tv PBS News Hour PBS October 4, 2021 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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judy: good evening, i'm judy wood are dig inning their heels. the standoff deepens between president biden and senate republicans over raise thing debt ceiling. then actio major oil spill off the coast of california threatens wildlife as cruise race to contain the damage. and back in session, the supreme court taken on abortion, gun rights and more divisive issues in the new them that starts today. all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour.
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announcer: major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by -- >> before we talk about your investments -- >> what's new? >> audrey's expecting. >> grandparents. >> we want to put money aside so change in plans. >> all right. let's see what we can adjust. >> we'd be closer to the twins. >> change in plans. >> ok. >> mom, are you painting again? >> you could sell these. >> let me guess, change in plans? >> at fidelity, a change in plans is always part of the plan. >> consumer cellular, johnson d johnson. bnsf railway. financial services firm raymond james, b.d.o., accountants and advisor the william and flora hewlett
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foundations promote ago better world at the chan zuckerberg foundion, work if an inclusive future for everyone. and with the ongoing support with these individuals and institutions. ♪ >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you.
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judy: a high stakes standoff between president and senate republicans is unfolding in washington over the country's debt limit. it comes just two weeks before the united states is set t default on its debt which could trigger damaging economic consequences for the entire country. today, president biden called congressional republicans' position "dangerous." i'm join bid yamiche alcindor so we heard today both from the president and from the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. where es everything stand? yamiche: well, both sides are dug in as it relates to their stances on the debt ceiling. it's unclear which side will blink in the standoff. president biden took to the white house podium and he delivered pointed remarks. he accused republicans playing russian roulette. he said that the debt ceiling is not about new spending but this is about whether or not --
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>> they're threat tong use their power to prevent us from doing our job, saving the economy from a catastrophic event. i think quite frankly it's hypocritical dangerous and disguiseful. yamiche: now, president biden said it is wrong for republicans tootling debt ceiling limit and raise thing debt limit his infrastructure plan though the g.o.p. has said if democrat cans pass infrastructure plan at $3.5 trillion plan with only democratic support that they would be able to rse the debt ceilinghat way they should be pushed back to reconciliation. he said that the republicans are in the wrong because this has been a bipartisan deal to raise it. mitch mcconnell took to the senate floor. here's what mcconnell had to
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say. >> the majority don't need our votes. they just want partisan -- they want a bipartisan shortcut around procedural hurdles that can clear on their own. and they want that shortcut so they can pivot right backing at partisan spending as fast as possible. >> now, president biden said that republicans do not need to give their votes and said all they need do is make sure not to filibuster. but there is is senate minority leader mitch mcconnell saying that he's going to snapped the way of democrats trying to raise the debt ceiling. mitch mcconnell wrote a letter saying this is really the democrats' problem to fix. judy: there was also disagreement among democrats among two huge pieces of legislation, reconciliation, any movement on that? yamiche: the president is still trying to get the party on the
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same page the president blamed certainly senators manchin and sinema saying that they are the two democrats that they couldn't get to back his plans. but they need to come down on that $3.5 trillion price tag for the bipartisan infrastructure bill for the democrat-backed i from structure billion i'm hearing it will be around $2 trillion. but senate majority leader chuck schumer says he wants to get all of this done by the end of october so we'll have to see where this ends. they're eye thing end of the month as trying to get this done. judy: yamiche alcindor following these two stories. thank you, yamiche . >> i'm stephanie sy. we'll return to the full program after the latest headlines. cruise in southern california worked to cleanup an oil spill
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that fouled parts of the coastline. huntington beach was hit hard after an off-shore pipeline leaked 126,000 gals closing beaches and killing wildlife. investigators are looking at whether a ship's anchor ruptured the pipeline will return to this later in the program. today was the deadline for teachers and staff to get covid vaccinations in new york city's public school system, the nation's largest. yor bill deblasio says 95 fors of school employee haves now had that's one dose. thousands rushed to get shots in the past week to avoid being put on unpaid live. refugee admission toes the u.s. hit a record low when the federal fiscal year that just ended. the "associated press" reports gazunder 11, 500 refugees were admitted not including thousands of afghans who came in recent weeks. president biden pledged to restressor sharp cuts of the trump years. u. inner humanitarian officials
