tv PBS News Hour PBS September 18, 2020 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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>> did evening. -- good evening. we are on the ground in minnesota to mark this new phase in the race to the white house. then, the longest war. peace talks like we have never seen before attempting to end the bloodshed in afghanistan. >> my delegation and i have come to figure out a process to close the gates of war and pain forever. >> and it is friday. work shields and david brooks analyze the politics of th
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>> we will return after the headlines. ruth ginsburg has died. this was due to complications. chief justice roberts said that nation has lost a judge of historic nature and the court has lost a cherished colleague. he described justice ginsburg as a resolute champion of justice. more on the remarkable life for her to do -- >> in my lifetime, i expect to see three, four, perhaps even more women on the high court bench. women not shaped from the same mold but of from complexions.
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>> ruth ginsburg became the second women on the supreme court when she made that prediction. >> serving othis court is the highest honor, the most awesome trust that can be placed on a judge. >> or confirmation in 1983 marked a pinnacle in a legal career that broke gender barriers. she was born ruth bader in brooklyn, new york of austrian descent. she sourced her immigrant roots as a place of streth. >> what is the difference between a bookkeeper and a supreme court justice? >> one generation. my own life bears witness. the difference between the oprtunities available to my mother and those afforded me.
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>> she graduated first in her class from cornell university. that same year, she married martin innsbruck. he became a lawyer and encouraged her to do the same. >> i have had the great good fortune to share life with her partner. a truly extraordinary for his generation. a man from age 18 when we met that a woman's work whether at home or on the job is as important as a man's. >> it was 1956. despite that, she became the first woman to join the prestigious harvard law review and all the while caring for her ung children who were recovering from cancer.
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she ended up transferring to columbia university and graduated at the top of her class. she landed teaching jobs and eventually became the law school's first tenured professor. during the 1970's, she worked with the civil liberties union, arguing six landmark cases on gender equality and winning five of them. >> sex, like race, has beenade the basis for unjustified assumptions presuming a person's ability to perform or contribute to socie. >> in 1980, president carter named ginsburg to the court of peals. it was another milestone moment as she told the newshour in 2016. >> it was not realistic until
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jimmy carter became our president. he said, that is nice, but they all look like me. that is not how the great united states looks. >> ginsburg served on the court for 13 years until president clinton nominated her to the supreme court. she was overwhelmingly -- the senate. >> i, ruth ginsburg, do solemnly swear -- >> and became one of the court's most prolific writers and frequent questioners as well as the senior member of the block. in 1986, she wrote the majority opinion that the all-male virginia institute could not refuse to admit women. in 2000, she strongly disagreed with the bush v board decision that cemented bush's wayne. -- bush's win. still, ginsburg became close
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friends with an ideological opposite. she eulogized him after his death in 2016. >> itech ideas. -- i attack ideas. i do not attack people. some people have a very bad ideas. >> later in life, she gained new supporters. nod to the late robert, notorious b.i.g.. >> notorious b.i.g. and i had something in common. we were both raised in brooklyn, new york. >> she became an unlely
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celebrity, complete shirts and other merchandise bearing her likeness. her life story even made it to the big screen twice. the documentary rbg was released in may of 2019. >> i asked no favor for my sex. all i ask is that they take their feet off our necks. >> it offered a behind the scenes look at her status and the feature film on the basis of sex with felicity jones as ginsburg. >> how will women and men ever become equals? >> privately, ginsburg faced health occasions. she was diagnosed with colon cancer. a decade later, she was treated for angry had a cancer. she underwent a heart procedure.
