tv PBS News Hour Convention Coverage PBS August 27, 2020 5:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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>> this program was made possible by and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. newshour productions, c >> with more than 1,000 americans dying from cod-19 each day and president trump trailing in the polls -- joe biden's lead has grown nationally. >> republicans seek to turn the page on the pa >> we're on track to have the world's first sa effective coronavirus vaccine by the end of this year. >> and focus on unrest over police shootings and racial injustice in some u.s. ties. >> democrat-run cities across this country are being overrun by violent mobs.
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>> we will have law and order on the streets of this countryfo r every american of every race and creed and color. >> tonight, president trump acpts his party's nomination for four more years. the final night of the republican national convention. >> woodruff: good evening. welcome to our special pbs wshour live coverage of the final night of the republican naonal convention. we, along with thousands of others, had initially planned to be in charlotte,orth carolina, k,this wut because of the pandemic, the gathering will be almost entirelyirtual, including some of our reporters, analysts and the speakers for threpublicans.
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tonight also has the backdrop o ssive hurricane along the gulf coasts of texas and louisiana. we plan to bring you the same depth of coverage and analysis during this critical time in a historic election year. i am here in our studio, socially distanced, with amy walter. we have reporters and analysts ac.ross the count and our amna anwaz is in the studio around the corner to help us on what to expect, and key moments to look out for. amna? >> nawaz: this is the rakublicans' last chance to their pitch from the convention stage, and tonight, we'll hear from some of the closest advisors first term.ent in his that includes the senior-most members of the republican caus, house minority leader kevin mccarthy and senate jority leader mitch mcconnell. one of the president's fiercest defenders, his personal attorney rudy giuliani, and one of his most influential advisors, daughter ivanka trump.
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finally tonight, we'll hear from the president himself, in what's expected to be a full-throated defense of his first four years inffice. judy, he'll be speaking ad a global pandemic, growing calls for racial justice, and after a g devastorm in the south. we'll see how he addressesach of those crises in his speech tonight. >> for sure. we'll be coming back to you throughout the night. right now, i'm joined by newshour white house correspondent yamiche alcindor house, where the president will theak tonight. yamiche, i se crowd behind you. looks like quite something the white house has planned. >> this is quite something, judy the white house has been completely transformed into a campaign rally meets the republican national convention. behind me, people are thered shoulder to shoulder. no social distancing atithe . people here are not required to
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wear masks. there's no mamask ate. i've talked to white house officials. nobody has been tested for coid-19. i was not tested as a reporter. that being said, this is like the pandemic is not happening, sident wantin the optics to say we're moving past this. the presidenis expected to speak before a crowd of 000 to 1,500 people, judy. a large crowd for the white se h we've never seen the lines between the white house and the campaign blurred li this. also want to talk to you about the fact that the president will be delivering a biting speech, going after joe biden on all sorts of issues, immigration, foreign policy, race. i want sow you a bit of his speech. he is expected to say at no time before have voters faced a clearer choice. he will say that we have spent the last four years reversing the damage that joe biden inflicted over the last 47
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joe biden takes sue with that. the president is expected to make an announcement that there's a $750 million deal to proddie anribute 150 million rapid covid-19 test. he is hoping at that is good news that will make the case that he's trying his bes to protect americans. >> that's the subject that the president has faced a great deal of criticism on. it's not a surprise that he would want to have an an uncement about that tonight. thanks, yamiche. we'll come back to you throughout this evening. to help understand this convention, we will be turning throughout the night to a wide range of analyd special guests. but let's start with our core group. that is syndicated columnist mark shields; "new york times" columnist dad brooks; gary
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abernathy is a contributing columnist for the "washington post," based in ohio; and cynthia tucker is a pulitzer prize-winning syndicated columnist nobased in alabama. and again, here at the desk with me, amy walter of the cook political welcome tof you. great to see you, amy. so what are you looking for tonight? e been hearing all week big divide, big division between what joe biden offers and what donaldrump offers. i guess we'll hear more of that t>>onight. hat's right. in 2016, the question the night that trump spoke, then cndidate trump spoke, can he bring republicans together. had been a divisive primary. so much chaos at the convention itself. it was all right, here's -- f let's see e can do this and keep this party together for election day in 2016. obviously he did. this time is really truly in the fight for his life. canke a historic comeback, no incumbent president has come into his conventionehind in the polls by the percentage that
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he's be behind wh an approval rating as low as he has right now and gone on to win. so it's not surprising to me at l to see that he is going to g be speakin front of a big crowd, that he's goingo after joe biden forcully and in fact what we've seen really for the last four days is people speaking for president trump.t tonis not just him defining himself,leut really has tan in to defining joe biden and making this election a choice rather than a referendum on trump. >> so mark shields, several shall we say ssions the president and his campaign have to trllto ful tonight. >> yes, judy. only in the last 90 years, only two presidents have failed to win a second term. sot he whole predisposition of
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a erican voters is to give president a second term. donald trump, of course, is uphill on hat. but he can't make the case for himself really. he has to make the case against den. why do i say that? in four years, he's the only president in our history who has never achieved 50% popularity among the american voters, or 50% job approval. so heas to make the case that oe biden is not going to -is somehow unsuited, something that the president does not do reluctantly. he's happy to do that. finally, i say thate thgreat advice of lloyd brf azon o tara, he said if you can't make you ought to give up and go off and write a book. i think it's interesting that biden and obama stuck to the0 minutes and we'll see how long the president goes tonight. ou
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>>picked on my favorite british statesman. mark, so glad you quoted him. david brooks, how do you see what president tru is doi and what he should try to be doing toni given where he stands in this contest. >> i think his argument is apt. i'm kidding. this should not be happening in the white house. the people's hous we make a sharp distinction between politics and governmentc and public se. that house is the house of public service. it's not a politica prop. that's an insult to the cosetitution. thnd thing we understand that trump is going to go after the bin agenda as too far left. not hit it hard enough. biden has moved from where the agenda was under the obama-biden years, probably left of where the american people are. so to gofter that seems to make political see. the third thing is this f convention hund the issue.
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in my view, the only issue that they can possiy win on. that is law and order. the events in kenosha and elsewhere have put the democrats on their back feet we have seen some shift in wisconsin. moves voters.sue that we know when people have a sense of unsafety. like it or not, it's probably an ugly ise that the republicans continue on after the convention and joe biden really has to getf out nt of it and address public safety, rising murder rates in cities. it's something that he has made very statements condemng violence but so far the evidence is not enough. he s to get further out and show that democrats have their own version, a more just version of law and order and policingo ease that sense of anxiety, that fear in public safety. nthia tucker, has that become a challenge for joe biden and is it -- just to turn to david's quen,stis this now the main issue on which donald
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trump sees ah-hah, i can make head way here >> it is certainly the main issue that donald trump sees. it's probably the only issue that hhas. there is absolutely no doubt that fear is a major motivator. it is a very powerful emotion. however, people will real start to think about this race after labor day. the president is counting on civil st, violence in the streets to continue, but kenosha was quiet last night. so he may have to find other is es. the other thing is, it seems to me that it's incumbent on the that two people were killed in kenosha the other night, a right wing white man who is a big fane
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ofpresident. one of the things that is going is a lot of the protests is members of right-wing malitias are going out to whip up violence if they can. seems to me that it cumbent on the president to acknowledge ithat. he, however, lean in to law and order tonight, no doubt about that. the only question is whether he will sound more like richard nixon or georgewallace. >> wow. gary abernathy, how do you see this issue of racial inequity? we see american professional athletes all expressing their views from one end of the country to the other. >> yeah. and you can understand that with e professional athletes. i'm not sure boycotting the games is going to be effective. you know, most americans don't look at athletes as essential
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workers. this is not like police officers refusing to do theirr firemen. we can live without sports. i'd like to see em find another way to express themselves. it's hard for people to sympathize with multimillion dollar athletes. judy, first of all, let me thank you for providing our tv studio tonight. thanks very much. i'm looking forward to the president's speech. 's going to be typical trumpism. donald trump, you know, people -- thcrics afterwards will say it was dark, divisive. it will bpre ably because that's trump. he's not ronald reagan. he's not going to abtalk t the shining city on the hill. he sounds disingenuous whe h does that thing. trump will be trump. sometimes anger is okay. we heard anger last week out ofa the dem. so there will be all of that, but -- u so, know, after the speech is over, we'll get the
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cr iticism from the lark th was too dark and angry and the right will say it is perfect, told it like iis. it will be like four years ago. welcome to groundhog day. >> amy, back to you here. if that is indeed what we're hearing tonight at this convention and then we'll hear from rudy guliani and the president, doest tput more about this police-ra question in a clearer way? >> yeah, i get the instinct especially among many to think this is where joe biden and democrats are to be vulnerable. these are democratic cities and because this is a charge that deusually works against mocrats. soft on crime. it's been working for years and years. i think we're in a different moment now. suburban women who are quite frankly when they see black lives matter, mns somethin very different to themhan it did two years ago or a ar ago when they are watching some of
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these athletes. they have a differpent pertion of them than they did before. the other thing about anger and the beginning of trump's since presidency. the people that sy they strongly dislike president trump have been bigger than the orcentage of people that him. if he's going to run a campaign on anger and fer, there more trump than angry what is donald happening or think he's the answer to that. >> and as we're discussing this, the question of fear, will be raised again at this nvention tonight we expect, going to be a bigger element in the c thank you all. coming back to you throughout this evening. >> woodruff: before president trump formally accepts the republican nominatiotofor presidenght, we take a look at donald trump's campaign fiomises and his first term in . yamiche alcindor has the second in our two part series. >> we're going to make america great again. >> alcindor: othe 2016
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caaign trail... >> we're going to drain the swam >> alcindor: ...the reality tv personality promised change. >> repealing and rep the disaster known as obamacare. we will terminate nafta. we're building a wall. >> alcindor: gerning proved to anoth matter. the "washington post's" robert costa. >> this was a totaouider who comes in without any political experience, any experience in government, and he tries to be the disruptor. >> alcindor: in a historic move, presidump filed for reelection his first day in office. the campaign never ended. protests flared across the country, he continued to stoke tensions over imgration and >> i've taken decisive action to ouep radical islamic terrorist the hell out of r country.
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>> alcindor: using t, he attacked opponents, fired staff and issued new orders. that eventually includ directing the military to ban transgender service members. as the president clashed with democrats d the press, he ightened his control over the republican parpe. >> there iaps no president in modern history who has made sure that the republicty's always following him as much as possible, is at times in his image. >> alcindor: republicans in congress ceded power to the >> it's always a lot of fun when you win. >> alcindor: but they were securing conservative goals: from tax cuts to a complete remaking of the country's courts, including two supreme court appointments. >> there's another major promise i have kept to the american people. i've nominated a fantastic justice to replace the late, great justice scalia.
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his name is judge neil gorsuch. >> tha kept the trump world with the republican world. they may not like him brsonally. they mappalled by his conduct. but at the end of the day, he's coming through with policy wins for them. >> alcindor: in foreign policy, trump had success in pushing some allies, especia europe, to share more defense costs. also publicly criticize with tariffs. and slapped them china has yet to live up to the president's much-touted trade deal. but, he re-negiated other trade deals that he railed against on the campaign trail, like the north american free trade agreement. >> it will be repealed and replaced. >> alcindor: when it came to domestic policy, the president and his republican-controlled congress never repealed and replaced president oma's signature health care law, the affordable care act, as the president had campaigned on.
