tv PBS News Hour PBS January 13, 2021 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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♪ judy: good evening, i'm judy woodruff. on the newshour tonight. incitement to insurrection. the u.s. house of representatives votes to impeach president trump for fomenting the violent mob that attacked congress. questions remain. the delayed response by the pentagon and national guard to the riot at the capital --capitol raises questions about security ahead of the inauguration. covid's long shadow. dr. scramble to discover why many survivors experience severe symptoms far beyond their initial sickness. >> my experience has been intense, acute illness, followed
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by continued acute illness for months on end. it has been six months now i have been sick. judy: all that and more on "pbs newshour." ♪ >> major funding for the "pbs newshour" has been provided by -- ♪ ♪ >> moving our economy for 160 years. bnsf, the engine that connects us. ♪ >> consumer cellular, johnson &
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johnson financial services firm raymond james. >> supporting social entrepreneurs and their solutions to pressing problems. >> supported by the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation, committing to building a more just, verdant and peaceful world. and, with the ongoing support of these institutions. this program was made possible
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by public broadcasting and contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. judy: it has been only seven days since a mob stormed the u.s. capitol. today, the eyes of america were again on the capitol building, as the u.s. house of representatives impeached president trump on a charge of instigating the assault. lisa desjardins reports on how this historic day unfolded. lisa: the u.s. capitol still a recovering crime frame today saw more extraordinary history, as the democratic-lighthouse moved with speed to impeach a president and for an unprecedented second time. >> he must go. he is a clear and present danger to the nation we love. >> it is about getting the president, no matter what. it is an obsession.
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lisa: all of this connected to the riot that embroiled the capitol one week ago, killing five, injuring dozens. president trump encourage supporters to march to the capital, these words inciting violence. pres. trump: we fight like hell. if you don't fight like hell, you don't have a country otherwise. lisa: his supporters say otherwise -- pres. trump: we will be marching to the capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. lisa: judy: that is -- lisa: that is the question. did the president willfully insight violence? passionate democrats insist he must be held accountable. >> the president attempted a coup. people died. everyby should be outraged, whether democrat or republican. if this is n an impeachable
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offense, i do not know what the hell is. this president is not fit to serve in office. >> this president not only incited an insurrection against our government, but has in word and deed led a rebellion. for us to survive as a functioning democracy, there has to be accountability. we must impeach and remove this president from the office immediately, so he cannot be a that to our democracy. lisa: today's efforts came after vice president pence sent a letter to nancy pelosi saying he would not invoke the 25th and a strip the president of his duties saying it would "set a terrible precedent." his most ardent supporters rejected impeachment. >> if we impeached every polician that gave a fiery speech, this capitol would be
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deserted. that is what the president did. that is all he did. he told the crowd to protest peacefully and patriotically. the vast majority of them did. but every movement has a lunatic fringe. >> this country is hurting. the people are hurting. our colleagues are hurting. this is a reckless impeachment. this will only bring up the heat and fire more than befe. have a conscience. put people before politics. lisa: in a rare rebuke of any president, even some of his own party leaders and closest allies said he was responsible for what happened. house republican leader kevin mccarthy -- >> some say the riots were caused by antifa. there is no evidence of that.
