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tv   Tavis Smiley  PBS  January 12, 2011 12:00am-12:30am PST

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>> this is "bbc world news." funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank.
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>> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> and now, "bbc world news." >> floodwaters rise as brisbane prepares for the worst. dr. conrad murray faces charges of involuntary manslaughter. more protests of unemployment in tunis. they're trying to rebuild their lives of to the earthquake. we have a special report on
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haiti. and new leadership to take on challenges. thousands of families have been -- as the capital faces the worst flooding in 50 years. 20,000 homes anin low-lying ares to be swamped. 14 people are reported dead. around 90 are missing. >> after weeks of flooding, this was the most faithful -- fitful hour. the scene of the muzzle violent and deadly flash floods since the crisis began.
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locals spoke of a terrifying inland tsunami with the power to wash away cars and vans. it took people from their homes and left dozens scrambling for rooftop refuge. an amateur cameraman captured the speed of the raging storm. a complete free to nature. >> oh, no. there it is. >> more video. look at how quickly the waters are rising. >> it is horrible! >> a daily mccain almost out of nowhere. -- a day louche -- a deluge that came out of nowhere. >> you see the kitchen and the
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laundry. >> this is the home of leroy. the families scrambled to the roof. >> they waited five hours for the water level to drop. >> you heard the whole house ripple and cracked. you see it all disappear in front of your face. >> this is being treated as a national crisis. australia's prime minister is warning of worse to come. >> i would like to say to the people that i understand that the past few days have been harrowing indian and there are still more dark days in -- more dark days ahead. >> last year was the worst in australian history caused by la nina.
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brisbane is now expecting flooding worse than it experience in 1974, a year that still haunts the people who live here. so many families are trying to leave the low-lying suburbs. >> brisbane is having to contend from water -- contend with water from four different sides. it is coming from the sky, the ocean, the surging floodwaters coming from further upstream. the water levels are expected to rise to meters within the next 24 hours. this was supposed to be the week when queensland moved into recovery mode. but they still have a way to go. >> we are probably about 20 meters or 30 meters from the
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peninsula. we could hear the river. we took a few pictures of that. the next day, it started to rise. the ferry normally provides public transport. a couple of hours later, it was still rising and still continues to rise. >> talk with us about what is happening personage you. i understand your -- what is happening personally to you. i understand your wife is pregnant. >> yes.
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we are on the third floor. we will not fill the waters appear. -- we will not feel the waters up here. my wife is pregnant and we are getting ready to go to her parents' place on the other side of town, on a hill where there is not likely to be a risk of flooding. but we wanted to make sure to move the car from the garage so that we were able to get out. on the other end of the main road to the peninsula, i can see that there is water starting to come up there as well.
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it is still rising. >> a judge in los angeles has said that dr. conrad marine should face charges of manslaughter. -- dr. conrad marurray should face charges of manslaughter. >> you will go on trial for involuntary manslaughter in front of a jury. this was a preliminary hearing. it was up to the judge to see if there was enough evidence in his youth to send it to trial. he felt that there is. the doctor revoked his medical license in california. he said there were extraordinary circumstances that made the continued practice by dr. mar
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urray seem an imminent danger in california. he also has licenses in texas and nevada. authorities in those states may be encouraged to look again at his ability to practice what he goes on trial. >> what about the time line? how long is this likely to take? >> it is not entirely clear. certainly, this is a case that will come down to the scientific evidence. even a couple of weeks ago, the two sides were arguing in court about items of evidence, test- tube evidence, if you like. they are continuing on some of the items that were taken from michael jackson's room. it could be weeks or months before this comes to a trial in front of a jury.
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>> the family of the man charged with the arizona shooting where six people were killed and congresswoman gaddy kiffin this was injured express -- gaddy differencgabby giffords expressd sympathy for the family. the congresswoman is no breathing on her own. the u.s. presidential commission investigating the oil spill in the gulf of mexico has recommended reform. it calls for independent city agency with tougher regulations and more funding for federal agencies. one of the commission's chairman blamed it on years of complacency and carelessness. more fatal clashes are being
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reported in tunisia was sparked by losses in employment. four more have been killed. officials said that officers acted in self-defense. the official number of dead is 21. other sources put the figure much higher. >> today, in cash terrain, they were burying their dead. -- today, in a city internees' it, they were burying their dead. warner said that one man killed was 22 years old and had been standing alone in the street when he was shot by police. these images have been posted on the facebook web site. unemployment, tough crack down on trade unions, rising food prices have all contributed to
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the violence. the crowds chant for jobs, freedom, and national dignity. the demonstrations have been covered by lawyers and journalists. police are firing tear gas and live rounds into crowds of humans. the ambassador was criticized in a meeting in washington. the head of the human rights group protests against the use of torture in tunisia. she says that the leaders should step down >. >> the situation is getting worse and worse. if people continue struggling and asking for his departure, i
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think he will be obliged to leave. >> and died posters of the present were torn down and thrown into bonfires in the street. schools have been -- giant posters of the president were torn down and thrown into bonfires in the street. schools have been closed. >> president joe biden says that the u.s. is willing to maintain a military presence in afghanistan after 2014. he indicated that washington is willing to continue training and aid. traveling back in time, the latest findings from the big bang.
