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tv   PBS News Hour Convention Coverage  PBS  August 25, 2020 5:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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>> this program was de possible by the corporation for public broadsting. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. captioning sponsored by newshour productions, llc >> woodruff: from across the countr republicans celebrate president trump. >> four more years. >> four more years. >> woodruff: and speakers warn of changing coue in november. >> joe biden and kamala harris want a cultural revlation. >> they want to detroy this country. >> joe bidenand the socialist left would be a disaster for our economy. >> this election is shaping up to be church, work and school versus rioting, looting and vandalism. >> woodruff: tonight first lady melania trump and brepring
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edent, secretary of state mike pompeo speaks from israel ile on official business. f day two oe republicanal nation con vengs. >> woodruff: good eke, i'm judy woodrf, welcome to ouro pbs liveverage of night ta of the republican national convention. we ang withethousands of have planned to be in charlotte north carolina this week. but because of the pndemic, this gathering will be almost entirely virtual athe democratic convention was. app we'll be including some of our reporters, analysts and ofp course theakers for the republicans. we plan to bring you the same depth of coverage and analysis during this critical time in an historic election area.
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i'm here in our studios socially distant with amy walr. hello amy. we have reporters and analysts across the country and our amna nawaz is in the studio right around the corn re help guide us on what to expect and key moments to look out for, amna. >> hi judy. the speakers tonight are expected to touch on everything from immigration, to abortion, to theconomy. one of the speak ares tonight on the issue of foreign policy is already sparking controversy. and that is secretary of state mike pom ao. is breaking with long-standing tradition of america's topa diplomat sng out of domestic politics to deliver a prerecorded message to injureswh lee he is traveling for observation business, rand paul of kentucky will be making the libertarian case for president trump, the director of the national economic counsel larryu ow and officials current and former from a must-win state for the presiant, for d's former attorney general pam bondi and currently lt. governor jeanette nunez, and three meebers of th
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trump family, son eric, a rare public appearance from daughter tiffany and the keynote addressi red from the white house rose garden by first lady melania trumthat is another break from tradition using the official white house residence for a specificallily partisan event lake a convention speech. the presidentbroke tha tradition last night with his recorded conversations from the white house. but judy, we will hr if all of those speakers an many more,gh to the second night of the republican national convention. >> woodruff: thank you. and now i'm joined by our newshour white house correspondent yamiche alcindor on the nrth lawn of the white house, yamiche, how they feeling about how things went last newt and what are they looking forward to tonight? >> well, republicans as wells pretty confident that they are making a good case for why esident trump should be re-elected. we should expect that republicans are again going to be attacking dem cats saying that if joene bids elected that he will show usher in a socialist dystopia mcking the
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case that he will turn america into venezuela. that of course is the claimthat joe biden vehemently says is wrong. say sts false. that said we're going to also hear on a number of topic including last, immigration, policing. one thing to expect th also see president trump throughout the nig. we're not going to, i'm told, hear him give a speech like he did lae st night but we ing to hear him in a couple of different surprise momentsmo including onnt where he is will b presiding over a naturalization ceremony, ands with all pardoning a man condition viced robbing a bank and turned his life around and overseeing a prisoner reentry program. the other thing i want to note is president trump is already weighing iain reltime, just a few minutes ago he tweeted and i want to read part of that. it says 80 million unsolicited balance odd-- ballots e impossible for election center to stab late accurately. the fraud and abuse will an embarrassment to our country. hopefully the courts wilisl stop so that is president trump again
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coming after, going after mail-in voting, democrats have said this is really the president trying to suppress the vote. there is no evidence that mail-in voting is the problem the president says, this is early, the president has already taken to twitter. he did that fro also the action is at the white house where i am standing so iu will tell l about what officials are saying throughout the night. >> that is one of his favorite topics as you pipt out to talk about mail-in voting. the integrity of the election system in this country, and you're right, he is not a president to turn the convention over to others.r he will beont and center througho the rest of this week. yamiche al sippedder, we will be coming back to you taught this night as well, evn with theca fo of rain and thunderstorms. so please stay safe. to helpake sense of this convention we will be turning throughout this night and all th week to a wide range ofan ysts and special guests but let's start with our core group. thats syndated columnist mark shields, new york times
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columnist david brook, gary abernathy, a contributing columnist for "the washington post" based in ohio, cynthia tucker is a pulitzer prize winning columnist based in alabama and here at the desk with me amy walter of the cook political report. so amy, the president has already as we hea from yamiche talking about the integrity of the election,aiin ballots. but against the back drop of a convention where the contrast that they are traying to set forth couldn't be more stark. >> younow, it's funny, judy, it is almost like this convention is tang place in an alternate universe, or maybe it is a universe that existed before joe biden got the number nation and before the pandemic hit. republicans have been clear for the last year really as we got into 2020 that they really inst bernieace up aga sanders and elizabeth warren but to make the choice that the ch tce was betweenraditional
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american values or socialism. they are still making that case today eugen thothe person, the democrats nominated is snot a democratic socialist like bernietanders. ant what has happened between february and now with e pandemic and economic collapse, obvisly tremendous amount of health issues and racial reckoning going on, just kind of hasn't happened or didn't happen or is in the past. and just sort of skipping over that things were really great,nt in january and let's just talk about life again like it was in jaary. >> and david brooks, is th something that can work? can they basically not talk about pandemic that has touched every single one of our lives? >> it think so. they have tried to do that. what truck me is that they haven't picked a theme. there has been n them atic unit. if i go to a play i want to see
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them attic unit. they talked a little of te pandemic, they gave their version of what they think happened. they talked a litle of the economy. but every time they are called upon tot ou-- utter complicated question they go back to culture rev lugs it is a battle about looting, rioting and vandalism. and this comes up bed again. and this is remember a convention without a policy vely little in policy. and so they keep coming back to the idea that our veryvi zation is under threat in a big way. i wonder if that is the real issue for a lot of trump voters. a lot of trump voters i know, ihey don't like the guy, they are not in thedle of a culture war. they like the fact that he cluferred in their view meo goods, some enoc goods, some immigration goods, other things. it is pretty transaction all for them and if the trump campaign thinks they will lead a cultural crusade, i don't think a lot of but that is so far what they are messaging. >> mark, what is comg through for you and i mean how important
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is it that the republicans d fine this in a way that this election in a way that grabs people's attention? w l, that is certainly what you hope for for a convention, that you frame th election coming out of the convention. i just remind folks, juy, that in the last seven presidential nominee for pre has wonan that was george w. bush in 2004. the rest of the time they've lost. and donald tru imp got less t and yet the most popularr has. republican certainly in the last 60 years r and won, crushing the eltoection, vic on a theme of it's morning in america.mi celebrating op and confidence the forward-looking
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attitudes, and identifying that that was on ronald reagan. last night was the anti-reagan, in every single sct. it is midnight in america. america is not a place of geat hope and possibility. it was dark and sinnister forcet lurking, rround the corner, right next door, trying to get aholdo take awayr property. and it is just, to me that was what came throu, with exceptions, with tim scott's speech. but with rare exception and certainly in the speech by the president's son and kimberly guilfoyle, that sent some-- it's really mid night in a dark and dreary mnd scadnight in america. >> woodruff: gary abernatha, iswhat stayed with you about all of last night? >> no, i didn't find it all that
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daa . there weruple of missteps really i thought with the speeches. but overall it was a hopeful ebssage. when you are ceting first responders and you are celebrating nurses. when are you celebrating hostages that om fred. there was a lot of uplifting things but i would like to make a point about the socialism thing, amy mentioned accusing the other party of sou cialism. ow i wrote a couple of months ago when they passed e $2 trillion bailout for the government shut down to send families, ny of whom, millions of whom didn't need the money, aen trump signed on to tand republicans signed on to that. they lost the abili to make the socialism argument to make the accusation, thats with one g step into socialism right there. it was to the businesses,ke don't worry, no one is going to suffer from this because the government is going to print money we don't have to bail you all out. to bail the wol country out. so the socialism argument to me,
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if they don't have a legitimate leg to stand on to make that any more because they went thatio dire bern yea sanders has already won that so issue even though he is not going to be presint, tha is off the table to me. >> cynthia tucker, you want to pick up on that, on whetherhat represents socialism, that the congress of bth partiame together to say to the country we're going to create this ause w net for you bec don't know what is happening with this pandemic. i certainly am surprised to hear that millions of ameca did not need the little bit of extra money that ye received. many of theare desperately trying tpay te rent, keep groceries the table, trying to make car notes, trying to pay their mortgages, when they have lost their jobs because of thpa emic. and the money they got has already run out.
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.o no, i don't think of it as socialism at al and i don't think millions of american voters think of that as i think they think of that as government coming to their assistance in desperate times and that is what they expect their government to do. as far as the tone that was set tonight, amyalked about the republicans running a convention based on circumstances back in january. eems to me that they took us back to 1968, the mccarthy reminded me of george wallace's run for the presidency. and their talk about rioting and anarchin the streets reminded estabout all the civil unr that was taking place in 196. but i ink it is difficult to connect that to voters real experiences when the vast majoty of the voters have
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experienced that. that they have instead experienced is trauma and dislocation of covid which is the speakers have barely mentioned. >> woodruff: and amy, we just talked a little bit about this last night but the pandemic, the suffing as a result of the pandemic, the people who pasd away, theople who are still sick, that really was not a major topic. >> as gary pointed out, the president did talk to first responders or, and people oo are of on the front lines post office or a nurses.n the and so there was a focus on that but you are right, n the people who have suffered and aed and to the people who are worried that th going to get it, this is to mark's point aabout morning inmerica, we're still in the middle of a crisis and the leader now can also say look, acnknowledge that we are this countries is and here's how 're going to pull through because were not through it yet.
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here are the things i did. here are the people that help but now here is whe we have to go. the president himself will have to address that when hees giv his speech on thursday but you would think in terms of buildinh the case is what we would be seeing here. >> all right, we're going to coming back to you, each of you throughout this night. but in the mean time as we heard one of the clong speers of this second night of the convention will be secretary of state mike pompeo. he will be speaking from jerusalem. foreign policy and america w role in thld is another area where president trump and joe biden disis agree. yamiche alcindor and lisa des jars inns have t together ths report. >> president trump and former vice president joe biden have two completely different views of american foreign policy. >> it is goin to be oly america first. >> as a candidate dod trump ran on an america first message. he argued thathe nation's standing in the world had fallen during the obama biden
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administration, as president he worked to reverse many of o obaa international policy including free trade agreements. president trump argued thatve other nations ot paid as much as the u.s. for some partnerships like nato.e as a result,s tested and strained some long time alliances including terror threat, the he has also scaled back u.s. nrces in germany syria, protecting allies from russian aggression. >> let them fight their own wars. >> biden has pledged to return to more of an obama-biden approach that within less confrontational with allies in order to counterrerring a revaiters like russia. >> the underlying, embracing dictators who appeal to his vanity. >> in a 2018 summit president trump famously took russian president putin at his word that russia did not interfere in the biden called ite of the dwoat
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most shameful perrmances by a u.s. president in modern history. the two have also clashed over china. trump has had a get tough policy with beijing in hopes of attracting more fair trade policies for the u.s. this lead to some americans like farmersbu seeing deeiness declines for which the president has provided relief paymentsst trumuck an initial deal with china in may. but critics including joe biden have said the deal is worthless. its part of the bargain. up to obama administration allowed the u.s. companies to outsource u.s. jobs to china while beijing took advantage of theon u.s trade. >> woodruff: one ever a number of looks we take this week at the differences on issues between these two nominees. so all this week we are ging to be talking to some prominent republicans including, i was going to sy senator john
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beratto of wyoming, but we lost him, we will km back to senator barasso in a moment. but as we wait to get that cture, to get that connection, amy, i will talk to you because are you leer and he is not. and if hps up i will interrupt. >> great. >> but it is interes gng. i was juing to say about foreign policy because it doesn't get the attention of others, so overwhelmed with the pandemic, of course with the economy, and yet it is one way of looking at the differences in approach between these twos. lead >> i like how they set it up too about the really stark contrast that the two candidates are offering. joe bidn has beeying from day one, one of the first things i'm going to do is reinstate us into the paris climate accord, to go over and assure nao we are never leaving their side. and the president saying you know what, america will always
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choose coming fir, and i think we have our guests. >> are you right, we now have senator barasso. i was just about to introduce you and we lost you, i'm so you are back joining us from kasper, wyoming, thank you onsd this t night, second night of the convention. thank you so much. so what are you thiing and what are your constituents thinking about last night, how did it go? >> well, it was a really god night, i thought, for republicans last night. the opening was otso pat, inspirational. an when anybody that had a chance listened closely to tim scott, what you have seen as a markable man who tells t story of opportunity in america. from cotn to congress in onef, that's tim sco and i would hope that when you think about obama's speech in 2004 in massachusetts. i would hope that this speech by
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tim scott last night propels him in the same way that obama's convention speech 16 years agohi propesse >> woodruff: sounds like you are touting him for a future presidential nomination.ue but noion that was an inoperational speech. senator, one of the things people are talking abo, in your position, i want to raise this, is of course the pandemic and how this, how the trumpca aign, how this convention is talking about what the american people are going through right now. i don't have to tell you more than 177,000 amecans have lost their lives. millions of americans have come down with this. the president blames it l on china. and it is the case that causes in the u.s. right now as we come to the end of august are stabooizing but if youat the record in this cli since march, the u.s. done worse than most industrialized nations. >> you compare the u.s. germany for example, almost five times as many deathsk almost
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five times as many cases or more than that. where does the president's responsility begin and end when it comes to this virus? well number one, it did originate in china. i think the president was acting boldly when he shut down trvel from china to the united states, at the same time that joe biden was criticizing him as was nancy pelosi, as was the yor of new york city. i think that the center for disease control, failed with the testing early on, but now we have certainly caught up and gone beyond that, havg done over 72 million tests. we're doing about 700,000 a day. when you look at the state we had the moss,t deat is new york state where we know that people go with the disease from the hospital back to nu homes and the deaths in the nursing homes resulted from that. so we can always do betreter. wetill as a doctor i will tell you we are still learning a lot about the disse.
