tv PBS News Hour PBS January 8, 2021 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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♪ judy: good evening. i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight, the aftermath. i capital police officer dies after injuries sustained in the violent insurrection inspired by the president, as serious talknt of impeachme emerges. then, the worsening crisis. the coronavirus claims more than 4,000 americans in a single day as the vaccinationampaign struggles to keep pace. plus, the biden agenda. we talk with the woman the president-elect taps to help find ways to heal americs' economic pain. it is friday. david brooks and jonathan capehaert look back on the
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>> csumer cellular, financi services firm raymond james, johnson & johnson. >>oh the jn s. and james l knigh t communities. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutions -- and, this pegram was m possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. judy: thehaos that engulfed washington this week has taken yet another tragic turn.
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th it, momentum is building to oust a sitting president and the final days of his iorm. congressl correspondent lisa desjardins begins our coverage. sa:heressure is building on president trump in the wake of wednesday's assault on the u.s. capitol, especially after a capitol hill police r died of his injuries overnight. law enforcement officials said officer brian sicknick was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. he was the fifth death overall, linked to the mob attack by trump supporters. another was ashli babbt, seen re in video released by "the washington post" confronting capitol police outside the house chamber. moments later, an officer beyond the doors fired shots, fatally b woundibitt. today it fed growing demands , largely by democrats to impeach mr. trump in his last two weeks in office for inciting violence. congressman al green of texas has brought up impeachment
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and the senate can take up the repeatedly in recent years. >> the presidehe can be impe this can be sent to the senate posthaste. the senate but only has to have e will to move forward and have a trial! lisa: house speaker nancy pelosi is calling for the cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment. declaring the president unfit f and removing hm power. vice president mike pence has so far indicated he won't support the move, something that would be required for it to happen. if so, house democrats could introduce articles of impeachment monday. in the senatmajority , republicans were nearly unanimous in backing mr. trump during his first impeachment, a year ago. but nebraska senator ben sasse said today he would consider voting to convict, this time. >> donald trump has been in flagrant dereliction of his duty and he will be remembered for ving incited this and fo having drawn more division into an already divided people. lisa:n i wilmington, delaware, president-elect 'le biden said leave any impeachment process to congress. pres.- elect biden:f were
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six months out, we ould be moving everything to get him out of office, impeaching him again. invoke -- trying to invoke t 25th amendment, whatever it took to get him out of office. i am focused now on us taking control as president and vice president on the 20th, and t m get our agening as quickly as we can. lisa: meanwhile president trump , returned to twitter now that the temporary ban on his account has been lifted. in a video message last night, he condemned those he said had defiled the seat of american democracy. he also acknowledged his fight to stay in power is over. pres. trump: to all of my wonderful supporters, i know you are disappointed but i also want you to kw that our incredible journey is only just beginning. lisa:tw today hted he will not be attending presidentelect biden's inauguration on january 20th.e st president who refused to attend a successor's inauguration was andrew johnson in 1869. he, too, had been impeached and
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survived a senate trial. in a separate tweet, mr. trump also declared his supporters will have, " quote,a giant vase long into the future "there will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form." wbut speaker peloned that the president himself remains ag in the here and now. she put out word that she had called the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general mark milley about preventing the weapons or launchieruclear attacks. she reportedly told house democrats later that milley gave her assurances. there were also more arrests today including richard barnett, , the colorado man seen with his feet on speaker pelosi's des judy: and now lisa joins me along with our nick schifrin.ot hello toof you. so much to ask you about. lisa first. if the 25th amendment is not going to be invoked, what do prospects look like for impeachment? lisa: this is gaining momentum
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as speaker pelosi put out any it looks like this. they're preparing possible articles in of impeachment. there are different versions beg drafted. one charge could be incitement to insurrection. the schedule for that could be those articl are introduced as soon as monday. if that happens, the earliest av housee could happ would be wednesday. we need to watch that carefully. we have interesting developments on the senate side. alaska senator lisa muowski, republican, is calling for the president to resign. she says if he does not, she will consider her allegiance to the repuican party. that could change the balance of power in the senate if she doesn't. it is a strong threat. the concept of could the president be impched leaving office, there is precedence for
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this. the seetary of war under grant was impeached after leaving office. was not convicted for a variety ofea reason, but was ied. there is precedent and it is something they are talking about. judy:e you w back at the capital today. tell us what security is like right now and what more are you learning about what went wrong with security on wednesday. -- wednesday? lisa: i want to show you pictur on capil hill. ere is a seven foot fence. that is lining all of constitution avenue. you can see the broken glass at the capital. that is the front door i witnesd in crashed into. workers putting u drapery for inauguration. don't kn security details yet, but that is happening.
