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tv   PBS News Hour  PBS  August 23, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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wow, you get to watch all your favorite stuff. it's to die for. now you won't miss a thing. this is the way. xfinity internet. made for streaming. ♪ >> good evening. >> tonight, the presidential race kicks into high gear as kamala harris formally accepts her nomination. promising to be a president for
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all americans and offering a sharp rebuke of donald trump. >> in the enduring struggle democracy and tyranny, i know where i stand and i know where the united states belongs. >> the head of the federal reserve says the time has come to cut interest rates among lower inflation and signs of a weakening job market. >> we are at a crossroads. >> judy woodruff sees how delegates at the conventions reflect the larger political divides of the nation. ♪ >> major funding has been provided by the ongoing support of these individuals and institutions.
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and friends including these individuals. the kovlar foundation, upholding freedom by strengthening democracies at home and abroad. >> the knight foundation, fostering engaged and informed communities. ♪ >> and with the ongoing support of these individuals and institutions. ♪ and friends. this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. >> welcome.
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kamala harris is now the first woman of color to become a major party's presidential nominee. >> that history was made last night at the democratic national convention in chicago. speaking to an energetic crowd, she formally accepted her party's nomination and made her case for why she should be the next president of the united states. >> please welcome the democratic nominee for president, the vice president of the united states, kamala harris. reporter: the applause lasted more than three minutes. she walked on stage and made history. >> on behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on earth, i accept your nomination to be
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president of the united states of america. reporter: it was the grand finale of a convention that defied expectations after a seismic swap in the campaign just last month. >> our nation has a precious, fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles of the past. a chance to chart a new way forward. >> she urged americans to embark on a new political path, stressing her upbringing in a middle-class immigrant family. >> my mother was a brilliant five foot tall brown woman with an accent. >> her mother died in 2009. she moved from india as a 19-year-old. >> she taught us to never complain about injustice but to
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do something about it. >> that upbringing drew her to public service. >> my entire career i have only had one client, the people. >> she added some policy. >> we will pass a middle-class tax cut that will benefit more than 100 million americans -- million americans. i will bring back the bipartisan border security bill and i will sign it into law. i will stand strong with ukraine and our nato allies. >> she rebuked her opponent and his party as not serious. >> simply put, they are out of their minds. >> she appealed to voters outside her party. >> i know there are people of various political views watching tonight. i want you to know, i promise to be a president for all americans. >> 100 thousand balloons celebrated her moment in the
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first woman of color to be a major party nominee for president. >> it gives me goosebumps. >> the cochair of the harris campaign spoke to us. >> for brings me to tears. this little black girl who grew up in inner-city cleveland, i never thought in my life i would see this day. >> earlier, her family reinforced her message, including her sister. >> others want to drag us back to the past. my sister says, hold up, now. we are not going back. >> what are you here to do? >> to teach you how to say her name. first to say comma like a comma in a sentence. then you say la like la la la. put it together and it is
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kamala. >> the night also featured sobering moments. the mother describes the day her daughter was killed in a school shooting in texas. >> she wears a saint mary's sweatshirt and a smile that lights up the room. 30 minutes later, a gunman murders her, 18 classmates, and two teachers. >> robert f. kennedy, jr. announced today that he is suspending his campaign. >> are polling consistently showed that by staying on the ballot in the battleground states, i would likely hand the election over to the democrats, with whom i disagree on the most existential issues. >> he said he wants to help
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trump. >> we just had a very nice endorsement. >> he was in battleground mode again with an afternoon event in las vegas, stressing his plan to in taxes on tips. >> let's start with this decision by kennedy to exits the race. what more do we know about his reasoning? >> he spent some time talking about american health and railing against the agricultural industry, pharmaceutical industry. he said he is suspending his campaign. he said he was censored by the media. he said he it is taking his name off the ballot in 10 battleground states. and he said he is doing this to help donald trump, who he said will try to find a job for him and his administration. kennedy said they spoke right
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after the assassination attempt last month. that is when kennedy said he had a change of heart about trump. he found they had more in common that he believed. he said he reached out to the harris campaign and was refused the ability to meet with her. they have not commented on that. >> what does this mean for the race? how does it fundamentally change the contours? >> we have to bring out some polling. we are not saying these are absolute numbers. but they do tell us something about kennedy and what his change of heart might mean. let's look at his own support. when we first looked at it in early spring, he was at about 11%. he stays pretty steady at those levels. we started to see a drop once we got past june. a big drop happened in july once
