tv PBS News Hour PBS September 14, 2020 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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♪ judy: good evening, i'm judy woodruff tonight, president trump and joe biden find another dividing line. then, we are on the ground in oregon as the ldfires are raging, taking lives and forcing thousands from theiromes. and covid in a war zone. how the pandemic is making a dire situation worse in syria. very dire.uation in the even with masks, cleaning supplies, with this coronavirus we had kids very close to each other. it is a cllme how we are living so close to each other. judy: all that and more on ♪onight's "pbs newshour."
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>>he major funding for tbs newshour has been provided by -- >> when the world gets lcomplicated, a goes through your mind. with fidelity wealtht, managem a dedicated advisor can tailor advice and recommendations to yourife. that is delity wealth >> consumer cellular. financial services firm raymond james. bnsf railway. the william and flora hewlett foundation. for more than 50 years promoting a better world. these individuals and of
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institutions. ♪ this program was made possible by the broadcasting and byic wentributions to your pbs station from vie like you. thank you. judy: wildfires are threateningi more of the pa northwest an northern california tonight, as dry, windy conditions return in places. so h far, at least 35 peope died and thousands have been forced to flee. ha a dozen small towns have burned and drone footage showed oregon turd to aoods in southern
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streets were stained red by fire retardant. a look at the situation in oregon later in the program. the wildfires exposed twot starkly differoints of view on the campaign trail. lisa deeg chardins our coverage with a look at how divide on climate . joe biden lisa: in california, president trump arrivedo assess a sweeping disaster, the latest round of wildfires scorching the western u.s. he met with officials near sacramento. >> weoant t thank these incredible people. lisa: critics have said the president shou have paid more attention to the fires, which started last mth. at the least, his approach has revealed a cha in environmental policy with his democratic opponent joe biden. while scientists increasingly raise concerns about climate change driving more extreme weather, the president has blamed for -- poor forest
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management. nearly 60% of california'de forests are lly managed. in an exchange with the state's natural resources secretary, the president bluntly denied science. >> we want to work with you to really recognize the changing climate and what it means to our forests and work together with that science. that science is going to be key. if we ignore that science and put our head in the sandnd think it is all about vegetation management, we are not going to succeed together proiacting califo. >> it will start getting cooler. you just watch. >> wish science agreed with you. >' i don' think science knows, actually. >> this well in wilngton, delaware, today former vice president joe biden was explicit. >> the unrelenting impact of climate change affects every single solitary one of us. if you give a climate arsonist four more years in the white house, why would anybody be
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surprised if we have more america ablaze? lisa: another ntrast from biden, the one without words. as he does regarly, biden wore aisask when he andife went to vote in a state i marry. president trump has resumed holding large-scale rallies, including one last night near las vegas. thousands packed into a warehouse indoors, violating nevada state guidelines banning gatherings over 50 people. while those behind the president no broadcast network setnot.he reporters inside out of health concerns, according to cnn. the president doubled down on his reopening push. >>tt we are not sg down our country. ahutdown will destroy the lives and dreams of tens of millions of americans. lisa: before the rally, nevada's thecratic governor tweeted president was "taking reckless and selfish actions that areco
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puttintless lives in danger." president trump said sunday he did not think he was bound by the state's rules. today, vice presidene held an indoor rally in wisconsin, where cases of covid-19 have been picking up. as he draws crowds, the president is also looking to target his campaign including tk latino voters, this weekend with this roundtable in las vegas. it is a vital group for both campaigns and in key states like florida, where polls show biden is slipping with latino voters. florida is will billionaire a difference, pledging to spend $100 million to aid biden there. biden heads to the sunshine state tomorrow with events -- for events with veterans and hispanic voters. ♪
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we will return to judy woodruffh after the latest headlines. the u.s. gulf coast battened down for hurricane sally's arrival, now i category 2 hurricane expected to hit east of new orleans with up to two feet of rain. another hurricane struck bermuda today, knocking out powerp but cleas already begun. i spoke to the national of the hurricane center -- director of the national hurricane center earlier tonight. othe govern louisiana said that for a lot of people hurricansally seemed to have come out of nowhere, rapidly forming into a hurricane in the last day. what is the current forecast and it is heading and rong it where will be? >> looking at 100 mile-per-hour winds right now. looking at this, the tropical storm force winds extend over 100 miles. the real story is slow. that is a big problem. if you think about this being
