tv PBS News Hour PBS March 7, 2022 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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ju: dygood evening. i'jum dy woodruff. heon t "wsnehour" tonight. a tense mo -ment- ssruia offers topeevn acuation corrsrido -- a move widely dismissed as a ruse, while bombing continues and inukraia dnsefiantly face e thonslaught. becauhise ts misy war. awere allit cizens of ukr.aine were a all defngendi our coy.untr how elouse wldt ibe? ju: enth. daers ouskies -- ukranaini les aderra umpp calls for a no awhat me ovwould mean fheor t s.u. and nato coieuntrs ekseing voto aidil mitary confliitct wh ru.ssia and. licatil stakes -- ratama kthei and waamy lt deriscuss growing cafolls r e thu.s. to ban imports of ranussi l that and monore tigonht's "p nbsewshour."
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♪ >> major funding for p thebs news hhouras been predovid by -- >> it's the littlehi tngs. the remindef rs owh iats 'it'shy felidity cadedited soadvirsre a htoere hp elyou ata e wealth plan. hey plan wh ittax sensitive investingat planning focusned o tomworro ile u yofocuons tod.ay that is thela pnninefg fectro fm filidety. c>>onsumer cellular. bnsf rai.lway bdo,ou accnttsan and aordviss. >> the william and flora hewlett
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fodauntion, for more tn ha50 yes advcianng ideas and supporting institutions to promote a better world at het.wletorg. >> t chehan zuckerberg iainitti,ve working tilo bud a more hhyealt, just, and inclusive future for everyone. i.czorg. dit wh eth ongoingup sportf o e thesinvididuals and stitutions. ♪ this programas w made possible by the cortiporaonor f public broatidcasng and by contrionbutiso t yourbs station vfromiewers like you.
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thank you. :judy d aayf otenuous diplomacy, m anducmoh re death krin e thtwelfth day usof rs'a's invasion sotaw bh desis meeting agai sn onma sllteps toward lowing peoplt,e ou b butrutal olvience has becthome e ntceral feature of thear. more tha7 n 1.miiolln ukrainians have now lefeit thr mehos for suourrnding countries. thunedit nations sayres mo th 4an00 civilianse havdi iedn the fingghti, outhgh they admit that ikes lily d arastic unrcntou. meantithme, e s.u. said it tiesmates 4500 ranussi sdiolers bhaveeekin lled. one city not c yetaut ghin the crossfire deis oss ia,n ukraine'f's r utsohwest on the blaca.k se that's e wherni sckchifrin is tonight. nick: defending ukrai'n's thd-irlargt escityin begs ionts behes. odessa and's fill sandbags to dendfe the city frusom rsian inonvasi.
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they are all volunteers, and assembly line of workersor f him w isth is therlle fu-teim job. pealcefu times, thasis w a yat ubcl. 58r--yeaolald bert is the manager. do you fear thatde osscoa uld be targeted very soon? >> yeswe, are very afrdai cause we undanerstd atth the aggrr,esso t rheussian armasy, h crosseld al rliednes. when they sht ot aa clnuear wernt pla.wnhe they sht oothat humanitnaria corridors. i have no doubt thaty thewill vebeha i tnhe same way hanere d only wcastn op them. ckni: i11n days,y the have filled 300,000 bags. ei brattle cry, tathe niolna emanth. ♪ but ifhi ts chorusll sti rgsin oloudn isthch bea, in the cyit ercent ihat s fallen silt.en this is the heart of theit cy, ualla y bustngli andou ld reet. you can see everything here is completely closed. at the end of the street,
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odessa's w-forldams ouopera hoe,us sandbagged, pterocted, th ceity, this coy untrhanos t seen thisce sne in 80 aryes. today, barbede wiranbed ach lled sdbanags protect acveti-duty soldideers pledoy in eithr hometowns. streets normalllly fuf ocafés w strewn with armntiaor veclbae rricade known as hedgehogs. teholsre a protected by tires d odessans have l notostht eir adaremk humor. enwh a iskeder hge a, she said people don't'li tvehat long. ur o city has been standing d anwill always tabe younu derstand? at is it. odessa is t cheenr teof the world. uyoul shodno kw atth. why did youe comer heyo if u ddi knnot owha tt? >> 23-yeldar-ole axi wldou only gi hveis fstir name.
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he put on fihis rsmit litary pah tcwhen he was 1s5.hi entireit milarcay reer dedicated to figinssg ruia. howmp iorntta is y douesa to ukinrae? >>de ossisa ukraine. >> expedlain tt.ha odessa is our home and it is raa sttec gitarget. ether is a port a andnir afield. wee havto defend this nyby a meanses necsa.ry >> b andy anywhone o aisble. eg is 57. why is this wyouraro tfight? >>au becsehi ts is my we a arellit cizens of ukr.aine how else wout ld ibe? aio senr s.u. defense fiofcials say russia has now deinvad raukine with% 100it of s trooepps dlod yeat the brorde and ocedcupi iwhn at is in dark pink. ssruian troinops circle a city ere ukraine etsxpor.