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pomp and circumstances going up. what went wrong? officers saying there were not enough people. and about officer sicknick, who was killed, he was very popular and well-liked. our condolences to his family. judy: such a tragedy. nick, we heard in lisa's reporting that speaker pelosi did call the chairman of the t chiefs of staff today tell us what that is all about. nick: the speaker applied political concern she has been voicing about the president to she told her caucus she called chairman milley because "i have
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concerns trump may initiate hostilities, he is so unstable." ares assured there safeguards in place. i asked the joint staff f response, and a spokesman would only say, speaker pelosi initiated a call with the chairman. he answered questions regarding the process of nuclear command authority. it is extraordina that the president's authority would b raised and theyould acknowledge it was discussed. the last time we know senior officials have conversations like thisas the end of the nixon administration. judy: it is extraordinary. are there safeguards in place that wouldnt pre president trump from ordering a nuclear strike? are speaker pelosi's concerns warranted? nick:nt the presias sole
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authority to launch a nuclear weapon. there is a debate. the experts say there are not safeguards described this scenario. if the predent decides to launch a weapon against a legitimate military target preapproved by lawyers and the president orders military officers to execute, that would -- the only thing preventing the launch would be the discretion of officers that work within the system to carry out the presideno's orders. rs say it is impossible. they say senior administration ciofs would belong in france before any launch and senior officials would n authorize an attack and argue that was illegal. senior national security ficials who work for tru tommy trump does not want
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nuclear war. they acknowledge the con of nuclear weapons is designed for scenario where the president responds to an attack. judy: it is a relief to hear you citing what people around the astonishing we aressingut it is this right now. thank you both very much. judy: with momentum building on capitol hill for impeaching president trump for the second time, we're joined by majority whip james clyburn. he is the third highest ranking democrat in the house of representatives where impeachment articles wou be introduc.
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he is in his home state of south carolina. weare -- speaker pelo i say if theyt move to invoke the 25th amendment, impeachment could take place. do youn believe it will hap next week? rep. clyburn: i certainly hope so. we have been talking to members. there is strong bipartisan it -- bipartisan sentiment to impeach this president. will give us a tool for removal and protecting the integrity of our democracy. this president needs the that impeachment wil give him. judy: the grounds we have seen on at least one of the articles that we have been reading from gurious members essentially says
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the president ity of incitement to insurrection. is that what you see the house moving forward on? rep. clyburn: there are several members who have come up with various articles they would like to see considered. ti expectre would be more than one. hopefully no more than three. i thinwhat the president did prior to the election in georgia was really impeachable. that is one of the considerations given. what he did, trying tepressure a st official to some way overturn the will of the voter, that to me is as impeachable as anhing he said to those
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people. judy: you are referring to the call to the georgia secretary of state where he asked to find votes to change the outcome. the president is otly in office r 11 days. i heard you say it would affect if he could run again, serve again. might this end up encouraging the s people who alreaport the president to be more fiercely supportivein if they democrats are trying to take him down? rep. clyburn: i don't believe we run the country that way. there are certain norms we have to get here too, certain laws we have to obey. we cannot say because there are political consequences, l t's
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not t. that is not thee way to run country. we need to do what needs to be done to protect the integrity of this democracy. one is to impeach this president. the more i read this stuff, the more things open up mean. -- open up to me. when issuing pardons, i unllrstand the president has sorts of authority, but one exception is in cases of impeachment. now he is talking aboutpa oning himself. if he is attempting to aardon himsel his impeached, that may answer the question for us to whether or not h can pardon himself.of there are a lohings to look at do -- toer dne what to do to protect this democracy.
