tv KQED Newsroom PBS October 28, 2022 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT
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>> tonight on kqed newsroom. speaker nancy pelosi's husband is in the hospital after being attacked in his own home by a man with a hammer. we explore what happened and why. california's congressional races could make all the difference in who wins the house of representatives. will economic concerns tip the scales? we consider politics and money in the golden state. the takeover of twitter. with our panel of reporters. in the wake of the bay area's biggest earthquake in years, we talk with the developer of an
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app that warned residents nearly 20 seconds before the quake hit. coming to you from kqed headquarters in san francisco, this friday, october 28, 2022. >> hello, and welcome. this is kqed newsroom. i am priya david clemens. there was a shocking attack at nancy pelosi's a san francisco home this morning. an intruder assaulted her husband while reportedly calling out where is nancy. the suspect is in custody. paul pelosi who is 82 years old is expected to recover. meanwhile, with election day less than two weeks away. republicans are gaining momentum in congressional elections across the state. inflation and the economy are top issues for many voters who are concerned about high gas and food prices as well as a lack of economic stability. joining me not to discuss these intertwined political and economic issues are political analyst and former senior political writer for politico, carla mirren energy. san francisco bureau chief of
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marketwatch, jeremy langford thank you for being here. we need to start with this horrific incident at the pelosi home in san francisco. carly, you have covered the pelosi family for a long long time. what are you hearing about what has happened and the suspect was in custody? >> what we know is an attacker who came in early morning , the hammer attack on paul pelosi. security was with the speaker, nancy pelosi, who is not in san francisco. that is a shocking aspect of this attack. but, we know that police came in the middle of the tack. the suspect is under arrest, pelosi is a hospitalized and apparently has undergone some kind of surgery. at this point, very concerning. look, we are two weeks away from an election that has been conduct did in some of the most toxic rhetoric that we have seen in our lifetime i think. >> this is a horrific incident. it is not isolated in the sense
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of the rise in domestic violence and domestic terrorism, political violence, carla, you have been pointing to this and bringing this up over and over again. >> that is right. we have seen in this election cycle, just heated rhetoric and more and more intimidation of voters and elected officials and of folks who are volunteering to watch the vote. elected officials have undergone the threats. gavin newsom, certainly nancy pelosi. the california headquarters was bombed. we have a situation where the heated rhetoric, much of it is on social media. much of it has been fueled by that. it has ramped it up to a point where we are watching polls that are showing, recent nbc polls showed 81% of republican hats will be a danger to democracy. democrats feel the same way. the partisanship is out of control. >> surprisingly when elon musk took over twitter, as of
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yesterday, he is saying that he is doing this in order to restore civility in communication. let's put up a quart of what he said about why he acquired twitter. he says "it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner without resorting to violence. there is currently great danger that social media will splinter into far right wing and far left wing chambers that generate more height and divide our society to go and ask you to weigh in here. what are your thoughts on elon musk over twitter. how it may impact free-speech and what is happening on that platform? >> well, he went on in that note to talk about how advertisers do not want to be advertising in a biopic of hate. that note he sent out was a good thing.
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but who knows, right? he says a lot of things that can be contradictory. right? we do not know. now that he has full control that is going to, it is still a theory. right? now, we are seeing product this. it was interesting. it might have been written by twitter's chief customer officer. their customers are advertisers, not its users. right? you want this to succeed, he has to maintain a place where they want to be and where and if users want to be that advertisers want to be there. >> you step in and chopped off the top executives. right? >> he still has not told employees. no official confirmation from twitter, neither do twitters employees have official confirmation that the chief executive is fired the chief financial officer is fired. as head of legal is fired. fred would listen, he walked in with a sink and said i am here. let that sink in. you're in a different era and a different time.
