tv BBC World News PBS December 11, 2010 12:30am-1:00am PST
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>> "bbc world news" is presented by kcet, los angeles. funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank. >> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a
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wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> and now "bbc world news." >> candi climate change deadlock be dealt with? -- can the climate change deadlock be dealt with? hillary clinton tells israelis and palestinians they have a responsibility to end the conflict. a drug baron a shot dead in mexico. welcome to "bbc world news," broadcast on pbs in america and around the globe. coming up later, more revelations from the wikileaks web site. this time revealing tensions between anglican and catholic churches.
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[shouting] >> security is under review as questions are asked about the -- about charles and camilla. >> suspects -- the un climate some -- the aim of breaking the deadlock in negotiations. it calls on countries to make deep cuts in carbon emissions. the talks come at the end of the year during which climate change has come under scrutiny. >> landmarks drowning in a rising sea. protests over global warming. this is the mexican resort of
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cancun, a scene about the struggle of climate change. minister is negotiating over who should cut greenhouse gases and how much to help the vulnerable countries. how bad is the threat of global warming? it has been a tricky year for the scientists with doubts raised. this year will be one of the hottest on record. the government's scientists say the evidence is clear. >> greenhouse gases are the highest we have seen for 800,000 years. temperatures have been rising. >> there are plenty of different concerns about climate change. some are worse than others. on sea level, a rise of up to 1 meter is possible but two meters is seen as unlikely. fears about the flow of the gulf stream are receding.
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the ice sheets are said to be melting faster than previously seen. there are uncertainties about what is happening. the intensity of storms may increase. research cannot tell if we are seeing more storms now because of natural variations. some experts say climate change is worrying but the threat of disasters has been exaggerated. >> when you exaggerate the signs -- it is self correcting. the scientific community with respect to disastrous allowed itself to move beyond the standard signs. >> digging away at the signs are skeptics like this man. he is not convinced. the problem most people have is relating the warning in the last 30 years which is about half a
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billion. >> back in cancun, underwater sculptures highlight the danger of the rising sea. nearly all governments believe the science but have yet to agree on what to do about it. >> earlier i spoke to our correspondent in cancun for the latest on the negotiations. >> the mood music changed remarkably during the day. people had been up until 5:00 in the morning and back in again. during the day things have gotten better. the general feeling around the place is that we may be on the verge of a deal. >> let's go through some of the details of the deal. there will be no specific cuts
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imposed on any country. >> that is right. this is one of the things some developing countries are unhappy about. the agreement would simply say that countries like the u.k. and the u.s. senate in their pledges of what ever they plan to cut their emissions by and there is no mechanism for negotiating those up. there is a gap in acknowledging the documents between the kinds of documents scientist says need to be made if the government will achieve the limits that they want to. they have not close enough to meet the limits they say they want to meet. >> let's talk about the kyoto protocol. i understand russia and japan are opposed to extending it. >> if you go back to the first one if was envisioned it would be extended.
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developing countries are accusing japan and russia of going back on their obligations. but on that particular question the legal issues are a little bit murky. we might see more discussion about that. politically, it has been a knowledge that if they won't do it they will not do it. >> if we look at china and india, india giving some way here. >> it is very difficult to read what the indian delegation has been saying. you read one newspaper and get one interpretation. i am trying to find out what exactly has been said which has been very difficult. the main reason for that is because when you get down to legal documents words can have several meetings. the context is everything.
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that has not been clear. in general, they have said at some point in the future they might be willing to accept cuts on their emissions. >> the u.s. has told israel and the palestinians it is committed to take the middle east of its own responsibility. this was given by a speech in washington by hillary clinton. she has been meeting with both sides as she tried to have direct talks between them. >> no matter how much the u.s. or other nations work to see a resolution to this conflict only the parties themselves will be able to achieve it. the u.s. and the international community cannot impose a solution. sometimes i think both parties seem to think we can.
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even if we could we would not because it is only a negotiated agreement. the parties themselves have to want it. the people of the region must decide to move beyond the path that cannot change and embrace a future they can shape together. >> mexican authorities say a leading drug boss has been killed when clashing with security forces. nazario moreno gonzalez was one of the leaders of the cartel. >> the drug cartel members blocked roads in the mexican state here. for two days they have been involved in gun battles with security forces across large parts of the region. some have been killed. police officers and civilians are among the dead.
