tv PBS News Hour PBS April 21, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: good g. i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight: as the death toll from covid-19i continues to, lawmakers workout a new round of economic i o speaker of the house nancy pelosi about congress'o responsee virus. then, the "hunt for a vaccine."e our mio'brien on the race to find a treatment-- the only surefire way for lifeturn ao normal.w dical officials in d are putting their experience with past heth crises to work. and, "scenes of silence." cities around the wome to a standstill, as covid-19 obintains its grip on the
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all that and more, on tonight's pbs newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> consumer cellular offers no-contract reless plans that are designed to lp you do more of the things you enjoy. whether you're a talker, texter, browser, photographer,r a bit of everything, our u.s.-based customer service team is here to find a plan that fits you. to learn more, go to >> bnsf railway. >> finanal services firm raymond james. >> the john s. and james l. fostering informed and engaged aret rgkf.o. ofhens tse ititituoning support
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>> this program was made public broadcasting.ation for and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers le you. thank you. ou rescue aid is on its way through ane u.s. congress tonight, for millions of amerhurt by the pandemic. meanwhile, infections worldwide have tped 2.5 million, including well over 800,000 cases and nearly 45,000 deaths here in the u.s. >> n : on capitol hill, a renewed effort today to mitigate the economic pain of the covid-19 pandemic. >> this is even more money than le had first requested a wh
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back.>> the depths of the crisie now face meant that funding fora certain pr in this bill had already been depleted. >> nawaz: the senate passed a nearly $500 billion relief package, including funds for hospitals, testing, and newy mo boost a small-business lending program that's now dried up. negotiations had stalled over how to ensure the money goes an associated press analysis found at least 75 big companies, l publicly traded, had received a combined $300 million in low-interest loans through the initial program roll-out, frustrating small-businessik ownerszachary davis. >> a company that's doing tens of millions, or hundredseaf millions ain revenues going to be first in line with a big bank when it ces time to apply for one of these things. >> nawaz: davis said he scrambled to apply fords for his santa cruz, california ice cream shop, but was shut out. the lack of funding in the new congressional package has also frustrated lears of hard-hit stes, like new york. >> i think it's a terrible
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stake not to provide funding for the states. i get small businesses. i get airlines. how aboupolice? how about fire? how about health care workers? >> nawaz: governor andrew cuomo briefing, to meet with president trump on the continued need for state resources. that meeting followed an overnight tweet from the president, declaring he would be "signing an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration." texas congressman joaquinai caro, of the congressional hispanic caucus, accused the prident of diverting attention from his" failure to stop the spread of the coronavirus" and "take advantage of a crisis." even before the president's tweet, immigration to the u.s. had largely been shuttered, after years of administration policies to limit migration and recent steps in response to the pandemic, incling suspending meanwhile, outside the white house today: >> if you don't protect us, we
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can't protect our patients. >> nawaz: members of national nurses united, the nat largest union of registered nurses, protested the lack or masks and ototective equipment. >> it's extremely scary, to not know whether or not u're protected enough to take care of you're not going tsick and pass it on to your friends and family. >> nawaz: medical workers say they continue to be strained, as up acrosthe country.tspots flare massachusetts is now trailing number of infections and deaths. governor charlie baker reported a surge in hospitalizations today: very much in the grips of all pandemic here in massachusetts. i know that's hard to hear, and it's hard for me to say. >> nawaz: at the same time, some states where infections have yet
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to peak are already moving to re-open their economies. >> open america now! >> nawaz: hundreds protested in raleigh today to pressure north carolina's governor to do the same. overseas, in italy, once theer global epicef the pandemic, prime minister ftuseppe conte said restrictions would likely be beginning inarly meile, the world food program warned today hunger worldwide could double this year to nearly 265 million,inue to the cod economic fallout of the pandemic. fothe pbs newshour, i'm amna nawaz. >> woodruff: that economic fallout hit oil prices haran again today-that, in turn, took down wall street again. the dow jones indurial average lost 631 points to close at ,018. the nasdaq fell 297 points, and the s&p 500 was down 86. and now, to help us dive dper