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she met there are so many questions about what he is going to do now. will he let donald trump back on the platform or many of the other folks who have used the terms like crazy nancy and the setting up that rhetoric. she met again, what he says has no basis in reality sometimes. it is really hard. what we do know is that he is dumping $44 billion, maybe four or five times what twitter is actually worth into those employees pockets. twitter pays with stock compensation but a lot of these employees are going to get paid out. they may get fired but they will get some money on the way out the door. with our economy and the way it is now in the way that it is trending, it is great to get that $44 billion into it here. any other billionaires that want to overpay for tech companies, come on down. plenty of them. you know question, they had their earnings reports this week. they did not all do well here. >> mehta was horrible. >> they are spending. that is really the problem. it is good for the bay area economy that google hired 13,000 people in the third quarter but it may not be great
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for google. right? it is great that mark zuckerberg is spending billions of dollars to spilled a meta- verse. right? they may not be that great for meta. we did lose $400 billion in market cap just this week from the five largest tech companies in the world. we have seen what looks to be the end of this big explosion that has happened since the last recession. right? cloud computing, mobile. we have seem to hit a plateau. >> when it comes to elon musk. this is a guy that has employed 30,000 people in california. his footprint is big in this state. what he does is going to matter to be economy. especially to the bay area. it is not just elon musk, it is zuckerberg. they will determine where we had from here. so far they have continued hiring for they have continued spending. right? now they will get a lot of pushback from wall street.
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and when there has been some news this week that california is writhing economically. the fifth largest economy in the world to the fourth. governor knew some was good to share that news this week. >> economy is the issue as we go into these midterms. when we look a couple of months back it was the d.o.b.'s decision. it was abortion. amazing shootings like the texas shooting that was firing up the democrats. gavin newsom can talk about the good things that are going on in california. the fact is california is still the poster child for the conservative right and foxnews. >> those people are budget minded and economy minded but how are they are attacking us? california's economy is doing much better than european economies. right? there is a little bit of worry about the years ahead. right? the reason that our budget was over by $100 billion last year
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was because of a the ipos. right? we are not getting ipos this year. the venture capital is still coming to the bay area or than ay other place in the united states or the world but less venture capital going out there right now. if we are going to see a different era in technology than what we have seen over the past decade plus then california is going to fuel that and we are going to see how that goes. >> let's talk about how those economic concerns are really playing out on the campaign trail. we are coming up very close to the election here. >> carla, democrats are worried that they are going to lose control of the house, certainly. this is been a concern for a long time. as you are saying, it peeked a little while ago. >> a lot of things are shifting now. >> it was showing the democratic advantage that we saw in the summer has faded. the economy is front and center. in california, maybe we can be immune to this because it is a solid blue state. right now, california is the center of the action in a lot of ways for the house races
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that are going to determine who holds the iron throne. >> tell us which ones you are watching. two in the central valley and two in southern california that are very considered tossup's. we hung by david allendale, the only california republican who voted in favor of impeachment of donald trump. mike garcia is another one. both of these are still vulnerable republicans. northern los angeles county, he won his seat by 333 votes. both of those are on the edge. the 13 congressional district ú district. democrats want to take that with adam gray. they have got a republican challenger who is really making a play for that district. you have mike levin, one of the democrats who won one of the seats in 2020 in a blue wave. he is now endangered because of redistricting.
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one other person who he is endangered to is katie porter. >> katie porter who is a darling of the democrats. >> a huge fundraiser. >> but, she is in orange county. democrats do not win orange county. it is amazing that she won. she will have to fight really hard to keep that. >> we have tendencies altogether in california that are really up in the air. this is where the speakership to the house could come down. the map for us here. how many seats did the republicans need to win? >> just five to get the iron throne. kevin mccarthy is pushing this a big time. that is where nancy pelosi was this week during this attack. she was out raising money. she is so successful at it for the democratic cause. >> let's turn to me to be that we had here at kqed two days ago. this is the only debate that happened between governor knew some and his challenger. during that debate one of the questions that was posed was hey, are you really going to be sticking around? will you be here for 4 years? his national profile is been so
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high. let's listen to that and chat about him. >> you are asking voters for 4 more years. you commit to serving all four? > yes. this is a serious moment in american history, california history, they are demeaning of the lgbt immunity. i have had enough. i will probably and happily stand up and what you do not do is stand up to big oil and these big interests. california has lived in a different direction. we have six times more cleantech jobs, clean jobs than we do fossil fuel jobs. this is the next great opportunity and economic benefit for californians and americans really want to seize on that opportunity. we are not interested in outsourcing those jobs. we want to dominate. like that was a yes on four more years? >> yes. >> gavin newsom for his entire political career has been a great chess player looking 10 miles down the line to see if it is issues or if it is its own advancement up the ranks but i think he is building