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his own party blocked the effort. >> i will have mexico pay for that wall. >> alcindor: as for candidate trump's promised border wall, mexico never paid for it. less than five miles of new wall had been built, three months before the 2020 election. the president did use his executive powers to grind legal and iigllegal ition to a near halt. along the way, he continued to hammer his message. >> this not aim to unite, when it comes to race. he welcomes, at times, division, and he sees division as a waunto derscore his own political standing with his core voters. >> a20lcindor: in august o17, white supremacists protesting the removal of a confedershe statue cla with counter-protesters in charlottesville,nia. jews wilnot repl.replace us. >> alcindo kevin mcgruder studies race and uatan history antioch college. >> there was a nazi element to ey. and there it was an
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anti-semitic element, too. >>dor: one self-described neo-nazi drove his car into a crowd, killing a 26-year-old r counter-protesmed heather heyer. in his initial response, president trump declined to outright condemn the neo-nazis. >> you had some very bad pple in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. >> to suggest that those are good people, from a president of a country that the confederacy fought against-- it's mind-boggling. but it's equally mind-boggling that he was able to do it, and with no real consequence, politically. >> i know his heart's in the right place. alcindor: the president a mass shooter who targeted latinos at a wal-mart in el trump's own rhetoric around an
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of immigrants. he killed 23 people. >> mental illness and hatrell the trigger, not the gun. >> alcindor: while the president escalated his race-based attacks, he campaigned on investments in historically black colleges and opportunity zones in low income areas. >> he water often throughout his presidency. >> alcindor: the president also inced a series of investigations, cluding a two-year special counsel probe into whether his campaign worked with russia to influence the 2016 election. seven of the president's associates were convicted. >> this ridiculousoax, this witch hunt. >> alcindor: as the 2020 election neared, president t sought to dig up dirt on his political opponent, former vice president joe biden. that sparked his impeachment in the house of representatives. >>r is phone call with vladi zelensky of ukraine was ultimately what prompted his impeachment. >> i've done things wrong, this is what the end result is.
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>> alcindor: with t one senate republican behind him, trump avoided conviction and removal from office. >> it's called "no collusion, no obstruction." >> alcindor: as the nation's market, on an upward trend since the obama administration, brokeo s, with unemployment at a historic low. >> trump just needs to continue to talk up the strong u.s. economy. >> alcindor: the president's supporters celebrated. with the job my stocks have never been higher. he's just, he's e people. >> it's just been three years of promises made and promises kept. >> alcindor: then, the country plunged into a crisi the coronavirus pandemic. asntmerica reeled, the presi struggled to respond. >> it will disappear. >> alcindor: unemploymen skyrocketed amid closures as america suddenly fac a an econom public health catastrophe. >> he's seen himself as the victim of the pandemic,
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politically. >> alcindor: theofcame the death eorge floyd at the hands of a white police officer. >> he will not have died in vain. but we cannot allow the righteous cries and peaceful protesters to be drown by an angry mob. >> alcindor: peaceful protesters took to the streets in all 50 states, demanding racial equality. looting also rocked some cities. on a private call with governors, the preside demanded a military-like response. >> you have to dominate. if you don't dominate, y're wasting your time. they're going to run over you. you're going to look like a bunch of jerks. >> it distorted what actually happened, and it never acknowledged why they were out there to begin with. at a time when the nation needed somebody to heal-- hear those complaints. >> alcindor: protesters toppled and graffitied statues, inconludingderate lears and america's founding fathers who owned enslaved people. e president defended those
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figures. >> we must protect and preserve our history, our heritage, and our great heroes. it>> when you say "our here," what he means is the heritage of white southerners who idencofy with thederacy and its goal to break away from the united states. >> alcindor: the effort seemingly a means to please his most ardent supporte. publicans largelstood behind the president. >> the legacy of president trump's first term is an wall, who wanted to connect with ba and fight with every critic, but along the way, got republicans many things they wanted. it was for many of republicans the bargain of a lifetime, but it will have consequences for years to come. >> alcindor: win or lose in nos mber, president trump ha remade the republican party in his image. for the pbs newshour, i'm yamiche alcindor.
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>> tmink you, e, for that second part of a two-part look at the life and the record of president trump. >> woodruff: we want to bring in some other voices that have been with us through this week. chris buskirk is editor of the journal american greatness. michael nutter, the former mayor of philadelphia.el na johnson is the editor-in-chief of the "washington free beacon." and jonathan capehart is a pulitzer prize-winning columnist for the "washington post." welcome all of you back tonight on this last night of the convention. the vice president chris, promises made, promises kept. we're looking at the most multuous term of a president that any of us is even aware of. my question to you, is president trump's record in office, is it a plus for hisre-election or a set of obstacles to be overcome >> i think wh look back at what he ran on back in 2015 and
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16, all and all, we'll see a record of promises that have been kept. the big one i think is that he department start a war. this is something that president trump ran on, a big part ofhi platform in 2016. with the neoconservatives in the republican party and he has gotten the united states o of wars in the middle east. he's kept us safe in that way. he's been able to bring troops home and something where the bush, clinton, bush and obamaye s all stand in stark contrast to what donald trump has done on feign policy. that is something that people inside d.c. and the ofessional republican and professional democrat establishments don't like to disagree withn but resonates in the heartland ere eople were sending their kids acss oceans to fight these wars. he did a good job on the economy until coronavirus hit in january,s ebruary. he'going to make the argument tonight and on the campaign
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that the next few month he's the guy that can bring it ck. >> michael unutter, as look tht record, is it a burden for e president or something else? >> well, judy, i kind of have the feeling of how president that this long nightmarish week it's been really tough listening to the disinformation and the propaganda during the course of this week. you know, donald trump ran on he was going to make change, have wall.o pay for the that didn't happen. i don't know that you get a pat on the back for ntiot stng a war. each president has to deal with the world circumstances as they are. it's good for us noto be in war, sure. but again, the recent events over the past -- this entire 2020 and going into 2020, the economy was not great for everyone.
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everyone in america does not own stocks and the stoke maet is not the ultimate arbiter of w the economy is going. you get judgedn governing. donald trump has been campaigning as yamiche's piece indicated. he started running for this le reion on day one. he never translated campaigning into governing.n seemingly ha yet figured sot what governoring is all about. don't know that the record is that great for the broad swath of thepuamerican blic. >> eliana, how do you see what president trump brings to the as table asks the american people to re-elect him? >> going into tonht, the portunity to an make his case unfiltered by the media, which is something that he has prioritized using a twitter feed. he has an opporunity to make his case for what he's accomplished and lay out a path for what he's going to do the
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next four years. i don't think it helps to say e onomy was good in february. he should lay out a path on how to get the economy back twhere it was. trade and immigration are the two issues that the president has used. he has changed the republican suesy's approach to those and he should talk about that. he should alsosavage the other side. that's what these conventions s e for and should point to conventie political theater but point to the reality tuntry in democrat-run cities where violence hen hold and destroying the lives of many people. >> jonathan capehart, we assume that's what e president does tonight. does that add up to something that puttrhim in ag position as he goes into the fall campaig? >> judy, one, i have no expectations for the president's
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speech tonight. primarily because i have a sense that with the exemption of a few new lines, it's everything that we have been hearinfor the last 3 1/2 years. i think the president has shown especially through this convention no ompunction about campaigning to the american that is and instead s been campaigning -- for the votes of the erica that he thinks is there. the america, the people that are there crowded up on the south lawn to hear him speak. n e president has not bee interested in expanding his base. he's only been interested n talking to his base. what his base thinks is thhe has been doing an excellent job. he has en terrifi that coronavirus is in the rear view mirror, that if only the
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coronavirus hadn't happened, the economy would be doing well andn it his fault. unfortunately, his reliance on fear i think is the one thing that he has goingh for . it's the one thing and the one constant that he has delivered since his n.inaugurat his inauguration speech is about american carnage. no one i think anticipated that it would basically come true no the thing for me that is most concerning is that whave seen in american history how fear rks. especially how fear works when it is directed at white people and having them be afraid o people of color, but more ic specly black people. so when word came out that the president will talk about jacob
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blake, the unarmed ban that was shot seven times in the ba by kenosha police, a chill runs throu my veins because aten something like that happens cratches at america's ongoing and enduring pain an trauma, we want to look to our deral or national leaders for healing. someone who will bring us together. instead, what we'teve gis the complete opposite. >> i want to turn to chris to pick up on that. as i do, remind our viewers tt the convention is getting underway right now. the visuals of what you're seeing is what the republican party issending out. we continue the conversation for the next few minutes. ochris, the use f fear as a campaign tactic is an effort to appeal to voters. you could say it's a tried and true tradition and some moments t american history.
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day is that something that a candidate can be proud of? >> ell, i think it's a tried and true in every election in american history. it's a hallmark of democratic government. democrs have been running on the fear card of hey, the republicans if you ect them will take away your grandparents social security. we've been running on that for 50 years. the's a reason for it, a psychological reason. people respond tor a need fo security more than they respond to desires for aspirational goals. so this comes home to roost this year in particular when you see these images of rioting, tsoting, people getting shot in the str. so people have a right to think, well, are we actually secure? do i have a right to be afraid? is the government there to protect me and my family? >> all right. we're going turn nowo my amna
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the openinreg ceremonieseing kicked off by franklin graham. amna? >> president trump decisively won kentucky in 2016. this year, the bluegrass state has been getti attention as te majority leader mitch mcconnell makes his own case for reelection. like much of the country, the state has also been the site of racial justice protests, after the death of breonna taylor in louisville. for a check in, we turn to blland barton of kentucky radio. ryland, thank you for making the time. as we speak here, ths calls for racial justice and protests in wisconsin after the shooting f jacob blake as we talk about. we should mention the calls for justice continue in kentuckfy e months after breonna taylor was shot. do we expectitch mcconnell in his remarkto address that? >> i don't know if he will address it tonight. certainly his congressman danil
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taylor has mentioned it. protests have been going on in louisville since late may breonna taylor was killed by police in mid marcesh. pr continue here. people are waiting for the investigations. the protests have onlygotten more intense. >> mr. trump won kentucky by 30 points. he's very popular there. down ballot, as wementioned, mcconnell is a more competitive race than many peoplexpected against amy mcgrath. will mccnell survive? >> every time he runs for re-election, people think this ishehe year that's vulnerable. in 2014, you know, people were looking at him -- his popularity and being under water. ybut once again he won b a significant margin.
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this is the first time he's running as mority leader. amy mcgrath has a lot of money. she's running a big race and trying to kind of bring all democrats back under the same tent especially after a big competitive primary election against a progresse democr primary rival, charles booker that made a late run in that race. so it's up to amy mcgrath -- she's trying to unite democratic party and pick-off more conservative voters that have tibeen for trump in the past election as w >> ryland, we heard about how en prestrump and the republicans seem to be messaging to his base in the rnc. what are people on the ground tesaing you about the mge and how they're receiving it there? >> i think what republicans are excited for is tryi to -- so much of is based on opposition
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mocrats and keeping enacted.ic policies from being s goes down to mcconnell as well. you know, over the last couple years, keeping democratic policies in the house from passing out of congress because of the republican-led senate. people in kentucky are still excited about theresident and at least republicans in kentucky are, about his ti-establishment message. granted his polling is not as high as they once were. they're still high though. they're still --he suburban vote that republicans are having trouble in the suburbs of kentucky just as much as they we around the country. that will be a thing to watch here as well. indeed. that is ryland barton from kentucky public radio. judy, back to you. >> thank you. ucportant to get that view from ke on the night that we hear from the senate majority leadnt. the presi speech in two hours. meantime, we're keeping a close eye on the republicans national
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convention. but earlier this evening, i spoke with white meadows.f of staff mark here is that conversation. >> welat, i think he convention is goingta ounding. we're telling the story of american people across the country. eaand every night it's not just about polit ical figuresand personalities. it's abouteople that are involved in whether it's a lobster fisherman or a logger or byone else, smallsiness person. it's their stories. hat's what the american people really are interested in. >> we're hearing a lot of the personal stimonies and a lot about joe biden. i want to ask you about that. he's clear aprogressive, a liberal. his views are to the left of the president's. he's for expanding the affordable care act and for diverting some pol funding to social services. he's not for a government-run medicare for all. and as we just heard, he's not
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nor defunding the police. he repeated i.t again speaker after speaker at the convention is saying that he's for these things. he's a socialist and bring the country to ruin. why not say this is what he believes and not exaggerate? >> i don't think thers any exaggeration. even if your lead up with the reporternd the reporting going on, they said he want to reallocaten, by definithat means that you cut from one place and you so if he's so clear on it, why didn't he condemn all the people that are out there saying that we need to defund the police? we didn't he condemn them? not just state a policy position but condemn their activity. i served on capitol hill. when you talk about reallocations, you take from one bucket and put it in a different bucket. i'm not sure. >> reallocating is different from defunding thaltoge. >> let's say we're not defunding altogether but you're cutting their funding.