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nancy pelosi has beenng tal to the military about what may or may not need to be done to keep us from getting in internationao lict. this president demonstrated time and again no respect for the dignity of that office. he does anything he thinks necessary to protect himself, including taking this country to war. that to me isg worth us gett involved. with impeachment in the house a second time, even if votes arete not in the seo convict? rep. clyburn: absolutely. it said to be impeached. the house impeaches. the senate convicts if i jus check the reading, it just says impeachment. i think it is worth doing.
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he has always said he wants to be doing things that have never been done before. no president has ever been impeached a second time before. he can at least do one thing he said he wanted to do, something one else has done. judy: this has been a terrib week with the assault on the u.s. capitol and the members that serve in the u.s. congress. what is t going be your most enduring memory of this wednesday? rep. clyburn: mine most enduring memory would be the conversations i saw takingce p between nancy pelosi and mitch mcconnell when were bunker down. i saw how the government ought to work. nancy and mitch coming togher,
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saying what we had to do to get back to the capital, on the floor, continuing what is necessary to have a peaceful transfer of power. judy: it is a historic week. the majity whip in the u.s. house es representativ, congressman james clyburn, thank you. rep. clyburn: thank you. ♪ stephanie: i am stephanie sy with newshour west. we will return to the rest of the program after these headlis. major tech companies are confrontg the surge of posts. saying his statements could inspire more violent attks. the president found a loophole
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ands tweeted from official government account and said he would not be silenced while accusing twitter of being a radical left platform. twitter removed those posts within minutes. the social network parler has been removed from apple's app store. the relentless surge in covert infections hasorced more businesses to lay off workers. employers sd -- the first monthly decrease since april. the economy still has nearly 10 million feweref jobs thane the pandemic. the unemployment rate in december remained at 6.7%. president-elect biden has plans for a newkatimulus p next week. from delaware he said the latest numbers make it more urgent than ever. pres.- elect biden: the jobs report is a pandemic report.
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with the pandemic raging, people are losing wk and losing hope. the bottom line is the job report shows we need to provide more immediate relief for working families and businesses now. stephanie: the president-elect also introduced rhode island'a governor gimondo as his choice for commerce secretary, the mayor of boston, marty walsh will be the nominee fo will be the nominee for, secretary of labor. and isabel guzman is the pick to lead the small business administration. north korean leader kim jong-un has threatened to expand his nuclear arsenal over what he dubbed "hostile" american policy. kim rid he won't use nucl weapons unless so-caesed hostile fose theirs first against north korea. in indonesia a radical islamic cleric was released toter serving a 10 year prison militants.amist abu bakar bashir was linked to the 2002 bali bombing that p killed 2ple. supporters welcomed him back to his hometown, and police said
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they will monitor his activities. lbashir is now 82 and in hall of fame baseball manager tommy lasorda has died in fullerton, california oa heart attack at the age of 93. lasorda led the dodgers to two world series titles in his 71 years with the franchise and later became an ambassador for the game. still to come, coronavirus claims over 4000 americans in a day as the vcination campaign struggles. the president nomates members of his cabinet, signaling priorities. dad brooks and jonathan capehart share their thoughts on .s.s momentous week in history.♪ >> this is pbs newshour west from weta studios in wasngton
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and from our bureau at the walter cronkite school of journalism at arizona state university. ♪ >> you are watching pbs. judy: with theves of the last few days, the impact of covid has been pushed offp the f the news, but the virus is not letting up. thdeath toll has passed 360 5000 in the u.s., nearly 130,000 people are w hospitalizedh it now. the best hope for moving past theas pandemic, vaccinations, is going slower than expected. t cananie sy looks at w be don stephanie: good evening. another grim milestone was passed in the u.s. today. only deaths from covid9 top 4000 for the hot -- first time. the highest number in arizona. the shaky rollout of the vaccine has yet to put a dent in the surge.
