tv PBS News Hour PBS June 18, 2020 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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judy: good evening. balanced power -- the supreme court rejects the trump administration's attempts to end protections for undocumented immigrants who arrived as children. john bolton accuses the president of multiple misdeeds, accusing ask -- including asking a foreign leader to help him win reelection. and the cost of covid -- the pandemic persists as hospitalizations in some regions increase. officials weigh the impact of implementing another lockdown.
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>> until we have some method of saying it has been passed. judy: all that and more on tonight's "pbs newshour." ♪ >> major funding for the "pbs newshour" has been provided by -- >>advice and recommendations to your life. that is fidelity wealth management. financial services firm raymond james. johnson and johnson. the india fund -- committed to
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restoring justice and meaningful work through historic ideas. carnegie corporation of new york. supporting innovations in education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of international peace and security at and with the ongoing support of these individuals and institutions. this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. judy: the supreme courtanded presidt trump a big legal
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defeat today on a major focus of his domestic agenda. it overturned his decision to end protections for immigrants who arrived illegally as children. john yang reports that chief justice john roberts was the swing vote. [crowd chanting] john: jubilant daca recipients gathering outside the supreme court. >> i'm thrilled the supreme court made the decision for me and the hundreds of thousands that are out there. john: chief justice john roberts provided the decisive vote, citing with his 4 consistently liberal colleagues and writing the majority opinion. he stressed that the court was not making a judgment on the policy itself, which he said is none of our concern. "we address only if the agency complied with the procedural
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requirement that it provide a reasoned explanation of its action." he acknowledged the department of homeland security had the legal ability to end deferred action for childhood arrivals or daca when it acted in 2017, but it concluded the agency was arbitrary and capricious in the way it did it, especially for failing to consider the effect it would have on daca recipients. justice clarence thomas joined by samuel alito and neil gorsuch called the decision and effort to avoid a politically controversial but legally correct decision. president trump expressed his displeasure with this ruling and others in a series of tweets. "these horrible and politically charged decisions coming out of the supreme court are shotgun blasts into the face of people that are proud to call themselves republicans or conservatives. we need more justices or we will lose our second amendment and everything else."
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former vice president joe biden, the president's presumptive opponent in the fall, hailed the decision, saying, "on day one, i will send a bill to congress that sends a roadmap for dreamers. today's ruling may be only a temporary reprieve for undocumented immigrants protected by daca. teresa cardinal brown is the by policy -- bipartisan director. >> they just said they did not sufficiently justify the termination the way the log require them to do so. the actual order remanded it back to the department of homeland security to try again, essentially. john: and they could do that, try again? >> they could do that tomorrow. john: today was the second time this week roberts was in the must ordered -- was in the jordan -- was in the majority
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with liberal colleagues. >> he has shown that he is a stickler for rules, and the trump administration, he found, had not followed the rules for when you want to make a change or make new regulations in government. what is sort of emblematic of john roberts is that when he can, he strives to find consensus, and sometimes that consensus requires a nrow opinion. john roberts cares very much about how the court is perceived by the public, the instition's reputation and credibility, and that is all part of how i think he ways -- weighs trying to get consensus entering to get a cross ideological balance in the court whenever he can.