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into the details of the senate's relief package, i'm joined by our congressional correspondent, lisa desjardins. so lisa, it's fresh off the floor of the senate. this legislation are. pieces of >> right. let's break this down right away, judy. here's a look at what's in thisf firsll, $320 billion to extend the paycheck protection program. that's basically the keep small businesses able to keep their employees on fo another eig weeks. there's $60 billion in addition to that for small businesses for what's called economic disaster loans. that money had also run out. $75 billion for hospitals and other healthcare providers, and then $25 bilon for testing. some of that is going to the naonal institutes of health, and much of that is also going to states and cities. th woodruff: so lisa, talk some more abou new money in
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here, money for overlooked immunities. >> rig i. th what democrats, one of the reasons they wlt wasre very important. in this bill is $60 billion specifically targeted for smaller banks, banks that don't have a large profile. why is that? well, let's look at some data that came t yesterday from the national small business they found from members, if % member had more than 20 employees, that f those members were able to get help through this program, but for small businesses witfewer n 10 employees, only 18% were able to get the help through this program. rrnd wt a responds -- vearusoresy geottger st help, smallut businesses not. democrats were able to put money the bank for small are urban., most are rural, some st don't have as much access to capital. also, a note, this bill require
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national testing plan from the trump administration within 30 days, and down the road it requires that there be databased on race, gender, and location as to who isnd contractingho is dying from this virus. >> woodruff: what everybody nts to know, lisa, i when will this must be -- money reach people? will be a full house vote. on many members will have to return for that. after that it goes to the president. he's expected to sign it quickly, i'm told by experts that once the predent sig this bill, this money can bnse flowing to businesses very quickly within just a few days, t juchybdaecontusre hyae s already been established for how this works. a >> woodruf right. lisa desjardins reporting on what's happening at the capitol. lisa, thank you. >> you're welcome. woodruff: and now with the bill on its way to the house for and now, with the bill on its way to the house for a vote,g let's br speaker of the
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house nancy pelosi. le joins us now from capi hill. madam speaker, thank you very much for talking with us. we just heard lisa lay out the main elements of this legislation. tell us what you thi the main difference this bill is going to make for people. >> well, a usual, lisa did a very good job of putting forth the particars of te legislation. thank you, lisa. what's important here, though, and let me begin, i aways us markers. two weeks ago from today, this thesday, two weeks ago 7th of april, the secretary of the treasury called me and said i nee $50 bil trlion dollars, and it will be on the senate floor in 48 hours. quarter of asa tri i don't thin. the ry next day on aril 8th, house and senate democratproposed an alternative that would reach the under bank, so many of the small businesses, as well as expanding opportunities for those iolved
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with the recogtion that we're ly going to open our economy if we can address the testing, testing, testing, contact tracing, and other issues that relate to science and health in addition to the economy. they are s connected. so that was two days later on the 9th of apil. leader mcconnell brought to thfloor legislation, $2hiche ft nonetheless, we needed to do were underserved by it.ose who this is it. this is all we're going to do and the democrats are holding this up. the fact is he was holding up, what just came to the floor and passed, legislation with chuck t humer that was proposed on the floor that day rejected our legislation with as much
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fare and as money recognitionco so wider this very positive and a good use of the time that it took. it could have been faster if they accept then what they accepted now, but we went forward with another bill. >> woodruff: i want to ask you about that, but very quickly, we're learning there was smaller-than-expected percentage of small businesses who got money from this last piece of legislation. it were bigger businesses in great shape. how do you knowihat's not gong to happen again? >> because we have a $60 billion seta side for these underbanks, women and minority-owned businesses, indicative americant rural, vans, just all kinds of businesses that would not b, shall we say, on a first-come-first-serve basis getting these loans. i that no different.