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condemned libya for a violent crackdown on migrants trying to sail to europe. they round up more than 5100 people and killed that's one since friday. an estimated 215 children and more than 540 women were among those detained. >> we're hearing from migrant that is we're in touch with that they're scared to live their homes. we know that their libyan neighbor haves told them don't live your homes because it's just not safe. and so people are quite horrified. stephanie: the u. inner human rights counsel accused libya of migrants caught up in warfare between rivals regimes and militias. the biden administration reverse add trump era plan that kept family planning clinics that providing referral receiving federal funding even for other health service the policy reverts to what it
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was in the obama years. merit garland has taxed the f.b.i. to work wh public school districts across the country to address a spike in harassment and threats of intimidation against educators and school boards. garland said the justice department will announce new measures in coming days. a shooting on an amtrak train in tucson, arizona ended in the death of a drug enforcement agency special agent and a gunman. police were doing a routine inspection for contraband on the train and detain ago man when another paneling opened fire. a second d.e.a. agent and a tucson police officer were also wounded the gunman was found dead after the shootout. the f.b.i. is investigating the shooting and the other suspect has been arrested. two americans are the winners of this year's noble prize for medicine for work that could lead eventually to new nonopioid painkillers. david julius and
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ardema pataputian made breakthroughs working independently of each other. they're work shows how reseptember others in the skin respond to heat and pressure. and "star trek"'s captain kirk is finally heading to space for real. william shatner who is now 90 years old will be an invited paneling next week on a blue origin capsule. the company owned by jeff bezos. he will join two paying panelings on a like in that will last 10 minutes before running to earth. still to come on the newshour, a look at the cases on the supreme court dockte this term. tam ron and amy break down the latest political news. a pakistani musician embraces music while chart ago new path and much more. announcer: this is the pbs newshour from weta studio ins washington and ithe west from the walter cronkite school of journalism at arizona state
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university. judy: today the biden administration unveiled its long-awaited approach to trade relation withs china. u.s. trade representative catherine ty said she would restart trade talks witheijing but maintain most trump era tariffs on china. nick shivering is here to explain. so nick, hello. tell us what exactly did the u.s. trade representative announce? >> that bide listen not move away from trump era tariffs. will not launching a full scale negotiation with china and will instead enforce president trump's trade deal with china that trade zeal known as face one in which beijing prompted to buy about $00 billion of american goods. but the peter son institute says that china's only bought 62 cents for every one dollar it's promised. ambassador ty said she would hold china accountable to its commitments. but it was very very, very re
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stripped. >> our analysis indicate that is while certain commitment haves been met that certain business interests have seen benefit there is have also been short females in others. our intentions are not to inflame trade tensions with china. durable co-existence requires accountability and vice president for the enormous consequences of our actions. >> ambassador ty said she would allow u.s. company toes appeal to remove tariffs the u.s. will try to work more with ally toes confront china's trade practices and will try to be more resilient in the u.s., judy through it build back better. but ultimately, today was about continuity, maintaining trump tariffs for maintaining businesses. judiy: what has been the response? >> she's been criticized. some china experts say this is not a strategy. this is aholding pattern born
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out of fear tt any major steps is perilous domestically, political for the biden administration. some of the more hawkish experts say is doesn't go enough. there's no promisedunishment nor is there a road map to get china to make those fundamental changes. but business haves been bushing the biden administration to say that tariffs don't work. take a listen at dan dan ah ashton. >> focused on the value of tariffs. i don't think threes been a case made by the biden administration during the ambassador's speech or prior to today that the tariffs have been beneficial in any specific way. and at the same time, we have all of that evidence that's mounted over the course of the last few years that the tariff's have been detrimental to u.s. businesses. >> so it seems that ambassador
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ty didn't please, but she kept her cards close to the vest. held back her criticism and that may give her room in those yup coming talk withs beijing. judy: about what beijing? have they said anything to her? >> they have not said but they have responded in a very different way. inner chinese planes have flown into taiwan self declared air defense identification zone just outside taiwanese air space than ever before. this is three straight days of record military harassment of taiwan. today's taiwan's foreign minister was concerned that beijing would launching a war but did not they war is eminent. beijing is flexing its muscles warn thing u.s. and its allies over support for taiwan. we will see if beijing will flex its muscles in trade talks. >> connection between the economy an the military. we'll see. nick shivering, thank you.