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the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress. he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. lisa: mccarthy stopped short of impeachment, but others voted to impeach. >> my vote to impeach is not fear based. i am not choosing a side, i am choosing truth. lisa: in all, 10 house republicans threw support behind impeachment, 132-197. it was one of the shortest impeachment debates in american history, but it was incredibly passionate, with fear and blame woven together. >> one week ago almost to the hour, i laid right there on the floor of the gallery above us. i heard gunshots in the speaker's lobby. i heard the mob pounding on the door. what they were trying to do, they were all an angry mob incited by the president, tried
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to stop certification of a legitimate election. it is clear the president learned nothing in the last year. >> rather than helping american people in this time, we start impeachments that further divide our country. i call bullcrap when i hear the democrats demanding unity. they are only unified in hate. lisa: physical reminders of what sparked it were in evidence. national guard troops lined the capitol, sleeping inside and camping out, finding noakes next to the statues as they rotated on and off duty. lawmakers based unprecedented security, required to pass through metal detectors. face masks are now mandatory under penalty of a $500 fine. the president sent out a statement urging calm. i gu -- i urge there should be
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no lawmaking or vandalism. that is not what i stand for. there were more arrests into the siege. robert packer, wearing a camp auschwitz sweater when storming the capitol, was taken into custody in virginia. d.c. mayor bowser said security has intensified amid fears of renewed violence. >> clearly, we are in uncharted waters. it is very important that we work with all of our partners to secure these events and parts of our city. certainly this time last year we did not expect to be in this situation. lisa: city officials say upwards of 20,000 troll troops patrolled the district, four times the
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troops in afghanistan or iraq. judy: lisa joins me now from the capitol. you have been telling us this was not an easy decision for many republicans. tell us more about the 10 who voted to impeach and why. lisa: the vast majority, nearly 200, voted not to impeach. let's look at the 10 house republicans who voted to impeach the president. these districts range from liz cheney's in wyoming, who voted for trump in 2016, to new york, who voted for hillary clinton. conservatives to moderates. what these folks have in common, they feel the president did directly call for these attacks on the capitol, that he is responsible and it is an impeachable offense. it is a great lyrical risk for many of them, facing primary challenges from the right in two years, and potential personal
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threats. we have seen increases in threats at the capitol. judy: i want to ask you about that. during the day you were reporting on the mood, a sense of tension, worry, threats that have been thrown around. lisa: there has been unease at the capital --capitol for a long time. that has grown to flat out alarm. while people have gotten threats throughout the trump presidency on both sides, we have seen threats against republicans rise up at i want to play a soundbite from the program earlier. he talked about the threats he is receiving in the last 24 hours. >> just this morning one of my offices received a threat against my life. i received other threats about my safety. my address, a picture of my home, where my family lives was
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posted, kind of an anti-dusty facebook page. lisa: they really did believe a vote for impeachment couldut them and their family at personal risk. they all took it seriously on a philosophical level. this was a difficult decision for many. it has been a difficult mood at the capital --capitol. a few minutes ago nancy pelosi signed the article of impeachment to get it ready for the senate. that is not the bright spot necessarily. she used the podium that had been stolen from her from the house chamber by the rioters. that was brought back and she used it as a statement that the house is back in full operation. judy: interesting to see that it was returned to the capital --capitol.
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this does go to the senate. what happens there? lisa: today senate republican leader mitch mcconnell said he is open to impeachment, but has not decided for it yet. he let it be known he will not sign on to a fast trial. the soonest a trial could happen is after the senate reconvenes. the next date is january 19, the day before inauguration. mcconnell and his staff are making it clear he does not think it is conducive to governing to have impeachment go on. he wants a stable transition of power. an impeachment before president-elect biden takes office would not be helpful. it is not clear the senate will move forward with the trial after president-elect biden takes office. we know several senate
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republicans are undecided. another question to be resolved, can you impeach a president after he has left office? there is some precedent, but there will be debate. judy: seems a lot is unclear where this goes. thank yo lisa. we go to yamiche alcindor. president trump becomes the first president in american history to be impeached twice. what do we know about how his reacting to this? yamiche: president trump is furious at the idea his marred legacy became even more tarnished today as he is the first president to be impeached twice. he spent the day watching the debate and vote play out on tv. he was lashing out at people. he saw a republican saying he