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and that's thanks to maxine waters inthe chair of the banking committee and the chair of the small business committee who put together this proposal which was today voted unanimously on the floor of the senate. so that is our... we want to see the data tosee how this is working, both what has happened already and what we're transpiring to go forward to make sure that we are reaching those who are the lifeblood of our business, all of it. very small, too, for creation of jobs and wealth in our country. >> alcindor:>> woodruff: so muck you about, madam speake i'm going to move quickly here. we know democrats wanted money for state and local governments. today the president tweeted thai that's a ority for him inthe next legislation. does this mean you're now to be same page? >> well, we havelways hadat assurance. ey didn't want to do it in this bill, but they would do ite inext bill, and his announcement of course is no
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surise to us because that's what we have discussed. we could relent on some of that because we know this next bill is going to happen very soon. but we're going call it state and local. we call it our heroes s about our healthcare providers, our police and fire, our e.m.s., thoseransportation workers, those essential workers who are in many ways risng their own lives to save other lives but are at risk of losing their jobs, d so we want this to be about them, our teachers and others who are so essential to our society d our economy. so we're glad to hear that the president said that, but it's no surprise to us because part of moving on from this was to go to the next bill. in the previous bill,e had $200 billion. they had $150. we went with the $150, and then we didn't know about the interim bill until they called a couple eeeks ago, because we wer
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prepared to move on with a bigger allocation in the next bill. >> woodruff: and just confirming, the house vote, we expect that thursday. about proxy voting or virtual voting in the house? >> not on that day. on that day we will have a vote by members present and voting. as we go forward, though, any change in that would require a rules change.that would have toh by house of representatives until we can consider, that but for now th don't havat rule change, but we do have the urgency of pasng this legislation, which we will do in a very strong, bipartisan way. all of our bills have been bipartisan starting with our first one. this will be the fourth now, and then the fifth, the next bill will be the fifth, bufirst bill that we passed on march 4th was testing, testing, testing. here we are a month and a half
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later, and finally in this billr having to insist that the administration focus on testing. thh have ignored this overe past weeks, and that has been loss of life and opportunity in our country. testing, testing, contact trace >> woodruff: so u put a number right now -- i'm sorry ta interrupt, butyou put a number now on how much more you expect congress wilspend on testing in the next round? >> well, in this round it's $25 billion. we will need more, and there are scientists who are coming ups with estimates what it will take for us to be able to test the number of people in an given day, far more than the republicans are choosing. the administration has plans for right now. by their own science, they're saying we can do this many in a day. the other scientists said that doesn't even come close to that
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one-third of what we need tdo. so hopefully with this bill, which will call for a national strategy on testing and to not only test t report on the ismographics of it, how it impacting different communities, it's going to be very important. you cannot soove a prblem unless you can define it, and you cannot define it until we test, test, test, and then do the contact tracing and of course thencubation of the isolation in order to stop the spread of it and to keep it oute of the hof those who are infected. we know what to do. science tells us. >> woodruff: madam speaker, we knowenhat you and pres trump have had, i think it's fair to say a difficult relationship with one another in recent months. is it... how much is this impeding the ability of the federal government to address this covid-19 crisis? >> what g is impede federal government from addressing the covid-19 crisis ishe
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president's denial, delay, and that has been deadly. science, science, science. he has usref. we are insisting on the truth, and the president is engaged ino a seri misrepresentations to the american people. and this is the impediment. i have tried to act in a bipartisan way with three bills that were bipartisan. i had an epiphany on easthter at said, we must call out the truth on this, because we cannot... it's one thing to overlook what happened in the past and be sad about that. it's another thing to let the misrepresentation continue. and so that's why i am saying that he's a poor leader. he ignores his own responsibility and assigns blame stead of taking responsibility, paying attention to scicence, ognizing the role of governance in all of this t get the job doneor the american people. so we've engaged in distractions
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on immigration, distractions like putting people on the they are distractions away from the known fact that he's a total failure when it comes to testing. >> woodruff: sometntng else i o ask you about that, is the money, the billions that yob wanted states able to spend on making sure their november are safe.l,his this is something democrats are asshing. leader mcconnellaid this is... this is not a priority for him. he's not goingo let it happen. he does hold the upper hand on this, doesn't he? >> new york he doesn't. this is the same mcconnell who came to the floor on april 9th and said, this is ar faz ars we're going to go. 2 democrats are holding this up. we're not going beyond this. and today he voted unanimously for the proposal that the democrats put forward. no, this is about the lives, the livelihood of the american people and the life of our democry. and we do... like in wisconsin, you go to the polls.