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john: president obama created daca eight years ago this week by executive order. itrotects young immigrants brought to the country without proper documentation as children from being deported and allows them to work legally. since then, daca recipients, known as streamers, have jumped into the workforce. an estimated 27,000 are health-care workers on the front lines in the fight against coronavirus. a baltimore surgical nurse who has been volunteering in a field hospital testing patients for covid-19. >> my patients really don't care about my immigration status. they just care that i am a competent health care provider that is providing care in the time they need. >> i came to this country in 1990, so it has been 30 years i have been in the united states, and it has been my home. it is truly the only place that i can remember. john: but daca is not a
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permanent solution. >> frankly, a majority of congress has at one time voted for something or other that would give them legal status. it just has not been sufficient to get it connected, so they have another opportunity to try again and to get it right this time and give people the permanent security and status that they want and desire. john: and that is up to the lawmakers in the u.s. capitol. stephanie: we will return to judy woodruff in the rest of the -- and the rest of the program after the latest headlines. president trump and his top aides accuse john bolton of telling lies to sell books. in a new memoir, the former national security advisor claims, among other things, that mr. trump tried to g china to aid his reelection. we will explore the allegations
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after the news summary. it is friday morning in australia, and prime minister scott morrison says his country is currently under a widescale cyberattack. he said the government and other organizations were being targeted by a sophisticated state-based cyber actor. back in the u.s., the air force inspector general has opened an inquiry into the use of a u.s. military plane in black lives matter demonstrations. "the new york times" is reporting the reconnaissance plane flew over protests in washington dc and minneapolis. a top state department official is resigning over president trump's handling of racial tensions. mary elizabeth taylor has been in the admin's ration since its first days. "the washington post" quotes her resignation letter as saying, "the president's recent reactions to racial justice cut sharply" against her core
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values. large parts of atlanta called out sick today in protest day after a former police officer was charged with murdering rayshard brooks. garrett role is accused of shooting brooks in the back after trying to arrest him last friday. at the u.s. capitol, cruise took down portraits of 4 former spkers of the u.s. house of representatives. all of the menad served in the confederacy. the current speaker, nancy pelosi, said they embodied " violent bigotry and grotesque racism." new york city, once an epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, is entering phase two of its reopening which will send thousands back to work. meanwhile, officials in california are requiring people to wr masks in most indoor settings statewide. the u.s. economy is still shedding jobs because of the pandemic. 1.5 million workers filed for unemployment benefits last week. many face on delays in getting
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the benefits. hundreds lined up in frankfort, kentucky, again today to follow-up on claims filed back in march. facebook has removed trump campaign mager that displayed an inverted red triangle. the nazis had once used the signal to designate political prisoners. the trump campaign argues it is now used by anti-fascist groups known as antifa. it says the ads targeted those groups. esident john f. kennedy's last surviving sibling has died at her home in manhattan. she founded a program to make the arts available to people with disabilities. in the 1990's as a u.s. ambassador, she helped forge peace in northern ireland. jean kennedy smith was 92 years old. beloved british singer vera lynn has died. she was a favorite of british troops in world war ii. for decades thereafter, she moved crowds to tears.
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dame fear lynn was 103 years old. still to come, former national security advisor john bolton accuses the president of multiple misdeeds. stacey abrams on how to counter racism and reform law enforcement. as the pandemic persists, officials weigh the impact of implement in another lockdown. plus much more. >> this is the "pbs newshour" from w eta studios in washington and in the west from the walter cronkite school of journalism and arizona state university. judy: the fallout continues from the book by president trump's former national security advisor john bolton. in a moment, our foreign affairs correspondent gets reaction from two former diplomats on the damage done to american credibility and standing around
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the world, but first, our white house correspondent reports on what is in the book. >> a 500-page bombshell denouncing it president now playing defense. former national security advisor john bolton paints a portrait of a corrupt and self interested commander-in-chief. in "the room where it happened," alton writes the president is ignorant of foreign affairs. the most explosive allegation -- the president pleaded with chinese leader xi jinping to buy more from farmers sympathetic to the president to help him win in 2020. >> that is absolutely untrue. no president has been tougher on china than president trump. >> bolton further claims president trump supported the internment of more than one million uighur muslims in internment camps.