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but what i hear from republicans and hear from people in wyomi is we want a path forrd we want to get back to work. we want to get our kidback to school and wwant to get th disease in the rearview mirror. and we can do that with bettetr tment and we're getting there. we can do that with a vaccine and we're getting there in record-breaking time. and the testing is helping a lot. >> and in fact in thatec coon, i mean just this week the president on sunday called a special news conference to tout the affects of called con va less ent plasma as a treatment r covid but we learn that the scientists in the administration were urging theno white housto do that. they are saying there isn't the evidence yet that it should be used, just today the head of the fda said he spoke too soon. he regretted giving a green light, in so many words. is science being listen in this aministration. >> well, science is being iistened to, most certainly. and science is focused on, which is why so much effort is
5:23 pm in coming up with a from the beginning we said until we get a vaccine that works, that we can disseminate widely and people take not just in the united states but around the world, we'll contin have to deal with coronavirus. and this will be the fastest vaccine development in the history of man kind. t i must pont out that just this past saturday nancy pelosi's brought the house of representatives back to congresa tos a bill, unrelated to people trying to get kids back to school or the vaccine or treating the disease. and alo she wanted to d was focus on the post office at a time when 68 of her members didn't even come back to vote and 137 therote to her and say we ought to be doing more for people who are suffering right now. she ignored all of us and those were the kinof roadblocks that republicans and president trump are running into on capitol hill
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with nancy pelosi. >> well, we know there is concern about election inning at the result but what i want to ask you about, he also speaker of the house who at the end of the month of may theypa ed legislation to provide economics, financial relief to americans who were suffering. because of this pandemic. to this das the senate ha not acted z. we know there have en negotiations between the house and the white house. but if this recovery doesn't take off on main street america, then how does the seate explain its inak-- inaction. >> let's look at what nancy pelosi passed. st over $3 trillion, what i call a visit to fantasy island, over a trillion dollars of it has nothing to do with coronavirus, said that this was neverio z intended to pass. it was just a liberal wish list because it includes money fr environmental justice and the national endowment for the humanities. >> woodruff: and they did
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agree to bring the amount down 2 rillion, you are right, as compromise. >> but they didn't really want to focus on the issues we want to focus on which is da targe relief bill for people suffering, for people who want to get back to work, for our schools and for the vaccine. aon sunday, on sturday she rejected an amendment on the vaine. she rejected amendments on trying to help people who are out of work because she's playing politics at a time thatu the americanlic want a solution, a safe return to lfe, path forward, and some common sense. we're not seeing that coming oul of posi. and of curse chuck schumer in the senate, is he is her deputy, he will do whatever she tel him to do. and we're focused on a targetede relief to geple back to work, kids back to school, and the disease in the rearview mirror. >> senator, just in the time we have left, we know there is no platform, form platform being put forward at this repcaub
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convention t is very unusual, i think all of the conventions i ever covered in myareer, thre has been a platform. does that say that this is the party of donald trump and whatever president trump believes is the party. >> well, judy, a couple of things. as you know i chaired the platform committee at 2016. you and i had hance to sit down with david brooks and mark shields, so i regretted i wasn't able to be there. but at the beginning of the show, tonight, i think would you promises made and promises kept. and we have seen that. anwe're also going to she president talk about the path to the future. anif this is an election the democrats said is going to be about character t is also going to be about taxes where the democrats want to raise taxes by $4 trillion, it is going to be about the economy and getting people back to work and joe biden is talking aut shutting down the country again in spite the-- bad impacts on people's overall health and mental health, as well as e
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economic health of the country. it's going to be about law enforcement. it is going to be about liberty. there arlots of things on the ballot and i think it is going to be a very clear contrast when people go to vote in noafer. >> we are going to leave it will, senator john barasso joining us from wyoming. thank you very much. >> thanks, judy. >> woodruff: and now we want t bring in some other voices with us throughois week. of course they are michael nutter, former mayor of philadelphia. chris buskirk is the editor of the journal amenerican gre. jonathan capehart is a piltser prize winning columnist for "the washington post" and elleana johnson t the ed ein chief of the washington freebie con. we welcome you to the program. michael nutter, i don't know if you were able thear senator barasso defending the president and hirecord, but is that record one that whether you see it coming through from the convention or not, that can push
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this president over the finish line an bring him to victory over joe biden? >> no, judy. because and you pressed him d certainly i mean i commend the senator for his ability to mpay tely on message from whatever notes he is gettingn terms of his talking points but the one big thing that you pointeout earlier, they can't get around covid-19. they can't ge around fiscal distress by cities an states. they can't get around racial justice issues and civil uest. they don't want to talk about those thingcause that wasn't, that's nothe january 2020 narrativevment not january. it's august. and no one is going to be think being janume on election day. so coronavirus is on the blot. leadership son the ballot, character son the ballot, civun st son the ballot and fiscal distress and people not having work, that is twhat is
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ballot. not all this other happy story that they want topa try tint it is not morning in america. i'm not saiing it is tot darkness but the real is we have some serious challenges which donald trump has failed on time and time and time again. eliana johnson, can the republicans run this though as an election where they can essentially say look, pandemic not our fault, this president has done everything he could to keep the economy srong and that's what we want to focus on. >> io think they can do that, you know, it would belpful if the president would say look, we were all caught flat foted by this pandemic. nobody quait knew how to handle it but i also think that something powerful and outside of the control of the republicans is hpeni to help them. and that is happening as riders take to streets in portland and chicago and minneapolis and kenosha, wisconsin. and you know, that's more powerful i think and the
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democrats silence on it is moreh powerfulan any programming the republicans put forward or anything a republican could say in a speech at this convention. >> jonathan capehart what about aat, this is something is happening in american cities throughout this summer, ever since the death o george floyd, most particularly in portland, but it has certainly happened in other cities and just now this latest incident of a shooting of a black man by police in ken openna wisconsin. e> sure. rioting and dstruction are bad things. and should not hapwepen. buhould not laws sight of the fact that a man was sho the back by law enforcement seven times. that george floyd lost his life under the knee of a policeof cer in the minneapolis. you know these things are not happening in a vaccine-- vacuum. and i don't want anyone to think that i am excusinthe destruction and the violence that is happening.bu republicans and serge the
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ones who have been on stage so far spend more time talking about that and avoiding completely the hurt and the pain and the serious issues that need to be resolved that spark those things in the first place. also they don't spend a whole loof time focusing on the myriad peaceful protests that have ben hppening across the country. folks are not taking to the streets willy-nilly and they are not taking to the streetswh because theie goal is to burn up a store or cause destruction. no, they are takg to the streets because they have seen their fellow americans loose their lives with their own eyes at the hands of lw enforcement, george floyd, at e hands of vigilantes a ar burry, they have seen their fellow stiz killed inthrair own homes, breonna taylor, they have seen
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their fellow citizens, 12 year old playing in a park like every red blooded american kid has done for decades, tamir rice, these things have been buildingw not justithin our recent memory, but since the founding of the republic. and until we deal with the original sin and everything that has come after that, we're still going to b having these krvetions where republicans are defensive because w peoplen the go and do wrong things, do bad things whe completely ignoring why people take to the streets to peacefully protest in the first place. >> chris buskirk, it is the case we heard last night, republicann saying this islection of choice between a nrm arllife and chaos. nompleal life and violence in the street. and as jonathan points out there of themen protests, mos have been peaceful. there clearly are somewhere there have beene. viole
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how does that land as a message >> i think it is very localized asw it lands. i mean this is, we have a situation where you look at some plke portland or you saw up in seattle, the riots in ken opena or-- kenosha or minneapolis, you thnk about the fundamental responsibilities of government to do one thing before it does anything els which is to secure the lives and property of its citizens.n if they do those things then everything else is already off the tablar and so if yo kind of a swing voter, not sure where to come down on this, and you live in minneapolis or you live in portland or illinois, you see what is going on in chicago, you are thinking i neekto mae sure that i and my family and my business, my house that we are safe. and i want somebody who is going to make sure we are safe. iso i think this iss something that is very much in because just as an was making the point, theul
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republicans be making, could be making some good points about social justice issues, reaching out to communities like the black community that is traditionally not vetted for reblicans. democrats could be doing the same on the flip side which is protest.ook, we are in favor we hope to support people's right to do that but at the same time we need to takle firm poice action in order to quell the riots. and you know, these are the i places whe seems like most have sort of a blind spot but i think as it stands right now electorally in favor of president trump. >> michael nutter, what about, we have only goless han a minute. >> judy, unfortately, a little t of coded language going on from the republicans as thiacs only band brown people are out in the street. and again as jonathan pointed out, a complete ignoring of the base reasons that these thgs e taking place and in the first place. because thereis violence against black people. and brown people and other people. and we're sick and tired of it.o
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ani don't know what the d publicans would say, given the behavior of donump, praising good people on both sides and folks are marching down the streets with tiki is not exactly lending ale, that hand-of-undersornding and su having folks who were on last night brandishing a rifle and a land gun wheno one touched them, no one was near them, and what the pernt had was a mega phone. so i mean thas just bunch of nonsense. at with the real issues e is civil unrest because people are tired of being shot. woodruff: a lot to consider here, we're going to continue to talk about i tonight and through the rest of this week and for a long time to come. thank you all, we're gngio come back to you tonight, and again it through this night and through this week. but right now let's turn to another prominent republican, one of the president's strongese nders in the house of representatives, congressman doug coins of georgia, also
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challenging a former republican kelley loveler who joins us from dublin, congressman collins thank you t is veryd to see you, you are paying attention to the convention, what does it look like, the messages coming out ofhis convention to you? >> well, the message coming outr isclear. last week we saw what i would say is sunset in america, thisin week sun ris america. we are talking about last weak where joe biden wa talking about all the things wrong and that were problematic and thunkings government can fix. this time we are talking about a future, we are talking ahaout what w done helping each and every person move forward, how we can go back. have i been listening to your pal t is amazing that the panel is about the fact that this president signed a bill, which dealt with the cycle of criminal jus btice systng in the criminal justice system and out of the criminal justice system and howe can help those communities. to worto make su that
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everybody has jobs and to make sawr that our inner cities in those places that have been lforgotten are noonger forgotten. when he look at it it is a contrast of two viions for america. one is with no we o haveur greatness of our country that can solve the problems we face. >> but i think part of that conversation we were just having about is the fae that thre is a place, in this country for peacrul protests, there ae many americans who feel they have been shut out of the conversation and shut out ofat equal trnt and fair treatment and in so manyha regards, andis what these mostly peaceful protests are about. >> wgain let's discuss these peaceful protests. none is discussing stopping peaceful protests. i keep hearing the discussio that the peaceful protests are the ones being targeted, nothing further that from thth. peaceful protests happen every day trk is the first amendment of our constitution, which gives us the right to talk about
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things. even if i disagree, the first amendmt gives us that right, someone who serves in the military, i don't fight to de febd that rate for-- i fight to de-- we're notalking about peaceful protests. we're talking about the elements inside these peceful protests that are creating criminal activity and people lake the portland da and others who will not prosecute those who do the criminal act. it is not aboeutaceful protest, about t is about criminal act.he >> there wasouple mccloskeys featured, each of them had a gun aswe peoplre peacefully protesting in front of their house. >> well, dists second amendment t taken a what when people were down on friday drive on a place they should not have been. let's be honest about this whne we have these conversations. i mean this is the part, we may not like but people are fearful an fearful for what the seeing. we can't balance what we like and don't like, it is a balance
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of those peaceful otests are something that can happen but they are not allowed on private property or seyeets. are allowed in areas where they can protest. >> let may quickly ask you in the time we have about your owna for theenatement you are a conservative republican, are you challenging another conservative republican, in senator kelly levler who is the truer conservative of the troo of you. >> let me ask a question, i'm the conservative that has a nsoven, trusted record. i'm a vative who never gave money rough her basketball team to planned parenthood. mi a conservative who never team's attorney, there is a difference w there are conservatives who had different vis and now is sayelg somethin to please a conservative votership in w georgise duty is not mine. >> woodruff: let may ask you mp, she hasdent tru been endorsed as you know president trump.