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let's be honest about it. if you're taking money from police law enforcement, you're not increasing tir budget. you're decreasing it. >> let me sask yething that vice president pence and others have that the pre has saved lives with a total ban on travel from china start back in january. claiming -- he claims, others claims that joe biden, the democrats attacked this. however, we looked back at this. it was not a total ban. "the new york times" estimates something like 40,000 travelers from china arrived in the u.s. h action over thecourse of two months. joe biden and the democrats did not attack this. we've gone back and looked. so where is all of that coming from? >> well, if you went ck and looked, they did condemn it. so let's go ahead and do that. he did call him xenophobic.
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>> but he wasn'ttalking about the ban. >> it was in the context of the covid relief and what the en presdid. i don't know how you contextualize it in any other soy. hat they're saying is joe den today is applauding the president for cutting down travel from china? that would be newsworthy if that's what he's saying. i don't see any ads out there with joe biden saying we applaud president trump for cutting down travel from china. listen, this is all about two different narratives. itne where the president indeed did save thousands and thousands and perhaps tens of thousands of lives. maybe even by some estimates hundreds of thousands of lives by his quick action in terms of was a travel ban imposed. more importantly than that, we have to make sure that the facts speak for themselves. >> so many things ask you about, mark meadows. one is the raciaunresin the country. the vice president painted a cities overrun with violence.
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there has been violence, but we know there's a lot of peaceful protests s well. my question to you is do you understand the anguish, te anger and the anguishf black families over the repeated f instances ack men shot just like, you know, mr. jacobsthis kenosha?was in >> as a non-african american, i don't know that i can fully understand it the way that some in the community mi number of my friends, senator tim scott as we tried to work on makingre that we moved legislation forward in congress, you know, he was able to articulate this probably bett than anyone else. yet what we found was that it was senator durbin and others t ke it that seemed to take tim
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scott's earnsire to fix this problem and suggest that it was only politil. yet what i do know is that there was a deal there to be made because the president wanted to cke a deal and why it here we are wigress not acting. the only person in washington ho acted to try to address this in a meaningful way is the president of the united states with an execuortive er. it's not the first time that he's acted on thi >> you had several white house officials today criticizing professional athtes that have been sitting out some games over the last day. some are continuing tonigh some are not. just a few minutes ago, mark meadows, we heard theh of the clippers, doc rivers say we keep loving this country and this countryveoes not us back. are you prepared also to what they're doing?tes for >> listen, here's what i do know. peaceful protests where they want to boycott, not boycott with the nba, i haven't en
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watching their games. i'm more concerned with wh they do in terms of winning team than the boycott.'s hehat we have done. we have taken the whole it in to the sports ena, which a lot of people it's making the tuout. it's one of the few times where you can kind of disengage and not get involved in politics. that being said, it is their right to protest. if they want to boycott it and protest, that's why we have a tnstitution and that's why we hase freedoms here that we enjoy. >> the reason i'm asking you about your view of these athletes is because the president in the pt has called them nasty and dumb for sitting out these ges. t i also want to ask you about mask wearing, ma mdows. you were out travelinin the country. ssu were in your former congrenal district in western north carolina. you were not wearing a mask. we've seen 1,500 seats on the saut lawn of the white house for the president's address.
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no mask mandate. the cdc has strogly suggested how do you square the two? >> i can tell you, i'm probably the most tested individual in erica every single day because of my interactions with the president. ti get tested o make sure that i'm safe. so that mask aring is really, you know, a precaution against being able to transmit it to other people. coronavirus-free because i have to be to be able to work with the president. >> but you're noconcerned about the message it sends when people see not just you but again 1,500 seats close togethen he white house lawn? >> i think the president has talked about masks. i have my masks th me i wear it occasionally. so you know, for all of your viewers that are watching, ststen, if there's a place where i'm not or where i'm extremely close, i wear the mask. yet when we look at that and try to make that a litmus test on wh her or not it's going to
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actually be communicated in a wicontagious way, share someone else, that's really not tmessahat this white house >> mark meadows, chief of staff to president trump. thank you very much. >> great to be with you. >> one of the subjects i was raising there with chief of staff mark meadows has to do with george floyd, breonna acylor and now, blake. the latest shooting of a black american by police, this time in kenosha, wisconsin, has sparked a new round of protests over racial inequities. debate in the 2020 presidential campaign. lisa desins and yamiche alcindor take a closer look at where president trump and joe biden disagree. >> americans took to the streets to protest the killing of george floyd and racial injustice. vice president joe biden weighed in. president trump focused on the
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small number of violent incidents and called for local authorities to use more force. >> today iave strongly recommended to ery governor to deploy the national guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets. mayors and governors must establish anhe overing law enforcement presence until the violence has bee>>quelled. iden was supportive of the protests and said president trump waserving the passions of his se. >> the moment has come for our nation to deal with systemic racism. to deal with na growing eomic nation.y that exists in our to deal with the denial of a promise of this nation. >> biden has released a place for racial equity. it calls fochanges including more affordable housing, inves ments in small busines owned by people of color, boosting retirement security and financial wealth fofr families o
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color and fair pay for workers. presidentrump has made race a focus. he signed a significant criminal justice reform bill into law. fore the pandemic, he pointed out that the unemployment rates for blacks andtinos hit record lows. president said thier a protester were killed. very fine people on both sides.e >> in july, president trump k rolled bn obama-era fair housing rule meant to combat segregation. soon after he tweeted saying all the people living their sur bubr lifestyle dreams would no longer with hurt by having low n income hobuild in your neighborhood. >> thank you to yamiche and to lisa r that report. that contrast and for more now on the role of race in ericans election past, we turn to historian and news hour egular, michael beschloss. so welcommie, hael.
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we do see racial inequity playt g a big role st in american life this year but in on.s electi how does it fit into the american story, ifyou will? >> i can't tell you how many presidential elections have been affected by the race issue. 1860 when abraham lincoln was unning on the precipice of th civil war. a lot of southern mocrats formed a new party in 1964. barry goldwater said it was. so much that he was a racist but hess against lyndon johnson's civil rights act because he thought it was unconstitutional. in 1968, nixon and wallace said the important thg is not just justice in this country. more important than that is law and order in keeping the streets of the cities safe. you know, judy, i'm wriing this book on modern presidents and
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racial justice. this is a thread that goes through our history. it wasn't supposed to be tt way. >> it is truly part of how we define ourselves as americans, ist it? goes back to the beginning as we've been relearning this year. it goes back to thvery beginning of this country when the europeans me to this country and upeedhe lives of millions of native americans. >> absolutely ri that has gone on for centuries. what we now have is a situation where these differences are sometimes exacerbated for political purposes. 1988 as you remember george h.w. bush ws a very fine man, but that was a campaign that made use of very clearacial overtones having to do with the rlough given in massachusetts to -- of an inate named willie thorton. same time, you have esidents that have listened to
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peeful protests as in birmingham, 1963, john kenned a civil rights bill to congress. selma 1965, john les and others marched. lyndon johnson sent votin rights bill to congress. that is the way it's supposed to happen. instead, you oftentimes have people sending not just dog whistles but loud sounds and appeals to racial dis-harmon that's what we're seeing this year. >> the use of fear and appealing instincts. people's most base >> absolutely. because for instance, this year dona trump was very impressed by 1968. george wallace by using various forms of that appeal both together got about that it's sk got little not. hopefully this country can hope toward racial healing. >> woodruff: we all certainly hope so. thank yo we will be coming back do you
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throughout this nile as well. and now wwant to tuto reporters covering this presidential race so closely they are white hous correspondent yamiche alcinder. lisa on the biden campaign. and joining them is erin hans thth the newly launched news website,19th. erin, let's pick up one where we left the conversation just now with michael beschloss. and the role of race,the role of racial justice. in this campaign, how big a role do you think it's playing and is it one of those things where the negative is always going to prevail over the positive. just because of, i don't know, huoun nature. >> know, judy as a reporter who spent much of my career covering the intersection of race and politics. race is not just the story of our time the unfinished business of our democracy. that is why the national reckoning on race is
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conditioning headed into the 2020 leks. whether the president or he republican national convex chooses to acknowledge thatr not. we know that jacob blake was shot as the rncegan, little to no mention of him, of george floyd, i bronna of taylor or what the plan is to stop the u aneleapting shooting killing of unarmed black people in this country which is why you've seen people in the tereets in these ongoing national ps. mark meadows, though, in your interview talking about how fans want to use sports to check out on the thing in this country that are difficult for americans to see and hear and feel but reality that these athletes are also americans. and they don't get to check out on racism. so i think what's happening ie reets of this country is part of their lived experience which is why you see so many of em in solidarity with the peaceful protesters who are continuing to try to ise aware awareness around the issue of racial disparate in policing.
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tt is absolutely political and on the ballot on so many of thes vo've talked to. >> woodruff: to lisa desjardins who was in wilmington through t biden-harris democratic national convention. ryit was a veifferent approach approach, was it not, lisa, to the things that erin is speaking about? >> that's absolutely right was a very direct confrontation of the ideia of racinjustice calling out the names of black men and black women who have been killed and now shot by police. i think that democrats see it as existential is suebut also for their voters in their lives. they see that contrast. but obviously the republicans are trying to draw contrast over fety. trying to say, this -- democrats approach risks people's safy. to that democrats have a full throated answer today we saw former vice presidenbiden take to cable television with lengthy
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interviews saying he denounces does not want ae to think he confuses violence with peaceful protests.bu he supports peaceful protests. also a little bit of news frp the biden coday, much as they are talking about we heardr areas a very rigorous speech about racial injusti. the biden campaign is thinking more broadly we know they just announced in the last hour sore so that vice president will be traveling after labor day plans fog to swing states that includes arizona, wisconsin, places where he khe has to, idn in order to win the prcy. some democrats are nervous about the lead that biden has right no it reminds them of hillary clinton's lead they don't want to take it for grand. >> woodruff: yamiche, which reminds us of the trump campaign knock on joe biden. they keep referring to him as the candidate in the basement. they keep saying he hasn't come out of his house.
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for a long time. using that as a way to frankly denigrate him. >> that's right, judy. president trump has beying to make a contrast between how he is traveling around in te country, he's out, solving problems, doing the business of the ampican ple, he's saying that joe biden isn't getting things done because he's in his basement or in his house. joe biden of cose saying hat he's staying safe. i can't underscore enough where anding is the scene of the most unusual thing which is tha5 you have people or so behind me sitting shoulder to shoulder,sk know s on, watc e tching the republican national convehicle an thrge reens. that is the president wanting to use the white house grounds to say we're open for business, peoplean can go ba they can be safe but go back gather with people. a've been talking to the white house to sare these people tested? how are they staying safe? what what i can report they have not been tested itch not been tested the whithouse that ey're having some sort of health protocols but they what that to describe
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i want to just touch quickly on erin's point which is african americans don't get to check o out. the president is essentially saying we need to deal with racial strive but need ourto countrgo back to normal and we saw lot of white house officials talking about thees pr saying they're absurd, silly, even sometimes it might be a good thing forthe white house to have political chaos. just a few moments ago we sawhe one ofnly high ranking african american white house that is priority for blackrity people is priority for president trump but a lot of pople who disagree with that. >> woodruff: speaking of that, erin haynes, it seems to me this republican party this white house has gone out of its way to try to present asny african americans, people of color as possible in speaki roles at this convention. adich stands in contrast to the ship of their own party and elected representatives of their party. >> that's exactly right, judy. we know that african american voters overwhelmingly rejted
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the president four years ago although he did get something like 13% of black men something that he's aware of, something that he hopes to build on with criminal justice bs.ecord around it listen, i mean, again, race and raci on the ballot. it is not being addressed here at this convenon in the past three nights. it will be interesting to see whether the president chooses t address that or whether he continues to go to the racial play book that he's been using for most of this come pain.oo >>uff: it will be interesting to hear what he says. thank you all. we'll be talking to you again through this night. as we get rea for the 9:00 hour of tonight's convention we'll take a fshort breaor some of our local pbs stations, our coverage will continue in just one minute. stay with us.