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he highlights trumps a fire's relationship with russian president vladimir putin in a recent interview. >> i think putin thinks he can play him like fiddle. when you're dealing with someone like putin who has made his life understanding pressure's strategic position in the world against donald trump who does not enjoy reading about these issues or learning about them, it is a very diffult position for america. >> many of bolton's statements about the president go beyond him being naive and suggest deception. he says the president defended the saudi crown prince in the wake of the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi to draw attention from his daughter's use of private email servers. the department of justice has requested that a federal judge issued an emergency order to block the release of the book
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next tuesday, saying the publication and release of "the room where it happened" could cause irreparable harm because of the disclosure of classified instances. in a phone interview last night with fox news, the president attacked his former advisor. >> he broke the law. very simple. as much as it is going to be broken, this is highly classified information, and he did not have approval. >> for senate majority leader chuck schumer and other democrats, the allegations harken back to the impeachment trial earlier this year. >> while it would have preferred mr. bolton to have told these stories under oath at the impeachment trial, they are quite illuminating nonetheless. >> the charges allege president trump withheld critical military aid to ukraine. bolton's book accuses democrats
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of impeachment malpractice. he says they should have gone further in the charges against president trump, even though bolton refused to testify in front of the house during the inquiry. at the time, he said he would only testify to the senate trial if subpoenaed. he never was. nancy pelosi says bolton put profit over patriotism. >> this is called a con, and we are very proud of what we have done. it is really a sad thing because he knew that the president should be removed from office. >> as the legal battle continues, the book publisher calls the government's efforts to stop its publication frivolous and politically motivated. >> what impact do john bolton's revelations have on u.s. policy and standing in the world?
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france's in besser to the united states in 2014 to 2019, and ambassador john negronte was ambassador to the first director of national intelligence under george w. bush. welcome to you both. ambassador negronte, let me ask that question -- what to -- do john bolton's allegations have any impact on the u.s. ability to conduct foreign policy and u.s. foreign standing in the world? >> i think we've known for a long time that the president relies too much on his own intuition and on improvisation. sometimes one wonders if it is not even intuition but just sort of random thoughts that he puts out there. i think john bolton in his book brings to light this serious weakness in our foreign policy, the lack of system, and i think
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that has caused us problems in our relationships around the world, particularly in the matter of trust between our allies and ourselves. >> france is the united states' oldest ally. how does your of view this book, and how does it impact, if at all, the transatlantic alliance? >> we were obliged to see how different is this administration from the previous ones, in the sense that everything we were used to in terms of emergency process seemingly did not exist anymore. the decision was taken only by one person, the president. very often when i was meeting high-level officials, i was obliged to conclude that they did not know what the president was going to say the day after,
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and they did not know what it meant, what he had said the day before. >> there have long been critics of the president's process, this administration's process. they say lack of process. when i talk to the president's allies, they point out the policy. for example, president trump apparently told xi jinping, the president of china, that muslim uighurs could be interned in these camps during a private meeting, but the policy is that the trump administration has sanctioned and put export controls -- controls on 30 companies for building those very camps, and that dichotomy holds true, especiallyhen it comes to china policy. does the preside's closed-door flattery matter when the administration's pocy is confrontational? >> first of all, you've got to allow for the possibility that if the president says that privately, it encourages
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president xi jinping to take even sterner measures against the uighur population, so there's that point. secondly, perhaps he could have helped avoid some pain being inflicted on the uighurs if he had taken a more advocat position on behalf of human rights in china, rather than flattering or accommodating president xi jinping, so i think it is important to be consistent in your private and public statements. i don't think there's much advantage in saying almost the opposite thing in one setting as opposed to another. >> similar question. there is a dichotomy between what the president says about russia publicly, privately, but the administration says it has been confrontational against russia inside of europe. does that dichotomy matter to
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you? >> i have been in some meetings with president trump, especially when he was with president, and it is a very unusual experience. no official line of the language, and it can lead to quite unusual remarks, so -- and from time to time, you are led to ask questions about the consistency, the coherence about what the president is saying compared to the u.s. policy, which is a bit strange, so, yes, there is a problem of coherence in this administration, and it has been from the very beginning. >> ambassador, the president's allies also said something else to me, which is that is important the president maintain a good relationship with xi jinping, certainly considering vladimir putin and kim jong-un,
