tv PBS News Hour PBS June 30, 2022 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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judy: good evening, i'm judy woodruff. the supreme court with critical rulings on climate change and immigration. then, high stakes as the nato , summit comes to a close, a member state bordering russia weighs in on plans to expand the alliance. >> this nato summit is a green light for preparation in order to be aware of this risks and to deal with this threat adequately. judy: and, fighting the spread, the biden
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administration announces plans to distribute more vaccines to counter a rise in monkeypox infections. all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by -- >> fidelity dedicated advisors are here to help you create a wealth plan with planning focused on tomorrow, while you focus on today. that's the planning effect from fidelity. >> the kendeda fund three investments in transformative leaders. carnegie corporation of new york, supporting innovations in
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education, democratic engagement, and the advancement of international peace and security, at and with the ongoing support of these individuals and institutions. ♪ >> this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. judy: the u.s. supreme court has wrapped up a term that rewrote the law books on abortion, guns and, today, on climate change and migrant asylum policy. that, in turn, set the stage for
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a bit more history. justice ketanji brown jackson became the first black woman to serve on the court, sworn in by justice stephen breyer, who today retired. meanwhile, in spain, president biden charged that this court, through its recent anti-abortion ruling, has become a bigger threat to the country than inflation is. pres. biden: the one thing that has been de-stabilizing is the outrageous behavior of the supreme court of the united states in overruling not only roe v. wade, but essentially challenging the right to privacy. judy: back now to today's court rulings, correspondent john yang is here to unpack the decisions, beginning with west virginia's win over the epa. john: judy, in that case, the court said the clean air act does not give the e pa the authority to impose standards intended to shift power utilities from gas and coal fired plants to solar and wind
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generation. the vote was 6 to 3, with the conservative justices in the majority and the liberals dissenting. marcia coyle is chief washington correspondent for the naional law journal. what does this mean for the future? >> the court's decision restricts or limits the epa's ability to engage in broad-based or systemic approaches to greenhouse gases and its attempt to deal with the problem of climate change. it is mostly a lack of flexibility and perhaps a warning when it attempts to make other arrangements to go after greenhouse gases that will be watched closely. john: what was chief justice roberts reasoning? >> he said what epa was trying
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to do was such a national, transformational approach to going after greenhouse gas emissions that it required clear authority from congress to do so. in his opinion, he looked for that authority in the provision itself, or in the statute, and said there was no such authority. he said when an agency is going to engage in rule-making a regulation that has major significance, economic, political significance, other major consequences,thheern eha o john: so this could apply to other agencies in other areas? >> absolutely, john, because what the conservative majority
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did here, basically, was to adopt a doctrine known as the major questions doctrine. it's a doctrine that has been promoted by businesses and conservative advocates who believe that the federal regulatory state has grown too big and gone too far in regulating public health and safety. john: chief justice roberts used the phrase the administrative state. >> accusing majority oven -- taking an anti-administrative stance here. kagan justice claimed it was implausible that epa had this authority without congress's clear directive. she said it was perfectly plausible because congress had told the epa to choose the best system, and she repeated that language in the provision. the best system, no if's, and, or but's.