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confirmation the leader has been fatally shot. the man dubbed the craziest one. >> various sources say yesterday nazario moreno gonzalezwas killed. the main leader of la familia. this organization has battered this population. they -- extortion, kidnapping and murder. >> the mexican government says the death will be a severe blow. more than 30,000 people have died in drug-related violence since they began deploying troops to fight the cartel's. they have come under criticism. la familia has come under growing pressure with several leaders captured.
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>> one television channel has run a documentary featuring the woman -- sakineh mohammadi ashtiani was sentenced to death in 2006. she was convicted in playing a part in her husband's murder. >> iran wants to tell its own side of the story. it is now using sakineh mohammadi ashtiani herself to help. she is shown reconstructing the role of her husband's murder. many say she is underdress. human rights organizations have called on iran to give her a fair trial. they have launched an international campaign to save her from being stoned. if this program does not resolve one of the basic questions of all, will sakineh mohammadi ashtiani be executed? the stunning verdict is symbolic
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and there is a good chance her life can be saved. but her fate is still unknown. >> in a case that has gripped the u.s. a preacher has been found guilty of kidnapping a teenage girl and holding her captive. brian mitchell abducted her eight years ago from her home when she was 14. the latest american diplomatic cables released by wikileaks suggest serious tension between the anglican church and the vatican over the pope's announcement he would make special provisions for those who wanted to convert to catholicism. >> in november last year the canterbury met pope benedict. the meeting took place soon after the pope announced a
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special provision for disaffected anglicans who wanted to convert to catholicism. the british ambassador said the meeting had come at an awkward time. the anglican-vatican relations were facing their worst crisis as a result of the pope's decision. the ambassador said although the offer was aimed at anglicans in america, it put the archbishop of canterbury in an impossible situation. the cable says the ambassador thought the crisis was worrisome. the outcome could be discrimination or even violence against catholics. it seemed this might cost -- however the visit was regarded as a success when it went ahead three months ago.
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>> you are watching "bbc world news." the british man accused of murdering his wife on honeymoon in south africa is free on bail. the british national party is holding a conference. the party failed to win the general election and its finances have slumped as it fights expensive [unintelligible] >> security to protect the party leader. they battled a man who -- in trips to court during a string of expensive disputes. he is now facing rebellion from expelled former members from the rival party. >> his whole demeanor, everything about the man is wrong. he is not capable of running a
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political organization. >> tonight in this hotel the party leader tried to rally those who kept the faith. >> i would say they are not going away. they are here to stay. we are here to stay because there are too many injustices for us to turn our backs and walkaway. we would have an easier life but we are not here for an easy life. we are here to do what is right. >> former members have been plotting to defeat him. the challenge is convincing insiders -- defeating the people who feel he has left them out in the cold. >> an italian court will resume hearing an appeal by a man --
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amanda knox is serving a to prison sentence for killing meredith kercher. her lawyer says the challenge to forensic that -- forensic evidence. you are watching "bbc world news." prospects that a deal of the un clement summitt appears to have been improved -- u.s. climate summit appears to have been improved. hillary clinton says it is their responsibility to end -- metropolitan police are reviewing security arrangements after the attack on prince charles and camilla. footage shows an angry mob
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surrounded the vehicle and kicking the car door. an inquiry has been launched after a student was left unconscious. it is alleged he was hit on the head by a policeman. this report does contain flash photography. >> the west end on a day of rioting in westminster. a distinctive black car is in the wrong place at the round -- wrong time. the heir to the throne is in the passenger seat. camilla's horror is written on her face. >> her window is lowered for an unexplained reason. the convoy pushes through the crowd. scotland yard said protection
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officers were seconds from drawing their gun. the police commissioner has ordered an internal investigation. it would have been difficult to cancel the event. charles and camilla were guests of honor. regent street is busy at the best of times. there were christmas shoppers in heavy traffic but also was a group of protesters, some of whom said in advance they would target shops. what does it take to bring a royal motorcade through here? demonstrations were focused around parliament. the royals avoided that area. but they had to come along regent street where they were attacked. the route had been checked minutes before by officers in contact with those overseeing the process. one officer believes the car
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itself posed the greatest risk. >> this is an unprotected vehicle. in terms of to escape or do a u- turn. it is virtually impossible. that is why the vehicle was unsuited for this occasion. >> the police are facing inquiries by the into meant -- independent commission. there were protesters who suffered bleeding on the brain after being hit. the vote is over but there is still anger among students. many say they will take to the streets again. the french government has welcomed the first german soldiers to be welcomed in peace time. there were officially in their friday.
