tv PBS News Hour PBS March 2, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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judy: good evening. i'm judy woodruff. heading home. a health emergency is declared more states where the coronavirus is spreading in the u.s. then, the field narrows. after a big win for former vice president biden in south carolina, re of his competitors step aside and prepare to endorse him. and, we are onun the g across the country as voters get ready for super tuesday. all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour. ♪ >> major funding for the pbs hone has been provided by --
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this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. judy: the toll from the coronavirus is edging up tonight across the united states. so far, there are six known deaths in washington state, but there are fears the virus is considerably more widespread than previously known. lisa desjardins begins our coverage. lisa: in the seattle area, health officials question if the coronavirus might have bede spreading untected for weeks. if so, there could be scores of
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undiagnosed cases. >>er almostinly the virus is inur community. it is circulating. iexposing people. it is infecting people. lisa: the state of washington is under a state of emergency. >> many people will have it. most people will not be riously ill. but we want to protect those wht are t risk and we want to preven as many as we becoming sick at the same me. lisa: most of the patients who died in the state lrsed at a g facility in kirkland, where a dozen other people are now sick. across the country, the cdc has confirmed cases in 10 different states. most on the coast. more than 90 cases total. as the number ticks the level of anxiety, including
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in states with no confirmed cases, l hawaii, where residents are flocking to stores to buy health supplies or these shoppers at a costco in honolulu braved long lines to buy toilet pap. at the white house, president trump sought to allay any fears. he also met with pharmaceutical companies. >> we are working hard to expedite the process of developing a vaccine. we are moving with maximum speed to develop therapies so we can help people recover as quickly as possible. lisa: the number of virus-related deaths around the world has topped 30, with infections confirmed in more than 60 countries. there was some good news out of china. the mber of new infections there dropped to its lowest level in six weeks. more than 2500 patients were released from hospitals in the city of wuhan.
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in switzerland, the head of the world health organization warned that focus must move elsewhere. >> in the last 24 hours, there were almost nine times more cases reported outsidehi than inside china. lisa: south korea now has more than half the total number of cases reported outsidehina. italy's infections surged 5 over 24 hours to well over 1500h but fastest spread currently seems to be in iran. still, officials with the world health organization remain optimistic. >> containment of covid-19 mus remain the top priority for all countries. we can push is virus back.
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ioyour a now determine the course of the outbreak in your country. lisa: meantime, the virus is a strikibusiness and global tourism industries. tin france,he louvre remained closed for a second day over fears of spreading the virus the economic blowr.ay be far wi the organization for economic cooperation and development learned the outbreak could cut global growt in half and threatens to plunge several countries into a recession. despite the economic warnings, wall street roared back today on hopes thatentral banks will act to boost growth. the dow jones gained nearly 1300 points to close at 26,703. e nasdaq rose 380 four points and the s&p 500 wasp 136. let's look at the health concerns. efforts to contain the spread.
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dr. sherryk f is covering this for the new york times thank you for joining us. i know you've been going without sleep on this story. help us understand the growing heth concerns. it can infect, but then go undetected, show no symptoms for days.n gi that, how well do we really understand how far it has spread, including in washington state? >> i think we don't understand how far it spread for two reasons. as you said, there can be mild illness. 80% of people have a mild illness. atoes make it hard to detect. when you have ability to have a lot of test kits and test more oay, you get a better sense of how far that virus has go. until last week, there wasn't a lot of testing capacity in the u.s.
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late last week, some states have been able to run those tests themselves and not have to send samples all the way to atlanta. they've also opened up the more people.est those criteria were really narrow. you had to have traveled from chin known sick person to get a test. now there is a broader criteria. so we should be getting a better handle. lisa: as states start to ramp up their ability to test, there's concern about hpitalization. what do we know in washington atabout whether they have the capacity for all the potential patients? >> they said in a press conference today that some of the hospitals are already feeling stressed byhis. there is noerfect preparedness. hoitals are pretty busy during flu season all across the country.
