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tv   BBC World News  PBS  March 31, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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>> this is "bbc world ws." funding for this preseatio i made psiblby the freeman fountion of new york, sto, vermont, a honulu. newm's own foundation. the john d. and cathere t. macarthur foundati. and ion bank. >> unionank s put its financial strengtho wo for a wide nge companies, fro all businesses to major corporatio. what can wdo f you?
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>> andow, bc world news." we are reporting fr washington. i am matt frye. isehe first of many? efecting foreign misteis beindebrfed in london a rebels ctinuto fight with thduffy forces. in theame ivory coast. th rival nearly hisoor. pressure mountsn the inmbent esidt to give up. burgeon gactipep rocket ship will soon be ready --virg galactic's roet ship will sn be ready. >> the wil be six passengers. they will bble to lok o o those winws a see theblue skof the earth tning purple, and tn in the blackss o space.
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>> welcome to our vwers on p in ameca a arod thworld. as gaddafi pact military makes gains, his politilllie are in rreat one foreign nist publicly renounced hi ex-boss tod and more are reportedly considerin theame. defections beganesteay when ussa koussa abandoned his job fledis country, and perps began to spillhe bns. his move haseen trumpeted by david cameron as a sig gaddafi's regime i crumbng from withi corage begs wit ouriddle st etor. > moussa koussas inteigen cef, d then reigminister. his coeagu in tripoli shoul
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follow h outhe pme minier sd. >> theecisn by theormer lian foreign ministe toome to ldon, toesighis potion, is a decisiony somee at the top. it tells a compelling story of e desperaon a fear at the heart of the crumbling and odhagaddafi regime. >> back in libya, officials re shrugging off the significance of h exi >> he is an o man he hasserisealtproblems. his hart, his body cod n take the pressure. we understand that. we gave h pmission to leave. >> britaiandts allies he mous koussa will bring high- quality intelligence anwill encouragothe to follo him. but has not been offer immunity fro prosecion. that ds not rule out another legal deal. he m need one there is already pssure for
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him to stand trial a libyan disdent was kidnappeand disappeared in a good of the prison i1996 his sona writer based in london, belves if libya is to change moussa koua and others ould be accountle. >> he is osel associated to the rkeschapter of libya. if you had to choose somebody that bestsymbolizedotnly th ruthlessness, but the macabre naturef th government, u could not do tter than choosingim. >> heas blood onis hds? >> believe so. he has been assoated with a lot oatroties. >>e is allegedly lind with e lockerbie attac in988. e victims'relations nt
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justice. >> he is resnsible for the death o innocent vilis as we as his ownpeop. he has to bheld accountle for my broer's death and t deaths of tusan of oths. >> heill so be aed what h knows about the death of yvonne fleter,killed by shots fm the libn emssy in london. but prosecutionsil not coure others to fect. >> iwe wld like toncouge em, we need to treat him very we. >> moua koussa s arral i london is a big propaganda coup. but has raised queions abt th need for intelligence and the needsf juice. abohe skies of libya, natosakin sole commd. when it comes to pplying weaponto rebels on the
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ground, th have come out against t me, saying the lliae is thereo ptect people, not t arm them. th rebels had sufferednoth seack after significa gains ov the weekend. they hav been forced t retreat from the oldort o bga. i ink ntinuesn- fighting ctinuesn misrata. >> ting ecover lost ground, the rebelset f agai they kno the enemy is ing in wait. they he learned that theard way. so ts tme t approach was more cautious, scanning for hidd threats and sding patrs in t dest to protect thadvae. the rebs atacked with rocks, hing to dislodget gaddafi loyists up ahea but ese amateur ghte are
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noatch fothe gime pivotman, who hit bachardith mortars. theattl was unequaand was ov fast, another defeat for the rebels ce again,he rebs are hing to make a hty retreat. they did noget very fa forwar theyere hit with incoming fi. they have had pushed back once again. > caslties were cing t. the rels he los40 men here inhepastwo weeks. e have made mistakes we are fighting for freedom. ere is no plan. we jt ke tryin." wi helprom the coalition it's fire powers crial. the piures show aair strike ba belgi f-16. but nato hasule out sending