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captg urinodsaes would cut kyiv off from the sea. odessa icos nsidered the hesoutrnap cital of ukraine. theres i a military tethrm, e high ground. thatho is w sweee odessa. de os'a's mayor says he is worried ab ooutdeass being indevad on three s.ides from the black, seam frothe ea, d anfrom the west from moldova. hes doenoext pect aerial bombardment. >>y thewa ontdessa itntac because oitf snf irastructure, architectured , anstteragic theyan wt l alof those undamaged. that's i why thkin it will be subject to aci spealpe oration. >> iwat s fndoued in the late 18enth ctu bryy catherine the eagrt, it w oasne of theus rsian pi'r's mostmp iortant p -oint- ports. pridesent putin has used that history. >> we dotid n a asknyone to come here. we did not iitnve anyone to come
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in with onweaps d anoccupy us. we did n aotskny aone to liberate us sowi we lle b nddefeinoug r city. ni:ck nikolai have is t lheast city to t eheast betweenss odea and iarussn ougrnd troops and ssruia continuesbo to mbdar licivianar tgets. rvsuivs orin sckho. ukraine rsaidusansi troops are vaadncing toware d thnueaclr porla pnt 75 milesth nor. ruiass had offerumed hanaritian rrorids today. but ukraini wansould have had to eefl to russia olir aled belarus. inha krk,iv where the streets look bombed out, and kyiv, the resides nttrying to flee yesterday werele kild byus rsian sh aellsndob nodyk tooruiass up t oheffer. ukerain and mwosco meant for furrthe talks, but there w naso si oaf breakthrough.
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ntvoeers converted this food market into ola cleioctn point. thseis ud to b ien stoyers and sparg klinwi bnear. it is now fofull bs agof clothes and basics sthatolerdis ofn telack. it is run by ea45-yr-dol nikolai. >> all the peopleey, th are cianvilis, these are hipsters, bu n towhey are rdyea to stay rfo odessa. nick:ss odea sthiorically was a little p bitrous-rsian or mixed. how muchkr uainian p irides therdae toy in odessa? >> 100%. ths is irelyalde pri. this two weeks agopl peoe thouthght e ssruian army is the st. , r ouarmy is thet. bes nick: that prides ievidentn i evhierytng here, from how ukrainiansk tal autbo their own untry to how they t ahinkbout
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ssruia. in4 201ne ous rsia annex cr aimeand instigated aar w in eastern uaikrne, only autbo 30% ossans considered thlvemseeskr uainian. thatum nberod tay is0% 8. judysu: ch great conatversions yoveu ha we areea hring the people of odessa talk outo y. do tyhe belveie tyhe can withstthand e ssruian onslaught? nick: the mayor ctaerinly does inar pt becausedo he e'n't think russilia wlor rest tohe t teyp of icrndisimatine shellweing have seen in rothe cs itiein eastern soand utrnhe ukraine, t that means there could be baurn warfare, street to street fighting benetwe rsiusans and ukraiainns and thawot uld doteubdly cause ma it is clear talking to s.u. officialst thath deyo not beevlie the siege deof osscaa n ben tiunl russian forces take er the city m80iles to the east. and so far unikraianol sdiers have managed toes rist russian
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fos rtto occupy thitat cy. judy: i know y houave been reinportg for days and ds,ay but wh iats your senseho of w dire thean humitiaarnit suaonti has owgrn for peopleos acrs eth cotruny? nick: there isha tt big number, 1.7 minllio ppleoe. that is more than 3% of the country whveo ha felt they had btoecome refuge ces,ross rninteatnaiolde borrs with only whathe ty could carry ot r puin thcaeir rs, aalnd hf atth number rou children. theres i an unknown num oberf ukinnsia who have ha fd tolee theires hom, but aretill insidekr nthatumr beis undoubtedigly hh. therise another num tberonhtig. one of zelens'y's topes aidd sai the numberto of wn asnd villages across theou cntry that d'n't have elecictrity,lu pmbing, porwe is 1000. 1000la vilgeans d towns ascros cothe unytr don't r offethe basic services thatma so ny ukinnsia need. this is onlyee wk two of a war
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that u.s. w andesrnte officials ar could lasont mths. judy: , veryve tryough. ni sckchifrin repog rtinfrom od.essa thank you. russia is one of the world's eslargt energy producers of crude oil n andatalur gas. pr ficesorot bh cdiommoties have skyrocketedin sce tarhe w arstted almost teewo wksgo and a eyth are in nearec rord territory. europeec espiay llrelies on russian natugaral s,ut b now the debin whiteou hses i raising sspoible new haransh sctnsio on isit val sector. jeff bennett picksp uthe story om there. the bidenin admisattrion ghtonit cisonsidering a o bann s. imports ossf ruiacrn ude oi pl tounh isthe kremlin rfo its invasionuk of rae inand to hefurtr olisate russian esident vlad pimirut'i's remegi. seety arof state toniny blken saunid sdathy e u.s. is aclytive diusscsing the matwiter th european allies. >>ar we e w notalking to our european as llieanpad rtners to