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today e world health organization suggested thatco untries look at hospital capacity. sometimes hospitals in seattle may be looking at, how can ty defer certain types of procedures to help make space if ey are going to have a lot of people who have a more severe illness so these areho things or itals need to be thinking about and they all should have a plan. they are starting to see this in seattle. lisa: i want to ask about concerns for individuals. this is described as a flulike virus. do we have more specifics now? and when someone dies from this itvirus, iespiratory failure? >> we do have some pretty good information coming out of china. for those people who are very severely sick, we know two things. it often is something calle ards, a bad respiratory
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complication, like a very complicated pneumonia. we also know from china which people are most at risk. the people b who shoultaking more precautions, who should be handwashing, making sure, if the virus does spread in your local community, to try to protect yourself. those are people who arolder. 60's for example, 50's even, or if you have an underlying health condition. like many people do. those are the people who have been most at risk. lisa: dr. sherry fk, thank judy: super tuesday voting is tomorrow,ut this is shaping up
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as marvelous monday for former vice president joe biden. two former rivals will endors him tonight for the democratic presidential nomination. amy klobuchar suspended her campaign today. pete buttigieg dropped out sunday. we will get the details after the news summary. the process of pulling u.s. troops froafghanistan has gun. defense secretary mark esper said he'given the go-ahead to begin the initial withdrawal. under an agreement signed with the taliban on saturday. esper.s said thewill show good faith and lower troop levels to 8600 from the current 13,000. >> this is going to be a lon road. there will be ups and downs. tuthat is the of this. at the end of the day, the best path forward is through a political agreement between the
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warring parties. judy: afghanistan's government officials refused to free 5000 taliban prisoners and the taliban rejected further talks until they are released. nick schifrine will h more. in israel, voters went to th polls for the third time in less than a yearndrime minister benjamin netanyahu appears to be near victory. exit polls gave netanyahu's seats in parliamen out of 120 his main opponent pledged to keep fighting. netanyahu still faces an upcoming trial on corruption a power vacuum in iraq worsene today after caretaker prime minister announced he's stepping down. his designated successor withdrew sunday, blaming political leaders for blocking reforms. this follows weeks of deadly protests.
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turkey's army has sent new reinforcements into id province after new clashes. turkey shot down warplanes. today a turkish soldier w children watched as turkish convoys crossed into the area whilpresident erdogan warned syria to pull back. >> those who have not learned their lesson and continue to threaten us must come to their senses. if they doet notat, they will have no heads on their shoulders. judy: greek border police battle to cross from turkey.gees trying at least one person was killed in a crossg attempt. turkey is letting the refugees move in a bid to force more support from the european union. the u.s. supreme court agreed to hear a case on whether obamacare is lawful. a report has declared part of
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the landmark law unconstitutional and called the rest in question. the supreme court decision will likely come after the election. two passings ofot tonight, jack welch, the man who transformed general electric into a global titan, has died. he took over ge in 1981. in retirement, his books and columns continue to attract a wide following. wjah was 84. actor turned academic james lipton died today of bladder cancer. he became a celebrity hoping -- posting inside the actors and other hollywood figures joined himefore an audience of his students. james lipton was 9 still to come, the state of the race. a big win for joe biden narrows the field before super tueay.
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our politics monday team breaks downhat it all means. the latest step to try to end the u.s.'s longest war in plus much more. >> this is the pbs newshour from weta studios in washington and in the westrom the walter cronkite school of journalism at arizona state univerty. judy: ias been a dramatic 48 hours since the polls closed in the south carolina democratic prary. three presidential candidates have left the race and the few that remain are scrambling to maximize their support before 14 states vote tomorrow. with only hours left before super tuesday's primaries, the democratic presidential field winnowed even further. exiting this time, minnesota senator amy klobuchar. she flew to dallaso endorse
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joe biden tonight. it was the latest in a string of departures since b bidens win in south carolina. first to go was billionaire viac tom steyer, a distant third in south carolina. >> it said if i didn'see a path to winning that i would suspend my campaign. >> pfoe buttigieg placeth in south carolina. he withdrew last night, in souh bediana. >> the path has narrowed to a close. another of those valuetyis responsibi we have a responsibility to consider the effect of remaining in this race. judy: it was reported buttigieg will also be in dallas tonight to endorse biden. the former vice president campaigned in housn. dan busch reports, biden is
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working to build on his south carolina showing, and the candidate sounded upbeat. >> just a few ds ago, the pundits declared my campaign dead. but then came south carolina. and south carolina had something to say about it. as i stand here today, i am very much alive because of you. judy: biden spent the weekend castinge himself as thleading moderate alternative to vermont senator bernie sanders. >> thisre is no great sto anybody. au can't run as an independent socialist and n democratic-socialist and expect to do very well in states we have to win. judy: sanders fire back on sunday. iden is a fend mine. no. no. but here is the point that we
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we have to be honest and we have to say which campaign can bt trump. judy: sanders is looking for a large delegate haul tomorrow in lingfornia, where he is p is one of 14 states vg tuesday, putting more than third of all democratic delegates up for grabs. ancandidates also havye on texas, another state with a large delegate count, and southern states may also be key battlegrounds. in virginia, as some headed to the polls for early voting, others at a nearby farmers mark told me they still felt undecided. >> you've got a lot of b's. tbernie h base. biden has the experience. bloomberg has the bucks. what shakes out to be the best path forward?
