tv PBS News Hour PBS December 16, 2021 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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captioning sponsored by ws nehour productions, llc >> woodruff: good evening. i'ju wdyoodruff. t nheewshour tonight: the pandemicsi persts. rapidly incrngeasi iecnftion rates tfromhemi ocron variant inhe t u.s. prompte morcovid concerns. then, highke stas. ngress wrangovles erhe t ssmaive "build bbeack tt"er llbi, and other enconttisou legisln,atio ithn e final weeks of the year. d, images ofed freom. a nehiw exbisht owcases the work a forgottento phogrheapr domecunting the fifoght r equalin ty ithune ited states. >> w sheasn aoutsider in ta lo of waynds, a ihi tnk she was able to relao te tso omef the exriceens of the peoshple e was n drawtoho ptographing. >> woodruff: all that and more, onon tight's pbs nouewshr.
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>> majorun fding for the pbs >> majordi funngor f the pbs wsnehour has beeron pvided by: >> fitidely alweth management. j>>ohns &on johonns. b>>nsf railway. >>su conmecer llular. >> fanincialer svicefis rm raonymd james. >>he t kendeda fund. committed to advancing storivate justice and megfaninulor wk through veinstments in tforansrmivate les aderanidd eas. mo aret kendedafung.d.or
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>>ar cnegie corporn atioof w neyork. pporting innioovatnsn i education, draemoctic enmegagentan, d the advanctemen of internati ponalea acend security. atar and with thgoe oninsug pport ofhe tse institutions: d individuals. >>hi ts program wades ma poibssle by the coatrporiofon r puicro badcasting. anbyd contributioo ns tyo purbs statfrion omie vwers like you. thank you. >> woof:druf fm robroadway to braiitn tonight, c-1ovid9 is spreadneing w arfes, forcing new shuts,down a pndrompting op tleo ask: when witill e?nd
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llm iabrangham has l theattes on thede panmis c'new turn for the worse. >> bram:ngha aths e holiday seasonrs nea, nccoerns of a surgent virue s argrinowg. esprident biden tomet daaty the whituse hoe thwi his covid ta fceor to discuss twayso curb s theprd eaof omicron, and deal wthith e rrcuent dominant variant,ta del. >> igot's intog start to spread muche morradlpiy at the ginning of teahe yr,nd a the lyea rl protectionto is get ur shots. if you'r ae at pntoi where you have eveinrythg,nc iluding your booster, youin're rlleay good shape. so, move. now >> branghaccm: aorngdi to the ewor yk times" tra, ckerthe u.s s. isengei a clear spike in cases. with a daively ara ogef 121,000 ctinfeio, nsthat's a 40%e risin the tlastwoee wks. de aathsrep uabout 34%, wanith average ,3of 100eo pple dying evsiery ng dleay. in n yework state, t.dhe c.c. says omicrs on iesmatited to
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make up as masuch 1 o3%f the ste'ats covid cases. governor kathy hochul reinstated ska ma mdaante for indooblr puic acples, which wentnt io feefct moay. toy,he s responded to cricitism that theda mantes ian ovretiacon. >> this his aeah ltcare crisis, anopd pelere a going to die. thatno is t pehyrbole. thatba is seond the facts ttha e finront of us r nightow. ifpl peoe d hagotten vaccidnate wh wase ked them to, g andot the teboosr otshs, i wouldn't have had to input pcela a mask mandate. >>ra bngham: in carnlifoia, workplace retigulaonwes re titeghned. the main chaisnge tt,ha startingmi in d-nujaary, y anworker, vaccedinat onor t, o mecos in contacth wit someono e whtes stpositive, must stay home. anmed so cleolge campuses are also takintig acon. classes anamd exs veha been moved onlis ne aanla arming rate of stus dentha gveotten covid. atne corllni uversity, where % 97of students vaare ccatined, lstea 1,100 studetents sted
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positive lekt we. tulaneve unirsy,it george washington ursniveit ay,nd n.y.u. a arelsdeo aling with similaikr spes. and, major pssrofeiol nasports leaguee s aral tsoaking a hit. ores of athl aetesndta sff across n the.b.,.a n.h.l., and f.n.l. have testosed pite ivor entered thheal a sndafety procotols this week. several gahames veee bn popostned. with about 1.f00 ayers testing tiposiven ijust the la tsthree days, falootbl commissi ronerog geroodell said yesterdhaay tt ccvainations and boosters a are porriity, but may not be enough. anwhe ilin europe, criountes ardee aling with ail simarwo t- ongethd reatyi: trngo tslow icron, whileba comti dngelta. france moved today to restrict urists from eltravintog and from the., u.k a rndequiring 48 urofs isolation uarpon
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frthe en pchrime ministeidr sa thdee cision is du, e to"the extremely d rapispadre" of icron in the. u.k fasor the u.k., british prime minister boris johnson insteisd day atth he nisot iosmpg ancky lodos.wn >> all we'ayre sintog people is, exer cciseauonti, think ouabt all the styoeps u n catake to minimizure yo o rwnisk, and t geboosted now. >> branghaesm: yteayrd, the u.k. saw itghs hiesnut mber of covid cases in agl sine y dasince the paemndic began: ov8,er 7000. anted la tayod, there was a setback for vathe cce inmade by johnson & jon.hnso a d. ac.dvisory commeitte advised agaitanst ki tnghe j&j shot, recommngendi merodna and pfizer vacciinnes std.ea thcoe mmittee citecrd ineangsi evidence of rea ra bodlo clot diso lrderind kewith the j&j vaincce. isom ces right as rtexpes ear inwarng atth omicron is lylike ecto bomthe e dominant sn traiin the u.s.
