tv PBS News Hour PBS July 28, 2022 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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judy:the u.s. economy shrinks fe second straight quarter, prompting debate over whether the country has entered a recession. then, a new deal. an agreement in the senate revives the president possible legislative agenda with a bill to cut carbon emissions and subsidize health care. and covid confusion. an epidemiologis answers your questions about the virus. >> if you have not had your booster for a while and you haven't been recently infected, you don't have great protection against infection with the
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vaccine alone so we really need to mask up right now especially during this surge. judy: all that and more on tonight's pbs newshour. >> major funding for the pbs newshour been provided by -- >> fidelity dedicated advises are here to help you make a health plan with tax sensitive investing strategies, planning focused on tomorrow while you focus on today. that is the planning effect for fidelity. >> the kandeda fund -- kendeda fund, more at kendeda
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the carnegie fund for the advancement of international peace and security at andith the ongoing support of these individuals and institutions. this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. judy: new data out today shows the u.s. economy shrank for the second straight order.
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at the same time, democrats are logging a senate deal announced late yesterday to affect inflation while reducing the deficit. the agreement is a stunning development after over a year of negotiations failing to win the support of joe manchin. stalling key parts of the president's agenda in the closely divided senate. president biden: the work of the government can be slow and frustrating, sometimes even infuriating. then the hard work of hours and days and months of people who refuse to give up pays off. history is made. lives are changed. with this legislation, we are facing up to some of our biggest problems and taking a giant step
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forward as a nation. judy: we will look at the economy in a moment but geoff bennett has more on the democratic deal. what it does and how it came to be. jeff: -- geoff: it took a compromise on what was the president build back better agenda and is now a $740 billion spending package that democrats are calling the inflation reduction act. it allows medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices and extends affordable care subsidies. $69 billion in climate and energy investments. it raises the corporate tax minimum to 15% for billion-dollar companies a democrats say it will reduce the federal deficit by $300 billion over the next decade. joining us to break down the
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policy had a politics is laura lopez and john bresnahan. president biden said today that he is urging congressional democrats to pass this proposal. this bill as quickly as possible. he says it's not perfect, but the medicare provision that would allow medicare to negotiate the cost of prescription drugs to lower prescription drug prices has been long opposed by the pharmaceutical industry. if this bill passes, that is significant. laura: it's also something president biden has been pushing at trying to encourage democrats to pursue as aggressively as possible since last summer. the white house has been arguing this is a political benefit for presidents down ballot. tough competitions in senate races have long said that even if they couldn't get this in reconciliation they wanted to
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pursue this individually because of the fact that so many democratic holsters argue that this is really big winner with voters, particularly black and latino voters who support it. and aarp supports it by 80%. this is definitely, if it passes, a big win for the white house. geoff: senator schumer says they intend to cap the price of insulin. how did senator manchin geto yes? you had a long conversation with him yesterday. i asked the question because back in december, he said he could not support the bill back better act. he said he was not going to vote for climate provisions because he thought it would impact record inflation. here's what he said today. >> this is truly going to be around inflation reduction.
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i knew that we could get an energy policy that worked without raising taxes and adding to inflation. and i'm going to walk away from that because it would be hard politically so i did this. this is a bill for the country, not a bill for democrats. geoff: what accounts for his reversal? john: you have to give schumer a lot of credit. he stuck with it. the two had a very good relationship when schumer became the democratic leader a couple years ago. schumer and mansion did not get along with harry reid. schumer was a big plus. the big moment in december when mansion walked away from build back better, a huge embarrassment for the president and for schumer.