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judy: electability was key for some who showed up aa campaign event in northern virginia. >> some of the candidates i liked at the beginning of the race have dropped out and i'm trying to find out who can really beat donald trump. judy: bloomberg insists he is the candidate to beat the president. heppears on primary ballots for the first time tomorrow. >> let's make sure that on tuesday he hears from us. judy: the other major candidates still in the field, massachusetts senator elizabeth warren also appeared undeterred. a spokesman vowed that she will stay in the race until the democratic convention this summer. 415, delegatarly a third of all those up for grabs tomorrow, are in california.f none as has been talking to vors in the golden state.
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amna: what do you have going here? >> that is an orange tree. na: raised republican, susan main says she couldn't support donald trump in 2016s and now wao see a democrat defeat him. >> i want to know that they are ing to approach it from a conservative, middle-of-the-road , commonsense sense point of view. if you have trump here and the most liberal candidate there, i'm about here. amna: susan lives in modesto. li a record 16 million californians, she's had a mail-in ballott home for weeks. she's gotay until super tue to mail that ballot in. the problem, she still doesn't know who to vote for. >> there so many candidates and it takes a lot to sort out their i just want to wait until i have
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the best chance to make an effect with my one small vote. amna: 90 miles north -- >> i have six grandkids. amna: debra dixon gathers her grandkids. >> we sit down and we discuss each kennedy. my young people, they have their thoughts about it. and i try to straighten them out. [laughter] good, bad, or indifferent, these are the decisions we make. amna: nothing she's seen or iheard, she saypires. information? missing piece of >> it was more of an inspirational feeling. youw, khe words that were coming out of their mouths. they weren't real feeling them, and they didn't make me feel them. amna: deborah says she just bit the bullet and filled out her
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ll for joe biden. the day after his decisive south carolina win. what is the feeling? is it excitement? is it relief? >> is more of a resignation. stephanie: amna: another 30 miles away, the narrow streets of san francisco, wherehi steven anhusband have lived for years. >> having so many candidates in the primary has made it verydi icult to determine who will be the best candidate to go up against trump. and ie don't want to wa vote. amna: he's had his ballot. he's looked at everyone from bernie sanders to joe biden but he's given himself a deadline, sort of. you said your deadline is super tuesday. >> it will be in the morning. i have to go to work. amna: that is the only thing.