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for a erdeep lk ooat all of this, i'm jo binedy . dreric topol, feround a dndirector of e scripps rechsear anslational itinstute. drpo. tol,re gat to have ynou o the neurwsho. i wo inderfwe could taablk out this r j&jeomcmendation first. what do u yoma okef that? geart to be with you, llwiiam. thnki the committreee, view of the j&tj daa was very found. that is, it was a unamonius vote that the modea rnand pfizer vaccines asare htheyavae great track record. unfoatrtunel ty,he j&j shot has becen acpaomnied, rary,el with ese very serious bleedg,in otcl iss aues,nd nine deaths. it's best, if possi ble,to avoid it. >>ng braha om:kay, let'sr tun rer boadly to omicron. kwenow tha it its cinredibly ntcoagious. citertainly se temso be. given thato, d yu othink wer ae relye haded for a bad winter? >>f unortunately, it's
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qutiesonable at thoiis pnt. ths is ia vir sustrain that's ubdoling just overw to days, icweh 've never s aeennything li taht. 'rwee seeing itgh lit pu in the u., norway, in denmark. itand really is exponalenti growthe , thlis keof which we haven't seien sncthe e pandemic started. so it's viinetae blthat it's goin hg toitht e united states, and lit ardyea iris sing very quickly. and, unfoatrtunel ay, lot of oppele haven't appreciated that th iiss something c wean't avoid right now ien trms of this ve ve--ry has to be seeasn an auonslgh otfm oicn ronew cases. ra>> bngm:ha some people veha-- loo akingt e thcases that alreeady xt isof omicron-a- hve mpjued to the conclusion thaitt ilis mdewir th regarods t its ruvilence. doou y agree with tht?a tehre isn't any question. foatrtunel iy,t's milder. but the pro iblems hatt people arce asringbi that to teh virus. and it'ts no related to the virus. it'sau becsee w have so much
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immunity buibylt our vaccines, by our bstooer bs,y people owh haiod prr wea hve no evidceen that the s viruitself is more mild. and until wvee ha tath, we have toum asse atth people who don't have any teproctn ioare highly lnerable to getting very ill. >>ra bngham: we hbeave en ngseei, soal, a lot of breaktghhrou cesas. i ntionaed ererli, these coll aegesndn uiversities that are seeing these really exploscaive se numbers, largely amongst vinaccat edand boosted groups. do you think that erunivsiesti and coeslleg aer splecia rcstumances, or arhe tey a harbinger oft' whas o tcome for the rest of us? >>s ye, what wesa wt a cornell d onsuw bseenqutly maofny the universities isa sne pakreview. rathe pitidy that it spreads to, yoknu ow, hundred ss oftdeunts, in these ca of cornell%, 97 were ccvainated. isth is what wego're i tngo be seeing throut ghouth ceountry erhe t weeks ahesad a this becothmes e dominant strain, not
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just, oof cur, sein the u.s. but throughoout wr.ld tsohis is the kind of rapid adspre tt hawe have yet to see til now in the panmidec. >>rahangm: i mean, i fele a bikt lie a brok renecordhe re, lktaing about the nd eefor good mas,et bter ventila,tion vaccinnsatio, oobsters, rapid testing when poibssle. gin atwh we knoabw out icron, wouldu yo dad anything to that? ulwod you change as anything tor general prutecaioryna principle now? >>el wl, the thinogs yu mentioned, wamilli, are rtnlaiy the cornerstones of r repventiod n anblocking the spread. we don't havthe e rapid tests that we need in this country, unkeli many other places. we don't have enough people who bhaveeen vacnacite nd,o less hwho ave had thr eibooster shot. 'rlae gging way behind. 're 65th ine th world fro ccvaination and lagigngo mst cotrs iewho are on to the
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teboosr shots. d anespecially ion peplofe advanced agee, whreh te risk is considlyerab hghi. we're just noust ing the olwes have. if weed us theml, al we'd be in grt apshe to fend off omicron. but, uornftutenaly, we're just not doing .it ra>> bngm:ha one last tiqueson i nto t ask you, an argument ithat hare a lot, whicish omoe n, these are largely mild cases. cases." e thvast majorofity poeple will t gethrough these casethalt al isth talk abo outmicron i fsear ntmohering. atwh do you sa ty tohat? >> that coun'ldt be fur ftherrom the tru, thwilliam. we m aywe gllet beyd ona million canew seas day. t only willny ma of those people geti sck. wmeill wind up in the sphoital and die. t,l aso, we will bse fotering a lot more long covid, the rochnic disngabli faetures that could occur from omicron, no less cuinlturg eth virufus rther r mesothing beyond omicron. b>>rangham: allg riht, drer ticopol of scripps
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resear, chthanyok u souc mh for being here. >> thank you. oo>> wdrf:uf in the day's other neofws, fialcis across e great plaindns a t mheidwest reportt ed alet asfive deaths, aftepor a weulrf storm front bld astethree gion with hurricanrce-foe ndwis. it also brousught mm-lerike readinf gs o70eg drees that spawned adtorno ghsitings. e,on in minnesotoua, wlde bthe state's first ever recorded in demb, erif it is conedfirm. the fronvet mod rtnoh today ross the uppreer gatak les, d into canada. meanwhile, d theea ttholl from last friday'rns toads oein weerken ntucky rose 7 gornveor andy beshreear poedrt eo16 pplare e still missing. heat t se amtime, he again offered hoo pe tthe oswho rvsuived the destitruconbu, t those whose s liveha bveeen shattered. >> i'm notng goi awhnyere, and
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is state is gonot ing heanywre. we got a g creatomtmmient from e thfederal goventrnme ttha eyth're going towi be ths utoo. ersty ep, every weevek, ery month, andry eve yr eathat it ketas, we will gacet eh e onof these commieunits bureilt. >>oo wdruff: emplo ayeest a candle factohary tt swa deyestrod minayfield, keny,tuck veha now filed suit. they say thepa comnyef rused to t emth go home eardely, speit the risk. eight of t cheiro-rkwoers died. the compsaany yst iacted preroply. the u.s. food d andrug niadmisttiraon is movingma to ke abonorti plsil more easily acssleib. thagcyen approved a anperment rule todo ay tletht em be shipped ugthroh e thmail. that was alr aeadylledow teormparily during p theanmidec. some states ohaveutwelad mail livery, and f.the d.a. decision is ctexpeedo tface cot urchallenges alls we. in haiti, po sliceay2 1members of u a.s. missionarory gupav he en freed, twnto mohsft aer therey we duabcted. ey were amon pg 17eoepl