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president biden left the race. now he is even lower according to our poll. about five percentage points. that might not sound by much but in a close race, what does that 5% do? where did they go? let's take a look at the races right now. it is tight. a virtual tie. you look at that 5%, jill stein also has 1%. i want to talk about the kennedy 5% and specifically the question of why do campaigns think that helps donald trump? we know there are voters of both time who support him. this is how kennedy voters supported in 2020. twice as many kennedy supporters said they voted for trump. that goes to what we were talking about. these disaffected trump voters. trump thanks he could get them back from kennedy. >> we have both conventions on their our belt. what is next for the campaigns? >> good to see you back. you look better than you showed. they will be back on the road this week in michigan. trump has some kind of group efforts he is doing, speaking to the national guard association
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and the conservative group moms for liberty. now they are thinking about the debate. >> thank you so much. ♪ >> efforts to bring peace to ukraine starts the other headlines. the indian prime minister was in kyivv today trying to end the fighting. >> hear the latest headlines. efforts to bring peace to ukraine. the indian prime minister was in kyivv today trying to end the fighting. he discussed ukraine's peace formula, which calls for the recognition of ukrainian territory and the withdrawal of russian troops.
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his visit comes after he sat down with putin last month. he said india is ready to play its part in peace talks. >> i want to assure you that india is ready to play an active role in any effort toward peace. >> the leaders also pay tribute to children who have spent killed in conflict. the white house described ongoing cease-fire talks in cairo today as constructive. a national security spokesperson told reporters that they need 's hamas to participate may need to get back to brass taxes. the israeli army is on the attack in central and southern gaza with explosions visible on the horizon. repeated evacuation orders from the military have displaced 90% of the 2.1 million residents there.
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rail workers at a major canadian freight company have such a he was responsible for overseeing terrorist operations in the country. the u.s. military has 900 soldiers operating in syria. rail workers at a major canadian freight company have such a monday morning deadline to strike. this came hours after they resumed operating today. they have been locked in a dispute with workers over a new labor contract. all service was shut down yesterday after talks broke down. the government forced both companies and the rail union into arbitration. any suspension of canadian rail service has a major impact on exports and supply lines here in the u.s.. multiple news outlets are reporting that five secret
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service agents have been placed on administrative leave following the assassination attempt on donald trump. they include the head of the pittsburgh field office that coordinated security with local police and a member of mr. trump's personal detail. the secret service said it would not comment on personnel matters. the agency faces multiple inquiries into that security failure. texas and 15 other republican-led states file a lawsuit today to end a federal program that gives immigrants married to american citizens a path to citizenship. they allege that it was created for blatant political purposes. the program allows spouses without current legal status to apply. they can stay in the u.s. to
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apply for a green card and eventually citizenship instead of having to return to their home country first. about 500,000 people could be eligible to take part. republican say it is a form of amnesty. the justice department filed an antitrust lawsuit today against a real estate software company. they filed the case along with attorneys general eight states including north carolina and california. they say the company's algorithm allows landlords to align rental prices to minimize competition, and that keeps prices artificially high. merrick garland emphasized the need for fair competition. >> american should not have to pay more in rent simply because a company has found a new way to scheme with landlords to break the law. almost half of those households spent close to a third of their hard earned income on rent. >> a volcanic eruption in
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iceland has begun. fiery hot lava is flowing through the surrounding area. a tourist area was evacuated. this volcano had been dormant for 800 years before coming back to life. this is the sixth time it has erupted since december. still to come, our guests on the democratic national convention. what is next in the race for the white house. we look at the many warnings from ai experts is that technology rapidly advances. and an eight-year-old music producer releases his first original single for a movie soundtrack. ♪ >> this is the pbs news hour from our studios in washington and in the west from the walter cronkite school of journalism at
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arizona state university. >> financial markets rallied today after jerome powell clearly said it is time to start cutting interest rates from the 5.3 percent level they have been for more than a year. the question now is by how much and how quickly. reporter: speaking at an annual conference in jackson hole, wyoming, powell said that inflation is low enough now. >> the time has come for policy to adjust. the direction of travel is clear and the timing and pace of rate cuts will depend on incoming data. it seems unlikely that the labor market will be a source of
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elevated inflationary pressures anytime soon. we do not see anymore cooling in the labor market. reporter: he also addressed critics he said the fed was slow to react. you are out there with a bunch of central bankers and economists from around the world. what are they saying about not only the state of the economy but also the interest-rate policy pathway that he laid out? >> there was a lot that was quite expected what we heard this morning. everyone came out here expecting that he would tf a path for a rate cut in september and sure enough he said the time has come. that was a signal that was expected across the board. where the conversation has now shifted is and how much they will decide to cut by. that will be determined by how worried they are with the slowing in the job market.