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betrayed his oath of office, along with democrats saying he is a walking impeachment offense. in the last few seconds he released a five-minute video where he said no supporter of his would be involved in any violence or attacks on law enforcement. he said he is worried about this free-speech issue, saying there are attempts to cancel people and unfairly target people. defenders of the president talked about free speech. he is talking about a small group of people defending him. a number of people say even if it is about free speech, the president should not have said what he said. judy: what do we know about how the president would deal with a senate trial? it is not clear there will be one, if it happens after he leaves office. what are they thinking and lisa: i spoke to a number of
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legal experts including a lawyer for president trump. it is clear he will have problems recruiting lawyers. alan dershowitz, one of the lead attorneys during the first impeachment, said trump had the right to say what he said, that it was not right for him to say what he said. a number of lawyers will not be part of this, including jay sekulow. alan dershowitz will not be part of this. the only one part of this for sure is rudy giuliani, who at times has spread false information. the defense will be about free speech and arguing this was a political hack job and witchhunt against the president, which is what he said in that video he released today. judy: yamiche alcindor reporting on the reaction at the white house. thanks so much. ♪
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judy: we will hear from members of congress about how they voted in the second impeachment trial of president trump. joining me first is adam kinzinger of illinois, one of 10 repuicans who broke from their party to vote in favor of impeachment. thank you very much for joining us. explain why you decided to vote for impeaching president trump. rep. kinzinger: this is a heavy day for america, but it has been really heavy for america prior to the election, but more importantly, after the election, when the president used four years of this argument and saying democracy does not work, the election was stolen. i had predicted violence leading
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up to the 6th. hopefully that was the culmination. when you have the president of the united states, the article ii part of the constitution, insight and ignite a mob to attack the article i branch, that is nothing short of an insurrection. most people can look at that and know he has built the foundation and executed the command to do it. if that is not impeachable, i do not know what that is. politics is important to a lot of people, but this transcends politics and will be etched in history and the future of this country. judy: was this a hard decision for you? the majority of your republican colleagues were saying, they do not like what he said, but they don't think he is to blame for the entire mob taking over the capitol, and that he should not
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be impeached over it. rep. kinzinger: it was not a hard decision. it was hard to go through with it. bottom line, you are impeaching a president a second time. it is never something that should be easily done. the evidence is not something we had to discover. it was brought to us on the 6th. i have been calling out conspiracy theories the last year. i have seen this develop. i have seen people not push back and bring light to darkness. this w the culmination. it was not a difficult decision for me. i know the ramifications will be big. this is not why i took this job, to get reelected. it is important for the oath i swore, not just as a member of congress, but a militarmember. judy: what do you think the ramifications will be for you? rep. kinzinger: it remains to be seen. i think there will be a real
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reckoning in the republican party that brought us to this point and what our future looks like. i know i will fight like hell to restore our conservative principles again and restore respect to politics. it could be an ok future. it could be a future where i am rejected because it is not the party i want to belong to anyway. judy: i am told we have an excerpt from president trump's video that he has released within the hour. i will play a little and come back to you on the other side. let's listen. pres. trump: no true supporter of mine could ever endorse political violence. no true supporter of mine could ever disrespect law enforcement or our great american flag. no true supporter of mine could ever threaten or harass their fellow americans.
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if you do any of these things, you are not supporting our movement, you are attacking it, and you are attacking our country. judy: congressman adam kinzinger, what do you make of what the president just said? rep. kinzinger: it is a speech i wish would have come out during this, on the day. i do not think this exonerates the president. look back at the base that was built, the lies that the election was stolen despite evidence, the misinformation sent to people, many brainwashed to believe this place is run by a pedophile satanist ring, like qanon pushes. the election was not stolen. judy: what about the argument that a number of your colleagues made today, why go through with this when the president could
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not be removed from office? the senate is not going to take this up. at least leader mcconnell saying he will not take it up until the day before inauguration at the earliest. is it worth it if president trump sees out the rest of his time in office? rep. kinzinger: i initially called for the vice president to invoke the 25th amendment. i did not necessarily think it was wise to bring up impeachment. but i had no doubt which way i would vote. this is sending a strong message. everything is a precedent. [inaudible] congress making a statement and preventing trump from running again, and respecting institutions, separation of powers, we could face this again.
