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tv   BBC World News  PBS  April 1, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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>>his "bbc world news." funding for this psention is me poible by the freem fodation of new york, swe, rmon and honolulu. newman's n foundation. the john. ancatherine t. macarthur foundati. and union bank.
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>> ion bank has put its financial streng to rk for a wide range of coanie from sml businesses to major cooratns. what can we do f you andow, "bbc world news." >> the battle for control o th ivorycoaslooks to be rchin a climith ghting taking ace next to the presidential palace. e u.s. says that air strikes have destroyed about quaer of libya's humility's. >> the rebe are vingoake a sty treat. st ahead, theyere hit wi incoming fire antheyre havi to push back oncegain
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unofficial might ha tried to discuss an exit rate with coneladdafi. comingp a little later fo yo the true scale of vionce. it is nowestimated at 70 billion euros. t polar trek th is aimg to dr atttiono soldiers injud on theattle for control the ivorcoas looks to be rehing a climax forces loyal to the inrnationally recognized president have bee enged i heavy fiting in strategic buildings wre they ctinuto refu to gi up wer.
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they are repted be atcking theesidce and in tang corol of the state television station. fighting bke ou ne the station'headarters. adoption of the wahas me. e injured are carrd th hospit hower they can be. fighti can be heard, the impact seen. rmed gangs roamhe seets. they say victory is within h grasp. to those of you that are still hetating whether you are generals,fficers, or soldiers, i askedou trejoin. theres stl time to join your brothers inrms. your coury cls you. >> and wha ofthe man that refuses to give of the presidency? hisarmyhief has deserted him.
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and a clear message. >> there is still an opportunity for him to sp asid i the faion at will prevent widesprdloodshed. >> united nations peaceeper are onhe seets. thisonflt could still finish in a bloody showdown. >> d the spokesman for the uned nions special representatiold me that he was awaref the fitingaking place in the city. >> i c heathat. there are reports oheav fighti were in e outgoing esident is saying. hall als he tis state
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elevision. i woulay this would happen, and from te to time, there is the process of weapo. leave here with cerinty and we ve retained fear and uncertainty. its a battle to w. >have you managedto me him? he h been out of t publ for quite so tim >> he'of a met with his lean. he wants to preserve the lif of e population. >> of the st way to aid civilian casualtieand fightg
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is f himo st down. how do you think his gng to tha the indications are thahe won't riod quo >> i don't know if he wi do voluntarily. the countdown hastart. i don't think we can stop . it see to be an irrersie turng pot. the main thing now [uniellible] >> if he doe nottep down and th fightin gets worse, the u.s. securitcounl should consider a resolution that allows you to use force? caus the can't, c't they? it is not up to mo tell
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the country what it is supposed to do. weaveifferent diplomat there. weave experiencedeople that know what to do. buiope on't get to that. and the current situation wl also prevail to undetandhe genel flingf what the populatn was and what is the interest? of the top military officer in the united statesnd sd coalionir attacks have destroyed about quaer o the libyan military's capabilities. the forces still onumber libya and rebels. anyraing or equipping of t rebels shoulbe cried out by cotrieother thaits n. >> theommunity will come to orr.
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>> libyais dominating much of the debate in whingn. was rort gates and admiral llenhat face questions fro memberof cgress. secretary gates hathis response >> in terms of providing that training and providing assistan them, frankly, there are many countries tt cano that. at is not unique capabity r the united states. >> u.s. fces ve been crucial tohe coalition ssion. theashingtonantso pull ck. some mbers of congress sa e timi could not bwors >> t timing is exquisi. thime the forces have tragically routed the ai gaddafi forces, the united states i aocatg its
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adership role and removi some of te valuae asts. >> ihas sferein recent days due badeather. >> ithe frces have been h hard the milary hardware still outmbers that of the rebels by 10 tone. th wte hse has the option of o mai courses in the viet is still on the table. the secretary ofefen believ thait could be rried out by other couries e cia has already operati in lib. it seems thecope of the future role is stleingorked out. >> lib opposed thepposion foes a ruggng to regain e iniativ after tros in rent ds. the area of providingrmso the rebels is being rejecd by na. the rels have suffed a
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rther setbacks after makg signicanains. they havbeen pushed eastwards. fighti also continues to th west. we he th report. >>rying toecov lost ground, theebel that off again. th of the enemy is lying in wait. they lrned that the hard way thisime,he approach wamore caious, scanning foridde threat sending patrols int the desert to protecthe aance. the rebels attacked with roets hong tdislodge loyalists of the head but these aateur fighters ar no match for the regime of's men. they hit bk ha with mortars. the ttle was unequal a it was ovefast.