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ok at a coortedinad y waat the prpeosct of bannine g thimrtpo rsiusan oil whilein makg resu e theristi sll an approperiat supplyoi of l wonorld markets. >> outrage over putin possum oodyar w witukh raine has prompted lawmakers from across e thpolitical spumectr tdeo mand the bu.s.anmp iorts of russian oil. senatooers j mchanin -- a west virginia democrat -- and lisa muskrkowi a--n alaska blrepuic -an- recently introd lucedeglaistion that wod ulblock the flf ow oruiassn oil and gatos in t uhe.s. and houseae spkenar ncy pelosi al bksac the idea. >> i'a'm l r fothat. n .it thban e l oicoming from iaruss. .yeah >> presideidnt benth, ough, has be reneluctant to rcurbusansi oil shipmetonts t uhe.s. or impose ey nergsatincons in ways atth would reduce supply. sirince si ingnflation andh hig s gaprices have kbeeney concerns d foremraocts as they try toen defd eithr fragile jomarities in thuse hoe d anthe senate iisn th mteidrm election year. rosshe t courynt, gaprs ices neare arg inall-time highs,
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hongveri jt usabove $4 a gallon with toshe ct gofas having ched up every y dasie ncthe ssn iainvasion. >>es yteayrd it was $4.2ow9, n it isor f -- $4.39. doi n't knoatw wh tdoo about .t >>here psident also srisk ckbalash from ennmviroenlitasts whguo are e thu.s. should not ussse rui''s ukraine siinvaono t expandomtiesc oil or gas drilling, which someub replinsca bhaveeeurn ging. beyond tolhe pitalic consideratiotwns, o admiraniti sonources say the e whithoe usis still assngessi whheetr a u.s. banld wou tuacally hurt thsse ruian economy, sinusce rsisea nds most of p itsetleroum products to europe anda. asi >>e wdon't im aport l ootf ssn iaoil, but we loare okgin at optiohans tt cwean take ghrit now if we twereo t cuthe u.s. consump otionf ssruian t atwh's realosly mt poimrtant is we ha-- tt mweaintain a eady supply loof gbaenl ergy. r>>ussian oil mupade oynl abt ou3% of all thude cre shipments athatrrediv in the u.s. last year, according to government data.
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meso experts cau ation u. .sban uld force otcoher unietrs to ll sowuit -- sendiilng o presoa sring around glthe obe. white hopruse esses cretary jen psi datoy said the pderesint is stillib delerinatg. w>>ell, no deci hsionasee bn ma adet this pointth by e idprenabt out a ban on rtimpos, b aan on importoiing l wh the president' 'sost fodcuse on isns eurgin we are ntcoinuing to take steps to derlive pisunhing economic consequencnes o pinut while tangki all action ssneceartoy limit the im tpacto icpres at ths e gapu. mp er>> gmachn ancellor olahof sclz aismongho tse phiusng bkac aiagnst ocblkingus rsian energy exports, saytoing dainy a stenatemt -- "ae t thmontme, europe's's pply of ey nergfoher at generation, limobitypo, wer supply and instdury cannot beur secedn i y heotr way. it is thorerefe eofssential rtimpoan fceor the provi osionf public sers viceanthd e daily velis of our cits.izen"
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the ou.s.ilnd iustry -- for its rt -- has coutme o isun pport bof aann orussian oil rtimpos. u.s. refinery s sath heyave aladrey started reg lyinle ossn run ssiasulypp. memeanti, pasresident biden announced isin h steta of the union ads,dres ihes releasing 30li milonar brels of oil from su.s.tregatic reserves,t parof a obglal effort toe easoil supp aliesmithd e ukraine war as the whituse hoe igwehs whether impose a tobatal n ronussian oil. foe r thpbnes wshour, i'm'gefof bet.nnet judy: foand r remo not only on russia's'engyer sector, and the possiby ilitofan sctions, but on the wider fviewromom scow, let's'tu nrnow to special corresenpondt anry chilcote who n is ithrue ssian capital. ryanhe, llo. we are hngeari more and more italkn e thwest ofn aembargo ronussian oil. youe hav lookednt io this. atwhld cou ttha meanor f the wod d anfor russia? :ryan i think we sawhe t awensr
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tohaint part on theke marts today. we saw p therice of oil go almost0 $14are barl rfo b,rent that is the bmaenchrkor f oil ou tndhe world. just a monthtw or o ago, people rewe questioning whether oil ulgod through $100 aar brel. ander hee w are in aoextrrdariny crseea in price. uyo and i wertae lking about this on fy.rida ifus rsia is unabl ee toxptor it7.s 5 millionar brels when you ta ithn e various k oindsf crude products, that does not necessarily mean tthhat ey can't export ahand tt ttohe united st,ates t ihatt ulcod not poexrted elsewhere. with m theartked tolus t iodays it d'oes't'think it can, it thinks thauct mh osil i g toingo stay off the marketat or least a rtn ioof that well. natoou cntries bybo aut halff o those 7.5 iomillnar brels. less oil oe n thmaetrk, higher price.
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we s tawhe market today sibacally tryingo tpredict the futurend at i looprked etty eablk when it cotomes ergney pres. deinsi rsiusa, kind of tamhe se story. e thruebl pluetmmed. bacasilly, the ruble ltos almost 100% of its vueal since the beginnin tg ofheea yr. it went at poone indot wn to 017 rublcaes, meac bk to around 132 eol dlar. that is pe eoplhe iren russia, aders sg,ayin we are not sure we are going to be ablese to ll thosrre baelofs oil abroad, atba is dew ns for the runssia economy. at it means forsi rusans is everything thahey ve to brouy fm out of the country is g gointo cost that muorch me. s goodthat sayos ct 010le rubs a moagnth o e arnow going toos ct 200 ru.bles iner oth wdsor, you hav10e 0% inatnio in a matter w ofee.ks :judy dramaticng chaes.