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arms to the rebels th wil be alow to me who have beenightg for change fothe st month. "we want democracy and goo gornme, but o no want libya to be in the third world. this ia ri country. we wt to aance." bu the new libya is notomin as fas as therebels hoped. the mood no is subdued. the fhters have had a bising w da. theyreamof sweeping to ipoli. but it is now looking le a much longer struge. bbc news, libya. >> cece pow--ede power immediately. at is the message toaure gbagbo sinche lost an electn in novemb,he has refused give up his post. supporters o winner assa ouattara e se to force him
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ou they ve closed the country's borders. our correspondent rerts on th volatile situation. >> heavy firg across largely empty streets. smoke cane seen ring. with alassan ouaara claing his forc areow at the gates of the city, after taking the coa port of san pedro ernit and moving easards frchroop from amo those badn ivory coastut on patrol. e u.n. helicter ies ovhead the mppointed as pre ministeraid it could bover in a couple of hours. mr. ouatta has bn guded y t u.n. in this tel througho. laurent gbagbo has been fusing
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give up power. large numbers of police he now ft m gbao. thermy ief has sought ruge wi the southfric ambassor. on local tv, alassane ouattar said, "tothos of you who ae still hitating, i askedou t put youelf the disposition of their cotry. thers sll time to join your brotrsn ar. the country lls you recent scenes like this in the burbontrolled by young fighters opposedo laent gbag have led to ars of a nyl andore violent shoown. at least 470 peoe have alrdy died in violenclink to t disput eleion. the red cross sai tod that thousands of civilians wer trapped by t conict. it was particularl concerne at
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the prospectf alout nfrontations in urbanente. filmed by t bbcecently in e north of the ory coas a soier in traing. frce has ued lrent gbagb toeaveo avoid the risf a bloodbath. the u.n. secrery-geral caed ohim to cede power immediaty and appled both sides n to seek reven for past attacks. >> in japan ihas been nearly the wee since the devasting earthque a tsunam the ce to contain the nuclr crisis is r from over. seawer riation aroundhe mageplant is now more than 4000 times the legal lim. many riden cannot return to their homes in t exclusion zo. we rort on how t efft of
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the arnow coping. >> 70 les fm the fukusma plant, all people whoived neby c do is wait. this man, hisons, and grandchildren su bling is laid out on the floor. e le the village in suc a hurry he did n hav time to pickp his things. w he wea a masall day. >> i am getng old. io no know how mh lonr i will live anyway en ihoug abouthe children, i lt sry for them. deced to g away. >> many people his hall were largely untoucd by the eahqua and tsunami. thr homes aretill stanng, in some casesot daged at all. th still do not know if they will evere able to goack.
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>> radiation levs have been ring in the scene nea the power station. its now more than 4000imes the acceableimits. th japanesenuclear authorities say it is lely there is a continus lk. outsidehe ecuation center, the postman's gndchildren were trying to stave off boredom. th hadeen enrolled at a local schl, settling in f the ng haul. the pentsorry their nehborhood wil bpermently ntamated. >> when i watch the news, iee the per cpany chairma apologizing and ulin t us, butis words do not meet my heart. i tnk ts apogy is n enough. >> do you feel ang? >> of course we werangry. but now i is dcuss more an anger. -- it is disgust more than
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anger. iish they had told us the uth. >> bringing t reactors und controcoultake months, and the cleanup yes. >> some ns ju in. the tyo ectric power company bend the nucle pla -- control tha cpany has been taking or byhe janese vernnt. the gornme will infusehe company with cash,hichould ve the w toationalization, something my ha predicted. other news comesrom theorld of globabusiss. thwtoasuled that boein received mehan $5 biion in ilgal bsidies fm th u.s. governnt,givi it an unfair aantage over airbus boeing a airbus we iormed of the rung in january. it is only now th infmation s en me public. microsoft has fed a complaint
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witheuropean union regulators against gooe. theyreccusing the cpany of trng to edgehem outfthe search market. microsoft cims ggle use its minant positio to restrict the growth of microsoft serce. google saiit w not sprised d will have fully explaed. ere the looof the irish when they need it? in another sn tt ireland the fiscal crisis is aten is deeping, the banksill need addional cash tonsurtheir survival wl ta pla in e case of morfinancial sharks. our correspondent has that part tonight's obalusiness conntion. >> the strain on irela' econy keeps building. en the property bubble bur three years ago, irish banks were left exposed. much o the money they lend, ey could not get back. only now is theull scale of their losses becing clear.
