tv PBS News Hour Weekend PBS June 20, 2021 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT
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captioning sponsored by wnet >> sreenivasan: on this edition for sunday, july 20: lawmakers continue the push to fulfill biden's domestic agenda. in our signature segment: the u.s. military presence in iraq and threats against it. and a father's letter to his son, on life, addiction and recovery. next on “pbs newshour weekend.” >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: sue and edgar wachenheim iii. the anderson family fund. bernard and denise schwartz. the cheryl and philip milstein family. barbara hope zuckerberg. the leonard and norma klorfine
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foundation. the peter g. peterson and joan ganz cooney fund. the estate of worthington mayo- smith. we try to live in the moment, to not miss what's right in front of us. at mutual of america, we believe taking care of tomorrow can help you make the most of today. mutual of america financial group, retirement services and investments. >> for 25 years, consumer cellular has been offering no-contract wireless plans, designed to help people do more of what they like. our u.s.-based customer service team can help find a plan that fits you. to learn more, visit additional support has been provided by: and by the corporation for public broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the american people. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> sreenivasan: good evening and
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thank you for oining us. congress is moving ahead on major elements of the biden administration's domestic agenda this coming week. nate democrats are planning a vote early this week to open debate on voting rights legislation. a new compromise plan from democratic senator joe manchin has gained traction. it includes: requiring 15 days of early voting; making election day a national holiday; banning partisan gerrymandering; and requiring a form of voter i.d. it is not clear that any republicans will support this pared-down plan which needs 60 votes to clear the sene. >> it takes the election system in this country and federalizes it. so, it's a federal takeover of the election system. >> sreenivasan: but there is momentum when it comes to infrastructure and new bipartisan negotiations. senator lindsey graham is one of 11 republican senators, who along with ten democratic senators, is working on a plan for $1 trillion in spending. >> i think the dference between this negotiation and the earlier negotiation is that
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we're willing to add more new money to infrastructure in this package, and i am hopeful that the white house and joe biden's team stay involved we can get >> sreenivasan: how that compromise bill is funded and whether it's large enough is a point of contention for many in the democratic caucus, including budget chairman bernie sanders. >> the bipartisan proposal provides spendinin some very important areas: roads, bridges, water systems, and that's the-- that's good. the amount of money that they are proposing is about one quarter of what the president talked about in terms of new money. that's not adequate. >> sreenivasan: torrential rain from what is now tropical depression claudette is being blamed for a highway accident in alabama yesterday that killed ten people, nine of them children. local officials said a 15-vehicle crash on interstate 65 northeast of montgomery was likely due to hydroplaning. two other people died in the storm when a tree fell on their house near tuscaloosa. in louisiana, residents emerged
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after the storm passed to find flooded streets and heavy wind damage. claudette is headed north and may re-strengthen tomorrow when it crosses into the atlantic off the north carolina coast. brazil continues to be a global hot spot for the coronavirus. yesterday, the country passed 500,000 deaths from covid-19. anti-government protesters marched through the streets of major cities calling for president jair bolsonaro's removal from office for his handling of the pandemic. brazil is reporting nearly 2,000 deaths from the coronavirus per day. in china, vaccination rates are now rising more quickly. the country's national health commission reported it has administered more than one billion doses of coronavirus vaccines. the vaccine rollout in china began slowly, reportedly due to concerns over the effectiveness of the country's versions of the vaccine. but fears over the new delta variant and a concentrated effort from the chinese government have increased the rate to about 17 millions shots
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per day. the government has set a goal of vaccinating 40% of its 1.4 billion people by july. and a ugandan olympic athlete tested positive for the coronavirus and was barred from entering japan, the first detection of the virus among athletes arriving for the games set to start in july. for the latest national and international news visit >> sreenivasan: an unexploded rocket landed close to a military base hosting u.s. troops in northern iraq today. there was no significant damage, but the attack was the latest targeting the american military presence in the country. about 2,500 u.s. troops remain in iraq as part of the multinational coalition force in the fight against isis. it's the lowest u. military presence in two decades. and while isis has lost territorial control, the threat of a resurgence remains if the military were to pull out all together. newshour weekend special