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were you very loyal, you have been very loyal. >> when, whoa, wha, since when, she has not been endorsed by president trump at all thrarks is aistake, that needs to be corrected right now. president trump told the governor of georgia on tree different occasions that he wanted me in this seat. she has not been endorsed the president at all. and that is just not true. and should not b said. : woodrul right, let me put it this way. the party structure hase ben behind her but you have been someone who has been loyal to president trump in the house of reprentatives. so i mean what kind of krvetions are you having right now with president trump about this? >> president trump as i said he told the gvernor in the state of georgia to take names and wen had conversaabout the race, he's proud of me. now look, she is an icumbent senator so yes, miss mcconnell and the republican establishment, they have part of their republican senator yal commtee-- what is happening in gorge gashing the people are not
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cking the incumbent, thy are backing someone that they know is a fighter, they know he has been fhting for them an fought for this president. ef radio he where i go people ory thank you for fighting this president. thank you for fighting for our country because you are the onea who tually out there on the tip of the speer. let's get it clear. her responses from senator yal leadership which is not the people of georgia. >> woodruff: very quickly, you nhave congratulated the wr of another congressional primary, a republican primary if georgia, margery taylor green who has complimented andp esoused the so called q-anon conspiracy theory, among other things. she has talked about, she has maderacist remarks, anti-semmityic, islamophobic remarks, about back people bei held slaves to the democratic party. she likened the election of the first two muslim women t congress as an islamic invasion s this somleone you wecome into the republican party and into the congress? >> thissmeone that won a
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republican primary in the state of georgia and probably will be the next con igresswom the district. who also went on the other day and did an interview in which she has talked about her past comments and how they were placed she has to answer for those comments but she will be rothe next congresswomanthat district and she has to answer, we support ourca repub to win that district. >> woodruff: congressman doug collins, thank you very much we're now going to the republican convention and president trump. >> the story of transfoation the rose garden on the national day of prayer.ri today i'm ed to welcome him back to the white house. john life is a beautiful testament to the power of hnredemption. rew up without his father. acetals it, may mother wasst ng. but she wasn't able to keep us out of the gangs and off of the streets. and they were violent streets. at the age of 38 he was arrested for bank robbery, while john was in prison he beg reading the bible and liste cng ristian
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radio. one day he heard reverend billy graham othe radio playing "jesus wants to be lord of your life." on that day john dedicated his life to christ. he spent the rest of s time n prison studying the bible. when he was released he heard a knock at his door. it was the officer who put him in jail, fbi secial agent richard beesly who said, i want you to know that have been praying for you, now richard and grateful that richard is hereare with us today. and the last ten years since john weds relehe has created one of the most successfuleentry programs, hope for prisoners in las vegas. i was glad to speak there ar.lier this y as john says, hope for prisoners is a movement that began as a dream, in a tiny prison cell and is now making a diference in the lives of thousands truly bringing hope that there is an opportunity and a community that is waiting and willing to offer
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them a second chance. john, we honor your devotion to showing returning citizens thaty re not forgotten. we believe that each person is made by god for ura ppose. i will continue to give all americans including former inmates the best chance to build a new life and achieve their own american dream. and a great american dream it l. now i woulke to ask john and richard to say a few words. >> i can't tell you how grateful i am to have the opportunity to speak to you today. not so long ago my life was running from the police, fearing the police and avoiding the police. not because of anything that the police had done to may personally, but due to the animity i had allowed toow inside of me, making may believe that they were my emy. but today praise god i am filled with hope, a pud american citizen who has been given a second chance.
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my transformation began in a prison cell where i found myself a three time convicted flon facing yet another sentence. i gave my life to jesus and mae him a promise that i would spend the rest of my days helping others like me. my first help and support came from e unlikeliest of places, the fbi agent who arrested me richard beesly. he is now a dear friend and has been a force of encouragement to me throughout my enteyire jou i am grateful for the men and asmen of the las veg metropolitan police department who volunteer their time to people who return to our local community after thesthe real-life heroes who put their lives on the line every day armed with th promise that they made to protect and to serve, have made a tremendous npact on the lives of mnd women we introa grate back into our society. we hope for america is that formally inccerated people will be afforded the opportunity to take advantage of the fact
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that we live in a nation of second chances am my hope for america is that law enforcement and people in the community, across our country can come together and realize that as americans we have more in common than we have differences. to continue on this path we are on of being the most prsperou country in the world. i'm with. >> i'm so proudf john with hi life turned around and all the lives he helped to change. it may be hard to belhievet as a retired fbish agent one of my best friends is a person i arrested for bank robbery. when i met john 15 years agos e gry, scared, frustrated and anxious about his future. on the drive ison i stopped bought john a coffee and donut. after he was sentenced he sent me a necktie ana note thnking may for treating me like a gentleman. five years late earn when he got out of prison he called me and wanted to meet for lunch. he was a different man. he talked about strerts aentry
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program for men and women coming out of prison. over time jon earned the trust and respect of the law enforcement community, many of whom volunte at john's hoe for prisoners program. i'm grateful for president trump's commitment to criminal justice reform. on february 20th of this year he was thguest speaker at the hope for prisoners graduation. he stayed much longer than scheduled to hand out dips plo to the 29 men and women without graduated that day. what a sight. the mo important man in t free world-shaking hands and pledging his administration'ssu ort to exoffenders. their families were there, the community was the, what a great second changes. i also appreciate presidentum s support for law enforcement. i always felt like i had strong support as an fbi agent but there is nothing worse than knowing you are being second guessed when they are doing their job. certain parts of the country right now law enforcement doesn't feel like they have the support from their local leaders. they're being painted with aad brorush, unfairly with calls for de for presidenump knows the
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overwhelming percent ang of law enforcement officers are good and smart people, doing their jobs very wl. and they can change the world working with people like john. thank you. >> so now i would like to invite hn's wife jamie to joi us as i grant johmn oo'm not sure you know this, a full par in. on't know if you know that, jamie. come on over here. st an honor. and you have done incredible work. >> thank you, sir. >> and for all of las vegas and all of nevada and all of every place in ts country is very proud of you, the job you have done, bringing people back. and you are rig, i was supposed to be there for five minutes, i stayed for an hour and a lf because you were interesting to me. congratulations to both. >> thank you, sir >> richard, thank you very much for the job you do. >> thank you, mr. president. >> thank yu..
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(applause) (applause). >> woodruff: and in what isob ly a frirs at a republican national convention, president of the united states has pardoned someone who in this case had been convicted an served time in prison for robbing a bank. yojust heard the moving story of john anhe fbi ant richard beesly who had arrested him, now amna nawaz is back talking with a local publi dia reporter. am that. >> that's right, judy. as folks will remember thes headliners at t night's convention were both from south cor lanely, tim scott and former governor nikki haley. the gop convention for how it ir es natg in the that state. welcome to you, it i god to talk to you, we should mention
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you have been talking both the democratic voters in south carolina after the dnc and republican voters who areng watchis rnc. as you talk to them, what are g that people are taking away from the convention right now? >> you know, in a short term or short phrase i'm getting a mixed bag from voters here. after the democratic convention last week and what was so far from republicans,te that i am talking to ares expressing rea shock, disappointment to excitement and engagement. i talked with an african-american entrepreneurol from the capity and he said that he was disappointed in watching the democratic convention last week for what he called a lack of diversity in terms of thought. because i thought we saw a fair amount of diversity, ethnic diversity, racial, culture diversity, but he says he was
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looking to see a broad coalition of people in the black lives mat e, so he said he wanted to get-- i also had a chance to talk with two very different h voters wave a similar political background. one anfrican-american man from charleston, the othe an entrepreneur from the capitol city and they boeth said thy are joined-- but they also said that they arethey rently changed their partyiliation. candidate but he says thitimec arou he is throwing support behind biden and harp is, because when they hones in onat epublicans are sayg he says it feels more like rhetoric or a rally.
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our entrepreneur from the capitol city told me that she used to vote for repnsubliut this time around she is voting for biden because she was very appreciative of the diversity that she saw during their convention. but also she beeves that she said she isvery shocked in tuning too the republican convention last night, specifical she was shocked at seeing her governor governor nikki haley on the sh thinking back to everything tt south carolina,er hing that they despaired in theftermath of the a church shooting, she really had erstanding whyd haley was on that stage. and i think that is important because i think it speaks to the inability of the many in the nation's fastest grodewing graphic and the democratic party's most sigficant bloc of
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voters, their inability to put any other issue above race. >> that is a facinating perspective from on the ground in south carolina. thank you so much for giving us some incite from there on the ground thrarks is fell isee edes from joining us tonight. >> woodruff: thank you, amna, so important to hear these perspectives like the one that people she is talking to.rom now we want to turn to some reporters covering this presidential race closely that is our white house corres andent yamiccindor, our capitol hill correspondent lisa desjardins reporting on the biden cam paper, robert kosta of "the washington post" and host of washington week anderrin shnes. good t all of you, thank you very much, i will start with you, lisa. their chance last week.y had they've got to be watching what the republicans are doing this
5:54 pm re they saying? >> they're watching saying a few things. the first respse was lat night was about what they thought was a complete lack of addressiir of the coron crisis. they plan on raising that and saying that this is really almost their number one argument against this president, that he is nt addressing the pandemic and that he is ignoring the problems that they face, but it goes deeper than that, judy. democrats alsoelieve this idea of coneast which is clarly something the republicans are trying to do, right. they are traying to contrast themselves with joe biden and democrats, democrats say that works for them. they believe that that contrast is actuallowing a republican party that is out of sync with most of the untry, and that isto kind of closen innercircle as one democrat, an innercircle aroundne man, donald trump. that they are not relating to mostnsmeriand that that contrast they think helps joe biden better.
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they also thi that some ofe accusations made against joe biden and democrats including th joe biden is a communist or that democrats want to abolishsu thurbs are so he geejous that they y actually insu some. voters that republicans want to bring on. that they are beingco escending. they are saying voters are smart enough to know that joe biden is not a communist. democrats feelg confident after this first night. >> woodruff: so errin haines, what are you hearing about how this convention is going? >> well, i think the voters i'm talking to and organizers and other democratic operatives are saying that whle thetics of last night andossibly tonight which is the land of teunlt may look good. we just saw president trump pardoning a man on live televisionthis is alack male voter, his criminal recorhas basically been erased showing
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him lacking like, trying to reh out to main or thsk trying to reach out to women. but contrasting in message with a very dark series of theme where he is doubling down on this racial play book taing about law and order, talking about the threat to the suburb,e in a weekre yet another black man has been shot by police, and is fighting for his life. so what i thk is on display is an eistential threat mesage which the democrats were saying is i think what that existential threat is varies based on who it is you are talking to. >> robert kosta, you have got sources across the political landscape, what are they saying about what tis convention looks like so far? >> well, they are paying attention tonight to first lady melania trump. can she help the president witho n, you can see on criminal justice reform as errin was saying that the pnt is trying to reach out to the black having the messaom thatespite
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st. louis couple and others on the previous evening but they also know that the women voters across the country are so critical in suburban areas and the sun belt and criminal midwest and looking to the first lady tonight to perhaps help but at this point it istill very much tbd about her effect. >> and to you yamiche, you talked to the trump folks, to campaigutside t what do they hope to accomplish tonight? y really are walking a fine line here. the president ran and continues to run on the idea of law and der but is he also trying to make the cae that he is someone who embraces the idea that you can have a ond chance and even a third chance in the case of the man he just pardoned tonight. never before have we seen a president pardon someone during a political convention so this was the president really trying to reach out. but ere are criti of the president who say all these overturesk him talking about the criminal justice reform, which isn't about gaining por polls show they areters because
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overwhelmingly about swroa biden but convincing white voters in suburban, timly white women is notacist, he is someonehat he the president has been pushing for the idea that he wants to see more police and he hasn't at all wanted to talk about systemic racism inside law enforcement but the really interesting thing he is trying to do which is saying i want to reform the crnal justice system but i also don't want to focus too much on race. >> woodruff: which is a tricky road to walk, is it not. >> it is a very tricky road walk. >> woodruff: okay, thank you all for. we where going to cmtinue to could back to you throughout, thank you so much. we areeeping an eye on the clock and as we get ready for the 9:00 hour of tonight's convention, we are going to take a short break for some of our local pbs stations, our coverage will continue in jut one minute, please stay with us.
