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tv   BBC News America  PBS  May 26, 2023 2:30pm-3:00pm PDT

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♪ ♪ narrator: funding for this presentation of this program is provided by... narrator: pediatric surgeon. volunteer. topiary artist. a raymond james financial advisor tailors advice to help you live your life. life well planned. brook: these are people who are trying to change the world. startups have this energy that energizes me. i'm thriving by helping others everyday. people who know, know bdo.
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narrator: funding was also provided by, the freeman foundation. by judy and peter blum kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs. and by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. announcer: and now, "bbc news". i am alina habba very in washington dc and this is bbc world news america. an attack in ukraine destroys a medical facility killing at least two. we will have the latest from our correspondent at the scene. >> this is the residual threat people have to live with, the idea something like this could happen at any point in any city. >> the shooting of an 11-year-old boy in mississippi raising new questions over policeractices. maria ressa called -- murray pop
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called officers for help to be shot himself. voters in turkiye had to the bulls this weekend for around two of the presidential election. we will see if erdoganwelcome vn america and around the globe. russia's bombardment of ukraine has become a too regular occurrence with increasingly deadly results. this is a medical city in the central city of dan ko -- d nipro. president zelenskyy said russia chose the path of people on its own well. our ukraine correspondent james waterhouse traveled to dnipro
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and send this report. >> another difficult day for ukrainian cities. this time it is dnipro with the most acute impact. a psychiatric clinic on the receiving end of a ballistic missile. after a brief reprieve, russia resumed its tactic of targeting civilian areas. this is the residual threat people have to live with. the idea something like this could happen at any point in any city. authorities are sadly well practiced in dealing with the consequences of russian tactics. it's almost a dignified efficiency. these are the signature signs of a ballistic missile. people say the explosion happened before cy vance could react. they are harder to detect and shoot down. we meet vassal.
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his veterinary surgery was also destroyed. >> i am grieving now. a person was killed. i hospital was destroyed. every day i was so much involved in this. the director of this clinic, this was the passion of his life. >> ukraine spent another night under russian drones and missiles. almost 50 were shot down. >> the thing is, russia is now irritated, especially in recent days, when our air defense is becoming more powerful. when they become irritated they send their missiles everywhere. >> strikes like this do not tend to influence the battlefield. but they do exhaust defenses and ruin lives. >> a short time ago i spoke with james in dnipro. the attacks are happening far from the front lines. how are people they're dealing
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with the aftermath? >> the clear operation has been ferocious as it has been organized in a way. you can see more than 12 hours on the hollowed out medical clinic for those with mental health disorders. smoldering such was the heat caused by a ballistic missile. we are told by rescue crews they are still looking for two missing people. two other folks have been killed so far. more than 30 were injured in this historic. -- this strike. you get a real signature sense of what missiles can cause. because, the blast radius is vast. windows have been shattered all around. as you say, it has been a resuming of russia's strategy of targeting cities across ukraine with missiles and drones to try
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and pressure the ukrainian population. they do little to influence the battlefield. all that you is -- all they do is ruin lives and caused so much destruction to cities and towns across ukraine. >> james, today you are there in dnipro. these attacks on civilians in recent weeks have been wrapping up, haven't they? >> well, this has been a conflict somehow must with -- synonymous with the deliberate targeting of civilians coming to be frank with you. there have always been two tiers of the conflict. you have the more obvious side. we traveled from close to the front lines in the east three hours away where over there there are more obvious risks like shelling and more sporadic missile fire. because, russia occupies territory to much closer to that area. then, when you move up loss -- across ukraine itself, cities
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like dnipro are subject to the widespread drone and missile strikes that also seem to be continuing. over the winter it was, in moscow's words, to try to target infrastructure sites. they tried to say, military sites. but with the arrival of spring and summer that strategy has not ended. so, it's a continuation of that. i do not think it will change much in terms >> of the conflict itself. talking about the intensification of russian strikes, particularly in recent weeks across the country as you have just been mentioning, you you have to be careful. an because, this is a counteroffensive that has not evidently appeared yet. now, there are a lot in the west and ukraine itself willing this counteroffensive to take place,
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because, it has become both a military and political imperative for kyiv. the country needs to show the west that it continued support will be met with a return of the liberated territory. it did it last year and it defied all expectations. but last year it was a different call. the fighting was more fluid and ukraine was able to use the element of surprise. now we are talking about a time where both sides are in more established positions. russia has done in -- dug in and try to live several attacks in places. it was a lot for ukraine to mount a counter offensive to the extent, at which, the very least it could pressure russia into some kind of compromise are most repel russian forces completely. so, the chances of that this moment in time are slim. >> our correspondent james waterhouse their reporting from
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dnipro in ukraine. thank you. to the southern u.s. state of mississippi now wear it off other has been suspended after shooting an 11-year-old boy while responding to a domestic disturbance. the police arrived to the home in response to a domestic disturbance call placed by the child. he was then shot in the chest. the child has since been released from a local hospital. the bbc's jessica parker joins me in the studio. what do we know about what exactly happened? >> this involved saturday morning, in the early hours. family have said that this 11-year-old boy, aderrien murray , was told by his brother to -- mother to call 911 after her next partner of hers showed up at the house and was acting irate. he came to the house and family said an officer said everybody needed to get up with -- out with their hands held up and as
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aderrien murray moved through housethe mother has spoken to e media saying her son was saying "what did i do wrong?" she helped her son, as did the officer, before medics arrived. the boy is now thankfully recovering at home. we are told he's separated a lacerated liver, fractured ribs, and a collapsed lung. >> we understand it the police officer in question was suspended. what happens next? >> he is on leave, the officer involved. the police department is not commenting. however, the mississippi bureau of investigation is looking into the matter. currently, they are at the setting of the incident gathering evidence and they will then handed their findings over to the state attorney general's office. >> and the family estimating justice. >> yes, they want answers. they say they want to the release of body camera footage.