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dnapped by ag ganthat maednd $1 million omrans per rson. five peopld e haaladrey been rele iasedn cerent weeks. is unclear nyif a rsoanm was id. e thu.s. senate fgaveinal prapoval today whiasngton to punchish ina r fooppressing ur yghumuimsls. bitans goods frinom xjigan prin, cewhere thousaofnds uys ghurarine detention c.amps atth is unless itemporrsro pve fceord labor was lvinvoed. utdispe erov the bill had blocked apalprov onf icholas rnbus as ambassatodor cnahi. thsetena confirmed hhiim ts evening. thbie den administonrati withdrodew tayro fm negotiations with migraamnt fils iewho were parated at torhe bdeunr der esprident trump. amthe eranic civil liberties union saheys t jtiusce rtdepame ontpted against a gl sobaletemtlent. oatne point, thite whe ushoe dr ctiricism, after rtrepos
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of apo prosatol pay several hurendd thousand drsolla to chea family. frthe autrd ial of theranos fodeunr elizabeth esholm is winding idownn sajose, caliiaforn, thwi closing guarments. prosecuttoors ldhe t jury today that holmes aliedbo huter d-blooteinstg start-up's teiantl to attractli bilonofs dos llarinin fancing. e thdefense is etexpecd to counter hthatols menever meant mleisad anyone. and on wstall re, etprospects of higher interraest tewes ighed on te schtocks, and trohe bader market. e w dojones indust arialvegera 2lost9 inpots to close at ,8.97 the na fsdaqel38l 5 points-- 5%. e p s&500 ipslped .41 ilstl to come on n theewoushr: why nta cororsveial website with explicit dtiireconfos r suicide remaacins hoitiaaln ski resortes ar tryingre to op senafely using
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invacce sspaports. pridesent biden aw tardsheed mal of honor te o thfit rsblack recipiofent t pheost-9/11 era. plus, muche. mor wdroouff: after fngindi wsay avoid fiscaisl cresn ithe past w fewee, ksdemocrats on picatol hill are i nown a un-tchime for crit picalarts tofheir agenda. r sali desjardins s joinus, tk alabout three -shightaske suises that seembe to at pit inpots: the "buiacld bk bettbier" llim, migration, and tivong rights. hello, lisa. a lot to keep track of. yes. soil "bud ckba better," this has en c aenaltr prta of thbie den
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agenda. erdoe es it sta?nd j>>ud dy,emocrats wad nteto get this thr toughhsee nate by ristmas, youre'll mbeemr. itoo lksike there's v aery slim chanc ie,f any, that that will happe n aswe stand, of secour,sow n just a little over ae wek unt cilhristmas. there is not a ful flyledged llbi yet, and there are not yet seatnors on board. first one lvinvoesi wll the nasete parliamrientaan. asy manofur o viewerskn ow, bthisi mllust goh tr aough esprocsa clled creonciliation whicanh mes it must show dgetary thpaiarlmentarian jus dgethat. e,o hwever, ise rcoverinomg fr a ditiagnosis of stage three cancer. in addition to this g beina difficult fbillorer h to render opinions on behind clodse ors-- she's intryg ot give crdemoatgus idance-- it is tangki longer thusan uabel uscae of her thsendco issue, senorat joe nchin. hea hs not yet signeond to the ovioisn of this bill. he is in meetings daily, sometimes toi'm ldo hurly, on
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th. ever wyonean htsim to sig,n on t buhe is not the yreet. oo>> wdrf:uf so, liwsa, e know atth in the past few days, a big item in thibis ll, a lot of diusscsion around cthehd iltax credit. thatee's bn nhaging in the erdoe es that stand? >> this is of ne othise sues we arfrd om senatornc mahitn his ek, and i said evyoerne wants m stoignn o. i sh boulde eclar-- every other decrmoat, essenti, allywatsn him sign on. reblanics are happy hfori tmo stay off of this bill. >>oo wdruff: univelyrsal. >> ts hat' chthe iltad x credit is one of the la grgeroa olsf democrats here. that exs pandchild tax credits fr $om3,000 to3 $,6 p00er child, but its runou jt,udy, anind fa, 'sit due to run out. in fthact e stla of those expandedec chkse wnt out this week. "inbuild back berett,"h tat wod ulactually extend that. but manchion has a problem with hoit f'sunded. let me exp hlainow this works. he's lookit ng athe total overall ocostf eth bill. if you look w ath iatt costs ringht ow as itst ndas, it's about a $1.6 trillion bill,
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"build b backetter." ithatncdelus just one arye of ethatxpdeand child tax credit. majoe ncn hisays i don't buy that math. i think we ultimatelly wil try to ed xtenito fr 10 years, wihch is the usual length of the bill. if youth do a t,accngordi tto he corengssional budgffet oic te,he 'sbill ct osgoes up to $3 trli.on anso mch iins saying in do'tu by at we're jusoit gng to do esthe ings for on yeare orw to years. i ntwa us to say we e'rgog into paoy fr it the whole time, or kimang sure weno're t puinttg items hon tea tble atth are short term. this is a moraj pobrlem for moatcrs to solve. ther they cop me uwi ath way to pay for it adn bring manchin oaon brd a larr gebill, or they veha to take the child tax ed oitut. wdroouff: a veryff dierten opartf het bill i waont t aks abyou ou at,nd that's imatmigrioren form. th iiss somethinmg deoctsra have aleeso bn pushing. ndremi uwhs at's at stake here, anwhd at is the democrats' proposal? >> millions iof lveas re at stake. an, d,shma pnyoliticyal dnamics as well. les t'starwit th wath the proposal is in the cuenrrt
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versofion "build backt beter," atwh's being discuedss. it's a parole st fatusor millions of riameca wnsho are-- m i'sorry, not americans, but millions of undocteumend imgrtsan who arrivyed b 2011. it w boulde a stathtus at they could have for five yaers and nefow r up to 10. its inot a pattoh citenizship, anot green card. that's something immigraonti advocates wa.nted it is innot hee.r its tesimated by progressive groups it woulde hlp about seven million, c.b.o. says six wthisou blde a status many peoplee havsought. whatno is t inthis versionn o immigrn atiois p aath to citizenship drfor eerams, so-caldled acrea cipientos wh me here as t.p.tes., mparory proteedct status. our prod sucerpkeo to those oppele, daca recipnties and t.p.s. reci recieipnts ouabt thr mixed fees lingabuto this lbil, at their imramigti onstatus means right now.