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>> thank you. judy: federal and state investigators are focusing on a 41 year-old pipeline as the cause of a massive oil spill off the coast of california. the spill threatening wildlife and prompt ago robust cleanup effort in th pacific. but as stephanie sy reports the scale and the scope of the damage remains unclear. steve knee: a calm day on the water, with an unfolding catastrophe. some of the first victims the cafornia coast ever present seals slicked in oil. booms and skimmers have been deployed to contain and clean up the somewhat 126,000 gals of oil spilled from an urnedwater pipeline spill intoed the specific ocean. oil can be seen from orange county huntington's beach all
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the way down to dan ah point. some beaches would be closed for weeks, officials warned, or even months. orange county supervise or, katrina foley described the scene to reporter es on sunday. >> i was there for a few hours and even during that time i started to feel a little bit of my throat hurt. you can feel the vapor in the air. >> orange county healthcare agency has asked residents refrain from participating in recreational activities such as swimming, surfg, biking, walking, exercising and gathering. the area known as surf city the closed and mostly empty but for vonteers picking up tar balls. >> i'm picking this up and then i'll going take it to disposal centers as much as i can care. >> centers are still trying to locate the suspected leak occurred. the pipeline began leaking roughly four miles off the short and was shut down on saturday night. martin willshire is the c.e.o.
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of amplify energy. >> we will do never our pow power to insure that this is record as quickly as possible. we won't be -- we won't be done until this has cob clueded. >> for californians the spill is just the latest environment al punching. >> preventing an ecological dis assister. >> kim carr is the mayor of huntington beach whereby today the oil has infiltrated talber marsh. >> we are in the midst of a potential ecological disaster. our wet lands are being degraded. and portions of our coastline are now covered in oil. >> oil spills kill wildlife. heavy oil can smother animals. and when sea birds get nhl their feather, the birds can't stay warm. they die of hypothermia. it's one of the worst spis southern california has seen in recent history the last major spill was in 2015 near santa barbara whe a
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ruptured pipeline dumped 2, 400 barrels on shore and into the ocean. as the cause of this oil spill is investigated, people who live and work near hunting raton beach reported smelling oil as early as friday live manage to ask whether officials responded quicy enough to contain the ill. for the pbs newshour, i'm stephanie sy. judy: a worldwide consortium of reporters has published the pandora papers revealing where the mega rich can hide billions of dollars in secretive off-shore accounts the accounts drain money from government treasuries and can urnedmine national security and democracy.
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nick schfrin is back. nick: the international consortium of financial analysts shared records to provide an unprecedented window inn into how billions are hidde from authority, investigators and country's citizens. jordan's king abdul ah's advise ors created hundreds of companies worth $106 milon. and despite high poverty levels it target citizen who is use shale companies the king's properties wer "not unusual, nor improper." these properties are not publicized out of security and pracy concerns. in russia, president vladimir putin's allegeed girlfriend game owner of a monaco company. and it allows tens of millions be sheltered from view. joining me to thus i drew suivan, co-founder and editor of the oanized crime and corruption of the organized
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consortium. you teamed up to public these stories. why do you think secretive accounts are a threat to national security and democracy? >> well, really, opaque money is opaque power. they're a device to move money around the world and to keep it secret. and the problem with that is, you know, kit be money that's stolen. and it can be money, you know, that you're trying to move for some business somewhere. but a lot of times it's really money people trying to hide, people are trying to launder. and once that money gets into your country, you don't know what it's going to do. kit do something like create a real estate bubble, which you know, is annoying but not harmful. but kit also fund things like terrorist groups, extremists political parties, you know, bad actor ins your country, terrorists, you know, it's just -- in this day and age, we should be able to control the
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monte zation of money in our countryies. and we really can't because of the off-shore industry. >> it's not own offshore. it's inside the united states. >> it's all over the world. and in the united states they're pro live rating too. you have places like san diego, and wyoming and nevada. and a lot of other states considering passing laws. a loft organized crime that is we track are more often using the united states than some place in dubai or something like that it's because the united states, a u.s. address seems to give an indication that that's a legitimate company, and u.s. companies are respected for the transparency. but in fact, you're not getting the transparency. it's being hidden. >> as i mentioned before, off-shore companies linked to king abdul ah of jordan have purchased more than 1 -- $100 million of homes.
