tv PBS News Weekend PBS May 6, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT
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>> tonight on pbs news weekend. thousands flood the streets of london to celebrate the coronation of prince king charles iii. >> cold, wet, tired. my feet hurt. but -- >> a conversation about living with covid as national and global public health emergencies come to an end. an author and podcaster's new book tackle smith -- tackles myths. ♪ ♪ >> major funding for pbs news weekend has been provided by -- >> for 25 years, consumer
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cellular's goal has been providing wireless service to help people communicate and connect. a variety of no contract plans and our customer team can help you. visit ♪ >> and with the ongoing support of these individuals and institutions. and friends of the newshour. this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> good evening. i'm john yang. in london, a ceremony not seen
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in 70 years. the coronation of a british narch. the pageantry befitting the occasion. gnitaries from around the world including first lady jill biden. in the streets, clouds clamoring for a glimpse of king charles iii and queen camilla. there were also protests. ♪ >> this was supposed to be a scaled-back coronation to reflect the financial structures endured by millions of charles iii's subjects. as he finally fulfilled his destiny, the opulence on display was far grander than most would have seen in their lifetimes. pomp and embedded in britain's dna. an enthralled royalist who braved grim weather and lined the procession to westminster avenue. but charles is not as popular as
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his late mother, the queen. several anti-monarchists were arrested before it went underway. members of a group called republic, which has been staging protests since his ascension to the throne. the leader is on the ground surrounded by police officers. we interviewed him before the coronation. >> ty misuse public money all the time for private use. they misuse public office to advance their interests. if charles were to stand in an election in a free and fair election, he would lose badly. yet here he is as head of state. >> some detained were held on suspicion of conspiracy to cause a disturbance, which was denied by the republic spokesman. >> really a peaceful demonstration. the police without telling us why, where they are taking them, have arrested organizers. >> britain is meant to be a demoacy. >> the arrests have been widely
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condemned, and they say it is something you would expect in moscow, not london. absorbed by a centuries old tradition, guests inside westminster abbey were unaware of the disturbances. in the most mystical, almost bizarre omen to the ceremony, only -- ornate screens with him bein highlighted in oil, symbolizing his status as the head of the church of england. >> it is entirely in congress. for some people, that is charm, it represents a golden thread through british history over centuries. for other it is both in congress out of touch and outrageous to be costing and celebrating the kind of values most people in britain are normally subscribed to. >> the prices crown jewels were at the heart of the ritual as king charles was handed the sword of justice. >> do justice, stop the growth of inequity, protect the holy
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church of god and all people of goodwill. >> the centers of power and mercy. after being histories long ever serving heir to the throne, the crown was placed on charles' head. the ritual anointing of queen camilla was far more subdued. ♪ as king charles left westminster abbey to the national anthem, one of those carrying the train of his robe was second in line to the throne. his grandson who is nine years old. perhaps wondering if he was looking at his own destiny. britain's girls state coach used -- gold state coach used to carry the king and queen back to buckingham palace. >> cold, wet, tired. feet hurt. but fantastic. >> they have a dear friend from the u.k. in ameri. she said she will never be a u.s. citizen because she is
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loyal to the crown. that is a beautiful thing. >> britain is the only european monarchy staging coronations. king charles is 74. his reign will not be long. it will be up to prince william, whether he continues this tradition. the pbs news weekend, malcolm brand. >> a car bomb exploded in russia earlier today. badly injuring a prominent nationalist writer and killing his driver. russia says ukraine is behind the attack. the third explosion targeting influential figures who supported russia's invasion of ukraine since the war began. in ukraine, the military says it used newly acquired u.s. patriot air defense missiles to shoot down a russian hypersonic missile over kyiv. ukraine's firs known use of the patriots since western allies, including the u.s., gave them to ukraine in april. some western analysts leave ukraine is preparing to launch a major spring offensive.
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just hours before tonight's 149th kentucky derby, the favorite to win forte was scratched when the state vet said he was unfit to run. there were concerns over a bruised hoof after he stumbled during a workout. the fifth scratch for the derby this week. six horses have died at churchill downs in recent days. new in minot, former chairman of the federal communications commission, champion of public television, has died. he is best remembered for a speech where he referred to american commercial television as a vast wasteland. in 2016, president obama award in the predential medal of freedom. new in minot was 97 years old. still to come. dismantling myths about fatness. one photographer's brief but spectacular take on survival.
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>> this is pbs news weekend from weta studios in washington, home of the pbs newshour. weeknights on pbs. >> the world health organization this week ended t global public health emergency and declared -- it declared three years ago as covid spread around the world. e u.s. public health emergency come to an end this coming thursday the 11th. those are largely symbolic, but the pandemic is waning. government data shows covid was the fourth leading cause of death last year, dropping from third in the previous two years. u.s. covid deaths are the lowest since 2020. although it still claims hundreds of lives each day. where does the pandemic stand and what should we be doing about it? an epidemiologist at the university of texas and author of the popular newsletter your local epidemiologist.