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stress testshow ey urgently ed more funds, a lot more, 24 billion year rose. that brings to 70 blionhe tota needed soar tbail out thbank itmountso5.5000urosor eve iri citizen. iteansreland's new prime minister is facingis first majochallenge. >> there is no poi i playing down thecale of theagnide of t proem that we have herited. there is no point in ignoring the crisis we face. however, unle th previous admistraon, this gornme has alan to dal with this problem. >> the new government wants t radilly restructure the banks and she so of t costs wit the bank's leers. the ople of ireland are alrey paying their own price for the country's enomi failur one in 20 ish mtgages are
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mo thathree months in arrears. thisan ibattng to kee u with his paymts. his wages as a hot porr have en c. he is strugingo support his five children. >> the fare is out there. ople fea whher ey can survive at this stage can they pay their elericity bill, thergas ll? economic recovery igoing to paiully slow. fiveears ago, the cal te tiger was thenvyf the world. ow the countris relngn internatiol hefor onomic survival. thextramone fohe bas will come om the fd negoatedast yearith the euroan uon and ternional neta fund. e prlem is that irela' financl crisis mayun even deeper than many pple d fear.
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>> stilloome on tonight's program -- readyor blastoff. we have raccess to the virgingalactic, which is preparing to carry psengers intopace. this is oureek serie about the amecan dream. we havbeen bnginyou sties out how tt idea has attracted mlion of iigrants and yton de -- and guided thr experience. countless auths ha written abou the american dream. we dcussed it wh t edir of t new york times book review. the eric dream -- a red potica cliche o a compelling human drama? or both? >> in literary terms,t is the sinereat american story. the young nation tt even nothings of itselfs aoung
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has va citizenry who imagine that canreat greater lives r themselves. ther is a policalomponent to tthich caneem mundane. you g a bigr hoe. ur ks do better tn yo but it can be tralated into myicerms. ay gatsby, e mafrom innesota who ces ea to couer eworld and winack the sweetheart he met inhe army turns out to be a gangster. the is aecre dar undercrento the american dream when we ok a it in litery terms. >> has thabeenhanged over e yrs? >> the details havchanged. if look atonteorary velis like jo updike, the tail ofuotidian life are bed i e here and no the are refences to television and sex and rocknd- roll. t ideals arstil pretty much the same. ere is someon who comesfrom humble or provincial bginnings
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who rises to something hher. thiss not entireln american the. it is theumanondition. it has become the grt my of amera. an portant essay o "the grt gatsby "ss goetz becomes to std fo ameca, dided between power and dream. you could apply those words toda what e thmost compelling rent amples of eat literature reworks abo the american dam? >> freedom" - "freem" captures it. there is anspiring famy to co of age in t 19' living inheidwest, often the pot ofrigi of great american ficti, and trave east, following the familiar trajtory of americanfictn,
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ly they see tir world come apart in t george bush yes, the ideas about the economy, politics,he envinmen and fami itself. it fragments under the pssur of thoseery fraught years. it is anexacy coemporaneously look at thi myth of the amicanream. >> cut to leave it ere. thank you vry much deed my pleasure. >> thistory is fo anyon whose dream s been to blast into spa and hasmoneto burn. for a mere $200,000, bgeoned galact wilgive you a sce with theext two years. the craft is currely being test in t mojave sert richard stt fes this report. >> 40 years ago, ly a f had the righ stu to blast into space.