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john: the court's final decision of the year, the courtroom for the biden administration, saying it had the authority to reverse to trumpdministration's policy requiring asylum-seekers to remain in mexico other cases are being considered. in this case, we didn't see the ideological breakdown. chief justice john roberts and justice brett kavanaugh joined the three liberals to create the five justice majority. what does that tell us about the court's reasoning in this case? >> it has not been terribly surprising when they have joined with the three liberals on the court toorm a majority. i think iteally is something that depends on the case as well as the issue and the arguments that are made, and the government was more convincing here. and so was the statute previewed the chief justice was looking at
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a provision in the federal immigration law that gave the secretary of homeland security discretion and said the secretary may return aliens who entered this country from contiguous countries while awaiting their asylum proceedings. the chief justice said, the statute says may return. he said may means may, and it doesn't suddenly become mandatory because the administration is violating mandatory detention. as he pointed out, no administration has been able to comply with mandatory detention because congress has never supplied the department with the resources, the money or the beds to detain every illegal immigrant that enters our
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country. john: and what did the dissenters in that case say? >> justice alito agreed that the government cannot detain every illegal immigrant that enters the country. but he said it had two alternative choices. it could send them back to mexico, or it could, under the law, release them into the united states. and he said tt the government has chosen to totally ignore the return to mexico and instead is releasing countless immigrants into this country. john: marcia coyle of the national law journal on this final day of this supreme court. judy: let's look deeper at the climate change ruling. many environmental advocates acknowledged today the decision in the epa case is a significant blow in the government's efforts to limit greenhouse gases in the
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near term. as we said, west virgia won the case after a legal battle over the clean power plan. first, let's hear from the biden administration. michael regan is the epa administrator. he joins me from new orleans. administrator, thank you very much for joining us. how much of a setback is it for your efforts to regulate greenhouse gases? >> thank you for having me. i am deeply disappointed in the supreme court's decision today, actually very frustrated. the decision does constrain what we do, but let me be clear, it doesn't take us out of the game. we still will be able to regulate climate pollution and we will use all the tools in our toolbox to do so. the constraint we are seeing today prevents us as a country from making progress as quickly as we need to preview climate action presents an opportunity for this country to assure
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global competitiveness, lower cost for families and protect people's health and well-being, especially those who have suffered from the burden of inaction for far too long. so yes, today's action is a disappointing action, it's devastating in many ways, as the president has said, but it doesn't take us out of the game. we will continue to have -- use every tool we have to keep pace with the climate crisis. judy: every option out there from now on is a little more cumbersome and more expensive for the government. from that standpoint, how much of a setback is it? >> we pride ourselves in keeping pace with the growing economy and technological advances. this doesn't constrain the innovation that we could see from the power sector itself, the constraints are on how we provide the rules of the road
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for long-term investments, but let's be clear, the supreme court has also constrained what the power sector would like to do in terms of long-term investments and the utilization of technologies and programs that could be more expensive and more flexible for the industry itself. so it is a setback, and we will continue to evaluate thoroughly what the supreme court actually has said today. but let's be clear, the constraint does not take epa out of the game, and we will continue to use every tool in otr toolbox, because it iser u ecou thlecommunities, and provide certainty and transparency for the energy sector to grow the cleaner energy economy. judy: can you give us a couple of examples of the kind of tools you believe you still can use to regulate this? >> 12 we will continue to look
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at is the authority that was in question with the supreme court. again, that tool is still available. we've just lost some flexibility, but we also have a suite of regulations that are facing the power sector. so as we couple the regulation of climate pollution with the regulation of health-based pollution, we are providing the power sectorar picture of cle witrya whavet rs they're facing so that they can make the right investment decisions and we are hoping that when they look at the regulation of waste and discharges in water, climate pollution, they will see that it is not worth investing in the past, and they will continue to do what they are doing now, which is invest in the future. >> let me ask you also about the course of what t court has ruled, now that you're looking at a majority conservative court, how much does that concern you in terms of steps
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the epa may take in the future that are most likely to be challenged either by the states, by state attorneys general, or others who oppose these efforts by the government to impose regulation? >> it really forces us to contemplate how we move forward as quickly as possible, recognizing that some flexibilities have been taken from us. so it does in pay -- impede the progress, but it does not prevent us from continuing to make progress. we have to be vigilant in terms of focusing on climate change pollution. we will also have to continue to do what the president has asked us to do, which is partner with every single cabinet agency and leverage all the actions as a whole of government. we've got some opportunities ahead of us. this is a setback, deeply
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disappointing and frustrating to a certain extent, but again, we will use every tool in the toolbox that we have two set and implement environmental standards that meet our obligation to protect all people in all communities from environmental harm. judy: mr. administrator, where about to talk with the administrator of the state of west virginia which was instrumental in bringing the case to the supreme court. what would you say to him as something you hope he and others who brought this case would be willing to look at as a way of the government to make sure that these plans are operating as well as possible? >> i would say that the markets have already spoken, and when you look at the regulation that was in question, that never took place, that the supreme court evaluated, the goals of that regulation were met and exceeded years and years ago. so there is proof that the
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market is already moving in this direction, and it's our obligation is the government to be able to provide some certainty so they can make longer-term investments. we will continue to work hard to provide that certainty, so that the power sector can continue to make long-term investments in a clean energy economy. judy: administrator michael regan of the epa, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. as we said, 19 republican - re pt he lal challenge to the epa. west virginia's attorney general patrick morrissey led the national coalition at the supreme court. mr. attorney general, i don't know if you are able to hear the epa administrator, but i just want to ask you first, how much of a victory is this today for electric power generation and power plants in this country? >> i think it is a big brick three for the rule of law.