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the moment early this year when mansion refused to move on the filibuster. that was a big embarrassment again for schumer. but mansion put out a statement, i'm not walking away from the tae. chuck says i am but i'm not. they kept talking and senator schumer said on july 18, mansion reached out to him after he announced the deal had fallen apart and set i want to keep talking. they were able to come up with a deal this week. geoff: this marks the most substantial effort to tackle climate change by the federal government in recent history. reduce carbon emissions by roughl40% by 2030. it's not quite what president biden set out to do but is it close enough for this white house? laura: the white house is saying this is the most historic
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climate change legislation that has been passed to date. yes, biden definitely supports this. the president highlighted the fact that it is almost there. his initial goal was 50%. i was talking to senator brian schatz today of hawaii. he thinks it is significant and eventually industry with that momentum can just eventually get there. this is a big thing that the white house wanted, rebates for electric vehicles. low incomeommunities for fighting pollution. he talked about doing executive actions but right now, those are put on ice because a lot of democrats think the president should not pursue now more executive actions because they don't want to disturb the negotiations ongoing on the
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hill. they want to make sure that this bill passes. geoff: let's talk about the hurdles that remain, senator kyrsten sinema ducking and dodging reporters as they try to ask her questions when she left the capital. a couple of members out with covid that will delay things. how is leadership planning to tackle that? john: senator cinema is an issue. he said all 50 democrats would be on board. she would not say. she plays this close to the vest. she had not done that previously on build back better. she was very concerned about tax increases. mansion thinks she will be there and support this. on the covid issue, this is a serious issue. majority whip dick durbin came down with covid, minor symptoms
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and out until next week. senator manchin was out this week. a couple democratic senators just came back. another issue with patrick lahey who fell and broke his hip. he has had two hip surgeries and his office says he will be back. it's probably going to take about a week. it has procedural hurdles, it s to be vetted to make sure it comports with all senate rules. a bunch of amendments get voted on. possibly the senate can do it. they can finish this. they will have to come back and vote on it. it will probably take two weeks or three to get this done.
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it's mostly covid and kyrsten sinema. judy: a new report today indicates the u.s. economy is in a slow down for certain and possibly a recession. the gross thomistic product fell into negative territory. dropping by nearly 1%. economists mark a recession by two straight quarters of negative growth of the jobs market has remained strong which muddies the picture. the president and his team are insisting this is not a recession yet. they believe a recession is already underway. i'm joined from the white house by jean sperling, senior advisor to president biden and the american rescue plan coordinator. jean sperling, welcome back to
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the newshour. it is not knowable if the country is in a recession. we know that growth is slowing. does the president think it is more important to continue this focus on fighting inflation? or is it time to turn and focus more on this existing slow down. >> the entire reason for being here and energizes the economic policy, and right now for working families, the number one issue is higher prices. it's partly because we've had so much job growth and so much unemployment. so his focus is very much on the things that we can do to lower prices. some of that is about the release of the strategic petroleum reserve that h
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helped us see gas prices go down by $.75. some of the things that you were just talking about, the legislation we can do. a provision that can lower the price of prescription drugs. energy costs on a number of different products. it would create more jobs here. but to understand the pinch and squeeze. judy: i heard what you said that the president wants to focus on rising prices. if you step back a moment, the american people are getting whipsawed. they are dealing with higher prices and looking at a situation where purchasing power
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has been cut into. the increase in wages has slowed down. people are looking at this and feeling the hurt in both directions. when is the right moment to focus on a slowing economy? >> it is probably better suited to the chair of the federal reserve. it will independently make assessments when they feel they have raised interest rates to tame inflation. but what you have heard from them is consistent with our aspiration which is that we want to make this transition from this red-hot economy. a more stable growth with
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moderate prices while still keeping the gains that we have had. there is no way the last six months of recession, it creates 2.7 million jobs. we have never before created 2.7 million jobs. it is certainly not consistent with recession. what we are seeing is a little more resilience the fact that so many people are working, the fact that there is less credit card delinquencies, they are seeing consumers spend 10% more than year. people are talking about the r word but one of the are words we are seeing is resilience.
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because of the steps president biden has taken, we are better positioned than any country. the hall of -- judy: it is a fine line to walk and i'm assuming you feel the same way. >> i think that se of those decisions are for the federal reserve. we will do everything we can to have the back of working families. the policy overall, we are taking steps to lower prices. how long have we heard administrations be able to negotiate. we have a chance to lower energy prices.