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then came surgery for lung cancer in 2019. but she never slowed down for long, working out with a personal trainer twice a week. she remained a staunch advocate for women and minorities in the courtroom and on. her prediction came true. she shared the bench with other female justices. sandra day o'connor, sonia sotomayor, and elena kagan. >> when do you think it will be enough? will there be enough women on the court? my answer is when there are nine. [laughter] [applause] >> she had a big personality, that is for sure. marcia is a newshour regular. all of this news is still
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happening. the reaction is pouring in. you have covered justice ginsburg just about more than anybody for decades. he spent time with her, she was sick for a long time. want to get your gut reaction tonight to this news. >> my reaction was on several levels. initially, shock. she had been through so much in recent months that you had a sense she could go on forever. [indiscernible] you're right -- for seven years -- i interviewed at times, we don't become friends because of the journalist relationship, but you do get to know these justices over a period of time and there is a certain amount of
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sadness when they pass. i am also sad because regardless of politics, this is --[indiscernible] both men and women -- [indiscernible] she was an incredible leader before she became a judge. before being on the court, she was a strong voice for women's rights and civil rights in general, so very sad for the country that has that voice -- [indiscernible] i am sure the justices will her loss -- feel her loss. >> indeed, marcia, in a way, she
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speaks from beyond the grave tonight. a statement to her granddaughter on her deathbed saying this. my most fervent wish is that i will not be replaced until a new president is installed. a dying wish. she knew the ideological balance of the court was at stake when she died. >> she made statements that trump before he was elected -- [indiscernible] as far as dying wish, i think many of the justices when they leave the court -- they will be
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[indiscernible] that's -- more than -- any particular feelings about the current president. >> thank you so much for sharing your insights on this momentous evening. we will say the politics will continue and you should continue to follow us on the newshour including our website. majority leader mitch mcconnell says tonight that president trump's nominee will get a vote on the senate floor.
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so a continuing political story and reaction to ruth ginsburg's death. want to turn to today's other news. confirmed covid infections past 30 million, up 10 million over just the past month. the cdc rescinded guidance that had discouraged testing for people who have no symptoms. the new york times reported officials at the health and human services department posted that guidance on the cdc website last month over scientists' objections. thtrump administration is banning the chinese owned tiktok and we chat from u.s. app stores over national security concerns. full restrictions on the video sharing tiktok began november 12. we will get details later the program.
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china stepped up military drills near taiwan today in a major show of force against a u.s.'s visit to taipei. 18 chinese warplanes crossed into the taiwan strait and taiwanese fighters scrambled in response. chinese military officials sternly warned against any meddling there. >> recently, the u.s. and taiwan's ruling party have kept up their collusion and frequently stir up trouble. it is wishful thinking and is destined to be a dead-end. the chinese people's liberation army has firm well, confidence, and sufficient ability to thwart all external interference and separatist acts. back in this country, officials in alabama reported a second death from hurricane sally and people still have no
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electricity. satellite images of coastal alabama from before and after showed homes and other structures almost entirely underwater. governor kay ivey surveyed the area today. >> we knew that hurricane sally had the potential to be a devastating storm. but y'all, it's really bad. i'm sure it could be worse, but from what i have seen this morning in the flyover over goal shores and fort morgan, it is really, really bad. >> meanwhile, a new tropical storm called beta resorting to the greek alphabet after using up this year's official lis of names. this happened just once before in 2005, the year of hurricane katrina. president trump says he is
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sending nearly $13 billion to puerto rico to rebuild the power grid and schools damaged in hurricane maria re-years ago. he had opposed that step until now, citing vocal corruption. the issue has become important in florida, a swing state in the election with a large puerto rican population. wildfires in the west claimed the life of another firefighter. flames there have torched nearly 22,000 acres. on wall street,ech stocks brought the markets lower again. the dow jones industrial average lost 244 points to close at 27,657. the nasdaq fell 117 points. s&p 500 slipped 37. on the battleground, why minnesota could be a key to november as it starts voting today. how the u.s. is trying to take
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down tiktok. music as medicine. doctors turned to strings to help them use scalpels. and much more. ♪ >> this is the pbs newshour. in the west, from the walter cronkite school of journalism. >> as lisa reported, the presidential candidates touched down in minnesota today. special correspondent fred de sam lazaro has our report. >> the dancerseem to defy their age and minnesota's mask mandate. on the accordion, 93-year-old
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florian. >> hey, there we go. >> besides his role in the band, he is kno for his decades as a democratic state senator. he recalls rubbing elbows with big-name minnesota democratic politicians like hubert humphrey. but something changed, he says. >> we never had that relationship after obama came in. that was a disaster. the days of humphrey in this area is over. >> for years, democrats like him have been moving to the right, away from the party on environmental and social issues like abortion and for candidates who have pledged to uphold their way of life. one such candidate, president trump. in 2016, the president lost minnesota by less than two percentage points. he flipped 19 counties that obama won in 2012 and in parts of northern minnesota, the democrats' edge shrink wrote