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>> >>y mname is ivoniane dz. i'm 33 y oearsld. >>na my mes irajbin thresha. i' ym 44ea orsld. >> mmey na iefs rain m.l. esla.da am 32 years old. i residede in nv, ercolorado. >>i, h my name is hidais muecgl takana. i am 2s yearol ad,nd have been the u.s. sii nce wasis x aryes old. >>y mname is eva ossant vosel, i am a dicominanac da recipient. i live in brthe on nx,ew york, r foover 23 yearw.s no i have dfoaca r vesen years, and, which iha'm tnkl fufor the prograd m anwh iatt has given me, is that asit hn'bet en enough. , likei stlo my job twice cause i havegon't tt tenheir nel wain time. d it's been thardo plexain to my children beand enbl ae to survive, l set'sayfi, ve, six ntmohs, without b.a jo mnay me is yoliswome khalu davis, and 3 i'm4 aryes old. i am a newke yorr,or bn in natal sinouth africa. i've been sherein ice was three years old. owi kn tt hathe popular narrative ndarou da acis it's
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eadrmers and it'uts yoh. wever, everygrone owups . and so, ini thk e thfact that even tirhe fstac da recipients, who were t, heseyoknu ow, utyohful teenagendrs a elyar 20-years aowre n ithn eir 30s and wantin bg touyom hes and-- and figure out 401, (k)sanhod w atve en works. i thinatk th sakpes to how tuacally long webe've enai wting foa r solution thagot's intog acaltuly impact anifd sht rou ves. t>>.p.s. being mpa teoryar at, usevery year a hnd aalf, ey need to r oenewurta stus, and trthe umadp ministration tulyal canceled oup.r t.s. and right noe'w, wreti sll in titigaon, and the rngovement behas enem tporarily extngendi our status. is t'a tricky sitonuati to ink about, t- his-th bisuild back bettellr bi a tndhe prisnsio in it and-- and ngtryi n toto feel disilonlusied oris dappointed wiowth h tnghis arheedad. w>>e know that wthisill net fia lot of peo lple,ike myil famy,ik le my parentst tha
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e arundocumentedd , anmiiollns ofilonlis of other irammignts. wweill definiteelly hp .us buulmatitely, it's not a wapathy ctoitizenship. >>s it'noevt en clear whether weil- l-we will be rvieceing wo prkermits for tnthe eire thleng ofif ve years. and itll sti ds oenot take away that cloudun of ceairtnty that s.t.p. h oasver us. d anwhat is evene morsciearr, e sincit v'sery temporary. youlu cod veha another oppgosin adminitistraonom ce in and just nc ielt right off bathe ck. >>i if lo aokt it in incrtsemen eofight to ten s,year ist' definitely an imemprovent the yetwo-arnd a recently the e-onyear work >> it is e rewe a gngoi to be, manyus of , tinhe next ten s,year a greoing to be again in the grips of poatrtion. >> my dad a had teibrrle deaccint. he fell ofrof a ofnd a he-- he-- heoun'ldt work anymore.
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he has cr,ance a tndhe cancer bumyt daca expiremod a nth later afteatr th, iso was let , goleft withoutob a j f aor mo anth,ndt iwas really vastating. was lost. i was in f aear,ndha tt was just mia rend terhat-- that disaca not permanent. >> it's goin bg toe very disappointing, if there is no immtiigraonro pvision at all ins thipaagcke. myatgre andfather, he petitioned m fory m moand my pantres some yearsk. bac and weso, a iren this backlog. d anthkfully, in tilhe bl, there is aa visreptcaure ovioisns that woullpd he sedpe up the proincessg,o speople-- sfoo lklis ke myself with a pendintig peti, ondon't have to itec dades. i'hongpi that that othne, at becomes on te ofhero pvisison atth mak iest in b theilatl the en ad,nd so, we dowan't lkwa ay wi nhiotng.
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>> right nowp., t.s.nd a daca recitspien t ohenly thing for emth in the bill isx epanded aid four edcaonti. yohe tarhem sayingwe 're ults now and we're concerned abt isth very large categyor ppleoe congress h nasot drseesd. >>ooufdrf: we also rdhea atas lt young ma snayhe ty cod d enup wnoith e thercod ulbe nothingth in e ll. whdoere est i sta?nd ts hiis one of those provis tionshai t think will ju ce omdown to the very final llca by the senate iaparlmearntian. ai tn,o do this, ait hs to owsh a budtagery effect. anthd e idea ofa pro, legiving stuso t many undumocented immigrants. they woue ld bchgeard a fee. that b's audgetary effect. isbut tt haenough forh te parliaarmentiaton say it should go through? 'lbel watching s thiday by lsdaya teh parliantmearian hereacs daecision. >> woodruff: wecat n'talk about all of what's going on withtaout lking aboutvo ting tsrigh. and ryourertpoing is that vongi rghts and filibusrte
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rermt sill behoing tly debated in te hesfinal days. snaete demraocts amid all thisd ha an intseen lnu tchoday. that woward s used "intee-ns-" and it was focusn ed ovointg rits. i twanto lkta abouth wat's been gog inon the last couofple ek. ers e'been a senimse te is ruinoug t on voting right fos.rm e theris a diput ov werhat is best d forecrmoacy right now. t is it cohae ngthrue les oef th u. satene, to pass voting ri, ghtsors iit to not change the rules. t firsles t'hear from raphael warnock eof gorgia who says yes, it'se tim toh cange. >> >> the idea of the fillu br,ster whh icallows eth minority in eth senate to e routseatne, becseau u yoneed v60ot gesenalerlyn i
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detor break ai flteibusr. now, the two rea asons filibustruer lise n ita ctare setonars jomae nchin and kstryen sinema. krysten si, nemai ntwa to read a statement hfer ofi gceave me, ouwht y she thinkst i stays in pltace o defend democcyra. here iats wh she wrote. "senatior sna emcontinues to sutppor 60-vote thresldho. here you see votg initself at stake. and the nasete as an institution attake. anmd deocrats wrliestngv oer dwhato ew need to do? wdoe change the rules to, in r view, prote vctoting. dweo prote tcthe itinstutn?io doand esha tt proctte demcyocra? rit w nothe truth is, though, judy tehe dmraocts do not have thvoe tes to changee th lifibuster rule. t smyources tell me p,eople inlvvoed, they arein tryg ot
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convinance mch inandh tee aperdz b leistening tope rhaps changinge th lrue so to make it rd tero filibuster. >> wdroouff:is la dejasrdins, thkan woodruff: ani warngth, at th nt exsegment contains sense itivcoenntt. icide is theon secd leg adincae usof death among yoamung eranics. mo wstebsites abouict suidare e med at preven.ntio bu at, "new york t"imes vestigation s lookin otone at provides rminfoatn ioand dictreions for how dtoie. am nnaawaz reports. n>>awaz: judy, sithe tera dws x million paiege vws m aonth rliddwe-- four tims es amany ashe.s u. national sdeuici pren ltionifinele. d,os mt visitors w30ere or e ew"n york times"or repte,rs brgaiel dance angad men ohtwey, aledyz more than 1il.2 mlion