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>> what what does that story say to you? >> it's a ruler not wanting their people to know what property that's the have. because lit raise questions as to whether it's appropriate to have a $33 million you know, mansion overlooking malibu is that really the best, you know, image for the king of jordan? and so it basically helps them avoid the kind of scrutiny and the kind of questionss to whether they're really acting in the interest of their country. >> more importantly, a lot of rulers, and i'm not saying this is about king abdul ah, but a lot of this money and a lot of other rulers and potentially the king is stolen money. it's money that's being paid in prescribes. it's money in getting part of a business deal. and those pes of things and so they also want to keep those kind of interests and those kind of asset that is they're purchasing from that outside of the public and the regulators you know, per view. >> and i also mentioned vladimir
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putin. what does that story say? and what does it say how the russian authorities have responded to the journalist who is have responded? >> putin has stolen somewhere around $00 billion. he's one of the most rapaciosu ruler ins it would woman we studied how he kept kickbacks and steals money for years. you know, his system is simply, 's going to take what he wants and anybody who causes problem or raises these issues are crushed. in fact, just the last, you know, four months offer so, most of the large respected investigator active reporting organization ins russia had to stop publishing in russia. >> this is all out there. of course, it's been dismissed and denied by the various people in these stories what's the real world effect if any? >> well, there will be some. there will be people who ask for sanctions.
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there will be people will ask for metniski filings. there's a large civil society world out there that's really trying to police this by usi sanctions andeizures of properties to get the money back for the citizens of those countries. and you'll see that, you know, especially in the most egregious cases like raider ba january with $700 million of property in london that's obscene. i think you'll see a lot of people going after those public interest law firms trying to get these assets taken away. >> drew sullivan, thank you very much. >> gat to be here, nick. thanks. judy: the supreme court returned to courtroom morning the hear its first oral argues of what looks to be an unusual consequence consequencetial new term.
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john yang has more. john: the supreme court began with similar the records chief justice john roberts. >> i have the honor to announce on behalf court that the october 2020 term of the supreme court of the united states is now closed. and the octer 2021 term is now convened. >> not much else seemed the same as when they were flays the courtroom in 2020 the case is set where this term could be one of the most contentious in many years. marcia coyle for the national law journal was one of the two dozen or so reporters back in the courtroom this morning and she is back in the studio now. what was i like this morning? >> john, it was normal and abnormal. it was normal in the fact that there wereustice actually ton benching and they were hearing oral arguments but it was abnormal, first day
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at that times supreme court, you usually have a court building that's full of tourists on the lower level. lines of people who are waiting to get seats in the courtroom. lines of lawyers and suits waiting to be sworn into the bar. and the whole floor steams be hum withing talk. but today silence. a few supreme court police ficers, a few staff pple, you know, going in and out of offices, everybody masked. you go into the courtroom. and you see the press, those of us who attended, we were in the public seats, not in usual press section. but in public seats so that we could be spread out an wwere maxed. and also the lawyer who is were going to argue, they were limited to having only one other lawyer with them. before you could have that table full of a team of lawyers, also masked. in the guest section for the justices, there were anybody there but justice kennedy showed
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up in mask. justice briar's wife was there in a mask and justice barrett's husband showed up in a mask. and they were appropriately distanced. so it was strange. and during the arguments they were all on the benching except for justice cavanaugh who last week was positive for covid and is staying out of the arguments this week. but he was participating remotely so you had this disembodied voice echoing in the courtroom when he did ask questions. the only justice who wore a mask, was justice sotomayor. and i think because of being streaks cautious and she is a diabetic. so you know, it was strange, a then it wasn't strange. >> and it's a big term for this court. i mean, there's hardly a hot button issue that they're not considering this -- this te including the most divisive of all abortion.