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i'm judy woodruff and welcome back to our speciaounew coverage of this year's republican natnal convention. the coronavirus pandemic as we know hassrupted plans for the traditional in-person convention. instead this year many other republicans are addressing a near empty room in the mellon washington d.c.owntown let's listen to the programming. we're dipping in right now. >> one person deserves the
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credit and our vote. president donald j. trump. >> what's happening is that you had businesses overregulated. not a friendly environment at all to start a company. >> my family stopped ranching about seven years ago. the reulations became so overbearing that the ranch was slowly sold off. >> i lost businesses because of these regulations. >> the factories in our towns closed. the businesses in our towns have shut it got to the point finally that middle america needed help president tru came in and as able to shed light in an area that had be so long left behind. >> it was huge, especially for a community like ours that has a lot of small businesses, manufacturing, did he regulation, real life policy
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changes that affected reals. americ >> an amazing opportunity to get ahead to have our businesses, to a choice.children eduted. >> that is something that's huge for parents right now especmslly black m kids are failing school districts. >> the unemployment rate was at the lowest ever.n >> i've see numbers of employees go up and they are earning a lot more for their family than what they had previously. >> wh this administration has done simplifying the government of america again and allowed usf to grow and move forward in a way i never sen inndemnify lifetime. >> you pull regulation and allow small companies to go out thebe anble to play in the game. that is the american dream. >> people feel that they ca support and have a family and they can build and make us ronger as americans. what could be taken away if he doesn't win again. >> joe biden says the first thing he's going to do is increase taxes orinal.
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on afternoon. on -- everyone. >> that's taking away the american dream. >> with the upcoming selection people need to know what's family.for them and the >> the best of a job ise th ceo of our country. and he's doing his job. >> he's improved jobs, he's improved health, he's improved was, he's cut taxes. i could go on for an hard and-a-half. >> ever had a job, boom bank. >> my kids are goito look up to see me and saying you are the best mom loking for us. it's the tremendous i can do i guess. this is someone to loves hisy cound is truly fighting for the american people. >> hello folks, you knee me from tv an radio i'm larry kudlow.
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years ago i worked for ronald reagan. more recently i hent donald trump during the campaign. it was a recding success -- roaring success. he at thefront recession the historic roll back of owners' regulations that crippled small busingsses. unleasnergy to become the world's number one producer fair and recrocal trade als also manufacturing, agricture, technology and oer sectors. the economy was rebuilt in three years. unemployment fl to the lwest rate of 3.5%. blue collar, african americans, spanics, women, all groups benefited enormously. eryone was betr off, a rising tide left all bots. then came a once in a hundred easiest pandemic, economic impact were trgic, hardship and heart break were everywhere.
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but prsidential leadership came swiftly and effectively with an extraordinary rescufor health and safety to successfully fight the covid virus. great bipartisan rescue also saved the ecomy. right now our economic health is coming spending and tax cuts americans are going back to work. there's the housing boo there's an auto boom, a manufacturing boom, a consumer spending boom. stocks are in record territory. shaped recovery is pointing to better than 20% growth in the second half of this year. now looking ahead, more taxuts and regulatory rollback will be in store. payroll tax cuts for higher wages, income tax cuts for the middle class,pital gains tax cuts for investments, productively a jobs. much more regulatory relief for small businesses. in economic terms, folks, this is no time for a $4 trillion tax
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hike. coming out of the deepandemic, who in their right mind would pick the pockets of taxpayers and drain money from their wallets and purses. look, our economic choice is very clear. do you want economic health, procesprospe aty opportunid optimism or do you wa to turn back to the dark days ofti stag, recession and pessimism. i believe there can't be betteri economic es than we've had in recent years. so i say, stay with it. thank you. >> woodruff: we're listening to larry kudlow who of course is president trump's chief economic advisor in the white house. let's turn again to our own yamiche alcindor. she's standing outside he white house. yamiche, no surprise that the man who advices the president every day and agrees him on most of his economichilosophy is
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saying the president's doing a great job and the economy's looking nothing but rosy. >> that's right. and this is again the president and the republican party using the full forcef the white house to make the case that president would be better on the economy. so larry kudlow talks economic advisemaking the case tha president trump oversaw great economic success in that if he continues to be in office he will be able then to turn around the economic devastation that's but i want to put into context some of the economic things larry kudllow was just taking about. come with me on this. there are 6.9 million jobs created in the two and-a-half years under president obama. 5.8 milreated in the first two and-a-half years of president trouble. there are more than 55lion americans that have filed for unemployment since the gademic and the u.s. has 257,000 fewer manufacturing jobs now than when president trump took office. that's just some of the facts that larry said that really intertwine and put into context
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what larry kudlow was talking about. >> woodruff: the thing this nation is facing is yes the unemployment race was low, yes, 3.4% before the pandemic hit. most americans were employed. most americans were making a good living. of course there were clearly pockets where that was not thcae but the pandemic came awe lawmg. lawmg -- along. tens of millions americans have lost their jobs and thead nistration is having to live with that part of the record as well as what was going on up until february. >> that's right. america is reethling fros pandemic. so people are really scared about what's going to happen with this virus. this really has become a healthcare election. i will say the president had been gearing up for an economy election apart from talking are culturally divisive issuesch that the president had success in talking about but this ise going ton election where the president was going to talk about how great the economy was
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doing, how gre the stock market was doing and then came the pandemic and that really t upended all at. the president is begging the case because there was economic success before this pandemic you can see it there ardittics of the president saying even under president trump when lak unemployment and latino unemployment at record low blacl people were making far less than white americans. the achievement gap that reallys economic gapomething that democrats have focused in o saying that black people jst are not reing the same benefits even in good times as stite. >> woodruff: jery quickly, yamiche. the contrast between what wall records boeingen the s&p or nasdaq or dow jones stild induss and as you point out main street stamerica it's a differenory. >> that's right. there are americans all over and fearful about the future.or they're looking to see which president, which candidate is ing to be the person to be able to put them back to work. i talked to so many people worried about their lely
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hoods. there are business leaders who len't be president tro coming into office saying he was good for businesses. including democrats i y.ould this is interesting and we need to continue to keep our eye on. >> woodruff: foru sre. yamiche alcindor at the white house. we'll be comingto you all night long. yamich thank yo. let's get back to our live coverage on the republican national convention. we are going to hear from thep nextker, let's listen granddaughter of blly graham. >> -- about something that is so important to all of us. our faith. as americans, we know the first line of the first amendme protects our freedom of religion. but what we often fort, the actual words are free exercise igion. that means living out our faith and our daily lives and ourol scand our jobs. and yes, even in the public square. our fnders did not envision a
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quiet hidden face. they fought to ensure that the voice of the faith were alwaysom we, not silenced, not bullied. during the obama bidti administ, these freedoms were under attack. democrats trade to make fai orangessions paorangessions orgy for awe negotiate-icanning drugs. democrats tries to force adoption agenciela to vio their deeply held beliefs. democrats pressured schools to allow boys to comte in girl sports and use girls' lockerrooms. those are the facts. but hen we the people elected donald trump. people's faithuddenly had had a fierce advocate in the white house. he appointed judges who respect the first amendment.rt he sup religious beliefs in court. he ensured religious ministries uld not forced to violate there beliefs.
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he withdrew the policies that placed our little girls at risk. and on the world stage, president trump became the first president to talk about the importancoporchlsof re-- portans freedom giving people faith around the world. in america we have not yet experienced physical persecution even though the left has tried to silence us. even during thewe pandemiaw how quickly life can change. some democrat leaders tried to ban church services while marijuana shops and abortion clinics were declared essential. but do you know what truly is essential? right to worship freely and live our faith in afte every ast of life. th biden/harris vision of america leaves no room for ople of faith. ether you're a baker, a florist or football coach, they will force the choice bing owe beadient to god or to cesar
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because the radical left god is government power. in the in other words of my andfather billy grham, let us stand for political freedom,ed moral fre, religious freedom and the rights of all americans and must never ivn toth who would attempt to take it tonight, i'm proudly standing in that public square and i hope and pray yu will join me in voting to re-elect president trump. >> i am robert vlaisavljevich from a small town in minnesota. my father ad grandfather earned a living of the raw materials that made the ste to build america. this election is a make or break for workers carrying on the legacy of men like them. since iron range economy to economic trends and foreign trade we always needed a strong voice in washington. we look tos democr fill
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that void for many years because we actually thought they cared about our welfare. not anymore. the radical environmental movement has dragged the democratic party so far to the left they cano longer claim to be add can you tell us of the working von -- adtes of the working man. this is hard for me to say becausi ham a lif i am a lif log democrat but far too long they've allowed us to be ripped off by trading partners especially china. they slapped tariffs on our products. what did so-calledders like joe biden do? nothing. the human cost has been devastating. we lost thousands of jobs, we people who had to leave the iron range to find a livelihood. and worst of all we lost hope. and something unexpected happened. the straight talking new yorker burst on the scene promising to stand up to china and the rest of the world on behalf of ther
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american wker. four years later the iron ranger is roaring back to life andwe have one man to thank. president donald trump. he made good on his promis by cutting our taxes, rolling back senseless regioul and delivering trade deals that put america's interests first.t but the fis not over. joe biden has allowed radicals like aoc to craft environmental policies. so-called green new deal is a job-coming disgrace dreamt up by people who don't live in the real world. but biden is too weak, too sared and too sleepy to stand t. to the radical lef he's been doing nothing in washington for 46 4-47 years. why would 48 be any difftrent. p will not back down. will do it again for all of us. our economic future and survival is at so ake and america's. we know we can count on
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president trump to fight importanfor usand wins. let's make sure on november 3rd he wins. god bless america. >> mname is abby johnson and i spent eight years working fo planned parenthood but today i'm a pro-life activist. when i was in college planned parenthood approached me at a volunteer fair. in crises and their commitmentn to keep abortion safe, legal and rare. i was convinced to volunteer and later offered a full time job as a medical assistance before my promotion to director of the clinic. i truly believed i was helping women t things drastically changed in 2009. in aprili waswarded planned parenthood's employee of the year award and invited to theirh annual galre they present the margaret sanger award named
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for their founder. and margaret sanger was a racise wheved in eugenics. her goal when founding planned parentood, it was to eradicate the minority populion. today, almost 80% of planned parenthood abortion falities are strategically located in minority neighborhoods. and every year planned parenthood celebrates its racist roots by pr mesenting theargaret sanger award. later in august, my supervisor assigned me a new quota to meet, .n awe bar abortion quo i was expected to sell done the the abortions evious year. planned parenthood public facing goal of deocreasing rtions i was rep mappedded and told abortion is how we make our money. but the continuing point came a month latewhen a physician asked me to assist with an
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ultrasound-guided abon.rt nothing prepared me for what i saw on the screen. an unborn baby fighting backo desperate toe away from the i'll never fowhat the doctor said next. beam me up scottie. the last thing i saw was a spine twirling around in the motr's womb before sa saw awe coming te orce of the section. i look back onlto remember why i now advocate so fashion utl for life. n founded and currently run and then there were e, a non-profit organization that helped nearly 600 abortion workers transition out of the tremendous. for most people who consider themselves pro-life abortion is abstract. they can't even conceive of the
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bar beaty. they don't know about the products of conception room and abortion clinics where in fant pieces are put back together to make sure nothing remains in the t's room or we joked and called it the pieces of children room. for me abortion is real. i know what it sounds like. i know what abortion smells like. did you know abortion even had a smell? i've been the perpetrator toe thabies, to these women. and i now support presidentus trump behe has done more for the unborn than any other president. appearing hi ifirst mon office he banned federal funds for global health groups that that same year, he overturned an obama/biden rule that allowedgo rnment subsidy of abortion. he appointed a record number of pro-life judges including two
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supreme court justices and importtly he announced a ne rule, protecting the rights of healthcare workers objecting to abortion, many of whom i work with every day. life is a poor tenant of who we are as americans. this election is a oice between two radical anti-life activists ane most pro-life president we have ever had. that's something that should compel you to actio go door to door, make calls, talk to your neighbors and friends and vote on november 3rd. take action that reelects our president and do it with our very most vulrable americans in mind. the ones who haven't been born yet. >> it began as a clatss trip o join thousands for the annual march for life.
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ese catholic young men traveled from kentucky to stand up for what they believed in. but what happened is something very different. >> -- would make america great. >> -- dirty -- >> make the market great agin, hey. >> social media and news and even celebrities unched a campaign of persecution that was completely fouaght aginst a boy in make america great men hat. >> the hatrovoked a conditioned reaction. >> i blame that bleep kid. >> he received death threats and his school was forced to close. tonight nicholas tells his story. >> gd evening, everyone. my name is anything san sandmann
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after a group of potesters in the lincoln memorial last year. before i begin i would like to thank president trump for the opportunity to share some of my story and why it smarts so much to this november's electio in 2019 i attended the march for life in washington d.c. where i demonstrated in defense of the unborn. later that day, i bught a make america great again hat because our president donald trump has distinguished bee himself as onf the most pro-life presidents in the history of our country and i want to e mpresupport for him too. possibly imagine t a simple i act of putting on that red hat would get shade from the left m anke myself the target of cable news network natiowide. being from kentucky, the birth place of abraham lincoln, my classmates and i visited the lincoln memorial.