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even as the president considers that adversarial approach. >> i think that argument has merit. i think it is important for the president to maintain good relations with top leaders of the world, but there are ways of doing that in diplomacy in a consistent manner with your policy. you don't have to do it in a way that contradicts your policy. i remember very well, for example, how george w. bush maintained a very good relationship with chinese leaders, all the while pressing them very hard on issues concerning human rights, even to the point of meeting with the dalai lama, holding hands with him in public at a congressional medal of honor ceremony up on capitol hill. this can be done, but you have to thread that needle of raising these difficult issues, but at the same time, maintaining a
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good, diplomatic relationship, and it can be done, and it has been. >> last word to you in the short time we have left. threading the needle, that thin line. you are arguing the u.s. is not really threading that needle. what is the impact of that, short and long term, on the u.s.-europe relationship? >> i'm convinced that november election will be the most important election for europe since the election of roosevelt in 1932 because it is clear that president trump does not care about the west, does not care about allies, so it is very, very clear that if he is reelected, it will be for europeans a moment where and they will have to take decisions about their policy, about what they are going to do without
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actual reliance on the united states. >> thank you very much for you both. -- thank you very much to you both. ♪ judy: as election day in georgia ticked by a week ago, problems with absentee ballots, new voting machines, and long lines made for an even longer night. it was the latest test of the readiness of election systems before november. it was also a familiar feeling for stacey abrams. she was the democratic nominee for georgia's governor in 2018, and then she founded fair fight action, an organization working to protect voting rights. her newest book, "our time is
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now," just made the "new york times" bestseller list, and she joins us. thank you for joining us. you write in the book, the country is undergoing massive cultural change, and you say it has the ability to effect permanent change after historically fumbling the pursuit of social equality. what did you mean by that? >> at the time i wrote it, in 2019, i was speaking to the massive of people we have seen not only in the rights of voters, but the challenges we were facing on environmental issues, reproductive choice, health care. i think in this current moment, there is nothing that shows this more than the multigenerational, multiracial, multiethnic protests we have seen in this country for the past three weeks. conversations about systemic racism, systemic injustice, the conversations we are having about who has the right to be treated as human in america -- those are moments that can only
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be resolved through being able to access our democracy and through the right to vote. >> that is what i want to pursue with you. go ahead, did i interrupt? i'm sorry. >> no. judy: i want to pursue that with you because as you know, the high-profile shooting that took laced in your home state, in atlanta, just in the last number of days has gotten enormous attention. rayshard brooks gunned down by a police officer in a wendy's parking lot. the mayor of atlanta responded immediately with police reforms. the local district attorney filed 11 charges against the police officer including felony murder. were these the right moves, sufficient moves after what happened? >> i want to put this into broader context because it's not just what happened in atlanta last week. it is what happened in brunswick, georgia, almost four months ago when ahmaud arbery was murdered in the streets and
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the vigilantes who killed him were allowed to go home. it is what happened to george floyd, what happened to breonna taylor, what happened to tony mcdade. it is important that we see immediate response, but what we need to see is systemic response. we need to see the laws change, not just moments of action, which are good and important, but we need to see that there is wholesale change in the system of justice that either allow extrajudicial killings of citizens or permit justice to be delayed because we have laws on the books that protect murderers. while i do think that there are some good initial steps being taken, i think we will not see and know that true systemic change has happened until we see legitimate, permanent legislative opportunities offered and we see that that legislation is not only adopted but pursued and maintained. judy: in that connection, vice president biden has spoken out, deplored this shooting and others. he has said he is not for
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defunding the police, but he has spoken up for certainly reforming police departments, for training. however, we now see dozens of liberal activist groups saying that vice president biden is not doing enough. they are calling on him to scale back police forces, cut funding even more, reduce incarcerations. where do you come down on all that? >> first and foremost, as someone who is an activist myself, i understand the power of a rallying cry, but i also recognize that the responsibility of policymakers is to take the vision that is being espoused, the anguish that is being expressed and turn it into real policies that cannot only be implemented but sustained. i think what we have to approach this with his reformation and transformation, reformation in terms of fixing the behaviors and practices that actually govern how law enforcement operates. that means eliminating qualified immunity. it means banning chokeholds and other forms of murder.
