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tv   BBC World News  PBS  October 8, 2010 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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>> "bbc world news" is presented by kcet, los angeles. funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank. >> union bank has put its global expertise to work for a wide range of companies. what can we do for you?
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>> and now "brvesbrvescrrves world news." >> some of hungary's red toxic waste threatens the drvesarvesnrvesurvesbrveserves. >> a curn se war would pose a serious threat to global recovery. >> welcome to "bbc news" broadcasting to measure and around the world. >> we have a special report on how the recession is hitting the country's largest immigrant community. and getting the miners in chile. rescuers hoping to get miners
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by the weekend. >> fears are growing that hungary's way of tox ibslunl could cause a wider environmental catastrophe. the slunl could afebt hundreds of countries. nick has the latest. >> after the del yuge, the clean-up. the fire brigade and police from many counties. coordinating that effort is not easy. the government has ordered a criminal investigation. the prime minister says, everything possible will be done to them victims and find those responsible.
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>> the pollution is the more serious thing because we don't know exactly what the size is, not physically but in terms of depth and the seriousness of the special material. so i think it's a serious ecological catastrophe. >> in the ruins, people are still searching for anything that could be sal vanled from the ruins of their homes. >> we have lost everything. my mother unfortunately has no insurance. our whole life, the house, the furniture, the groceries, our pets, everything is ruined. four people were killed on the first day of the accident and three elderly people still missing. hope of finding them alive is almost zero. >> local people say that was disaster just waiting to happen. 50 years of industrial waste purged up the valley waiting to
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inundate their village. the issue of compensation is being raised more and more forcefully. traces of pollutants have reached the river danu brves e. and there have been reports of fish dead in the river. monitoring is taking place continuously. >> what exact sli this red slunl and how much danl could it cause to communities and to wildlife in and around the dan yube? >> a red river of mud unleashed on an unsuspecting community. but what's in it? and how much more danl can it do? the slunl is a bive product by which aluminum is extracted. it's highly alkaline because of the refinement process. this means it's immense liquor
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ross siv. the -- tls it's immensely c orvesrrvesrrves osive. >> the waters are being tested down the length of the danu brveserves. croatia, bulgaria, and ukraine could all be affected as it is being carried down the sea. metal oxide will destroy the veg tagse on which wildlife feeds. once the mud dries contaminants may be blown sbroo into the area. >> some areas could look like planet mars. the big question now if this mud, red toxic slunl will get
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dry then -- slug will get drive then it dry heavy metals. >> a processing plant broke spilling cyanide killing off tons of fish. since then a knew european directive aimed at stopping such accidents has been introduced. but despite these in roles environmental casstass trophies can still happen. the head of the international dominique fund has warned about the danger of what he call as currency war breaking out against china and western nations. the i.m.f. would put forward proposals to avoid it. stephanie flounders reports. this is where the world's central bankers and finite
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ministers meet twice a year to talk about the global economy. most countries are growing again. but everywhere there are big question marks about the future. and in a squabble to get a decent economic recovery, the sphere it's going be every government for itself. >> it's not as strong today. and one of the things is what has been said by the stakeholders, trying to use the currency as a weapon. so currency war may be a strong word but at least the fact that they may want find the solution is real yea threat to every country. >> the problem is how. >> they want to get a lot of their recoveries from exports. the best way you do that is
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being making your goods cheaper abroad. the problem is most of the europe wants the same thing, so does japan and so does china. you'll end up with an equivalent of a price fall which no one makes money. >> the u.s. secretary said oh country has to stop to u.s. con stirmse bank roll -- consumers bank roll. >> or else overall global growth will slow and all of us will be less well off. countrys that chronically run large surpluses need to undertake policys that will boost domestic demand. >> in case your wondering the country with the biggest trade surplus is china. the chinese premier has been in europe this week. today it was rome. leaders wanting to threat chinese currency strengthen
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against euro in effect he said he would do what he needs do to increase their exports. and other countries should back off. around the world, people are worried about their economic future and governments are in no mood to fut global economy first four months after the dutch general election the country is finally to have a new government. the new government will be fornled by a right-wing party including the support of a right win anti-islamic party. >> hope, splendor but little clarity. when queen beatrice opened the new dutch parliament last month, there were 150 m.p.'s but no government. thanks to a spectacularly inconclusive general election.