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i found myself face to face with nathanlus and other --anyway thg phillips and other protesters. the media chased me with relengthless smirk on my face. in reality the video confir w i was standith my hands behind m back and upward smile on my face that had two thoughts. one, don't do anyinthat might fitte further aitate the n banging a drum in my face. two i was trying to follow a friendly man's advice never do anything to embarras yo family, your school or your community. before i knew what was happening, it was over. one of mr. phillips felow agitators yelled out we got him. it's all right here on video and we won grandpa. what i thought was a change encounter quickly developed into a major nes story complete with
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video footage. my life changed forever in tht one moment. the full warm machine of ther mean steam media reved up into mode. they never asked me for my side of the st. do you know why? because the truth was not important. advancing their anti-christian, anti-c trump narrative was all that mattered. and if advancing their narrati ruined the reputation and future of a teenager from covington, kentucky, well so be it. that will teach him not toear a maga hat. i know what was has noting to me had a name. it was called being canceled as in anulled, as in revoked as in made void. canceling is what's happening to people who refuse to be silend by the r left.
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many are being fired, humiliated and evenhreatened and often the media is a ill withing participant. but i would no be canceled. i fought back hard to expose the media for what they did to me and ialon a pers victory. well much more must be done. i lo d forward to thay that the media returns to providing balanced, responsible and accountable news coverage. i know president trump hopes for that too. when we say that e in thisth me country has been a victim of unfair media coverage more tha president donald trump. in november, i believe this country must unite around a president who calls the media out and refuses to allow thm to create a narrative instead of i believe we must join a president who will challenge tho media to returbjective journalism. and together, i believee must all embrace our first amendment
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rights and not hide in fear of the media or from the tech companies or from the outraged mobs either. this is worth fighting for. this is worth voting for. this is what donald trump stands r r. thank you all folistening to me tonight. and one more thing. t's ma america great again. >> teenager nicholas sandman. n. you ard the story what happened to him a little over a year ago what happened to him in washington, teenager from covington, kentucky illustrating onof the big cultural divides in this country today. to my colleague amna nawaz. >> we wan provide a little bit of context why we're hearing from somof these specific speakers tonight. we saw in the last few minutes cisiony graham who comes from evangecal leaders, and abby johnson an abortion rights
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activist and nicholas sandmann. the issue of abortion has long been one of those social writ mustests fo conseven -- litmus tests for conservative and core group of supports for president trump those are evangelicals. if you look at the numbers we have right here. t you see thapport for president trump actually growing among this core group of his base. 80% of white evangelicals voted forr. trump in 2016. pportis now up to an 82% su among this one group and that is why you're hearing about some of these key issues about abortione which stil much resonates it's interesting to note thatam abortionng conservatives has moved down the list of priorities and when you look at at's considered now a top issue for trump supports los a little different than a few years ago. the economy continues to rate very very high levi lunllilyi .d
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moves down to ace on that his. the reantson this is imporn the meantime as we move to a more devicive time others issues have risen as new social litmus test. when you heaanickndman talking about this issue of cancer culturthis is one of the core messages we're hearing from president trump and at the c this week. one of the things we want to note of course is that other issues included on this, things like whether or not during the anthem weather or not do you believe the science behind climate change o masking. these are the kind of things we're hearing more and moreo about butn't necessarily have policy behind them. judy, we have noted duing this convention coverage, this policy, this policy platform fob the recans this year is actually the same one as it was in 2016. so we're hearing less about policy ad policy oposals, more about these kind of cultural social lit that are really attractive to the president's base right now judy? woodruff: what we used to
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call hot button issues. but there's definitely an interest on the part of the trump campaign in stressing. the kinds of things you've just been discussing. amna, thank you very much. now i want to bring back some of our analysts we've bee listening to tonight talking to, to get their understanding of what is coming across in this convention. gary abernathy, cynthia tucker, amy walter he at the tab with me. gary abernathy, to you. the anything sandmannn story, theci sie -- nick sandmann story and cissie graham and we justeard it from amna this is aimed straight at the president's base, is no? >> yes. there's no ambiguity here like talked about last night, judy. president trump's operating a whether you agree with it or not, it's just fascinating to me to watch to see if it can work which is to play strictly to
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your base and double down on that. so tonight it's all about we're not talking about religion in kind of a generic way designed to appeal to a lot of people with a lotof different faiths, we're talking about christianity, very clearly, we're talking about jesus. this is the conversation that's being had. we're talking about the pro-life issue. republicans for years have beene the pro-arty and they kind of in a way sometimes pro-life groy related to the president trump gives all these evangelical chrtians, the pro-life movement, he gives them a big hair hu bear hug and theym right back. that's why they're in his corner cause he's so blatant about >> woodruff: and hese issues. appointments judges to the federal courts, certainly justices cynthia tucker to the
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supreme court who are wholeheartedly in favor of his position of the pro-life potion among others. but that is central. that is clearly central to the message the president's sending to his base. and i guess the question we keep coming back to and i'll put it to you cynthia, is that a message that can win him an elecon. does it bring out enough of the base, does it bring out, does it bring ot enough voters to push him over the finish line. >> well gary is right. it's an interesting exmaterial and i just don't see how it --me plet and i just don't see how it works. it's not a broader appeal so far not last night or not tonight. t only was the religious message narrowly focused onia chri, it was narrow low focused on the certain kinds ofa chri. it wasn't intended for e piss palians like me. it was intended for
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conservatives, christians, later o i believe secretary pompeo will appropriately in my view that's also a big point for conservative christians always supporting israel. and i keep wondering why speakers don't hammer on theom ec message more. there has been only passing attention to the covid prices and not -- crises and not as much attentiono the economic crises. they could some voters bck by focusing on the economy but they have chosen not to do that. >> woodruff: we did hear that amy walter from larry kudlow earlr in the hour the president's chief economic advisor just spouting statistics after statistic about how the stock market's doing and jobs. of course a lot of that came to a screeching halt with the pandemic and it's still very
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very halting. but ll street looks terrific. >> well yes, that is true. but i do want to get back to sort of this idea of both parties are speaking really to their base so tonight it is tr we had the issue of abortion, so-called cancel culture. for democrats, climate, gun control, right, really speaking to very specific elements. and you know, judy you brought this u last night too and cynthia did as well, the sort an diss and people talking past each other. and pee pw research has been afr this all this time how do you feel about the republican party, how do you feel about that's kind of where we are and that's why these feel so different from one prson watching it to another person. 7 5% say democrats are more close minded than regular
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americans. are more close minded than other americans. republicans more than half of them ttsink democre more immoral than other americans. almost half of democrats feel that way about republicans. so it isfmpossibl one party to watch another party's convention and feel as if they can find something in there. if we have a chnce, one more point to make where the president's going. a lot of this stu about lw and order and cancel culture. in talking to folks who are doing a lot of work in the suburbs, especially the next way of suburbs like the exurbs where republicans do steel. whenhey talk to those voters out do doing quantity fifth and qualitative researches some of the stuff is resonating. some of the replican messaging, the violence they are seeing in the citpies esecially withooting and riotings and
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reso-called cancel cul they are telling me the real problem is trump as the messenger. ot seen as an effective meenger just because of the way he has behav president for the last four years. >> woodruff: gary abernathy less than a minute. what about that. there's less of a receptivity out there but is president trump the right mes>>nger? es. that's a challenge, no doubt about it because he gets in a his own way more than anyon else impedes him, trump can impede himse. t i'll tell you what, this peal to his base we're talking abt evangelicals and pro liferso far tonight and people who think enemy.s the we can't under estimate that because that's a real belief too. they vote, judy, they vote and they vote in hugnumbers. so motivating them to vote that's part of the strategy through this whgrle proming. >> woodruff: no question. cynthia tucker just ten seconds.
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i mean the media is part of this but it is clearly amed at firing up that base. the base may not be 50 pls percent but it's aimed at them i'm or, i' or, we wnt to go bako live coverage leading to the president's daughter tiffany. there e is at the mellon auditorium in washington. the republican convention four years ago. so much has changed for the world fr our country and my family. like so many students across the world i graduated from law school during the pandemic. our generation is unified in the facing the fu turein uncertain times. and many of us are considering what kind of country we want to live in. as a recent graduate, i can relate to so many of you who might be looking for a job. my father built a thriving
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economy once and believe me, he will do it again. this election, i urge each and every one of you to transcend political boundaries. this is a fight for freedom opportunity versus stagnation. a fight to keep america true to america. i urge you to make judgment based on results and not rhetoric. if you believe in criminal justice reform, there is only one president that passed the first step activing peoplea second chance, a chance at a life once again. and if you believe in expanding quality and affordabl healthcare, only president trump, my father, signed the ght to try into law the ervored nations clause and oth actions to lower drug prices and keep americans from getting ripped off. people must recognize that our
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thoughts, our opinions and even the choice of who v we aroting for may be manipulated and coerced by theedia and tech giants. if you tune into the media you get one guy'snpinion or aother and if they do not fit into the narrative they speak to promote. then it is ignored or a lie regardless of the truth. this manipulation of wha information we receive impedes our freedom rather than allowing americans the right to form our own beliefs. this misinformation system keeps people mentally enslaved to the uneas they deemed threat. this is fosterenecessary near and divisiveness amongst us. why are so many in media and technology and even in our own government so invested in omoting a biased and fabricated view.yo asrselves why are we
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prevented from seeing certain in ormation. why viewpoint promoted while others are hidden. the answer is control. because division and controversy breed a profit. thus, what are the consequences when oly one side of the story gets out or when only one view point is acceptable. for our education system sacrificing simple debate by creating atmosphere for students with contemporary opinions are afraid to speak. so many are suppressed intobe theiiefs. in short our nation sufers by our diversitof thought and inclusion of ideas. working togetr, outside of our political comfort zone will acmplish so much more. some politicians did not seem t li the miracle of america.
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well, i do. as maximum alvarez says if freedom is lost in this country there is no where else to go. h havie is not weakness and believing in mere comes is a gift from god for tonight, i want to tell you the unsent sured truth censod truth. we believe in he can thought and expression. think what you want learn from those with difonferent opi and then freely make your voice heard to the world. we believe in school choice because a child's zip code in america should not determine their future. we believe in freedom of region for all faiths and we believe in the americaspirit, a country founded on ideas, not identity. thcountry where our differences are embraced an only
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country where the word dream hat been attach us. because in america, your life is yours to chart. so if you're hearing these things and thinking to youelf that is the kind of country i want to live in. well, whether you realize it or not, you are a trump supporter. i encourage you to see beyond the facade of so many other politicians employ.k they masemselves in disguises of decency as they try precious to mask our own identify these and befaiefs. myther is the only person to challenge the establishment, the bureaucracy, big pharma and media monopolies. that americans constitutional freedoms a je upheld andustice and truth prevail. my father does not run away from challenges, even in the face of outright lay trump becaus hatreg
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efor america is something will sacrifice anything for. he dreams big dreams for our country and he's relentless at achieving them. you see, making erica great again is not a slogan for my father. it is what drives him to keeprp hiise doing what is right for american citizens. the energy of change and opportunity is with us. god has blessed us with spirit, his irit, the american spirit. my dad has proven to be driven by that spirit. he's been through his faith with uncompromising heart a my father has made me believe that america can truly beeat again. if you care about living your life without the strength that rebeing against those who suppress your voice and building your american dream then the choice in thieleion is clear. a vote for my father, donald j.