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i did have a chance to listen to the administrator, and i guess what i would say is a lot of people are saying tonight the sky is falling, the sky is falling. but people can take into account that the epa never had this authority in the first place. there were big promises made over the last decade in terms of what type of initiatives the epa is going to advance to fight climate change. but we always knew that the epa only had a narrow sliver of authority to regulate carbon emissions. i would say to americans washing '- watching tonight thaishitant about a very simple proposition. who gets to make the major decisions of the day? should it be unelected bureaucrats, seizing power that has not been delegated to them? or should it be congress? we've always argued that it is congress, because that day 30 you are new york, or west
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virginia or texas or nebraska or any of the states across the nation, you will have a seat at the table and you will have the people's representatives making the choice. that's what this case is all about. it's justice for -- disappointing to hear people trying to characterize it in some other way. i've been working on this since 2013. but it is critical now to understand that so that the debate will likely shift to congress, but more importaly, people k n go after federal overreach whenever it emerges. judy: what we just heard from administrator reagan and what we've heard from others is that the authority to regulate is still there, it's just the amount of flexibility is different. do you acknowledge that there are still steps that the government can take as necessary to make sure that the powerplant industry, the energy industry
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broadly is being careful when it comes to protecting the environment? >> most certainly there will be authorities that are available under the clean air act and that won't change from today. we've always argued that over the past number of years. we've argued that the epa does have a narrow ability to raonic -- to regulate carbon emissions. folks watching should understand that what this administration has done is they are trying to change the fundamental mission of many of the federal agencies out there. if you're the securities and exchange commission of the department of energy him a department of labor, the biden administration is asking everyone to change their mission and become more of an environmental regulator. that's just not the way our constitution works. agencies need to comport with the limits that congress provides to them.
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what we have seen with the biden administration and others as well, they have gone so far afield from that statutory authority, i think that's why you're going to see more effort to ensure that the biden administration respects the rule of law, our constitution, and the separation of powers. this is a big win for the people of america because now their elected representatives will have a clear voice. judy: to other quick points, justice kagan ander dissenting opinion today, she said congress has told the epa, she said, to use the best system of regulation. so that there was direction from the congress, and there was leeway, that there has now been clarification of how much leeway. in other words, there is still advisory from the congress to the agency to do the best it can to make sure these commissions
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are as clean as possible. >> no one is arguing, this is not about having efficiencies or clean-air. in fact, everyone supports it. once again this is not a case about climate change or hamstringing a federal agency. it's about ensuring that when a federal agency acts, it' according to the limits that congress prescribes for them. so the epa still has certain tools to move forward, but what they don't have the authority to do is on these major questions of the day, whether it's economic significance, they cannot proceed on the basis of maybe some ambiguous language and then try to rewrite the nation's power grid. they can't do that. that's what they tried to do for the nuclear power plant, and they've talked about doing things that are not feasible today in terms of trying to have -- for electric cars, some of