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it means making sure that the use of lethal force is done with respect and that we have humanization of those who face these charges. it's also about addressing the issues of no knock warrants and of citizens arrests, and on the transformation. what people are talking about is redistributive allocation of dollars so that we are not simply investing in public safety but we are building a safer public through education, through health care, through food security, through a formal housing, and that we not see these things as being in conflict, but that we have to be part of a holistic vision of what america should look like, what law enforcement, and what society should look like in the 21st century. judy: let me quickly follow up on that because these groups wrote him a letter this week -- wrote vice president biden and set as a senator, you not only supported but in any cases authored and championed laws that expanded mass incarceration, increased police powers, exacerbated racial
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disparities in sentencing and surveillance. are they right? if they are, how does this reconcile with what joe biden was saying today? >> what i hope those activists are saying, what i believe joe biden has expressed in his thoughtful and intentional response over the last month is that mistakes were made based on bad information, bad decision-making, that there were poor decisions made by a number of people across the country, and it came to a head in 1994, that someone who has a brother who has been in and out of the correctionalystem, someone who has fought not only for criminal justice reform and successfully achieved that in georgia but also co-authored legislation on police accountability, i know people are capable of change because the folks who helped me cosponsor and move that legislation through republican-dominated legislatures and with a republican governor were people who 10 years before that never would have supported it. what i would ask from every person who is asking for change
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is to create race and space for that change to work. look at what joe biden is saying today. look at the ways he is trying to meet us in this moment and give him the benefit of the doubt because the contrast and the real choice we have is a man who currently occupies the white house whose tepid response was the creation of a database as opposed to any meaningful attempt to actually meet this moment and understand that black lives do indeed matter. judy: finally, veryuickly, we know joe biden is considering you, among others, to be his vice presidential running mate. why are you the most qualified? you have not served in the congress, in the senate. you have not run a state. what is your answer to that? >> my answer is that joe biden knows who the most qualified rson for him to be his partner will be. i have never espoused that i am more qualified than anyone else. he has a surfeit of good opportunities and smart, capable women.
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i simply have said that when asked if i am in that number, i would say yes. i have legislative experience and success on a number of these issues. criminal justice reform, environmental issues, reproductive health, health care, economics, but i also am a small business owner who understands the economy that we have to reform and recover. i'm someone who has worked in foreign policy. and i understand the moment that we are in because i was once an activist who pushed for change, and i used that to propel me to help deliver that change once i was in office. i think as he looks to select a partner, i think he has no shortage of good choices, and i'm proud to be among the names that he is considering. judy: stacey abrams joining us tonight from atlanta. we thank you very much. ♪
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the latest jobless claims underscored just how many people are struggling. in fact, this video went viral, showing hundreds of kentucky residents waiting for up to eight hours yesterday seeking unemployment benefits. that kind of financial pressure is at the heart of why some states are reopening faster than others, but some experts are worried about the spike in covid cases in a number of those cases. we have this story for our series "making sense." >> after three months of lockdown and the official onset of recession, the country is opening up. but case numbers are rising. officials alarmed. >> we have 22 states where the virus is increasing. >> this week, the covid-19 general hospital population in harris county was the highest it has ever been. >> texas judge lena hidalgo warns that houston may need to turn a stadium into a hospital.
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>> we may be approaching the precipice of a disaster. >> should states lockdown again? when so many health-care workers still feel helpless and overwhelmed. >> the volume is so much less, but th people that are left are so sick. sick of this disea, the people on the floor are dying, and the's nothing we can do. >> the question comes back to -- how much is a human life worth? >> new york governor andrew cuomo. >> a human life is priceless, period. >> there is, however, an argument on the others. how much is it worth to save the economy? >> this has been the biggest test i have ever had in my business. >> judy runs a mendicant business, selling models to small retailers. she has seen it all. >> i started my business after 9/11 happened and survived the
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breakdown of the economy through 2008. they say you form a diamond under pressure. by the time this is over, i'm going to be the hope diamond. >> how many judy townsend's can afford another lockdown? how many millions unemployed? >> locking everything down probably has done more harm than good. >> dr. david katz says consider the health costs of blanket lockdowns. >> for certain sector, shutting down the economy increases the risk of depression and addiction. >> there's an average of one year shorter life expectancy for a 40-year-old man if he gets laid off, so imagine you apply that to the 40 million jobs that have been lost over the last o months. you're looking at something like 40 million life years we have lost on the recession. >> i am very sympathetic -- >> ok, but there is a rebuttal.
