tv KQED Newsroom PBS March 19, 2021 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT
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can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. oh we're ready. ♪ tonight, on kqed newsroom. in the wake of increased hate crimes against asian americans, several california leaders are urging governor newsom to appoint an asian american as the next attorney general. buffy wicks talks about managing motherhood in a pandemic. tiny homes in oakland, built for young people who need shelter, are in the spotlight at this week's look at something beautiful. welcome to kqed newsroom. all rise, eyes have been on the rise of hate against asian americans. yesterday asian american congress members testified
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about the rise in violence against the community in the last year. the hearing took place in the wake of a mass shooting that claimed the lives of several asian american women in georgia. now that the former attorney general, xavier becerra, has been confirmed, narrowly, as the new director of health and human services, governor newsom will appoint a successor. several lawmakers are urging him to put someone of asian descent in that seat, in part, to combat this disturbing rise in violence. to discuss the week's political stories, i am joined now by maurice, who joins me by skype from san francisco. and from mountain view, by skype, another. hi. >> so, there at the top of some list, the rise in violence against asian americans, which is been linked to the pandemic has still been on the radar,
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here in california for many months. what is being done at the state level to stop that violence. >> california has some pretty strong hit climate laws on its books, which is not a preventative measure anyway. i think what we are really seeing, is state leaders, led by the community, but also involving, a lot of different folks. they have the megaphone they talk about the horrific attacks, not just in atlanta. but that we have seen just in recent days in san francisco. elderly asian americans attack. and really just traumatizing events. so, i think this is getting kind of some momentum, to this push, you mentioned, that is existed for weeks, around somebody, who is filipino american, and oakland assembly member. he has a progressive, and i think a lot of people, think this would be a moment to put someone like that in this role, both for the symbolism, of having an asian american is the
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top law enforcement officer. but also, because, there is a lot they can do in that position. using not just the megaphone, but the power of the law. i would expect, this would be something that would be weighing on the governor, as he decides of that appointment. we've also seen another sign this week, which is newsom basically promised on national tv, he would put a black woman into that role, kamala harris was the only black woman in the senate, when she left for the vice presidency. i think that also adds some sort of weight to the idea, that this might be a really important aapi appointment. back to that in a moment, as well. we often think that diversity is part of the democratic party agenda. but republicans made inroads in southern california. in the past election. can you tell us about some new asian americans in congress. what that tells you about california demographics. >> it was a pathbreaking elections in the sense that you had to korean american
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republican women, elected to congress from orange county. michelle steele represents a district there, that is coastal in orange county, that is about 20% asian. it was a breakthrough, i think it is important, representation matters, priya. you see what is been happening and hatred. it is important, for leaders to speak up, regardless of what their racial or ethnic background might be. but the notion of having asian american leadership, and the republican party, the democratic party, that is something crucially important, during this time when we confront these really talented, challenging issues facing the asian american community. >> to expect to see more asian american candidates rise up in the republican party? >> i certainly hope so. there is an important message to be sent, in terms of a message to be sent. it is good for them to stick to
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a population, that is taken for granted but politically. so, i think part of that exercise, is ensuring, there are strong asian american leaders, and the republican party throughout the states. whether it is for local elections or from congressional elections or statewide ones. i think it is crucially important, that they see that representation and understand that there is a potential for them to have a home in the republican party. i do expect that to be a big part of the effort going forward, here. as we move toward elections in 2022, and beyond. >> marisa lagos, let's turn to the latest on the recall effort. at a recent conversation with governor newsom. this week he faced the recall had on, for the first time. what is he saying about it? >> chelated out and that interview, with me, the plan that the democrats are going to be following, in the week ahead, as they wait to see if
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this indeed, qualifies. they are branding this the republican recall. they are trying to tie this effort, too far right groups, to former president donald trump. to these divisive issues, the quite frankly, when you look at the straight up registration numbers in california, could actually help democrats defeat this, because of the facts, that there is so many more of them than republicans. i think governor newsom, is not just an attack on him, but on the democratic party. that he is trying to promote. he's talking about immigration. the diversity of california. i think he is trying to lean in, to making this a referendum, not on him as much, but on the republicans. about what they are trying to bring to the table. >> you know, marisa, when you talk about the voters in this country. we do have the number of democrats as republicans. they do have many who say there are no party press, preference
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as republicans. i'm curious if you see this recall, a partisan effort, or if it is representative of broader dissatisfaction. perhaps some of those people in that no party preference category, might be enticed, to vote, in favor of a recall? >> i do think, if you look at the recall effort. it is clearly barter that a republican only effort. i think the governor risks looking out of touch, with those who are not republicans. in fact, the one and three, signed petitions either no party preference or democrats. who say look, they are dissatisfied with the governor's handling of the pandemic. it is not about the cultural issues, not the climate change. it is not about the things you expected typically divide them. this recall to me, is premised on the governor's handling of the pandemic. some of the issues around.