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meagsses on the site. eyxa emined membernls' oine stieors, combed thhroug hundreds of s pageofol pice and ror nerecords, ander intviedew zedons of familiefes lt hibend. tand,hefoy und at least 45 dehsat by suicide ulin mtiepl uncotries linkedth to e tesi. gatwn ohey and gab drielance join me now. welcome outo y bh.ot thand an fksor making thei tme. megan, i at is snntuing report that you boath hveo wrk oedn. those 45 suciides you linked to the siante rger fom a -yr-eaold girl inl ilinois to a 8-5year-old man in texas. do yavou he y anway of knowing ift oher peoples alo visited the te and th deni bedy suicide? >> yeah, absoteluly. ose were 4 d5eaths in whi wche rewe actually ae blto identyif the persohn wo died. and you're htrig. thers e wanoont lay ea16-yr-d.ol e therwaa s 17-year-old. there wayos-- un kow, trehe were other teena.gers most ohf tose deaweths re young peleun, der 30. and wheat w fuond is that in alyzing morean th oen miiolln
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meag oesn the sitee, w found th t therue talyl of death is kely hundredrs moe. weerabe le to anlyaze these good-bye threa, dsessentially oppele who ca omenline and narratedir the attptems as they twereakg inplace. and thhroug ver syophiatsticed procofess analyzingo thse meesssag, wweere able ton fid that 500 mem, bersroughly tow pelepe r week, did such -bgoodyehr teads, and t nhenever edpost again. >> gabelri weh sould menti wone arnonat ming the site here. diyou d ryve late in your report. yodid u weigh not doing that at all? did you worroy ab putointing people tow tardsh iisnformation? >> we were. weondesired it at length, and iwe dssscued itwi h tmany peopmele, dalicr possfeionals-- spicecifal slyuicide ofpressionals, contagion professionals. we discussited wh ethm at length prthe osn ad consan, d when it s cometoa nming the sitwee 're
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ighing the otupporni ftyor account agact ait,ns you know, e thdanger of sprdieang tentially harmful inftiormaon. and aftehr tese conatversio,ns r editors mahede t call we would include e thnae mof the site. weou wld do it only once, and as you d,sai fruther dowinn the article. without ngnami teh site, it would be very difcufilt for leslgiators and lakewmars to have aorny st of accouabntility for the site. perhaps even a greater concern fors u was parents whhao d no id teahat this si teexisted dan heotrwise might wveryell be epkeing their eyne o their children's wreb bowsing tiacvity. >>e mgan let'sl hep opeple undendrsta wt hais on this site a tt bleit, without getting into spifecicnf ioronmati. wh eatxactly kind of content, what kofind finormation do people c iomentoco ntact with there? >>el wl, most suicweide b sites are about prnteveio bn,ut this e prov eidesxplicit introdonuctis honow to die,
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st-b-yepst, detaidle troductions aon vrusio metdsho ople can use tokill itand 'so nt just that. the e arpublic forums d anlive s blogan pdrivate messaging in whhice mmbers discuss their plans andf ofer encouragement and assncistae tashemay ke eir plans to follow thr.ough among the most-ewvied posts aer os- e-the gseood-bye threads wchhi people nartera their tetsmp with other members igwehing in withh tum-ubsp ojemies and well wisheans d sically messageofs support. in tiaddiono t ethse very exitplic irontduction, there's all ofi ths teinraction othn e wsitehich reafally cil tats idsuice d anpeople following thugroh with the pirlans. gab, you uncovered this at a time when expertsre a ringing an aralm about a national
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emerncgey, ata menl alheth crispa, rticuy larlamong young eramicans. wh yenou take a latook the nuer js,ust in the early part of the 20 e20,mergency visits for mentallt heahm eergencies rose 24% for children eagfid ve 11, 31% forh cildren aged 12 s-17,upescted suicide atte imptsnrecased over 50% for rls 12-17. that w fasrom early 2201 mpcoared to before the pandemic ene bgan. anatd th ldsea me to onef othe storieu s yotel,l gabriel, about a 16-year-old named dani elde lcto. heug strgl wedith depression. hiparents thought they had gotten hehim lp. >>a dniel is a sad story. w aas 16ar-ye-old boy? saaklt le city, utah, and living with his parents, his mother and father and younger sister. s older broerth hade rcyentl neo tcollege. niel had a stomach ail,ment itand cuased him great pain afra eting ewhn he and his
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mi wlyere trying ito fgure out wh t aheienlmt was. but danieln wet ttohe suicide web sitere whe w deumped all of his fears and anxtiiees into the wesie,t he was woredri that he would neveer b able to recover fr tomhe stomach ailment. and withina d oysfh sowing up, a mbmeer of the stei encouradge hitom use ap secific metd hoto die, whisch i reatrlly agic cause it waeas clr ndaiel had ia dehow to take his life berefo coming to tithe se. d, again, within days, he was introduco ed tths imethod, and inwith teehr months, hhae d died honis bed, andi hs mom discovered hatim le atht night. anhipas renents vehar and y eaid he was on the site. they actuadilly dt n'even have idea he was depre.ssed oki spe twih his best friend, and hilels bst frid'ens motr.he neither ofem th hd aheard hianytngbo aut this sie.t d all of thhaem d wisd hethat just a atny point daniel had ntneiod that he weas ven thinkingdy of inbg y suici sdeo th ceyould interve.en t thib s wesite doesn'ret ally help peowiple th intveerntnsio
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as much as it helpsh tem carry ouy t ankid nof s planth heyave kill tehelmsves. >> megthan, e obvio qusueiostn re is how is this site even up? i know you ngo ito great lengths poinrtg on the tw moen who create ad itncod ntinue to run it, but how is it stilupl and running? >> that's a atgre equstion. as ware cri oedut this investigat wion,e rewen't just ecg intogether things lo taril of deat chsonctneedo tthe site. wweere asking that very esonti. soanfay milies left behind wanted desteperalyo t see this ssitehut down. d r fothe two shadowy figures who run the sie tto be held coacuntable. w,no those two mehan d gone to grt ealengths to hidthe eir entities andpr to ott ecthe web site. ey moved their server from countries tou contry. they ucosed mpieans who allowed emth to hide who registethred e domain name. d that made it really hard to not only detect who they were t htoold them there a is federal law that ovesid sweeping legal protections ebto w site