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>> we know there is a huge health and psychological cost of the economic shock. the point is if we had not done that, we would have had 60 million more infections, probably 500,000 more deaths. >> there's no question, if you lock everyone in place away from one another in the virus, nobody gets sick. it works as long as you keep doing it. the minute you release the clamps, you are in hot water. >> meanwhile, says katz, not everyone is equally vulnerable. >> overwhelmingly, hospitalizations, i see you use, ventilator use and death, concentrated among people who are both old and with a significant burden of chronic disease. in my home state, about 60% of total covid mortality is just among nursing home residents. >> if you look at the mortality rate of over 65-year-olds, it is about 60 times as high as the
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mortality rates of those between 20 and 60. those over 75 have 100 times the rates of those in the younger age groups. >> instead of blanket lockdowns, he proposes targeted ones for seniors, like 75-year-old me. so the idea then is lock me up? >> protect you, i would prefer to say. >> fair enough. protect me by quarantining me, and let people like you and younger than you go about their business? >> well, gradually. >> like this video max made about protecting his dad. >> my dad, he's 93. if i get the coronavirus, i will probably be ok, but if i give it to him, he could give it to carl reiner who could give it to dick van dyke, and before i know it, i have wiped out a whole generation of comedic legends.
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>>'s answer would be keep mel, carl, antic -- and dick the hind class. i posed this idea to a rotary club in venice beach. should we as a country have quarantined people like us and let the rest of the country go about its business so the economy could function? >> to me, it's a no-brainer. i think the answer is yes. >> jim patterson and fellow seniors joined us on zoom. >> we would have an better off letting the economy go. i think we will be seeing the effects of this at least for a decade. >> how many lives are you willing to trade off to keep the economy going? >> look what is happening already in florida in the last week. we have gone way back up. >> and it's not just seniors who
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need protectn. >> i kw a 40-year-old teacher who has had trouble breathing for months, and she is healthy. >> yes, says her 67-year-old father, but he had to keep his moving and storage business open. >> i've got guys that need the work. i need the work. you know, i could not shut down. i would lose my business. >> we have family and generational businesses that have failed. stress, anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse is all the way through the roof. >> he is an open up now activist and also has a reason besides economics for opposing lockdowns. >> i don't feel that any governor should ever take away anybody's constitutional rights. >> that's lockdown-enforcing governor gretchen whitmer. >> her to radical hammer being brought down on us was to do what initially? flatten the curve, but as the weeks went on, that was being
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accomplished, so why did you continue to put down the hammer on your citizens? >> because the gradual reopening plan is working, says governor whitmer. >> this map shows only michigan and new york are currently on track to contain covid-19. >> and thus, in the end, a curious mix of lockdown skepticism from economic liberty to economic trade-offs. >> to shut down countries and stop all economic activity, to lay millions of people off, to totally disrupt life as we know it, the remedy does not match the threat. >> to which this nurse would simply reply -- >> we had to be overconfident until we had some measure -- we cannot be overconfident until we have some measure that it is past. until then, we are not going to be able to fight this.
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♪ judy: there are urgent issues that governors are having to confront all at once -- the balancing act between the economy as we just heard, and the spread of covid-19, and the outcry to address racism and police misconduct. ohio's governor joins us now. thank you very much for joining us again. i watched your news conference today where you spoke about the spike in covid cases in the southwestern part of the state around dayton and around cincinnati. you said you think it is due to community spread, hard to pinpoint. what do you know about what is going on there? >> as we open up the economy, of course, the concern is people are getting out more. great weather. you know, people trying to get back to normal, so there's a lot
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more activity. if you look at the driving statistics -- i showed that today, and you know, people are driving more today than they were when the economy was shut down, so, you know, some of this is to be expected. the way we can combat that is for ohioans to continue to distance, wear masks when they are out in public, you know, do the basic things, and also, we are increasing the testing of ohio. ohio has been low in testing. we have said that. we have said we've got to get the testing up. we hit a new high today in testing, and we are going to continue to push that. when we look at dayton and the cincinnati area, we talked to both mayors today, and the order is help their local health departments help them or bring in the national guard. we go to the zip codes that have the biggest problem, where we are seeing the biggest strike.