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less vulnerable to foreign countries. we see a strong focus on creating incentives to create jobs in the united states. judy: what are you saying to republicans looking at this deal saying it will add to inflation? >> they need to look at the whole deal. the whole deal is anti-inflationary. we've had our disagreements with fan -- friends sometime including senator manchin and larry summers. but from larry summers to elizabeth warren, everyone is united that this plan pays for itself and reduces the deficit by at least $300 billion. it is anti-inflationary because
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on the whole it is reducing the deficit. it is also doing things like saving 280 billion dollars to consumers and the medicare program. that is directly lowering prices . and particularly seniors for not only this year but for decades. judy: speaking of inflation, they are now acknowledging that they were late to recognize that inflation was going to be as serious as it was. >> i think what we have acknowledged is that we have always been very close to what the private sector top economists say. we were projecting that inflation was going down and that was just the consensus
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position of virtually every expert in the country. one thing with the economy is that unexpected things happen. how delta and omicron would bottle up the supply chains. none of us imagined that prices were going down. we would have an unthinkable war of aggression that would send gas prices up around the world. i think that we have the right private-sector consensus and unexpected things happened. it can always happen with any economic forecast. judy: senior advisor jean
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sperling. >> think you, judy. -- thank you, judy. ♪ judy: in the days of the news, the u.s. house of representatives gave president biden a win on another one of his priorities, boosting the u.s. semiconductor industry. democrats pushed through a bill including $280 billion for subsidies. tax breaks. parts of appalachia faced flash flooding. water rose to homes and submerged roads. governor andy beshear reported eight dead and warned the water
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is still rising. >> sadly, we believe we will lose kentuckians and have a lot of kentuckians will lose most of what they have. judy: the heatwave over the pacific northwest push temperatures over 100 degrees again and it is expected to continue through saturday. there is no agreement -- president biden wants to bring home brittney griner and paul whelan, both jailed in russia. it could've all trading a convicted russian arms dealer in a u.s. prison. in ukraine, russian forces launch having a missile strikes on areas that had not been targeted in weeks. missiles rained down on the kyiv region. russian strikes also hit in the north. meanwhile, ukrainian officials
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have begun a counter offensive to take back the hersen region in the south. president biden spoke with president xi jinping today who warned against provocations over taiwan. the u.s. is playing fire on taiwan and said that xi sharply criticized a planned visit by nancy pelosi to the island nation which china claims as part of its territory. president biden warned against any hostile moves. >> the u.s. policy has not changed and that the u.s. strongly opposes unilateral efforts to change the status quote or undermine peace and stability across the taiwan strait. >> the leaders talked by phone for more than two hours. protesters for indigenous
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peoples rights. two women unfurled a banner urging the pope to risk and -- resend a centuries old doctrine that legitimized taking native land. many were survivors of schools that forced assimilation on native children. jetblue has agreed to by spirit airlines at a deal valued at 3.8 billion dollars to create the nation's fifth largest airline provided federal antitrust regulators approve. yesterday, spirit abandoned a proposed merger with frontier airlines. stocks advanced on hopes that the federal reserve might go slower on interest rates. if the economy slides into recession. nasdaq rose 100 30 points, the s&p 500 added 48. still to come, what the new senate deal could mean for the
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fight against climate change. why baby formula remains scarce despite efforts to boost supply. a printmaking workshop inspires artists to stretch their skills. >> this is the pbs newshour from w eta studios in washington and the walter cronkite school of journalism at arizona state university. judy: let's dive deeper now into the apparent agreement among senate democrats and what it could mean for energy production and the fight against climate change. >> this deal has substantial new money to boost the expansion of renewable energy and provide more incentives for people to buy things like electric vehicles. so what might the real impact of
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all of this be for dealing with climate change if it goes through. for perspective, we go to david roberts. his podcast is called bolts. great to have you back. i want to count the chickens before they hatch. what do you make of the contours of this deal? >> it is a very big and overall good deal from the perspective of climate. i know people have been tracking the build back that are -- better negotiations. a lot of stuff has gotten cut, diminished, or destroyed. but the energy and climate provisions have survived not unscathed, but for the most part , the bulk of the provisions in
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the original build back better are still there. it is still by far the biggest climate legislation that the u.s. has ever passed if it passes. >> it is hard not to note that earlier in this broadcast we were talking about floods and drought and heat waves affecting this country. there are billions of dollars of tax incentives to boost and ramp up renewables, geo, thermal, solar, wind. do those feel like meaningful enoughteps that could substantially reduce america's omsions? -- emissions? >> yes. the best way to think about this bill is not so much a climate bill but an industrial policy bill. the main thrust is to invest in u.s. production and any fracturing and markets -- manufacturing at a markets in clean technologies.