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that's right, john. who knows there might be two abortion cases getting the the court, that's there is still action in the lower courts on the texas ban at six weeks of pregnancy. so it's not only abortion. it's guns. they've taken up a case that could result in the expansion of gun rights under the second amendment. they've taken two religion related cases. one that's the with separation of church and state. one involve ago death row inmate who wants to have his minister talent in the death chamber but praying and laying on hands. so yes, you're absolutely right. and they could add to that easily pending is a big affirmative action case involving harvard. the court continues to accept cases until about mid january. and then usually they have about 74 arguments. and right now the number is about 39 so this term could grow yes >> and in this first week on
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wednesday, throws a case involving state secretes. >> that's right, john. there's one of two state secret cases which is really unusual. the court hasn't looked at the state's secrets doctrine for a long time the first case that is on wednesday involves somebody who is now at guantanamo bay but he is trying to get evidence this is what we call discovery of -- of evidence from former federal contract or who is were involved in the c.i.a. this. detain yee was seriously interrogated. they suffered brain damage and the loss of one eye the government is saying you can't have that evidence because it will expose national security to danger the court has got to take a look at that and then there's another case that involves three muslim men from california, i believe who feel that they were -- that
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the f.b.i. was surveilling them because of their religion. and again, they want information and they have pleaded the state secret's doctrine. so yes -- and then there's a very important death penalty the boston marathon bottomer. his -- bomber. his step? was invalidated because of errors at trial. and the justice have agreed to lookt those and to see if the lower court are correct in what they did. it's a huge tournament huge. >> in recent weeks we've had a number of justi give a number of remarks all giving the -- defend thing court from a lot of criticism from the public what's going on here? >> it's a reaction to the court's more recent rulings on emergency application that is comes it to as the court's shadow docket. those have come very controversial such as the texas abortion ban, the bind administration's effort to
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extend the ban on evictions as well as the remain in mexico immigration policy of the trump administration. and so i think the impact of this criticism of the court and maybe have an eye on the fact that this is a very controversial term the public's going to be watching. and so they're worried what the public's going react to the decision that is may be coming forward. john: marcia coyle who will be helping us keep an eye on the term ahead. thank you very much. >> my pleasure, john. judy: facebook and its group of apps and social media channels went down for most of this day. william rangham look at the lathes all of it coming on the
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eve of a new congressional hearing of a giant. >> facebook's app and its website along with instagram and what's app went dark for several hours. and at this moment it appears be slowly coming back up the cause of the outage hasn't been explained but for the three billion people these outages were a huge description and a reminder of these app's influence. our co-author of "an ugly truth" is back on the newshour. can you help us understand what is it that happened today? >> starting at about 9:00 a.m. pacific out here in california, facebook and its family of apps went down that includes instagram, what's up, occulus.