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operators,n evewh tenhe content tseho sites is dgeanro ousr ev cenrinamil. eso grmany, australia, italy-- the criountesav he taken aconti and have suedcceedn i some-- to some extent in restrictinceg acsso tthe web tesi within their borders. t buhere in the united states, mend a again, we j'veust eesn ofcifials look the other way. it is a stunning report. thle ful preort is available on n"theewor yk times" webe. sit gamen twohey and brgaiel dance thyoank u msouch for joining us. >> thanku. yo >> thayonk u. nawaz: and ouif y osor meone u owkn needs help, the nationalci suidere pvention feliline is reace habl24ou hrs a y, seven daywes a ekby, incallg 801-0-273-8255 oo>> wdrf:uf many of italy's i skresorts justpe reonefod r fithe rstit me since mar02ch 20,
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when they cl aoseds vicod swept e thcountry. inthe duryst lost billions. wevenita h new spike ines cas, d anomicron looming, skeri opats orhave a new plan eyay s will keep pe eoplsa.fe iaspecl rrcoespondent adanam rey reports from northern italy's dolomite mountains. r>>eporter: it'ens be aon lg ti cmeoming. after nearly y twoea, rsskiers and snowborsarde a breack on the opes at val engarda. at,0 800 feet, thekey ta in vis ewof the worldar's lgest ski area: some 750 miles of runs stretched across the dolomites. opening dayos, the o whmade it to the toulp codn s'tuppress thjoeir y. e >> wlo tveo be back on the slope. itee's bn fea w years. and it is noowt crded. erare e a few peopsole, we haheve t spelos for ourselves. so, ovwe le .it >> we reallye lovbeg inable to
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ski again. we missed itmu so ch. >>epteorr: this resolirt, ke all rsothe aoscrs italy, closed in m 2arch02 a0,nd remained cledor f the entire -22020021 i asseon. the inrydust, clinuding ski res,sort helots and restaus,rant cotsun for $13 bil ilionn annualen revue. atll a evaporated with tens of thodsusan ojof bs atta, kethere's a lodit ring on a successreful -lncauh. ketoha tt reboot is y'itals een pass, orid cov pasort. g iett, you have e to bfuyll vainccated, or havree a cent neti cveovid test. thout the grpaeen ssyo, u n'evt en make it o tn tohe slopes. ( transl ated t):he most imanportt inthg this year is atth you ski wite h thgrn eepass and don't get infected. we've reduced gondola and lift pacity to 80%. every day,er skis stmu match
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thr eiski pass with their een sspa. ceon matedch, th'reye onhe t white list c andanki s all day thwiout problems. >> repr:orte othn e first day, tcnghi green passeths wi ski passases w sw-logoing. some essxpreedru fstration over the protocanols d ladeys. heotrs, like thiers amican couple f wholemow re than 12 urhos for openinekg ween wd,ere reur-assedy bthe restrict.ions >> theerre we loa t less safer options, andti getngnt io italy, the erwere a lot ootf procsol that mad fe useea l lot better. i veha had to show my vaccinatcaion rdll a over the place, t andhamat de me feel sa.fe >> repor ater:ndto, eat inordos-- on orof f e thslopes-- timal rch 31, you must have a so-called super green pass, meaning a negative test isn't enghou. yostu mu bfue lly vaccinated. it p'sart of primeis minter mariago drhi p'slan to avoid
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major spikndes a kp eethe ecy e dolomites,t parofhe t alps in neaorthstn eritaly, are a unesco worldit heragsie te. theae ar h hasosted many world chamonpishipac res. thvae rietany d lethng of eth opsles dwsra skis erfromll a over the world. everything is in place for a successful ski season. there is perfect snow, and now isth cov pidasspt orthat ecksve eryons e'heal sthtatus thone ly tnghi misngsi so r fais re serkis. eay rldays still, rdaccointog hotel ownelsr ni detemz, who is alheso t psiredent of val rda'ens hotel assoiociatn. >> theki boongfrs om christmas onwarde s ari ulwod say almost atrean-pdemic levels. trehe are some calanceltis,on people b maye anchging their nds, but we gkeepetngti more boinokgs coming in. rorepter: demetz tisn' worried t abouhibus siness as ch as those elhe ries on.
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the biggestce conrn h iave is oufor r plemoyees. cause of couthrse eyav he been distanngy bour side throuought this panc,demi nerev knowing how ings will evolve. if we close, they lose their job. >> reporter: putting the ski season at risk, of course-- the unpredictabilif ty ocod-vi19. this rn egiowaa s covid hot spot whheen t pdeanmic hit italy in 20. manyes cas we ertracked back to rethe so, rtwhere skiersen oft ngle in cozys hutantid ghtly- edpack gdoonlas. ngaddi ttho at risk is towhe ler ccvaination rateth in e eaar. naonlyal, 77% of itas lianhave reedceiv alet ast two doses of e vaccine. thrae te he eris 6.3% in teahe ld- tupo the season, worries ovnoer ath perossible dolockwned l to rising tonensis in the area. ma vciacnated reside-nts- arful of losthing e asseon-- poedrtly threateneeid thr
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ccunvainedat neighbors, and vaccinatesed ridtsen reported being atta ickedn e thstreets. mathe yoofr ortisei, thine ma town in thlle vaeyis, calling r focalm. >> ( antrslated ):er tolan ices ke we d non'teetod go on a witch huntht rig n.ow not at thimes mont. ep>> rorr:te there was a two-weurek cfe aw,fter a recent spikeco of vi19d cases, but asit w lteifd right as the onseas baneg. e yomar acknowledgf es ithey don't keep tirhe vusnd uer coro il,t could be devastating. >> ( sltranat ed ): we absolylue can't affordea a ssolin ke last arye-- that woulald relyau cse reirversible damage. e thfear is thatt thamany prlyobab wldou close theirrs doo for,reve bauecse a lot hasn bee vested in re ma suctrtures have been retenovad;eo pple have made important stinvemes.nt >>epteorr: nils demethtz, e tel associatprion esenidt says emerploys d antourists need to ke the long ewvi.