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right now with efforts around the country taking on other governors, being that liberal lion, the voice of the democrats like to hear, punching it out with other governors, not afraid to do so. i think he is doing it with real calculations in mind. he can say all he wants, i am not interested, but in the future, we know how that plays out with many politicians the people wanted me. so, i can change. >> his future will be determined by how california goes in the next few weeks if he wins the governorship again, i think he will. >> i think it is going to determine this. when we do not have as many ipos, there is less money coming in, there is less to do. is he going to turn around and attack tech more? he has not been big about going after technology companies knowing that we need that to keep the economy going in california. but, we in california have done different things to rein in tech companies. was he go harder on that
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question michael you try to do that? that is where we will see the rubber hit the road in the next couple of years if he is going to try and go national. >> it on the grill see a budget surplus like with a disaster of $100 billion for next year. >> there is no more. that money is not coming in. right? right on elon musk for hundred and 44 billion dollars. they will have to pay taxes on that money even though he moved tesla's headquarters to texas. he is dumping money into california. thank you. there is not as much of that money flowing into california right now. we will feel that down the road. right now we are doing fine. >> how do you think we will feel that, jeremy and carla? >> i think it is good. >> gavin newsom is very much aware of the economic situation and those kitchen table issues when you're talking about gas prices, inflation. he will have to deal with housing and homelessness, crime issues. this is where the republicans have made headway. he is aware those are going to be his challenges as they go forward to going to is 2024, your thought got to watch that faith
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with him and watch kamala harris, as well. we talked about the next generation of democratic leaders and what happens with joe biden. i think all of this is going to be up in the air. >> we will looking for where the job market goes from here. the job market falls apart our economy is not going to be doing well and it will not look at on anybody. to mike all right. jeremy owens with marketwatch. political reporter, thank you both for being here. carla welcome back. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> the bay area was shaken by a 5.1 magnitude earthquake outside of san jose. the quake came a few days after the anniversary of the 1989 loma earthquake. many residents received advanced warnings on their smart phones through the my shakeout. it was created by the berkeley seismology lab. it will alert users of an earthquake before they file. joining me now to discuss the app, how it works, and its
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benefits, it is the creator, the director of the seismology lab at uc berkeley, professor richard allen allen, thank you for joining us. >> so, tell us right now, how you see the level of earthquake danger in california. >> we have to be very concerned about it coming earthquake. we know we are going to have an earthquake. when we think about the likelihood of earthquakes in the major faults throughout the bay area we are talking about a two into three chance in the next 30 years. this is the reality that we will have to be ready for. >> we are overdue for a major quake. army? >> i like to think about the hayward fault because it is on the berkeley campus. the average recurrence interval is about 150 years. the last earthquake was in 1868 as a, on pure face value we are overdue. at the same time it is important to recognize that the earthquake may not come for a few years or a decade. so, we have to be ready for the earthquake today. it may not come for a few years. >> it sounds like you are saying within a decade we are going to have a major quake
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here in california and northern california. mac that is right here there are no or the guarantees, but we should expect a big earthquake this decade. we should be thinking about what we are going to do when we get that earthquake. it will be in our lifetime. >> what will that earthquake do. that kind of damage question asked mac we should not think of the magnitude 5.1 is an example. i was a magnitude five earthquake for the magnitude scale is about order of magnitude. so, we have to be ready for a magnitude seven. a magnitude six earthquake is 10 times as much shaking. a magnitude seven is 100 times as much shaking as we felt on tuesday. we should be thinking about tuesday's earthquake on what to expect but much stronger úshaking her there will be damage across much of the bay area. >> what kind of damage will that be. bridges, other infrastructure, i am assuming. >> we would expect a lot of
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distributed damage. the truth is we have done a good job of building buildings and our infrastructure, our highways, to withstand an earthquake. we are in better shape than we were for the loma earthquake. damage expecting damage to our homes and office buildings. this is where we should all ask, have we done what we needed to do to protect ourselves and our homes and our offices. >> your piece of this is that you are trying to make sure that people have as much advanced notice as possible. tell us about the app which was an alert that many people here in the bay area managed to get just seconds before the earthquake hit on tuesday. it gave them a little bit of time. >> exactly. on tuesday people had up to about 18 seconds of warning between when they got the alert on the app and when they felt the shaking. enough time to drop to cover and hold on. in this case, it is the very end of an entire stream of processing. we have seismic stations.