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that is what we are seeing on offense, the testing. in a sense, it's not rocket science. it's basic, but you've got to execute every day, and that is what we were talking about today, how we go about and do that. judy: i heard you say you were urging everybody in several zip codes to go get tested. you said everybody, because it is enough of a concern -- are you having second thoughts, though, about reopening? it has been several weeks now. some businesses have gone back. restaurants. you are even going to open up amusement parks, i think, tomorrow? any rethinking of that? >> is always -- it is always a balance. as your last piece clearly said, there is a balance, and there is a real price to pay when the economy is down. you see mental health problems
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go up. you see all cons of other problems that do, in fact, occur, so you try to achieve a balance. i have explained to ohioans what i believe, and what i believe is that for our economy to move forward, we have to stay safe, and we have tkeep the coronavirus from really spiking up again because when it spikes up, it will not matter what mike dewine says or what my health director says. if people are scared, they are not going to go out and not going to do things. if people are concerned aut the economy, i say we got to stay healthy, we've got to wear masks, we got to keep the distance, and we got to do the testing. we got to do all these things that matter. judy: speaking of your economy, unemployment rate in the state of ohio was at 16.8% in april. we learned that the ohio compensation fund has run out of money. the state has now had to borrow from the federal government. are you going to be able to pay all the workers who are entitled
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to unemployment benefits? the legislature, i guess, has gone home without a full-time fix for this. what do you want to do? >> we've had a structural problem with unemployment for a long time. frankly, it needs to be fixed, but over and above that, you come in with the coronavirus and the crash in the economy. we've had well over one million people apply for unemployment compensation, so the borrowing of money is pretty expected. i think texas and several other states have done that. the government is doing this with no interest, the federal government is, for a while, so we are not going to have trouble paying this back. judy: governor, i want to ask you about police-related incidents, police incidents involving black men. i know you this week announced a number of steps aimed at curbing
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and overseeing law enforcement. i'm just naming a few. you said you are prepared to see chokeholds band except what life is at risk, requiring more officer training, a database, more transparency, but my question is -- ohio, like other states, has had a number of these incidents. why not do this before now? quotes well, it's been tried before, but i think that this is the opportunity, this is the time. if we cannot get these things done now, i don't know when we will ever get them done. i'm convinced he can do it. i think there is the public sentiment to do it. i think we need to strike right now. we came forward with proposals that i think will make a difference. if there is a police officer involved shooting, have an agency -- not that department -- investigate it. psychological testing.
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you know, there are some police officers -- the vast majority of police officers to a great job. i started as a county prosecuting attorney. i love the police. they do a great job, but everybody knows there are some people who simply should not be police officers, and they should be weeded out very early. they should be weeded out before they even have the opportunity to go through the testing and to go through the courses. we can do that. the other thing that we see a lot or at least we see -- i don't know if it is a lot, but we see police officers who get in trouble in one department and move to another department. we need a central control agency, so what we have proposed is to license police officers and have a regulatory body, just like we do or doctors, just like we do for nurses. we also have proposed that there should be an affirmative obligation to report. today, if a doctor sees another
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doctor doing something that is bad, they have to report it to the state and medical board. it should be the same way with a police officer. one police officer sees another officer doing something they should not be doing, that needs to be reported, there should be an affirmative obligation to do that. judy: hope to continue this conversation at a future time. thank you very much. ♪ judy: as italy emerges from the horrors of covid-19, there are investigations into if the failure to lock down two known -- northern italy towns early enough lead to thousands of deaths. malcolm: the bereaved converged on the prosecutor's office to demand a criminal investigation. they believe two towns in this
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key industrial region should have been locked down in the last 10 days of february when covid-19 first erupted. but they were not fully quarantined until march 8 along with the rest of italy. the campaigners accuse officials of prioritizing the italian economy, and allege that the two-week delay fueled the fatal contagion. >> we want to achieve truth and justice. first, we want to know exactly what happened here, why the virus spread over the world but only here did such a huge massacre. malcolm: his grandfather antonio was one of the victims. >> if the magistrate will find that there is someone in the chain of power, at a high level of authority with some responsibility who did something wrong, we want him to respond to his action in front of a judge.