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>> tr anslated y ): mgrtea grandfatheugr bohthi ts hotel 1in913. he made itou thrghor wld war i anwod rlwar ii, and dface othetbr seac.ks wenow he avthe pandemic. i se urwe can make hrit tough this. >> repor uter:p tonhe slopes, me locals whmeo co he eryear afr arye are hopefulo., to >>heeo pple are really yienjongak ting a break tfromhe ticies, staying atin nure. i k thinits inot that dangs.erou >> reporter: convincing more people of that-- both at home and abro wad--ilbel required, save this itrndusy r fothe oundsas who rely o.n it fothr e pbnes wsho, uri'm amad raney in g valarnade, italy. >> woodrufref: psintde biden awdemed dals of honodar toy to three sold wiershoou fght in
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ir aaqnd afghanistan. two of the m dd ieprotecting their coesmrad. now,ou thrghnt ierviews with family membeanrs, d eth vi rngecipient, anrtd poions ofay tod'sas et room ceremony, hweear eithr stieors. >> good aften,rnoo and slateeranget first class alcawyn sh le,ate sergeant first class stchriopr heceliz, master sergeeaant rllu pmlee. ounaonti's newest reencipits urof o hheigst military d,awar the meofdal horon. october 17, --2005 sergeant cashe was cndommainag bradley tifighngeh vicle on night patrn ol anmpvirosed explosivvie dece todenated, ignitthing e vehis cle'fu aelnd engulfing it inme flas. rgeant extra hctedimlfse and,
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without hesiontati, ntwe back to the vee hiclto hp free the iver. heus phed his own apainsi adend turned to thrne buinveg hicle anlld puedou fr soldiers free. e sergeant sheaw treas w still sotwo ldrsie and their inreterpte ursnaccounted for. wheent back inte o thinrnfeo r the third , timeangod t ever oyoneutf othat inferno. >>y mname is kasicanal she- itwhe, and i'm of ne othole der sierofs sergeant ficlrst ass alwy cn 'she been gone 1ar6 yes. d anwe started tinhis 27,00 utopgrade his m.edal this means ethveryining the d,worl tt hathe stories that 'vwee heard from b hisatetl buddies,s it'albel en vadad.te atwh he did was ichero. >> sanerget rsfit class cashe is now the ntseveh diinvidual to rveecei t mheedal of honor r fohis actions pein oraonti iraqi dofreem,nd a the first african amer ticano cereive it ncsie the vietnar.m wa
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>>ik i le ttohink that he's a soldieatr th hpeapned to be rican americthan, atas h eaedrn the medal onof hor. >>y jul1220, 18-- nearing the enof f aifth deployment, seea cnteliz was lea avingn operation in theti pakka provinceaf of ghisantan. ring the firhtefig, mea mber of t hiseawam s critically wounded. as they ca flledored mical acevuation, serg ceantel uizsed his bos dy aa ieshld for the rcraft and hreis cw aiagnst heavy inngcomi >> my nas me ikae ticeliz, and late husbans d waseeargnt rst clahrss cisphtoer celiz. miss him a lot. t buthe fact thas t hisaifcrice is being rniecogze id,t's-- i elfe like it's otene sp oscler fousr to find clo asurendo t healna, filly. heas w a ranger thh rougand rothugh. lheovedis h menan, d he would donyinthg for them. he truly tho oughtf emth as family, and hito ts y,da
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'rtheye ilstl our family. august 28, --2013 tn-hestaff easergntar el plumlee was at b.f.o. gznhai in afghani.stan ithennsgeurnts, turned out, detonate40d a 0-unpod car bomb bthatleopw en a 65-footac breh in theim peret werall. afsef rgeant plumlndee a mbmeers of specipeal oraontis te iedmmiately hoppe ad in arby tck aacnd redow tards thble ast to defene d en they arri tved,hey countered inensurgtsom cing rough the waalll, l arweing plivose vests. afstf sergeant ed xitethe clvehie d anused his owny bodto shieheld t dverir. oubetnumre wd,ith no regaorrd f s hiown safety, imat tesrm aed with only sta piolst, aff rgntea plumlee attd ackethe inensurgt rcfoes, taking tonhem e onby one. >>na my mes imaster sergeant earl plu.mlee atwh this award s meantoe mis
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th il 'lbe a represeivntate fothvae lor that occd urreon atth day, and i'epll rrentse those meatn th ce amwith me to at fight. not a t doubiny mmind that eithneer o othf ose guys cod veha filled my s,hoes iif had been the e onth hatad ibeennjedur. it hdyea talk to thihank tt i'm pra reestaentive of the best athe t army has. m just increy diblhulembd to be here, esplleciay btoe with the esother two faesmili. ( applause ) w>>oodruff: a nxhew eib aitt e oephnix art musexaum emisne
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thrke wo oa f long overlooked german-acamerin otphographer who pod sethe links ben tweerasmci poand vey rtin the u.s. stephanie aksy tes l aook at e rsfit major exhionbiti of marion palfi's work since her death 1in978, for ouroi ongng ts and cultuerre sies "canvas." >> a sy: gupro of young chenildr anding in aney all, glneected. in thahe sdoofw the grand u.s. capitol , domea llca to action, address ext premeovtyer. portrait of maa won aat polling stn atioinis msissippi, registerin vg tootfoe r the rst time-- haner hdsp. u an eldlyer man in his ,room on ae,nd forgotten. the uniquemely arin catragedies explored in e thesphogotraphs arpae rt of the exthibi "fed momust be livedt ," athe oenix art mu.seum it showc tasesheor wk of phogotrapher mariolfn pai,ho w idiedn 7819. >> s tincehe sn,he has kind of enfall io ntanonymity.