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1:00 p.m. tuesday, thi:0 is p.m. wednesday, in 24 hours, that is not a lot of movement. with a slow storm, that compounds the issues with rainfall, storm surge. there is going to be water. from louisianall the way back florida. and torrential, dangerous rains, as well. so, a significant issue with the war. stephanie: a lot of times, there is focus on the center of the ehurricnd when it hits landfall. with hurricane sally, are we more concerned with the prolonged impacts? >> absolutely. you have the cone. at is where two thirds of the time we expect to have the center. the impacts ar well outside of it. the other part of this is the. dangerous storm surge, historically the leading cause of fatalities in these storms. you look at this from south lisa
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louisiana to portions of the mississippi coast. 6-9 feet. 4-6 feet. louisiana, dangerous storm, surge. it makes it dangerous to travel. imrtant to not bthoseo dangerous locations. stephanie: i know you were predicting an active season. you are monitoring five atlantic cyclones at the same time, only the second time in recordedy histor that to happen, even running out of names. ken gham with the national hurricane center, thank you so much for the latest. >> tnk yha. ste: this evening, one of the cyclones was downgto a tropical depression. there is no evidence that the arctic is rapidly heating -- new sevidence that the arctic rapidly heating. a huge jump -- chunk has broken away from the ice shelf. it is estimated to be 42 square miles, neay the size of san
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francisco. seof covid-19 topped 29 million around the world, cluding more than 6.5 million in the united states. but new cases iesthe united stave declined 7.2% from a week ago. the rate of new deaths is falling, even as total deaths nationwide approach 195,000. the besieged president of russia seeking support againstg massive protests after 26 years in power. russian president putin met with alexander in sochi. he promised $1.5 biion loan and one against foreign interference. >> we see what kind of domestic political events are happening an relation to the electio belarus. you know opposition well. we are for belarusians to sort out the situation themselves about tips or pressure from outside. they should come to a common decision. stephanie: on sunday, an
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estimated 150,000 people took to the streets of thpibelarusian cal. they say lukashenko rigged his reelection and must step down. back in this country, a federal appeals court upheld president trump's decision strip protections that let half a million immigrants state in the u.s. they were admitted on humanitarian grounds from el salvador, haiti, nicaragua, and sudan -- some have been there for decades. the case could wind up before the supreme court. authorities across the los angeles area are searching for the gunman who fired io a scott car -- squad car injuring it triggered an anti-police protest outside the hospital where the deputies are recovering. oracle has won become petition for tik tock's u.s. operations. the proposed partnership was announced today, but it was not
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called a sale. president trump said the u.s. operations must be sold or shut down to prevent adam -- data from being transferred to china. still coming up with judy, on the ground in oregon as ldfires ravaged the wes how the pandemic makes a dire situation worse in syria. our politics monday team breaks down the latest in the race for the white house. and much more. ♪ >> this is the "pbs newshour close-out -- "pbs newshour" from weta studios in washington and from the walter cronkite school of journalism at arizona state university. n judy: we focus nowe terrible fires and devastation in the western part of the country and some of the factors that make this all worse. william brangh will look at some of those reasons with miles o'brien shortly. we are going to begin with and on the ground report from egon, where mor than one
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million acres have burned. twice the average of most years. search andre rescue teams continuing to look for miing people. at least 22 a missing sfar. nearly 40,000 have been forceho to flee theis. our special correspondent has the report starting from south of portland. >> the smoky streets were eerily quiet this weekend. this rural town of 9000 about 30 miles south ofortland was under mandatory evacuation orders until suny night. the riverside fire has been threatening thety commu and other nearby towns for days. with firefighters stretched thin across the state, some resident have defied evacuation orders and have been battling sections of the fire line on their own. over the weekend, we met uph w a group of local volunteers on the outskirts of town whoin were fiwater tcks and driving them to the front lines less than a mile up the road/ enochiln, a local landowner,