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malcolm: bergamo was the hardest hit in all of italy. 6000 people died in the area, but campaigners believe the real figure is even higher, possibly 10,000. the numbers swollen by those people who died without being tested or those who died alone at home. this is one of the defining images of northern italy's covid nightmare, army trucks bearing the coffins of bergamo's dead at the height of the crisis in march. the death rate in the province was 6.5 times that of new york state. of course, italy as a whole, nearly 35,000 have been killed by covid, but this is no longer the most deadly country in europe. in terms of deaths per million, belgium is. this lawyer is haunted by the debts. she says the case by the authorities is strengthened by
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the italian constitution. >> article 32 stipulates that those in power have a duty to protect the health and well-being of the population, and in reality, we believe this has been violated. malcolm: the bergamot prosecutor is treating this case with the utmost gravity. within days of the first complaints being filed, she went to rome to interview the italian prime minister for three hours. "i'm not at all worried," he said, "and that's not out of arrogance or complacency." 60 miles south, fresh death notices are a magnet for passersby. this town of 16,000 was the first in italy to be sealed off from the 21st of february because this is when the first case was identified. geon know was among more than 260 citizens to succumb. the only consolation is that unlike those before him, he was able to have a proper funeral.
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social distancing rules were ignored. there were only cursory health precautions. >> i have reflected a lot. it is as if god was testing us so we understand what is essential in life. >> he has been overwhelmed by the number of lonely funerals he has conducted in a few short weeks. >> let's hope that the virus is not going to come back because it's really terrible. the people who have been directly affected by the virus have been deeply scarred, and it's going to take a long time to heal. >> among the mourners is 80-year-old francesco who, against the odds, survived covid-19. >> i've lost relatives -- a nephew and brother-in-law. many friends of my age, like me,
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80 years old. they've all gone, and i knew them all. 20, 30, friends, acquaintances all. if you go to the cemetery, you can see them all in the highest spots. i d't know how i made it through. i'm like a cat. this was my sixth life. the seventh will be the end of me. malcolm: it is taking its first tentative steps back to normality with its traditional market. everyone is supposed to wear a mask. among those trying to generate income lost during the lockdown were some chinese traders. they declined to talk. reviving the local economy and restoring public confidence is the priority of the mayor. the italian government has pledged more than $50 billion in emergency aid for the whole country, but the money has yet to filter down. >> we are waiting for resources that have been promised but have not arrived yet. let's hope that everyone plays their part because otherwise, we could be in trouble.
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if the european union exists, this is the time to prove it. >> people are still hurt and worried, and i think it is going to take a long time for us to recover. i don't see a very lively summer ahead of us. >> this french-canadian and her italian husband owned what was a successful american themed restaurant before disaster struck, but now they are considering selling because of the town's stigma. >> we have been ushed by a recession. we still have that message. if you have been told this is the first town, the first case, people are going to -- it's just they think about it. >> outside a private laboratory during tests with a virus, the nervousness was tangible and with some justification. in normandy, italy's economic engine, after dipping for a while, the infection and death rates have started to pick up again.
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judy: so many sentences -- so many sadnesses. join us again tomorrow evening. from all of us, thank you. please stay safe. see you soon. >> major funding for the "pbs newshour" has been provided by -- >> since our beginning, our business has been people and their financial well-being. that mission gives us purpose and a way forward. today and always. >> consumer cellular. johnson & johnson. the ford foundation, working with visionaries on the front lines of social change worldwide. ♪
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>> driven by the promise of great ideas. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions. and friends of "the newshour." this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. this is "pbs newshour" west from w eta studios in washington and from our bureau at the walter cronkite school of journalism at arizona state university.
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