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y:>> s areudy sands is otography cur ratoathe t ummuse a tndhe center for ticreaveho ptography in ontucs, wherlfe pai'ars chive is held. whisy n't her workte betr owknn? al>> pfias w so deeply cttommied to picolitalha cnge and to educating thble puicha tt her phogotraphs circul matedorine librs arieanamd ong policymakers ithann acspes of art hiy.stor s>>y: palfi calheled rsf ela soales rearch photogphraer. >> p walfiasea rlly interested in these popioulatnsn iamerica theeat smso thave been forgotten. thste mo vneulrable children, who havepo no weorr ability to advo ocaten eithr own behalf, ansod al anggi populations in ama.eric those who are suffering from dementia or emextre lniless and inagg in extremeer povtywh, o
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e losing thewnir o vceois and abitily to take care of themselves, and advocate on behalf of their health and well-being. y:>> s t pheerspective palfi brings tr o hedomecuntary wo crkan be tracedk bacto nazi ger, manywhh icshe fled for new york in .1940 s wheas an outsidn er ia loofay ws, both as aan wom aie fld dominatedme by n; as an imanmigrt atomerica; a won thwi an accent. and i think washe s leab to la tteo some of the peenrices of the pe eoplshe was draw pn tohogrtoaphing, on a al vlyisceral level. y:>> s i19n 49, she traveled iinrwton, georgiate, afr cahileb lljr, . was lynche ad by white mob. her portrai“, “fewi of a lynch ct,"i” was groreundbakg,in and heartbreakiningly titema. buheexr plorations oef th roots ofis racm ainmerica dn't end there. >> p salfiaihed rself that she nted to captthure e cefa of e oppressor. o rewe the people wewho re perptietrangt? i
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who twereheelmsves committing ac ovif olence? o were allowpaing sselivy ttg by as smraci psiersted? e was intere istedn llteing, i inthk, a more cotemple sryto, ansod al, micong from a ckbaground of naerzi gma, nyas a kind of inwarng wofhat could ilbud from thosets roo o- f-of te, really. y:>> s pfial's work in teehe dp soutlph heeder h land the cover otphogra ophf thfie rst itedion "ofebony" magazine. beg wha ite woman, s sandsays, afedford h cerertain access. >>t s wareally her iitdenty, thi ink, as a wo tman,hagat ined r hetrust in a lf ot ospesac. i n caalso say thaert the rewe a looft barriers tory ent for blphack otraogphers and other otographers olof cor. and unfoatrtunel ty,hat meant at the peoplo e whwe areble to ttellheto sries, ended orup me ofteinn beg itwhe artists and white photphograers.
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y:>> s pfial spent months, often yearits, wh r hesubjects, foowlling them ovemer ti. e spent yearins dog isth in e 1960s and , '70swheil domecunting the retilocaonnd a foedrc assimilatio nn ofateiv eranics. >> she has fweollod esthe falimies from theimer hos on thsee rervioatn, through going thugroh various bucrreauat aicnd adnirasttive processo es tbe kindre of giersted and properly ucedat and accultud,rate and then shelo folwsp uto see, atre a their livese oncthey veea rched that gomevernnt- maedndat gl?oa d erthe's a real s tensehat e visery attuned, j notust to what behas enai gned, but what has beestn lo ithn at antision. s py:alfi wasn't fjustocedus reon pseinntg an aesthetic. she wanted tano chgeer h suec' tslives. anotunher hed arpopulation she cused her len?ns o the ely.derl in the 1950slf, pai ndcoucted a udsty of aging iw n neyo crkity.
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>> you seree h srttaing in this woman's home s, ashe s'sort of packin hg uperhi tngs and eppraring to cheerck hse ilfnto an instiontuti. >> shey: t wanom looks isolated. >>ea yh, i think seahe rlly ptures a kin qd ofuineetss of this perio ld ofif ae,nd a kind helplessness. sy: what's smosttrinikg outht e exhibit is how relevantfe it els today. "freedom must be lived" nis o vihrew tou egharly january of ne yxtear. thfor e s pbnewshour, i'm hastepnisye in phoenix. >>ooufdrf: so glad we've gone bacd k anloedok at those ctures. anthk you, stephanie. an ud anpde atto a story we ghbrout u yoearlier tonight. e thnewshour canfi conrmha tt thsee nate parliamrientaanas h renow jeedct the democrats' thatird tet mpat including immigrn atioinhe tir $2 trillion bu rdgeteccionliation bill. wldou have protecmited llnsio ofmmraignts living ie n thu.s. illllegay omfr deportation.
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anth iats the newshoorur f tonight. i'dym ju wdroouff. jos in uonneli, and again here tomorrowni evengit wh david oobrks and jonatcahan pertha. for all of u ts athebs p honewsurth, ank you, please stay safe, and we'll see you soon. aj>> mor funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by: >> for 25 years, consumer llul haras bn eeoffengri no-cacontrt rewiless plans, degnsied to help pe eopldoor me of what thikey le. our u.s.-basused ctor meservice amte can help fi pnd alathn at fits you. to learn more, visit >> johnson & johnson. >> bnsf railway. t>>he ford founondati. working with visionaries on the frontlines of socialng chae rliddwe. felidity wealth memanagent.
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>> and wthith e gooning support ofhe isenstitutions anfrndies of the newr.shou >>hiprs ogram was made poss bibley e thcorporation for publicad brocainstg. and bytr conibioutns to your pbs statioomn fr vweiers like you. thank you. caniptiongpo snsored by newshour pctroduio, nsllc ptcaioned by media accessup gro awgt bh
4:00 pm
♪ ♪ hello, everyone. welcome to "amanpour & company." damning ildetasnd a a signift icanmontme into the nuary 6th insurrection. why this invgaestition is criaucl to americanoc demracy an what theseev relations tell us autbo the state oef th repuanblic party. th- en - >> ifon anye ideifnties us. t>>he harrowingli reatyf olife der the batalin's lgbtq mmunity. aim joined by nit masadat who iski worng to get people tirelessly o outf e thcountry. >>indra,he tst firom wan of
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