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t leme turn you backth to e battonlefrt. today wased schuled thihe trd rounfd o talks bet tweenhe raukinians and tushe atwh do we know a wbouthahat s coutme o othf ose talks? an: thedey ma a little bit of progressef hopul olyn huniritaan corridorsut o of some of etheson cflicts sounds. as ynoou kw,ha tt has notn bee easy g.oing big picture, lveryitetl ogprress made. we heard fthrom e krlinod tay thats thi scipeal military operatasion ty hecall it will d the momentes th ukrainians agree to reczeogni ukrainian -- imcrea and the tepwo sarisatt republics,ee agr n toto join tona, and effectively powut dn theimsr ar a sndtop fighting. those arite que sy,impl heav be nenon-starters thfor e ukrainians. judy:in fally, i know a youre talktoing fksol every day, you are there in moscow.
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what is your sseen of what ordinary ranussi cizitens think out what is going on in raukine? ryan: t ihink you have a really divided society. ndaye w hadhe t sine gllargest number of arrests is in a dnyay rusansi history, people turning out to prost and moalst immediateetly gting aredrest. th aeyre obviously againhast wt is g ooingn uinkraine. who'o's the oth herand, moowrr is aid holay, inatterniol nawomen's day, there arpee ople out in stthe reset erevywhere. if they coare ncneerd about what is going on krin uai, neyou rtnlaiy can't itellt. e restaurants are packed. people stoeem bige noring this. r fowhatever reason. mathybe eyon d't thineyk th can change it, maybey thesuorppt it, maybe ty hebelieve wt hathey ve been inhearg aboutha wt is gooning i unkraine. the be aum nber of reasons, but it is not as if everyone is against whs at ihaenpping in ukinrae. the eractually app tearso be a gnsiificant amoufnt o athpay or sut.ppor judy: no doubt ahall tt
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connd ectetoow h much theyno kw, how tmuchhehay ve been allowed to know abouatt wh igos ing on. ryan chilc roteeptiorng for us om moscow. thank you. ♪ stephanie:e wwillet rurn to the full progrftam aerhe t latest adhelines. updating our top story, the russianas ambsar doto the united nas tionanunnoced that russia will impose asa cee-refi tuesday morning in p oartsf ukraine/ thee mov will open humanitarian corridors to evacuate zecitins to cs itietohe t west ofyi kv. ika spe in oil g andasinole pres triedgger ael sloff on wall st.tree major xeindes rewe off to rcpeent to more 3than.5%. e thdow jones losort me anth 800 points. it is down mor tehan 10% from
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peits ak,ff oiclliay a market correction. theas ndaq fell 482 points and is in bearke mart territory. the s&p 500 ge avup 127 points. the pandemicic offiawol rldwide atdeh tl olsurpassed 6 iomilln today. hnjos pkhoins unirsveity says at includes lynear 9,06000 deathsn ihe t u.s., bt ut icosme asov ci''s latest s iurges abatining t cheountry. the state o fflodari announced il wl behe t fstir in the nationo t recom amendgastin d covivainccations for hhyealt children. theta st''s surgeon ragenel poin ttedo sta udy showing vaccineff eicacy for chenildr newad fteasr than as.dult the cdc reencommdshe t shots. effortso t restore the 2ir015 an nuclear dealav heit h a new obstaclee , thwainr ukraine. russia is a partyo ttheea dl and it isan demdi gnguarantees
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at western sioanctnsve or inukrae will not hr indeits trwiade thra in. in turn, tehran agreed witeh th russiasin poti.on >> what is impntorta iths at the relations or pfueacel clnuear opcoeration of tslhe iamic pureblic of iranh witotrhe countriechs su arus ssia should naturally no lt beimedit to any ncontis, especiall ty ifhe sancs tionarsee lf-made and without thrme peisonsi of the united nnsatio. stepe:hani the. u.s said the run ssiadendmas are unrel tatedo the eanuclr alde. washington wreithdw omfr the agreement in 1820. uda sai tadeinee held at the du.s.ettienon center at gáantámona bay,ub ca has been , ntse back to hise homcotruny r aftetwdeo cades. mohammadad ahm aqal-htani was ver tried fos r hialgeled inlvenemt in the 9/1ta1 atcks ans d wasuecbjted to brutal interrogationdns uer.s u. ody. qahtani'wys laerars gued for his releasn ed omecadil grounds. he suffers fromiz schopenhria. the u.s. supreme c hourtas
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rejected rliepubcaefn forts to block coorurt-dedre ngressional imapsn mo2 re esstat. atsue preme courtsec rejted republican-d drawnisictrts in noh rtcarolina andns penylnivaa, crteafd ter the lateenst csus. inea td,he courts wirall dw the , mapsgingvi democrats a better chanc ae ofddg inseats. the chighou artlso declined to consider reitinstangil bl coy's sexual assault conviction. th mnsea his releasem fro pronta snds. wt enfree last juftne aer pennsylv'ani's'supreme court overturned c hisonctviion based due processla viotis.on e thpentagon todrday oer tedhat a leakfuing elto srage site in hawaii be cl aosedndra dined. the red fhelpacitily dates from world war it i busie nclate nombveer, fuel has coamatined water sups plieand made nea6,rly 00pe0 ople sick. e thproblem alsopl disac sedome 4,000 tamiliryam filies. u.the s.en sate passed the emmett tiltil anlyhincng act datoy. it designalytes ncnghi as a ferahal te crime. e bill now gtooes psiredent
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biden who s plantoig sn it into la ilstl to come. tamarath kei a andmy walter scdiuss former anettory negeral wim lliaba'r's new book. how c musiisiv ging oppele hope amstid thear w in raukine plus much more. >> this is the pbs newoushr from weta studi iosn wainshgtonnd a tinhe west from the walter oncrki stechool of urjonalism at izona stateve judy: over p theasfet w days e therha bveeen growing scall for thite unedta stes and nato to establisho a nflzoy ne over inukrae. ukiarainn esprident zelensky reiterated p theletoa day. but what inos a f zlyone and how woituld wk?or fothr at we get twewo vis. retid rearmy lieutengeant nelra doug lutrve seedn othe national security cou sncilta dffuring boheth t grgeoe w. bushnd a obammia adnirasttions. heas w also u.s. asambasdotor nato durthing e amoba adnirasttion.