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trump is a vote to uphold our american ideals. be true toaoursel say true to the dream of america. thank you and god bless you all. >> woodruff: that was tifumfany one of donald trump's chdren giving a ringing endorsement ofer father's approach to governing the country, essentially saying that allowing him to continue to rve as president wil lead to a continuation of all good and the american way.y, to t i'm bringing in yamiche alc and lisa desjardins right now our white house correspondentr and apitol hill correspondent lisa of course covering the biden campaign. yamie this is not the person we've heard from every member we know the book been written by his niece and quotes come out in recent days by his own sister, bufrom the family members who are speaking, and there are a
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number of it it's an unblemished and perfect image they're painting of president trump. >> that's right. that's an image that is in contrast over the last couple days and weeks and soe family members motion notably saying hd acially derrogatory language. what we heard from tiffany trumg is interesecause it's a political speech pitching her father saying he's the best person for the job. we didn't ally hear any specific anecdotes about their relationship personally. the same thing happened with donald trump, jr. the other thing that we happed is several women made the case that president trump was the best person for the job. the former attorney general of in a, someone who served on the edefense team with the dent during the impeachment. she made several allegations that are not true about hunter biden that haven't been proven that he was engaged in unethical beharoor. we heardm abby johnson, an
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anti-biomarkeananti-abortion ac. this would mean in most cases ofwomen and peopl color are cut out. it's a cast they are putting up but replicans neal good about the people they are putting up and they also feel this is a case they want to make to the american people. >> woodruff: it is an interesting aroach, lisa desjardins, when you compare what the family members of joe biden. weseeard of corom his wife dr. jill biden. we saw the grand daughters, heard briefly from his daughter ashley and son hunter. but the interesting conashow the trump campaign is using each famiember to get across a certain mesge. >> that's right. yamiche brought up a great thint. joe biden durint convention, we heard stories about him sneaking in the freezer to get ice keep from his grand daughters. we heard stories ocourse of the tragedy went through losing his wife and daughter and
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standing by the bedside of his two sons one ofthem in the hospital. more personal stories. it's interesting to me tifany trump's speech was an ideologicaspeech. she's the second youngest trump child. she's in her mid 20's and she prenltses an opportunity for president trp to reach out to a group he doesn't lrgely win with, young people in their early 20's and 30' other entioning shwas a student, a few line about students and their problems,is eally was not a speech for young people. speech could overlap with some young people but it was broader in those. that strikes me too as contrast, judy. joe biden has written himself h an autobiographies that he doesn't see himself as an ideal, i'd log.d log --alogue. he doesn't see himself that way but as someone who is a practical politiciancares about real people on the ground. they are presenting him as man
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of value presenting an ideology. let's talk about the ratings we've gotten just in in the last half of the day over these two first nights. democrats the first night of their convtion last week saw 19.7 million people tuning in. that's the nielson rating it does not include streaming, does not include major digital platforms which of course many people are usilng. let'ok at republicans. last night 17 million. so fewer americans tued in last night over television for republicans than for democrats. now it's judy,oth of those convention nights were down about a quarter from now maeople are switching bu digital modes, it's unclear what that's abou the bottom line from democrats they are happen to. they want more viewers. t thnk their convention was more television friendly, more intimate. let's see, we're on night thee but those numbers out of night one are what democrats are happy . >> woodruff: you're right, some people are clearlies chewing to watch the conventions
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through digitalha platforms weren't so readily available four years yaback to you because media was part of tiffany m trump'ssage. she said the choice of who we vote for being manipulated and visibly coerced by themedia and tech giants. this is theeliev the belief thae president and people around him want to perpetrate. >> the pre has made media attasing reporters an esential part of his presidency, a central part of his campaign. the prlesident has eged with really no evidence that the media is biased against hime , thate all trying to really thwart him getting a second term n fact a lot of time he does gets angry at the media for fact checking him and putting his comments into context pecially when he's spreading misinformation or falsehood. it ialso backed up by bringing a covington student here nicholas sandman and was talking
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about in that case where hel fet he was a victim of a media being biased against him d reached a settlement with the media. there is some merit to the idera s someone who can come and say this isn't just me this is also how the media treats someone else. by and large tugh of course reporters have been trying to report fairly on presidentp. tr >> yamiche and lisa, we're going to difficult back into the live feed of the republican national convention. this is the voice of vice president pence expults. let' and others. let's listen. >> lora mclynn is the mother of another inpiring boy. he hs ulmu distrophy a fatal muscular disregard. as governor i signed a law allowing terminally ill patients to access drugs not yet apphrovd bye fda. in 2018 president trump signed the landmark federal right to try deal inwto la.
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thanks tthe president's leadership, critically ill patients have the right to access life saving expimental treatments. >> we started fighting for right to try which basically says ifve you ha terminal illness and there's a drug that exists and you don't qualify for the clinicalhrial, there's no oter way to receive it, this is a unique pathway that allows you to have access. he made us a promise back in indiana that he would do whatever it took to help jordan and we're so grateful you joine us on this journey and he stuck it all until it became law. >> if president trump were standing right there what woulda you say to hiout right to try. >>hank you for being hero to everybody in the contry >> judge sharyl alan made history in 2007 when she became the first african american woman to be elected to serve on pennsylvania superior court. it's because of leaders lik judge what about tha alan that e
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overcome our gatest challenges. in this time of racial division and values and a strong tandaith that president trump has taken for equality and opportunity as a pathway toward bringing the country together. >> as a senciiotizen, i'll leave it at that, i ow what racism feel but i also know thtat bu for my being in vers country, i would have ne been able to achieve the things i have been able tochieve. there are injustices but the way to telewith those injustic is for peop to sit down across the table and talk and come up with solutions. i do believe that president trump has committed to that. in 2016, i have to conss tha i really did not know candidate
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trump at the time but i have to saathat he relly won me over. >> nio is a truck driver from ohio who heard many people defending american jobs only to see those promises broken again and again. in 2019, when general motors closed its plant in lordstown, ohiopresident donald trump refused to stand by and watch it happen. and as geno observed, this president reached out to general motors to find a wa to bring jobs back to lordstown. and plans were soonet ino motion to create lordstown motors. president trouble said this is how we fix it. that's a simple solutio president trump's a doer. he appreciates every one of us and i know he does, i've seen it. when he said make america great wasn't his slogan, that was his
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task. every hat you see that says maga on it, that's what your president does for you for keeping promises that you make. >> and there's parcel errin johnson. today he's -- pastor errin. >john idon't know. you've got a great story when you see this president, this administration has been leaning in to create opportunities, investments inoucommunities the country to create jobs, expanding education. wh does that mean to families that you seven with. >> it means so much to our families. i grew up in a single parent home. we served 00 boys anrls right now even during covid. for us to give these moms an opportunity to take more money on their check, on their paycheck, toave their children be able to go to a school they may not have the opportunity to it means so much to us. there's been so much greater come together in think walk of
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life, people have really been able to see such a positive change and have been filled with hope especially throughout this time. >> lydia left hearth and home friends and family in honduras to pursue a better life here in america. while raising their now daughters, lydia and her husband kraiflts securitcreates securit just monthter they were up and running our nation was struck by a global pan demonstrating. that's when president donald trump stepp in and enacted the largest financial relief package in american history for small business stayed inusiness. her american dream kept running strong. program mean to your company asn the coron.irus stru >> it was a huge tremendous help. we're so grateful you can't believe theelief.
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we continue to self our clients and continue growing the ectoomy. we wantove to continue to move forward. and we were able to make it. becae of and friends, the government. i tell my children,you kn they are here in the u.s. i tell them you are so blessed to live in america. >> here at abraham lincoln's yhood home a young man would grow up to become the first republican president of the united states. another republican president is fighting to preserve that samebl legacy of freedom. president trump will make certain that the torch of american opportunity illuminates every city,very ton and every >> hi,m ryan, i'm a policeland. officer from new mexico. in 2017 i had an ecounter that
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changed my life forever. i had just started my sift and responded to a call for service at a gas station. when i arred i saw a man and a woman sitting on a grassy slope. needle, a son.he telltale signs, i knew immediately that they were preparing to inject themselves with heroin. sadly this is a common sight for addition every y.he ravages of but nothing could prepare me for wh i discovered as i approached them. the woman was very pregnant. in myhock, i asked her if she knew that she was harming her baby by doing drugs. she crumbled and burst into tears. two worlds collided as i knelt down beside her, p aolice officer and a homeless drug addict. outside of our as we talked, our humanityct distrom our station's in life was made abundantly cear.
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her name was crystal and in the midst of her suffering, she confided that she loved her u unborn she wanted tht for her child. in that moment, i sawr the way that all of you who know and love an addict e them. as fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, children, cousins and friends. as human beings. full of value and dignity. but robbed of their potential by this disease. when crystal said that she was looking for a family to adopt her baby. god showed me exactly what i had to do. thout hesitation i told her that my family would welcome her ption.hrough ad today, our beautiful daughter, hope, is a thriving 2-year-old. crystal is fast approaching three years c reovery. she's a dear friend and constano inspirto me and mothers. i hold a special place in my heart for thse facing opioid
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addiction and that's why i am ormously grateful to the president for his leadership in fighting this deadly enemy. through his efforts, we're turning the tide on the crisis of addiction. president trump declhe opioid crisis to be a public health emergenc and tn secured $6 billion in new federal funding to helpam icans fight opioid abuse. he invested in additional $100 million to stop thepioid crisis in rural america. and in a move that strikes at the root of the problem, he implemented a safer prescribing plan aimed at reducing opioid prescriptions by ove tr ahird within three years. this is an effort tht stops addiction before it ever gains a hold in someone's life. iand it's having anpact. drug overdose deaths decreased in 2018 for the first time in 30 years. many of the states hardest hitd
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by the opioi crisis are seeing the largest drop in deaths. we're seeing that doctors are writing feweprescriptions for opioid pain drgs. these are significantov iments. that have a meaningful impact. i think we are fortunate, america, to ve a president who cares deeply for the downtrodden and who works tirelessl to fid solutions. a president who doesn't jt talk about problems, but stod ps lps. president trump is the leader we've needed the last foyears and he is the leader we need for the next four. you see, donald trump is the right president at the right time. let's make sure he's reelected on november 3rd. i pray god's blessings on you and your family and may god bless america. >> good evening. my name is jeanette nuez i'm
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proud to serve as lieutenant governor of thegreat state of florida. tonight i'm honored to share my story of faith, family and american freedom. as the daughter of cuban immigrants, my story began i 1 1959. before i was born. prosperous life became aof a nightmare. chaos strted quickly when fidel castro took control.go thrnment confiscated private property, sealing people's foes,arms and businees. for my parents, the difficult decision to flee communist cuba came when the castro regime abolished religious freedom. fellow americans, the fabric of our nation is in peril. daily the radfical t systematically chisels away at thfreedoms we cherish.
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they cwer to global progressive and norlize socialism. let me assure you, socialism doesn't offer oportunity. socialism deprives. it is a falsehood that feigns eromises for masses and president ronald rn warpedsery. if we lose freedom here, there's no place to esce to. truer words have never been spoken. americans have a choice. we can go down a dark road of chaos andov gernment control. or we can choose a path offr dom and opportunity that was paved by those who sacrificed everything to preserve the american dream for future generations. i have faith that americans will choose the right path. in 2016, our country yarned for leader who would work tir
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tirelessly to jumpstart our economy and fight for hard wor working americans. trump has put america first.ald his pro growth, proob agend has ushered in historically lown ployment. record job creation, higher wages and risg home ownership. the president is fighting to rescue american jobs andin stries for places like ohio, pennsylvania and erto rico. jobs that were needlessly he's defended our religious freedom, stood with democratic allies like columbia and shown unwavering resolvele whionfrom the knowledge tyrants in countries like venezuela, cuba, china, nicaragua. let id join our prt that america will never be a socia socialist country. supporting our president
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requires action. m joe tonight and text vote to 88022. we must continue to supportinur commande chief who has a bold agenda that safeguards the rights and freedoms protected under our constitution. today more than ever, that ans supporting our men and women in law enforcement and our heroes in uniform. it means fighting to provide the st quality education by empowering parents and preserving school choice. and it means rejheecting social list take over of our nation that oyll deshe innovation, economic vitality and freedomse hold s dear. as a daughter of immigrants, a wife, a mother of three and the first latina lieutenant gove hor in tstory of the state of florida it is my distinct privile to share my story,
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which is really your story and the story of a nation that has opened its doors, litftes people and yielded success in a way only the united states of america can. together, let's ensure foumore years for president donald j. trump so that he can continue protecting our republic proudly tell the story of what our generation did to defend the values of faith,y amd freedom. thank you. may god bless each one you. and may god bless the united states of america. ♪ >> ladies and gentlementhe president of the united states.
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♪ >> acting secretary wolfe i present to you five candidates for naturalization representing five countries. >> on behalf of everyone hery e tod like to express my gratitude to you, mr. president for hosting this naturalization ceremony here at the white house. to our candidates, it i iis my honor to administer the oath of allegiance and welcome you as our fellow citizens. captain dade please raise your right happened and repeat after me. i hear by decnlare oath that i absolutely and entirelynounce
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all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potnate, state or offer tee of whom or which i have heretofre been a subject or citizen. that i will support and defend, the constitution and laws of the united states of americ against all enemies, foreign and domestic. that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that i will bear arms on behalf of the united states when required by law. service in the armed forces ofve
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the u.s., when required blaw. that i will perform work of national importance, under civilian direction when required by law. and that i take this obligation freely without any mental evasion.ion or purposes of so help me god. congtulations, you're now citizens of the united states of america. [ applause ] >> on behalf oftm dept of homeland security it's my honor to call you my fellow americanso end you for your dedication to the rule of law and for r restoring integrity to our
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immigration system. thank you for lowing such atr tic celebration at the white house today. >> congratulations, that's fantastic. it's really great. thank you. and i want to thank acting psecretary wolf doinnomenal job in so many ways. todamercury joyce as we welcome five absolutely engreat american family you're now fellow citizens of treatest nation on the face of god's eah. congratulations. great going. you followed the rules,you obeyed the laws, you learned your history, embraced our values andproved you're selves to be men and women of the highest integrity. it's not so easy you went throug aa lot and weppreciate you being here with us today.a you'veed the most prized treasurerred, cherished and
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priceless position anywhere in the world it's called, american citizenship. there's no higher honor and no greater privilege and it'sn honor for me to be your president. thank you very much. at this time i'd like to recognize the five new sit sense who join us today. east robert martin ramirez is from bolivia. and has been a lawful permaneh resident ofe united states since 2013. hi, robert. he and his wife e raising three beautiful children. in 2017 robert ahied the dream of starting his own musiness. a construction cpany that now employs five workers. robert says i love is country, i want to respect the law. america has helped me so much in life. ro thank you very much for your devotion. >> thank you for thi prvilege.