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that's the same as if we were inviting you all to go to mardi gras. this is dangerous. and so at this time in particular, we want people to b able to vo by mail and to be mail, have same-llot in the registration. we have some very positive initiatives. we have $400 mllion in the previous bill in tier one. now we expect a need to get more. i know republicans who... i was a at the prese time parity air. we would win on election day and lose when the republican votes would coa in by mil because they were always so much better than wews%u so i don't know why te president said if we vote by mail republicansould neer win any more elections. maybe it's for other reasons, but it's certainly not by theirn abilit facility to vote by mail. but that's about ouron constituo remove all obstacles to prticipation so that our democracy cane theust taicipivatiohn
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rofthe american people. let the chips fall where they may. >> woodruff: speaker nancy pelosi, we want to mthank you veh. >> thank you. thank you so much. my pleasure. >> woodruff: the historic declines in global oil prices continued today, with negativeen effects n stock markets thound the world. llp shco iapsel reflects the broader drop in demand all across areas of the economy, as business activity everywhere remains at a near stand-still. for a closer look at all this, and whether oil's decline could be a harbinger of trouble to come in other sectors, we turn to t "new york times" economics reporter neil irwin,lo who has been fng all these developments closely. so neil, first question, give us
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what is behind this massive drop in oil prices right now? >> so the simple story goes like this: we have through this remarkable period over the last two months when all types of oil consumption has collapsed, airplanes aren't flying, people aren't driving, use of energy products is way, way down. but for oil production, you can't flip it on and off likea switch. so oil has continued to be pumped from the ground despite the drying up of dem this means a glut. there's more supply than demand. th's become so extreme tat in texas and in big parts of north america, we're running out of storage capacity to store all this extra oil, and that's how we ended up with negative prices for oil on mony on he futures contract. >> woodruff: and how much of this, neil, has to do with where this oil is, whether it's in the u.s. or it's in the middle east or someplace else? >> that's a big parof it. so much of te u.s. oilupply is landlocked, hard to get it on to oil tankers.e there l tankers around the world just sitting in the ocean,
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you know, holding large ounts of oil to keep it off the rket right now. this is a very unusual time. this is a time in which saudi arabia and russia haveeen producing lots of oil. they have only recently agreed ck.pull that b and again, demand is in free-fall. no one is consuming energy at the rates th used to, and so until that corrects itself, until this extrpply can work its way through the system, we're going to have extremely low oil prices, maybe not negative, but very low numbers. >> woodruff: and what does n that mean theil, for the broader economy? i mean, how much of an effect is it having? we see the economy hurting cause of the slowdown everywhere. this energy sector oil price issue affecting theof res thet economically important commodity in the world, and i think what it is telling us is something that really appliescross all types of commodities and really all types of things that peopleh
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buy, ws there is a glut. there is a worldwide collapse od deand that means there's all this unused capacity out there in the world. o it's true l. it's true of agricultural commodit a lot of prices are down. it's true of things in the service sector, empty restaurant, empty hotels, empty airplanes, runways at major airports are like parking lotsan with air sitting there not flying anywhere. that's a very unusual situation. it amounts to a globa deflationary force. there is all this extra capacity sitting out there unsed. >> woodruff: and in a nutshell, what's it going to take to geag this righain? >> the truth is the public health response and getting the a point where people can go back to their usual consumption patterns is the only way to really en i think the question is what can the government do, and that' what speaker pelosi was speaking about to grease the runway, mak sure we can rough this period without undue personal can come out on te other endwe
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when the public health dimensions are solved and geto backusiness, return to jobs. that said, there's a lot of scarring happenilo. there are of people out of work. can you reform those attachments quickly? that's an open question, especially if this goes on alo whollonger. >> woodruff: neil irwin, we thank you. always good to have you with us. >> thanks, judy. >> woodruff: ithe day's other news, a bipartisan u.s. senate report reaffirms that russia 2 interfere in t6 u.s. election, and will try it again this year. it is the latest in a series of reports by the senate c intelligenmittee. it backs up the intelligence commity's work, and it dismisses president trump's claims that the findings were a hoax. in the 2020 presidential campaign, democrat joe biden's team has reported its st fundraising month yet.
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the former vice president's operation says that it took in t mon $46 million during march. most of that take came early in the month, before the coronavirus disrupted the economy. president trump still s, though, a big advantage in fundraising, with more thanli $240 m stockpiled. south korea and china cast doubt today on reports that north gravely kim jong-un is the reports said kim had undergone surgery recely. the south korean president's office said there is no sign of anything unusual. however, a leading south korean lawmaker said that it clear what is happening. >> ( translated ): somne told me kim jong-un had a surgery for cardiovascular problems. another person told me he got an ankle surgery. and another told me that he is infected with the coronavirus. looking at various circumstances, i believe that there are some unusual signs
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regarding kim's health. >> woodruff: the reports surfaced a week after kim missed a key state ceremony and after his sister received a surprise, high-level promotion. in chile, anti-government protests have re-ignited, despite a ban on large gatherings during the pandemic. at least 14 people were arrested late monday as small groups demonstrated in santiago.ot the ests came in defiance of a curfew near-daily protests broke out last october, over economic inequality. back in this country, oklahoma will not be allowed to enforce a ban on abortions during the pandemic, at least for now. a federal judge issued a preliminary injunctionast thght. sohastht aborintions with other elective procedures that are temporarily anstponed. ip ssp telatlipsngcr blee i ns , for the first time since world war ii. organizers there