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today we learned to the incoming biden administration is planning a new strategyo release all available vaccine to critics say it could delay the second dose whicthe fda advised against. gotten the first dose and that 6includ,000 in long-term care facilities. the director of the vaccine center, dr. offit, think you for being with us. is it a good idea to release and administervery dose possible right now? dr. offit: i think they're making a big bet, and unnecessary bet. they are sayg, we know the two doses ofed vaccine ind 95%
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protection. tone doses givee weeks after, or four wks depending on the company. they are saying we will put allu dose they are assuming they can mass-produce, mass distribute en masse mass administer the second dose in a timely manner where you are setting tond dose three or four weeks later. what worries me, it might be or three months later or worse, that some people would not get a vaccine at all. we know the second dose is critical to inducing an excellentse immune respnd likely longer-lasting result. given w how much trouble the making the vaccine, putting it all out there and hoping youth n gesecond dose and time i think disrupts the program and couldo more harm than good. stephanie: a biden administrati official, they
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are depending on manufacturing continuing to ramp up. moderna told the wall street journal they are ramping u to 600 million doses this year, 10o millio than planned. if that is theca case and the manufacture at this pace, could they keep the second dose schedule and would you change your opinion? dr. offit: that assumes there arein no glitche manufacture, which history tells us is not a good idea. it is not only a novel vaccine in the sense we have noer o commercial vaccines with an m approach beforerna. molecule has not been scaled upwards. i hope there are right and we mass produce, distribute and adnister in a way people do not lose time getting the second dose. that could be concerning given how much problem we have had
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before. stephanie: we have had other experts this wk saying given the surge we are seeing, this w variant, it is time to nsider freeing up more doses. someone said to us this week the data he had seen showed the first dose could 80% to 90% effective. this is confusing, could you? clear it up? dr. offit: it is a two dose vaccine. there is time between doses. you can see with the pfizer vaccine there was 50% efficacy. that is when you have an immune response. you don't know it true for two, three months later.
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when you look at the phase one studies, tre is a dramatic boost with the second dose. the first dose does not compare favorably to the immune response weee in convalescence for people who survived the infection. wthat is companies went to a second dose. otherwise we a could have ha one dose vaccine. you e taking on unnecessary risk. stephanie: millions of doses have been distributed, yet they are sitting on pharmacy shelves and hospital storage. what can be done to mmoe this rollou efficient, get it into more people's shoulders? dr. offit: h wee enough trouble giving a first dose now. we are asking the publi health system to do something it is not equipped to do, we have to find
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way to get this vaccine in stadiums, auditoriums, line volunteers.his and get get money that allows us to do this. that is what i wish we could focus on, instead of putting people at risk of a delayed or not getting a second dose. all that dramatin immuneinduce response, and some people might behave in a manner where they ink they are protected but aren't. judy: -- stephanie: we are still waiting for the plans. the devil may be in those details. thank you. judy: a
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is preparing to change the federal response to covid, he is about to inherit an economy that may be slowing down the jobs report was the worst in eight months and the economic sluggishness is connected with the surge of covid and effortsit to sto cecilia rouse has been nominated -- is his nominee to be the chair of the president's council of economic advisors. e joins me now. thank you for being with us. this in ministrations will begin with a soaring stock market, but as we just said, with the loss of jobs in december of 140 thousand, what shape is the u.s. economy in? cecilia: it is very clear from the jobs reportnd other indicators that the economy is struggling. this is a dramatic reminder before the economy can get back to full health, we need to
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control the pandemic. this is further evidence we are struggling. judy: when the president-elect sa he will be asking congress for the financial wherewithal to deal with the virus, what does that mean? how much money will you be asking for and for what purpose? cecilia: until we get the pandemic under control, economy will struggle. we have to help households, minimize harm to individuals, businesses and states. the package congress passed is important to get to the next stage, but it isenust a down pa we know individuals need additional support. the unemployment rate is likely to be elevated.