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dramatic -- shrank dramatically. >> if donald trump wins, we are sunk. we need somebody with empathy, somebody who cares about everybody and not only himself in his pockets. >> cindy is concerned about health care. she has been battling leukemia and her oncologist recommended she leave her job as a nurse. >> it is a big financial difficulty. unemployment will not last forever. i do not know what is going to happen with my health insurance if i do need chemotherapy in the future. how will i pay for it? president trump is trying to get rid of obama care. people like me who have pre-existing conditions, what will we do without health care? [applause] president trump's supporters, the concerns are economic and social. lisa worries about the unrest
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that rocked parts of the state some three hours south of here following the police killing in may of george floyd. >> it is concerning to me that there is lawlessness going on down there. that is concerning. but i know a lot of people that don't even know that that is going on. >> the central issue at this rally is iron mining. an industry that has defined the region's economy dating back on hundred 50 years. in recent times, has been hit by automation and foreign competition and environmental groups have blocked new mining of copper and nickel. that has driven bob for early into the trump camp. he is the mayor of evelyn, the soda, and calls himself a lifelong democrat. >> what move you along to the point where you are now? >> my parents were all jfk democrats. that is the kind of mindset we have always had. the party started drifting, not
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listening. really seemed to get angry when people disagreed. >> he credits president trump and his tariffs on imported steel with stabilizing the economy here. >> people are having confidence. even local businesses, mining companies have done some expansions. it was tough to live here. buy a house, raise a family. now you see the consistency. >> nothing has changed. the iron range of 2016 is almost the same as the one in 2020. >> aaron brown is a northern minnesota author and columnist who has written about politics here for years. we met in the iron range town of hitting -- hibbing. there are now more health care workers then miners in this county. >> they outnumber the minors --
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miners. there was a branding initiative. they did research and came up with a slogan that would be great for the city. they said "hibbing, we're more than ore." the city council and the managers changed the slogan to "hibbing, we're ore and more." >> the presidential election is about much more than mining. >> our environment is being affected. i really feel we need new clean industry in our area. do not want to take evils jobs away. that is not the plan -- we do not want to take people's jobs away. that is not the plan. >> there have been threats on facebook. >> it is hard to watch.
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my multi-generation family rended apart. this place has become less special, more like the rest of the country. >> for the rest of the state. even though the candidates were in northern minnesota today, the election statewide will likely hinge on turnout and the more populous twin cities of minneapolis and st. paul. polling in minnesota puts biden ahead with voters saying that he will do a better job of healing the racial divide and handling the pandemic. >> is reporting is a partnership with the under told stories project at the university of st. thomas in minnesota. ♪ >> as we reported earlier, the
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trump administration is moving forward with plans to ban the popular chinese social media apps, tiktok and wechat. some changes will take effect this weekend but the action will ramp up after the election in the case of tiktok. >> this is what is scheduled to happen. starting on suay, americans will not be able to download tiktok or wechat from app stores. wechat users in the u.s. will not be able to use the app to send messages or payments to family or friends anywhere in the world. there are questions about how this will play out and what is behind this battle between china and trump administration. joining me is nick thompson, the editor-in-chief of wired magazine. he joins me know.
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for millions of americans using these apps, what does this mean for them? >> it means you will not be able to use it. you will not be able to do business there wechat. for people who use tiktok, the changes will not be as dramatic. you just will not be able to download a new version of the app and you will not be able to download it on a new phone. it will not be until november until a real ban comes into effect. tiktok will probably stay, wechat is going away. >> for people who are not following and not familiar, let's talk briefly. wechat is a combination of facebook, twitter, paypal. tiktok is popular with young people, allows you to make and share videos. the allegation that the trump
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administration is making for these actions is that these apps represent a national security threat. explain their argument and what is the evidence behind it? >> the claim is that they collect data. you know where you are, your ip address, all kinds of personal information because you are on your phone in your phone knows your location, it knows things about you. they argue that the chinese government potentially having access to that data is a real risk for americans. the counterargument would be that there is little evidence that the data has gone to the chinese government and data is collected by u.s. social media companies so there is nothing out of the ordinary. there is an argument that the administration could make which. china through tiktok could try to manipulate american politics
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by manipulating the auger rhythm. that would be an interesting allegation. >> to use it to spread information on the platform on the phones of millions of americans. >> yeah. they could do that. >> just to touch back on this issue about the potential of the chinese government going to a chinese owned company and saying, give us your data. for people who do not understand how chinese society works, that is not an unreasonable thing to be afraid of, right? >> that is entirely reasonable to be afraid of. any company has to comply with chinese requests which are often like that. tiktok has tried to set up various firewalls to protect itself, but the trump administration has decided that those firewalls are not sufficient. >> for people following the twisty path it has taken, there was talk of a ban, may be dance
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have to self -- maybe bytedance would have to sell tiktok. what is that stand? >> by dance -- bytedance is likely to control the majority of tiktok and the algorithm, where the american partner would be oracle in would host user data. the data would be in the united states, but oracle would be a minority partner. a much smaller step then what the trump initiation asked for, which was an outright sale of tiktok. >> if the concern is ying to protect american' -- americans' privacy, with that step satisfy that if oracle was holding that information here but tiktok lived in china? does that satisfy that concern?