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is no safe way to hold the eveni during tathe pthanaiy toda the competition had been for scheduled for early june, outside of washington, d.c. still to come on the newshour: covid-19 and kidney disease, a deadly complication of the virus. to uganda, where health officials are tting their knowledge of previous outbreaks to work. the "hunt for a vaccine." medical scientists race to find a cure for coronavirus. plus, "scenes of silence." the pandemic brings cities worldwide to a standstill. >> woodruff: even as we learn more about thicoronavirus, there are new questions we did not expect, about what else it may be doing to the body.he
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in addition toespiratory distress it causs , covid-19 se be linked with ineases for some patients inflammationf the heart and other organ and tissue damage. none of these connections are conclusive. but, william bngham explores one of those connections that has a number of doctors concerned. >> brangham: that's right. we're learning about this novel coronavirus is the impact that it is havingn the kidneys. and for that, i'm joined now by dr. alan he's ayale university school of medicine, and he co-chairs e covid-19 response team for the american society of dr. klthank you very much for being here. >> thank you. >> brangham: could you tell me, when you first started to learn that-- what we think of as a respiratory virus is also damaging kidneys? >> yes. well, some of the earliest reports out of china show that among covid-positive patients admitted to the hospital, as
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many as 40% or even 50% had evidence of some damage in the kidney. they had protein in their urine or blood in their urine. and 10% of them even had some decrease in kidney function. so we knew early on that the kidney was one of the targets. >> brangham: and do we know whyi ths impacts the kidneys? >> it's not so clear. but there's been a lot ofn speculatout that. we know, for example, that the t virus can attakidney cells through a specific receptor in e e kidney. thme receptors are in other organs as well, and can mage the kidney directly we also know that in patients who are very sick, who need to be on ventilators and in intensive care units, that combine the illness in the lung mmd other organs can sometimes cause a huge infory reaction. and the body releases these things called cytokines and they can turn damage the kidney. >> brangham: so what are the practical implications? if i am meone who is infected
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with t coronavirus and i'm getting quite sick and it starts to dage my kidneys-- what are... what does that mean for me as a-- as a patient? >> yeah, well, first of all, most people who are sick with this disease, never get sick enough to be in the hospital and never get sick enough to have many organs damaged that way. but if you look specifically at patients sick enough to be in the intensive care uom covid-19, it looks in centers like new york that have a lot o disease, that 40% of those patients may have evidence of kidney failure. there are even some places that high as 50% of thoseive care ue have kidney failure.ha >> bra we know that's obviously a huge complication for the individual, but it'sso also got to pu stress on the i.c.u. that is cfor them, because dialysis, that kidney care is not something that i >> yeah.rocured, right?
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well, 's true in centers like new york or other cities like detroit or cofcago. first ll, many more intensive care units have had to be created to take c patients who are so sick. and, in those units, the provision of care like dialysis or like continuous replacement therapy, different kinds of e alysis treatments that treat kidney failure, ry intensive of both equipment and personnel. >> brangham: so y ouobe thtoslet beefed up, the amount of equipment have to be beefed up, do we? is it your sense that there are enough of those individuals and equipment to handle projected surge of cases? >> yeah, well, we know that best where last week many hospitals started running short of equipment and be concerned about those staff. you know, many people taking re of patients with kidney, id.beentenfecthemselves have
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and so often staff are out and ild , what we started hearing from new york was that the needm for eqt and dialysis was four or five times usual, while staff available was sometimes 70% or 80% of what usually is used. so that combination has made it really critical in some places bring in more staff and to bring in more equipment. >> brangham: and long-term, do we know what this virus does to the kidneys over the long tee hm anme pand g can thdoey restore tradl normal kidney funcon? >> it's a good question.y and this is eat and we don't have all the answers to that. what we do know is that there have bn patients who have had acute kidney injury from this illness that they've recovered from and where the kidneys have been able to go on and do what they've needed to without dialysis. but we also know there are some
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patients who still have evidence of kidney failure and need dialysis even after they've been released from the hospital. >> brangham: it's another one of these long-term impacts of this virus we're going to be living with for a very, very long time. dr. alan kliger at the yale universi school of medicine, thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. so woodruff: poor health care infrastructure i african nations is leading to dire warnings from the u.n. about the till that covid-19 could take throughout the cnt. but, the eastern african nation of uganda has only 58 confirmed experts say that its experience with previous viral outbreaks, like ebola and marburg viruses, mean it was already prepared to deal with covid-19. special correspondent michael f baleke reporm the capital,
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kampala. >> reporter: uganda's first confirmed case of covid-19 landed on a plane from dubai on march 21. more than 100 people were aboard the same flight, and the nation acted swiftly. >> the passenger manifest has been retrieved and all contacts are known as the passports of the travelers were retained at immigration and all the travelers were put under quarantine. >> reporter: viral disease outbreaks are nothing new here. 18anda has been in a healthcare emergency since responding to outbreaks of ebola, yellow fever, measles, and the crimean congo hemorrhagic fever. uganda also successfully contained the deadly marburg virus in 2017, limiting the outbreak to three deaths.