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another defeat f theebels. the rebels are having t make a hasty retreat. theyidot get very far forward. they have h to ph bk on again. >> of the casuales we ming out. doctors say the rebs ha lost 40 men in the last couple of weeks. have made mistakes. we are fighting for frdom. there no control, no plan. we juskeep trying with help fr the coalition. e fi power is ucial. these latt pictures shoan air strike nato has ruled out senng arms to t rebels. that wilbe a blow to ve bn fighng f chge ithe last mont >>ow we want democracy and
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good government, hsays weon'tant libya toe in the third world. heill nt to events. its not coming as st as the rebels have hoped. t figers havead a bruising few days. it is now looki like muc longertruge. >>f the senior aide has reported talks wh ofcials. iteemshey may he wanted to explore a psiblexit rate. hasa's foren ministe riveon wednesdaand is being queione at a secret cation. he was in a agile ate mind.
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our world affairs edor h beenoniting developments. be rumors come from the libyan oppositn in lonn an elsewhe. ey can't be taken at fe value, buthat gave them t extra impetus was the press conference that the gornment okesn gave today. omeo asked him about the whereaboutsf the pme minister, the spker of the parliament, the duty reign nist, thoil minter,nd the tellence minister. s fars h knew, theyere in libya unless the wen offial dies. th is the phrasing he us when hwas dcribing the trip to engnd. th obviously gave an extra push. if any of thoseeopleho he dected, it wod be tremendous blowo t colonel's
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authority here. the will still be that determination ong e small groupto carry on. still aead,e polar prints. is h rdy to be h brother's best man? in the of's populaon h gro by81 million people to 1.2 1 llion. the census ao reveals a coinuing preferen foboys. e se ratio is at itworst nce 47. have this port. e numbers are staggeri. 2.7 million offials invved in one othearge counting ercis of all time. what ey found outas that in
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10 year ind has gro by e me siz as a rest's enre popution it is on course to overtake china as the wor's most pulo niony 20. asndiaecomes wealthier, it birth te islowing down. literacy toohas improved. the bad ws ithat many indianstillrefer toave ma ratr an fale chdren theatio hasidened across the country despite camigns against aboionand inntice. >> we are not ae to rst have been declining ratio. whater measures haveeen in e word has not haan impact a. that ruires a complete review. >> tklinthe issue will n
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be eas peop preferred voice for economic as ll as cultural reasons. it is vital that a solution is found soon. ly 8 gls f every 1000 indian boys. at ll cause hug problems in e future. >> the headlin, hea fighting is have been tinglaceround ratec buildings, theattle r control ofhe coury appears toe rehing a climax. he t military officer in t united states h saidhe coalitn ai sikes have deroyed about a quarter of the liby miliry's capability. et's stay with bya. heaseen finding out more aboutow the upring ban.
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>>t was here on the market squa of several thousand ople tk to the streets demonsatinagainst his rule. poce officers inhe pice stion bind me opened fire, ur people were shot a killed. after thatappened, the crowd turnedon the police stati and several lice offers who fected to the bel use. one ofhem as a ma that was poli officer for 35 years. tell me wha hpeneand w you decided lea. >> [unintellible >> [saking foreign language]
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>> y have ben a pole offir for fe yes. or wt kind o things ha you had to d >> [reig language] >> [unintellible >> de hever have to torture people? >> no. hisolleues did.