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for example vaccine distribution, schools still being closed. massive on appointment insurance scandal. they are all enemy, voters. their issues that they look at and say i think we have a mismanagement problem in california. the governor does really risk, looking disassociated from reality. the more he pushes this notion, that it is just a republican recall. >> what would you say to that. could you also take us to the timeline, for this recall. which looks like it probably will qualify. >> he is right. there is always political risk in any tactic. i think what democrats are banking on, is a few things, here. one is the numbers you laid out. the fact that no party preference voters do tend to kind of skew one way or the other. i do not think that entire universe of no party preference, is necessarily up for grabs. for either party. the other thing is, i think the recall backers are going to have to be careful. a lot of them initiated this effort and help them collect
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the signatures. they do have anti-immigrant statements in our past. things that obviously do not represent every single california, that signs those petitions. those are the things democrats are trying to lean into, and talk about. i think will be interesting to see how the recall itself, tries to either distance himself from some of those elements, or bring them into the fold in the coming weeks. i do think, that could give some kind of fuel to the fire come on the side of democrats, they lead into that. in terms of timeline we are expecting, we might know whether there is enough valid signatures. we expect, the by the summer, we would be setting a date, probably in the fall, probably november. there would be a deadline the summer, for folks to get on the recall valid, ballot. that is the question. how do they act in the next few acts. how does he govern. right. if there are no shots in arms. if kids are going back to school, for covid crisis field like it is moving behind us.
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i do not think he feels is vulnerable. that is less likely, that either a moderate democrat, or even more moderate republicans jump into the race. that will be the challenge for republicans, too. they want to keep their attention focused on newsom. the better the state does, we are doing pretty well right now. i think the harder the becomes. >> moving away from the recall, europe about the fact that the last 15 years, we have had democrats in power, in california, and you have argued, that this is led to problems in governance. can you talk us through what your concerns are? >> i think it is a question of accountability, priya, and who is there to hold leaders accountable. having checks and balances in government does, his forces politicians regardless of party, to be accountable. you can look to one-party governments and states, where it is all republicans in charge. and identify similar kinds of problems. the issue really comes back to mismanagement. i think a lot of what we are
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seeing with respect to governor newsom's performance, the seeds for that were so long ago. for example the employment development department. which runs the and claimant insurance program in california. they were not prepared to handle the influx of cases during the pandemic. that is strictly a function of the fact, that there is not been an effort to hold leaders accountable for too long. in my minds, it is about how we create accountability, how do we create the kinds of checks and balances that were intended, for the state to be governed better, and for outcomes, for all of california citizens, to be better as well. it is all a function of having an and, an environment where there is no accountability. >> you did say this week, he will appoint a black woman to fill senator dianne's seat. should she choose to set down. senator feinstein basically responded quit, who is quitting? not this 87-year-old.
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what is going on, here. doesn't seem likely, that she will serve out her term. >> i think the jury is still out, as you noted she is 87, she has several more years, on her term. i think circumstances could change. we've already seen, some extent, the fact that dianne feinstein is also, almost being sidelined within the democratic party. she faced her first real challenge, which she did be back, but another democrat several years ago, when she ran. she stepped down as head of the judiciary committee, instead of facing an insurrection among her own members. especially on the left wing of the party. who feels, like she has been not a good sort of partisan soldier, and a time where congress is so divided. a lot of grief when she hugged lindsey graham without a mask on. so, i think feinstein, is really, at appoints, where a lot of people are pushing back. she's going to do this on her terms. i think newsom is trying to walk the fine line, here.
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she has a mentor. he doesn't want to be seen as pushing her out. but he did want to send the message, he does see her replacement as an opportunity, for not just black californians, but black americans, to reclean, reclaim the seat they lost when kamala harris left the senate. alex padilla gave his first speech on the second floor, this week. >> is seeking a pathway to citizen for 5 million unauthorized immigrants, who are essential workers. what are your thoughts, on his chances of success with this very thorny issue. >> the immigration issue is got no less polarized over the last couple of years. certainly, some of the challenges we are seeing at the southern border. now, i think it is a diult time, for immigration reform to get across the finish line. there are elemts of immigration reform, the could go under bipartisan support. this really thorny question, what to do with those who are in the united states. with undocumented status.