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health officials say that gives uganda an advantage over otherhe countries in t fight against >> we put in placeres to do surveillance because of the trecent ebola outbreak, as virus is juscocoming illn,in sos region. >> reporter: health surveillancl border posts, land andam air.s body temperature scanners were in pce at the entebbe international airport a year ago. uganda has also built the tlpacity to prepare and sw test samples of different viral diseases at the uganda virus research institute laboratory. >> as we are running now, we can do about 520 tests per day, but we have the capacity to expand that if we use all the machines d anal
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relatively few cases, the government is already taking additional precautionary measures. >> it is wise that wemp arily remove these concentration points by closing all the primary and the secondary schools, pre-primary as well as all the universities and tertiary institutions one month. >> reporter: the government has issued a ban on public hitherings at places of wo bars, and nightclubs for 30 days. the country has also sealed it e borderept to cargo pnes, trucks and security teams of both the military and police are eforcing a 70 p.m. curfew across the country. there have also been reports of refugees entering the country
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through illegal border points, even though the vid-19 measures announced by the government suspended new arrivals. >> nobody is allowed to move back and forth from what we call country of origin to the settlement in uganda, and we have directed all our law enforcement officers to make sure that this directive is enforced to the letter. 7 ♪ >> reporter: ugandan legislator and popstar robert kyagulanyi, also known as bobi wine, has released a song to raise awareness of the covid-19 pandemic. the coronavirus poses a major risk to human life, and this has forced the ugandan president to announce a two-week lockdown ofe the country so that people can stay at he. uganda's 75-year-old president
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has also released a video of his home workout routine, in a bid to encourage ugandans to stay indoors. the stay-at-home order isma driving into a spending spree to stock up on household essentials, and the rush to stockpile has driven up the price of commodities. >> yesterday but one, i bought a kilo of beans 4,000. yesterday, i came and it was 5,000. so, i don't know what is going on. . don't know what the government is saying about and we are worried about the aftermath of this situation. >> reporter: the ugandan esident has threatened to revoke trading licenses of businesses that hike prices. for pbs newshour, i'm michael baleke in kampala.
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>> woodruff: our science has spent the past six weeks i seattle, washington, reportinghe onandemic and making a film for our friends at "frontline," about how thingsfo ed in the city where covid-19 first landed in the u.s. william is back, and he talked with miles in seattle earlier today. >> brangham: miles, very, very good to see you. before we talk about your "frontline" film, which is, airing tonigt's address this public debate that is happening in the country about when to reopenhow to reopen, and according to almost allex public healterts, until we get a solid vaccine, 're incainsi bg y de togdlmu this virus. where does the search for a vaccine fit right now?q >> william, it's all scienndfic on deck all over the globe. there e 78 confirmed trial
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under way right nowar looking vaccine to attack this novel coronavirus. there are a couplehnecues that are novel techniques, not quite proven yet, which involve using d.n.a. and r..a., the genetic material to get the immune system response that you want inside the human body. the chinese released the genetic sequence of this new coronavirus on january 10th. 63 days later, this trial vaccine was beictng in into the first volunteer in one study run by moderna. another company with a similar idea says they're moving as quickly as they caokn. i with the c.e.o. of innovio, dr. joseph kim. >> we're hopeful we'll have the immune response day the safety data from all 40 subject in june, and next step will be a larger phase ii trial that will test actual efficacy of the
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is the vaccine in protecting a person from an actual infection, and that will involve around 50o 1,000 volunteers. and we're hopeful that we ca start that trial as early as this summer. >> aow d those volunteers will be frontline healthcare providers and first responders. number one, because they are most at risk, but scientifically, they are so exposed to the virus, it gives them a better group of subjects in order to determine one way ar her whether these vaccines are working. >> brangham: so let's say wev do find cine that does work. that's one challenge. the next challenge is how do we make the millis and billions of shots needed to cover the planet. >> this is the part that kind of boggles the mind when you start talking abousupply chain. we're talking about seven
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billion customers, right? cnd in the cases of these viruses, these vnes that we're seeing, it's two doses, so we're talking about 14 billion doses of medicine. to imagine producing that in short order is hard to wrap your brain around. there are people in the philanthropic realm. ates has indicated he might put some ll gof his moneyo allowing this production to scale up. therpaare private comes ready to do this. but ultimately it's going to require thegovernment, philanthropy, and private companies working in concert if 're going to ramp up production to meet this need, which after all, there is no bigger need than the planet. >> brangham: short of getting that vaccine, of corse, we have to treat the people who are sickened with covid-19. there's a lot of work on these anti-viral drurgs and other medications. i know that's parted of what's in your "frontline" tonight.