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>> i m be turning on a dime right then. amna: the polical landscape in california changes with the geographic landscape. candidates can't camsaign here the way they did in early states. they have to be strategic. >> california is hard to move the needle. amna: paul mitchell ishe vice president of political data inrporated. he says california's 53 distinct chances to pick up53 delegates. >> we have districts thatxi are zing the coastal vote, maximizing theic a-american or latino vote or asian te. even the lgbt population vote. it has created this opportunity for candidates to come in, to be able toarget ctain congressional districts. in the central valley, if youan are the fourthd presidential candidate and you
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show up to a barbecue, it is big news. amna: another factor to , considmassive early voting and mail-in voting means momentum from earlier states is muted here. 5% of california's democratic electorate had voted before bernie sanders was named the winner in new hampshire. and a likely 40% before voters in south carolina brought joe biden's campaign back to life. does that mean the contest in california is already decided? >> you could say the ctest in california is 40% decided. amna: the polls show sanders poised to do well in forld moderates, c pete buttigieg or amy klobuchar's exit mean more delegates for bloomberg? will joe biden's south carolina surge win over voters? may up to the millions of
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late deciders to determine which way the political winds will blow. until super tuesddropwill have those ballots in the mail. with millions ofallots still out, counting them and verifying them cou take days, even weeks, unless there is a clear and resounding winner on super tuesday. judy: and from the west coast to the east, and north carolina, one of the first states whwie poll close tomorrow. today, eight federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies issued a joint statement, warning americans that foreign actors continue to influence blic sentiment and shape voter perceions. as yamiche alcindo reports, it is the security of the election that is on many voters' yamiche: eager to vote early, but worried. >> what is on my mind is the integrity of the election. yamiche: keisha brian wondered
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if people will be able to trust the results of super tuesday. the small business owner is hoping for the best, but like manyon, she'srned about how votes will be counted, and about foreign governments interfering. >> i don't want to get to a situation where people feel like they're vote doesn't count. yamiche: in this primary, 30 of 100 counties are using new voting machines. state officials say everything has been tested. some voters are still on edge. according toec at poll, one of four voters in north carolina hasto little o confidence in the voting process. obligation n those that don't feel confident. yamiche: karen oversees election security. she acknowledges voter confidence in this state is low. >> this is one of the tabulator's. yache: they have faced
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criticism for approving the new voting machines ahead of tuesday's primary without much notice to voters. >> because of the time frame we were under, it was very tight to do voter education. we are having a great response from the voters. it ivery intuitive. we don't see an issue. several decades, every vote in north carolina will bbacked up with a paper ballot. recent elections have left voters wary. in 2016, the court struck down the state's voter id law. in 2019, a republican operative was chargedfr in a ballot d scheme. an entire congressional race s been compromised. on top of evnything else this key 2020 stay, misinformation campaigns are growing. >> a facebook page calling itself north carolina breaking news is under fire. yamiche: facebook pages claiming
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to be local news organizations have been popping up. he says the efforts are similar to what he saw in the r20-up to th primaries. >> oftentimes there's a linkage between folks who e undecided and folks who are not as well inrmed. they become this vulnerable population. if it reaches those vulnerable people, that might be all that yamiche: she's changed her habits online, but she doesn't think president trump is doing enough to address mformation and foign interference in the 2020 election. >> for the leader of the country not to take that seriously, that is something i keep in mind. yamiche: she waited over an hour .o cast her vote early for elizabeth warren she sees voting as the best way
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tose push back on f information. >> i think the answer to building our democracy is not staying home. i think the answer to blding our democracy is people showing up.mi e: with super tuesday just around t corner, election officials say they feel confident things will go smoothly, but combating misinformation remains top of mind. judy? judy: that brings us to politics monday. to help us dive further into the democratic primary, i'm joined by amy walter and tamra keith. hello to both of you. it is almost here. so, amy, joe biden said it himself. we heard ieaour reporting ier. the pundits were writing him f, asking why was he still in the race.
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today, they are announcing endorsements practically by the hour. what happene >> south carolina happened. for the first time in this race, hthe one thing happened that hadn't before. the race finally narrowing and coalescing around a candidate who has been talking about electability and his ability to be the most electable of all the as we've gone thrgh this process, we've seen momentum become so important. electabity has been on the forefront of voters' minds. joe biden's electability didn't look that set when he was losing in iowa and nevada and new hampshire. but to come back in south carolina whenhe rest of the voters who don't want to support esperate tders are find someone to rally around, it was the perfect timing. judy: one state did this for joe
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biden? >> with one state, he surpassed the delegates that amy klobuchar and peteti beg and elizabeth warren had. he's rightehind bernie sanders now. joe biden hasn't had the money. he has not had the infrastructure. so you have rnie sanders preparing to compete in all these super tuesday states, spending a lot of money, and what joe biden has, hisampaign had kind of been betting on this. a lot of us were like, really? this is your plan? they figured, if he wins big in south caro him a boost.l give now they are keeping it going with these endorsementing in, trying to create this air of inevitability, like he is the on that is particularly important ino tryingnvince people who were maybe considering voting
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for michael bloomberg to say, let's just consolidate this. ase also saw, a lot of people have voted already. judy: tom steyer dropped out, then pete buttigg, and today amy klobuchar. all their voteso to joe biden? >> we can't assume that, but we do know that those votes, tom steyer aside, especially with pete buttigieg and amy klobuchar, theare in this part of the party that really was focused on electability, who is a candidate who we think is going to beat donald trump who - not named bernie sanders so that is important. it could also go to elizabeth warren. and this point about michael bloomberg is important. thoebiggest hurdle still for biden, the early vote, and then michael bloomberg.