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jude i'm judy woodruff. welcome to our special coverage of tar's republican national convention. right now to convention roprogramming and remarksthe senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell. >> - keep quiet let them decide how we should live our lives. they want to tell you when you can to work. when your kids can go to school they w tax your job out of existence. for unemployment.overnment check they want to tell you what kind of car you can drive what sources of information are credible.en and ow many hamburgers you
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can eat. they want to dfund the police and take away your second amen amendment rights. they want free health care for illegal immigrants. they offer no protection at ll for unborn americans. they want to pack the supreme eroding our constitutional on rights. and they want to codify all this making the swamp itself, washington d.c.'is amerca's 51st state with p two mr mr. liberal senators we cannot undue the damage they have done. rew you understand whdemocrats spent en week telling us what who joe biden is not he intends to do. i am proud of the work the republican senate ha done we are the firewall against nancy pelosi's agenda. like president trump we won't be bullied by liberal media intent on destroying america's institutions. we will stand our post on behalf of the millions of americans whose stories aren'told in
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today's newspapers. whose struggles are ju as rea real. we'll continue to support american families as we defe the coronavirus and return our world.y to the envy of the wor d the stakes have never been higher. which is why i'm asking you to support republican senate candidates across the country and rye-elect my friend, president donald trump. >> to all of these titans of americans know that ny of lives most valuable lessons re learned on the field of key particulars the ability to overcome adversity. >> but i have an awful lot to lock for. >> your releaptless will to win, win, win. these qualities embody american spirit of pushing boundaries. defying limits.
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>> it's a game cast in sports immortality. >> and always striving for gre greatness. you finished the fight. often bumpy roads lead to beautiful places. atat great building is celebrg great people. and you're winners all. >> would you please rise r the playing of our national anthem. >> it's our honor tobe in the company of great, great champions. >> team ua will ebb deed take home the gold. >> we have to get our sports back. we can't wait to see what's next. never give up. never lose faith. never, ever quit. just keep forging ahead to give everything you've got. victory is always within reach. >> hey,everyone, i'm dan white the president of ufc. many of you know w am, what i do, that i am friends with the
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president. e at this convention four years ago and i'm back because r believe we neeident trum trump's leadership now more than ever. before the pandemic, president trumeabuilt the est economy in our nation's history an eated opportunities for all americans like no one before m. financial markets hit all-time highs, unemployment was at an all-ti low. and we weren't facing the la lawless destructionhat now is occurring in a few of our great it blows my mind how quickly some of the leadership in this country has forgotten the critical role fst responders play in our society. police departments, even some fire departments have faced oppositin from many ithis country. but they are always the peoplo e e asked to step up when things are at their worst and put themselves at ri. that is certainly been t case during this ongoing pandemic.
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come on, america, defunding these vital positions is not the answer. the first responders have always taken care of us. and now, mo ere thanver, we need to take care of them. now, let's talk about covid. and let's be very honest about it. no one persand no one place could have anticipated the challenges that covid would bring. but, president trump has faced he immly put protectived on. measures in place, he reached out to the bestnd brightest leading american businesses across all industries to discuss what he and his administration back do to get the econo up and running, safely. let me give you more detail. early april, president trump crganized a task force of business leadersss the country, i was fortuna enough d, serve on that task force. firsth the opportunity to witness how hard working and determined president trump w
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to solve unprecedented problem our country was facg. i personally observed his ability to listen and understand the issues impacting americans of all backgrounds. it was clear. his highest priority was always the health and safety of everyone in our country. not just republicans, not just supporters. but every single american. president trump recognized that one of the small ways to instill a sense ever normallcy in pe people's lives was to bring back entertainment the prt went above and ueyond to help all sports leag le involved. figure out a way to overcome the challenges of staging live the middle of a pandemic.nts in wed you know what? id it. the ufc was the first to do it and we are continue continuining to dit now other sports have joined us. d some of the lessons learned are being used to reopen other types of binesses and schools.
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make no mistake about it. we still have a long way to go. and that is why we need a leader with president trump unique attributes at this critical ti time. i have said ibefore i'll say it again. he is one of the mo loyal human beings i have ver met, man has unstoppable energy, no one, mean no one oing to outwork this guy. most importantly he truly loves and believes in our country. he believes in the people of america is a place everyone wants a solid job, they want to take care ofheir family, they want to support their community, assist the less fortunate and joy the freedom this country has provided to all of us. while we have certainly experienced a ton of negativity in 2020, president trump's mindset is to work tirelessly. to find solutions to problems and help restore america. he did it onc e,m telling you
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right now, he will do it again. remember, president trump may be the only president in modern times who actually done during his campaign.e would do there's this quote that i lo fromonald reagan where he said can't solve if government will give us the facts, tell us what needs to be done, then get out of the way at d leus have at it" and what that means to me is,s americans, we work hard to overcome adversity. anhwe face the toug times head on. irrespective of your gender,, ra religion or sexual orientation. what unites us asa nation is freedom, equality and opportunity. that's what it means to be an american. ladies and gentlemen, let's reelect president trump. let's figure out what the problems are and continue find solutions to those proble
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problems. then let's get to work. i'd like to close with this. while it's critically important to reelect president trump this pandemic is also taught us to be very, very careful who you select as your next governor, nator, congress person and mayor. it is so important to vote. and don't think this your vote doesn't matter because to be honest with you it has never maer more than ites right now. thank yo have a great evening america. [. >> good evening. i'm utah attorney general i'm a proud american androud descendants of warrior ancestors from my hawaiian, fill peony, spani, panese heritage. my father over 50 years a.o
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fighting a dictator in his homeland. the philippine barely eaping with his life he stard anew in erica. he arrived with nothing but faith, determination and a t willingnework hard. he lived the american dream, buildinbusinesses, a family and seeing me become utah's first minority statewide elected official. today i channel warior roots by battlg human trafficking. i've been ableto lead some of the largest trafficking prosecutio in america and traveled to foreign country wo working with law enforcement and ngos tdismantle travel can networks rescue people from the most brutal cotions imaginable. young girls and women sold into sex slavery.g yoys and men forced into labor rvitude. illegal adoptions, organ harve harvesting, human life, utterly
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debased. president donald trump is a fierce warrior against human trafficking. how do i know? early in 2017 i had occasion to visit with him about ouescues rescues. he asked insightful questions,ex essed deep concern for victims. overwhelmed witcompassion, he promised attack this ent trump summoned ivanka and leaders from his cabinet directing resources and hundreds of milllns of dolars for raising awareness, liberating victims, prosecuting predators and empowering to they have done more to combat human trafficking than any administration in modern history, that's a promise kept. president trump's ken similar aggresve action to break the chains of drug addiction and improve mental and behavioral health. he declared the opioid epidemic ncnational public health
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emerand made available billions of dollars to confront this threat. he also signed a bill eating a mental health.ike 911, but for when activated, 9878 will be a lifeline -- 98 will be a lifeline for those struggling oo thoughtsuicide, depression, hurting others. harm or even it will save countless american lives. a few months ago, my father, my warrior hero lost his fight with cancer. when he pasd he had by his bedside his scriptures, family photos and a pen president trump gave me to give him. dad loved that pen. it represented freedom to him. the freedom that only exists when seone is willing to fight for it. to my father, president trump is
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that ultimate warrior fighting for our freedo if you listen to democrats, the media and liberal eliyte the will tell you that america's light doesn't shine as brihetly around orld as it once did. that is simply not true. the same lighthat brought my father to arica inspires the deerate and downtrodden equally today. believe me, i iinteracth some of the most marginalized vitims on earth and they love america. they love president trump because he's ghting for their freedom and ameri's freedom. thank mpou, president tru, god bless you. and god bless america. this land greatnessdr >> wf: that was attorney general of the state of utah, sean reyes,i speakg at turn again to yamiche outside
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the white house. ouamna that was in our other studio. amna, to you first. you've been eyeing a hard look at some of the messages that are coming through tonight on this last night of >>e convention. hat's right, judy. just want to point out in a speech from mr. white the head of tcf inclusion video about athletes at this time thout at all mentioning boycts that have been happe happening among professional athletes seems disconnected from the reality. we saw president trump say they wanted to bring back normalcy bringing back prfessional sourceng mr. white sat works, they made it works r work. it worked because professional a athlete regularly tested in the way that many health exper experts. they are largely i in a bubble with no fans. even then hasn't always worked. there are outbreaks in major league baalseball. fothe criticism the athletes have been facing that athletes using that platform to protest racial justice is a story as old as time. it was four yeaology.