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every one of my colleagues would have lost their moral authority be outraged again. it was the right thing to do. there would be politics, but in the long run, this is important for a country to heal. judy: you still have the vast majority of your republican colleague saying they still think there was a lot of fraud committed in the selection, that there are still questions about the legitimacy of joe biden's win. rep. kinzinger: it is one thing to be concerned about voter issues, it is another what is being said by these folks. every video put out, it debunked all these conspiracy theories. it is imperative and essential for the future of the republic and the republican party we tell the truth. we take the tough position and do not avoid the temporary pain of telling people what they want
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to hear, and avoid the long term pain of things like insurrection. does impeachment feel rushed? sure. the president only has seven days left. the bottom line is, this is the right move. i think for every day that goes by, there'll be more to push ahead to. judy: congressman adam kinzinger of illinois, who cast a very big vote today. thank you for joining us. ♪ judy: i am joined by a democratic congressman from the state of texas, joaquin castro, one of the managers of this impeachment proceeding. welcome back to the newshour. we appreciate you joining us. you voted yes, along with every ever -- other democrat in the
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house. what message is this sending? rep. castro: donald trump incited a deadly insurrection against the united states government at the u.s. capitol next week and there have to be consequences for a president for doing that. that is why i voted to impeach donald trump and hope the senate will convict him. judy: you heard your republican parties, other members of the house today argue time after time, that it was rushed, did not give the president due process, he had no chance to make his own case, that the house skipped the committee and went straight to the floor in a few hours. do you have concern history will look act on this as a rushed impeachment? rep. castro: i do not. the evidence comes from the president's own words repeatedly
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telling a big lie about the election being stolen from him, when this was by the government's own account the most secure election we have had in american history. the president repeatedly told those lies. he incited his supporters to believe them, asked them to march to the capitol last week. some of them took action and committed insurrection. i think the president's own words have done it. judy: your colleagues on the floor today, we are a week away from the inauguration, a number of them still saying they believe there are questions about the election, the legitimacy of joe biden's win. how do you see the house going forward with the giant shadow
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the president's allegations have cast over the beginning of the biden presidency? [no audio] judy: it looks like we may have technical issue with our skype connection with congressman castro. we will try to get that back. let's see if we can. i was talking to congressman joaquin castro, who voted along with every other democrat in the house of representatives today, and 10 republicans, to impeach president trump for inciting and insurrection, being the principal cause behind the mob that overran the capitol one week ago today. we have been talking with congressman castro from his office and just lost the signal. it sometimes happens in this squirrely technological time we
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live in. we are waiting to see if we can get it back. if we can't, we will have to move on. ♪ judy:ing on, as congress and law enforcement officials beef up security today, and in preparation of the inauguration of joe biden in one week, we thought we would look at security arrangements that were in place on the day the capitol was assaulted last week, what did officials expect and why was the national guard not in a position to respond? nick schifrin looks at what happened on january 6, minute by minute. nick: a fateful decision already main, -- made. the city military agreed there would be 340, unarmed.
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capitol declined guard help. the assumption was they would not be needed. >> today is the day american patriots start taking down names and kicking ass. nick: at 9:13 a.m., trump supporters at the white house. pres. trump: it is time to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. nick: trump departs from his teleprompter and urges the crowd to fight. pres. trump: we will walk down to the capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we are probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you will never take back our country with weakness. you have to show strength and be strong. nick: 38 minutes later, a mile
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and a half away as trump continued speaking, his supporters arrived at the edge of the capitol and fought with capitol police. 30 seconds later they were through. thousands approached the space and police. two sides faced off. by 1:15, they clashed on the capitol steps, almost exactly when trump finished his speech, urging supporters to the capitol . pres. trump: let's walk down pennsylvania avenue. i want to thank you all. god bless you and god bless america. nick: presidentrump rode back to the white house as his supporters streamed east to the capitol. d.c. mayor bowser -- requested an additional few hundred guardsmen, who had been put on 12 hour recall. mccarthy agreed. but by then it was too late,
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2:00 p.m. rioters broke into the capitol itself. police struggled to hold their ground. at that moment the capitol police chief called an army secretary, and pleaded for as many national guardsmen as possible, the same he had been blocked from requesting days before. mccarthy ran to miller for approval, and it was granted at 3:00 p.m. but the d.c. guard had to call in the rest of their guards. those deployed had to go back to the armory to get riot shields and be briefed on the mission. there was no cavalry on instant standby. the capitol descended into violence. lawmakers hid, rioters sat in their seats. the capitol had been overrun. i national guard commander spoke
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with the head of the virginia national guard. 4:40, mccarthy spoke with larry hogan. none of the virginia or maryland national guard could arrive until the next day. hogan said the approval process took too long. >> multiple times, the general was running up the flagpole, don't have authorization. can't tell you what was happing at the other end. nick: the d.c. national guard falls under multiple jurisdictions and they acknowledge it is bureaucratic. 4:50, after most of the damage was done, mccarthy acknowledged deploying the d.c. guard was not easy. >> additional request came from the capitl police. to understand the specifics and how to support the operations, questions were asked, a bit of confusion. nick: military officials believe they underestimated the
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potential for violence and should have asked for more help. they also acknowledge they were stunned by their association's violence clearing of black lives matter protests. they took pains to make sure the military had no role. when law enforcement did not request, the military was eager to comply. by 6:45 p.m., hundreds of national guard soldiers arrived outside the capitol. as many as 20,000 could be in d.c. for next week's inauguration when military and local officials say they are eager for a show of force. that will include guardsmen who are armed. you can see it today, with long rifles, helmets, body armor. it is what the d.c. police chief calls a major security threat.