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>> thank you. good luck with that compl y. soon youve hundreds of employees, i think, right? could happen. it will. of three children.proud mot french earned a degree inc psychology. in other woerds, sh can figure me out. she now works as a daycare teacher in viginia. i feel blessed to be a loyal citizen of the greatest country in the world.o a untry that has given me the opportunity of a lifetime to realize my potentialnd my dreams. rima, congratulations it' really great. thank k you very much. i appreciate it. suda sandari naniyon is a india, came to the united states
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13 years ago. a talented software developer, she and her husband are raising two beautiful, wonderful children. the apples of your life, right? thank you very much, congratulations. fantastic job. thank you.m et abdelzar is from sudan. that's a beautiful name. it's be lawful permanent resident since 2012. the married mother of three beautiful children, earned a master's degree and phd in animal nutrition from the university owyoming great place, great state. and she is a trained veterinarian. she's also worked as a substitute teacher for the aln tree i can't public school since 2004. that's fantastic. thank you very much. congratulations. it's my honor to be with you. thank you very much.
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labdul samad has been ayoking forward to this since he arrived from ghana in 2015.ea he sks five languages and works the medical field.ys hat the american citizenship means everything to me in my life. it cannot be measured or quantified. and succeed in life. work ha to know that i am in the safe country like america, that really is something because i know they have my bck. salad thank you very much, fantasti. congratulations. to everybody. with the rights and freems each of now enjoys as citizens there is no dream beyond your wildest reach. because americans cano anything. today you have also accepted the prseound due the teand responsibilities that come with american citizenship. by swearing the oath of
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entered a sacred and unbreakable covenant with our nation. you have pledged your undying loyalty to the amecan people. the american constitution and the american way of history and heritage of the united states are now yours to preser and padown to the next generation. our culture, our trditions and our values are now yours to uphold and live by. the rights so dear to every erican granted by us and granted by god. enshrined in our glorious bill of rights are now yours to support, ptero and defend. as citizens you're now stewards of thimagnificent nation, family comprised of every race, color, rligion and creed. united by the bonds of love we're onpeople sharing one home, saluting one great
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american flag. congratulations again to all of you, may god bless you and may god bless our great counsel try, america. [ applause ] >> god evening, america. when i stood on this convention stage four years ago, no oned fully stood the historic change that was about to take place. we can all feel it. something was hopping. a movement was formeing just low the surface. the forgotten man and woman in washington d.c. were preparing rise up. our movement followed the pattn much so many that ca before us. first we were ignored. then we were laughed at. then they fought us and thenn. together we from that moment forward america
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came first. america started winning again. america bee respected again. there's a counter movement. this view of the radical democrats, america is a source of the world's problems. as a result they believe the only path forward is to erase history and forget the past. they wanted to destroy the monuments of our forefathers, theyant to disrespect our flag flag. atrn the stars and stripes th represent patriotism and the american dream. they want to disrespect our national anthem by taking knee whe pour armed forces ladown their lives every day to protect our freedom. they do not want the pledge of allegiance in our schools. many don't want one nation under god. the democrats want to defund and disrespect our law enforcement. the democrats want ameerica wre your thoughts and opinions are censored when they do not align with their own. president reagan said, freedom is never more than one generation away from extinctio it must be fought for and
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protected. this is a fight that we are in right now. and it is a fight that only my father can win. my father ran not because he needed the job. but because he knew hard working people across this great country were being left bhin media mocked these patriots in fly overytates in which t lived. they ignored the trump flags, ignored the millions of maga banners. the silent majority had no one fighting for them in either party. eir so-called leaders were boy boying to china, spend more time rrying how they would be received by the elites in paris than how americans would provide for their families. our family lost friends but only pushed us to fight harder. pledged to every american and every city, state and town that he was going to make america great again. so began great american come back. almost immediately taxes were slashed, regulatns were cut,
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and economy soared to new heights, heights never seen before. wages went through the roof, u unemployment reached historic lows especially for black americans. hispanic americans and women. tradnddeals were ripped up renegotiated. lights were turnedback on an abandoned factories across our country. trillions of dollars were repatriated back to the unite states. once again, america became he envy of the world. and with that renewed strength came leverage. the president demanded that our allies pay their fair share for the defense of the western wor world. my father rebuilt the mighty american military adding newr jets, craft carriers, increased wages for incredible men and women in u.ifo he expanded our military defense budget to $7illion per year. america was no lo iger we the eye of the enemy.
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the moment president trump ord ordered special forces to kill some othe deadliest terrorists on the plnet. is the day america took a stance never be defeated by thenemy. al bagdadi, soolimoni, dead.e thnomy, the wall, the military, trade deals, tax cut supreme court justices. v.a. hospitals, prescription try.s, school choice, right to mohe embassy toe jerusalem jerusalem, peace in the middle east. never enrding wars wefinally ended, promisese madd promises for the first time were kept. most politicians spend their entire careers in washington, d. and get absolutely nothing accomplished. for example, joe biden. joe biden is a politician who has been in government for 47 years. he's a career politics, never
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signed the front a check, doesn't know the slightest thing about the american worker and the business. the engine who fuels the greatest economy thworld has ever known. same politics has been a total push over for communi chi and someone who would ab giant relief for terrorists who now spent years running, hiding and being taken out by the most talented military known to man. your taxes by4 trillion. raise 82% of americans will see their taxes go up sgnificantly. biden has pledged to stop border wall co anstructid give .mnesty and health care to all illegal immigran biden has pledged to defund the police and take away your cherished second amendment. my father on the other hand delivered laest tax cuts in american history, knows if you do not have a border you do not have a cryou and will always support law enforcement and your right to ep and bear arms.
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every day my father oghtsr the american people. the forgotten man and woman of thisountry. the ones who embody the american spirit which is unlike anything else in rld. it built the new york city skyline. it built the hoover dam. and soon, under my father'sle ership it will send americans to mars. the american spirit can be felt in the majesty of the grand canyon, the shadows of mount rushmore and stillness of the gettysburg. seen in the bide-i'd wonder of yvery american child as th take their first breath in the greatest country the world has ever known. it defeated fascism, it defeated communism and in 68 days it wile defeat tty oppressive and radical views of the extreme left. ronald reagan's quote ends with
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this simple warning, one day w e can spend our sunset years telling our children who it was once like in the united states where men and women were free. under president trump freedom will never be a thing of the past. nald's what spa vote for do trump represents. it's a vote for the american spirit. e american dream and for the american flag.en to the laorcement officer, who is being attacked, betrayed and whose job they are trying to make extinction, my father will fight for you. to all houses of worship and to all people of faith, stripped ou religious freedoms and will fight for you., my father to the voiceless, shamed, cens censored, cancelled, my father will fight for you. to our farmers who wo dawn to dusk to keep our plates full, my father wl fight for you. to every single mother and father, to our veterans, our
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coal miners, to the american workerwi my fathell fight for you. and to every proudm aerican who believes red, white and blue, my father will continue to fight for you. in closing i'd like to spectak di to my father. i miss working along side you every sing day. but i'm damn proud to be on the front lines of this fight. u'i'm proud of what yo doing for this country. i'm proud to show my chldren what their grandfather is figh fighting for. i'm proud to watch you give em hell, never stop. continue to be unapologetic. keep fighting for what is right. you are making america strong again. you are making america safe again. you are making americaroud again. and, yes, together with forgotten man and woman wh are finally forgotten no more, you are making america grat again.
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dad, let's make uncle ert very proud this week. let's go get another four years. god bless you.y much. and god bless the united states of america. >> woodruff: eric trump, second oldest son speaking at the republican national conventionpeaking at the auditorium in downtown washington. two minutes now we're going to speak to hrian, michael beschloss before we come back to the convention. michael, what we're hearing over last several minutes that agn donald trump can do for you and the dark, ugly, frightening future that america would fce if joe biden is elected in november s. this the kind stark choice americans have faced over history as they haves their president? >> no, i think not. richard nixon n 197 said that his conflict with george mcgovern, the democratic nominee was the clearest choice
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in a century. that is trivial compared to the differences that we're talking about now. and i think if you hear more language like this, pople are going to be very scared. not sure what is going to drive them to do in november. >> woodruff: it is -- i wrote down some of what eric trump was saying. he said bee have a choice. the fabric of the nation is in peril, there's the dark road of chaos and government control in or a path of freedom and opportunity in the other. we are hearing some uplifting stories from americans. we saw the presidentli natution ceremony at the white house using the pomp and pageantry of te white house fo that. but the message the republicans keep returning to is the darkness of the democrats. >> reblans for opportunity. charging that the democrats wilo allow there be chaos and lack of law and order but this year
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e decibel level is being turned up about five times. >> and michael, in terms of the way the president is used the presidency, he's used thee, whie hoe've seen them three times, four times now at the convention from the white house itself. we heard hail to the chief. to what extent is this in the tradition of out presidents run for re-election? american history.ent from presidents do not use the white house this way. don't have pdon ceremonies. don't have naturalization ceremoniesn the midd of a convention. and we're about to tonight hear a seetary of state,ike pompeo, speaking from foreign soil on domestic politics appearg at a republican convention. that violates a tradition thagos on at least since world war ii. >> woodruff: we will continue to watch. michael beschloss, historian, thank you very much. right now we're getting ready to go back to the republican arnvention shortly we will he from the attorney of the state
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of contract kentucky, daniel cameron. here he is. >> good evening. my name is daniel cameron i'm 34 years old and first african american attorney general in ntucky history. it is an honor to be with you as a proud republican and support i was raised in kentucky just a few miles from abraham lincoln'. burst da our first republican pesident believed in freedom, equality and justice. sadly, there some are who don't believe in this wisdom or in the better angels of our shared american history. as they tear down the statues of ople like ulysses s. grant, frederick douglass and even mr mrlincoln himself. lincoln said, any nation that does not honor its heroes will not long endure. and for republicans, our heroes
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are those who propelled an i imperfect nation ever forward always striving to make life better for everyone. even as anarchists, mindlessly tear of american cities while atocking plice and innocent bystanders, we republicans do recognize those who work ingood faith towards peace, justice and equality. in fact, it was general dwight eisenhower a future republican president who said, democracy is a system that recognizes the equality of humans before the law. whether you are the family of brionna taylor or david dorn these are the ideals that will heal our nion's wounds. republicans will never turn a blind eye to unjut acts. but neither will we accept an all-ou assault on western civilization.
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my values were shaped by my faith and by my parents. i worked at their small coffee shop meeting people from ll walks fe. i realized something. no matter who we are, everyone needs a cup of coffee. that lesson with me because despitfe our dinces we all wanted the same things for our children to have more portunities than we did. to fill the dignity of work a bd ieve that if you play by the rules, you can make a good life forf yoursd your family. so the question is, will we choose the path that gives us the best chance to meet those universal desires. will we go backward to a time when people were treated like political commodities who can't be trusted to think for themselves. i think often about my ancestors who struggled for fredom. and as i think of those giants and their broad shoulders i also think about joe biden who says,
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if you aren't voting for me, you ain't black. who argued that republicans will put us back in chas. who says there is no diversity of thought in the black community. mr. vice president, look at me. i am blck. we are not all the same, sir. i am not in chains. my mind is my own. and you can't tell me how to vote because of the color of my skin. joe biden is a backwards thinker in a world that is craving there's no wisdomis record. or plan. just a trail of discredited ideas and offensive statements. joe biden would destroy jobs, rae our taxes and throw away the li ces ofountless unborn chilen. and he is captive to the radical ft a movement to committed to cancel culture and destruction ou public die. they believe their skin color
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must dictate your poitics. exercising your iven right while to think and feel freely they will cut you down. lakes and mob rule are notca acceptable to me. republicans trust you to thinkrs for yof and pursue your american dream however you see fit. mr. lincoln said the dogmas of the qut past are inadequate to the stormy present. the occasion is piigh with difficulty and we must rise to the occasion. i believe donald trump can meet lincoln's manvdate, een as joe biden remains trapped by his own failed record and by the radicals who dominate s party. let's be honest, no one is excited about joe biden. so i ask you to judge the record.on criminal justice refoe bidecouldn't do it. but president trump did.
