates, and raise money. not too many have been hece campaigning recently. they are spending time in texas and other places where they can be on television for less money. the other reason, to help candidates like harris and eric. they dropped out. if you ask if it helped make california relevant, harris would say no. there are polls outhat say bernie sanders has the lead among democratic voters in california. can anyone take that away from him? is it his to win? >> after 2016 we don't make predictions. it wld be surprising if anyone were to beat bernie er sa however, elizabeth warren is in second in the poll.
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she stands if those numbers are right to pick up delegates whichcould help hea momentum. lot of people who have gotten the vote by mail ballots are holding on way later than they ave. ng on way later than they including people that analyze including paul mitchell. he says it includes people that not about ballots not turning them ey. re waiting for the debates, nevada, south carolina. i do think that joe biden. what happens in south carolina could help him stay in the race. if you are bernie sanders or elizabeth warren, joe biden you mighhope the candidates are cold and it becomes a ratwo-way after super tuesday. there is a lot in the air.>> how many other candidates will hit the 15% threshold. in order to get delegates a l, congressiostatewide you have to get 15%. the more bernie sanders gets
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the less of a pie it is for es other candidto divide. you could have a situation with bernie sanders if he reache- 50% nibley rehes 15%. it will be a wihuge >> how hard it is to campaign here and expensive. is february. mo march almost march 3. if the primary was happing in june in california it would be locked up. we are relevant. we do matter. we don't get the attent, n in iow hampshire, south carolina. there are 40 million of us. you are seeing that in terms ofr the attention wegetting from the candidates and from a national media. we will talk about proposition d. what will it do? >> this is a measure that has been talked about. it would essentially penalize people who own properties that
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keep street-level vaca orefronts. commercial properties. this is been a problem in neighborhoods and other commercial corridors. it is one of those things, prerty owners are not happy about. you get taxed if you leave it vacant. if you fill it you don't have the tax. the money raised would go to small businesses. people againstarit say why you making it harder eric retail is suffering. what is interesting. if you look at who was lined up and support in a town that doesn't agree. the mayor is on board. the chronicle and doorstep. it's leseccontroversial. >>se of the blight? >> anecdotally. i talked to people that have been in a place r many years. on market street. rs 30 yand the rent got doubled. the storefront is taken. that was a year and a half ago. gewhat happens, you homeless, light. it looks bad.
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it's less inviting for people who want to shop on the bloc neighborhood. there's a concern. are the landlords being greedy and waiting for a chainstore to. come a nk. you can afford top dollar rent. if that's t'the case, make them pay.>> a small business for a better price. talking about south rolina. joe biden has to win in e state. do you think there is any shot for him if he doesn't win south carolina kenny move forward question ma >> he needs do well. he said categorically i'm goin to win south carolina. he needs memento. he's put all chips on south carolina to show the african- american vote will a firewall for him. going into super tuesday would give him momentum in other states likee,alabama, tennes texas where there are african-
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american voters. if he comes in second or barely wins in , south carolithere's more anxiety among the democratic insiders but prsure for him to get out. it will be a tough call. if he does well it could slingshot him into per tuesday.>> winning by double digit margin. that is key. he has to win, win big. he has to show he has support from the afrimmn-american ity. and other communities. s we know communit color, women of color will be key if democrats want um take on and beat him in november. has joe biden en able to solidify any groups. the women of color? >> he's doing exceptionally well among rican american úmillionaire tom has cut into that. he put his chips on south carolina. the splitting ofthe vote is
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making it hard for voters to make the call. do they go wimichael bloomberg, joe biden who they know. some african americans in north carolina ke tom. two older africaoeamericans likebiden. others are open to bernie of sanders or one the younger candidates. e won't scare people from voting. we see the dow. further and the economy has a hard time and it takes a pillar away for trump's argument being reelected. it could have an impact. we don't know where it is going or where it will be in the fall.>> thank you for being th me today. this week trump wrapped up a two-day trip
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to india. al his first visit to the nation. a party like atmosphere punctuated the visit trump spoke about america's alliance with india. as trump praised the leadership, clashes between hindus, slims left dozens dead. it did not have an economic at the > universities attract thousands . of indian students tech is investing in india the world's fifth largest economy. a research fellow or and lecture at stanford isjoining me. thank you for being here. what was the signifance of the trip? >> it will define the 21st in century forward. we have a lot of similar interests. we are not technically allies. we have a common affinity. economic relations. security interest. a cultural affinity.
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values in terms of secular democracy. similar interests. india the largest democracy. >> one of the largest countries. prime minister and president trump have similarities. they are populists. they are polarizing. vethey had a warm relationship from what it look like a from what wecould say. is this typical? what do we see? >> they like the big stage. both leaders. they don't shy away from a crowd. one big difference. trump is a business person versus a politician. trump speaks broad and doesn't
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focus on details as the miprime ster who is detail oriented when it comes to politics and worries about every little thing you can imagine. it manifests what a trade interaction between different countries happens. i'm sure he had his best people planning out every single event to the t. there were things he could not control. the same week trump was there, violence broke out annearly 40 died. it's based on a new citizenship law that is sparking violence. talk about the law and what it >> india is secular democracy. one of the challenges, the prime minister associated hielf with hindidentity. that's what india identity should become.
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unfortunately it comes at the expense of minorities including muslims in particular. the citizen ship amendment bill says the government is taking muslim refugees. o weaken people seeking refugee, citizenship in india will find it difficult to get citizenship. there are muslims from other countries who have historically come to india. even this present y. friends coming looking for refuge. they won't find it as easily. if violence continues will it have an effect on u.s., india relations? >> it can. i spoke to people in the bay area. inif we see somebreak out. hopefully nothing of that level.>> many more died.>> through thousand. it was hard to predict something like that would
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happ and all a sudd it happened. you have human casualty suffering. it makes investors skittish. to saynothing of the actual tragedy of people dying. pr erly gets destroyed. all sorts of things make it tolerate. in terms of california and the bay area. we have a strong indian american population here. 1-5 indian americans livein california. we have a large almond market india is one of the largest imports of california almonds. what other relationships exist? what about the future question mark >> attack sector is the u.s., india, california, india ty is known for. there are agricultural relations.
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for india, going forward. the tech sector is 10% of the economy but it's not the jobs. jobs are in other services. think about how you can continue to grow the tech sector and economy as a whole at becomes a big challenge for india. shapes relations in terms of how the tech sector develops. there was hope of the trade deal. it didn't happen. india said they would buy iiib in dollars worth of weapons. what is the deal? >> we may see something dealer -- smaller. the elections are in november. the u.s. will be campaigning and won't have enough time to hammer out all issueswe need to address between the two economies. like you for being with us e today. beforego.
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i'd like to take a moment to introduce myself. at my parents immi from southern india the i worked as a correspondent, anchor, reporter for a variety of national, local news companies. cbs, katu. you can find me on social media. let me know who you are and what you would like to see on the show. i look forward to hearing from you. you can find more coverage on our website. thank you for joining me.
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captioning sponsored by wnet >> sreenivasan: on this edition for sunday, march 1: a look ahead to what's at stake on super tuesday. new concerns over the coronavirus outbreak. and in our signature segment: the legacy of photographer jim marshall lives on through his iconic imagery.s next on "wshour weekend." >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: bernard and irene schwartz. hsue and edgar wach iii. the cheryl and philimimilstein . a osalind p. walter. barbarpe zuckerberg. werles rosenblum. ry to live in the moment, to not miss what's right in front of us.


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