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berkeley runs a network of seismic stations across northern california, just like the usgs does they come to those stations with an algorithm that we created at berkeley, as well. it generated the alert on tuesday. that algorithm creates an alert that gets pushed out to various delivery markets. the my shakeout is something that everybody can dollars of the get the warning on their phone. also, if you have an android phone, it is built into android phones but every android phone got the alert on tuesday, as well. >> really? andro phones, you are able to use them to measure earthquake activity in various places around the world. to make that is right but everyone's phone has an accelerometer and that allows them to see if they are in portrait or landscape mode to abuse that accelerometer to to tell earthquakes as well. the app does that. the records earthquakes. we use that for research but also, with an android, they are using it with the entire android ecosystem. all phones around the globe actually detecting earthquakes today. the android early warning system is delivering alerts in many countries around the world. >> what are you doing with that data? is about coming back to your
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lap? to make the android data is handled by google. it is a lot of privacy policy issues to make sure that data stays very secure. but, the app also collects the data. we are using the my shake data for research to understand how the buildings shake our infrastructure shakes during these earthquakes. it is a society in the building that we live in so we can better understand how earthquakes actually affect us as individuals. the did not grow. in california right we are used too earthquakes but how did you end up running in earthquake seismology lab at berkeley? >> i grew up in the uk where there are not very many earthquakes. but i got very interested in geology and the structure of the earth. as my career progressed i became interested in earthquakes and the impact they have on our psychology. being here at berkeley and having the earthquake problem, we have the ability to do our science and look at the impact it has on society to reduce those. mackey talked a little bit
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earlier about how we have been doing more in recent years to prepare for earthquakes to make our buildings more foundational he secure. what more do we need to do? where are we lacking here in the bay? >> we have done a great deal. you know how to build buildings today that should not collapse in earthquakes. however, the problem that we have is we have many old buildings. the, that is where the real challenge is. it is making sure those buildings are retrofitted or replaced by new buildings that we expect to wristband the shaking in the future. >> is there enough being done on that front? at the big one happen tomorrow , do you think we have done everything we could and we are in good shape? is there something where urgently we need to take this action. >> the soft story buildings. these are apartment buildings with parking garages on the ground floor. san francisco and berkeley is trying to do something about that to have those retrofitted. we have to look at brick and masonry buildings. that is where the bricks fall off the building onto the street and can injure a lot of
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people. it is going building by building. we can ask the question about where we live and where we work. others are holding safely. we can put pressure to make them safer. >> that cost money. retrofitting a building is not in and expect did an inexpensive venture. is there money out there? >> that we need to provide the right kind of incentives for people to do this. this is where it comes down to individuals to say i do not want to rent this property that i don't want to rent this apartment because it is not to put the pressure on to the landlords. >> you are really advocating for an individual power moment here to be able to step up and say there is a problem. we are not going to stand for it that is right. all of us individually have to dig response ability for a this. if we all do this we have some power to have impact. that is right. >> what do people need to do individually to be ready? >> we should drop cover and hold on. it doesn't matter if you got the warning or you get the
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shaking. you drop and hold on. about 50% of the injuries were because of people fell over or something fell on people. if you drop, cover, hold on, we reduce the number of injuries by a significant number. the second thing to do is what will i do next? how am i going to meet up with my family and find my kids? how will i find my way home. >> it shows a map of the damage. this is something we wanted to go. then you can see a map of where that damages and figure out where you are going to go next. you have to have a kit that will give you the water into the need for a few days, three to five days is what people typically want to prepare for. >> those are helpful tips. tell us about the future of earthquake science. where do you go from here? >> we are very fortunate that they are funding my shake. we can deliver all of these
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alerts to people across california. you can use the data to do a better job of improving the alerts in the future. we hope that we will be able to enhance what we are doing by recording the data and understanding how the ground motion moves to the environment by the support? >> richard allen, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> removed from the earth to the skies. 100 years ago air travel was just taking off. the boeing school of aeronautics opened in 1929 at the oakland airport to compete with flight schools in southern california. the school has since been transformed into the oakland museum of aviation to preserve the history of flight. it is tonight something beautiful.
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[captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy] yamiche: a dangerous assault and new political concerns. >> the suspect pulled the hammer and violently assaulted him. yamiche: nancy pelosi's husband is attacked. plus -- >> social security and medicare and willing to take down the economy. yamiche: and democrats are giving warning that a g.o.p. congress could bring economic instability. >> they want to avoid talking about the inflation. yamiche: republicans hope inflation concerns deliver ar red wave, next.
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