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it was 50 years bill russell led a walk outno of ather nba game. this is in many ways history peating we're seeing. >> woodruff: we heard what dana whitead 20 say about lawless destruction. in a few of our cities making a strong pointed that this administration, raher this campaign wants to make yamiche, what would you add about messages coming through. coming through isact thatt's republicans are trying to make to rely on government assistance to get by. there was a testimonial fron young o used to support democrats. said that he was renting 'apartment from a woman who has children from multiple men that she convinced him that democra democrats, that the life that they wanted to live. lot of critics something that is going back to the idea of welfare claim that false and at times racialsensitive. some same racist idea that black people in particular are really just trying to live with
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government assistance. that is al s abocialism that has been a key message here that democrats are really goi to change america into venezue venezuela. den, kamala harris, so many have been offering defense of that same simply not true. other thing tht was interesting we heard frm senate majority leader. interesting, first came outsti completely against d.c. statehood buwe cann afford two more liberal senators in the senate. they are thinking about supreme court how important it is that tholsenate is cond largely by republicans has been more quite some time. that is a critic, democrs got of the dnc they didn't talk enough out supreme court. that is mitch mcconnell saying this isn't ju about donald trump about senate and ultimately about supreme court. >> woodruff: for sure. those are such important backdrops in this election no matter which candidate. white house and band wherein the
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eou see yamiche a big vid screen showing the programming at the convention. right now we want to turn back to some of our important analysts who we want hear from a little more from tonight. mark shields, i'm going to star. with you it seems to me this is a campaign, convention where they are going out of the way to draw sharp lines and draw stark differences between the position of donald trump and the position of joe biden. >> i think that's right, judy. whether it comports with the truth ort, that is secondary that shouldn't get in the way o making a d political point. candidacy of donald trump's he's not as somebody who has been there as four years he's the sort of the insurgen insurgent e
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wants to change things that have been going on in america and he's just dying to get there and have the power to do so. th is remarkable to me. i don't think after you've been incumbent for four years, it's on your watch everything that has happened, good and bad. i think it's more than -- it'sba ac that are just unbelievable that you could now cast yourself as the outsider that ran four years ago.e it's g temptation to run the campaign that won for you previously, that part of the trump strategy or not even strategy, just his reflex sieve action ts time. to mee joe biden somehow incumben and whater problems the untry has, lord knows there are many, that if joe biden' as do not donald trump's. >> woodruff: gary abernathy,
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it's fair to say donald trump is in a more comfortable position as outsider trying to climb over the wall and take over whatevert it is that hee one who is going to change things, tear it down, make chnges. that's who he is, right. >> that's who he is. the disrupter, it is maverick. if i could just a second go ba to your really interesting interview with mark meadows earlier. i think i'd like to expound on when mark talked about loing bie unity we have around sports, aroundty to put aside politics and watch a ball game. i think that is kind of -- that's the sad part of this. because as divided as we are as a country, srts is onf the things that we can come together on, right? whether left, right, republican, democrat, black, white, rich, aor. we could ralound our sports teams, you love this team, you hate that team. and do it in such a good-natured
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positive way. because it was escapism, itdo n't matter in the grand scheme of thing who wins the super bow who wins theworld series, who wins the nba championship, who leads the leue in scoring thse are escapists thing. by intering poitics right into the game itself we all support athletes'ights to campaign, support what you want, back the issues that you want. but give us two or three hours of political free programming through our sports and thesad thing is i'm afraid that that's maybe been lost forever now. >> woodruff: and cynthia tucker, it does seem to me that we are in moment, have been in a moment where many of ourfe athletes, proional athletes and others feel thre's too much going on out there that they can't of in a positio not saying something or not doing something about it. >> well because they ar black. they are black men and women in
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america. and though many of them are fabulously wealthy, that does not not mean that they are protected from the racism that most black americans experience. i think it is absolutely appropriate for them to express emselves through sitting out games, boycotting.ha heard several speakers at the republican convention say they support peaceful protests. well this is a very peaceful protest. and i do think it's ironic, though, because i remember when colin kaepernick first took a knee, president trump extremely disparaging. y ers still going to ple game but he took a knee during the national anthem and in fact, mike pence went to a ball game and then was apparently told if
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athletes take aee then you should abruptly leave. so this t ea thaey are white supportive -- quite supportive of peaceful protests doesn't que ring true. >> woodruff: david brooks, we're covering thepublicanoment. national convention talking abctt the subhat is on many of our minds right now, and as gary says, athletes are there entertain us, to give us an escape. but the subject at hand is so vital and socentral to our lives that they're swept up in it as well. >> they're human beings. from my sense i've a new york mets fan they have a very young first baseman. he was asked about the racial reckoning. just at the pst game press conference he started talking about it then he was oveedrwhe by emotion. and started weeping and i
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advised people to gagit. it was extremely stunning. anybody who wants to understandc justl reality in this country no matter how much you read see how y, that display was searing and real. so tonight te new york mets took the field, they played the national anthem with the miami marlins. they stood in silence for 42 seconds which is jackie robinson robi number. they left the field and left the black lives matter t-shirt on home plate. to me i will miss theam ge, will miss looking at the boxster. that is our part of edution of culture drives politics. so to t ve these moments rnme of convention, it's part of what we're leag as citizens of this country. and so i think we all learn from each other and athletes have a high profile to teach teacf:us. >> woodraim walter, i mean, clearly, one of the questions re is,re we going to stay where we were. are we going to move forward say th it's okay for athletes t
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to -- and others who may be in a different role but to speak out touching so many are >> when you spaw how quickly support for black lives matter in the post, george floydpened situation happened. you can see that it takes a loim long, longto get there. but once we get there when you tip over to the other side it's ha to go back. >> woodruff: and yet that's exactly what many of these athletes are saying that i can't help mysel >> that's right. >> woodruff: all right. thank you all. we're going to come back to you throughout this evening but right now we're going to dip in to the republican national convention. and the secretary of housing and urban development, ben carson, the former pediatric neurosurgeon will be speakingfr nom the mellon auditorium
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in washington. >> good eveni. i'm ben carson. i a he retired neurosurgeon and foblic servant. i begin, i'd like to say that our hearts go out to the blake family and the other familiesho have been impted by the tragic events in kenosha. as jacobs mother has urged the country, let's use our hearts, our love and our intelligence to work together to show the rest of the world how humans are supposed to treat each other. america is grated when we behav greatly. we must first come together and love of our fellow citizens. history reminds us thacet ary change comes through hope and love. not snseless and detructive violence. abraham lincoln once said to an
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america divided, that, quote, your purpose then plainly stated is that youd will troy the government unless you be allowed to costrue and enforce the constitution asyou please on all points in dispute between you and us. you will rule or ruin in allun eventsote. these words of warning are relevant today. we have a choice that we want big government that controls ouc lives frdle to grave, or do we believe in the power and wisdom of the people. and their ability toelf govern th help from a limited federal government. our president, nald j. tmp believes in the people. he is one of us. he makepromises and he keeps them. he is transparent and weno
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certainly what he's thin thinking. he does not submit to political correctness or to its enforcers the media. he is real. right now we needreal.d we nurage. bee can't choir in the corner and hope that one one calesas name believes safe.ll keep us that is not courage. and that will no lead us to a good and just place. we musremember all those who sacrificed everything in ord to give us freedom. we must go willing to do the same for those who come after um. president does not dabble in identity politics. he wants everyone to succeed.ev and be in the adage, a rising tide lifts all boa.ts many on the other side love tot insivision by claiming that president trump is ast
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ra they could not be more wrong. years ago jessie jackson gave donald trump an award for the ecomic opportunities he created for black people. in palm beach florida, donald trump led the crusade to allow blacks and jews into private clubs and resorts. one of the first things he did as president was bring theof office historically black colleges and universities in to the white house so that it could get proper attention and financial support. before the pandemic, african american unemploent was at an all-time low. president trump accplished prison reform. investors to become involve with economically deprived areas of america. he strongly supports school choice, fully recognizing that no matter what circumstances a person is born into, they can
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achieve success with a good education. it was true for me. when my mother forced me to read books about doctors, entrepreneurs and scientists, ia to recognize that the person who has the most to dowi what happens to you in life is you. my mother always told mee bn, you can do anything. but i will never all you to become a victim. it was then that i stopped listening to the people who were trying to convince me that i was a victim and that others were responsible for my victimhood. at is racists is fact that african americans have the highest abortion rate. president trump is the most pr pro-life president in the country's history, he will continueo fight for those who cannot yet speak. the vision of a shining city up on a hill came from geez' sermon
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on the mount. america is that shiny cit we are the beacon of hope for the world.t at this mom in time, president donald trump is the man with the courage, the vision shining brightly.>>keep it ight pat lynch, speaking to you on behalf of the 50,000 active and rettired new york y police officers. we are the proud men and women who wear a shield on our chest put ourself in harm's way. we are proud to endorse our president, donoald j. trump reelection because the stakes have never been higher. like cops across the country, we are staring down the barrel of a public safety disaster. more than 1,000 people have been shot in new york city so far
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this year. these are not just numbers. these are real people. a father gunned down while lding his 7-year-old daughte daughter's hand. a peace maker killed by a stray bullet. 17-year-old who made all the right choices who woed hard to go to college murdered before he can tell his mother the news. a 1-year-old child, shot dead in innocent people, innocent lives lost. one tragedy is too many. but every day the number keeps growing. and every day our communities are asking us, why is this happening. the answer is simple, the democrats have walked away om us. they have walked away from police officers and they have walk away from the innocent people we protect. democratic politicians have surrendered our the streets and institutions. the loudest voicehave taken control. and our so-called leaders are scrambling to catch up. in city after city, they have
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slashed police budgets. they have hijacked dismantled the criminal justice system, they passed laws that made it impossible for police officers to do our job effectively. here is ththsad tru that every cop in this country knows. the violence and chaos we're seeing now isn't a side affect. it isn't unintended consequence, it's actually the goal. the radical left don't really want better policing, they don't really compare about making the justice system comparer. what they want is no policing. what they want is a justice s stem that just stoprking altogether. power the radical left is are in getting exactly what they want and our country iso suffering fr it. i've been in new york city police officer for 36ears i've spent 21 of those years protecting the cops who protect knockers. i've never sn our streets go this bad so quickly. cops, from every ner of theny country who are saying the same thing. our hands are tied.
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if we're going to turn the tide ond restore law and order we cannot fall inhe left's trap trap. there is nobody who hates bad cops more thagood cops. but that doesn't matter to the radil left. to them year all just brad because we're all blue. they are anti-law enforcement campaign isn't about a single incident. it isn't result of one bad law or oneicbad polit'sabout a message. the message is arolice officers the enemy. the message is criminals have the right to resist arrest. the message is, if you commit a crime, if you m victimist vulnerable of people, the justice system will not holyou accountable. that's the message echoing through city halls and state houses across our country.yi it's p on loop moot media. criminals have heard that and f they're takill advantage. we must stop that message. th must exposee left's lies about police officers and job th we do. d we will do that because we
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have something that they don't. we have a real leader. we have a powerful voice in the most powerful office in our country. we have president donald j. trump. unlike democrats whon are runing in fear, president trump has never apologized for supportingo ce officers and standing up for law and order. unlike democrats who froze in e face of riting and looting, president trump matches his words with his actions. owe gives law enforcement the support and tools we need to got out there and a stop to it, period. end of story. it has never been harder to be a police officer in thuntry. but there are two things that keep us going. we look the victims, the vulnerable, the rell working peopleho count on us. we keep strapping on our duty belts and bullet resisnt vets because we know we can't let them down. ile we do that we hear the words of our president who says to police officers everyere, i will never let you down. we know that he hasn't.
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we know that he won't. we've been fortunate to have him in office these past four yearse know that we cannot afford to lose him. when it comes to yousafety, your family's safety, the safetiful all americans, there's no other choice. you won't be safe in joe biden's america. we can have four moher years of president trump or you can have no safety, no justice and no peace. >> good evening. my name is rudy guiliani i'm the former mayor of new york city. in 2013, my city elected a self described progressive democrat as mayor. new york city once described as america's crime capital had become by mid is the 90s,s americfest large city. now today, my city is in shock. murders, shootings, violent
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percentages unheard of in the past. we're seeing the rturn o riot rioting and looting. during riots this deocrat mayor like others have often prevented the police from making arests and even when arrests are made, liberal, progsive das release the rioters so as not to disrupt the rioting. new yorkers wonder how d we get overwhelmed by crime soy? quic and to climb so fast. don't let democrats do to america what they have done to new york. again, the democrats are urging you to vot e foran obviously defective candidate, biden has changed his principles s often he no longer has any principles. he's a trojan horse with bernie, aoc, pelosi, black lives matter,
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his party's entire left wing just waiting to execute their pro criminal, anti-police socialist policies. the whole unprecedented wave of lawlessness began with truly just cause. the unforgivable police killing of george floyd ininneapolis. peaceful protests began all ov the land. the condemnation of the killing wasversal from president trump to democrat leaders. it seemed for a few brief shining moments, democrat and republican leaders would me together with a unified proposal to reducepolice misnduct. this possibility was very dangerous to e left.a they hadesident to beat and country to destroy and although an agreement on action against police brutality would be very valuable for the country. it would also make president trump appear to be an effective
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leader. they could have none of that. so blimps and antifa sprang into they hijacketheaceful protests into peaceful brutal soon protests turned into riots in many other aerican cities, almost all democrat. crushed, people beat, shot and killed, police officers routinely assaulted. badly beaten and occasionally erdered. and police handcuffed by progressive democrat mayors. from doing anything bu observe the crimes and absorb the blows but the worse of it, s the slaughter of innocent young people with their who lives ahead of them. the murder of 4-year-old in kansas city, shocked the nation. but not black lives matter. or their many democrat supporters. 17-year-old basketball star,
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brandon hendrix, was killed in the bronx just days after graduating high school and on his way to st. john's to pla basketball. mention.d with only a bri 1-year-old davall gardner junior was shot and guild in a stroller at a cook out in brooklyn. and it caused no outrage. for president trump for us republicans, all black lives matter. and the lives of la grand and brandon, daval all lives matter to us. these continuous riots in democratic cities give you a good view of the future under biden. l five of the top cities for homicide, like the top cities for rioting and lting are governed by progressive democrats using the progressive
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which is to do nothing.crime substantive to reduce it. to release oners as many and as soon as possible and to go to war with the pol the only group with the capability to protected ur citizens! it is clear that a vote for biden and the deram creates the risk that you will bring this lawlessness to your city, to your town, to your suburb. there is no question that this awesome job of restoring safety for our people cannot be done from your basement, e! there's also no question that presidentrump will fight with all his strength te o presethe american system of government and our way of life. in critical times in our histo history, america has always been blessed with the right person to
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handle the crisis. washington, lincoln, roosevelt, reagan, we're perfect were the challenge they faced and brought our nation through gliously. people, his disciplined work ethic, exceptional ability to inspire his deep understanding of our system of government and strength of american values is man we can trust to preserve and even improve our way of life, mr. president, make our nation safe again! >> woodruff: a frightening picture just now painted by ther ident's former personal attorney, former mayor of new york city, rudy guiliani. yamiche, throughout covering thh e house for the last few years you've been frequently in touch with rudy guil talked to him about his role as president's lawyer. fill us ia little on what he said. >> well that might have been
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hedy guiliani's darkest speech yet. alked about the fact that if job was elected he believes lthere would beawlessneslessnes brought to the tts of american cities. to white women who the prsident has been struggling. talked about the fact riots o breaki that the protests are completely out of hand. talked about conflating the two issues, talking about africanan amerwho are being killed because of homicides where americans are killing each other and state sanctioned violence which black lives matter liactivists call these pce shootings. there's a big difference between someone who is employed by the government is killing african americans two and a half threee times te. when african americans are killing each other, other thing is that just outside where i'm standing a few hundred protes protesters have gathered on what was now black lives matter otest. that of course street just block really away from the white hou house. so many people gathering to protest president trump tonight.