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>> absolutely. that is a great question. i think that it probably does satisfy that concern. i also think that the fundamental concern is much more one of the general tech war with china. this is a subset of a conversation that has been going on for a couple years when the united states government is trying to crack down on the power of china. china is less open to technology coanies in the united states. and it is splitting into a united states internet and a chinese internet. many people are advocating for it and many people find it extremely dangerous and potentially inefficient. >> just as you are saying, it is being seen -- if you wanted to go about doing this, it seems you would institute a much broader policy that applied to all americans' data rather than aching on one company, two
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companies, three companies -- picking on one company, two companies, three companies. >> if they are really concerned about china, they should have come up with a set of policies and blanket rules instead of charging at tiktok and changing direction, changing the conversation, changing what was required, which has led us into a very strange lacrimal -- whack-a-mole situation. the tech dynamics between the u.s. and china, one of the most important conversations has gotten tangled up in this nasty, crazy, and confusing fight over tiktok. that is a result of american policy that has shifted around in ways that are hard to fathom. >> nick thompson,
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editor-in-chief, thank you for helping us wade through this. >> thanks so much. ♪ >> in a few weeks time, the u.s. will enter the 20th year of war in afghanistan. when the u.s. invaded after 9/11, nearly 3600 american troops have died there and hundreds of thousands of afghans. afghans had also been at war with the soviets and in themselves. now the capital of qatar, the first talks between the afghan government and taliban surgents have begun. first flickers of hope for an end to war. here is nick schifrin. ♪ >> every war must end.
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and if the afghan war and soon, the beginning of the end will be in this conference room. on one side, the democratically elected government. on the other, leaders of the violent insurgency of the taliban. both expressed hope. >> negotiation's may have problems, but we hope the discussions should move forward with patience. >> last weekend's relatively warm words were a good sign for two sites that were fighting to determine the future for two decades. >> the question of the table for negotiation is what is the afghan state owing to look like? >> laurel miller is the international crisis group's negotiator for asia. she says the two sides have to negotiate. >> the next step will be to agree on what the agenda will
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be. >> the afghan government once the agenda to begin with a cease fire. the government says that 1200 people have been killed and 15,000 wounded in just the last six months. >> an immediate cease-fire silencing the guns is what people want. >> nader is a senior advisor to the afghan president. he spoke to us from doha. >> afghans deserve to be heard and deserve a peaceful life, free of violence. >> but violence is the taliban's leverage. they will not agree to a cease-fire before agreeing on a new government that includes them. >> it does not make sense to end 20 years of war in one hour. it would be logical to discuss the main aspects of the problems and finalize a problem so the probm is resolved permanently.
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>> what kind of government does the taliban want? they claim their version of islamic law with austerity, brutality, and subjugation of women and minorities. today, afghanistan's ultimate has a higher percentage of women than the u. congress. within 3 million girls are in school. the taliban recently suggested they could allow female education and politicians, but no female chief justice or president. >> it is not acceptable for me, for my daughters. >> in washington, there is bipartisan worry that the talks will erode human rights. a letter urging any deal to prioritize women's empowerment, but the administration has made clear its priority is withdrawal. >> it is time after all these years to go into bring our people back home.
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>> the u.s. is reducing forces to 4500 by november and has agreed to withdraw all u.s. service members by next april. if the taliban does not harbor al qaeda and continues negotiations. the government had to release 5000 taliban prisoners, some responsible for horrific attacks against afghans and the deaths of u.s. troops. >> we are not happy about that. sometimes, you have to make the hard decisions. >> the lead negotiator has been ambassador khalizad. he has suggested the u.s. wants negotiators to adopt a roadmap. >> you can agree on a set of principles for governance that are your building blocks for that future agreement. that is different than to simply hand away power to some interim
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government with a minimalist roadmap agreement. roadmap to where? unknown. >> we need to have patience and therefore to carefully proceed through it, to not follow certain short timelines and deadlines. but after the u.s.'s longest war reached its 20th year, the military, the administration, and the public support a deal, even if it means some taliban control. >> what it would mean is the most explicit acknowledgment that the u.s. did not win the war in afghanistan. the taliban was sufficiently successful to compel the u.s. to make concessions to that group. >> this week,fghans remover their family members killed by the taliban. this woman lost her son.