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that one is quite politically divisive unfortunately. it is an important issue, that needs to get resolved. there is not a lot of political consensus anytime soon. >> thank you both, for your insight and your analysis. >> thanks, priya. >> thank you. our next test is a no stranger to the rough-and- tumble politics. after working behind the scenes for president barack obama and hillary clinton, she one her own office in 2018. buffy wicks represent california's 15 district. she is also, the mother of two. who had a viral moment last year. who should bring to work with her, after being denied the right to vote, vote by proxy. released her plan bill for 2021, which focused on providing more protection for parents, housing reform, justice for victims of sexual
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assault by police officers. joining me now, estate assembly member, buffy wicks. tanks for joining us. >> thank you, you can call me buffy. >> let's start at the beginning of the story. tell us about the environment you grew up in. a couple thousand people, very, politically conservative. >> good, good hard-working people, small school, small environment. you kind of knew everyone come in the town. >> how did you move from the conservative back ground into grantors, grassroots campaigning for democratic candidates. >> i went to community college, and went to my political science professors there, said you should really volunteer on a campaign. and i thought sure. so i volunteered on my first congressional race in 1996. she was running against john doolittle, but we lost her, terribly.
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i fell in love with organizing politics and campaigns. even though i did not know that that job could be a thing. i stayed very involved. i worked on the hill after college. i ended up, back in the bay area doing antiwar organizing during the iraq war in 2003, and worked for howard dean in iowa. that sent me on a whole different trajectory in national politics. ended up working for barack obama for six years. >> to have any behind-the- scenes stories that you can share with us about the time of president barack obama, or hillary clinton. >> having worked for both of them and staff both of them. they are super talented, smart, hard-working, caring people. you know, they are all in it to help people, truthfully. when you think about president obama. you think about his relationship, with the first lady, michelle. they are generally affectionate, sweet, caring people. they raised good daughters.
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they are just good, good people. it was quite an experience. i think it was employee number 32 on the barack obama campaign. i moved to chicago in march of 2007. that was when hillary was definitely going to be the nominee. no one thought it black man who was named barack obama with be the president of the united states. i wrote this wild ride. i think he spoke to the country at that time, in a very compelling way. i came back here, to be the film, field director back here in california, which was great. i was 31 when i worked in the white house, you know i was old enough, to have real responsibility, but young enough i did not have a family. i could dive all in, on working for the president, working on the affordable care act, on a number of important issues. it was a very pivotal, sort of magical time for me, in my career. >> did you have in the back of your mind that you wanted to run for office at some point. i'm curious, if your decision to work for others was a
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strategic once he learned, you could do the same thing, if you really did not see your self, and political leadership. >> for the longest time, i never saw myself as someone who could be an elected official. i saw myself as someone who could work for them, and work for people i believed in. it wasn't until recently, i thought maybe i could do this. you know, i just felt, myself as sort of a behind-the-scenes person. then when the 2016 campaign happen. i was actually pregnant, during 2016. my butt daughter was due election day. i thought she was going to be born, the day we elected our first woman president. obviously, that did not happen. my daughter was late two weeks, i call it her first act of civil disobedience. i'm not coming out in the world, you just elected donald trump, you know. [ laughter ] it was very, what do i do now. i had all this experience running campaigns. i had a lot of experience organizing. i had a lot of contacts all over the country. i sort of thought, what could i do? to help be part of the change. it was shortly thereafter, my state rep, thought he would
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hire for office. this would be open. it would be so much at down at the state level. the federal government in my impression, was going to be a disaster. whatever i could do to help people at the state level, would be, i think an important way to actually move the needle, and help people. so i dove into a 12 way contested primary race, my first time running for office. it was intense. it was a lot. having been behind-the-scenes, meant to go be the candidate. you know, i thought okay, this is all the things i've been working with candidates on. this is my time, to like him you know the rubber is going to meet the road, here. but have a well-organized campaign, and all these things i would advise candidates to do. i would enjoy it. we had 239 house parties on that race. i was in a different living room, every night. we mobilized about 800 volunteers. we knocked on hundred $15,000. it was exciting, it was exciting to win, and go into the state legislature. >> what is on your state