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in the process of doing that it will reduce u.s. emissions. this will reduce emissions by 40% by 2030 which is a little bit below what we promised in paribut not substantially below. this gets us on course for what we promised in paris. >> electric vehicles are a tiny share of the market and there are a lot of incentives to encourage people to purchase them. how important is it for the government to do that? with this naturally happen on its own? >> and it comes to climate, it's about speed. electric vehicles have begun their assent. everyone regards it as inevitable that they will take over completely on some time
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horizon. the idea is to accelera the process and to move a lot of the manufacturing and production of those vehicles to the u.s. so they create u.s. jobs in u.s. to mystic manufacturing. and industrial policy is the oldest role for government. governments have been doing that since there have been governments. >> they had to agree to relaxing projects. is that your sense that it is the cost of doing business? we talked at the center for biological diversity and she argued that these trade-offs are unacceptable. more emissions will be generated from new oil and gas project and
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they will hurt the most vulnerable communities in this country. is that the cost of doing business today? >> it is the cost of getting joe manchin to sign your bill. i have not heard of another ability to get 50 votes for this bill. these provisions are somewhat obnoxious. but when it comes to the impact on greenhouse gases, the modeling is going to show the reductions this bill will create vastly outweigh whatever boost in greenhouse gas emissions might come from more leasing. it is a poison pill. but the overall impact is still overwhelmingly positive.
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>> thank you so much. judy: baby formula supplies are still low for parents across the united states. >> early morning a hot texas sun and a line at this drive through food ptry is already dozens of cars long. alongside the bags of fresh food, baby formula. paige gutierrez came early to find food for her nine month old. >> even though it is only one can, it helps. >> teresa set her right -- satterwhite fosters for babies. she called it a blessing. >> it is hard to find formula and it does get frustrating and overwhelming.
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>> what we have seen in the last couple of weeks has been increasing. >> luis works at the organization that runs the pantry. they forced them to srce formula because of the surge in demand for clients who could not find or afford formula in stores. >> we have seen families coming in. >> those food pantries are not much help for connie bunche. seven-month-old aiden has severe milk allergies and relies on specialty soy formula. near impossible when store supplies dwindled. tell me about the moment you realize there was a shortage. >> i walked in the store and it was not scarce or thin, it was bare. i went to another store and it looks the same way.
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after three stores and we are panicking. >> nearly 200 miles away in fort worth, they spent hours driving store to store cobbling together a supply for her grandson. >> i did not think that this would last as long as it has. >> in february, abbott shut down its largest plant after possible contamination. the plan produced a quarter of all baby formula made in the u.s. and after further delays from flooding, stock levels have not yet rebounded. the latest data showing them at their lowest. >> high-quality formula is on
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the way to american shelves. >> the biden administration has taken a number of steps. since may, airlifting in the equivalent of 61,000,008 ounce bottles from abroad, enough to meet about one week of domestic demand. among the hardest hit is low income families. many of whom are eligible for the supplemental program for women, infants, and children. a federally funded benefits program. >> it purchases more than half of the formula consumed. it is a very big player in this space. >> a senior policy analyst on budget priorities. >> eligible families need to not be turned away. it is a lifeline that allows families to get what they need.
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>> states have sourced baby formula tough a competitive bidding process. it becomes the sole provider of regular infant formula for wic participants in that state. just three manufacturers receive all contracts in the u.s. and abbott is t sole provider across 35 states. >> i would absolutely love to see that we can contract within the states more than one formula manufacturer. >> jessica runs a local agency serving four counties in wisconsin, estate that contracts with abbott. although wisconsin received a waiver allowing participants to find other formula brands, that offered brief relief before shelves in two -- emptied. >> we just have more variety and more accessibility on the
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shelves. if a recall were to happen because we know it will happen sometime in the future, it is inevitable that we don't get to this place again that we just don't have formula. >> parents and caregivers turned to each other to help feed their babies. >> it sort of blossomed into this amazing thing. >> took a break from work to raise eliana who is formula fed. she started a facebook group for parents t trade baby formula after receiving help from family and ends around the country. -- friends around the country. there is also a bank that shipped free containers to over 130 families across the country. >> i am a jewish girl living in manhattan. i am connecting with thes amazing women in south dakota,
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mississippi, and hawaii. i don't think i've had any other opportunity to connect and everyone is grateful for the hers helping out. >> i would be horrified to learn and we are turning a blind eye that this is how parents are being forced to feed their babies. >> and austin, connie bunche is still baffled. >> it is amazing to me that the things that are important to us, we come up with solutions so fast. and i do not understand why this
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is not important. there are children whose lives are on the line. >> the specialty formula is harder to find today than a few weeks ago. for now, she will rely on family and friends to keep aiden fed. for the pbs newshour, i'm amna nevas. ♪ judy: in year three of the pandemic, most americans have turned to a sense of some normalcy but the virus is still disrupting daily life. the u.s. is recording roughly 130,000 new cases per day and deaths are on the rise with an average now of more than 430 a day. we reached out to viewers for their latest questions about risk and safety and we get some
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answers from caitlin, an epidemiologist from the university of texas. she writes a newsletter on sub stack. welcome back to the newshour. let's plunge into these questions. sophie from new york city writes, is there a definitive answer to how long after you have covid you can continue to test positive on an antigen home test? is it worth testing to get out of isolation or is there no value in that? >> we have seen really strong evidence that an omicron infection last about eight to 10 days. someday -- some people will be infectious for less if you are vaccinated. the vaccine helps you clear the virus faster. some will be infectious for even longer than 10 days. you won't really know unless you test using an at-home antigen test.