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the winner just was this man. his right-wing pro business party won the most seats. and he's set to become the prime minister. but his night of triumph back in june turned to be a long- drawn out negotiation. he finally teamed up with the party of the former prime minister who resigned after his christian democrats came a distant fourth. but getting former rivals to knead the same delex not be easy. and the hague's former government is facing criticism because of the reliance of this man. he was a surprise success of the election. it more than doubled its seats. but earlier he went on trial accused of inciting hatred
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against muslims. he has not been offered a job in the new cabinet but has agreed to swrote the government coalition in return for a chance to influence policy-making. many in the netherlands a country famed with tolerant little bit lism worries that someone with such extreme views has gotten so close to power. he still face as main hurdled. if convicted he could face up to a year in jail. >> a number of private security firms hired by the united states military and afghanistan has links to the taliban. that's according to a report released by a committee. the defense zpt overly reliant on afghan war lords. steve kinston told me earlier about more things to do with this report. >> this is quite disturbing report who's headline finding
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is essentially that taxpayers' dollars of americans are going to fund american security firms who are providing security for the u.s. military in afghanistan and those firms in turn are contracting time-out local afghan security firms and in some cases these security firms report says are simply private vidges, war lords with their own militia who in some cases have lippings to serious crime, murder, kidnap bry bare to the taliban and there are a couple of examples where two men locally were to guard an air base. so they nicknamed them mr. pink and mr. white. it emerged that mr. pink was a mid level taliban manner and mr. white was actually hosting a meeting of sr militant commanders when that meeting was broken up and attacked by
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the americans. mr. white was killed. but it goes to show that to a certain degree there is a serious level of threat thafflet the people the americans are working with and paying do have throings the taliban. >> i understand that senators are now demanding a more stringent vetting process when it comes to contractors. how easy is this to put into practice? it's not easy. we're talking about 26,000 private security firms working in afghanistan. 90% of those people are working for the american government. and the u.s. government at the time of this report had 125 contracts with 0 different entities and organizations. so vetting is extremely difficult. what the difficult of defense here in washington says that it is trying to reduce its reliance on private security contractors. it realizes that they are not good in the long-term for the
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stability of afghanistan. it points out since 2007 the number of auditors looking at this number of private security has increased four times. >> you are watching "bbc news." >> a perfect start. two american cosmonauts and a russian need the international space station. a very pleasant surprise. that is how peruvian writer described winning the nobel prize. he has written more than 30 novels, plays and essays including "conversation in the ca the dral." he also once ran for the president of peru. >> he's been one of the most prolific writers in latin america. but his victory is long overdue, for many.
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>> the nobel prize is awarded to mario -- >> at first he thought it was a joke. >> it was totally unexpected. a real surprise. i think it's a great encouragement. a recognition of an award of the work of my life. >> born in peru, mario first burs into the literary scene in the early 1960's as part of a new weaf of writers. he wrote about his time in military school. he followed this with a host of other works.
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once seen as political radical he braved the violence of his own country to run unsuccessfully as a presidential candidate in 1990. >> so now he received a nobel medal along with 20 million conservatives rrvesorvesnrvesarves which is over one and a half million dollars. >> your watching "bbc news." some of hrvesurvesnrvesgrvesarvesrrves' red toxic waste has threaten the river da nrvesnube. -- danube. >> a new study commissioned by the "bbc" shows that young men have been hit by the down turn
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in the global economy. the research into migration from poorer to richer countries gives the example of spain where it says a greater number of immigrants are under employed because they have the less skilled jobs in industries such as construction. >> susa and his friends didn't come to spain to play. they came to work and send money home. trir don't have money. they need my money. but if i did not have money -- >> spain practically sent for immigrants to provide cheap labor for its booming construction. but now that green houses aren't hiring anymore, now unemployment is hovering at around 20%. mustafa has worked in spain for 20 years is joining the line for unemployed benefits.
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>> people would laugh at me if i went back. imagine going home and having to ask my mother and father for help. that's impossible. i spent my youth here in spain. further up the coast is a town they call romania second capital. romanians are spain's second largest population. the women are finding work. but not men. >> the men can't find work because when the hotels, restaurants hire people, they always ask for women. >> this woman's husband has just left her. he said he couldn't cope with her working and him not. romanians tend to be more highly skilled than other immigrant groups. >> dan has a master's degree. he's a theater director.