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d.c. is asking people to not come to the city, and are trying to cancel public protest permits. officials moved up what is called the national special security event to today. it includes scheduled protest for this weekend as well as next week's inauguration. security fears extend to all 50 state capitols where the fbi says protests will take place as well. to discuss that part of the story, i am joined by michigan's attorney general, dana nestle. what happened at the capitol in washington, d.c. must've felt all too familiar to you. in lansing in april, armed protesters demanded to access the legislative chamber. should authorities have done more to recognize it was almost a prelude for what happened last week?
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sen. nessel: i absolutely do michigan was ground zero, a dry run to see what could happen in the event people try to take over a state capitol. they were successful in lansing in april. they chose not to do anything. we know from those who plotted to kidnap and execute the governor that one of their alternative plans was to take over the state capitol, blow it up or begin executing people inside of it. i do think those who decided to take over the nation's capitol saw what happened in lansing, were encouraged, and decided to do the same in d.c. many of the same people at the michigan capitol in april were also at the capitol last week. nick: you tweeted the michigan capitol building is not safe. what are you concerned about? sen. nessel: firearms in the
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building. at long last, the michigan capitol capitol commission band open carry firearms, but we do not have metal detectors. people can bring in virtually anything they want and they are not prohibited from doing so. i am greatly concerned pple will bring firearms to the building or perhaps some sort of device which could be an explosive device of some sort. that is a -- not a safe set of circumstances when you have thousands of threats against a lawmakers and our state and across the country. it is a recipe for disaster. nick: thousands of threats against lawmakers in your threat, and a specific threat this weekend. the fbi says there will be armed protests in state capitols across the weekend and warned that supporters of the boogaloo
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movement are committed to creating violence in michigan and authority. our federal authorities doing enough to prepare for this weekend's events? sen. nessel: there will be coordination between authorities. those at the capitol building as well. on sunday the capitol building is closed. they are building a fence around it. the national guard is coming in. there will be a heavy police presence. next week, our legislature is scheduled to be in session. when they are, according to the open meetings act in our state, it has to be open to the public as well. those meetings have to be accessible. my concern is, what then? if you allow people to come in,, and you are not -- in, and you are not going to allow what they
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do in every courthouse in michigan, making sure they are not carrying firearms or explosive devices, how can you ensure the public, lawmakers and staff are safe? nick: governor whitmer had not yet said the national guard would be deployed sunday, even though lansing's mayor asked. will it be deployed? sen. nessel: my understanding is, yes. nick: parler and other social media sites where they are meeting are taken down. and now there are encrypted apps. is that a concern, to not see what is coming? sen. nessel: we have to be more vigilant than ever. those in law enforcement who are charged with monitoring those spaces will have to step up their game and make sure they are on top of it and understand
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who is communicating with who and if plans are being made. it will be difficult for the average person who wants to participate. they will have to be deep down in the weeds to know what if any plans are being made, if they are not going to be able to use other types of social media platforms people have become more accustomed to, and are easier to access. nick: it seems to me since 9/11 this country's national security has been so focused and we fought wars over the thought of international terrorism. do you believe it is time to shift some of that focus? sen. nessel: absolutely. domestic terrorism is the biggest threat to our nation right now. we need to become more focused on. what we have seen for a very long time is, as long as you have people who really were domestic terrorists, but were supportive of the federal
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administration, and by that i mean specifically president trump, you had a federal government unwilling to take proper and appropriate steps to combat it. nick: dana nessel, thank you. sen. nessel: thanks for having me. ♪ stephanie: good evening, i am stephanie sy with newshour west. we will return to judy woodruff after these headlines. pandemic deaths in the u.s. hit another high. there were more than 4300 on tuesday. officials are pushing to accelerate vaccinations. chain drugstores offered to help. members can easily meet resident elect biden's goal of one million vaccinations in his first 100 days if they get the doses. another high level jump official -- trump official is leaving.