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these tests are really great at telling you if you are infectious or not. they are specifically great using the test to exit isolation to ensure you are not contagious and transmitting to others. judy: this is james from port angeles, washington. when is it safe for me, and immunocompromised person, to be massless within six feet of a vaccinated and boosted person who has tested positive for covid? >> this is a really good question and i think it lies on leveraging these tools we have like the rapid antigen test. if that friend is positive on an at-home antigen, i would be comfortable once they turn negative. because you are high-risk, i would make sure they test negative twice within 12 to 24
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hours to ensure. and if the person is on paxlovid , we see a phenomenon called rebounding. they could turn negative and then positive a few days later. you want to ensure that that doesn't happen with your friend before seeing them. judy: this question is from scott cummings. when do i need my second booster? i am a 32-year-old teacher. >> such a good question, scott. the fda was trying to decide if those under 50 needed a second booster or not before fall. it looks like they are not going to be authorizing that second booster. all of us under 50 will have to wait for when the omicron specif vaccine comes out.
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if you had not had your booster for a while and you haven't been recently and acted, there's not great protection against infection with the vaccine alone. we really need to mask up right now especially during the surge. it's important to know that the one booster does really well reducing hospitalization and death for those under 50. so you can be considered a confident in your first booster preventing severe disease. judy: this is from elizabeth zube. if one gets covid, does taking antiviral or monoclonal antibody treatment reduce the risk of contracting long covid? >> this is a really big question in research right now. beyond vaccination, it is unclear if early treatments like
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antivirals have an effect on long covid. it helps slow the replication of the virus and reduces severe disease. in theory, it may reduce the severity of long covid. it's important to recognize long covid is not always associated with severe disease. studies show that a symptomatically people -- asymptomatic people can have long covid. it's hard to know without that robust scientific evidence. judy: this is from rachel l. as a family, we have kept our risk low. our two-year-old is getting vaccinated then we are struggling with what activities are low risk, moderate risk, or high-risk. are they the same as they were a
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year ago? >> i am in this area right now where my two little girls are getting their second dose of the vaccine, finally. if everyone is fully vaccinated, you have a really good bubble around you right now. the people i worry about who are not fully vaccinated, especially those over 65. if you're going to see parents or great-grandparents, it's important you don't just rely on the back in but also do the antigen testing and use masks if you are in a high-risk area. ensure that you do break transmission chains. judy: we have one more question for you about monkeypox. he wrote a column today comparing covid-19 to monkeypox. similarities and differences. tell us what lessons you came away with after looking at the two.
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>> it is natural for us to compare one public health disease to another. the similarities are that we don't have the best public health infrastructure right now. there is a lot of misinformation being circulated and there are still a lot of answers we don't know. but the difference is -- this is a very different virus. it's not transmitted through the air. it is transmitted through close contact which means we can contain it if we act fast. we need to make sure that window isn't closing. we need to do all we can to contain this before it establishes itself as another health risk in our repertoire. judy: a lot more information needs to be spread about moeypox. thank you so much for joining us.
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>> thanks for having me. judy: the 50-year-old brandywine workshop and archives in philadelphia draws an artist both unknown and very well known to push boundaries by producing limited-edition prints. it's an opportunity to get their work into major museum collections like the harvard art museums. it's part of our arts and culture series. >> each of these have been a tool to reach for the future and sometimes just to dazzle.
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>> there were not a lot of institutional support for people back in 1970. >> event of the brandywine workshop and archives, based in a philadelphia garage. what was the intention there? >> there needed to be an instution to provide that bridge it was about providing role models. >> and where artists could come to try their hand at printmaking. 50 years later, they are ensconced in an ever-expanding number of major museum collections. >> we never envisioned that we would be at harvard art museum. we never envisioned that.