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the global health emergency ending the u.s. health emergency ending. what does it mean, and may be just as important, what does it not mean? >> it is a big week for public health. the global public health emergency ending is basically administrative and financial. it is a key mechanism within global health security. officially it means ending the mobilization of international coordination. funding, advancing vaccines, etc.. unofficially, it is one of the strongest signs the who sees covid-19 as a threat in our repertoire of things trying to kill us every day. it is really quite a monumental moment. it is important to recognize what it does not mean. you touched on this a little. it does not mean covid-19 is gone. sars-cov-2 is mutating about
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twice as fast as the flu. it means we are going to get future waves. we may get a big tsunami also from another variant of concern, which would be pie. like you said, we cannot ignore the fact covid-19 is a leading cause of death for americans and people around the world. to me as an epidemiologist, our work is not done. but this is a monumental moment. some time for reflection, as well >> there is confusion about what to do. how to react, how to respond. a lot of people asked about vaccine boosters. who should be getting a vaccine booster? >> this is confusing to a lot of people, including myself. if you had one vaccine, you are considered up-to-date with covid vaccines in the u.s. it doesn't matter if you got previously infected or what
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other vaccine series you got. for those who got the fall booster, bivalent booster, and they are over 65 or immunocompromised, they can get a spring booster, as well. it depends on if you have comorbidities, how old you are, and how risk-averse you are. we don't know what the future is going to hold. i'm rommending it to my grandparents, to my parents to get their spring booster. it is not available to everyone. >> moving forward, how often should people think about getting boosters? >> we have no idea. it depends what the virus continues to do. it is mutating twice this fast as -- twice as fast as the flu. we are expecting an annual shot. if not, a biannual shot.
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a really important meeting coming up june 15. the fda meeting to really decide what the fall is going to look like, what the formula and vaccines are going to be, what type of omicron variant. in about a month, we should have more clarity on what this fall will look like. >> the virus you taking. there are new variants. we don't have the same reaction or concern about the new variants as we did about omicron. why is th? >> a couple reasons. one is we have a tall immunity wall right now. from previous infections and from vaccine coverage. it is a good sign we are not seeing these huge waves of hospitalizations. that is because our immunity is working against it. the sars-cov-2 may have started finding its path. it is making incremental
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mutations and changes instead of these huge swing changes we saw in the first two years of the pandemic. that is a good thing. we wan omicron to keep mutating. we will be able to predict it that her. we can predict and be proactive about vaccines better around fall. >> we asked viewers what questions they had. one point was long covid. kate says she had long covid for the last 1.5 years. the number of incoming patients at the local long clinic is as high as ever. what do you fosee the impact of long covid on american life? has there been any progress in understanding who is at risk of getting long covid, how to prevent it, and treat it? >> long covid is a thing. delitating to americans. about 6 million americans are
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suffering from long covid. the more the virus changes and transmits, the more possibility to get more people who have long covid. we have good news with immunity, it seems our risk of long covid is if you get an infection. same with treatments, paxlovid reduces treatment of covid. omicron is reducing the risk of long covid compared to delta. we are understanding the patterns. females are more likely to get long covid than males. younger people are more likely to get long covid than older people. we really are on the surface of our understanding of long covid and have a long way to go. >> your local epidemiologist, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> stigma around weight is
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pervasive in the u.s. researchers documented negative attitudes towards overweight bodies and children as young as three years old. as a new book outlines, antitheft bias is counterproductive. it exasperates health disparities. peter is here with intervention efforts. stephanie spoke with aubrey gordon, whose new york times bestseller aims to combat this bias. >> arbery gordon's second book, you just need to lose weight, and 19 other myths about fat people leaves scientific research and his own personal experiences into a handbook for people she writes are struggling to interrupt moments of anti-fatness. >> thank you for being with us. i'm uncomfortable usg the word fat.