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states are struggling. we can see the vaccine rollout in termssp of first ders. we need to getch ts back into schools. state and local governments los0 jobs and teachers, losses of 20,000. in order for women to get back to work, we know children have to get back to school. the president-elect will be putting together a package to dress various concerns to help us get to the other side of this pandemic. judy: will one of the first things be that $1400 additional to get to the $2000 democrats were pushing up until republicans put a stop to it? cecilia: the president-elect today said he was committed to ensuring that we provide those dict payments to ensure th can pay the bls, rent, put food on the table.
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yes, he would like eo complete thort. judy: yet youave democrats like senator joe manchin and others worried whether those payments a targeted enough, saying he is worried about spending more than the government can afford. how confident are you you can get that through? cecilia: i am part of the economic team. hope congress understands that in order to get back on the path of economic health and ensure we have growth out of thismi pan , we need to households, provide relief to businesses, and state and local governmen. judy: this pandemic is taking longer to work through then i think anybody expected. the numbers are getting wor. how do you foresee doing that?
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the president is talk -- the ngpresident-elect is talbout a bigger package in the spring that would get into issues like hofrastructure. much can you get done given the needs? cecilia: right now we have to dress the pandemic and provide relief for families,s but that just a life raft. if we're going to get back to shore and have a healthy economy , not only do we have to provide relief now, but ensure as w rebuilding the economy, everybody can participate. hence the efforts around infrastructure. we have serious means in our country. investments in infrastructure ar good investments and put people to work. they are foundations of growth. those are smart investments.
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we do not want to be spending money to spend money. isthe strateg to get to the other side and make investments that will encourage growth as our economy builds back. judy: the refrain we hear from republicans is th biden will raise taxes, just wait for it to happen is that part of the plan? how much in taxes and on what cecilia: the president-elect is committed to making investments in the smart way and recognizes it is not just a spending spree and that we have to be mindful of how tpay for investments,pe ally those more permanent. he looks forward to working witi congress t sources of revenue. there will be hard choices, but these are important in order to ensure the economy continues to grow and flourish for all americans. judy: much more to talk about.
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i do want to ask you about your role. you are the first black person to occupy this role as chairman of the president's council of economic advisers. what does that mean to you and the country? cecilia: it is really an honor for me. thiss my third time in washington. i started at the nationalic econ center and was a member of obama's economic advisers. they provide the president and his administration with objective, evidence-based policymaking that underscores the administration. it is an honor to be nominated to have such a role. l -- i look forward to ensuring policies are evidence based and help all americans participate
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and flourish in our economy. ju: cecilia rouse, thank you so much for talking with us. cecilia: thank you so much for having me.♪ judy: we mark this momentous n ek with the next chapter newshour tradition. brooks and capehart. analyst david brooks, new york times columnist is jonathan capehart, columnist for the the sunday show on msnbc and successor to mark shields. jonathan, welcome to the newshour. it is a long tradition. you join us.
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we are sad to say, on a weekhe that is one of worst in washington history and american history, with this assault on the capital. jonathan. start with you, how are you processing what happened? jonathan: thank you for the welcome and i want to thank mark shields for setting an incredible example that i hope tot every friday. this has been an incredible week. i am still processing what happens. i am not surprised by what happened given who the president is and his track record over the last four years in terms of inciting. a brand of domestic terrorists
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storming the citadel of american democracy, brazenly breaking into the u.s. capitol, the senatehamber, and that iconic photo on the front page of the owashington post aer papers around the country of law enforcement officers inside the house of representatives, pointing their guns at the doors d seeing the faces of the people trying to burst inside. these are images the american people never thought they would see in their country and in their nation's capital --capitol . judy: david, as you are reflecting on this, what you thinking? david: it felt like a desecration. this is our holy of the holies. usually you come in in awe. you go in with a sense of reverence and respect.