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correspondent leila molana- allen, and videographer adrian hartrick, were granted access to travel to bases across iraq that still have a u.s. presence to find out what they're doing and what their future plans are. >> reporter: touching down at a kurdish base in north iraq, coalition special forces arrive to provide tactical training. just a few years ago this base was full of americans. but now, like others across iraq, it's been handed back to locaforces. this is what the foreign troop presence in iraq now looks like: training, equipping, advising.“ no combat troops” has become the top line in efforts to walk the diplomatic tightrope over tensions that us troops still remain in iraq 18 years after the invasion. earlier this year the american military completed an agreed reduction to 2,500 troops country-wide. now they're in talks to withdraw altogether. their stated mission is to defeat isis. while the group no longer has
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any territory, their scattered remnants are still a threat. what do you think would happen right now if there was a full drawdown? >> the definite risks are an isis resurgence potentially. the enabling capacity that the coalition provides is really essential to the iraqi security forces and the kurdish security forces. >> reporter: colonel david williams is the chief coalition liaison with kurdish forces in the north. the coalition has provided intensive training for years to the peshmerga, the kurdish security forces, equipping them with high-level military gear and, some say, helping them turn a mountain militia into a well- honed and modern fighting force. they do the same for the iraqi army; the country's top counter- terrorism force was founded by u.s. special forces, and multiple branches of the security forces have been trained by them; while the pandemic ended in-person training, the regular equipment handouts continue. the iraqi government says the country's armed forces, who were swiftly overpowered when isis swept through much of iraq in 2014, are now ready to fight the
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country's multiple security threats alone. others aren't so sure. peshmerga general sirwan barzani has worked hand-in-hand with the coalition for years. he says local forces couldn't manage in a year what foreign forces can do in a few days. the iraqi government has now requested a full withdrawal of those forces here, how do you feel that will affect the situation in wider iraq? >> we need the coalition, we need them, and if they leave we will face too big a problem with the terrorism. >> reporter: as for the ongoing territorial dispute betwee iraqi kurdistan and the federal government, the widely-held feeling among kurds that they deserve more support in return for fighting isis hasn't gone away; for kurdish forces in the north who see the americans as their strongest allies, a complete drawdown would be the worst case scenario. so, you do feel there's been enough support from your allies? >> no.
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of course, not enough. they do give support, but it's not enough. >> reporter: after isis lost its territorial control, many of the remaining fighters scattered, and went to ground across iraq, taking their ideology with them. the country's hostile internal politics haven't made tackling that any easier; the territorial squabbles have created ungoverned areas that fleeing insurgents have taken advantage of. colonel nawrooza has fought with the pershmerga for three decades. since 2018, he's watched over this peak in the mountains near makhmour, south of the kurdish capital, erbil. >> these bases mark the end of peshmerga territory. over there by the villages is the iraqi army. in betweenn the mountains is isis, where they hide themselves. >> reporter: he and his men watch from here as iraqi forces, supported by coalition airpower and intelligence, do their best to root them out. a recent two-week campaign, "operation ready lion," targeted this area, killing at least 30 insurgents and destroying over a
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hundred hideouts. these raids and others like them are carefully planned and coordinated here at the baghdad intelligence headquarters known as the shark tank. >> they run all the i.s.r., the drones for surveillance, they run strikes, and intelligence. a lot of the strike requests a lot of times initiate with the partner, so the partner comes to us and says we have this intel, can yostrike it? >> reporter: brigadier general ryan rideout heads up the coalition's military advisor group in iraq. he says the partnership of foreign air power followed by local boots on the ground is now well-practiced. >> if we bomb at night, they'll come next day and do a ground cleanse. with the makhmour operation, it was really about a sustained operation over time, that broke the backs of the forces of those guys hiding in there, so they'd literally run out of food, run out of water. >> reporter: the combined forces here say that despite dozens of ongoing attacks the fight against isis is nearing its end. but even as one threat reduces, an even more unpredictable one has emerged. this year has seen dozens of rocket attacks at bases across
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iraq, causing significant damage and killing ten u.s. contractors and locals caught in the cross- fire. the bases are covered with bomb shelters and blast walls everywhere you turn. the troops are well drilled in how to protect themselves inside their bases, rather than out in the field. so far no american troops have been killed in the attacks; the white house has warned that if even one were, that would mark a major escalation. meanwhile, all they can do is stay alert. >> this is where you come, depending on where you are, and wait for the all clear. >> reporter: we've ended up ending rather a lot of time in bunkers like these. in the week that we've spent with u.s. forces, there were no fewer than six threats confirmed serious enough to sound alarms at bases with a u.s. presence across the country, and at least three of those resulted in actual strikes. it's not just rockets they have to contend with now, but drones rigged with explosives, which can be much harder to track and protect against.