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they are not looking to see anymore slowing and they don't want to cause any more slowing. that could trigger a more aggressive rate cut in september and tee up more later in the year. reporter: what is the analysis? we will get one more child support before the september meeting. then there are meetings in november and december. how aggressive do you think she will move and will he continue or will there be a cause? >> they left the door open too many options. there are a lot of feasible paths. if central bankers are really worried and they are seeing data that suggests that the labor market is slowing or even crumbling, with a rising unemployment rate or mass layoffs, they could issue a half-point cut in september. that would signal deeper concern and taking the concerns seriously that they need to act
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fast. or they can stick to a more typical quarter-point, which signals a calm, gradual a point. and maybe tee up similar cuts for the rest of the year. some officials say it is only matter the scale of the cut. but more that they set out on a path and have a plan and they are reporter: reporter: resolute in seeing it through. earlier this week the labor department revised downward their report on the number of jobs market between march and april. how significant was that in his thinking? >> we will often hear from policymakers that they never had she decision to one specific data point. i think this is a good example. that release came out as i was on the plane to fly out here. i was quite surprised. officials here say maybe they have more of a sense of that all along. they have been trying to look under the hood of the jobs data we have seen in the last couple
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of months that has hinted at more slowing. they also say that even as revisions to overhaul their sense of the job market, it has been a pillar of economic strength. they don't want to ruin that. they don't want to cause so much pressure on the economy that they undermine that kind of process. this is all part of the puzzle that explains to central bankers that it is time to take some pressure off. reporter: he also seemed to acknowledge that the fed did not act quickly when the first signs of inflation showed up because he thought it would be transitory. and other economists agreed with him. what do critics say about that? >> some say that the fed is falling behind once again. that is why they held off on raising rates for so long. now you hear critics come back and say they are moving too slow once again. we are starting to see the consequences. the point he is trying to make
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this morning is that officials are coming out this with quite a bit of humility, having learned those lessons recently. he had a clever line about looking out over the room and seeing some people who agreed with him. these people are still try to figure out a very uncertain economy. reporter: we know that the said cherishes its political independence. they are insulated from political pressures. but this rate cut will land right in the middle of a presidential campaign. donald trump is talking about how this could benefit the democrats. how the administration manipulated the jobs revision to benefit themselves. what do you make of that and how do you think powell will handle
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that. >> we have heard from talking about this for days. he falsely said the democrats have manipulated the data. it was all part of a planted juice the numbers right before election day. we know that is not true. but it is a reminder of even though the fed tries incredibly hard to stay out of politics, to keep their decisions from being influenced by the political calendar, they do not operate in a vacuum. they are steering an economy that will be influenced in many ways by whoever wins the election. powell has shown that he is steadfast in cutting through all of that. a couple of years ago it is very conference in jackson hole president trump called him a traitor and an enemy to the people. this is something that he is used to. candidates are now crisscrossing the country trying to woo voters. the fed is really trying to ignore a lot of that. reporter: thank you very much.