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from customs and enforcement, jonathan fahey resigns. he had been the chief of i.c.e. only two weeks. biden picked samaha power. the position will become a member of the national security council. powers served as ambassador to the united nations under president barack obama. new york city is terminating all contracts with the trump administration after the assault on the u.s. capitol. mayor de blasio accused the president today of fomenting the mayhem. >> we will no longer be doing any business at all, by the contract language, we have the right to terminate contracts if a criminal act has been committed and a criminal act has been committed. goodbye to the trump organization. stephanie: the trump organization said it would fight the move.
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youtube suspended president trump's account on its platform for a week. snapchat permanently terminated president trump's account. former mission -- michigan governor was charged with negligence in the flint water crisis. he appointed a manager who decided to use water from the flint river for drinking in the predominantly lack city. it was tainted with lead and untreated. a woman on death row executed for the first time in 70 years. lisa montgomery of kansas was put to death by lethal injection earlier today after the supreme court cleared the way. she had killed a pregnant woman and cut the baby from the womb in 2004. israel carried out airstrikes in syria, targeting iranian-backed fighters and stockpiles. syrian media say they hit towns near the iranian border.
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at least 57 fighters were killed. in north korea, the ruling parties congress came to a close, with kim jong-un calling for a beefed-up arsenal. party members applauded the leader at the gathering in pyongyang. he vowed to oppose forces. >> by accelerating the push to make our military stronger, we need them prepared to play their role against threats and unexpected situations. stephanie: north korea faces the toughest challenges of kim's nine year rule, from sanctions, to the pandemic, to crop losses. the u.s. imposed the most serious measures against china's oppression of uighur muslims. more than one million uighurs and others are said to be in concentration camps there,
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subject to forcd labor and other abuses. >> this is the "pbs newshour" from weta studios in washington and from the west at the walter cronkite university at arizona state university. judy: their symptoms run the gamut from shortness of breath to heart palpitations to extreme fatigue. they have been -- become known as long haulers. people infected with covid-19 who can't seem to rid their body of its effects months later. as cases keep climbing, it means more and more people will be struggling with similar problems. this medical mystery has the medical community scrambling. stephanie sy has our report. stephanie: this is greg rosen trying to go for a short run a few weeks ago. >> i had to stop because i could not breathe. stephanie: this was greg rosen
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before covid, sprinting to marathons across the country. >> even the active folding towels left me breathless. >> covid left me th nasty migraines. stephanie: this middle school teacher spent the better part of nine months in bed. >> it felt like a ghost or monster started to inhabit my body. stephanie: a father of three and guidance counselor has terrible brain fog. >> i get this terrible buzzing and ringing in my ears. my short-term memory is really poor. stephanie: he also struggled with tachycardia since july. that makes it tough for the former wrestler to run his wrestling school. >> if i stood in front of an athlete and tried to practice, i could not sustain more than five to 10 minutes. back in the worst of it i would not do two or three minutes.
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stephanie: these previously healthy individuals are in their 20's, 30's and 40's and are struggling long haul covid. >> i had acute illness followed by acute illness, for months on end. it has been six months i have been sick. stephanie: did you get sick a lot before? >> no. i had no underlying conditions. >> i had no idea that in the course of nine months i would lose my vision or ability to move my left arm and left leg. stephanie: by best estimates, 23 million americans are known to have had covid-19. of those, more than 375,000 have died. it is unknown how many may suffer long haul effects. >> many members of our groups a couple months into covid were not recovering, were spiraling down and getting worse.