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we've seen -- they were ticipating these large crowds, people angry that president trump is speaking tonight. >> woodruff: yamiche alcinder following inside the lls of the white house and outside. from rudy guiliani now to senator tom cotton of arkansas. >> -- changed in four years. back then we gathered in a rowdy arena, tonight you're prably at home while i stand alone. stthds alone,t was the motto of my old army unit, the 506th infantry, the original band of brothers. from the normandy beaches to the iraqi desert weo fought ngside each other. but we were always prepared to stand alone. and so it is with our nation. we leade free world. but we'll stand alone if we must to defend america. donald trump understands this. he puts america first.
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that's why america is safer now than four years ago. but joe biden would return us to a weak and dangerous past. rack owe mama's own secretary said joe biden has been ron on nearly every major national security decision. ov the past four decades. so, let's compare the records of joe biden and donald trump. joe biden slashed defense spen spending again and again. president trump rebuilt our military and added the space force. joe biden let isis terrorists rampage across the middle east. president trump eliminated isis' leader and destroyed caliphate. joe biden opposed the mission to kill osama bin laden. president 'jianged the murder of hundreds of members by killing terrorist mastermind. joe biden sent pallets of cash to the ayatollahs, president
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ump ripped up the dangerous iran nuclear deal. joe biden treated israel like a nuisance trump moved our embassy to injure ruse almost and brered peace deals in the middle east. joe biden coddledsocial list dictators in cuba and venezuela. president trump fights against communism d america's back yard and around the world. and on ste commuarty of china, there is no comrison. joe biden aided and abetted china's rise fo 50 years with terrible trade deals that closee our factand laid off our workers. presidt trump stands up to china's cheating and stealing and lying. joe biden allowed chinese fentanyl to flood across our southern boer. trump sanctioned chinese drug dealers for poisoning our kids.
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joe biden said chinese competitor, aren't bad folks. just months before they unleas unleashed this plague on the world. president trump is clear i'd about the chinese tre ande is making china pay. but china is not gi ving upgoes they're rooting for joe biden. america's other eemies won give up either. but joe biden would be as wrong and weak over the next four years as he has been for the 5 la we need a president who standsri up for a. not one who takes a knee. a strong and proud america is a safe america. safe from our enemies and sae from war. no one who has seen the face of war desires to see it again. too many of our fellow americans are already honored at the hallowed gro.unds of arlingt if we want peace we must be strong. weakness is provocative.
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president trump's strength has kept us out of biden won't stand up for america. donald trump will. this november, let's stand with e president and votto keep america great. ♪ >> my name is marcia mueller. this is my husband, carl. our daughter, kayla was taken as a hostage murdered by isis. from a young age kayla was amazing. how to write music, how to play guitar, she worked with troubled youth, military veterans and
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native americans. everywhere kayla went people smiled. kayla had a gift to beble to see the world through someone else's eyes. she becaa humanitarian aid worker when she was helpgch dren at an other physician madge in india, kayla wro,i find god in the suffering eyes reflected in mine. if this iw you are revealed to me, this is how i will forever seek you.o she wentturkey to help syrian refugees in 2012. in august 2013, she was asked by another aid work tore cross the border into syria to help at hospital. on august 4th, 203, isis terrorists stopped her vehicle and took her captive. >> kayla was mostly held in 12 by 12 cell in solitary confin confinement. it was cold and dirty. isis terrorists shined brigh i ligh her face.
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they shaved her head, they beat her and tortured her. the leader of isis, raped her repeatedly. for 18 months she endured. and we endured an agonizing back and forth betusween he obama administration and isis. we put all our faith in the government.ov but the nment let us down. president obama fused to mee with us until isis had already beheaded otr americans. to this day we've never heard from joe biden. instead the obama administratio hid behind policy so much that we felt hopeless when they kept us from negotiating to save kayla's life. the administrati concern for the terrorists in guantanamo bay than the aerican hostages edge syria. the military prepared a rescue mission but the white house delayed it by the time it went
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forward kayla had been moved to another location. afonr 18 s of brutal torture, we learned from isis that kayla had been killed. the obam administration kept telling us theywere doing everything they could. but their version of everything wasn't enough. what a difference a president makes.en under prestrump, u.s. army special operators conducted a after we learned he was killed we learned something else. the operators named themselves sk force 81 after august 14th.ka a's birthday. and the mission was named,ka operatioa mueller to those soldiers, thank you.g kayla was lookown on you. the trump team gave us empathy we never received from the obama administration. the obama administration said it was doineverything it cold,
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the trump administration is. t me just say this. kayla should be here. if donald trumhad been president when kayla was captured she would be here tod today. when kayla was aostage, id go outside at night and look at the moon. i'd look at the mon and i promised her i would everything i could to get her home. now when i se,the moon i'm reminded of my promise to her, i couldn't keep. >> allwaaylad was to make it home. we are still working to find her and god willing we will bring her home. kayla was born a miracle. we were told we would never havi a second. but god gave us kayla. and she gave herself to the karld. eight months intyla as captivity another hostage was able to smuggle out a letter kayla had written. as we read it we could see thawt
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gos holding her in his arms. in her words, she felt tenderly trlinged in free fall. she also wrote, i have been shown in darkness light and have learned that even in prison one can be free. i am grateful. i have had many hours to tnk how only in your absence have i finally at 25 years old, come to realize your place in my life. none of us could have known it would be this long. but knowfii am alsging for my side in the ways i am ablea and i haveot of fight left inside of me. i am not breaking down. and i will not give in no mater how long it takes. kayla taught meso many things as her is still teaching us. carl and i support donald trump because o his commitment to make and keep amegrrica eat. not with the power of the
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government, but with the passion of peopllikkayla, americans who even in the darkest days always have more fight left inside othem. americans who don't just talk, they act. that was our daughter. that's passident trump. ong as we stay strong like kayla, as long as we refe to break, we will be great. thank you. ♪ >> i'm fremto hug my faily. i'm free to start over. this is greatest day of my life. my heart is just bursting. with gratitude. i want to thank president donald j. trump. [ applt se ] >> alml people said that
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criminal justice reform boo never pass. but we came together as a group, we worked across partylines and >> i'm an example f a woman who has been given a second chance in life. d bless you. and god bless america. [ cheering and applause ] ♪ >> good evening. i am alice sorie jo i was once told that the only way i would er be reunited with my family would be as a corpse. but by the grace of god and compassion of president donald john trump, i stand bere you tonight and i assure you i am not a ghost. i am alive. i am well. and most importantly, i am free. in 1996, i began serving time in prison. life plus 25 years.
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had never been trouble. i was a first tim neonvalid offender. what i did was wrong. i made decisions that i regret. some say you do the crime, you however, that time should be fair and just. we've all made mistakes. none of us want to be defined forever based on our worst decisions. while ison, i became a playwrighta mentor, a certified tainted minister and received the special olympics event t coordinator e year award for my work with disabled wom. because the only thing worse than unjustly imprisoning my body is trying to imprison my mind. my transformation was described as extraordinary.
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truth is, there are thousands of o ople just like me who deserve the opportunity me home. i never stopped fighting for my eedom. my christian faith and the prayers of so man kept hope alive. when president trump heard about me, about the injusice of my stor he saw me as a person. he had compassion and acted. free in body thas tpresident trump but free in mind thanks to the almightyy god. i couldn't believe it. i always remembered that god knew my name even in my darkest hour but i never thought a president would. en i was released on june 6, 2018, i n across that road and
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hugged my grandchildren for the first time. i'll never forget that feeli. and then i remembered the promise i had made to the men and women i left behi. that i would never stop fighting for them.v and i 't. i'm using my voice to tell their stories and i pray that my face reminds you of those forgotten faces. six months afterer psident trump granted me a second chance, he signed the first act into law. it was real justice reform. and it brought joy, hope and freedom to thousands of well well-deserving people. my faith in justice and mercy was rewarded. imagine, getting to hug your loved ones agin. and to think this first step
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meant so much to so many, ibe can't wait cause we're just getting started. the nearl 22 years i spent in prison were not wasted. god had a purpose and a plan for my li. i was not delayed or denied. i was destined for such a time as this. i pray that youno wilt just hear this message, but that you will be inspired by my story ans your comn would lead you to take action for those who are forgotten. that's what ourresident, donald trump, d for me. and for that i will be forever grateful. god bless you. god bless president trump. and god bless america. thank you.
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♪ >> it's one of the great erican success stories. a builder who left his mark on y lines around the world. a businessman with an extraordinary ability to communicate directly with the american. leading our country down a road to ruin. he didn't do it fo money or fame. he had all that. he did itbecause ofthat. he did it because of his love for our great country. >> we will make america great again. >> dold trump beat the odds, smashed the establishment and won the presidency for the american people. donald trump defeated hillary clinton to become president ect. >> hillary clinton has called donald trump to concede the race >> it has been a stunning night. it has been a historic night.