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>> she got married just 12 days ago. she has been murdered. she was to honeymoon with her husband. she was found dead in their hotel room. police say they believe she was strangled. her family in northern ireland has been left stunned. >> she was a wonderful daughter. she was a beautiful girl. >> mikheil was always at her father's side. -- mikaela was always at her father's side. there were seldom apart, even appearing together on irish chat rooms. >> she is dead is grow. >> i think that is quite
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undisputed. >> her wedding 12 days ago was a big event here in belfast. it made front-page news, reflecting just how widely known her family is. but less than two weeks later, the same newspapers are reporting her death. she was 27. the police spoke to her husband and quickly ruled him out as a suspect. it is believed that she may have been killed by thieves who broke into her bedroom. it happened on one of the last days of her honeymoon. the church where she recently got married, the wedding flowers are still there. preparations began for her funeral. >> police have urged thousands of families to leave part of
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australia's biggest city. michael jackson's dr. conrad mary will be facing charges of manslaughter in the singer's death. at least four more people have been killed in the city of the ivory coast in a scandal. un peacekeepers confronted by groups of angry young men were forced to retreat from one area. >> deaths on the streets. there were killed when security forces fired gunshots into the crowd. women and children fled as trouble broke out in this neighborhood, a stronghold of the president-elect who is trying to run his team from a fortified hotel. as tensions mounted, the area
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was filled with supporters. un-armored vehicles were denied access. then there was more gunfire as peacekeeping troops were forced back. an angry crowd gestured for them to leave. this hotel surrounded by u.n. troops, there appears to be no let up on the impasse. he is recognized internationally as the winner of the november election, they have indicated that there would be prepared to work with moderate but only on condition that he leaves office. mediation efforts on the front have failed. diplomats are considering this the most provocative act against the supporters in recent weeks. conducted in full view of
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peacekeeping troops, it signals the intention not to step down and it could set the tone for things to come. >> we are getting some reports from cobble of a large explosion -- from cobblkabul ofa large explosion. it was caused by a suicide bomb attack on a bus and several people were injured. wednesday is the first anniversary of the earthquake in haiti that claimed more than a quarter of a million lives. the situation there is still dire. 800,000 people are living in tents. collor is spreading and rebuild -- cholera is spreading and
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rebuilding is still far off in the distance. >> in the shattered alleyways, they are still wii. more than -- they're still waiting. more than 8000 people are in shacks. haiti is existing. it is barely surviving. would you believe that 12 months on, they are still clearing the rubble, much by hand. today, in the same area, nicholas was buried alive a year ago. >> tomorrow would be the anniversary. tomorrow, my goal is to worship got all day because i am still alive. >> until the rubble is cleared, the building cannot be cleared. -- can begin.
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-- the building cannot begin. >> after hurricane andrew in florida, we still have people intent housing a year after that in the united states. this took out a third of the capital area. yes, it is slow. no one is more patient than i am. >> -- no one is more impatient and i am. >> inside the vast united nations base, international organizations meet daily to court their work. there is progress. in the last week, families moved into this red cross project. but where are the streets, the sewage system, the electricity lines? the fact that, and you're wrong, this country is still at large wis arriving on emergency
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support, it could be considered a colossal failure. this place was already broken. its political system is largely ineffective. in essence, what is needed is to build a new haiti. the problem as where do you find the space to do that? throw in the twin problems of a cholera epidemic and the flawed election process and you can see why things move slowly here. that has not stopped many haitians blaming their leaders for the fact that almost a million people remain in the camps. you have 1 million people without asking them to relocate. the challenges to create the averment where jobs are created and people can sustain their lives.
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>> hades problem is the lack of basic systems and institutions -- haiti's problem is the lack of basic systems and institutions. there is still an immense task ahead. >> the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton has been in yemen. she urged greater cooperation on security issues and try to shore up ties with a nation that has become a major focus of america's counter terrorist message. the vietnamese communist party is meeting in hanoi to select a new leadership. party delegates will be discussing the future development. the party is facing an uphill task to continue reforming economies while maintaining its one-party socialist system. it is an important time for the country's economy as well as its politics.
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>> this is the most of important political event in vietnam's. -- in vietnam. today, 1400 delegates are meeting for the selection of new leadership. the leadership of the party will eventually become the the issue of the whole country and there will match umap out the directir the country for the next five years to 10 years. ♪ >> how interested are they in taking -- in what is taking place? >> the interest is focusing on how the leadership will be tackling the economy challenges vietnam has changed a lot.
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the economy is growing quite a lot. inflation is dropping. the public is really interested in seeing how the new leaders mapped out policies. >> the communists are determined to hold on to their monopoly. will there be significant changes at all that at this event? >> they do not expect sweeping change in policy. but the delegates will have to think very hard on may the fundamentals of the socialist system in modern times.
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it will be interesting to see how they will come up with policies at the end of this nine-day event. >> european astronomers have made stunning discovery is. the telescope has so far identified 15,000 new objects, including some of the largest cosmic structures ever seen. >> a picture of the universe, images like this are being sent back to earth through the plank telescope. the mission is to track evidence shortly after the big thing. in july, one of the scientists
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behind the telescope project described how it worked. >> the telescope a sweeping a ring around the sky. as the satellite itself goes around its orbit around the sun, this rain is sweeping different parts of the sky. this is the way the telescope makes a picture. >> the plant telescope was launched in 2009, carrying sensitive instruments that register light and very long infrared wavelengths far beyond the range of the human eye. rather than capturing images of stars and galaxies, it finds evidence of the raw material, the gas and the dust from which the universe is composed. the project has welcomed these discoveries and said that what we have seen so far is nearly a hint -- is merely a hint of what plank will be able to do. >> thousands of people


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