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>> i can only forgive if eyewitness lasting -- if i witness lasting peace. there is despete hope for both. >> i am nick schifrin. ♪ >> and now, to help make sense of polics, it is time for the analysis of shields and brooks. hello to both of you. let's start with the president and science. today, he is saying that americans should have access to a vaccine by april, but this is different from what he said yesterday. he was contradicting his own center for disease control director who said it would take months. masks were reported.
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yesterday, the president said that redfield is mistaken. what are we to make of the president's leadership on this? how much does it matter to voters? >> we have had six months of erratic behavior and statements, some completely crazy. many leaders around the world --it is a night and day contrast. we are learning that emails between officials and professors to the cdc to terrorize the scientists. the cdc was created for a moment like this and we understand why they are muted because there was essentially a campaign of intimidation to get the scientists at the cdc to not say what they believe. it is not only the administration, but the
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semi-competent or incompetent brutes in the middle of the administration. >> mark, what does this add up to at this point? >> in a political sense, it is bad for the president. this is an issue. of which the president is running 2-1 behind joe biden as to who is better on it. every time donald trump talks about it in that sense, he hurts himself because he is talking about an issue in which he is not -- has very little public evidence. the second factor is for a vaccine to be effective, it has to be confidence and trust in the american people. the last poll i shot, 51% of americans at this point because of all that has gone on and all
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the sniping and criticizing and sabotaging that david described has resulted in 51% that would definitely tak the vaccine. a vaccine is of no value unless everyone takes it. it has been disastrous. >> david, what are the american people to believe? it is not just the american's -- the president's statements, it appears to be political interference. nih officials throughout the administration, department of health and human services should say, apparently tinkering with the website of the cdc. giving advice that is counter to what others have said, scientists have said. what are the american people to believe? >> there are credible witnesses out there at the nih, and he has
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been strong. he is not letting the administration -- redfield has been more aggressive recently. fauci has been strong throughout. there is a sense that people who run these institutions whose honor is in -- are beginning to stand up and the people can trust those leaders. it is mostly the vacuum in the white house. most of what we know about covid is not brain science. it is a hard. -- not hard. there is a sense that we are all for the new accountable. that has been lacking for six months. >> does not have longer-lasting -- does that do longer-lasting damage? >> it does, judy. i am not saying science has been
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politics. it has not. but it has been partisan politics in this country, especially in visions that you have mentioned. nih and cdc. it is a pattern. i cannot think of a single public institution that is strengthened, embellished, enhanced by this administration where public trust, public confidence has been increased. it is a terrible indictment. just in a class political sense, it is a disaster for donald trump. he is just in matter of expectations, the debates are coming up, joe biden is leading every poll for every month since january over donald trump. the debates are his best chance. george bush people in 2000 going against al gore laid out that al
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gore was a world-class debater, and -- so when george bush showed up and did pretty well, he did better than expected, it was a victory. instead, running against joe biden, donald trump instead of saying that joe biden was vice president twice, crushed paul ryan, the goln boy, he is saying dumb joe, sleepy joe. he has lowered expectations so when joe biden shows up in town hall and is coherent, lucid, empathetic, it is a victory for him. i do not understand what donald trump is doing. he is making himself the issue. >> david, is joe biden's message getting through?
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>> there is a starker working-clas message. they did not go after working-class voters and -- in places like pennsylvania. democrats are doing well all of a sudden in places like wisconsin, minnesota, arizona, but things are tightening in pennsylvania and florida and somehow there's a little drainage for biden. he is going down in trump is going up. it has shifted to a much more populist rhetoric. that is the rhetoric obama used against romney years ago and it worked for obama. i think moving to a little more -- this is a class of a rich guy. this has to hit harder than it has been hit so far. >> we have seen some polls
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moving around in different directions, but mark, you mentioned biden's message about how he came across last night. is his message coming through? the president clearly is getting a lot more coverage because he is simply generating used by the hour. >> he is, but has it been good news? >> i agree with david that joe biden's message has been at her and shopper. understand this about his campaign. he won one major primary in south carolina and then breezed to the nomination. he did not have a battle tested in his campaigns in the background states. they never got to those contests. there has been a shakedown crui se, we're seeing that. as far as joe biden himself, i think he' more comfortable as he talks about scranton.