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was one of those coordinating the efforts. he says he is grateful t forhe additional firefighting support the community has received over the past several days, but i was largely residents who kept the flames at bay before the governme arrived. >> the only thing this has been curbed whatsoever is because locals and the volunteers around this area have come up and they are digging the brake lines themselves. >> i think we have a good right that fire burned. we don't fight fires in oregon. we need tohe fight we need to catch them right as they start. >> a spokesman for the oregon fire marshal's office said today that more than 20 firefighting teams are battling 11 fires resources are exceeded. existing while some in this community chose to remain and defend their property from the flames, many others in the region remain evacuated. the elks lodge in milwaukee, oregon, has become a safe havene for some eva
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around 100 people, including milies with children, have been camped out here the past few days. a local company served up hot pancakes. other donations have flowed in from the community, including food, water,oy tents, andfor the kids. scott white, the current head of the lodge, has been coordinating relief efforts. >> nobody knows what to do. they left their houses with whatev they had on their we have gone through the pandemic with covid-19 and we thought we were seeing the bottom side of that and going back to norma and then this ppened. >> 23-year-old tiffany is one of the many struggling with the impacts from the wildfire in the pandemic. she lives inearby camby with her husband and four young children. when we met up with her, she was warm to the bone after sleeping in a.ent the past two nights >> i'm exhausted. seven difficult, schoolh
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closures, financial strains, and now the fires. >> the second i take a deep breather everywhhe throws itself at me. everything. from when my husband is going to go to work to what the next kid thing my kids are going to eat to what the next fit they are going to throw or if we have to leave in the middle of the night or be able to go home and not find a fire at our doorstep. >> people have been stretched so thin to their breaking point. >> the lead health officer for the reason -- region. she says there has been a recent increase in the number of anxiety related calls to the regional crisis center. >> people have called coronavirus unprecedented. people have now called this wildfire unprecedeeed, level of air quality, the poor air quality. we are running outf o adjectives to describe this point in time. mixed in with o athis in portland in particular and the county has been a real reckoning
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around how we treat african-american, black, indigenous, and people of color in this country. those same groups suffer disproportionately from the poor airuaty, from covid-19. as we spoke yesterday, visibility from the roof of the county health department in downtown portland was about a quarter of a mile. the region's air quality has been the worst in the world for several days. >> we are seeing a sharp increase in emergency departmen visits for respiratory complaints as we would expect with an air quali event le many of the visits seem to be related toa ast and people directly relating their visit to the smoke. >> dorian is an outreach worker for a portland, nonprof transition projects, which helps people experiencing homelessness find housing. since last thursday, the organization and others have handed out more than 26,000 n95 masks provided by the city and county.
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>> because of their lack of adcommunication with nos, no phones, no internet, they are secluded away from people. they don't know what is going on. theys don't know thistual fog, this is smoke. unfortunately, that puts them in a bad position. many clients are talking about pain in the chest, tightness in the cst, they can't breathe. so of their tents are filling up with smoke. >> he is encouraging people to escape the smoke and go to the oregon convention center, where a large shelter has been set up. but he says some people are concerned about going inside due to covid-19. back in milwaukee at the elks lodge, evacuee tiffany and her family were loading up their car to go check on their home. exthey told us thected it to be unscathed, but for so many other families a haze of uncertainty still looms. for the pbs newshour, i'm cap wise in oregon. >> ase heard earlier, the
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impact of climate change was very much in the news today. it came up during president trump's visit to california and thdemocratic nominee, joe biden, lambasted the president's policies reganding climate . our science correspondent miles o'brien is here to look at what we know and what we d't and the other factors that be contributing to these wildfires out west. great to see you as always. we know the science is quite certainly contributes to,e exacerbates the problems that these wildfires are demonstrating. can you remind us a littl sbit about thence? miles: exacerbate is a good word. climate change is not starting these fires, but it is crting the dry conditions that make it easier to haveig these fires ted in the first place, spread faster, becomed igger so-calga fires. whether they are caused by humans or lightning, as has happened in many cases in california this year. if you look at the annual number