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they want to see the officer involved fired and charged. they staged a sit in at the city hall this week. and the family is saying there is no way this boy could have been mistaken for an adult male. of course, police were responding to reports of mastic -- of a domestic violence incident. questions will continue about how a boy calling the police for help ended up himself being shot. >> our north american correspondent there just parker. thank you. -- jess parker. thank. turks go back to the polls sunday in a presidential election runoff between their longtime authoritarian leader erdogan and his main rival. the president was ahead in the first round earlier this month with 49.51% of the vote, elite of over 4%. his ruling akp coalition has won a majority of parliament.
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he says a vote for him is a vote for stability. both the president and his rival art chasing support from nationalist voters. from istanbul reporting now. >> one nation, one flag, one a motherland they chant. look at the fervent support for turkey's strongman leader. richard type erdogan is facing sunday's second round in a commanding position. at this cabdrivers convention in istanbul they could not get enough of him. we meet a fan of the president nationalist message and track record in office. >> what our president did in 21 years would take others 100 years, he says.
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that is why we support him. may god keep him from harm. >> erdogan is everything to me says aisha. get the hospitals before. now, we can get around easily. we have transportation. we have everything. and, what of the presidents rival, kemal kilicdaroglu from him, now, much less talk of hope and a harsher tone. i declare, he says, as soon as i come to power, i will send all refugees home. that includes more than 3 million syrians. it is a campaign pledge that goes down well here. whoever is turkiye's next president, nationalism is already aware in this election. here a few doubt the outcome.
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president erdogan grew up on the streets of this working-class neighborhood. at the corner shop opposite his own home, he tells us he brought freedom for religious conservatives like her. >> there are police, teachers, and civil servants in headscarves now. god bless brother tayyip. we have hot running water and gas in our homes. there has been great improvement. >> for others, there has been just the opposite. they are students from the lgbtq+ community. they are already banned from holding pride marches and they fear worse to come. >> think about maybe five more years of president erdogan in charge in turkiye. what is your gut feeling? >> scared. i am scared.
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we will still do something and we will still fight. but, i do not know how hard they would attack this time. because, over these two years are whole -- our hopes were that he would go after this election. light, we still have a chance. but if he still wins, they will attack us more. it will take our rights more. they will take many more things, i think. >> what is ahead here if president erdogan wins sunday, as looks likely? supporters say more development and a stronger turkiye. critics say more repression and a darker future. bbc, istanbul. >> in sudan and 85-year-old citizen was shot and injured by
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snipers after repeatedly asking for help from the nearby u.k. and does -- embassy. the man's family says his disabled wife also died of starvation. no action was taken. now that story. >> a race against time, as fighting in sudan intensified. thousands of dual nationals were desperate to escape. among them, his grandparents. a british citizen and a london hotel owner and his wife. >> they were to the military center in the center of khartoum. that area you cannot leave or enter. there are snipers everywhere. >> they were trapped in their home opposite the british embassy. thousands of miles away, her family was desperate to save their grandparents. >> we contacted the british ambassador.