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ankud rt volker ha23d a yrea ercare aa s diplomat andve serd u.s. ambass tadoro nato dungri the george usw. bh miadnistration. wheas also special esreprentitave for ukraine gonetiioatns ding thume trp adstminiraonti. wweelcome both of you back to the newshour. i'm'gogin taro stt with you, t's tabalk out that no fly zone. you are oneth of e few peeopl who has come ondut a been outspoken in saying it is sothg inthat should onbe de. why do you thinko sanhod w extlwoy uld it work?t whais that? l>>e''s start wiheth t malor gaobliti.on whene wsecie vilians being killed likise thnd a what putin is doinguk to raein n,ow it is reminiscentf o w theorsts dayof the 1930's'anwhd at hitler'd's d inur eopend a we toldse ourlv,es rneve ainga. we have qua reirenemt to do mesothing here. have donnoe -fly zones ien th past.
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every circanumstces we did them in bos knia,oso,ov henortrnra iq. the princibeple hi indt is matanirian, to save civilian lived s anprenevt them from inbeg bombarded tfromheky s. i think in this case twohey uld have to do ifit dfentrely than heotr cases. we wldou be telling imvladir putiatn the ware not going to attack rus gsianrod untargets leunss fired upon. we are not going to akttac iarussnir acraft unlessy the me into the azonendef rused lveea. weus jt want to cr aeate carle speac wrehe there n areo taatcks aitns civilians to allow hunimatarian assisetanc tflo ow ancilivians to leaveel safy. judy: wha stpas cewould those be? i would t sayhishs ould be ovyier kv dan westth of eiinr westukern rae,in keeping it away from ru'sia' bsorders. judy: doug, wdohat y mouake of this?
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i'' not able toea hr. >>ry sor, dyju. we should belo expri engvery possibility a tlonghein les that rtkud sai to relveie the matanirian situation, which is rocious and lluncaedor f and but we should do so in ways that n'd't risk trohe badineng of the nfcolict. look, the itrealy is that most of the human tra,gedy most of theil civiacan sualties in ukinare e caused ny ot bthe russaiian ror fce,hi wchou wld ha something too dwith a no z-flyon be,ut rather by groundor fces, so ailrtlery, etrock a mndissile fire. i don'int thk the nflo-y zone wod ulhave much to do whit the manitarian stiituaon. furthermore, the russian air force is among the most efctfeive parts oef th campaiiggn rhtow n. again,is it noiot gng to have a ibigmpt acon the humaniaitarn situn.atio it does haveeg a bin pdacken i terms roof badineng the
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nfcolict. sobomedy has to im tposehe no-fonly ze. woi ulnod tst true som sort of rgbaain with vlardimi p tutinhat ouhe wldbi adey bthe rules having to o dwi ath no-fly zone. inss claic terms, thefl no-y zo rneequires takiutng o, attacking sioppongir a defense stsyems. th watould put the forces of the lyno-f ze onin direct cotntac with tushe :judyet l's takose the inpots onat t aime. ba tyoo u, kurt, on doug's point that mofuch ha wt is going onn iukraine is oen th ground, at trehe is n motuch air tiacon siso th wldou not make mthatuc dhifferenc theai ukrnis anhave takenut o fixed wing aircraft, so yes thrue ssians have ubeensing th yem,eshe t ukrainians have been doing well, but it dsoe meant thathaie r force is part of this. he is right tt hait is not the inma part of it. now but with the ukransinia are as fkingornd a they will hedo t groundt. par eithrpl peoe ear ready i andn
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fa eecfftively resis ttinghe russ oiansn eth ground. that willti connue. this airspacfee satys i thsomeinthg at i think the pe ooplef raukine would see as extryemel important f torheir ily itto get to sy.afet judy:ha wt ouabt that point, do? en i want toba go cko tur kt on widenine g thcolinfct. atwh about the peopl ue ofkrneai seeing a its inbeg the west pporting tm?he >> well, clyearl wteesrn or amiceran air srtuppo inup sport ofhe t zenelsky regimend a the ukiarainn peopleld wou bae mar uspl up thfor e raukinian people. but i think there is an eramican testre, a natont ierest,nd a the countervagilin interest is not to broaden the conflict and bemeco air dect participaant, agprotont isin this war. why? because of terhe vy ghhi ntpoteial that thatec dirt