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it feels unkind to say. one of the things you write is fat is a neutral descriptor for plus size people. explain why you would rather that descriptor be used than ones who are less fraught? i totally understand many folks are uncomfortable with the word fat. most of us have learned it is an unkind word to use. what it means in my daily life as a fat person is any time i reference my size, what ends up happening is most people correct me and say you are not fat, you are beautiful, or you are fun, you are smart. which is very revealing of the biases we attach to the word fat, and our ideas about fat people. some of the more neutral words folks will use our obese, which the latin origin is to have eaten oneself fat. it is already presuming you are
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here because of gluttony, you could not control yourself. personally, i prefer the word fat, it is very straightforward. everyone can use whatever word for their own bodies. for me, that is fine. >> let's talk about the myth you described. in the medical field, one of which is it is a myth doctors are neutral judges of health, that they are not bias. in your experience and that of others you describe is a lot of bias in the medical field. >> i would say health care providers go through an immense amount of technical training. but they don't actually go through is training to check and challenge their own biases. what we see from research is fat patients get office visits that are considerably shorter than people. they are more likelto face misdiagnosis for things as
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profound as cancer or any number of chronic or terminal illnesses because the recommendations they are met with our comeback when you have lost weight. if that does not take care of it, we will look into it. many end up postponing care, avoiding contacting health care providers. many have worse health outcomes as a result. >> yet we are hearing over and over again from the cdc, the world health organization, the american association of pediatrics, obesity is a problem. i'm curious to ask about how you feel about the recent guidelines issued by the american association of pediatrics recommending interventions for obesity in children as young as two? i know there has been pushed back. the medical world is still saying we need to do something. >> i would say it is totally
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fine to talk about health risks related to being a fat person. the american academy of pediatrics is recommending dietary interventions as young as two. weight loss drugs, and weight loss surgery in permanent body altering and life altering lifelong surgical procedure as young as 13. as someone who in my teenagers took -- considered to be a miracle diet drug, pulled from the market in two years because it caused people's hearts to stop and their lungs to fill with fluid until they essentially drowned. i came to this conversation with someone who has seen this before who has taken these miracle drugs. and who now lives with the reality of being essentially a ticking time bomb essentially of future health outcomes related to my heart. what i would love is more curiosity and nuance.
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any interest in the quality of life, the life experiences, and needs of fat patients feels like what is missing from this conversation. many folks with a great deal of clinical expertise. they are telling folks with a great deal of lived experience what we ought to be aiming for and what we really need. >> building off of what you are saying, the importance of a lived experience, people moving through the world with a larger frame, a larger body, and i know you prefer me to say fat -- i'm still not comfortable with it. >> you say what you want. i'm here for it. > is the experience of flying. what you describe as humiliating for people to be seated in a plane. those are things that can tangibly change. is it what you are hoping for
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out of this book and your podcast and the other things? >> absolutely. i would love for things to change. it is a profoundly humiliating experience or can be to be a fat person on a plane. it is part of a process we have become comfortable with. the small talk of being on a plane is often how was your flight? it was terrible, i had to sit next to a fat person. we don't stop to consider what that person's experience is, and where the responsibility lie. no one is mad at boeing or airbus after their flight. they are upset with me and that feels misdirected and unproductive. much more measure of bias and interest in solving a problem. >> arbery gordon, the author of you just need to lose weight, and 19 other myths about fat people. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me, this
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is a treat. >> mangold and is a photographer and activist whose work is documented lgbtq subcultures, the aids crisis, and the opioid epidemic. most recently he worked with a subject of a documentary all the beauty and the bloodshed golden shares her brief but spectacular take on survival. >> my work is much less intentional than people accredit it to be. i never set everything up or decide what i'm going to document. i photographed what was in front of me and what was important to me. my friends. their lives in my life. when aids hit my community in 1983, no one knew what was going on.
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there were no treatments, people with aids were completely ostracized. they were dying in front ofe. there was nothing i could do. somehow i thought photographing people enough would keep them alive, that it was showed me what i lost. i still look at the pictures of my friends who died, and they are still with me. my work always comes out of my life rather than my life coming for the photos. in those days, my pictures were a diary of my life. i was given oxycontin after wrist surgery. i became addicted within days. it took over my life. i went to a clinic in 2017. what kept me sober was my political action. i started a group called prescription addiction intervention now. my first goal was to bring down the sackler family. they made and distributed oxycontin very aggressively acrossmerica.
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the same family whose names i had seen in walls and museums my whole life. i decided i wanted to bring them down. our first action was at the met. we through 1000 bottles of oxycontin into the water around the temple of -- the sackler's jewel. it took about -- i guess two years to get all of the museums to stop taking money. the louvre was the first. then it was like a domino effect. i think at my age, you realize you have a limited amount of time and you need to live it as fully as possible. the kind of immortality you have in your younger life, 20's, 30's, 40's, you realize life is precious and you don't have a lot more of it. my healing consists of -- i
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don't know if i'm healing, but i am a survivor. i survived the aids crisis, overdose crisis, prejudices, a stigmas attached to me in my work. this is my brief but spectacular take on survival. >> that is pbs news weekend for this saturday. for all of my colleagues, thanks for joining us. see you torrow. >> major funding for pbs news weekend provided by -- >> for 25 years, consumer cellular has offered no contract wireless plans designed to give people more of what they like. our u.s.-based customer service team can find a plan that fits you. to learn more, visit consumer
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[uplifting music] [chloe] we know we can create the energy we need without burning fossil fuels. but what does it take to make these changes? and how does a town built on coal survive them? i'm going to a small town in massachusetts to get a sense of the realities and nuance of transitioning from the old system to the new. [static crackling] [announcer] this program was made possible in part by the mcquown family. it's amazing to me that i've now become known as e person who brought offshore wind to massachusetts when in my early life i was trying to keep coal alive.
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