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they have kept soldiers on german territory since world war ii. they will increase their military operations. thousands of anti-government protesters have bothered -- gathered in bangkok. the protesters lit candles to remember the dozens who died in violent unrest. lyrics written by bob dylan have touched almost half a million dollars of auction.
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it influenced a generation during his early years. the chinese government has said that awarding this year's nobel peace prize to the jailed chinese dissidents liu xiaobo w as a political farce. his award was symbolically placed on an empty chair. >> the nobel peace prize has often been a majestic celebration of human rights. sometimes like last year's award to barack obama it has been an embarrassment. this year it is the center of world attention. china's attempt to strong arm countries not to attend
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backfired. serbia changed its mind after counterpressure. at least 16 including russia and saudi arabia did not show up. the committee chairman pulled no punches. >> liu xiaobo has only exercised his given rights. he has not done anything wrong. he must be released. >> that got a standing ovation. the chair where liu xiaobo should have sat was empty. it happened before but the regimes that did not allow other winners to attend, nazi germany and burma are not ones china wants to be linked with. the whole thing was a pr disaster, especially since he was so determined to be peaceful. >> in tschida, i just want to be
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an honest intellectual writer. -- in china. >> the norwegian actress read an essay by him. >> there is nothing criminal in anything i have done. but if charges are brought against me because of this, i have no complaint. >> some familiar faces in the audience were visibly moved. liu xiaobo managed to get word out of jail he would like a children's choir to perform at the ceremony. but infuriated by the committee, the chinese leadership has been behaving in an unreconstructed way. this is what happened to "bbc world news" today.
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the broadcasts on the peace prize remained cut. maybe in hindsight the chinese should have done what iran did when their human rights activists won the peace prize. they complained bitterly about it but when she actually came to except a prize, they sent their ambassador to the ceremony. it diffuse the problem. a vigil in the city center. the anger is as strong as ever and being in an awkward position will not make it better. >> a british man accused of conspiracy to murder his wife on their honeymoon in south africa has been freed on bail. authorities wanted him kept in custody while he awaited extradition. >> this is the only glimpse the world has had of him since his return to the u.k.
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handcuffed on his way to prison. this morning he remained in his cell while his family members joined. he denies conspiracy to murder his wife and was taken into custody on tuesday. the court said he was unlikely to try to escape and ordered he be freed on bail. >> we are all delighted that the court has consistently upheld h is right to bill, in acknowledging his cooperation with the authorities in south africa and the u.k. >> but his ordeal is far from over. the court was told the south african police have new evidence against him. he was arrested after a taxi driver claimed he had been paid to arrange his wife's murder. now tv footage is alleged to show the meant meeting at the
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hotel before and after the killing. they say the following day he was seen changing money on the black market. police claimed this was the money used to pay the assassin. but his own lawyer dismissed the allegations as the absurd. she said he has never been to south africa of 04 and had never had contact with the criminals. the idea he would take a taxi driver to kill his wife was unlikely. tonight, he has arrived back at the family home. he will remain here until a full extradition hearing in the new year. >> a reminder of our main news, there are signs of a compromise at the climate change summit which had earlier -- the u.s. secretary of state expressed disappointment at recent middle
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east peace setbacks but bounced to continue efforts to bring the sides together. war stories on the bbc website. -- more stories on the web site. >> hello and welcome. >> see the news unfold, get the top stories from around the globe and click to play video reports. go to to experience the in-depth, expert reporting of "bbc world news" online. >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank.
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