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private dawson had been here just a month when the first drone attack hit his base in erbil. >> it's one of those fight or flight things, it kind of just kicks in. and that was the fastest i've ever run in my life, i'm not even going to lie to you. i mean, i was, forrest gump, just gone. >> reporter: they believe they're being targeted by elements of the fragmented local shia militias, known as the hashd shabi or popular mobilization forces, who since america's assassination of iran's top military commander qassem soleimani in bagdhad eighteen months ago have been pushing to get them off iraqi soil. and it's not just bases being attacked. military convoys bring vehicles, weapons and equipment overland to hand over to local forces. a lot of that divestment, as it's called, happens here at ain al asad air base in anbar. so, how much have you given so far this year? >> so far this year, since january, we have given over $200 million of assets. >> reporter: improvised explosive devices, gun attacks and even rocket fire have been
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used to target the equipment and damage it en route, but the people getting hurt in these attacks aren't americans. >> it's iraqi drivers, with their own trucks, iraqi trucks. >> reporter: so although they're actually seen as u.s. convoys and u.s. equipment, it's iraqi people who are being attacked when they're transporting that equipment to you. >> correct. so, this is one of the vehicles that we received that was hit by an i.e.d. en route. so, it crossed the motor and damaged the back board. you can see most of the damage inside as it shred through everything. >> reporter: iraq's prime minister mostafa al-kadhimi requested a formal timeline for foreign troop withdrawal earlier this year after militia leaders issued an ultimatum. in the run up to an election planned this october, some fear their presence will become even more of a political playing card. it's a complex legacy. the military shies away from politics; but there are few images morpolitically loaded in iraq than an american soldier. particularly here in fallujah,
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scene of some of the deadliest battles in the mid-2000s, and an emblem of the cruelest repercussions of the conflict. today, families drink coffee by the river while their children play in safety nearby, but the memory lingers. muhannad al-hadi, who was just 16 at the time, remembers watching his little brother killed when he says u.s. forces opened fire on protesters. >> ( translated ): our house was facing the school where the american forces were. their response was to open fir—- relentless and aimless open fire on the citizens, and whoever lived near the school. the american forces shot him twice; a bullet to the hand, and another one to the chest. two bullets. >> reporter: he watched as 12-year-old abed bled to death slowly in front of his home; they weren't allowed to collect the bodies for hours. his mother died weeks later; he believes of a broken heart. after that, muhannad had to raise his remaining five siblings alone. but others fear a return to
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iraq's darkest days as a lawless security vacuum if u.s. forces leave for good. raed joumaily is the same age as al-hadi. in 2006 his father was kidnapped by al qaeda at a fake checkpoint. he was rescued when u.s. forces stormed their hideout two weeks later. >> ( translated ): that's why we want american forces to be present in all iraqi provinces. so we can get rid of all this terrorism. >> reporter: his father was kidnapped again three years ago by a local militia. this time, there were no foreign forces to turn to in the area. he believes if there had been, his father, who hasn't been seen since, might still be with him. those who want the foreign troops out, say isis is long gone. those who want them to stay, say the threat is too real to be abandoned just yet. so, the u.s. forces, their presence, isn't going anywhere? >> as long as there's an invitation. i don't think what the u.s. wants is a complete departure of forces. the iraqis want a normalized military-to-military type relationship.
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>> reporter: but is that possible when you've got militias who many people say have a heavy representation in the iraqi government you're working with sending rockets and drones and explosives into your bases? >> that's the million dollar question. we're not here to be in conflict with the militias, and if they create that situation, we are going to have to make a choice. that's not what the iraqis want, certainly not the iraqis who work with us on a day-to-day basis. there's certainly i think a portion of iraqis who do want that, and that's the problem. >> reporter: amid thglobal power-play, the fragile increase in security iraqis currently enjoy is at stake. >> you already have a bad economy, a lot of actors playing in this environment, very easily things could deteriorate to a situation where is could come back. disenfranchised people who are angry is a recipe for a quick return of isis. >> reporter: others, though, argue their very presence here is the touchpaper that will ignite further conflict. as tensions continue to
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escalate, the time for a choice may soon come. >> sreenivasan: we've been bringing you stories from canada'sorthwest territories told by indigenous people from the community of yellowknife. the “turning point” series, in partnership with the global reporting center, features personal accounts of life, addiction and recovery. one account is from former radio broadcaster and longtime yellowknife resident william greenland, a counselor at the arctic indigenous wellness foundation. for this father's day, we bring you a letter he reads to his son on lessons learned and life ahead. >> my boy, i want to tell you a story. and i want to share some of the things that i had to learn to get to where i am today. well, you know, son, i seen you when you were born. i gave you your name, will.
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and, um, i never seen you again until you were about five years old. and i seen you for the first time and you came up and you gave me a hug. and we hugged each other for a while, and i told you i was your dad. and i never seen you again, son. i never seen you again for a long, long, long time. there was things that happened to me, personally, as a child, i wish never happens to any other kid. the drinking began when i was 12 years old. so, drinking was something that was, um, that, uh, made me forget about things that happened to me. so, it started at an early age, very early age, and it... and it progressively got worse. and as i grew older, i got more into dope. and i got into sniffing glue a lot, and we stole it from the store in inuvik to-- to do it, and it wasn't, uh, you know, it wasn't good.