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and na's shuttle progr too er, butt was reserved for profsional astronauts. that cou all change it is not quite a gia leap, but ispaceship could be small step toward making space travel affordable. its my first time inside a space ship dhe fst time any joualist has been allowed in here. the pilots will sit here. there will be six passengers sitting tee ang each side of the speshi theyill be ab to look out of ese windo andee the blue skof the eth tning purple and then into the blacknessf space. the roof t rocket motor behind them wi disapar. thrush of the atmosphe along the outside of the speshi ll vanish. wh they hear the silence tha is left and seehe blackness of side,hey will know they are in space. ey wl getround five mites oating in this cabin. >>hile they are waiting, this
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is the view theyill e. t astronauts will begin their joney re. its the world'firspurpose- built commerciapacert, under construction in te ne mexicoeser they would get three ds of training bore ading to ace. the tp ces in two parts. first, this plane cares t spacesp up to ,000 ft, hier than normal pne, fore dropping it in mid-air. the sceship fires its rket motor and in lesshan a nute will be traveling at 2000 miles pehour ever spacesh eds a pilot. >> it is not the actua flying ofhe vicle. it is anticipating at could go wrong because ofhe e one-of- a-nd airplane. >> burgeon aims the troops llave lower carbon emission perasseer th a flight acss the atlanti it is stl a lot of eney for a shor tp.
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>> probably 0 peoe have gon to space. the goal of this pgrams to rry ousands of people to spe. it is game change. erybody will know somedy that has been to space in the ne 20 years. >> tickets are not che. eit se will cost you 125,000 pounds. more tn 400eople have ready booked. if works, it willead t rival ventur. thpric to getnto space is getting eape >>tart saving no ske to richardn the mojav desert about the price you ride. i ess the numberfeopl who can actuay blo hundred ousand dollars ofive minutes weightlessne is short. do we know o has signedp aeady, what the kindf customers are, and ethe they have had to pay up front? >> think w can surmise the ty of customers who paid ar
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those witplen of spare cash around, $0,000. u ha to berepad to bw th on what is itota about a hour trip with five urs weightssne in space. abou 420 people ve booked at e moment. it ia rendable deposit of 0,00 so thecanctually pull out if they wantto. me he pa that deposit. me have pd th entire money fro. ey are very en a perps will be on the very first flight for the paying public. >> when astrouts go into ace, they ha years of aining after having ent years as fhterilots. what aut tse people? it ll be about thr day oftraining. the virgin is waiting for regulatory approval. they think aotf it will be mental rathe thanhysal. they do nothink the physical
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demands will be that great astronauts of course haven awful lot of very expeive trainingor tir trips. u are subjected to t quite as singe forces for this. there wl b quite higg forces on you. th areositioninghe sts to hp y with that. on reentry, you are lyg fl. braking force inack into e atmospheres distruted over your enti by. that will help you. thecceleration when you a going up in e fit pla-- the peak acceleration will onl last forafew seconds and then it will die off. they thi mos people ll ps the st. >> i hope yo get pre seat. that is tonig's broadcast. get in touch with most othe ne teaon twier. forll of u here, tnk y so much for watchg. see u torrow.
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>> hello and welcome >> see the ns unld, gethe top storiefromround the globand click-to-play video rerts. go to to exrien the in-depth, expt reportg ofbbc world news" online. >> funng w made possible by the freeman fountionfew york, stow vernt, and honolulu. newman's own undaon. the jo d. d catherine t. macahur undation. d unn bank. >> uon bank has put its global expertise tworkor a wide rge of companies. what cane door you?
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>> "c wod news"as esend by kcet los angeles.
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