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>> thank you. ♪ >> with the conclusion of the democratic national convention last evening, both parties now have their official nominees. the race to election day starts in earnest. we go back to both convention floors where we spoke to delegates to get a sense of how they see the road ahead and the divide between the parties. >> in chicago and milwaukee, each party had the same goal. energize their voters. >> america's future will be bolder and brighter and stronger and greater and more united than ever before. >> i will be a president who unites us. around our highest aspirations.
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>> with those messages of healing and unity. >> the consequences of putting donald trump back in the white house are extremely serious. >> there were also words of condemnation. >> in less than four years, our opponents have turned incredible success into unparalleled tragedy and famine. >> on the convention floor? >> i think we are at a crossroads. >> a house divided cannot stand. >> those deep political divisions were about more than the candidates. harris had not even become the -- the recredit nominee. there were issues that defined america. >> i would love to say that america is in a good direction right now without is obviously not the truth. >> he is from the border town of mission, texas. >> donald trump will be blamed for all the stuff that has happened.
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and you will try to repair it. i think he will do the best we can. if we do not get our act together, it does not matter how much of a good president we have. it will be a hard ride. >> i think the contrast cannot be any bigger. >> >> >> he is a democrat from southern california. there is a set of people in the republican party that seeing over the past few years to choose violence and division and anger and retribution as a method of leading. >> all agree that political divisions are concerning. but delegates had different opinions on what is behind them. a republican from california focused >> >> on the media influence. i think people who do not take the time to really think about every issue for themselves and
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just look online or turn on the tv may be well-intentioned but sometimes they are misled. >> a democrat from arizona set polarization in washington is part of the problem. >> we got in this place because we look to the tribalism. democrats, we have our progressive side. it became unpopular to talk this way. >> the wisconsin state treasurer served as a gop delegate in milwaukee. >> even here in wisconsin, the friendly atmosphere has broken down in the last couple of decades. it used to be that legislators could meet to go have a beer after a session and talk each other. but today that is not happened. we are not approaching politics like we used to. >> a virginia democrat placed the bulk of the blame on the rhetoric of the republican side. particularly from the former president.
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>> politics is to be a side topic. it was not who you are as a person. we are now in a society if you're republican or democrat, i can self identify you with a set of moral beliefs and judgments and opinions. i think it comes from a politics of hate. it comes from the top down. >> an alabama republican -- >> president biden said it was time to put the bullseye on donald trump. he got what he asked for. i know he did not literally mean shoot donald trump. but that kind of divisive rhetoric is not healthy. >> like many of the conversations 70 across the country, ours eventually turned to some of the most divisive issues of the day. from immigration to reproductive rights.
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>> what other rights are you going to take away from us? as an african-american man, we have voter rights and social rights. you have project 2020 five talking about dismantling our government. taking away the education department. those things >> >> really harm our country. i have 70 friends who are immigrants to this country who are proud that they came through the right way. >> she is the republican state committee woman for broward county, florida. >> i do think others should be able to come across the border and in a legal way just be here sucking up the resources of our government and schools and taxpayers when they did not come here the right way. >> a republican delegate from michigan pointed to the economy. >> people cannot make it. i'm from the detroit area which created the middle class. where one income could supported a family. now five incomes cannot support a family. that has to change. >> they all agree that while difficult, bringing americans closer together is essential. >> we went from voting for something to voting against something.
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>> a north carolina mechanic delegate. >> we used to be able to sit down and talk about issues of. it feels like we can't do that much anymore. >> we have to rein in the divisiveness with political rhetoric. it will take the next generation of young folks to rise up and say, we're not going to agree on everything but we don't have to that our disagreements divide us so badly. >> we should be reaching out to people our family who are friends and may have very different views and talk about wire we so passionate. if we try to work together, we can definitely lower the temperature and hopefully we can >> heal this country. the rhetoric needs to call down on both sides. we are americans first. we are all going through things right now. we have to walk in each others shoes and bilo keisler and gensler. >> it is not sure this shift could happen anytime soon.
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during a season of rough campaign combat. with people saying all is lost of the other side prevails. ♪ >> the end of the democratic national convention marks a major turning point in the battle for the white house. we turn now to the analysis of our guests. it is great to see you both. if you like we did not have time to miss each other. great daddy back on set.