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on the economy, joe biden couldn't do it. but president trump did build an economy that worked for everyo everyone, especially minorities and he will do it again. on immigration, joe biden promises more to illegal immigrants than he does to you. buevpresident trump be his worker. duty is to the american the choice is clear. let me close with something my mom told me. this country's many faces corise a family. not separate parts to be divided against each other. and like any family, we care for one another. we grieve together. we share our burdens and our struggles and we celebrate our successes. and though we fuss and fght, we are not enemies. were americans. united by a collective faith in our constitutn and laws and fundamental fairness they represent. we are defenders of life and ofu
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indi liberty and we carry the mantle of eisenhower and ofg to be a force for good in this world. and one that must always be reckoned with. that's my republican party.rt the of lincoln. that believes america is an indispensable nation, an evergreen tree standing tall in a turbulent world. and that's why i am voting for donald trump for president. thank you. and god bless. >> hi, i'm mike pompeo. i'm speaking to you from beautiful jerusalem looking out over the old city. i have aig jo. as susan's husband and nick's dad. susan and nick are more safe and their freedoms more secure because pump put his america first vision into actio and may not have made popular in
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every forei capital but i worked. president trump understands what migrate fellow -- for all tta we cherish and justly desire for ourselves, or for our children the securing of peace is first requisite. indeed the primary constitutional function of the national government to ensure that your fammily and e are safe. and enjoy the freedom to live,to ork, to learn and to worship as they choose. delivering on this duty to keep us safe and our freedoms intact this president has led bolde initiatives inly every corner of the world. in china, he's pull back the curtain on predatory aggression of the chineseommunist party. covering up the china virus, to allow destruction ad the world. and he will not rest until justice is done. he has ensure that the chinese communist party spice are jailed or sent back to china.
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and he has ended trade arrang arrangement that punched a whole in our economy. chose jobs are coming back home. in north korear theesident lowered the temperature, against all odds got north korean leadership to the table, no nuclear tests, no long range missile tests and americans held ptive in north korea came home to their families. the precious rmains of scos of hroes who fought in korea. today,e today beca president trump nato is strong stronger, ukraine has defsi weapon systems and america left a harmful treey so our nation can build missiles. and in the middle eahst, wen iran threatened the president approved a strike that killedn the iran terrorist. that is the man most responsible for the murder and maiming ofhu reds of american soldiers and thousands of christians across the middle eayost. anll recall, too, that when the president took office,
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racal islamic terrorists had beheaded americans and isis controlled the material. today, today because of the president's determination and leadership the isis caliphate is wiped out, it's gone. it's evil leader is dead. and our brave soldiers thy're on their way home. the president exited the u.s. from the distrous nuclear deal with iran and squeezed the ayatla h hezichia, anmas. the presidents, too,ed mov.s. embassy to this very city jerusalem. and just two weeks ago, the president brokered hisactoric deal between israel and united arab emirates. that is a deahat our grandchildren will read about in their history books. as sa soldier, i saw firsthand people desperate to flee to freedom. the way each of us can best ensure our freedoms as b ele
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electing leaders who don't just talk but who deliver. an american hostag imprisone in turkey for two years, saidon is release that he survived his ordeal with these be faithl.cripture. endure and finish well. if we stay the course, we will.i may goly bless you and bless our great nation,he unitedtates of aerica. [ applause ]
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>> woodruff: we're watching the rose garden at the white house. president trump following vice president pence and his wfe karen pence out. that is the newly redone, r redesied rose garden the presidenjust crossed there you'll see him mving forward in a moment. we expect to hiar from the ft lady. >> it is my great honor to
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present first lady, melan i can't trump. >> first lady melan i can't trump. officially ticking off her be best initiatives. >> she's taking on a tough top topic. >> focused on social mede.ia us >> join together to help children think big and do all they can to be best in everything they do. >> this i her shwcasing what she brings to the position of first lady. >> she is smart,ndependent, people underestimated her. >> first lady was amazing. she was gracious.n empathetic ad showed true compassion. >> first lady melania tump stepping out to the worca aign. >> now going to national. she has advantage of speaking several languages. she can be a diplomat for oury. co >> sun was shining, she was greeted by children. this of cose is her cotinuing to be on be best campaign by
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shining a spotlight on successuuessful programs that t. >> she represents our country in elegance and grace. >> throughout historye have made lasting impacts on society. and represent the strength of the female spirit. asirst lay of the united states, i'm proud of our country to do for women. we as women must continue using our great tool of empowerment, our voices. >> it was very important poi moment this was a leap for her. >> the iconic white house se garden has been renovated for the first time in 60 years. >> when history books are written there should be special chapter reserved our our first lady. >> she's incredible first lady. an amazing mother. incredible woman. first lady, melania trump.
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[ applause ] >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the first lahdy of te united states, mrs. melania trump.
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>> good evening. it seemsike just yes wterday that wre at our first convention where my husband accepted the republican nomination and thecn beame our 45th president of the united states. yet the energy d enthusiasm for who should lead this nation, it is real today as it was four years ago. i know i speak for my husband and the enire family when i say we have not forgotten the incredible people who are willing to take a chance on thee buman who have never worked in politics. we know it was yo wu elected
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him to be commander in chief. and w kw it is you who will carry us through again. support then and we are still grateful today i want to acknowledge the fact changed drastically. lives hav the invisible eneomy, cvid-19, swept across our beautiful i country anpacted all of us. deepest sympathy goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one. and my prayers are with thosee who l or suffering. i know many people are anxious and some feel helpless. wand know you're not alone. my husband's adminisation wil not stop fighting until there is
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an effective treatment or vaccine available to evee.ry donald will not rest until he has done all he can to take care of everyone impacted by this terrible pandemic. i want to extend my gratitude ta all of the lth care professionals, fnt line workers and teachers who steppes up in th difficult times. despite the risk to yourselves, n and your owmilies, you put our country first and my husband and i arerateful. i have been moved by the way americans have come together in such an unfamiliar and often frightening situation. its in times like this that we will look back and tell our grandchildren that through kin kindness and compassio
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strength and determination, we were able to restore the promise of our fute. businesses stepped up and volunteers stepped in. people were eager to sha ideas ideas, resources and support of all kinds with neighbors and it has been inspiring to see what the people of our greatil nationdo for one another. especially when we are at our most fragile. speaking of strength and determination, we recently celebrated the 100 year anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment. yesterday on the north lawn of the white house, we unil an exhibit dedicated to women's suffrage. the exhibit called on chifrldren across the country to send art honoring the meaning o this
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important time in women's history. when i was judging the entries i reflected on the imact of wome women's voices in our nation' story. and how proud i will be to cast my vote again fo donald this november. we must make sure that women are heard and that american dream continues tohrive. growing up as a young child in slovenia, which was under communist rule at the time, i always heard about an amazing place call america, aad that stood for freedom and opportunity. as i grw older it became my goal to move to the united states and follow my dream of working in the fashion industry. my parents worked very hard to ensure our famy could not only oeave and prosper in america,
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but also cntribute to a nation that allows for people to arrive with a dream and make it reali reality. thank my mother and father for all they have done for or family. it is because of you that i'm standing here toy. [ applause ] plus [ applause ] i arved in the unted states when i was 26 years old living and working in the land opportunity. was a dream come true. but i wanted more. i wanted to be a citizen. after ten years of paperwork and in 2006 and became an americanst citizen. [ applause ] it is still one of the proudest
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moments in my life because with hard work and determination i was able to achieve my own american dream. as an immnigrant very independent woman, i understandi what a pvilege it is to live here and to enjoy the freedoms d opportunities that we have. fortunate to see the american dream come true over and over again. i have met many inspiring women, children, parents and families who have overcome life-changing issues that include addiction, homessness, family members who are ill or have passed away, abuse of all kinds. and many other challenges that uld make most people give up. the past three and a half years have been unforgettable. there are no words tdescribe
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how honored, humbled and fortunate i am to serve our nation as your first lay. afr manof the experiences i've had, i don't know if i can fully explain how many people i take home with me in my heart each day. from brave sdiers wh give up so much so that we can be free, to children of all rcumstances who i have met around the world. thank you for inspiring me. it is greatest honor to serve you. when i speako members of the military, despite sacciri time with their families, experience the fear of war or suffering loss, they have no regrets about serng our country. the same goes for their families and the families of first
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responders who often watch their loved ones walk out the door not sure if or when they will come home. when i speak to families who have lost someone, the pain -- i hear in their voices something i think about often. so thank you to all who serve our country in theilitary and as first responders. and thank you to the failies who wait for them. you are our heroes in your own right. i have also been moed by the many children and families i've schools anher locationsitals, children who are dealing with pain or illness that would break even thetrongest adult. up every day and see their dear child is still alive.
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families a testament to what faith in mdicine, strength and science can do. on my first inernational trip as first lady, my husband and ii d places of great significance to the three mage or religions, islam, christianity and judaism. one special memory from that tr a is of young boy, i had privilege of visiting at the hospital in rome, italy. while there, i read the littlery boy a stnd learned that he and his family had been waiting for a heartor a vey long time time. and he had a grim prognosis. it brought my staff td me tears. this spoke as we flew to belgium for the next part of our trip. upon landing just a few hours later, weearned that a heart
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had been donated and would be going to the little one. i think about hen oftalong with so many amazing and strong young patients across our own country. more profound and sadly u unavoidable examples of ou country's strength and character have occurred in the communities that have been impacted by natural disasters.r hurricanes, tnadoes and flooding show the you goly side of mother nature. but in the aftermath they can show u a beautiful side of humanity. usband and i have visited many places that have been affected by natural disaster did we are deeply moved by the strength of the people who hav lost everything. and the kindness of neighbors and communities. the common thread in all of
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these challenging situations is the unwavering resolve to help one other. i recognize the stories i just told about people who survive extraordiny cicumstances. but donald and i are also inspired by the millions of americans who wake up each dayi with theple yet courageous goal of providing for their families and keeping them safe. you are the backbone ofhis country. you are the people who continue to make the united states of america what it is. and who have the incredible responsibility of preparing our future generations to leave everything even better than they found it. just as you are fighting for your families, my huband, our family and the people in this administration are here fighting for you.
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no matter ne amount ofegative or false media headlines or donald trump has not and will not lose focuon you. he loves this country. and he knows gw toet things done. as you have learned over the past five years, he's not a traditional polician. he doesn't just speak words. he demands action and he getssu s. the future of our country has always been very important to him. and it is something that i havem alwaysed. in fact, it is the hlp enre a better future for our next generation that i lanch e best" my initiative to help children achieve their fullest potential. "be best" hs one simple goal. teaching youth about importance mentally and phsically.h
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this also includes underanding online safety and the dangers oo and drug abuse. through "be best" many officd i have been able to high height people, programs and organizations that are doing extraordinary things in our country and around the world. i continue to believe that b shining a light on this positive exples ohers across the country and globe will becom inspired to be a part for our next generation. helping children is not a political goal. it is our moral imperative. when i think back to a definmeg of "be best" my mind goes to a trip i took to africa. on that vast and beautifulin cot i was able to visit
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the countries of ghana, malawi, kenya and egypt. e of those visits in particular had a profound impact on me. ghana, on the coast of west africa, was the first stop on my trip and i experienced firsthand its warm people and dear traditions. while there, i visited the cape coast castle and learned more about the beginning of a cruel and often deadly journey in the era of the slave trade. i was horrified when i lisned an the guide tell me so many i inhumane storie i gained new perspectives. it is time in our history we must never foraget so tht we can ensure that it never happens again.u like all of y have reflected on the racial unrest in our
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country. it is a hah reality that we are not proud of parts of our history. i encourage people to focus on our future whngile still lear from our past. we must remember that today we are all one community, comprise of manyces, religious and ethnicities. our diverse and storied history is what makes our country strong and yet we still have so much to learn from one another. with that in mind, i'd l to call on are the citizens of this ountry to take a moment, pause, and look atings from all perspectives. of i urge peopleo come together in a civil manner so wd can work live up to our standard american ideals. violence and looting being done
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tice.e name of jus and never make assumptions based on the color of a person's skin. instead of tearing things down,e s reflect on our mistakes. be proud outf our evn. and look to ourr way foward. let us remember that we are e nation under god and we need to cherish one another. my husband's administration has work to try and affect chge when it comes to issues around race and religio in this country. he's tpre firstesident to address a special sessionf the united nations general assembly to call upon countries across the world to end religious persecution and honor the right
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of every person to worship asth choose. he has made substantial investments in our hisrically black colleges and universities. this president also continues to fight hr scool choice giving parents more options to help their children flourh. my husband knows how to make a real change. from the day that i met him, hey has anted to make this country the best it can be. for many years, i watched him grow concerned and frustrated and i'm so proud to see the many things he has done in such a short time. america is in his heart. so while at times we only see the worst people and politics the evening news, let's remember howe come tther in the most difficult times. and while debate rage on about
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issues of race, let's focus on the strides we have made and worked together for a better tomorrow for everyone. our administration has also devoted historic resources and produced life savings results by raising awarenessround opioid abuse.en when so ofhe headlines are filled with gossip, i want to take this moment to en are guild gossip, i want to take this moment to encourage the media to focus even more on the nation's drug crisis. the disease is one that affects everybody. it pays no attention to race, age or socioeconomic status. of our society in some way andrt now more than ever we have programs to combat it.
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we just need to talk about itd openly anu, the media, have the platform to make that happen happen. to the media industry d a country, i ask that we all commit to helpi inur fight against drug addiction by talking about it een more, especially as we battle the covid paendemic we ned to remember the suicides are on the rise people who are struggling with loneliness andfe addictiol they have nowhere to turn. parents, please talk to your children, teachers and caregivers, pay attention to signs of addiction, lawkers, pass legislation that allows those who ask for help toto do o safely and without fear and to provide gasources for zations that help people


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