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stephanie: we met diana last spring after she founded an online community for covid survivors like herself. it has grown to over 125,000 members. >> i am fully clear of the virus. stephanie: she did not think she would be calling herself a long haulers. >> i had a good six to eight weeks i thought it was better. over the summer i had a relapse. i had tremendous gastrointestinal problems. i lost so much weight. i could not put it back on. i was on's -- diagnosed with covid onset law, -- glaucoma. stephanie: she did not think her son spencer was at risk. >> one of his teeth, his front adult teeth, spontaneously fell out with no blood loss. i immediately posted to survivor
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core and asked, has this happened to anybody? the answer started flooding in. so many people experiencing spontaneous loss, with no blood loss, cracked teeth, dental issues. >> there are tens of millions of covid survivors who may be carrying vascular damage. we cannot leave those people behind. stephanie: dr. lee is a vascular biologist, studying the 60,000 mile network of blood vessels in each of us that connects every organ and sell, -- cell. >> this has a vascular component, autoimmune component, and neurological component. they seem to be the three legs of the stool. stephanie: in march he started studying lung tissue of those who died from covid. >> the beautiful lace-like architecture was destroyed. stephanie: and what covid can do
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to the heart. >> on the right-hand side you can see when the virus infects the blood vessels of the heart. it destroys the normal architecture. i call this a scared straight image. stephanie: it reminds me of the image you see on the back of the cigarette box. dr. lee has also been able to use imaging software to see more than act scanned can capture. >> acute, the red vessels are wiped out. better, but not fully recovered. this patient's ct scanned of their chest was read by the radiologist as completely normal. this is not completely normal. this patient went to get a state -- scan because she wasn't short of breath. stephanie: how does the average person who gets a ct scanner and does not have you, dr. lee, supposed to know if they have
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long-term damage? >> this is what i am working on. it is a new page in the textbook of medicine. this is the research being done to give people an answer that what they are feeling is real. >> this is a phenomenon that is quite real and extensive. stephanie: at a two day virtual conference in december run by the national institutes of health, one thing is clear. doctors have more questions than answers. >> there is a lot that is unknown. >> we are not sure what we are looking for. >> wondering how much more of this i will have to go through. stephanie: she has been through a barrage of tests, like this eeg, and often told it is all in her head. >> for the better part of nine months i spent time fighting for my life by myself, trying to get doctors to believe me.
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it has been a harrowing journey. i doot want another black woman to go into a hospital with these symptoms that go on and on and it seemed never ending and to be told she is too smart to know about her body or too aggressive to take action on what happens to her health. i do not want that for anybody. stephanie: for greg rosen, months of debilitating symptoms without a diagnosis, prognosis, or idea what damage there is, has been traumatizing. >> i feel i am fighting a battle against my body, but also against the world. even if i physically get well enough to feel more like myself, the emotional toll this has left on me will be something i never forget. >> doctors need to listen to patients, bringing their symptoms to teach us what is happening. it is the opposite of what normally happens when doctors
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are telling the patients. stephanie: her persistence is paying off. a new diet and medication regimen is making her feel a little better. >> on my darkest days in the dark, no light in my room at all. i could not see anything. i could not imagine a future for myself. now i actually can. stephanie: this is a cliche, but it sounds like it made you stronger. >> yes. don't have me crying. absolutely. stephanie: further "pbs newshour ," i am stephanie sy. judy: such important reporting, thank you. i know we will continue to follow this. before we go, we return to our lede. yamiche has more on what trump had to say after being impeached for the second time. yamiche: that is right.
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just after president trump was impeached again he released a video condemning violence, but pushing on what he calls unfair censorship. pres. trump: every american deserves to have their voice heard in a respectful and peaceful way. that is your first right. i could not emphasize there must be no violence, low -- no lawbreaking or vandalism. everyone must follow our laws and obey instructions of law enforcement. yamiche: this is the president saying things people wanted him to say months ago. he does not mention biden by coming the next president or impeachment. this is too little, too late. a former campaign advisor said
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he was harassed for telling somebody vice president pence did the right thing. this person says it is too little, too late, because many are poisoned by the idea the election was stolen. judy: and no acknowledgment of the role he played in it? yamiche: no. he does not take responsibility or express regret or say he is sorry, despite all we have experienced. judy: yamiche alcindor, thank you. on the "newshour" online right now, a handful of republicans voted to impeach the president. we collected their statements about why. you can find that on our website, that is the "newshour." i am judy woodruff. join us online and tomorrow evening. for all of us at the "pbs
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newshour," thank you, stay safe and see you soon. ♪ >> major funding for the pbs newshour -- >> consumer cellular has been offering plans to let people do more of what they like. our service team can find a plan that fits you. to learn more visit ♪ >> johnson & johnson, financial services firm raymond james, bnsf railway, the ford foundation, working with visionaries worldwide, and with the ongoing support of these individuals and institutions.
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