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for anyone who was not watching every hour of the conventions with us, i want to get your big takeaways. the democrats were rallying behind their ticket. what stood out to you? >> the jubilation. and relief. there were people who were dreading the convention coming up. once the change on the top of the ticket team, you started hearing people from all over the country trying to figure out how they could get tickets. they wanted to be there. they wanted to be part of it. the jubilation is also around the candidate and a party that, people are hungry. they are exhausted by all the negativity and hate. they want to be joyful in solving the country's problems. in milwaukee, every night i felt like when we left the set, it
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was a weighted blanket. four days in chicago was a different experience. i think democrats are happy. they are excited. i think they have rocketed out of chicago ready, willing, and able to push harris over the finish line. >> surely the emotional change in the democratic party is as possible. if you look at both conventions, i would say the republicans double down and the democrats expanded. trump says the elites have betrayed us. we will throw over the system. this is our story and this is who we are going for. harris on the other hand, if you had stereotypes about the democrats, this was not it. there was as much patriotism as you could possibly imagine. they were expanding. i don't know if it will work. the mood of the country might be
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dark. that would be good for trump. or maybe we are just a little tired of dark and we want a vibe shift. i thought in general, if you have a core story, you have to expand to win a majority. >> we talked about the policies. this is not necessarily the place for specific policy proposals. but there was a very articulate a view of what a harris presidency will look like. >> she wants to subsidize middle-class life. make rent cheaper. give you a child tax credit. she has a pretty solid set of ways to reduce costs. i would not say she has a solid set of ideas to expand the economy. >> that that we have seen so
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far. there was an issue briefly with the division in the party about u.s. policy toward israel. and the war in gaza. we saw protesters outside and the dnc denied a palestinian-american a speaking spot on stage. what i heard from many folks as you cannot call yourself the party of inclusion and dialogue and then deny someone like that a speaking spot. was that a mistake? >> i don't know. i will not admit to knowing what that speaker was going to say. i'm trying to remember what i said exactly the other night. i see why a was not given to a pro-palestinian person. the vice president handled the issue very forcefully in her speech.
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i think quite honestly that is where it was. people needed to know where she stated. where will she take this. especially since folks are angry with president biden and how he has conducted things. people want to know, where is she going? she clearly articulated what she felt. i thought she handled it masterfully. very pro israel. they have the right to exist. we will help defend israel. but also very pro-palestinian. the suffering and hunger and the right to self-determination. >> that was a big applause line. >> what i saw was support for both sides and a hunger for a resolution. it got a huge round of applause. >> we already have our first curveball in the race.
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robert f. kennedy, jr. saying he is suspending his campaign and endorsing donald trump. he is trying to remove his name from some states where he is on the ballot but stay on others. his siblings called his endorsement of trump a betrayal of their father and their family values. what to be the impact on the race? >> honestly i do not know. just the mention of his name produces such a wave of ennui. i cannot work up any kind of excitement or anger. it is sad for the kids in the -- kennedy family that he is doing this. all the horrible stories associated with him. and then to come out and endorse donald trump, what impact it will have on the race, i don't know. probably negligible. but if he stays on the ballot,
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maybe folks who voted for harris might vote for him. it is literally a wasted vote. >> what do you make of it? >> i think most of them probably well. they are kind of telling the same story. there are all these crazy conspiracies by the elites. and our systems need to be taken apart. i think people who want to vote for rfk will buy into that story. trump seems to make some sense. i don't think it will have a big effect on the race. >> even in a tight race? today make a difference? >> absolutely. i think cordell west two is still out there could make a difference. when the margins are so small. >> if we take a step back, after the conventions, we have very different visions and messages from both campaigns. they are crystal clear and probably best summarized by a
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couple of moments we pulled out from the speeches. >> for too long our nation has settled for too little. we have given everything to other nations and other people. you have been told to lower your expectations and accept less for your families. i adhere tonight with the opposite message. your expectations are not big enough. >> with this election we have a precious, fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles of the past. a chance to chart a new way forward. >> the challenge for each
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campaign now is to link those messages and visions with the things that matter most to americans. the ability to feel like their lives could be better. how do they do that? >> i think the vice president did it and everyone did it by talking about kitchen table issues, cost issues. she has the opportunity economy that she talked about. donald trump, i cannot tell you what his policies are other than drill baby drill. and a tax cut for whom i do not know. maybe an extension of the trump tax cuts which benefited the tops of the income scale. that is one of the nicest things he pulled out from trump's speech. in isolation that could be a positive sounding thing.