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what they are trying to accomplish that clearly don't have the legal authority to do. so why would ask them to do, don't promise things to ur constituents that you can't deliver. work within the constitutional systems in order to deliver things that are good for the people. think you will find a lot of folks care deeply about clean air and clean water, but we have to make sure we respect our constitutional system. that's what today's case stands for. judy: i'm sorry i want have time to pose the question that the wreck -- administrator recommended, he hopes you and others wreck -- realize the markets have already spoken. >> the markets responded because the government put a gun to their head and said the regulations are coming to wipe you out. the government should never possess that kind of power to be abusive. that's why we fought back. judy: the attorney general for
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the state of west virginia, mr. morrissey, thank you very much for joining us. the supreme court's other decision today on the trump era remaining mexico policy is a surprise win for the biden administration. it comes with complicated political implications. lord joins us to give us a sense of how the white house is reacting to this news. what are they saying and what do they think this means going forward? laura: as of right now, the white house has not put out any official statement, the department has not put out an initial statement, but my sources tell me it's something that has boosted officials in the administration. it allows them to do away with a trump era policy of remain in mexico, which biden himself, president biden himself called iminal in the past, and
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homeland security secretary in the past also said that it caused unjustifiable human cost. so it is a win for the administration. judy: so what we have seen is that about 70,000 migrants have been held in mexico since the administration started. laura: for a while, it may not be an immediate effec the supreme court has to send what is called a certified judgment first. that can take a few weeks before the administration can move the start doing away with the policy and start moving those 70,000 i grants into the u.s. for additional screening. they typically work with ngos and what they try to do is to screen them further and then put them into the parole system for proceedings in the united states. it will take work with
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organizations on the ground. judy: there is still this outstanding issue of the so-calle title 42, which came about during the trump administration. how much of a factor is that? laura: it still is a big factor. even with the remaining mexico policy being a win for the administration, there could be additional litigation on that. the administration has tried multiple times to do away with this policy and the second attempt could come under lawsuits from texas itself. e it is something the administration has been forced to keep in place. what that es is require -- it allows the government to mutely expel asylum-seekers without any kind of asylum process for them to claim asylum. there is roughly one million that have been expelled under the biden administration. as i was talking to some
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democratic pollsters, for them is not really an issue in the midterms right now. it seems to have receded in the public's consciousness because inflation, high gas prices, january 6 hearings are actually more front of mind for democratic leaders. for republican voters, one thing i found interesting is that during the january 6 hearings this week, our -- the rnc chairwoman was tweeting about immigration and president biden's "open borders." judy: finally, let me ask you about the big decision from the court that came down last friday, overturning roe v. wade. president biden was asked about it and commented again today, very critical. you have been reporting on this. what should we expect when the administration takes a closer look? laura: doesn't biden said he
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will be potentially announcing executive actions as early as tomorrow. he will be meeting with governors. the second thing was he said he was open to a big change in the senate. pres. biden: i believe we have to codify roe v. wade into law. and the way to do that is to make sure that the congress votes to do that. and if the filibuster gets in the way, its like voting rights we should be requiring an exception to the filibuster for this action. laura: so he thinks thessenallye filibuster, but the reality is that the votes are not there right now. so again, the administration, president biden is saying it all comes down to whether or not he is able to get additional democrats in the senate to see this realized. judy: laura, thanks so much.
