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tv   BBC World News  PBS  December 2, 2010 12:30am-1:00am PST

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>> "bbc world news" is presented by kcet, los angeles. funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank. >> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from
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corporations. what can we do for you? >> and now "bbc world news." >> the border force through the back door. the special report on immigration. the verdict of the south korean intelligence chief is that north korea will strike again. 60% of the afghan population is said to be suffering some form of mental illness. welcome to "bbc world news," broadcasting to our viewers around the world and pbs in america. a man's index finger can determine his risk of getting prostate cancer. meet the sal sellers -- salt sellers in one of the hottest
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places on earth. for a long time, most media coverage has painted a very different picture but the european union has seen a significant drop of illegal immigrants trying to get through the borders. greece was the original point at which they would cross. this report is from 26 officers from all of the european states. >> on patrol with the european union national force. their mission on greece's border with turkey is to stop illegal immigrants. it is not just manpower but technology like this camera taking thermal images across the border which has been crucial.
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recent footage of migrants caught trying to cross the border is a sign of success but also that greece cannot deal with this on their own. >> the operations will not be the solutions for this problem. there are many things to be done from the greek side, from the east side. we're going to do our utmost to help the greek authorities tackle this problem. >> it is this stretch of land which causes the greatest difficulty for the greek authorities. this is on the farthest edge of the european union. in the distance, i can just make out a mosque in the nearest turkish town of edirne. this is the front line of stemming the flow of illegal immigration. many migrants attempt to cross the border at this river. the authorities have recovered
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the bodies of those who have failed to make it on several occasions. families and individuals who make it to greece and find that their journey has come to an abrupt end in detention centers. many of them are kept behind bars. this is overcrowded and a bleak, even for those who are going to be released. many people wanted us to tell their story. >> this is a place for animals. this is a miserable. life in europe is like here. >> those reaching for help or just hope recently found at the u.n. is speaking for them. the u.n. agency has described the situations in these centers as a humanitarian crisis. they are not alone. >> people are kept in completely in humane conditions and they
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have basic needs that are not being met. >> for officials at the gateway into europe from asia, constant vigilance is retained. greece says this is not their problem alone, many migrants would like to had to other countries including the uk. >> the latest wikileaks disclosures say that pakistan allows drawn attacks secretly while denying it in public. washington has given them up billions of dollars since 9/11. for one u.s. ambassador, no amount of money will stop pakistan from supporting militant groups. the leaders in pakistan have reacted angrily to the leaks. >> in pakistan, there has been an angry response to the latest release of confidential documents. the government has described the west fears of nuclear
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materials falling into the wrong hands as misplaced and condescending. there is also a mood of disappointing. -- disappointment. >> there is a big drama that america is playing with the muslim world. >> we are very disappointed. what they actually think about our country and the way they are doing their business here. we consider ourselves to be very close allies of the americans. >> the diplomatic messages layout of the fears of america and britain. last year, a senior british diplomat is reported to have said "the u.k. has deep concerns about the safety and security of pakistan's nuclear weapons." some months earlier, the american ambassador it said that someone working in the facility could gradually smuggle enough material out to eventually make a weapon.
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>> the pakistani military, institutions, government are much more secure and we have safeguards in place which are the best in the world. >> adding to the embarrassment has been a memo from the pakistani prime minister has said that he did not object to u.s. drone attacks against militants, which is contrary to what he has said in public. "i don't care if they do it, as long as they get the right people." also revealed is that the pakistani army chief reluctantly considered pushing the president out of office and forcing him into exile. america's top diplomat has been asked whether the u.s. is still viewed as a trust for the international partner. >> there will be a lot of
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questions that people have every right and reason to ask and we stand ready to discuss them at any time with our counterparts around the world. >> the founder of wikileaks has not been seen since this video link on monday. he is wanted for questioning in sweden over alleged sex offenses. it is the release of the diplomatic cables that is keeping his names in the headlines. >> just a week after north and south korea exchanged artillery fire leaving four people dead, the south's spy chief says that more attacks are highly likely. china, the north's chief ally, is calling for talks to restart urgently. >> four days of war games wrapped up on wednesday. a p'yongyang saw these drills
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as a major provocation. washington said that they showed america's desire to common security for their ally, south korea. now, the military in south korea says that more could begin within weeks. >> through south korean-u.s. joint exercises, our soldiers have had a chance to show their intent which is to immediate retaliate if there is any kind of provocation from the enemy. >> people are looking to see what they can salvage from the ruins of their homes that were shelled by north korea last week. this man is worried it is not say about -- it is not safe. i came back because my children came back. i could not just let them come back by themselves. if they die, i could die with them. south korea has been building up the defense is on the island by bringing up new weapons and
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personnel. the head of the spy agency believes that more attacks are likely. other officials are hoping he is wrong. >> there are ongoing measures to beef up our forces including the new weapon systems, upgrading our marines on the island. on this particular crisis, we are reaching the apex and we will see a reduction in escalation. >> in a speech, the chinese foreign minister said that the crisis had to be solved by dialogue and consultation. getting everyone around the same table will not be easy. here in seoul, they are anxious to avoid the impression that that behavior by the north koreans will be rewarded. >> the lover of a prominent iranian footballer has been executed in tehran despite
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worldwide pleas for mercy and claims that the trial was unfair. she was hanged at dawn and the prison where she was held for nine years. she was found guilty of stabbing the wife of the striker. in afghanistan, are around 60% of the population is suffering from mental illness according to an estimate by the health ministry. they say to consider the security situation and the struggling economy as a cause. we have been to a hospital in cobble -- in kabul. >> this is a deeply debilitating illness that has hit millions worldwide. here in afghanistan, depression is affecting more than half of the population. yet, the only psychiatric hospital in kabul has just 20 beds.