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can you tell us more about thate >>, one of the anti-viral, remdesivir, one of the possibles treatmor coronavirus, came into play with patient number one here in the puget sound area. a 35-year-old man, othwise good health, had spent six weeks in the wuhan region of china visiting family in late decembe d eanuary. he landed on u.s. soil januaryth t sea-tac airport and became sick a few days later. he ends up in a clinic, and by the end of january he's in a i hospit everett, providence regional hospital there, and he starts to deteriorate. and this is where we pick up the story with the clinician who was dr. george diaz. care, >> patient one was slipping fast, and there was no known treatment. an anti-viral drugaldeard about remdesivir that some experts thought could potentially help.u it be an experiment, he, saidbut the patient was
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willing. >> at that point i contacted the f.d.a. and gilad, the manufacturer to, see i they would approve it. the f.d.a. gave us an applro to try it on a compassionate use basis, knowing that it had notp beenroved yet and that there were no trials available to bast ecision on. we infused it the next day. he was still having very high fevers and still was requiring oxygen the day he gave it to him. by the next day his fever was resolved and it styed gone. he felt much better. he felt like he had started beating the virus. it was a stunning apparent recovery theotentially to remdesivir. but bear in mind, this was a anecdote, purely a case, one so this had dr. diaz verylobe. intrigued, of course, so hemo immediately got involved in some of the clinical trials that are under way on remdesivir.
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people who are exposed and dealing with covid-19 disease, and there are multiple trials owl around the globe right under way, and we don't have any firm data yet, but everything we're hering is optimistic a leaked acchat came outhere was of chicago, doctors expressing great opmism that they were having good efficacy with remdesivir beating back this virus and allowing people to recover. it's important not to get to far ahead of these things. want to have good science, but ultimately, if there is reallytrong indications, it's possible they will just stop the trials and start giving this drug to people who are really sick with covid-19. >> brangham: all right, miles o'brien, we'll be watching the film tonight. thank yoovery much. >>'re welcome, william. >> brangham: and a reminder, miles' film, "coronavirus pandemic" air os tonig "frontline" on pbs.
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>> woodruff: the president took to the podain this evening to discuss the latest on a number of fronts. our yamiche alcindor is here to bring us up to speed. so yamiche, the adesident has ome news with regard to >>dor: that's right, judy. the president just announced at the white house that he's goingn to be ng to sign an executive order that would suspend immigration across e united states with some exceptions for 60 days. he said the executive order is still being written as of right now, but eexpects to sign it as early as tomorrow. he said part of this is goi be halting green cards in people who are trying to come to the unitedtates as immigrants and immigrate to the united states permaneny. he said people th are entering on a temporary basis won't be suspension. this suss it's important to note that i've been talking to the white house all day, and they say farm workers and potentially healthcare workers won't be
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included in this immigration suspension, however, critics of the president say this is really him apegoating americans. they also say this is the president really making it seemo as immigrants are the problem when really coronavirus, the virus itself and testing isy rehe issue here. the president, though, said he feels he has to do this because he wants to protect american workers from getting jobs that they are laid off and also he said that healthcare, the people that are coming into hospitals, those need to be focused on helping americans, but critics of the president, including some republicans, say this is the wrong move. >> woodruff: yamiche, it's an executive order, as you said. does that mean there's no recourse on the part of anybody who disagrees with the president,hether it's democrats in congress, governors, or someone else? >> well, much like many othe things this president has done both during the coronavirus otbreak as well as prior this outbreak, this executive order will be subject to leal challenges, so critics of the president will likely take him
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to court. this could end up even in the supreme court. on the court on things like the travel ban, that was ultimatelyd up the president has halted a lot of immigration already. so there are supsportf the president who say, if you're caught trying to get into the united states or mexo and canada, you're already turned away, so there are some people who say this is really the president just cementing what is already happening in the united states, but there are others who say this is a step forward, a step too far, and that this is, of course, bug into place a 60-day suspension, so this isn't just a small thing. they say this is a bigger step to that. e sayinguff: some a what he's doing is unprecedented. all at t white house.owing it yamiche, thank you. >> alcindor: thanks so much.