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conflictou cld ldea to unteinnded consequs enceanand escalation that d coulta ukes althwae y up the chain. judy: kurt,peak tot tha point atth once you get,nc oe you have pu.s.las neinvolved, yoeu ar risking a wider,h mucwirde liconfctet bween the an russia? >> first o,ff we veha to take at very serlyious. ithiss t nosomething you do lightly, s notomhietng you do halfheartedly. it is sea rious risk so we have ptoay attention t tohat. coa uple of points. advlimirin put's fceors are doingly bad iukn raine without any outsidele hp. the last thing vdilamir putin nts is to withden ear w. he doesn'' wt anto bring in u..s or othater no countrihaes tt woulked ma h eisffort harder. so he is going to beer vy carefulut abo wtha he dsoe if th deyo something tlikehis. the secondng thi iats th if putin seducces oinvertaking inukrae,ga ainst all of our
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dgjume,ntll a of ouror mal sense what is rigndht a fair, and takes over ukraine,e hwi mllove t nheext place. hel wilmo tveo moldova. heil wl intimidate geoiarg. ther ies ria sk to the baltic states. awereoi gng to have tnfo coront vliradim pinut and i would much rather do it wnhe we havae ukinraian governmanent d mili rtaryea tdyo fightn tha waitil unt we are m onucwoh rse :judy doug,t whaabouthat? >> t ihink kurte mad my point. the aims i to confront vladimir putn in itheir an ithe ieofs ukraine, t ihink the -f zlyone would aclicompsh thatt, bu ion d't thinhak tt is in i ourntesert. ju:ec bause? >> bec iauset nsru the riskf thniis untdeend escalation of war. woncee start direct contact twithhesi rusan ts,here is no lling where thatnd es and i certaiwonly ulnod tst tru the word of vladimir putin to abide byom se sort of hutamarian
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gesture bway y of the no-fly .zone lookwe, could not trustim h in anf y ohi sstatements ovheer t last desecad aend h told us as twellha hte would not deinva ukraine. 'on' tthink t iheresny a trust he tbeo had. ju:dy kurt,re the clearly would be the risk ofs thispniinng out ofon ctrolnd a we teha to think out nuc,lear butt tha isar pt ofhequ eation, isn'' it? >> irtt ceaiynl is and as id sai hweave to takes thivery seslriouy. i'mot n suggeg stinanodyby trtsla vdimir putin. i'mug sgestinge hcan reaed th lines on the battlef aieldnd alize he doe nsotan wt u.s. foesrc engaged. ifhe tres iany nuclearse, is is somet whinge edne to mmicunate clearly,re the should never be any o usef clr eaweapons. we do''t ntwa to do it oer se russia doan it d tifhere is, that iset somhing we wouerld vy firmpply oos aend vlamir nputi shouldw kno tt.ha
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easveryone hasai sd, we d'o't ntwa thiso tget out of ohandr judy: i want a tosk both of you out one othehir tng andha tt is the porlan cveonrsation, the seriouscu disssnio about having poland provide pnelas to the ukiarainnsha tt they could use, h whicwod ulthen be repshlenied or: wldou be resupp wliedith s.u. planes. whboat autha tt scheme? >> iou dbt that f their pstart ttha swaulp wod veha a major impact. these s areovt ievintage rcairaft that thees pol are fering to the ukraini aansnd there a are looft complexities. thare eruke rainian pilots available? arere the raukinian airbases laavaible? whs o igog into provide the munitions? who gisoing to do the maintenance? ithiss snoimplewa sp. thsee cond part of t dheeal i'' very actttraedo tandha tt is the onnoti ttha if erthe are amiceran f-'6's available to
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ovpride today tr o oueaerstn eupean alliehas, tte wshould beak ming that movmme iedteialy. ju:dy do uyo s teehis as making a dienffercer onot? ir fstff o, d io see it as king a difference and on doug's'potsin about part. one the ukrniaians are already flying maybe 29,he ty are flying t of unikraianir aspace and rainian airdsfiel. this woue ld bandd aed deloenpmt. th watould be important. unfortelunaty,' 've learnhied ts eneving that polisand now sayi tnghis is not g toingo ha.ppen i think that is the shame and we should be log okinatth oer rnalteatesiv such asva slokia or romaniaau becsehe t overall package is aoo gd eono t get mo cabapility to the ukrainians. judy: the conversnatio isos important tat aim wehere people are feeling desperates athey wawhtch ats igoing on and no question thas t iso many ukinraians are fee rlingight now. doug, kurt, thank you both very much.