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[forgn lguage] >> y. >> thank you very mu. >> he says he does' fear any renge tacks because he is glad to have lt th police for, but he understands what the people think. >> the senteed a former general ife prison for running a notorioudeteion center during the country's military rule. ey we concted of murder, tortur and illegal imprisonment. ny folks were taken to the secret prison.
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the astonishing ski o the nancial cris in irela has beevealed by figures blished. they made it 24 billion year as justice survive. the banking cris now stands at 70 billion half of e stss tests --fter the stress tests. >> ofhe sain on ireland goe the economyeepsuilding. wh the propertbubburst irh banks were lefexpod. much of theoney they lefthey cod noget back. but only n i the result coming clear. that brings in 70 blionthe total need so faro baout ofanks it aunts t 15000 for every irish citizen.
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the n pri minister is facing his first jor allenge. >> there is no poin playing do the scale of the magnitude of theroblems we ha inherited. there is no point ignorg th cris that we face. weve this governmentas a plan toeal witthe oblem. >> the government wants to radically restruure eanks d she some of theosts with the bank's leers. ey are already ping their n price. on in 20 mtgages are more than three months. he is battlg toeep up th his ymen. s was have beenut and h is strglin to sportis fivehildn. >> people frf they can suive.
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basicall can they pay their mortgage? its going through that situation. >>conocrecory is going to be painfully sw. >> it wa the envof the world. now the country i relng on ternional hell for surval. the extrmoney will come fom the fd negotiated last yr at the euroan union ad the international monery fd. the poble i the financial cris mig run deeper tan manyad fred. >> be fren predent has call for new gbal sety standards on nuclear per. saidhe countries suld t together in may to dcuss the issu it has ris sharply as the
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contaminated materias leing to t city. they haveissoe parament and announcea sn election. the opsiti rejected the government opposthe thority plan the pl doethe country and a rther fincia uncertaint facing therospectf porterville leading thbailt. e attorney generalas resiedafte18 months on th job site andurge personal reons. the effort to cklehe violent andrug gangs, hkey to be replaced by the anti-drugs investigator. rertsf a fairy- ferry tt sank, the captain is being convied omanslaughter.
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prince harry has spent his fst night unde a canvas of art to teeratures as part of his training for a polar trek. h said the eedition will be a graphic rinder of the injurs suffered by soldrs i afghantan. he asked a frnd aut the arit try a about the preparatns his misng back home >> high up in the arcti t third in li had just spent a cold night. ince appearo suort a team of wounded soldiers, raising money focharity. they need to be looked after. when the warsn't on the front page of t newspaperit i not in the fefrof their minds. theilegsnd an arms don't grow back. e are like that for the rest of their lives.
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he is clely at home thi land oa por bears, b i asked him what made hi choose hi current j as the aphe helicopterilot are you enjing ? it is quite tenica >> it isantaic. i would te tbe culled a k -- called a geek. yohaveoe pretty swched , but if i can dot, aone cado i from the military pot of view, i seriously hopso. money is ing snt towards ur training. >> whatbouthisoth's mingedding? >> iwas qte ait unfair. if he had s wy, he wld have a normal wedding. we a whoe a, a it comes with the positio
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he will wa down the aisle with his wife. >> the best ma speech, whatan we expect? >> prty standard, hopefully bearing in mind of the crowd will be doing it with, we will make se that we barrs him. ey can lose some here. >> higarct standards,hese ar pretteasyonditions. they could facing temperatures lower tha anything they ha eve experienced in theirives >> t royal wedding website is up and running. the twenty nin ofpril is the g day. the is plenty of iormaon
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ther ju a reminder o our mainews reports, foes loyal to the inrnatnally recognized pridenas fed fierce fighting. his refusing to gi uhe couny's presidency. >> hlo a welcome. >> see theews fold, get the top stories from aund the globe and click-to-pla video reports. go to bbc.m/ne to perience the in-deh, eert reporting of "bbc worlnews online >> fundingas me possible by the freemafountion of new rk, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newm's own foundation the hn d. and catherine t. macarthufountion. andnion bank.
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>> union bank has t it obalxperti
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