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and unlike other immigrants as e.u. members can come and go from spain as they like. >> but he says romanians won't go back. >> the hope that the crisis will end and we'll be better and this also is part of the human being, the hope. if the hopes die, you die. >> the spapish too are hoping. hoping the empty developments will find tenants. waiting for the housing market pick up and with it spain's economic engine, the construction industry. >> but are they waiting in vain? this report says that spain's economy is too reliant on construction. half of all the jobs lost in the down turn were in building. and when that bubble burs it left behind too many homes and
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too few people to buy them. this country doesn't need anymore construction. so it's hard to see where spain's future jobs are going to come from. >> at least nine people have been killed in a double explosion at a prominent muslim shrine in pakistan. officials believe it was set off by two sts bombers in the city of karachi. it was packed with worshippers offering prayers on what is normally the busiest night of the week. the killers came at time when they knew it would cause maximum mayhem. >> thursday snithe the busiest night at the shrine. food is distributed to the poor. security was lacks. it seem that they are suicide bombing. and one of them is thriggete the -- right through the
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security garden and security gate. and that guy exploded and -- somewhere where we were standing. and the other one they were checking him and they blew him off at the gate. >> pakistan's president was quick to condemn the blast. hi blamed the violence on people that want to impose an extremist mind set on our country. the instant is the latest on a growing number of attacks on shrines. especialfully the northwest of the country. pakistan's islamic extremists have a long history of attacking muslims whom they see as impure. the vast majority were shiah. but sunni groups have also been targeted. these violent attacks serve as a warning and an attack to
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deter people from worshiping at the shrine in a way that they traditionally followed for years. >> the united nations has defend itself against criticism to help victim os of the earthquake that struck haiti in january. the u.n. bodies in charge of the camps were inexperienced, disfuppingsnal and lacked translators. >> the aide is never enough when disaster hit as country like haiti. the needs were huge even before the earthquake. some people in the camps are so poor they don't want to leaf them because if they did, they'd have to pay rent to landlords. but the damning report by the charity refugee international says the homeless don't even have the most basic protection there. 's no privacy, domestic violence and rape are common. according to the report, united
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nations military controls are rare. the u.n. said it's agreed with some of the criticisms. it was working on the issue, but the scale of the problem was huge. nearly 10 months taff earth quake, there are still 1.3 million homeless people living in over 1,000 camps on public squares or on school grounds. some aide came but nowhere near as promised. >> we need a lot of money for it. . >> before the earthquake, asians had no nathe most of their political leaders who they condemned as corrupt and incompetent. >> just after the quake hit, when they hoped the international community would do bert. but most of that faith has now been lost as well.
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mark doyle, "bbc news" 689 >> rescuers they say they should reach the miners in chile on sad. the drill is at 80 meters away. >> for the family who is have been camped here, today's news is a real breakthrough. alfonso arvesvrvesarveslrvesorves s is a brother of two men -- a vrvesarveslrves o srves is a [speaking spanish] >> there's not very much to go. but they are eans because their on the -- answer shouse because
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they're on the closing -- anxious shouse because they're on closing in. [speaking in spanish] >> i'm just asking him has he spoken to his sons or received any letters. he said that was for the children. it was their children. they're in good spirits and their looking forth to getting out. >> now the rubian spacecraft has law firmed carrying new members bound for the international space station. two russian cosmonauts were onboard. le >> three, two, one, fueling power separates. >> the start of a two-day voy yanl into space and a textbook blast-off for the three man crew of the
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srvesorvesyrvesurveszrves robert. russian alebs sander co lrveservestrvestrvesirves is- alexander and the americans will be the only way to reach space. no replacement be available for at least five years. they will spend five and half months on the international space station delivers supplies and doing maintenance. there's even a chance for a space walk. they will experiment how human muscles reacts to weightlessness. in the immediate future, though, getting into orbit and working in space together will be all about teamwork. >> you are watching "bbc news."
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>> union bank has put its global financial strength to work for a wide range of companies. what can we do for you? >> there is one stage that is the met and carnegie hall. >> o, that this too, too solid flesh -- >> it is the kennedy center. >> check, one, two. >> and a club in austin. ♪ >> it is closer than any seat in the house, no matter where you call home. >> the top of the world, and i'm there, i'm home. >> pbs -- the great american stage that fits in every living room. your support of pbs brings the arts home. >> "bbc world news" was
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