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the more he is joe scranton, the better for the democrats. it is that simple. >> we are thinking about that. after the president though, david. last night, yesterday, he gave remarks where he brought up patriotic education and he railed against any effort to teach more about black american history, slavery, to emphasize that in america's classrooms. is that an issue that can punch through to voters in this election? >> i think it is an issue. there is a kernel of truth to the problem hidentifies. it is a truth that some of the ideas of race history has gone into the american schools. the idea that society is essentially a power struggle between groups and that words are really masks for its
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abilities. -- civilities. it is spreading around american culture. the solution to it is to have civics education and education that tells an accurate story, showing america's sins and glories. i think this issue is a powerful one. people look around and see some people saying that america is fundamentally a land of genocide and slavery. it is, but it is not all that. they see the patriotism that they hold dear are run down. this has been a core of trump's message, and politically he is not crazy to unfurl it again. >> there was just yesterday a bipartisan piece of legislation introduced in congress to
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promote civic education. in a way, the opposite of what the president is talking about. you think the president can be effective with this emphasis? >> i don't. it is propaganda that he is proposing. remarkable country funded by remarkable individuals who had flaws. serious flaws. but we have been a se-correcting country. and we continue that in the process. it has been painful, bloody, but nobody has done it better than the united states of america. in my judgment. i really look at this and say that the effort by politicians
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on civic education on capitol hill is a serious effort. it is important that students understand the obligations as well as the incredible rights of being an american citizen. >> no question. we all have to be thinking about education and decided at the local level. we will let one of you go into the -- answer the telephone. thank you. ♪ and now, we continue our tribute to those lost to covid-19. it is our 23rd friday doing this. as the u.s. approach is a grim milestone of 200,000 lives lost. tonight, we recognize five more.
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yolanda lived by the mantra be exceptional. when she died at 40, she was studying for her masters in nursing. while at the hospital, she met her husband of nearly 10 years. they quickly bonded over their sorority and fraternity memberships. lively and outgoing, yolanda never sat still. she loved the outdoors and attending baseball games with her two sons. nina popvova lived to dance. her talent took her to new york in 1939 when she joined the original ballet russe. she performed on broadway, danced what is today the american ballet theatre and served as the artistic director of the houston ballet.
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her daughter said she had a strong personality. she was 97 years old. growing up in tuscaloosa, alyson matthews was an expert in alabama football. she went to law school but never practiced. she wasn't able to give up her career as a medical social worker in a nursing home. despite her loyalty to the crimson tide, the 48-year-old fell in love with an auburn fan. they married in 2018 after nearly 20 years together. bernard filsaime committed his life to activism for immigrant rights. he was a student activist in new york when he met his wife of more than 40 years. they moved to miami and helped create theaitian refugee center in the 1980's. in 2000, he launched a company to provide cell phone service
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throughoutaiti. he always had time for family. the 67-year-old was warm, gave sage advice,nd frequently smiled here to hear -- ear to ear. felicia campbell was always looking for adventure and risk, her daughter said. she wrote her dissertation on gambling and embarked on a 30 day trek in pakistan in her early 50's. her daughter described her as funny, opinionated, and strong. the longest-serving professor at the university of nevada las vegas, she was preparing to teach this fall at 89 years old. ♪ we want to think family member -- thank family members. our hearts go out to you.
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and that is the newshour for tonight. have a safe weekend. thank you and good night. >> major funding has been proved by -- >> with fidelity wealth and management, a dedicated advisor canailor advice and recommendations to your life. that is fidelity wealth and management. ♪ >> consumer cellular. johnson & johnson. finaial services firm raymond james. the william and flora foundation, for more than 50 years advancing ideas and supporting institutions to promote a better world. ♪ >> supporting entrepreneurs and
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their solutions to the most pressing problems. ♪ >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions. ♪ and friends of the newshour. ♪ this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. ♪ this is pbs newshour west from our bureau at the walter cronkite school of journalism at arizona state university. ♪
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tonight on kqed newsroom, we dive into the state of climate change denial is a man america, and the readiness of green solutions to take over for fossil fuels. berkeley and yale share their research with us. across california businesses are beginning to reopen, and economists give us a look at what the change means for the state, while business owners show the struggles of holding onto his james in these uncertain times. welcome to kqed newsroom, i am point. more than 18,000 firefighters are fighting 27 places that have already burned 3.4 million
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