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>> woodruff: as much of the world continues to stay inside practicing social distancing, vibrant cities have gone quiet and given us a glimpse of whatd the womight be like without in it.n jeffrey brs the story, our ongoing series on arts and culture, "canvas." >> brown: times square in new york: on a typical april day, more than 375,000 pedestrians pass through. if you'vbeen, you know it can feel they' all there at once. but not now-- when the usual bustle is all but gone. in a normal year, more than 30 million people visiparis, making it the biggest tourist destination in the world. today, as the french say, "il n'ya pas un chat"-- not a cat in sight. >> ( translated ): when you live in a tourist-y area, you should expect noise, crowds,
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foot traffic. and it's a big city so obviously there are a lot of people. it's pleasant to see paris like this, but we still feel that this is not normal. >> brown: around the world, spaces that have long filled our imaginations are mostly empty, largely silent. as the poet gerard manley hopkins wrote, "all things strange."original, spare, even amid so much sickness andho or, a strange beauty. >> despite the horrible reasons that this is hpening, i think that there's a lot of gifts to be had, to have the entire worla stop at th time. >> brown: sacred spaces: in st. peter's square, pope francis was a solitary figure as he delivered a special blsing to the world. the holy city of mecca is
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normally filled with muslim pilgrams-- this year, saudi authorities suspded the pilgrimage completely. places of romance: rio de janeiro's famed beach, usually jam-packed-- now closed by the local government, patrolled by police. and the other-worldly light and magic of venice: its canals mostly devoid of activity. gondolas and ferries rocking gently. one result? the water is now more clea it's true elsewhere as well. one silver lining to the upheaval: cleaner places, cleaner air. pollution levels dropped so much over wuhan, china during its months-long lockdown, the change was visible in satellite images. a marked decline in airn, italy: pollution in march compared to y
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lar. los angeles has seen its longest period of "good" air quality in 25 years. ( birds chirping ) in fact, there may be something else the air: a new song. scientists are studying how the pandemic is impacting birds. >> we literally have a worldwide experiment underway. the are actually a number studies, both in the u.s. and europe, at show that birds do respd to human anthropogenic noise by reducing thn songs-- in some cases, actually changing the frequen of their bngs. and so it's a sa that in the much-reduced noise sphere that they're experiencing right now, they're probably out there filling it up a little bit more than they would have otherwise. >> brown: and around the world, reports of otherildlife reclaiming now-empty spaces. in southern india, a herd of elephants took over a road
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usually filled with traffic. in thailand, a mob of monkeys brawled over food. with hardly any tourists to feed them, the monkeys are going hungry. and near barcelona, spain, wild boar descended from the divide the boulevards.dges that sights and sounds rarely, if ever, experienced."a things counter," as the poet said, "original, spare, strange."s for the wshour, i'm jeffrey brown. >> woodruff: wouldn't it be wonderful if something good came out of this. and that is e newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. join us online, and again righto here tomorevening.
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for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you, please stay safe, and we'll see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> life isn't a straight line, and sometimes you n find yourself heading in a new direction. fidelity is here to help you work through the unexpected, with financial planning and advice for today, and tomorrow. >> financial services firm raymond jame >> bnsf railway. >> consumer cellular. >> carnegie corporation of newrk supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of international peace andty secu at >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions and individuals. s >> togram was made possible by the corporation for
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>> jamie: g, we need to eat more and we need to start now. come on, you know it makes sense. it's better for you, and it's better for the planet. i'm gointo cook veggies in a w that are going make you so happy. so whether you're a full-blown veggie or just wanting to start eating less meat, i've got some ea and delicious recipes for you. i don't want to compromise on the flavor, no way. meeting people doi some amazing things with veg.g wow, look at that. meeting people doi sand picked up brilliant tipsg to create the ultimate meat-free meals.le this is incred >> dig in. >> jamie: yes! .is is like chef's paradi ohmy lord! no meat, but no compromise. enough talking-- raight in the mouth. ohmy lord! ♪ >> ♪ watch this >> jamie: coming up, a kick-ass chili that'll prove veg can pack a mighty punch >> jamiewow.ming up, a ki(claps)chili create a spiced parsnip soup,e
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