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these impact 3.5 billion people. and for several hours including security engineers new what was going on. this was amplified by the fact that facebook's own internal communications wither down so it wasn't just that we couldn't access facebook engineers couldn't get into their own e-mails. and they couldn't even access their own buildings in many cases >> is there any evidence -- this is what we think of when these kinds of things happen, that this was a hack at this time? >> we don't see evidence that there was a hack we spoke to a dozen engineers, many of them working directly to thing it is extremely unlikely that a hack would have this kind of impact that it would take down all these facebook apps at the same time. what was likely is that it was an special update that went very badly. and which it took them many, many hours to try and fix. >> ok. for the skeptics throughout who say, why are we even paying
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attention to this? can you just remind us of the stakes here that billions of people use these apps and they're not just teenagers sharing pictures and videos of their friends >> absolutely. well, we hope they're notust teenagers sharing pictures of their friends given the report "the wall stre journal" on defect of teenagers. facebook is largely use bid businesses all over the world. in countries ranging from sri lanka to myanmar and indonesia, it's a way to do business. and what's app is a way that people do business. we spoke to shop owner who is said that their businesses were effectively shutdown because they could not use facebook and what's app to face people. they couldn't reach family members or couldn't reach elderly family members because what's app was down. this is something that people use. it is practically a utility in many parts of the world and in many people's leaves. >> and as you say, facebook in
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many places is in some places a stand-in for the internet is the vehicle by which people get on to the internet. we saw last night on "60 minutes" a whistleblower who you referenced has been arguing that facebook has not been doing enough to tamp down on some of the wt it know toes be damaging impact that its website has on teenagers. this also comes after a year, plus of scrutiny about their behavior and whether they crack down on hate and mys information that you reported in your book. and then a hearing coming together on capitol hill. this is -- they're in the cross hairs as much as possible and the very day that their website goes down. >> you couldn't really think of worse timing as far as facebook is concerned for people to be going to google and twitter and put inning there what is wrong with facebook or what is the problem with facebook because they're going to come back with hundreds of articles that were
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written in the last week pointing to really deep systemic problems within facebook. you just touched on many of those in your question. the way ins which instagram is bad for teenagers the way in which facebook as a platform has promoted hate speech and mys information. as you noted this is what we covered in our book which came thought summer. we now have a whistle blow whore has come forward with internal documents showing that facebook was sitting on researching showing just how bad the platform was, just how many harms the platform was caung. and despite that, they continue to make decisions which amplify hate speech which increase the amount of mys information tt we saw and which marketed their products to teenagers who which are incredibly sensitive to the harms of instagram. >> i know this is not air traffic control. this is not missile defense. this is not a hot but as you said there are plenty of examples in which facebook is a vital ability for people to get on to the internet.
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but sit a little bit alarming, i think, is fair to say that something as simple as this glitch that you're describing that could be what happened here could take down such a central part of the internet. >> absolutely. and i think it shows us the danger of facebook having such ale large role to play in the infrastructure of the internet one thing i hadn't said before is people should consider is that people use facebook to log into other apps. they use it toog on to their smart tv or smart thermostats. so when facebook went down, people couldn't access basic things around their house. this is a mega company that touches on so many aspects of your leaves and in some way it taken facebook going down in this catastrophic and immense way for people to understand just how many partses of their leaves this company touches on. >> indeed. cheryl frankel always good to see you from the new york times.
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thank you so much for being here >> thank you so much for having me. ♪ judy: staredown ins washington on the debt ceiling and the biden agenda have left president biden working keep the country from defaulting on its debt and to bring democrats together over government spending priorities. here to talk about it all are politics monday team, amy walter of "the cook political" report with amy walter and tamara keith of inner p.r. hello to both of you on this monday. good see you. let's just dive right in. tam, it was our lead story tonight, this stan off between president biden and -- and the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell pointing fingers over something we know has to be raised the debt ceiling, it can't sit where it is. it has to go up so