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of burned acres in the wt, it has increased just in lockstep with the changing climate. from year-to-year to year, the area burned up correlates almost directly to temperature variations. if you look over a 30-50 year period, the numbers and the amount of fires and the acreage burned correlates exactly with the 2.5 degrees fahrenheit incrse in the temperature o the climate overall, which is what we have experienced. park williams is a hydro climatologist. >> as you warm up the atmosphere, it can hold more moisture, so it can pull more moisture out of forest ecosysinms, therefore d them out faster. then, as long as you get spark and wind and you've gotnough to burn, you are going to burn it. william: we know climate changei is p a role, potentially a major role, but what else can explain this incredible devastation caused by these fires? miles: it is worth reminding
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everybody that fire is just a m inral part of the ecosys the las what has really changed is t o numb people living in close proximity to it. there are more and more peopl building in the woods in areas that burn. researchers have a wonky term for it. ctheyl it the wildland urbane. interfac researchers from the university of colorado, boulder, found that between 1992 and 25, americans built 32 million homes in the wildlife urban interface. when you have more people living in the forest, you have more people starting forest fires. sounds like commonen, but as you -- it turns out, 97% of the fires that destroy a home are by pele in the first place. there is no end in sight to this building boom in the woods. a geographer and fire ecologisth niversity of colorado, boulder -- >> 80% of the potential landscapes that could be built into have yet to be but into.
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more and more people are going to want to move into landscapes that are flammable. we currently have about 1.8 million homes that are threatened at high risk of threat from wildfire and that is about $300illion worth of lue. william: so, if more and more of us are moving into the wilderness, are there things we can do to manage those wildernesses better so we can reduce the risk of fire? this is certainly somethinges ent trump keeps stressing as a major issue. miles: the president talked about king the forest and there was a lot of controversy be some changes in the way we to manage the forest if people are going to live in them. each time we successfully put out a fire over the past hundred years and we were very aggressive about it,rv the foret e and other enterprises doing that, we kicked the can ecause it allow more underbrush and fuel to grow, creating more difficult
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problems. so, at the u.s. forest svice's fire lab in missoula, montana, researchers have been looking at alternatives. one of the ideas is to thin the forests outcome attend them,nd do controlled, managed, prescribed burns. burdens that will not get carried away, making the forest afterwards less of a tinderbox. there is a 30-acre plot that had not burned for 100 years. they let it be. nearby, they thinned and burned to see what would happen. thatas forest in every able bark beetles, and less likely to burn in mega fire fashion, as we are seeing right now in the west. william: ok, i want to make a huge change of topic here. given that you are also our expert,id our rt expert when it comes to all things spacete
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re people might have seen the headlines that scientists believe they have found signs of life on venus. what happened? what should we take away from all this? miles: above venus would be a little more accurate. venus is note the kind of plac to raise your paraphrase elton john. [laughter] the tperature is 900 degrees fahrenheit on average. the pressure is 90 times greatee than that th. to think of life as we know it existing there is pretty hard to bimagin researchers using telescopes in hawaii and chile have found signs of a gas in the clouds above venus, which are a little mor' temperate, i' be at acidic. what do we know about that gas? we don'know a ton about it except that it is associated with anaerobic life here on earth, which is to say swamps and bogs and sewage. there is a lot of it, believe it or not, in penguin poop.
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what could it be? could there be a life formnn ted to it? the researchers looked at potential chemical and geologic processes, volcanoes, meteors, lightning. none ofe it supports ount that they have found. so, it raises a huge question. we have been looking for so long for signs of life on mars. could it be our closest neighbor alls has been overlooked in of this?nasa is thinking about g some missions to venus. they are looking at four possible missions on the horizon. two would be to venus. mae this will give a little bit more credence for those teams to win those proposals. maybe even go to venus, maybe they will surprises and we will find venetian penguins. i don't know. [laughter] judy: venetian penguins. i love it. miles o'brien, always good to see you. thank you so much. miles: you' welcome. ♪
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judy: after years of war and economic deprivation, syria is poorly equipped to handle covid-19. but the virus is spreading fast and governme -- in government-controlled domestic and the rebel-help north where it is targeting the most vulnerable. nick: a few miles from the turkish border, there is no refuge from the wind and the heat and no refuge from covid. this woman gathers cloth from her neighbors toew masks. she started wi her own kids and then realized the need was much greater. >> i'm worried about the children in the camp. i'm going to hopefully make masks for everyone. ithisa humanitarian service i can provide. nick: she fits masks on children's whose country has been atar longer than they have been alive.