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>> thank you,ud jy. :judy here iwan shington, unting presstoure b ranussian imoil pos rtis raising qiouestns prfor esenidt biden. foand rm rerepublican ateytorn geranel bill barr acis bk tinhe headlines win th aupmicong memoir on himes ti ithn e trump adstminiraonti. liessa djainrds has more oen th ekwe in politics. lisa:ha tt's right an' i'm injoeder he in studioou by r politicsda mony duo -- amy waerlt of the cookit polical repo wrtith waamy lt aernd tarama keith of npr. éjà vu allve or i'' hap tpyo seyoe u in person. let's srtta with energy pceris. twtho ings are hapngpeni at once. ukraine isig fhting f iorts exteisnce and it is true thatn i cthisourynt gas prices are reaching penottially a record average
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how do those t twohis nglive side-bdey-si pitolically in this country ri nghtow? >> can i add a thirdhi tng? were a at a 40 year hwiigh th infln.atio every preside wnt,hegan s prices ve spiked, hfeave ltha tt atan c we do about ts?hi is t ahere srtho-term solioutn? noyow u put on top of itt thawe are hein t middle of this geopolit cicalrissi and we have atinflion. that puts so much more preessur on thein admisattrion. ethth oer p oiecef this that is separate, buto alsmp iorntta to meermb is yavou he an adstminiraonti that came into ceoffi with aer vy aggressive clatpoe licy. th weyanted toed ruccae rbon emissions by 5020 20. ether is a tremendcaous llmo ang republicans forol rling back those eecxptations and inblamg e administrationor f some of s previous decisions,he wther
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it washe t keystone xlip peline oorlo no ngerow all lseeas on bl licands. we know those two things would not suddenly have solthved e sga leprobm. gas w nouldot comewi flongro fm the o twplaces today, btut i definiteaily rseths e question r democrats who wantoted issue climate change or a gbalol crisis on .this threey a really heon t denefsive here because to make the claim wthate've got to fiex th climate, a oflot verots saying, i don'tw kno g tivenhe costs that areng goio tbe coming to me. >> presidenten bid iuns der presresu to sbrtop innggi in l. >>is it btiiparsa pnressure in congress at s theame time that enwh gas prices go up,
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reblanics are blaminm.g hi its i v aery difficulsit potion to i ben. e thwhite house also appears to want toor wk witoth her global aders. they havvee mod in locpkste on everngythi ithiss sannsctio and it does t require ttohem me ovin cklostep, buthe ty are still trying toe movwi othther roanpe countries inhe t effort to stalibize gbalol energy markets inds seinthg em into the arms ofen vezuela and saudi arabia and ptiotenally iran. not gatre friends of icamera rece.ntly saudi arabia is aom sewhat dierffent relatiop,nshi but certainly irndan aez venuela are nogrt eat friends heof t utenid at aesnd not peoepl whoe hav been syiupplngil o to the united states. but t eheffort to stabi tlizehe globalar mket is ldieang to all kinds nuof usu talhings that you would notec expt.
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>> the formetor atrn geyeneral ll barr has a cbookomg inout tomorrow. hheas done not o,ne but two teinrviews on nbwsc ne autbo it. onamg the revelation ns ithis okbo is hisou recntg inof his words to formersi predent trump wheil he wassi prede ants pridten trump was pushiheng t idea of elec ftionra.ud here is hwhe ldto lester holt on oh what he toheld t pridesent. >> i toldim hha tt all of this stuff wasal bl --l- bul-. about electionud fra. witas wrong to hobe svengli it out thy e wahites am. was >> we are ail famy pgrroam, i thevink erneyo knows what that word was. with youak te fm rothis for repuanblics d anformer president trump wsho i sllti trying to be viabsle a aan cdidateext time ar?ound >> y houave many mem obersf shi necabit,or fmer members isof h cabinet whveo ha come out and
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sinceou rennc tedhe presiden''s acstion durgin january 6, leg adinupo tthis moment. weavae party, rethe puicblan ypart thaist still very much do'nal's'party. they s ltillikdoe nald trump. therise r aect enpollut o, a fox newsau plt thaonly shows 68% of blrepuics anwant him to run again. ihi tnkha wtou y he avrightow n is a party that is not moving ayaw necessarilym frodoldna umtrp,ut b theyld wou le ikto e mesothing different. bill barr wasls ao eon ofhe t toy owsh and when asked would heup spo trtrump in he24, said i'm goino g tsuorppt a different candidate. iwhatft thaan cditeda doesot n n withein nomatn?io he said, i wouupld sport trump. this isha wt uyo aeere sing, that they aoore lki fngor somebody else. >> this is truly c theruofx it, atth trehe are any num oberf repuanblics o whsay i wish it wasn'rut tmpbu, t if it is
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trump, we wiotll ve rfo trump. thativ ges him increedibl perow. >> speaking of different candidates who are ready to rv ge,overnor desa intisn fla,orid where we see the publican legtuislare pushing thugroh more constiervaveil bls on artboion and ail bl dealing with howua sexli itys taught in schools. opposnent say it wouldak me it so you couldot n say werheth someonase w g oayr not. thisus jt a flash in the pan or somet mhingore long-term,e h rnretu tcuo lture wars? >>ne o would argue that the culture waevrs nerea rlly went ayaw. dentsais is very good aist th. he is very good at inpickg up on thest e hobuontt issues on these things discu ossedn e thpanels onox f news and thamat ke reicpublanans gry. r angeis motivating. what republicaten vorsn i partulicar are concerned about is thahet tiray w of life is