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except it was wrapped around two hours of darkness and meanness. the problem he will have an republicans are having is that he cannot talk about policy. number heavily times people asking to do it. he is about personal insults and degradation. the democrats ours deking not as much policy as david would want but a lot more policy is coming out of their camp. >> in those clips you see donald trump's message which is america has been in the client and we need to turn it around. it is a decline story. and then the message from harris is implicit in her being. it is a historical moment. a moment of future. she is telling a much more often sick story.
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it shows up even in policies. defend ukraine. defend democracy. that is kamala harris. trump says we don't need that war, our nato allies are screwing us. we cannot afford it. you see how these postures of optimism versus pessimism create a set of policies that create outward focus and ambition. or let's pull in more and protect ourselves. >> what do you see over the next week? anything surprising? >> socratic levels of arguments. [laughter] >> i don't know where to go. always great to see you. welcome back to town. get some rest. thank you both. ♪ >> the development of artificial intelligence is speeding up so quickly that it was addressed
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briefly at both political conventions. science fiction writers and movies have long theorized about the ways machines might one day usurp their human overlords. as the capabilities of modern artificial intelligence grows, we looked at the existential threats some experts fear and some see as hyperbole. >> there is inevitable doom the end of this. if you keep on making ai smarter and smarter, they will kill you. >> she is a tech pundit and the founder of a nonprofit called the machine intelligence research institute. it exploits the uses of friendly ai. do you think everyone will die in? ? my lifetime in your lifetime >>
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i would wildly gas my lifetime and your lifetime. >> we have heard this before. when the godfather of ai warned us last spring. >> is a threat for everyone. the chinese, americans, europeans. just like a global nuclear war was. >> more than a century ago, this morning was dramatized. people have been mentioning that the robots will become cindy and and destroy eyes. >> that is right. that has created an entire mythology that is played out in endless science fiction treatments. >> like the terminator series. >> they decided our fate in a
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microsecond. >> that is hollywood. look on the bright side. robots will be everywhere soon enough. as mass production drives down their costs. will they soon turn against us? >> they don't want anything. they don't need anything. we design and build these things to our own specifications. that is not to say we cannot build some very dangerous machines and tools. >> he thinks what humans do with ai is much scarier than ai on its own. create super viruses, mega-drones, god knows what
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else. the big question still is will ai bring doomsday? >> i reached the existential threat around three or four out of 10. >> we said this question to an avatar. what does he say? >> i will go for two on an answer. >> your avatar went higher. >> it is trying to approximate something that is a bulk of >> told me there was only a one in 10 chance of a ticking time bomb in my room, i would be out of there. he started warning about rogue ai >> >> in 2005. since then, things have got it worse than hoped for. this staying at the end of this is ai gets smarter than us and humanity becomes collateral damage to its own expansion. they are smarter than humanity. it now wants to get independent of humanity. it does not want to be running on computers that requires
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electricity that humans need to generate. there are many more ai companies now. some say maybe it will wipe out humanity. i don't care about that. >> with all the worlds problems like tribalism and climate change, you think ai is a bigger problem? >> i think climate change is unlikely to kill literally everyone down to the last man, woman, and child. i expect leaders would prefer not to wipe out humanity. but it might not be up to them. they have to stay ahead of their competitors. >> what does ai at south thank i asked a robot hooked up to chatgpt. >> the potential for harmony and enhancement exists. but vigilance is paramount. >> i think we will be rolling
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the dice on that. you are saying there is a 30% chance that ai will destroy humanity. shouldn't i be scared? >> your concern is valid. but 30% is not a direct prediction but a cautious uncertainty. >> i'm afraid that human beings not be capable of protecting themselves from the risks of ai. >> that dread is profound. it is daunting. but not without hope. humanity's resilience is often defined expectations. >> perhaps it is no surprise that the actual human that created chatgpt, sam altman, thinks the same. >> i think ai will be a net good. but with any other tool, you can do great things with a hammer or you can kill people with a hammer. i don't think that absolves us