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north west syria has over 260 coronavirus cases, inclung in an internally displaced persons camp, where no sanitation systems prevents proper handwashing. children are especially vulnerable because many already suffer from a parasite spread by sand flies. te russia and china restricted humanitarian aid to a single border crossing, some syrians have not received any help in four months. this woman has thr children -- this man has three children with learning disabilities. >> the situation in the camp is very dire. s,even with maleaning supplieswith this coronavirus, we had kids very close to each other. i mean, it is a crime how we are other. so close to each nick: idlib is the final ronghold for anti-regime for says. in the city, volunteers sinfect their own mosques and streets. in this bustling market, nobody stays six feet apart.
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to get into the market, visitors walk through a homemade disinfectant machine. t ose who get sick have few places for treatment. the u.n. says russia and the regime have targeted mor fthan 80 medicilities since december. half of all hospitals are out of service. fear for the future.,octors >> we have a fragile health system. that is why we expect a disaster if the disease spreads, god foid. if the virus spreads here, like spread in the gime-controlled areas, we will really struggle. nick: the regime controls all in syria in red. and covid's epicenter is the heart of the assad regime's power, damascus. what are the conditions in damascus hospitals today? wepoke to a physician who asked him to keep him anonymous. >> the government is not concerned at all with treating this disease. it has shown it is completely
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unable to deal with covid-19. nick: officially, syria has 3500 covid dases and 150ths. but experts say for every death ported in damascus, there are 50-100 not reported. >> the government only allowed specific individuals they trust to eer the sections in hospitals that had covid-19 patients. we we not allowed as physicians to even use the name covid-19 or asked how many infections there have access to patients. nick: lack of hospital beds lead people to self treat at home. doctors took to facebook to offer medical advice. covid patients had to buy their own oxygen. >> t price of oxygen is getting very expensive due to the demand. more expensive than a normal person can afford. many times, people are dying because they are not able to get oxygen. >>ng people are dn their homes. bealeisma researcher in syria. >> then these guys in these
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zmat suits come andhey are taking them away to these very cemetery scent buryi them there. nick: that is the only visu proof of increased deaths. the satellite images show what researchers believe are burials. from januaryo june to august, multiple rows of new graves. l medicarkers are often the first fatalities. at least 65 have died according to a list keptn by a syria american activist, who lives in chicago. >> people are overwhelmed and there is no one to help. the government is not there to help. donick: damascuors are vulnerable. do you have enough personal protective equipment? videdere is nothing p here. we are in need of everything. the question should be the opposite. not about what we have, but whad
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't have, because we are in need of evething. >> in my hospital, we have more ve.ilators than all of syr i have not heard ofny patient of ventilators that. nick: the government imposed curfews and travel restrictions, but that exacerbated an economic crisis. food prices80 soared. of syrians are now below the poverty line. covid got so bad that even supporters of president assad spoke out. >> all the private hospitals that received corona cases are full. now the private hospitals contain large numbers of covid-19 cases, while we have very few respirators. nick: there are also very few tests. la month, the government opened a testing center. it quickly reached capacity and had to close. hundreds waiting outside were sent home untested.