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he is still on the ballot in states likealifornia, texas, north carolina, that have a lot of delegates. and every delegate h' pulls, hes pulling from joe biden. he does well among african-american voters. that is what got joe biden his success in south carolina. what michael bloomberg needs to do -- in order for biden to really get the coalescing he wants to show with ens endors >> i think an important thing to say about polling now is that paul's are a snapshot of a moment in time. andyhings are changing quic right now. for so long, ts race felt like it was not moving quickly. all of a sden, there are not so many candidates, and a pole that was done a week ago or 48
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yours ago, is not going to reflect the realn the ground. judy: you heard in these reports, voters who were wrestling with this, the moment has come. >> they've been desperate for so long. they've been saying, just tell me which candidate can beat donald trump. i think we got to this place becauseoc dtic voters, democratic candidates were so obsessed with this question of electability. voters themselves got wrapped around this. anw voters did you talk to who said, i le this candidate, t can they win in wisconsin? do you thi they will well in battleground states? that issue bame paralyzing for so many voters. instead of focusinhere's a votes
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candidate we think is the most electable. judy: i was hearing it from voters in virginia. just quickly, on mike bloomberg, and i did see him saturday rationale for his candidacy was joe ben may not make it. now, with biden having momentum, what happens? >> it is a big open question. michael bloomberg has spent more money than god. ashe spent more money than barack obama spent in his entire 2012 election. it is not clear yet what it is going to buy. is he going to be like a tom steyer, who people seem interested in them the support melts away, or is he going to get a certain amount of support? the thing is, do you spend that much money, do you run that hard, is your whole strategy to
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go out on super tuesday -- does that become -- what if you only ng can you maintain that?s? judy: and there is bernie sanders, h i was able to s over the weekend. talk about an enthusiastic crowd. thousands were out. >> what has been fascinating, so much of the field, so many what so many candidates were ing was running not to lose. bernie sanders was the only candidate running to win. he didn't care about all these other things. he has been very committed to his message, to his ideology, to his narrative throughout this campaign. it hasn't changed. there is an to that. and he was able to coalesce those voters. t he hasn'st them in the way that the ones who were focused
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onee electability have dispersed. judy: as we've been saying, he does appear to be ahead of the paul's. in califnia, he supposed to do well. that is one reason joe biden is having this mega rally. t he could end u, ther cleaning up tomorrow, or looking less than inevitable. >> those are the options and there is s meel in between. but one of the things i will be looking to s is, will some of the states be more like nevada, where he won african-american vote, he won latino voters, or will some of the states be more like south carolina? the question is, bernie sanders has been able to extend his be well beyon what as in 2016. does that hold up in every state
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, or only some states? >> nevada was a caucus. the rest joe biden did very well among african-american voters in south carolina. but south carolina doesn't look like north carolina or virginia. e african-american population that votes in south carolina is bigger t sn any othte that is going to vote on super tuesday, maybe with the exception of alabama. cafornia and texas, they also have a tremendously large latino population. also done very well.has joe biden, not so well. judy: we can't wait. what is i a third of the delegates being chosen by tomorrow, we can't wait. tamra keith, amy walter, thank you both. ♪
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agreement aimed at withdrawing u.s. forces from afghanistan. the taliban committed to not allow terrorists to use the cotry as a base to plan operations. this agreement has already run into a serious snag. nick: the moment the u.s. hopes is the beginni of thend of the longest war. telegrams lead negotiato >> we are full of hope that everyone will participate in rebuilding the future of nick: secretary of state mike
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pompeo. >> it is time. e opportunity is in front of us. we have commitments from the taliban to break with al qaeda. nick: the agreement calls for the taliban to black al qaeda from afghanistan, and the government to negotiate directly. today, president trump was emphatic about the withdrawal. >> are getti out. we want to get out. wead good meetings with the taliban. we are going to bldbringing our rs back home. nick: the agreement committed the gornment to relea up to 5000 prisoners. the afghan president said that was dead on arrival. release the 5000 prisoners.o this is the legal aut abs right of the people of afghanistan. announced it wouldn't negotiate until the government released prisoners. earlier today, i spoke to theaf