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judy: in the day's other news, the supreme court also opened the door to possibly changing how federal elections are conducted. the justices agreed to consider whether state courts may review election procedures and congressional district lines. the case involves a north carolina court's ruling against districts that heavily favor republicans. judges in kentucky and florida became the latest today to block new abortion limits, since the end of roe v. wade. the ruling in kentucky halted a near-total ban on abortions. a judge in florida temporarily stopped enforcement of a ban after 15 weeks of pregnancy. the nato summit has ended, with president biden vowing to defend, quote, every inch of the bloc's eastern flank against russia. he also pledged another $800 million in arms for ukraine
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today. we'll return to the summit, after the news summary. russian forces pulled out of a strategic black sea island today, possibly easing pressure on ukraine's attempts to export grain. snake island sits about 90 miles from odesa. the russian said it was -- said leaving it was a goodwill gesture. ukraine said they were driven off. hong kong made ready today for the 25th anniversary of its return from british to chinese rule. crowds and performers weomed chinese president xi jinping. under his rule, authorities have cracked down on protests and any form of dissent in hong kong, and barred opposition candidates from elections. xi praised the changes. >> in the past period of time, hong kong endured difficult tests one after another, overcame risk challenges one after another. after the storms, hong kong reemerged from the fire and was reborn. hong kong is showing vibrance. judy: this was his first visit
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to hong kong since mass pro-democracy protests there in 2019. in the philippines, ferdinand marcos, jr., son of the late dictator, was sworn in as president, in manila. he took his oath of office to cheers from supporters -- 36 years after his father was overthrown. the new president glossed over the widespread corruption and human rights abuses under marcos senior, and predicted a bright future. >>gs ithe light of the experiences that we have had, both good and bad. it doesn't matter, no looking back in anger or nostalgia. judy: elsewhere in manila protesters marched and condemned , marcos' rise to pow. they said he pulled it off by whitewashing his family's past. back in this country, the u.s. food and drug administration
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said that new covid vaccine boosters will have to target the newest omicron offshoots. those sub-variants are highly contagious and are fueling a rise in new cases around the world. the fda says the original vaccines should still be used for people getting their first shots. and on wall street, stocks closed out another losing month. the dow jones industrial average dropped 253 points to close at 30,775. the nasdaq fell 149 points, more than 1%. the s&p 500 gave up 33 points. for the rst half of the year, the dow is down 15%. the nasdaq is off 29%. the s&p is off 20%. still to come on the newshour, the president of lithuania discusses tensions with russia amid cyber attacks and the war in ukraine. the biden administration pledges to make more vaccines available
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to counter monkeypox infections. an openly gay puppeteer uses his art to bring understanding to his small hometown in kansas. plus much more. >> this is the pbs newshour, from w eta students in washington, and in the west from the walter cronkite school of journalism at arizona state university. judy: today the russian military withdrew from a key island off ukraine's coast, easing some of the pressure on odesa, the country's most important port. that small victory in the south, as the war on the eastern front grinds on, came as nato leaders concluded a key summit in madrid. and that's where we find nick schifrin again tonight. hello, nick. now that the summit has ended, tell us what the leaders are saying about ukraine and h they think the summit went. nick: president biden and the
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other leaders described in alevceliizit rcae alofusbe e snake island really came to symbolize ukrainian resolve. the nato leaders especially celebrated the formal invitation to sweden and finland, a that's been militarily not aligned for decades as assigned of alliance community. pres. biden: putin thought he could break the transatlantic alliance. he tried to weaken us. he expected our resolve to fracture. but he's getting exactly what he did not want. he wanted the finlandization of nato. he got the nato-ization of finland. nick: leaders describe the deal between turkey, sweden, and finland as a breakthrough. but the process for those two countries to join has only just begun and has to go through all 30 nato parliaments, including u.s. congress. judy: president erdogan talk to the press today. what did he have to say about
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that episode, the fact that turkey had blocked finland and sweden but then changed his mind. nick: erdogan said swedenh he a. he claimed that they promised to extradite 73 people and if they didn't, he would not send their admission to nato through the turkish parliament. the only problem is the document they signed does not cite 73 people and does not guarantee a single extradition. the agreement that you signed with finland and sweden says that finland and sweden will address the extradition requests. it does not say finland and sweden will confirm turkey's extradition requests. so are you asking finland and sweden to go beyond the language that you've agreed? >> now, you have read the text and the thing is, what is important is what we understand.