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we contacted cdo, the turkish embassy, the british embassy. it was not reciprocated. they had no interest. >> unable to get help from the british embassy they were running out of supplies. her grandfather left her disabled grandmother to try to find help. >> five minutes into his journey he was shot with three bullets. his hand, his chest, his lower back. we lost touch because there was no electricity. we did not have a way to call them. >> are grandfather was now in search of medical care. hospitals and doctors had been targeted. at the start of the conflict there were 88 hospitals operating. by the 20th of may, more than 60 had closed their doors. the city was running dangerously low on medical supplies, food,
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and water. she did not hear from her grandparents for five days. then, she received this call from the turkish embassy. >> sorry to tell you this, but we went inside and your grandfather passed away. >> i am sorry. that's heartbreaking. >> it breaks my heart to think she died alone and she died because she is alone and she is still alone till this very moment. >> we reached out to the foreign office and this was their response. >> our ability to provide conseil or assistance is limited and we cannot provide in person support within sudan. >> as her grandfather made his way home to the u.k., three weeks on, they are desperate to bury her grandmother. her remains are still in the house. a family desperate for peace after a painful ordeal. bbc news. >> and experimental rain implant
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company founded by elon musk one approval from u.s. regulators to carry out its first clinical study on a human. in a tweet narrow link -- neuro link said it's an important first step. the study is working on treating conditions like paralysis. our north american technology reporter has more details. >> i think this is quite significant news for the company. it's worth saying this is from neuro-link, not the fda. i spoke to the fda today. they said though they acknowledged neuro-link statements, they have not confirmed it. they would like to be refuting this if it were not true. it does not appear as though the fda has given permission to neuro-link to do human trials on humans. that's really significant for the country -- the company. many thought that they would never come. there were reports neuro-link had already applied to do this
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and was rejected by the fda and there were reports the company was being investigated about the way he conducted trials on animals too. this is a really significant moment and good day for the company. it's a good day for people with paralysis or have suffered strokes or have other neurological disorders or diseases. it could potentially be a game changer in the years to come. it's a good day for elon musk. he had a terrible week after that twitter spaces with desantis. at least, there is some good news. >> in other news pope francis had to miss his scheduled meetings due to health issues. the vatican said he's running a fever. the 86-year-old pontiff has been facing health challenges in the last few months. he had a serious fever in march and was diagnosed with acute bronchitis. there are no further details on how sick he is. celine dion canceled all her
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remaining live shows telling fans she's not strong enough to tour after being diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder. she revealed last year she was suffering from a stiff person syndrome, affecting her singing. she canceled all the shows she has scheduled for 2023 and 2024. british cycling will ban transgender women from the female category of its competition after a nine-month review consultation. under new rules trans athletes will compete in an open category with men. our exports news correspondent has more. >> british cycling runs british most successful olympic sport, certainly in terms of metals. if you try to grapple with the dilemma that many other sports have been looking at as well, they say, how can you find a balance between inclusion and fairness? they have been reviewing their own policy for the last nine months after emily bridges, the
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highest profile transgender cyclist in the u.k. rose to prominence last year. she was going to compete in the national championship and was barred and it prompted this review. they decided after looking at all of the evidence, they said they should do more research into the issue. the studies they have at their disposal indicate there is a physiological advantage for trans women athletes when competing in female categories. a decision has been made that trans women can only take part in what is an open category that would also include men. female only events are for people born female only. this differs from the international governing body policy which at the moment allows transgender women to compete in female advents as long as they suppress their testosterone for a two-year timeframe. that might change because it is
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under review because earlier this month austin phillips from the usa, a transgender cyclist won a sanctioned event and caused a lot of noise. so, their policy is now under review edit could very well change. we will see. british cycling has said today that their policy is to stop transgender women from competing in the female category. >> to venezuela now where social media is proving to be both a liability and an asset in a country where critics of the state are often silenced. venezuelan dissidents are being paid by the government to tweet propaganda in an effort to control the narrative online. we spoke to a twitter user sharing propaganda to supplement his income. >> there is a reason we are showing you who the man is being paid by the government to tweet. that is because we have anonymized him over concerns for his safety. for this purpose we will call him rafael.
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the pro-government content he is sharing is made up of hashtags, each day promoted by the venezuelan ministry of communication before it is amplified by paid propagandists like raphael and loyal supporters of the government. this is one #we have been closely monitoring from the ministry of communication page earlier this year. it's in spanish and it says, we are social intelligence. this one in particular was a response from the government after claims the government used videos created using artificial intelligence to spread propaganda. what purpose do hashtags like this really serve? if the venezuelan government can get a #trending, it can drown out the noise of critics online. what better way to do that that financially incentivizing people to tweet? rafael provided us with evidence of payments he received through
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a government app that gives venezuelans access to things like benefits, state pensions, and public salaries. this gives you a flavor of how he is receiving payments in the app. they are social media mention awards. one payment he received was for 39 venezuelan boulevards, just under two u.s. dollars. with other payments, you can see, the more you tweet, the more you make. we asked the venezuelan government why they are paying people to tweet online propaganda. they did not respond. >> judges at the cannes film festival will honor the best film of the festival this weekend. the best dog has already been decided. this border collie named messi was awarded a highly coveted dog award. his performances was one of the best of the jury had ever seen
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and it was standing room only at the venue where the top performers competed hoping to make their mark in doggy seminar -- cinema. the awards were handed out since 2001. this your new -- year and new categories were added included much moment and highly committed canine. narrator: funding for this presentation of this program is provided by... narrator: financial services firm, raymond james. man: bdo. accountants and advisors. narrator: funding was also provided by, the freeman foundation. by judy and peter blum kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for america's neglected needs. and by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. ♪ ♪ narrator: you're watching pbs.
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geoff: good evening. i'm geoff bennett. amna: and i'm amna nawaz in brownsville, texas. on the "newshour" tonight, migrants endure squalid conditions in makeshift encampments while waiting in mexico for a chance to seek asylum under new u.s. immigration rules. geoff: the date for a potential default is pushed back, giving republicans and democrats more time to make a deal on the debt ceiling. david brooks and jonathan capehart weigh in. amna: and, a look at the man running the private russian mercenary group that has been a deadly force in the war against ukraine. >> yevgeny prigozhin is a complex man with a complex history and very complex ambitions. ♪


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