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>> i am very sick. i feel like beating myself. i want to find a place where i can shout very loudly. my husband had cancer, he died five months ago. my life is awful. >> the afghan health ministry figures show that over 60% of people are at one time suffering from varying degrees of depressive illness. >> the bad economy is one of the reasons behind the high depression rate. the other reason is that the people are struggling with insecurity caused by the ongoing disorder. when someone loses their loved one, how can they feel? >> one of the most disturbing factor is of the depression rate is the high number of suicides.
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for women, they burn themselves. there also the emotional factors. this girl was married when she was only 16 after four years of being locked up and beaten by a husband, she set fire to herself. >> i did this to end my life. my husband is so domineering, i vowed to kill myself. i told him, i came to you as a bride, i will leave you as a corpse. >> in this province, in the past year, 67 women have tried to commit suicide by setting fire to themselves. only three of them actually died. >> the problem in afghanistan is that the law has never been implemented. only traditions are up held. they did not comply with the law. afghan women have not realize they are and what they're capable of. when they do, the problem will be solved. >> depression and suicide is far
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more the result of a three decades of war than a social environment. many people in afghanistan now believes that the only security can be permanent peace. >> good to have you with the song "a bbc world news." elton john guest at it's a newspaper. -- guest edits a newspaper. there is the creation of the eu 's own foreign service. that means a new headquarters. not everyone is happy about this. >> disasters like the earthquake in haiti has always been something that the european union has responded to with money and aid. they also negotiate on issues
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like trade with members of their states. until now, they did not have their own embassies said ambassadors. now, they do. when president like to talk to the european union in washington, he has someone to call. >> one meeting, one place where they can have a direct contact with the representatives of the european union. they can also contact me if they want to. >> the new service has plenty of critics. they say that it's abbas is too low profile and that she spent too much money. -- they say that its boss is t o low profile. >> you have to have people employed. you have to have new offices and new buildings. why make it double? i don't see the need. >> for many smaller member states who cannot afford a chain
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of embassies, the european union's on foreign office is part of the diplomatic mission that is welcome. >> this is to provide us with a platform where we will be able to talk to the other countries on the eu issues. >> one year after it was created, the european union external action services finally opening their headquarters here in brussels. for its critics, this is a waste of time and money. at least it may now have a chance to prove them wrong. >> this is "a bbc world news," the latest headlines for you. do you's border agency is reporting a big fall in the number of those trying to enter into greece and turkey. the head of the south korean spy agency has said that more attacks from the communist north are highly likely. but scientists believe that the
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the length of a man's fingers could determine his risk of getting prostate cancer. men whose index finger is longer than their ring finger are a third less likely to get the disease. >> this is fascinating, when i caught this paper, all the men there were checking. you check to see whether your index finger is longer than your ring finger. the ratio between the length of your ring finger and index finger is laid down during pregnancy. add to the same time, this is the affected by the amount does testosterone that the baby is exposed to in utero. there's nothing that you can do about it. as a result, we know that prostate cancer is driven by hormone levels, by testosterone
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levels. the theory goes that if you are exposed to less testosterone during pregnancy, your index finger is longer and therefore this shows that you have a protective effect later in life. for me, my index finger is just slightly longer than my ring finger. according to the research, i would have a slightly less high risk of getting prostate cancer later in life. >> i am checking and as well. stardom brings many things. "to be independent," has handed their editorial duties to elton john. --" the independent," has handed their editorial duties to elton
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john. >> they have handed over the editorial duties to a man who they have not always agree with. >> i thought it was a good idea to focus on what is going on in the world with aids. also on opportunity for me to understand what is calling on with a newspaper. >> you have had your run ins with the press and now here you are, in the editor's chair. >> i have a good relationship with the press. yes, they can give me a hard time but in the long run i would rather have them here than anywhere else. >> the idea of celebrity editors is not new. in 2006, on account -- in 2006, bono was also an editor. can hyou really work independently?