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legislative agenda right now? >> you do a lot of work in housing. that is the number one issue. the cost of housing and pack so many things. the racial inequity in housing is important to deal with. i've done a lot of both housing production bills, since i've been in legislature, as well as build to protect tenants. we are looking at an eviction crisis, with covid. we are putting in more relief, for that. it is still going to be an issue. we have to build more homes. that is really i'm enthusiastic about berkeley, oakland in my district. berkeley is allowing for multifamily housing. oakland is pursuing that, as well. i think we have to fundamentally address, the racial inequities, the redlining that is created in so many of our communities, that left community of color when it comes to communities of color. i do a lot in that space. and around working families were to think one thing this pandemic, has really shined a
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bright spotlight on, is the fact, that we do not have fundamentally good policies in this country, that help working families. and especially if you have children, it is very difficult. >> let's talk about the viral moment which koch your world attention. you brought your second daughter as a newborn, to the assembly floor. what came through your mind when you learned that you could not vote remotely. >> we just had an outbreak of covid in the senate. i had asked, to see if i can remote vote. i was about four and half weeks post c-section, was obviously nursing my daughter quite a bit. we had put forth a remote voting policy in the legislature. i had asked if i could do that, at first i was told i could, then i was told they could not. there was concern about maternity leave qualifying illegally. i told him i would be there to vote on their bills, because i thought i could remote vote. i do make a decision like the weekend before. i stayed home and stay at my
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daughter. instead maternity leave and not go but vote. or do i go and vote. we were voting on expanding paid leave, ironically enough. we were voting on eviction protections. a number of really important bills. i felt it was really important, for me to be there. my constituents hired me for a reason. so i could show up and vote. even though in four or five weeks post delivery, i need to be there. so i then figured out, joely my daughter at home, or do i bring her with me. given breast-feeding, i felt like the easiest thing to do was to bring her with me. so that is what i decided to do. >> has there been a change of the policy, since of them? >> no one else has requested remote voting on that i am aware of, so i'm not sure. we do need to rethink the policies that we have, not just in the assembly. but, in our companies all across this country. if you look at europe, they have much more generous paid leave policies. much more affordable early childhood care. this is not just a women's issue. this impacts families across the board. i think that viral moments, it
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is almost midnight, and giving a rushed speech about housing bill. i think that struck a chord. because so many people, are feeling that same thing, right now. i have heard from thousands of people across the country, who is that i am really struggling. i have heard it in my own district. my hope is that coming out of this, we will have a unique moments, to invest in these kinds of policies, through the inertia, that for business from actually having these policies, and create more robust working family policies. for all of our communities. >> let's talk about the environment. specifically on the night of the chevron oil spill in the bay, you are exploring an increase in fines for pollution and state waterways. have you been able to move forward with a proposal? >> i have looked into that, we just passed an increase in fines bill, last year. monique lamont did.
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senator scott also has anti- fracking bill. five joined on as a co-author, to his bill. i think it is important, we figure out how are we going to both hold our companies accountable, when these things happen, but also move off of fossil fuels. we have to find a new, way to do it now. i see this as a mom of two young kids. when i look at their future, and the world for them, their children, it is incumbent upon us to make this change. we do not have time anymore. we have to do it in a way that is thoughtful. i represent refineries, those are good union jobs. have to make sure that they are working with trades, to figure out ways of other pathways of employment as we move away from fossil fuels. that is an important piece of this. i think we can do that, and we have to do that when we look what is happening to our environment. >> you been active on social media about some of the asian- american violence on the rise recently. would you like to speak to the
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situation? >> sure, it is horrific. it is incumbent upon all of our leaders to stand against this. it is important to create avenues for those who are expressing this to report this. i know, my colleagues are working on a bill, to create a one 800 number, to report hit crime. we also have to make sure, the folks were experiencing it, some of whom are undocumented, feel comfortable going to law enforcement, to report that hate crime. once again reported, they have to get prosecuted. watching what happening, and sing what is happening in oakland, what happened in atlanta, it is not okay. unfortunately, you had a president, donald trump, who, i think give a platform for this kind of violence. you know, how he called the coronavirus, the china violence. as elected officials, community leaders, we have to do everything we can, to speak out, and to stand up, against this. it is critical, it is alarming. i work with mike colleagues on
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the aapi legislature to stand up against this. >> thank you, very much for your time. >> thank you very much, for having me. a colorful project to provide some shelter for homeless youth in the east bay, has opened after two years of planning and construction. tiny homes youth empowerment village occupies an acre near the oakland coliseum. the project hopes to give the young residents a sense of independence, safety, and ownership. it is this week's look at something beautiful. ♪ ♪
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