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from trying to mitigate the bad and maximize the good. >> reid hoffman thinks we can maximize the good. >> we have climate change is a possibility. pandemic, nuclear war. we have world war as a possibility. we have all of these existential risks. is ai also an existential risk? potentially. but you look at the portfolio and you see what improves our overall portfolio? what reduces existential risk for humanity? ai adds a lot of positive in the column. it is the only way i think we can do that. it might even help us with climate change. in the net portfolio, our existential risk might go down. >> for the sake of us all, let's hope he is right. ♪
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>> finally tonight, to close out the week, a gifted talent you might have seen online. >>'s name is miles the music kid. his videos are striking a chord with audiences around the world. we have the story for arts and culture series. ♪ >> get a new audio track. reporter: she is in using pretty sick being on. he seemingly can do it all. ♪ >> at first i just wanted to make music and didn't have an
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idea. then this is cool. >> he has become an internet sensation. millions of followers watch along as he puts his spin on other sounds or creates his own. the best of which he calls bangers. he started at age four on guitar. soon he progressed to the piano. ♪ his parents, neither of whom are professional musicians, started sharing clips of them online. before they knew it, he was producing full multitrack songs complete with drums, bays, vocals. using high-end recording software. >> that is who he is. music is how he expresses himself. it is a huge passion of his >>'s songs go through many permutations. he says only about one in 10
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achieve banger status. do you know when it is done and you feel like this is great, i am finished, i can mix this now? >> being a perfectionist, i always listen a lot of times before i say it is done. >> my man, my peer. >> that perfectionism has landed have some pretty cool friends, like quest love, who gifted him a drum set. and a grammy award-winning producer. he is part of a rising generation of precocious young musicians with huge online followings. how do you keep it normal for him? that he is just a regular
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eight-year-old boy living his life at home? >> that is a pretty easy question. he is a regular kid. he literally is a regular kid. he does all the things regular kids do. and he just so happens to have this musical superpower. ♪ >> their son is a rare breed, a social media superstar who does not have access to social media. mom and dad used -- asset we would not use their full names. they said they walk a fine line between protecting him and supporting his passion. >> we don't think it is healthy for kids to go online. he doesn't really care. he's just focus on having fun and doing things that make things happy. reporter: every time a young phenom emerges, a group of people assumes there must be
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maniacal parents behind the scene pressing the young person into this success. is that going on here? >> it is as far as possible from the truth in our case. if tomorrow he said i want to be a lawyer or a tech entrepreneur, both of us would probably breathe a nice sigh of relief. reporter: what do you want to be when you grow up? >> i think like a musician. a producer or songwriter. produce my own songs and sing my own songs. ♪ >> he has just released his first original single for a movie soundtrack. at his age, this is likely just the beginning. ♪ >> i love that his mom described him as having a musical superpower. >> he has found his staying.
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what a blessing. good for you. >> there is much more online. we will wrap up the best moments from the democratic national convention. you can catch that every friday on our youtube page. >> be sure to tune in tonight. the panel will have in-depth analysis of the state of the presidential race. >> this weekend, why this summer is adding to the national blood shortage. >> on behalf of the entire team, thank you for joining us and please have a great weekend. >> major funding has been provided by-- and with the ongoing support of these individuals and institutions. and friends.
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the walton family foundation, working for solutions to protect water during climate change so people and the nature can thrive together. the hewlett foundation, advancing ideas and supporting institutions for a better world. and with the ongoing support of these individuals and institutions. ♪ and friends. this program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your station by viewers like you. thank you. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> this is the news hour last
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from our studios in washington and in the last from the walter cronkite school of journalism at arizona state university. ♪
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