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what is this all about? >> every time there is a debt ceiling fight, there are finishings pointed everywhere. and it's all about spending that has already happened. this isn't about spending that's coming in the future. this is allowing toupee our bills as a country. but president biden and mitch mcconnell have now exchanged letters and words and -- and they are not seemingly looking for a path out of this. they're both dug in. the question is, does the public care? maybe not right now if the u.s. default ons its debt, the public will suddenly care a lot and they'll start wondering who's fault it was. and right now they're pointing in opposite directions trying to make sure that people get the blame. >> there are real consequence here. >> there are real cons against this staredown when both of you refuse to blink. this has been going on for so
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long that even the market haves now some thyme -- although today, i think there was a little blip. but even they have sort of assumed that this is just gamesmanship and eventually this is going to get worked out. this is just a political process. but there are real consequence and the real challenge right now is that the president himself and his party, well, they're the ones in charge. when it comes to the blame game, democrats -- this is pretty i critical you guys not allowing a vote on this being that you voted when donald trump was president. and we are paying for a lot of the programs you voted for. they said we don't like this $3.5 billion package we're putting together and if we give you a vote on the debt ceiling, it's basically saying we're ok with this amount of spending which we're not. and guess what, democrats you have the votes. you go ahead and do it you don't want to do it because
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you don't want to take the -- the tough votes. and by the way one more quick thing, it drags out this process, it's for the president's agenda and democrats are so tiering be done with this. judy: but meanwhile, tam, i mean, we remember it wasn't that many decades oohing that joe biden and mitch mcconnell were actually able to work together on a few things. >> it wasn't even decades ago in fact, they even worked together to settle a previous debt ceiling dispute it's possible they'll figure it out this time. but mcconnell is taking this hard line saying that republicans are going to filibuster a clean debt ceiling increase. he wants democrats toes have to completely on it to do this thing called reconciliation which we've been talk a lot about president's biden build back bert agenda. t they want him to use this thing that will draw more attention to the debt ceiling being raised, will take time
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will, take floor time in the senate. the white house is saying, oh, it's risky to do that because what if it taken too long? but having it take too long, i think is part of the goal for mitch mcconnell to really make democrats own this and not just vote vote on it quickly late at night. >> that's right. that's right judy: can one side or the other get badly burned by this or does it just pass and we look back and there they go again? >> and there they go again. i mean, the public is frustrated seeing both sides. nobody has a clean bill of health on the hypocrisy scale, right? or whatever, i mix add lot of metaphor there is. i think you know where i'm going. but as i said the party in power gets tall blame. and so the president himself, we've been talk a lot these past few weeks about the fact that he's been struggling politically. he needs a big win. people don't understand what this is all about the president will take the blame when things go poorly. >> of course, this suspect the only head ache the president is
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dealing with right now, tam. we spent so many hours thinking about, talking about last week the division among democrats over infrastructure and over this bigger -- bigger social spending bill. any -- i mean, what happens if this drags on? >> well, this is going to just drag on. they're talking about halloween, president biden has previous talk about christmas as sort of the informal deadline in his mind. this was sort of a self imposed deadline that they missed to vote on the bipartisan infrastructure plan the reality which has been sort of clear but was crystallized by last week is that democrats have to figure out how to agree amongst themselves ons the whole thing. the build back bert and the bipartisan infrastructure plan. they have to agree on all of it and they don't yet. but you know, there have been past big bills, the affordable
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care act and roundabout christmas times things that seemed impossible, oh, why didn't we think it couldn't happen? judy: could going to that long? >> yes, and it probably will. i think the end of october is way too optimistic some of it is probably the end of the year. just to appreciate what nancy pelosi and chuck schumer dealing with here, going back to some of those votes or i go all the way back to the 1990's with bill clinton. you know, clinton lost about 40 democrat ins the house on his big reconciliation bill. trump lost 13 republicans on that task bill that tam was referring to. nancy pelosi can afford three defections, three. obama lost 40 votes on obamacare. she has literally no room for error which is where this started in the very beginning. we've known all along action
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50-50 senate, three-seat margin in theouse this. cannot just -- you can't sort overmast this will through this. is precision legislating. democrats control tall levers of power but they barely, barely have a grasp on any of them. >> very quickly and not much time left. but i really want to ask about what john yang was talking to marcia coyle, this is supreme court starting today. they've got a number of high profile cases coming up, including mississippi, abortion law. -- that would allow, it essentially tightens the restrictions around abortion. and we've seen the supreme court yup hold the texas law that permits regular people to sue abortion providers. we looked at fool this is the marist fool the newshour does with p.r. both of them are not liked by a majority of people -- of