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what is elton doing today? the paper insist that he is editing for real. >> you should make it bigger. >> journalism is something that i like. we don't have "life," or "look," magazine any more. >> like most papers, "the the independent," circulation has dropped. when bono took over, he boosted distribution by 70,000 copies. >> a jewelry collection once owned by the duchess of windsor. this has an option for nearly $12.5 million. many are inscribed by the duke of windsor. the most expensive item went for
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more than $7 million, it is a diamond-encrusted bracelet. we are taking a look at extremes in the world. things include pollution, corruption, business, dying. we will be highlighting the places on the globe that have the highest of contrasts. we will be looking at those living in august and coldest places. today, one of the hottest, and the african republic of djibouti. >> i get to some myself in paradise but actually, this is unbearably hot. -- i get to sun myself in paradise. the wind is like being on the business end of a blower torched while people -- of a blowtorch
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well people throw sand that you. there is a similarity between the extremes. at the height of summer, 57 degrees, there is a hundred degrees difference between us. we wanted to know why people came to settle here in the first place. this man is mining salt by hand as his forefathers did before him. this is not work. centuries on, this is the only job going. -- this is hard work. there's nothing much to do but sit in the shade and drink tea, but there's not much of that either because water is rationed. he gets 3 barrels for his wife and their 8 children. the truck has are the been year but already 1 barrel is empty. on the first day, they did a washing. after that, the water is just for drinking. if the truck is a day late, it
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is how, he says. temperatures here reached 55 degrees celsius. there is the curse of extreme heat and a lack of drinking water combines to provide the only blessing that families can really count on here. this is winter. in summer, the temperature of the water alone reaches of the mid '30's. the scorching sun is literally taking this volcanic lake. this has been the livelihood of no man's here for centuries. -- of nomads here for centuries. there is just enough money made to make the journey to ethiopia worth it. they know every shade tree along the way. his father made this journey before him. he says that he loves all of his camel's the same.
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this one always is to go up front. sometimes, she needs a bit of the encouragement it, like this popular song for camel spent some -- like this popular song for camels. well, popular as long as this way of life can last. he sings about this place. people want to remain living here despite what a struggle it is is to survive there is an extreme lack of water and there are extreme temperatures. that is what our correspondent found in the town of -- people here in djibouti asked, how can they survive in these cold temperatures? for these people, it is extreme. let's find out how people can
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live in a place like that. >> the cold is debilitating. every movement and step is an ordeal. simple daily routines like driving to work or shopping have turned into titanic struggles against the elements. winter means drivers have to adapt their vehicles. they stick on homemade double glazing so that they can see out of the windows and insulate the fuel tank and radiator. it is a staggering -53 degrees centigrade. the cold is ferocious. i has been outside and i can feel it attacking areas on my face. to give you an idea, i have a pot of very hot water in my hand. watch this. it is vaporized instantly and turned to snow.
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the reason people are prepared to live in such a hostile environment is gold. keep in the permafrost in iraq, sick seems of gold ore and other minimal spent some -- deep in the permafrost of rock, thick seams of gold. >> this is a hassled. otherwise, it does not really trouble me. you get used to it. >> this family is ready for another winter inside of the arctic circle. they make light of the extreme conditions. this little girl has known nothing different and will probably grow up to be proud to live in one of the coldest places on earth. >> much more on all of that
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online at we are on twitter and facebook as well. thank you very much for watching. >> hello and welcome. >> see the news unfold, get the top stories from around the globe and click to play video reports. go to to experience the in-depth, expert reporting of "bbc world news" online. >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank.
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>> union bank offers unique insight and expertise in a range of industries. what can we do for you? >> there is one stage that is the met and carnegie hall. >> o, that this too, too solid flesh -- >> it is the kennedy center. >> check, one, two. >> and a club in austin. >> it is closer than any seat in the house, no matter where you call home. >> the top of the world, and i'm there, i'm home. >> pbs -- the great american stage that fits in every living room. your support of pbs brings the arts home. >> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet, los angeles. presented by kcet, los angeles.
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