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national security advisor and asked if the taliban's announcement, talks were doomed. talibanver believed the were fully committed to the peace process. that is why wce ask for a e-fire upfront, so they can show their commitment. we are preparing for a full defense. but in the spirit of peace, if the taliban wish to make a peace deal with the afgh government, they will have to keep the violence low and reach a cease-fi: with us. ni the agreement commits both the taliban and the ahan government to release prisoners before direct talks and bin what president ghani said it can't be a precondition to talks. doesn't that go against the deal? >> what we were told, and what
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is in the agreement f the joint statement with the united states, a discussion between the afghan government and the taliban, we could talk about the release of prisoners among other things, but there is no ecdition that we must release thebefore any discussion begins. i think we are not goingo release any prisoners until we seserious commitment for peace from the taliban. this is a leverage we cannot give away. what we need to see from the taliban is full cease-fire. we also need to see clarity on their relationship with the narcotics trade. we also need to see clarity on their relationship rsth their spon if that is not clarified, we
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will not he the assurance that any deal with the taliban willin lead to peacfghanistan. while we are happy to the release of prisoners, it cannot be the only topic. it must be part of a broader discussion on ending this senseless violence. nick: you are talking about issues you will discuss. why not release may be a few prisoners to make sure those formal talks begin as scheduled? >> again, we have sent a team to discuss all issues. onot just th issue. nick: do you support the u.s.-taliban agreement? do you believe it is a peace deal, do you feel like it is more of a withdrawal agreement? >> the fact that the taliban have an agreement with the united states, there ino reason left for the taliban to
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continue violencn. in afghanis there self-proclaimed genesee is gone. we think that is a good step towards achieving lasting peace in our country. we w hope that thl lead to peace, and we think it is a positive step in that directn. but on its own, it is not enough to bring peace. nick: the agreedrnt is to wi all u.s. troops in the next 14 months. some officials i talked to talked about a 1500 2500 troop range to conduct counterterrorism missions. do you believe the u.s. is serious about a full withdrawal and do you support that? >> absolutely, we have been preparing ourselves for more reliance on our own security forces and we have been doing
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that in many ways. we have managed toreate more self dependence. but what is important notice is that this condition or this withdrawal is conditioned based. nick: but those conditions are based not on progress between you and the taliban, but the taliban taking steps to renounce al qaeda. was that a mistake? >> in the agreement, it sta os th of the conditions is the progress in the dialogu if we are not making progress and the taliban and the taliban continue theirch violence, w means afghanistan will continue to be breeding ground or an environment conducive for terrorism, which will be a threat to the united states, then that contion would not be
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met, which means that withdrawal commitment will also be stretched. the u.s. has objected to some of the people you suggested. is the an agreement among the afghans and between afghanistan and the u.s. over who is going to negotiate? >> we are in ongoing discussions with all the stakeholders in afghanistan on forming an inclusive team. this will include people from the opposition and the afghan political spectrum, b also people from other walks of life, such as cil society. the negotiating teepresented in we are working right now on forming inclusive team that will representse all of tho
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have been impacted by this war. nick: ambassador, thank you vy >> thank you. judy: and on the newshour online, you can find our conversation with author shane bauer, whose book was the february selection for now read this, our book club with the new york times. selection, danny schapiro's memoir, inheritance, which grapples with the unexpected all that and more on our website , and that is the newshour for tonight. i judy woodruff. join us online and again tomorrow evening. thank you, and we will see you soon. >> major funding forhe pbs >> on an american cruise lines--
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