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these 73 people, sweden gave us a promise and extradite them. they will either extradite them, or not. nick: official told me erdogan will continue to extract as many concessions throughout the process as he can. including a deal that president biden endorsed this afternoon. until finland and sweden give into to his dends, no matter what the text may say or doesn't say, erdogan can stop their admission to nato. judy: you had a full day today, you also spoke with the president of lithuania. what was the message he and the other baltic leaders had today? nick: they arrived with a concern that their countries could be the next russian target. that is a product of some of their interactions with russia recently, but also a product of their history. lithuania was occupied of the
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soviet union and briefly by nazi germany. it became independent in 1991 and joined nato in 2004. just in the last week, tensions increase because implement in a ban on that -- on goods. i spoke to the president inside the summit this afternoon. >> thank you very much for joining us. when you arrived here, you said it's -- this was the last chance to adopt disions that will be strong enough to start russia. do you believe the decisions taken today are adequate? >> i think it fully meets our expectations. we have to understand that situation is dangerous, the situation is very serious and we have to take bold, decisive decisions. i have to say there is a certain
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satisfaction that it was really historic. nick: nato will increase the number of troops in the baltics, you have been calling for many more than that. is that level st?ciufen we havet currently we are not ready, we will not have sufficient infrastructure to accommodate the brigade size of the unit and this is the reason why we have to speed up the process. nick: you said that no part of nato should have any weakness, but nato's most vulnerable part is the gap between mainland russia and the russian,holnleitn light for preparation in order
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to be aware of these risks and to deal with this threat adequately. nick: last week, lithuania stopped goods traveling by train between russia and belarus and leningrad. russia has made threats in response to that. sehos riw oudoou yrussian possif responding militarily is? >> i don't believe in such a scenario because since 2004, we are a nato member and we have clear assurances also repeated our president joe biden that article five is separate, rocksolid, and it's not so easy to make harm would lithuania because we did our homework. since the very beginning, we realized that russia is a
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long-term threat, and probably we have to be prepared. nick: how do you believe the war in ukraine should end? >> vladimir putin should end this war. if it will be not the case, that situation, european and international situation will be very complicated and very dangerous. we have to avoid this scenario. nick: french president macron has said europeans and the way should avoid humiliating russia. is there an eastern european-western european divide over this? >> i don't understand this kind of rhetoric, because russia humiliated itself so much by starting this war. we have do our best in order to support ukraine in this war.
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nick:o you fear that some western countries could end up pressuring? the president? >> it would be morally unacceptable to push ukraine to make any concessions from the territory. nick: do you believe there's pressure on ukraine to concede territory? >> i don't think so. i believe in unity which has certain ambitions. this kind of unity i trust and i saw this unity here in madrid. nick: over the past few weeks moscow has withheld some natural gas from europe. you work for years to achieve energy independence from russia. do you believe the rest of the european union is trying to pursue the same policies that you are, and can they? >> i think they will be pressed to pursue the same policy, but
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we understand very well that if you do not start today, you will not get the result to tomorrow. to do the same as lithuania did, to let all the illusions about russia or engagement with russia. nick: senior officials admitted there was no plan b, there were no plans at all not to use russian energy. >> i remember my conversations with former chancellor angela merk. but they decided to go this way. nick: late last year you allowed taiwan to open a diplomatic office and listen when he apared it was fi member had alla diplomatic office inside the e.u.. you said you we consulted on the name change, but overall, why do you believe it is important for this way need to
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support taiwan? >> this is the office we establish and lithuania. the reaction of chinese authorities -- we are country which tries to respect the principles and values, sometimes pay a high price for that, but this is our policy towards other countries which are fighting for their freedom. i think lithuania is very consistent with this. sometimes we are in example for some larger countries. nick: thank you very much. judy: the biden administration has launched a vaccination campaign against monkeypox making nearly 300,000 shots available in the
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coming weeks. there are around 350 known cases of the virus in the u.s. and zero deaths so far. but there are concerns about its spread and whether the administration is doing enough. stephanie sy has our look. stephanie: judy, monkeypox is endemic to parts of central and west africa but was found in the u.s. just about six weeks ago. it spreads through close contact, which would obviously include sex or kissing. gay men and other men who have sex with men make up many of the cases that have been identified. some have posted about their symptoms on tiktok. >> it was so painful i had to go to my doctor and get painkillers just to be able to go to sleep. >> a couple days -- days ago i woke up with swollen limp nodes and develop chills and started to break out in some weird spots. stephanie: for more on all this i'm joined by joseph osmundson, a microbiologist at new york university and author of the new
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book virology: essays for the living, the dead and the small things in between. joe, thanks so much for joining the newshour. i was watching some of those tiktok videos, and one of them said he was sharing his monkeypox experience to reduce stigma. i want to start there. is stigma something that a lot of people are worried about with this? >> thank you so much for having me. of course, this is primarily impacting the clear community right now. it's being spread our social networks. it is a virus that is new in this context and has been understudied in the regions where it has been common for decades. so it is frightening when you virus comes into our community and our population, we want to make sure to get the best information out there and have the best access in our community what people need. they need tests, they nee the spread.