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americans. look at this. 74 fors of americans say they don't agree with the legal action by private citizens. 58 fors don't like this so-called cardiac activity law. i mean, this is it's not just something that the court haves to worry about. the public is invested in this politically. >> and yet, there's no political mechanism america to have a referendum to have the will of the people there's no such thing at settled law. there's precedent, there's super precedent but those things can change overtime. and that is what potentially is happening here. >> and the question too is does that translate into voting behavior? in order, how sail gent that issue for voters who may disapprove of many of these things? but they say, you know what, the covid issue is my number one priority the economy is the nber one priority. this is important but not as important as those other things. we're not going to understand
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where the salience is until first we see the rulings but then understand where we are come next fall. >> which voters can get motivated by whatever happens. >> that's righting. amy walter, tamera keith, thank you. >> you're welcome. ♪ judy: the south asian artform knowned as sufi musics has a century's old tradition built on mysticism and repetition. an artist is refus toking let others refine her work. tom has our story as part o the arts and culture series, canvas. ♪
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>> aruge debuted part of her work in brooklyn. her competition situations are personal. her performance intimate but it was far from a solo effort. >> the way they like to kind of produce this music is living space for the band. we're all involved in telling a story from this moment the song starts until the very end. >> still the band is executing a vision of which she is in command. >> to eventually conceptually a band like that is creative work. especially a singer composure who doesn't actively play an strum, there's -- instrument there's a disketting of women for the workhat they have to do you have to overstate that
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you are also the producers or the arranger. >> she's unwilling to let others define her. she sings mostly in urtive. her lyric are often centuries old. her music draws from everywhere. for example example she'll bring synthesizingnd little bitter heart and brought in the gazal. she's given her music her own name. neo sufi. >> it's like it's living in its own world of like -- a marriage of many roots and heritages. so it's like i need to name this right now. >> take ahold of it. >> writing up a recent album, the music has much aaim that the western tradition of jazz and experiment al lectronic as to the folk and classical music of her homeland. the al bum dedicated to her
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's prestigious berkley college of music, she moved to the state in 2005. she kept at her goal of become ago professional music but got her degree in music production and engineering. >> i felt that i needed some sort of like concrete industry skill. i came out of berkley in like 2008, twine, moved to new york. super reception times, tall music studios were kind of closing. people were making all these product that is you could record at home so. this is like, oh, great. they need don't need audio engineers any more. >> audio engineeng loss was composings game. where else would we get songs like "last night" withuf, mystic put to a beat like this one? ♪ >> i really liked the idea of just composing rumi with a regay group but also jazz with bass vibes and adding this ordu meter
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in the middle of it >> there are a whole world of things that you talk about. >> i was read ago lot of rumi i was listening to a loft regay in a jam those two things kind of came together. >> i'm not sure they would ever come together before. it's not like those rumi reggaa itunes. >> she would le to explore a immediate evil warrior called chan bibi. >> she was the only female feminist warrior, badass who released an anthoogy of poems. >> i like the fact that she has never been put into song. >> do you like the feminist badass? >> i think we all came from her. >> maybe that's where she came from where she's taking her audience is somewhere new. i'm tom cashado in brooklyn new
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york for the pbs newshour. judy: such a wonderful story on the newshour online right now, a family owned louisiana grocery store opened for 107 years has weathered numerous storms but damage from hurricane ida has the community wondering whether this local staple can bounce back. that's on our website, i'm judy woodruff. join us online and tomorrow even evening for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you. please stay safe and we'll see you soon. >> major fund forking the pbs newshour has been provided by -- >> the landscape has changed and not for the last time. the rules of business are being reinvented with a more flexible workforce by embracing innovation, by lookingot only at current opportunities but ahead to future ones.
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resilience is the ability to pivot again and again for whatever happens next. >> people who know know b. doer. -- b.d.o. >> pediatric surgeon, volunteer, topia ary artist. a raymond james advise or tailors sad vice to help you live your life. life well planned. >> consumer cellular. johnson manned johnson. -- johnson manned johnson. bnsf railway, the candida fund committed to restorative justice and meaningful work through transformative leaders. more at ♪
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support bid the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation committed to build a more just and furtive world. and with the ongoing support of these institutions. this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by directions to your pbs news station from viewers like you. thank you. ♪ >>his is pbs newshour west from weta studio ins washington and from our bureau at the water cronkite school of journalism at arizona state university.
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