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it... it really took over my life. i... i was abusive. i... i did what my dad did. i did what my brothers did, and my sisters did. you know, drinking, and, and, uh, and fighting all the time. as a young boy, that's what we thought. that's what we had to do. that's the way it is to be a man. so, the turning point for me was to stop the cycle of abusing myself with alcohol, so i could give my son a good future. for you, son, to have a good relationship with me. that's why i... i made that decision, to say, "that's it." but it... it wasn't easy. i had to pray. i prayed really hard, and asked creator to help me get through this. i said, “remind me. put me somewhere. do something for me that i'll
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never forget this day.” those reminders, today, are the people that are on the streets, who are... who are drinking all the time. i asked creator to put those kind of people in front of me, every day, so i'll never forget, and that way i'll never have to go back there again. after i sobered up, i wanted to get back on the radio. because that's all i knew. so, i bugged them enough times and the boss looks at me, and she says, "do you want a job, william?" i said, "yeah!" she says, "well you're on the air in five minutes." good morning, it's three-and-a- half minutes after 7:00 on this thursday morning. it went on like that for a while and i kept on doing my show. and then all of a sudden the boss calls me in. she says, "william, we need to talk to you." i said, "okay." she gave me this envelope. and i said, "oh." and i looked at it, and it was a plane ticket. and i says, "what... what's going on?" so, i opened it up and i looked at it. and it said, "yellowknife, inuvik." i said, "there's no return on there." and she said, "yeah."
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she says, "william, looking at your work history, we fired you a number of times in the past." she said, "let's not make it another time. if you decide to drink again, william, come and get this plane ticket, and don't come back." and one day, i said, "that's it. i'm gonna go out and get frickin' drunk.” and uh, i-- i was on my way home, and i was thinking, before i before i buy any booze or any drugs or call anybody, i've got to go back to the radio station and get that plane ticket." i looked everywhere on the front desk. i was digging through the shelves, t desks. i spent a couple hours digging around there, and i couldn't find it. well, evening rolled around and i got tired. and i went to sleep and i woke up sunday morning and i wasn't hungover. and i didn't go partying. i didn't have any booze. i didn't have anyby around with me, but i felt good. and, uh, you know, i'm happy to say today, it's 14 years that i haven't had a drink. i'm still looking for that plane
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ticket. when we talked about my healing journey, you were a big part of it, because i didn't want anything to happen. i didn't want to see you see me drink. i wanted to be a good example. was it good for you to see that? >> yeah. >> were you surprised? >> i was very surprised, yeah. >> yeah? ( laughs ) son, i did this because i love you. i did this because i love you so much. i tell this story because i want to give it tyou. i want you to make a right decision in your life, before... before you end up the way i end up. and in 14 years of my sobriety today, son, i'm still trying to be the best father to you.
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because i love you. >> this is pbs newshour weekend, sunday. >> sreenivasan: finally tonight, on this fathers day, when a baby pigeon fell to the street in northern france two years ago, its life almost ended then and there-- but it had a stroke of very good luck, anthat luck has turned into a beautiful friendship. this is a story about what makes a friendship flourish and last. >> ( translated ): i was walking and i saw a small, almost featherless pigeon fall to the ground and try to escape the cats. so, i came back home thinking "another living being that is going to have a bad day." i told my wife about it and she asked, "did you not take it?" i said, "well, no, i didn't take it." so i went back to pick it up and i came home with blanchon in my pocket. >> sreenivasan: for the 80-year- old retiree, there is no
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shortage of things to do together. the young pigeon he calls blanchon, which means“ whitecoat,” never lets him out of her sight. >> ( translated ): the question i am often asked about my relationship with blanchon is "what is the feeling that-- not ties you to one another, because we are not tied-- can make you stay together?" i don't know. i am not a psychologist and i do not know if it is a feeling but, in any case, it is a desire to be together because we feel good. >> sreenivasan: he says his relationship with the bird is built on patience and respect, and believes anyone can learn the skills to find a lasting friendship. >> ( translated ): the are several billions of us on earth. and animals have as much of a right to be here as we do. we must know-- we must know how to respect them and everyone can do it. everyone can create that feeling as long as they respect the animal for what it is, which is to say a living being that shares the earth with us.
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>> sreenivasan: that's all for this edition of “pbs newshour weekend.” for the latest news updates visit i'm hari sreenivasan. thanks for watching. happy father's day, ay healthy and have a good night. captioning sponsored by wnet captioned by media access group at wgbh >> pbs newshour weekend is made possible by: sue and edgar wachenheim iii. the anderson family fund. bernard and denise schwartz. the cheryl and philip milstein family. barbara hope zuckerberg. the leonard and norma klorfine foundation.
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the peter g. peterson and joan ganz cooney fund. the estate of worthington mayo- smith. we try to live in the moment, to not miss what's right in front of us. at mutual of america, we believe taking care of tomorrow can help you make the most of today. mutual of america financial group, retirement services and investments. additional support has been provided by: consumer cellular. and by: and by the corporation for public broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the american people. and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. you're watching pbs.
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