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you are criticizing the regime, we are keeping you anonymous. how dangerous is it to use some of the words you are sing and talk to us about the extent of the problem? >>ti csm of the regime, whether about public health or any othe issue, risks detention or death. why am i talking? e became but he must talk. there is always a need for someone to be a voice of truth. nick: whether in damascus or noh west syria, the truth is covid is spreading in a country that can least afford it. for the pbs newshour, i'm nick schifrin. ♪ judy: with exactly 50 days until election day, the president one joel campaigns are offering -- presidential campaigns are offering two very different messag about covid-19 and the
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wildfires. our monday politics team is here to unpack it all. so, hello to both of you. these wildfires so tragic to watch. they have exposed e differences in views between president trump and joe biden, on climate change the president 'tying today science doesn know.joe biden calling the prest a climate arsonist. what is driving these very different messages? >> well, these messages really reflect the country, as well.r fact, when you look at where americans are on the issue of climate chang a the impact climate change is having, both for personal reasons and also its impact on the economy, and
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what we saw this this was recent pupil that about half of democrats say changes to take care of climate change are going to help the economy. half of republicans said it would hurt the economy. at is kind of where you see the president and where you see joe biden. joe biden saying if wse fix t things, we are going to create new jobs. youhe hearresident saying gues what is going to happen in joe biden's america? we are going to get rid of the jobs that so many people rely on, whetr they are fracking and in sylvania or coal mining in west virginia. closely on the side of joe biden on the issue of climate change, especially suburban voters to trn p says he wants to ck over. for them, climate change is a reality. judy: and yet we heard it earlier in the shown the report, the president saying to
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the panel of exper in california, he said it is going to get colder. just defying what the science shows. >> right, and saying that sciencmay not be right. totally on brand for president trump. this is a message s is campaigning on. it is not a gaffe if you say it pose and it is what yo believe and president trumps' very much, he is pulling the u.s. out of the paris climate accord. he is saying that if joe biden wins that as amy said, that joe biden would put you back in the paris climate accord and that would hurt the economy. president trump has repeatedly shied away from clite science and what joe biden is trying to do and what he diwith that speech and what he has been doing in otherue v is essentially saying that president trump's anti-science or does not go with the science
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and that that is putting americans at risk. joe biden is trying to combine the concerns about climate change with concerns about the handling of the coronavirus. for present trump, if you look at the polling, you haveg accord a pupil, the number of republicans who think that climate change is a very big issue is in the teens. so president trump, for his base, this is a perfectly fine message. for joe ben's base, h messages right on you and could help motivate younre voters who bout this issue a lot. judy: and then amy, still related to science is the pandemic, the conavirus. joe biden is wearing a mask wherever he goes. is criticizing the president. the president continues to hold rallies, most recently in nevada, defying the state
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regulations against wearing masks, against having over a certain number of people indoors. just directly flouting what the rules are. >> and what so many americans also agree with. if you ask the question of voters, do you think we should be wearing masks, do you wear a mask? overwhelming amounts of people agree with those and do wear masks. we saw this in the conventions. it kinda felt like we were not just living into different americas, but twos.ifferent plan on the democratic side, everyone was wearing masks. bo joe bidennd kamala harris speaking to empty rooms, going out socially distanced watching fireworks on the day of the speech. of course, republicans gathering on the white house lawn. the president really loves a
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crowd. he can't campaign without bunches of people around you cheering for you. it is not, however, what americans are doing and it is not within, as you pointed out, where scientists would like us to be. judy:t e white house, the trump camp, they don't see thi as taking a sk. >> they don't see it as taking a political risk. the message that they have and they are pushing it hard and i think it works absolutely nine with their base and we keep getting back to it is all about the base the selecti, at least the way the president is handling this. their response is if there can be protests in the street about then we can hol a first amendment event inha states say that we shouldn't be having a large event.
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they are jus doing it repeatedly and repeatedly. tonight was billed as a town hall, panel discussion, and it so, the white house -- this is the campaign -- the campaigns putting on rallies and they are doing them indoors. they had beenin s they were only doing them outdoors. andswing through nevad arizona proves that they are not afraid to do it indoors either. part of that is that there may not be a direct line that can be drawn from -- so they are taking a hands-off approach. judy: one person attending a rally telling the reporter that the covid is a hoax. there is still that belief out there. >> there is an there is a lot internet anthe social media that is really
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keeping americans also in very different places about the reality of this very, very serious health crisis. judy: wow. well, we are certainly seeing a lot of it this week. we thank you bot politics monda ♪ judy: when jason howellsr. reived a mandatory 10 year federal prison sentence for heroin distribution, he shared that punishment with his family. two of his four children went to live with his parents. the couple has worked tirelessly grandchildrir while staying connected to their son. brief, but spectacular's steve goldblum visited them in late 2019.