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to see it trashed physically and molly, it produces a bone wearying sadness. to pick up on the images, the guns on the floor, that wolfman shaman guy, people scaling the walls of the chamber, the confederate flag being carried down the hallways of the u.s. capitol, these are shocking images after four years of mo fl degradatio the country and humiliation. i end on the upbeat sote, a report nationaluasmen capitol in the rotunda today and these guys were in awe. they were young men who had never been there and were so proud of their democracy. that is what america really is, i hope. judy: ot is good to pi something that is uplifting as
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we move on from this, but the repercussions are enormous. condemnation raining down on ump for calling for his supporters to come to washington, for urging them to take on the capitol, urging them to reject the election results. there was a poll on npr. we asked peoplef trump was to blame. was, is he to blame, 63%.result not much, 35%. en0% of republicans agreed the president is to blame. where do we go from here? there i talk of impeachment, serious talk in a couple days, invoking the 25th amendment.
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what should happen? jonathan: something should happen, the president should be held accountable. it dats notr he has 12 days left. he needs to be held accountable for what he incited on wednesday. if thatem meansing him from office, so be it. it does not look like that will happ. the vice president has made it clear he is not interested in that. you try to remove him by impeachment, but as jim clyburn said in the interview with you, the emphasis in the houses on impeachment. impeaching president trump for the second time in his first term i think is a hiliation and a negative branding of his administration that would be ll deserved precisely because of what he did to trash e u.s.
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capitol, trash our american democracy, and show he has neither reverence for nor the office of the presidency. judy: david, how do you see this question ofhat should happen with the president? david: i do not support the 25th amendment. the problem is, he is not incapacitated. i would on the merits support iimpeachmeneding with -- if sending an invading force is not teachable, i do not know what is. if the senate was deliberating, it would be an active head, which might restrain him in his final days in office. it is highly unlikely the senate would convict. the fallback position could be censuring him under article 3 of the 15th amendme which prohibits someone who has
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incited violence from running for federal governmenit would -- reducesas roln intimidator and reduces the option of him running again in 2024, which he does not deserve the standing to do. judy: i should add twitter already stepped in. we just learned they permanently blocked president trump. he will not be able to use twitter anymore. i know some people areskg, why now after four years? but this is a step twitter is taking. so many republicans in the house of representatives, 138 of them, voted to block the electoral iote results that had joe biden winning the ele in other words, rejecting biden 's win.
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this is part of the fallout from this. where does this leave the republican party, the biden presidency with this rejection of him as he takes office? jonathan: the republican party is destroyed. 138 house republicans voted for the objection, b the key thing is, they voted for tha objection after the capitol was invaded by seditionists. that tells me a lot about the people sitting in the house. and eigh senators voted for the objections after what happened earlier that day wednesday. senators ted cruz and josh hawley especially should be ashamed of whathey did to that chamber and to our democracy,
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doing wh they didth and what areoing. when icomes to the republican party, they have a lot of when it comes to president-elect hyden -- biden, even if wednesday had not happened, he would sti have a 50-50 senate, with vice president harris casting the tie-breaking vote, his governing ability was already going to be constrained. if there is one possible silverlining that could come out of what happened wednesday, what happened on january 6 was so shocking to the conscience of more than a few republicans on capitol hill that it will shock them into getting back to work,e
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use this nation has a lot of issues that need to be attended to. top of mind, the coronavirus pandemic. ase keep breaking death toll averages every day, including today. judy: david, touching on what jonathan said, lis murkowski said shes considering whether she should even stay in the party. what about where this leaves the republican party and where our government is as joe bidenke prepares to ffice? david: here is where jonathandi and i have ougreement. i do not think the republican party is destroyed. it is 50-50. my hope is that will break the fever. this is a couple days in ich lisa murkowski, chris christie,
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three governors have called for the resignation. we had the wall street editorial calling for the resignation of a republican president. mitt romney was heroic wednesday, ben sasse is coming out. finally at this late hour after having their offices inveped, a lot oflicans are saying, this has gone crazy. i do think finally at thisate hour, and they will get no praise from this, they are saying we have to redirect our party. nuer of people are thinkg about cooperating with impeachmt hearings on the republican side. 80% of republicansenppose what ha wednesday. that is at least good news. this is not t end of the republican party, but i hope it is the ind -- i hope when the trumpist fever broke. judy jonathan, i will give you