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anchgi,ng that touhe cnt tryhey ews i changing, ands thi iegrvance politics, thists ick it to the liberals politics works inibcredly well with the repuicblan base, whis ch iwhy goorvern danestis is the number o twperson behinnad doldru tmp iner omsf people,ot pential caidndates for02 24 among reblanic >> notg lon a, goflorida was a purplete sta. >> part of theso rean u yoare se -eing- and it is not just in orflida- -we hseave en some of thesnte ai-antrsgender bills make their t wayhrghou some otr hered state p,robihiting ose folks in srtpos, icpartipinatg in sports. we hfeave weler gislatures now th aatre divided benetwe democrndat a rubeplican. hweavmoe re trifecta control. thlee gislature pthlus e gornveor of one party. whent thaap hpens, it looks like a lot whatpe hapnsn i inwashgt.on th leeglaisture used toth be at ace, we called them tlahe pce
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where things staedrt, the laboratory. th weyould mbeay move their way up to thdee fera glovernment. what isap hpening now ahes ty juare sts apolarized as the deral govern, mentwheer what yoaru eng goi toee s tn heis democr satictas,telu be states shpuing on theirsi veronf oha wt e american creultu sulhod be d red stas tepushing their venrsio owhf at they think the amic canulture identshity ould be and you areot n sn eemuch shckba because you only have e onparty in con otrolf osthe stes. you have very lelitt dissent. >> what atis niolna a inds local and whats ilocal is naaltion d anit is all mixed tetogher. >> and all of it will alwayts ge coverered he o pnolitics monday. you do a lotei in ghmit nutes, dilaes. thank you so much. amy erwalt a tndameraei kth. ♪
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toghwit th a little .hope hein t mstid of so much schao and destioructn uinkraine, the sound of m husicashe t power to bring t lightoar dkness. wiiallm brangham hhias ts oklo at the vs oiceanmed lodies ftupliin ag nation undeegr sie. ♪ >> a crowded bomb shelter beneath kyiv goeset qui as a youngir gl inthgs, inkr uaianni, t leito g from tithe h mieov enfroz. ♪ ♪ >> iann other bunkerlo, bew eth
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city of khv arki--io vlinist and tehever ra lytovchenlako pys for thoseke seinshg elter from thate tacks overhead. ♪ thesore ganic,po sntaneous memonts reflect spthe ir oitf a op tlerying to hol td ono their nihumaty. unflinching tin aerfyriing me. ♪ ♪ >>ut station, the oslining up to evaatcue here thloe u er strong classic,ha wt aon wdeulrf world, as they hope tord boa tinras in search of that world and some otheafr, ser nation. ♪ ♪ >>or f tseho staying, lihike ts
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grou vp ofolteuners filling sandbags in pothe rtit cy of es osaur nick schi cfrinautgh em, th psiaung to proudllty be out there onnatialnt ahem. ♪ the samehe antm aypled by these ukiarainn ldsoiers, gatherted a thsie te of a russatian the tfirs lyricf othane them says- - t ghelorynd a freedfom o ukrains e hanoyet t perished. ♪ for the pbs, i'm william brangham. ♪ judy: they awerelrdyea all hero aesnd now they are even more so. atth was beautiful. th iats the newshour for nitoght. i'm'judy woodruff. join us neonli and a hgainere moowrr evening. r all of us heat t pbs newshour, thank you, please stay safe s andeeou y soon. >> majordi funng for the pbs newshour hasn beepridoved by -- 425 yearsco, nsumer
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ceulllar's al hlas an toro pvide notr conac ptlans and our u.s.-based customer service team can help one -- finend o ttha yfitsou. >> the rules of besusins are being reinvented with a more flexleib wororkfce. by embcirang innovioatn, by looking not only of current opunportits,ie but ahead t future ones. >>pl peoe owh know, no bdo. ♪ >> bnsf rai.lway the kendeda fd,un commi tttedo advag ncinreorstative justice and meanin wgfulorthk rough investments in transformative adleers and supported by j theohd.n and ercathint.e macarthur undation. itcommtedo t building ae mor just, verdant, peand aculef
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d.worl imorenfmaortion atfo macun.o.rg and with the ongoi snguppo ortf ese stinitutnsio. this pgrroam was made ibpossle by torhe cpotiraon for public broadcasting and by corintbutions to yourbs p iostatn omfr viewers liku.e yo thank you. >> this is p nbsewshour west froma wet stuosdi inas whitongn an fm roourur beau athe t walt cerronkeit schloo of journalismt aarizona state univtyersi. ♪
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♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ -t od oayn "ameri tca'seskit tchen," y beckmas kebridget a arcauliflower and beanae plla, jack challs engejuali to a t tastees t of meaeet-fr bgeurrs, lisaie revws cutting-d boarstilabizers, and elle makules jiaeg van batyja-sleau cliflower tac it'sll a comg inup rhtig her e on "amicera's stte kitench."
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