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>> my son was always adventurous. jason was a hard worker. he got with a group of guys that were snorting pain pills on the weekends for recreation. then heroin was cheaper and it became his drug of choice. it was, just constantly not enough money to pay for rent, ep the water on. it was hard enougho csb caps on and his wif the children were the hardest of it all. jason picked it up for a group of peopl, one of the kids shot up their girlfriend, she overdosed. she did not die, but she did overdosed. and he got sentenced to a mandatory federal prison sentence of 10 years. when jason did get incarcerated, our oldest grandson was left alone to take care of his younger siblings, which was probably the hardest time in my life to go through.
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thr mother had overdosed and was being taken to the hospital. >> weni were on getting all four of the children and when the courts decided to split them up between grandparents, that was a really hard situation. >>hen i learned my dad was going away, it was hard for all of us. most challenging part i would say was just learning how long he would be gone. ee>> weason about three times a year. it is an 8.5 hour journey >> it is a horrible thing to experience and it would not be so bad if it was just us, but usually you have four little ones and they should not have to experience that either x the hardest part isn' knowinge 't come home with us. >> the worst part is remembering
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all the good times that we have -- the best part is that there a -- rememberi the good tis and that there are more to come. >> the most difficult thing is not being able to take my son home when we go and visit. he is my firstborn and always been my buddy. >> he has taken different classes, parenting classes. >> i've seen a huge change in him. >> he is learning through this recap -- reh program to open up and be accountable. he said to reese -- reach out to his children and say things that he probably wouldn nots own. >> my grandrents haveaken over the role of parents at least for now. >> i used to feel like, we got our grandkids. i don't feel that way anymore. we get to live with them. they've taught us so much. them i still see it.has affected
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i wonder what they could have been or what they.ould have be what they get to beau b of what they have gone through. >>henever the phone rings, i look to see if it's is restricted on it. because i know it is him. >> hello? >> hi, buddy. know you did, honey. how did work go? >>. work was we had a little holiday meal, so it was a little better than normal. >> hello? >> what's up, buddy? >> i'm looking forward to spending time with my dad and just messing around and goofing around.>> here's marcus. the most excitinghi is when my son gets out, he will be able to see his oldest, marcus, graduated. >> it was ts morning. it has slowed down a little bit >> i just want to be able to do
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things with him and not have any restrictions. >> we have shared the sentence with our son. it has been a long journey. >>he joy that comes to our hearts knowing he is going to get out is also a mixed bag because that drug is a tough one. you hear about people relaxing -- relapsing all the time. in the back of our mind, we both stilkind of worry. do we have it? do we get to stop worrying now? i things going tbe ok? is he telling the truth now? i guess time will tell. my name is dale howell. >> my name is kimberly howell. >> and this is been our brief but spectacular take -- >> on our family. >> i hope you have a great day. i love you a lot. >> i love you too. >> we love you, buddy. have a great day. >> i will talk to you later.
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>> by five. >> ok.ju : what a story. and w have an update on this piece. the federal correctionalaff at institution where jason is serving time have been infected1 with cov there have been at least five deaths. howell is pected to be released this november after completing a dg abuse program. however, due to the virus, he can n longer take the required classes. ♪ finally tonight, we want to offer something joyful in tse difficult times and look at a band that has been bridging racial and cultural gaps. we tno ranky tanky, which has reached number top charts.