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at some point, it is wider recognition around philadelphia. >> there are sculptors, painters, and weavers. elizabeth is the show's curator. >> artists do things in their careers and their approach to art. >> conceptual artist hank willis thomas made this print titled to be sold. juxtaposing higher black athletes with the re-creation of an advertisement for the sale of enslaved people. thomas appears a second time in the belly of his mother, deborah willis.
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>> she wanted to use an old film of herself pregnant at yale and she was discriminated against and was told by a professor when she entered a classroom as a pregnant woman, you're taking up space for a gd man and she separated those words out, her son who turned out to be a great artist. >> they wash the occupy wall street movement sweep through the country. >> the 99% in my community really wasn't getting her -- her. -- heard. >> and as he captured them, he rendered bits of their conversation into the portrait. >> my eyes are always open to
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try to get a sense of the person. >> you were to explore who the 99% were. did you get a more fundamental understanding? >> i don't know if it was a question as much as it was an attempt to hear people better. and a lot of times, you're metaphorically listening to the person. and also literally listening to them. it made me more sentive to the role of listening as a part of my aform. >> it is a place of ongog communication. charting a course through history.
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it features president barack obama atop the heap of history. >> everything else is at the bottom. and throughout, there are names of people who i felt obama embodied. the lawyers, the educators, the community workers. all names that if they didn't, there would never have been an obama. >> and for one full quarter of it, brandywine has been there to reflect it. i'm jared bowen in cambridge, massachusetts. ♪ judy: gina clayton johnson is the founder and executive director of se justice group, a
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nonprofit that supports women with imprisoned loved ones. she shares her brief but spectacular take on the power of sisterhood. >> i went to law school because i thought that would be the place where i could find answers and solutions and tools and access and all of this. when i went to my very first year, someone i loved was sentenced to 20 years in prison and it completely changed my life and my perspective on what was happening to families, to black people, to this country because of mass incarceration. in the last 40 years we have seen an increase of 500% of people incarcerated in this country. one in four women in the u.s. has a family member in prison. and for black women, one into.
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-- one in two. we incarcerate more people than any other country in this planet by far. we surveyed thousands of women. the through line was isolation. so our response at se justice group is to build a sisterhood through organizing. we do that by connecting women to one another. bringing about systemic solutions. se justice group is a loving and powerful community of women with incarcerated loved ones who are fighting to and mass incarcerations -- to end mass incarcerations. my great-grandmother moved to look for opportunities that were not present where she lived. and going back to my grandmother, asking her with a lot of curiosity, how was it that your mom did it? this ancestral solution kind of
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fell into my lap. she had sisters that lived around the neighborhood. when she needed to pick up an extra shift at work, she had sisters that could fill in for her. she had sisters that understood what it was to be a black woman at that time. she had sisters and a community. that is exactly what mass incarceration is depriving women , black women, and brown women of every single day. we hear women tell us they are part of the sustained community. the work that they are doing together is lifesaving. i wish people would start by seeing women with incarcerated loved ones. that they are incorporated to policy conversations. we are not having conversations about the power of attentional
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and that needs to change. my name is gina clayton johnson. this is my take on women with incarcerated loved ones. judy: that is a powerful message. that is the newshour for tonight. join us online and tomorrow evening. please stay safe and we will see you soon. >> major funding for the pbs newshour has been provided by -- >> for 25 years, consumer cellular has been offering no contract wireless dance to help people do more of what they like. our u.s.-based customer service team can help find a plan that fits you. for more, visit consumer >> the ford foundation, working with the frontlines of social change worldwide. and with the ongoing support of these individuals and institutions.
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and friends of the newshour including leonard and norma core find and coup and patricia yuen. and with the ongoing support of these institutions. and friends of the newshour. this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. ♪
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♪ hello and welcome to "amanpour & co." here's what's coming up. >> i can't even fathom to tell you the spotting we're seeing and the fire behavior we're seeing on this. >> california on fire again, and this time, bigger, hotter, and faster as governor newsom calls for more aggressive action. i speak to his senior climate adviser, lauren sanchez. plus. >> all parties have reconfirmed their commitment to the initiative. >> will the deal on ukrainian grain collapse as the world anxiously waits for a russian blockade to end? i speak to british ambassador to ukraine melinda simmons. th. >> now if you or a loved one as a mental health crisis, you know you can dial 988 to immediately get help.
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