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stephanie: let's talk about vaccines for a minute. the biden administration has announced a national vaccination campaign, but it is limited, only 56,000 doses of a new vaccine have been made immediately available. there will be more to come in coming weeks. then there's another older vaccine acam200 is also approved for use. can you break down who is eligible for these vaccines and what role that older vaccine, what role does that play in this current outbreak? >> it's a great question. i will focus on a modern, really safe vaccine, and our argument is we need to get those doses that do no good in a bethesda storage unit, they need to get into arms as quickly as possible. they do no good in sweden, we need to get them here as fast as possible. use that frontline mess vaccine that is supersafe and start
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protecting people on the ground. we know this virus is currently popping up mostly but not exclusively in the queer community and those connected to us by our social and sexual networks. those are the people we are targeting for the first round of vaccination. this type of virus that's -- that spreads through such close contact, i would be surprise if you don't see this in a wrestling team i state in the fall. n waoningtof course there's muce spread that we don't know about yet. stephanie: the older vaccine has been known to have more severe side effects for those that are immuno compromised. your point gets to my next question, which is, does the current public health response to this in the u.s. seem adequate at this point?
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we are talking about 350 cases or so, but zero deaths. >> the illness is mild by public health definitions and that it doesn't seem to lead to hospitalization or death. but as you saw in the clip, someone i know had monkeypox recently and it hurts, it is very, very unpleasant. so we are seeing a disconnect with the federal response. we have people in our community who are getting ill, and there's vaccine sitting on the shelves. there are drugs in the stockpile. you have to be enrolled through a clinical trial. how mandoctors out there in america know how to enroll their patient in a clinical trial and do all the paperwork fast enough to get them access to that drug that means i may not suffer as badly or as long? so we do think there is an urgency lacking. right now in america, no test, no vaccinations, no drugs. we know there are plans that in
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a months time that should shift, we hope we continue figuring out not just where this virus is, but the places where it might go and not forget there's a region where this virus is endemic. people in those regions also deserve access to vaccine, treatment, and care. stephanie: there are a lot of questions that remain in this developing story. joseph osmundson, a microbiologist at nyu, thank you. we appreciate your insights. >> thank you so much. judy: over the past months, pride celebrations have been held in some of the largest cities that recognize lb gt q rights. our special correspondent travel
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to rural kansas where an artist is trying to foster understanding and his community. the report is part of our arts and culture series, canvas. >> on a recent afternoon, the local crowd filled hidden trail brewing in garden city. they had come out for a special event with lively entertainment not often performed in western kansas. the lipstick and lashes drag show was part of a family-friendly pride arts festival called playchella which also included rainbow-themed crafts for kids. resources from a local behavioral health organization. and a queer-themed puppet show written and performed by the event's organizer. brett crandall. you ren't handsome. well, you are.