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it won a grammy award for best gional roots album. jeffrey brown l went to t country of south carolina to take a lesson and look. part of our american series, and ongng coverage of arts and culture, canvas. this was reported during the shutdown due to covid. ♪ >> ranky tanky, it loosely mns get funky. you can see and feel why it is the right name for advanced celebrating and reinventing a music of joy. ♪ and pain. >> in these ha times ♪ >> rhythms brought by the enslaved from west aica,
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spirituals of e christian church, themes that resonate it includes sos many know. though you've likely never heard kumbaya quitlike this. >> ♪ somebody is praying lord! ♪ >> the impromptu performanceor us by their singer and trumpet player. >> the grammy goes to "good time" --ranky tanky. >> fresh off winning a grammy. >> it meant a t lotme just because of the magnitude of the whole thing. >> you felt like you were representing something? >> yes. it is an honor to be here to ancestry.s of our it is representative of how i was rsed to be a musician, from listening and watching and imitating all of my aunts and uncles and grandparents. >having it all can accommodate
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wow, yes.ammy? >> growing up in church, the elders as well, it was like ae. homecoming for >> the i ensemble is based charlston and specializes in jazz and live in arrangements of traditional's. it originated in enslaved people carolina.a, florida, and south the four male o membersranky tankye h played together since meeting at the college of charleston in the 1990's. they have gone off to do their two things until two decades in clay ross proposed reuniting. they brought in key in a parlor in 2017. >> i'm a disciple of this music this music moves me and it has
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called to me. it h inspired to me and it has been a part of my life for over two decades. there is one out there doing a contemporary expression of our south carolina roots music, specifically gullah music. >> it is in english-blaed creole uage, gullah is. >> there was a strong sense of mission with this band when we saw they offered a lesson in history and music. the students at the charlston seventh-day adventist school. it was not a hard sell asse the fifth to eighth graders quickly to to t clapping, singing, and dancing. >> the thing about it is the music and the message of the culture itself deserves as big of a stage as it can get. >> le to think of it as hopefully being part of the evolution of the culture. there is a preservation of
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it, there was also sharing it with the world and adding to it. >> so,f they were singinge pains they were going through, the difficulties. >>raut also songs of pe. >> the members of ranky tanky drew inspiration from places like the man of life center, a church on johns island, one of the ny rural islands off sou carolina where gullah culture took root. built in 1902 and now on the national register of historic places, it was known as a praise use. ♪ it was home to the moving star hall singers. >> a lot o times when people hear the songs of the elders they hear, that is old stuff. no, that is good stuff. that is music that gives us a foundation and helps us move forward in state.e progressive we don't want to forget that. >> gullah's popularity today
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springs from a more difficult 91-year-old abraham bill jenkins grew up on johns island. >>dy everyould listen to what the gullah does. even the people of they thought, that is old country boys. >> that is how you were treated? soto second-class citizens? >> more like fifth class citizens >> but then the music was a relief from that life? >> oh yes. people glad to get to church. ♪ >> ranky tanky band members want to play it forward for current and future generations. they are also part of a larger gullah cultural moment. we met charlton singleton and ana parlor in the fine art
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gallery that features gullah artists. >> to see his work and how it has gone out all over the world is juster ano feather in the cap of the homies from the neighborhood. ll nothing says low country cuisine like guah fried shrimp. >> tv food shows reach larger audiences. even as traditional sweetgrass baskets and other crafts are sold on local streets here. ♪ in the meantime, the band is now performing at rge venues. m thatwas in this very r we recorded our grammy award-winning album. [applause] >> they are still playing for local friends and family, as on this night at their recording studio >> ♪ good time, a good time! ♪ >> if closedppropriately with a songmbracing this time for ranky tanky and gullah music.
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♪ shake that, shake that! ♪ >> for the pbs newshour, jeffrey brown in charlston. judy: something joyful for sure. we sure needed is the newshour for tonight. i'm judy woodruff. join us online and again tomorrow evening. for all of us, thank you, please stay safe, and we will see you soon. [captioning performed by the national caponing institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy.] >> b major funding hasn provided by -- >> cfo. caregiver. eclipse chaser. raymond james financial advisor. taylor's advice to help you live your life. life well planned. >> johnson & johnson. consumer cellular. bsnk -- bnsf railway.
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the kandeda fund. investments in transformative leaders and ideas. ♪ >> the alfred p sloan ♪oundation. >> supported by the john dee and catherine t macarthur foundation, committed to building a more just, verdant, and with the ongoing support of these institutions. this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcastingnd by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. u.thank ♪
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