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>> washington, d.c., the establishment is terrified and they should be. they will all, all of them wrong, making this one of the greatest upsets in american political history. >> immedtely upon taking office, president trump changed things, but change threatened the establishment and the establishment ught back. democrat obstruction, phony inveigations, the dishonest media, incredible 92% of stories are gative. no president has sngn anythi like it. spite everything they threw at him, president trump the delivered for the american people and he delivered like never before. t buildi strongest economy in american history, 7 million new jobs, the lowest-ever unemployment for black and hispanic americans, ending the bideera of lop-sided trade deals that september our factories overseas, passing the historic usmca, taking on china,
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winning the trade war, medicare and soc security, g lowering the cost of insulin, delivering the first real drop in drug prices in 50 years. restoring our military, fixing the va, bringing our troops home, and taking the world's deadlyist terrorists off th battlefield, bringing them to justice. moving america's embassy to jerusalem, a new era of strength israel, negotiating a historic peace deal between israel and the united arab mirates, securing our border, miles of new border wall eing built, illegal immedigration droo the lowest point in a decade, tackling the coaronavirus d on, banning travel from china, mobilizing government, business and the american people to manufacture masks, ventilators and medical supplies. and launching operation warp speed, an unprecedented effort
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eradicate the coronavirus from the face of the earth in reco time. president trump has accomplished more for the american people in four years than any other in president history and in his second term he will lead america to even greater heights, aining the swamp, rebuilding the economy, bringing back io mi of jobs, creating 10 million new jobs in 10 months, new opportunities for all americans, not just those at the top. loweringprug costs, exanding access to high quality health care for every americafamly. defending america's police, restoring law and ord to our cities, stopping illegal immigration and prointect american families and ending america's reliance on china once and for all. bringing back jobs and factories, making medicine and d ts in america again. president trump will rebuild ic
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a's infrastructure, renew hope and tour enrepreneurial spirit for a new generation and restore the american drea't it wbe easy. never pretty. the swamp will continue to fight him every step of the way. but under president trump our familiesill thrive, our incomes will rise, our communities will be kept safe, our factories will flourish, our flag will fly high. our country s willoar and we will make america great again. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome ivanka trump. [applause] . >> woodruff: ivanka trump is the president's daughter, older daughter. she is the only other person ki sp from tonight on this night that her
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father accept s renomination as president of the united ates. >> good evening. before i begin, in wato send a has been effected by hurricane laura. our hearts are with you. the president will ueo support you every step of the way. and just like ameri ns alwa do, the nation will come together to help you rebuild your homes, businesses and communitie trongerd more resilient than ever before. [applause] four years ago i introduced to you a builder, an entrepreneur, an outsider, and a people's nominee for president of the united states. tonight i stand before yoas the proud daughter of the
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people's present. [applause] he is our commander-in-chief, champion of the americarker, defender of common sense and our voice for thtte for mennd women of this country. he is our president and my father, donald j trump. [applause] this evening i want to tell you about the leader i know an the moments i wish every american could see. i wayo to tell u the story of a president who is fighting for you from dawn to midniht, when f e cameras have left, the microphones are d the decisions really count. whve jared and i mowith our three young children to washington we didn't exactly kids, our kids loved it from the start.
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my son josepbh promptllt grandpa a lego replica of thewh e house. the president still you displays on it the mantle in the oval office right over thee, so that he can show world leade just so they know he has the greatest grandchildren on earth. i agree. [applause] over the last four years we have learned a lot. i have seen in ngsn it's easy for politicians to survive skip the hard fights. ions and i couldn't believe so many politicians actually prefer to complain about a pratoblem rr than fix it. i was shocked to see people leave major challenges unsolved so they can ame the other in the neelection. e same issue but donald trump did not come to washington to win praise from the beltway elites. donald trump came to wahington for one reason and one reason
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alone: toake erica great again. [applause] s my father haong convictions. he knows what he believes and he says what he thinks. whether you agree with him or not, you always know where he stands. i recognize that my d's communication style is not to everyone's taste. and i know th tweets can feel a bit unfiltered. but the results, the results speak for tmselves. [applause] hes so unapologetic about his beliefs that he has caused me and countless americans to te a hard look at our own convicts and ask ourselves, conviction seans -- convictions, what do we stand for? what kind of am can do we want
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to leave our childrt ? we wa future where our kids can believe in american we want a y where every child can live in a safe community and go to a great school of their hoice. we want a culture where differences of opinion and debate are encouraged, not canceled. where law forcement is respected, where our country's rich diversity is celebrated and where people of all backcegroun, genders and creeds have the chance to achieve their god-given potential. myis is the futur father is working to build each and every day. [applause] building after all is what he's doneis whole life. he has admired and befriended construction workers o countless job sites but it has been a new and profound experience for himd for me to see these stoic machinists and
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steelworkers come to him with a tear in their eye and thank him willing to go to the mat for them, for their jobs, for their families and for their futures. to theh-working men and women across america and here tonight, you are thn e rea father fights with all of his heart and all of his might. n are you the reason he r president in the first place. and you are the reason he is go more years. hting for four [applae >> four more years. >> four more years. >> four more years. >> four more years. i remember one evening in early fe tuary of 2018 we were ie oval office with my father's top
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economic advisors and the president was pushing to keep the promise he made to renegoate the bad trade deals that hadio gutted mi middle class jobs. most advisor >> argued the economy was so strong following our hisx ric d regulatory cuts that it didn't make sense to risk rocking the boat. after the meeting as i walked with my father back to the residence he said, you know, the reason this has never been done before is because ourleaders haven't had the guts when the economy is good, they settle for good andhen things are ba they don't have the will or ability, so they ck the ca until it's someone else's problem. he was right. if my father didn't ke on these fights, no one would. fn the months that followed president trump ed to settle for a good deal. he wanted a great deal and ultimately that is exactly what we got. [applause]
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i remember each time he was updated on the progress of the new trade deal with mexico and canada, he would say, don't let down those dairy farmers i met in wisconsin. i don't want them to like this deal. i want them to love it. [applause] today in the midst of this unprecedented global pandemic e it's mear than ever that our president was absolutely correct to take on trade when he did and bring our js, our factories and our life-saving medicines back to the u.s.a. [applause] as our nation endures this grave trial, i pray for the families who are mourning the loss of a loved one for those battling covid-19 and for the first casponders and the healte heroes who remain on the front line of this fight, the grief,
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sorrow and anxiety during this l time is by all. i have been with my father and i've seen the pain in his eyes when he received updates on the lives that have been stolen by this plague. i have witnessed him make some of the most difficultofdecision his life. i sat with him in the oval office as he stopped travel to europe. i watched him tak the strongest, most inclusive economy in a lifetime, the lowest umployment in a half century and the highest wage increase for workings familn decades, and close it down to save american live [applause] it is why our president rapidlyh mobilizefull force of government and the private sector to produce ventilators within weeks, to build the most robu testing system in t world, and to develop safe and effeive treatments and ver, very soon a vaccine. my father isndeterred by defeatist thinkers.
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the word impossible, it only motivates him. do ld trump rejects the cynical notion that this country's greatest achievements are behind us. he believes that nothing is beyond our reach and that the best isyet to come. [applause] i have seen all of my life how my dad believes in potential of each individual. earlier we were inspired by the incredible testimony of alice johnson, great grandmother sentenced for first-time drug offense much i as with my father when he decided to commute the sentence. together we watched alice leave prison after nearly 22 years. as she ran in to the rms of her family and they celebrated a very quiet. n, my fat i could see the emotion on his
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face. he looked at e and said imagine how many people there are just like alice. from that point on, he became a voice for those who had been fairly silenced in our prison system. president trump rectified th disparities of the 1994 biden crime bill that disproportionately hurt african-americans. [applause] against all odds, he brought together republicans and democrats and passed the most significt criminal tice reform of our generation and we're just getting srted. [applause] my father did not campaign on thisissue. he tackled this injustice because he has a deep compassion for those who have been treated unfairly. more than rhetoric and political prose, the ability to build
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consensus and achieve bipartisan success will help heal our country's racial inequities and bring us forward together. president trump is advancing the american values of work and family. four years agon cleveland i said president trump would deliver for workingom en. last year over 70% of all new jobs were secured by women. [applause] four years ago i told you my child care affordable and ng accessible. in president trump's rst term we secured the largest-ever crease for child care funding giving more than 800,000 low ilcome families great ccare at a cost they can afford. as part ofre publican tax cuts in 2019 alone put over 2,000
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dollars in the pockets of 40 mi ion american families. pplause] democrat politicians introduced a plan to increase the child tae creditwhen ias fighting less than three years ago at the president's direction to get congress to double the child tax credit, not a sinragle dem voted to pass the law. we got it doneanyway. [applause] four years ago iomised the that president trump would support mothers in the workirce. in hist year in office he signed in to law the first-ever national paid leave tax credit. today, 8 milliona morricans have access to this benefit. [applause] four years ago i said that americans needed an economy that permits people to rise again. during president trumprst three years in office, 72% of
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all new jobs went to americans who can be outside of the [applause] four years ago i told you i would fight alongside my father and four years later here i am. [applause] many of the issues my father hai ched are not historically republican priorities. yet where washington chooses side our president chooses common sen where politicians choose party, our president chses people. [applause] since the day he took the oath of office i have watched my father take on the failed policies of the past and do what no leader has done before. recently ook dramatic action to cut the cost of prescription drugs despite fielding angry calls from the ceos n rly every major pharmaceutical
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now, when we see attack ad paid for by big pharma my dad smiles san says to me you know, we're doing something really right if they're hitting us so hard. [applause] this spring our president s that americanrops were going to waste because food supply chains were dirupted by the virus. he directed secretary purdue and men nutritious food, fresh fruit,x
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has changed washington. [applause] america doesn't need another empty vessel who will do he whateveredia and the fringe of his party demands. now more than ever america needs four more years of a warrior in the white hogsg. [applause] tonight i could not be more proud to introce my father, a man i know was made for this h moment itory. y fellow americans, our fir lady and the 45thñiñrñ
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the united states, donald j trump. [applause] ♪ ♪ . >> woodruff: stepping out on the balcony facing the south lawn of the white houe, president trump, his wife, the first la melania trump, aft a ringing endorsement and introduction by his daughter, his older daughter ivanka, who introduced him at the convention in 2016. she has returned to do the same for his reelection. we are told there is something like 1500 or more guests on the lawn, as you see during is pandemic they have come together at a time when people are not gathering indoors. they created an elegant setting at the white house with zens
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♪ the men who died ♪ who gave that right to me ♪. >>. >> woodruff: we are told the president will speak for about 45 minutes or perhaps long. ♪ there ain't no doubt iv loe this land ♪ godbless the u.s.a. pp use >> four moe years. >> four more years. >> thank you very much. thank you ry much. hank you. thank you very much. friends, delegates and
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distinguished guests, please. i stand before you tonig honored by your support, proud of the extraordinary progress we have made together over the last 4 incredible years. and brimming wit confidence in the bright future we will build years.merier the next four [applause] we begin this evening, our thoughts are with the wonderful people who have just come through the wrath of hurricane wura. we areorking closely with state and local officials in texas, louisiana, arkansas, pp missis sparing no effort to save lives while the hurricane was fierce, one of the strongest to make landfall in 150 years, the casualties an damage were far less than
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thought possible, only 24 hours ago. [applause] this is due to the great work of fema, law enforcement, and the individual states. i will be going this weekend and congratulations, tha g you, for that job out there. we really appreciate it. we are one national faily and we will always protect, love and care for eac other. here tonht are the people who have made my journey possible and filled my life with so much joy. for incredible service to our nation and its hildren, i want to thank our magnificent frfrd. -- magnificent first lady.