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>> he's a 30-year-old puppeteer, actor, writer, and lgbtqia+ activist he grew up in a small town called deerfield about 15 mis from garden city. >> i can't see 2012 deerfield, garden city doing any of this. it just makes it all the more cool that it did. >> coming of age in a close-knit, rural county, home to one of the country's largest beef processing plants, he says he felt different early on. brett: these are people that i've known a lot of times my whole life. conversations that i did not have with them because i did not at one point feel safe showing -- to come out, not that i thought anyone would physically harm me, but maybe that their love had conditions or that i wouldn't it wouldn't be what would make them happy. to actively pop those bubbles is healing for me.
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>> after high school, crandall quickly made his way to new york city where he lived for about 10 years, first attending the american academy of dramatic arts and then working as an actor and developing his talents aspe pup. he moved back to kansas in 2019 thinking it would be a brief stop before relocating to los angeles. then his plans changed. brett: i really wanted to start putting out queer shows in the middle of the country. >> over the last couple of years he's done just that. working full-time traveling around the state to put on shows like the trials of david: a queer biblical puppet play and murder at the wolf hotel. hans: i was flattered when thou called me handsome. odine: i love you, but i am ondine. >> at playchella, he premiered a new show called ondinea queer fairy tale. it's an adaptation of an old french play with a female lead.
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in this version, a male water sprite, played by crandall, falls in love with a handsome knight named hans. but they face some hurdles. brett: it's a whole different set of rules when you're in the theater or when you're setting an audience that you get to listen and pay attention and let something affect you. and so then putting queer stories into that and allow and allowing folks to feel sympathy for queer folks instead of just, you know, the discontent or malice or fear, whatever it is that they've been working with or taught.(gets emotional) that -- or taught. that was not their idea in the first place. >> last year, he organized the first kansas playchella in his hometown which included a small
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, march through the streets. he proudly walked arm and arm with his partner, marc malone. among crandall's biggest supporters now and throughout his life his parents helped out at the crafts table. >> ten years ago things were much different. especially in rural kansas, i mean, there's just, you know, you didn't you didn't know of anybody, you know, at that point. but today it's everywhere, that's a good thing. cindy: the stigma is still there in rural america, for sure, but i think that the kids are more willing to come out at a younger age. it's such a relief they they have events like this now. >> gerald hall, who goes by the drag name daphne moonwalker, p gr a ueainy nrb now he is trying to use his performance art to help others.
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gerald: we want to be the voice for anybody that needs the voice. if you don't feel safe, if you don't feel like you are being included in things, reach out to us as performers. we we are here for anybody. >> be on his activism, crandall is also focused on arts education in his community and other rural towns. he wrote an opinion piece recently about young people fleeing the plains when they lack opportunities to flourish in the arts. brett: the kids that grow up here, i hope they don't feel the impulse, like i did, that they have to leave, that they have to go away. the only way they'll find peace for themselves or to be able to get to know themselves. we are just going to keep coming up with new ways, very old ways, of giving that sense of value to yourself and to our community that you don't have to go anywhere else.
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it's just it's all right here. >> at the end of t puppet show, ondine and hans are finally able to be together. a happy ending he hopes will inspire his audience to find its own. for the pbs newshour, i'm cat wise in garden city, kansas. judy: it's heartwarming. that is the newshour for tonight. judy woodruff. for all of us at the pbs newshour, thank you, please stay safe and we'll see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by -- >> for 25 years, consuming your -- consumer cellular has been offering plans to help consumers do what they like. to learn more, visit consumer >> the ford foundation, working with visionaries on the front lines of social change worldwide.
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and with the ongoing support of these individuals and institutions. and friends of the newshour. and with the ongoing support of these institutions. and friends of the newshour. this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy.]
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♪ ♪ hello, everyone. welcome to "amanpour & company." here's what's coming up -- >> he wanted less nato, he's getting more nato. >> nato enlarges as turkeyifts its veto. the swedish prime minister joins us. then -- >> we tried to give russia an opportunity and to putin especially an opportunity. and perhaps over the years, we've been a bit ivnae. the spanish prime minister on how committed nato is making sure putin does not win in ukraine. also ahead -- >> the presint said, i'm the american president, take me up to the capitol now. >> jaw-dropping testimony as the
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