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the last worin 30 seconds. what jim clyburn said.- back to onend of hising memories drom wednesday, saying pelosi and schumer hudd together figuring out how to get back to work. jonathan: i hope they get back to work. thisountry has a lot of issues and problems to be worked on. from the coronavirus pandemic to the economy, to infrastructure, to the climate, climate change, there is a lot of work to do. can talk to each other, i hopey that is something that happens publicly, so there is a signal sent to the entire nation that we will work together and get through this. judy: i am being told i mheard congressman clyburn, that he
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said need seem it al nancy pelosing with mitch mcconnell. it.t is my bad and i mheard i think the point is pramty much the thank you both very much, jonathan capehart, david brooks, thank you. ♪ judy: as we mark anothere milest daily deaths this week we remember five individuals who have lost thr lives to covid-19. >> ♪ soon it is going to rain judy: rosemary collins loved to sing, whether it was showtunes -- >> ♪ these are a few of my favorite things ♪
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judy: or christmas carols at her family annual holiday party, where she harmonized with her husband and two children, all musicians. the daughter of teachers, rosemary followed in her parent's footsteps and taughtoi middle school in pinellas countyflorida for 15 years. whether she was teaching or hosting a party, rosemary was warm, gregarious and easy to befriend, her sister said. she was 51 years old. john krawiec was a survivor, journalist, and teacher. nazi concentration camps andd later in life taught students about the war at the illinois holocaust museum. for 18 years, the decorated journalist was the editor of the polish daily paper in chicago. john was a histo and geography
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buff, a fily man who often said about his life "i drank , good scotch with good friends." he was 101 years old. sybil robins was driven and entrepreneurial, with an eye for spotting unique and exquisite arts and crafts. born in brooklyn, new york sybil , was a longtime student of ar history, and eventually opened a craft gallery in scarsdale. she showcased work that reflected her extensive travels around the world with her husband of 65 years and their son. generous and altruistic, sybil regularly volunteered her time and collections for auctions and charities. she was 86 years old chris miller had many talents. he was a star athlete, a leader at his church, a gifted welder and artist, but cooking was his true passion. he dreamed of one day opening
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his own restaurant with an anventive menu fusing asia italian flavors. at austin college in texas, the 21-year-old chose business administration for his major , eager to learn how restaurants succeed. humble and kind, chris stood six feet tall, but was a gentle giant to his friends and family, off his back to ann need.e shirt nelly sfeir gonzalez dedicated her life to her five sons, her family said. she was active and imaginative, and quick to make frnds. iea strong br in education, the bolivian native had a three decade career at the university of illinois library, where she was an accomplished librarian and bibliograp tr. she also w founding editor of the bolivian studies journal. nelly was 90 years old ♪ judy: to all those who have
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passed, our hearts go out to your loved ones, and everyone whhas lost a loved one this week. ♪ we have exactly what you need washington week where our very own yamiche alcindor will pick up the where we left off as she moderates a discussion of thiswe extraordinar. and online right now, the latest episode of our podcast america, interrupted. i talk with our owlisa desjardins, amna nawaz and yamiche alcindor about covering the attack on the capitol this week. what they saw, and what they an other americll remember aboutt this mom history. you can listen on our website,, or wherever
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you get your podcast. that is the newshour for tonight. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by -- ♪ >> consumer cellular. johnson & johnson, financial services firm raymond james. bnsf railway. the william and flora hewit foundation, for more than years advancing ideas and solutions for a better world at >> sporting social entrepneurs, skoal foundation. >> and with the ongoing support of these institutis.
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dsand, frif the newshour. this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. ♪ >> this is pbs newshour west from weta studios in washington and from our bureau at the walter cronkite school of university.rizona state ♪
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did skin color make a difference in the police response to the dc? the district attorney absays, lutely, yes. he gives us his strategy for a more equitable justice system. the vaccine is here. the distribution has been slo we are on the verge of another tidal wave of infections in california. we round up the big political stories from calls for the impeachment of president trump to a recall effort against governor newsom. we listened to something musical,a version of georgia on my mind.
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