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[applause] >> thank you. i always want to thank my amazing daughter ivanka for that introduction and to all of my children. , ivanease stand up. [applause] and to all of my chd dren an grandchildren, i love you more an word could express. i know my brother robert is ok g down on us right now from heaven. he was a great brother and was very proud of the job we are all doing. thank you. we love you,robert. [applause] let us also take a moment to show our pround appreciation
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for a man who has always fought by our sid and stood up for our values, a manof deep faith and eadfast conviction, our vic president mike pence. [applause] mike is joined by his beloved wife, a teacher and itary mom, karen pence. thank you, karen. [applause] my fellow ghamericans, ton with a heart full of gratitude and boundless optimism, i profoundly acce thi nomination for president of the
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united stat [applause >> u.s.a., u.s.a., u.s.a.! >> the rublican arty, the party of abraham lincoln, goes welcome many democra, ined to independents and anyonwho believes in the greatness of america and the righteous heart of the american people. [applause] in a new term as president we will again build the greatest economy in history, quickly
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turning to full employment, soaring incomes, and reor prosperity. [applause] we will defend america against all threats and protect americag against all ders. frontiers of ambition and new discovery and we will new heights of national achievemt. we wilrekindle new ith in our values, new pride in our y, histnd a new spirit of unity that can only be realiz through love for our great country. [applause] because we understand that america is not a land cloaked in darkness, america is the torch that enlightens the entire
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world. [applause] gathered here at our beautiful ajestic white house, known all over the world as the people's house, we cannot help but marvel at the miracle that is our great american story. this has been the homof larger than life figures like teddy roosevelt and andrew jackson, who rallied americans through bold visions of a bigger and within these walls lived tenacious generals, like presidt grant and eisenhower, who led our soldiers in the cause of freedom. from these groun thomas jefferson sent lewis and clark on a daring expedition to cross a wild continent in the depths of a bloody civil war president
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abraham lincoln looked out these very windows upon a half completed washington monument as anked god in his providence to save our nation. two weeks after pearl harbor, fr klin delano roosevelt welcomed winston churchill and just inside they set our people on a course to victory in the second world war. in recent months our nation and the entire planet haen struck by a new and powerful invisible enemy. like those brave americans before us, we are meeting is challenge. we are delavivering lifeg therapies and will produce a vaccine before the end of the year or maybe even sooner. e]
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[appla we will defeat the virus and the pandemic and emerge stronger than ever before. [applause]ni whatted generations past was an unshakable confiden in america's destiny and an unbreakable faith in the american people. they knew that our country s blessed by god and has a special purpose in this world. it is that conviction that inspired the formation of our the abolition of slavery, the passage of civil rights, the of fascism, tyranny and verthrow mmunism. this towering american spirit
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has prevailed over every challenge an listed us to the summit of human endeavor. yet despite everything we have achieved is now in danger. this is the most important election in the history of ou country. [applause >> four more years, four more years. >> thank you. at no time before have voters faced a clearer choice between tw paies, two visions, two il ophies or two agendas. this election will decide
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whether we save the american dream or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish ou cherished destiny. [appladee] it will dehether we rapiy create millions of high-paying jobs or whether we crusdour industries send millions of these jobs overseass as foolishly been done for s.many deca your vote will decide whether we protect law abis ding americor whether we give free reign to violent anarchists and agitators and criminals who threaten our citizens. cide election will de whether we will defend the american way of life or whether we will allow a radical movement to completely dismantle and destroy it. o itt happen.
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[applause] at the democrat national convention joe biden and his erica repeatedly asailed as a land of racial, economic so tonight i ask you a simple question: how can the democrat party ask to lead our country when it spend so much time tearing down our country? pplause] in the ft's backward view they do not see america as the most free, just and exceptional nation on earth. instead they see a wicked nation that must be punished for its sins. our opps ney redemption for you can only come from giving
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power to them. this is a tired anthem spoken by every repressive movement throughout history. but this country we don't look to career politicians for salvation. in america, we don't turn to government to restore our souls. god. ur fah in almighty [applause [applause] joe biden is not a savior o america's soul. he is the destroyer of america's jobs and if begin the chance hee will be thstroyer of american gatness. for 47 years joe biden took the donations of blue collar workers, gave them hugs and even
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kisse kisses. [applause] and told thehe feltheir pain and then he flew back to washington and votedto ship our jobs to china and many other distant lands. joe biden spent hientire career outsourcingheir dreams and the dreams of american workers, opening heirrders daughters to fight in endless foreign ars, wars that never ended. four years ago i ran for president because i could not watch this betrayal of our country any erng i could not sit by asreer
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politicians let other countries take advantage of us on trade, borders, foreign policy and national defense. our nato ptners, as an example, were very far behind in their defense payments. but at my strong urging they agreed to pay $130 billion more a year the first time in over 20 years that they upped their payments. [applause] and this $130billion will ultimately go to $400 billion a year and secretary general, who watching for so many years and said that president trump did o whate else was able to do.
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thank you. [applause] from the moment i left my former life behind, and it was a good e life, i have d nothing but fight for you. i did whaitt our polal establishment never expected an could neveorgive, breaking the cardinal rule of washington politics. i kept my promise. [applause] tother we ha ended the rule of the failed political class and they are desperate to get their power back by any means necessar you've seen that. they are angry at me because
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instead of putti them first, i very simply said america first. [applause] thank you. days after taking office we shocked the washington establishment and withdrew from the last administration's job-killing transpacific panership. i hen immediately approved the keystone excel and dakota access pipelines. ended the unfair and very cost paris climate accord. and secured for the first time american energy independence. [applause]
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we passed record-setting tax a regulation cuts at a rate nobody had ever seen before. within three short years we built the strongest economy in the history ofthe wold. washington insiders asked me not to stan up to chia. they pleaded with me to let china continue steali our jobs, ripping us off, and robbing our country blind. but i kept my word to the american people. we took the toughest, boldest, strongest and est-hitting action against china in american history by far. [applause] they said that it would be impossible to terminate and replace nafta, but again, they were wrong.
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earlier this year i ended the nafta nignhtmared signed the brand new us-mexico-canada reement in to law. [applause] d right now auto panies with and others are building their plants and fatories in america, not firing employees and not deserting us for other countries. [applause] and perhs no area did the washington special interests try harder to stop us than on my policy of pro american immigration. [applause] but i refused to back down and today america's borders are more secure than ever before. [applause]
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thank you. we ended catch and release, f stopped asyluud, took down human traffickers whoy pre women and children, and we have, deported 00 gang members and 500,000 criminal aliens. [applause] we have already built 300 miles of border wall and we are adding 10 new miles every single week. the wall will soon be complete and it yis working ond our wildest ectations. [applause] we are joined this ening by members of the border patrol union representing our country's courageous border agents.
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thank you very much for being here. thank you, brave, brave people. [applause >> u.s.a., u.s.a., u.s.a.! >> you see, this country loves our lanforcement, they do. they ally do. love and respect. when i learned the tennessee valley authority laid off hundreds of american workers and forced them to train lower paid foreign replements, i promptly removed the chairman of the bod and now those talented rehired and are back proiding
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power to georgia, alabama, tennessee, kentucky, n mississippth carolina, and virginia. [applause] they have their old jobs back and some are here with us this evening. please stand. you went through a lot. please stand. thank you. u thank ry much. you have been through a lot. thank you very much. last month i took on bi pharma. you think that's easy? and signed orders that will massively lower the cost of your prtion drugs and give critically ill patients access to le-savincures. we passed the decade's long awaited right to try, right to
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try. we also passed va accountability and va choice. our great veterans, we're taking care of our veterans. 91% approval rating this month, the va, given by ou veterans, first time anything like that has ever happened. by the endm of first term we will have approvha more300 federal judges, including two great new supreme court justices. [a lause] to bring prosperity to our forgotten inner cities, we worked hard to pass historic criminal justice reform, prison reform, opportunity zones and long-term funding of historically blckaolleges and
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universities, and before the china virus came in produced the best unemployment numbers for african-americans, hispanic americans and asian americans ever recorde [applause] i say very modestly that i have done more for e african-american community than any president since abraham lincoln, our first republican president. [applause] i have done more in thr yars biden has done in 47 years. joe
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[applause] when i'm re-elected the bet is yet to come. [applause >> four more >> foure years. >> four more years. >> four more years. four more years. >> four more ayers. four more years. four more years. four more years. thank you very much. when i took office the middle east was in total chaos.
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isis was rampaging, iran waon the rise, and the war in afghanistan hado nd in sight. i withdrew from the terrible one-sided iran nuclear deal. unlike many presidents before me, i kept my promise, recognized israel's true capitol and mod our embassy to jerusalem. [applause] but not only did we talk about it as a uture site, we got it built. rather than spending $1 billion on a new building as planned, we took an already-owned existing g
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builn a better location, real estate deal, rht? and opened it at a cost of less than $500,000. anything like that that government is doinght now. we recognized israeli soreignty over e golan heights. this month we achieved the first middle east ace dean 25 years. thank you, uae, thank you to israel. [applause] in addition, weobliterated 100% of the isis caliphate and kiled its founder and leader, abu i.
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al-baghd [applae] then in a separate operation we eliminated the world's number one terrorist by far, sulemani. [applause] unlike previous administrations i have kept america out of new wars and our a trooe coming home. sp we havent nearly $2.5 trillion on complely rebuilding our military, which was very badly depleted when i took office, as younow. this includes three separate pay raises for our great warriors. [applause]
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we also launched the space force, the first new branch of the united states military since the air force was created almost 75 years ago. we have spent the lst four years reversing the damage joe biden inflicted over the last 47 year biden's record is a shameful roll call of the most catastrophic betrayals and unders in our lifetime. he has spent his entire career to wrong side of history. biden voted fe th nafta disaster, the single worst trade deal ever enacted. he supported china's entry in to the world trade organization, one of the greatest economic disasters of all time.
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after thosn calamities, the united states lost one in four manufacturing jobs, we laid off workers in michigan, ohio, new hampshire,pennsylvania, many other states. they didn't want to ar biden's hollow words of empathy. ey wanted the jobs back. as vice president he supported the transpacific partnership, which would have been a death sentence for the u.s. auto industry. he backed the horrendous south korea trade deal, whi took many jobs from our country and which reversed and made great deal for our country. su repeatedlypported mass amnesty for illegal immigrants, he voted for the iraq war, he opposed the mission to take out osama bin laden, he opposed killing sulemani, he oversaw the rise of, is and cheered the
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rise of china as a positive development for america and the world, some positive development. that's why china supports joe biden and desperately wants m to win, i can tell you that upon very good information. china would own our contry if joe biden got elected. unlike biden i will holed thm fully accountable for the tragedy that they caused all over the world they caused. and recent months our nation and the world has been hit by the ce in a century pandemic, that china allowed to read around the globe. they could have stopped it, but they allowed it to come out. we are grateful to be joined night by several of ou incredible nurses and first responders. please stand and accept our profound thanks and gratitude.
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[applause] manyamericans, including me, have sadly lost friends and cherished loved ones to this horrible disease. as one nation we mourn, we grieve, and we hold in our hearts forever the memories of all of hose lives that have been so tragically taken, so unnecessary. in their honor we will uni, in their family we will overcome. h ann the china virus hit we launched the largest national mobilization since world war ii invoking the defense production act, we produced the world's largest supply of venors, not a single american who has
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needed a ventilator has been nied a ventilator, which is a miracle. [applause] by our great vice president. e thank you very much, mike. please. please stand up. [applause] we shipped hundreds millions of masks, gloves, gowns, to our front line health care worrs to protect our nation's seniors we rushed supplies, testing kits and personal to nursing homes we gave everything you can possibly give and we're still giving it because we're taking care of our senior citizens. [applause] the army corps of engineers built field hospitals and the
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navy deployed our great hospital ships. we developed from sctch the largest and most advanced testing system anywn the world. america has tested more than every country in europe put together and more than every nation in the western hemisphere combined. think of that. we have conducted 40 million more tests thathe next closest nation, which is india. we veloped a wide array of effective treatments, including a powerful antibody treatment known as convalescent plama. you saw that sunday night when we announced it, that will save thousands and thousands of lives. thanks to advancements we have pioneered the fatality rate and the numbeit has been reducedat by 80% since april, 80%. [applause] united states is among the
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lowest case fatality rates of any major country aywhere in the world. the european union's case fatality rate is nearly three times higher than ours, but you don't hear that. they don't wri about that. they don't want to write about that. those things. ou to know all together the nations of europe have expienced a 30% greater increase in excess mortality than the united states. think of that. we enacted the largest package of financial relief in amecan history. thanks to our paycheck protection wprogra have saved or supported more than ouk protection program, we have saved or supported more than 50 million american jobs. we are advancing so rapidly with our economy. great job. avas a result, we scene the any major western nation and wef
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are recovering at a much faster rate than anybody over the past three months we have gained over 9 million jobs and that is record in the history of our country. [ applause ] >> you are watching pbs news. we are live at thhie house with president trump. >> -- giving ourpponents shown capable of nothing but ali partisan a to criticize. when i took bold action to issue a trel ban on china, very rly indeed, joe biln caled it hysterical and xen hobic and thi introduced a ban on europe, very early again. if we had listenedo joe hundreds of thousands more americans would have would have. instead of following the science, joe biden wants to inflict a painful shutdown on the entire country. he shut down would in
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